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2030年上海地区相对海平面变化趋势的研究和预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从全球气候变化区域响应角度,依据1912-2000年吴淞验潮站年平均潮位资料,构建灰色线性回归组合模型,并将其与最小二乘法和小波变换相结合,分析以吴淞为代表的上海绝对海平面长期变化趋势和周期变化规律。由此预测2030年上海绝对海平面相对2011年的上升值为4 cm,结合已公布的构造沉降和城市地面沉降、流域水土保持和大型水利工程及人工挖沙导致的河口河槽冲刷、河口围海造地和深水航道及跨江跨海大桥导致水位抬升等叠加效应及其变化趋势,预测2030年上海市相对海平面上升10~16 cm,陆地海平面上升有7个风险分区。  相似文献   

IPCC第六次评估报告第一工作组报告第九章综合评估了与海平面相关的最新监测和数值模拟结果,指出目前(2006—2018年)的海平面上升速率处于加速状态(3.7 mm/a),并会在未来持续上升,且呈现不可逆的趋势。其中低排放情景(SSP1-1.9)和高排放情景(SSP5-8.5)下,到2050年,预估全球平均海平面(GMSL)分别上升0.15~0.23 m和0.20~0.30 m;到2100年,预估GMSL分别上升0.28~0.55 m和0.63~1.02 m。南极冰盖不稳定性是影响未来海平面上升预估的最大不确定性来源之一。区域海平面变化是影响沿海极端静水位的重要因素。  相似文献   

以20世纪60-80年代天津地区地面沉降灾害的发展为例,讨论了城市地面沉降灾害的特征,分析了地面沉降引发的次生灾害及其防治问题。结果表明,城市地面沉降灾害主要具有缓释特征、不可逆特征、罪罚特征和灾害链特征,城市地面沉降能够破坏市政设施,引发城市内涝和河流泄洪能力降低,造成地下水质和地质环境恶化,使海平面上升,沿海风暴潮加剧,同时还能造成海拔标高损失等。地面沉降所造成的损失是个巨大的灾害链,损失应当包括硬件和软件,也应当包括当前和远景,以致更深层次的影响。另外,缓释、不可逆的灾链特征对经济发展的布局、远景规划和投资环境影响不可低估;生态地理环境灾害链的影响,其效益损失更难于估计。地面沉降是城市灾害系统中的重要环节,也是城市防灾减灾的重要内容。地面沉降灾害的防治,应当是经济、环境、行政、立法,甚至教育、宣传等各个方面相结合的系统工程。  相似文献   

IPCC《气候变化中的海洋和冰冻圈特别报告》评估了气候变化对全球、区域海平面变化和极端海面(极值水位)升高的贡献,以及海平面上升对低海拔(小鱼10 m)岛屿、沿海地区和社会的影响及相关的风险。评估表明,全球变暖背景下,全球平均海平面上升的证据是确凿的,且明显加速(高信度),极端海面高度升高,主要是由陆地冰川和冰盖融化以及海洋热膨胀引起,且前者的贡献已大于后者(很高信度);与此同时,海洋变暖速率倍增,强热带气旋、风暴潮增多,极值水位重现期缩短;至21世纪末,全球海平面还将上升约0.43 m(温室气体低排放情景,RCP2.6)和0.84 m(高排放情景,RCP8.5)(中等信度),很多沿海地区当前较少发生的百年一遇的极值水位将变为一年一遇或更频繁,而对于许多沿海低洼地而言,类似事件甚至在21世纪中叶就可能发生(高信度)。评估还表明,持续上升的海平面、趋于频发的极值水位,以及人为地面沉降等因素,增加了沿海社会-生态系统的暴露度和脆弱性;并且,与海平面上升有关的危害(险)性事件,如海岸侵蚀、洪灾、盐碱化和生境退化等将显著增加(高信度)。报告指出,如未采取充分的适应海平面上升的措施,在RCP8.5情景下,沿海大城市、城市环礁群岛、热带农业三角洲地区和北极沿岸社区将处于高或很高的灾害风险中(高信度)。  相似文献   

对长江口海平面上升动态及其对沿海潮汐特性的影响进行了简析。结合长江口崇明三岛地区除涝安全面临海平面上升的影响和威胁,分别建立了基于海平面上升的上海市崇明三岛水系一维平原感潮河网水动力模型,深入开展了海平面上升对三岛地区除涝安全影响的模拟研究。结果显示,至2030年,长江口海平面上升10~16 cm,崇明三岛片区的面平均除涝最高水位、局部除涝最高水位均呈上升趋势,其中,崇明岛片受影响最大,对应水位将分别上升3~5 cm、4~6 cm;长兴岛片受影响次之,对应水位将分别上升3~4 cm、3~5 cm;横沙岛片受影响相对最小,对应水位均将上升1~2 cm;长江口海平面上升对崇明三岛的除涝安全影响在可控范围内。  相似文献   

珠江口近15年海平面变化特点及其与强咸潮发生的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对珠江口30多年相对海平面和近15年绝对海平面变化的研究,比较1992年12月~2008年12月南海卫星观测和珠江口验潮站观测的海平面变化趋势,认为珠江口的相对海平面(RSL)上升最主要原因是全球气候变暖、海平面上升所致;通过研究29个冬季各月西、北江冬季径流量、海平面、表层盐度的变化趋势,以及强咸潮月份的径流、海平面、盐度的对应关系,得出海平面上升是加大咸潮影响的重要因素。  相似文献   

气候变暖背景下,海平面上升已经成为全球沿海国家普遍面临的重大环境问题之一 [1].全球海平面上升是由气候变暖导致的海水增温膨胀、陆源冰川和极地冰盖融化等因素造成的.1901—2018年,海洋增温膨胀对全球海平面上升的贡献为29%;冰川和冰盖质量损失对全球海平面上升的贡献分别为41%和29%,且近40年来已经增加 [2]...  相似文献   

长江口海平面上升预测及其对滨海湿地影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择吴淞站和吕四站2个验潮站数据,通过统计学方法进行长江口海平面上升预测,从而构建了一套长江口地区较完备的海平面上升情景库:以2013年为基准年份,其最佳预测值的范围在2030年、2050年、2100年分别为50~217 mm,118~430 mm,256~1215 mm。以此情景库为基础,探究海平面上升变化对长江口滨海湿地的影响,结果表明:随着海平面上升值的增加,长江口滨海湿地的面积不断减少;在基于验潮站数据作趋势外推得到的情景下,湿地面积减少较平缓,而在考虑全球变暖背景的情景下,湿地面积减少迅速;且不论在何种情景下,时间尺度越大,湿地减少的面积越大。  相似文献   

<正>由于全球海平面的变化与海洋热容量的变化和海洋与陆地冰盖(或冰川)的融化密切相关,因此全球海平面变化是衡量全球气候变化的重要指标。IPCC第五次科学评估报告继续强调,全球变暖和全球海平面上升密切相关[1]。但是,由于海洋观测资料的获取困难和气候模式的不确定性等因素,提出对全球变暖与海平面上升有必要进行更深入的研究,近年世界气候研究计划(WCRP)召开了海平面变化研讨会[2],给出了自IPCC第五次评估报告以来的进展,由于研究涉及的领域宽  相似文献   

广东气候变化评估报告(节选)   总被引:36,自引:68,他引:36  
IPCC第4次报告指出:近100年全球平均气温升高了0.74℃,最近50年有加速之势,而且很可能主要由人类活动引起;预计21世纪,全球仍将表现为明显的增温,极端天气气候事件及其引发的气象灾害可能更加严重。近50年,广东气温升高与全球平均水平相当,其中珠江三角洲地区是主要增温区域,其次是东南部沿海地区。预计广东在2011~2040年、2041~2070年和2071~2100年的年平均气温可能分别升高约1.0、1.9和2.8℃。在全球变暖的背景下,广东地区气候变化的特征主要表现在:降水变率加大,旱涝灾害频繁;登陆台风的个数减少,初台登陆时间异常;高温日数增加,高温酷热、热浪愈发频繁;低温日数减少,暖冬突出;极端最低气温变化不稳定性增加,寒冷灾害加重;灰霾天气增多,日照时数减少;极端天气气候事件及其引发的气象灾害造成的经济损失显著增大。广东近50年的增暖在很大程度上可能归因于温室气体浓度增加造成的温室效应,这种温室效应已经对增暖做出了实质性的贡献;城市化导致的热岛效应加剧了局部地区的气温上升。气候变暖既有负面影响也有正面影响,但负面影响可能超过正面影响。气候变暖将导致海平面上升,继而可能对广东沿海低洼地区带来严重的负面影响。在过去近100年全球海平面上升约10~20 cm,广东海平面上升速率为1.7 mm/年,海平面上升会使海岸侵蚀加重,咸潮海水入侵加剧;温度上升可能使广东近海珊瑚礁生态系统退化,且变得更加脆弱;珠江口的咸潮上溯的现象可能更加频繁;广东沿海的赤潮可能更加频发。气候变暖将导致农业生产的不稳定性增加,产量波动大,农业成本和投资将增加。此外,气候变化对我省国民经济的一些方面(如水资源、人类健康、人类居住环境、保险和其它金融业)的影响可能以负面为主。为适应和减缓气候变化的影响,建议:通过节能降耗,减缓温室气体排放;采取措施,适应已经发生了变化的气候;提高对气候系统的监测能力;加强气候变化领域的科学研究、适应对策研究及技术开发;在经济社会发展规划中统筹考虑应对气候变化问题;提高公众的气候保护意识;加大资金投入;积极开展合作与交流。  相似文献   

This paper presents a scenario-based study that investigates the interaction between sea-level rise and land subsidence on the storm tides induced fluvial flooding in the Huangpu river floodplain. Two projections of relative sea level rise (RSLR) were presented (2030 and 2050). Water level projections at the gauging stations for different return periods were generated using a simplified algebraic summation of the eustatic sea-level rise, land subsidence and storm tide level. Frequency analysis with relative sea level rise taken into account shows that land subsidence contributes to the majority of the RSLR (between 60 % and 70 %). Furthermore, a 1D/2D coupled flood inundation model (FloodMap) was used to predict the river flow and flood inundation, after calibration using the August 1997 flood event. Numerical simulation with projected RSLR suggests that, the combined impact of eustatic sea-level rise and land subsidence would be a significantly reduced flood return period for a given water level, thus effective degradation of the current flood defences. In the absence of adaptation measures, storm flooding will cause up to 40 % more inundation, particularly in the upstream of the river.  相似文献   

Shanghai is a low-lying city (3–4?m elevation) surrounded on three sides by the East China Sea, the Yangtze River Estuary, and Hangzhou Bay. With a history of rapid changes in sea level and land subsidence, Shanghai is often plagued by extreme typhoon storm surges. The interaction of sea level rise, land subsidence, and storm surges may lead to more complex, variable, and abrupt disasters. In this paper, we used MIKE 21 models to simulate the combined effect of this disaster chain in Shanghai. Projections indicate that the sea level will rise 86.6?mm, 185.6?mm, and 433.1?mm by 2030, 2050, and 2100, respectively. Anthropogenic subsidence is a serious problem. The maximum annual subsidence rate is 24.12?mm/year. By 2100, half of Shanghai is projected to be flooded, and 46?% of the seawalls and levees are projected to be overtopped. The risk of flooding is closely related to the impact of land subsidence on the height of existing seawalls and levees. Land subsidence increases the need for flood control measures in Shanghai.  相似文献   

Flood risks of deltaic areas increase because of population growth, economic development, land subsidence and climatic changes such as sea-level rise. In this study, we analyze trends in flood exposure by combining spatially explicit historical, present, and future land-use data with detailed information on the maximum flood inundation in the Netherlands. We show that the total amount of urban area that can potentially become inundated due to floods from the sea or main rivers has increased six-fold during the 20th century, and may double again during the 21st century. Moreover, these developments took, and probably will take, place in areas with progressively higher potential inundation depths. Potential flood damage has increased exponentially over the 20th century (16 times) and is expected to continue to increase exponentially (∼ten-fold by 2100 with respect to 2000) assuming a high economic growth scenario. Flood damages increase more moderately (two- to three-fold by 2100 with respect to 2000) assuming a low growth scenario. The capacity to deal with catastrophic flood losses - expressed as the ratio damage/GDP - will, however, decrease slightly in the low growth scenario (by about 20%). This trend deviates from the historical trend of the 20th century, which shows an increasing capacity to cope with flood damage (almost doubling). Under the high growth scenario the capacity to deal with such losses eventually increases slightly (by about 25%). These findings illustrate that, despite higher projections of potential flood damage, high economic growth scenarios may not necessarily be worse than low growth scenarios in terms of the impact of floods.  相似文献   

Interactive tools developed within the RegIS project for assessing the impacts of flooding provide information to support flood management policies and analyse the performance of possible adaptation activities to climate change. This paper describes the methodologies used in the development of these tools including tidal and fluvial flooding processes with different levels of climate pressures, represented by changes in sea level and peak river flows. Potential impacts of climate change for East Anglia and North West England are explored to the 2050s using four socio-economic scenarios to represent plausible futures. This includes changes in urban land use as well as adaptive responses to flooding comprising dike upgrade and realignment options. The results indicate that future climate will increase flood risk in both regions. East Anglia is more vulnerable to climate change than North West England at the present level of protection, especially in the extensive coastal lowlands of the Fens and Broads because of the combined effects of sea-level rise and increased fluvial flows. Although the present adaptive policy of upgrading defences in East Anglia will reduce the impacts of flooding, this policy is not effective in the case of the more extreme climate change scenarios by 2050s. In this case, more extensive adaptation would be required.  相似文献   

Spatial variations of sea-level rise and impacts: An application of DIVA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to complexities of creating sea-level rise scenarios, impacts of climate-induced sea-level rise are often produced from a limited number of models assuming a global uniform rise in sea level. A greater number of models, including those with a pattern reflecting regional variations would help to assure reliability and a range of projections, indicating where models agree and disagree. This paper determines how nine new patterned-scaled sea-level rise scenarios (plus the uniform and patterned ensemble mean rises) influence global and regional coastal impacts (wetland loss, dry land loss due to erosion and the expected number of people flooded per year by extreme sea levels). The DIVA coastal impacts model was used under an A1B scenario, and assumed defences were not upgraded as conditions evolved. For seven out of nine climate models, impacts occurred at a proportional rate to global sea-level rise. For the remaining two models, higher than average rise in sea level was projected in northern latitudes or around populated coasts thus skewing global impact projections compared with the ensemble global mean. Regional variability in impacts were compared using the ensemble mean uniform and patterned scenarios: The largest relative difference in impacts occurred around the Mediterranean coast, and the largest absolute differences around low-lying populated coasts, such as south, south-east and east Asia. Uniform projections of sea-level rise impacts remain a useful method to determine global impacts, but improved regional scale models of sea-level rise, particularly around semi-enclosed seas and densely populated low-lying coasts will provide improved regional impact projections and a characterisation of their uncertainties.  相似文献   

We made projections of relative sea-level rise, horizontal inundation, and the associated impacts on people and infrastructure in the coastal portion of the Mid- and Upper-Atlantic Region (MUAR) of the United States. The output of five global climate models (GCMs) run under two greenhouse gas scenarios was used in combination with tide gauge observations to project sea-level increases ranging from 200 to 900 mm by 2100, depending on location, GCM and scenario. The range mainly reflects equal contributions of spatial variability (due to subsidence) and GCM uncertainty, with a smaller fraction of the range due to scenario uncertainty. We evaluated 30-m Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) using 10-m DEMs and LIDAR data at five locations in the MUAR. We found average RMS differences of 0.3 m with the 10-m DEMs and 1.2 m with the LIDAR data, much lower than the reported mean RMS errors of 7 m for the 30-m DEMs. Using the 30-m DEMs, the GCM- and scenario-means of projected sea-level rise, and local subsidence estimates, we estimated a total inundation of 2,600 km2 for the MUAR by 2100. Inundation area increases to 3,800 km2 at high tide if we incorporate local tidal ranges in the analysis. About 510,000 people and 1,000 km of road lie within this area. Inundation area per length of coastline generally increases to south, where relative sea-level rise is greater and relief is smaller. More economically developed states, such as New York and New Jersey, have the largest number of people and infrastructure exposed to risk of inundation due to sea-level rise.  相似文献   

To develop improved estimates of (1) flooding due to storm surges, and (2) wetland losses due to accelerated sea-level rise, the work of Hoozemans et al. (1993) is extended to a dynamic analysis. It considers the effects of several simultaneously changing factors, including: (1) global sea-level rise and subsidence; (2) increasing coastal population; and (3) improving standards of flood defence (using GNP/capita as an “ability-to-pay” parameter). The global sea-level rise scenarios are derived from two General Circulation Model (GCM) experiments of the Hadley Centre: (1) the HadCM2 greenhouse gas only ensemble experiment and (2) the more recent HadCM3 greenhouse gas only experiment. In all cases there is a global rise in sea level of about 38 cm from 1990 to the 2080s. No other climate change is considered. Relative to an evolving reference scenario without sea-level rise, this analysis suggests that the number of people flooded by storm surge in a typical year will be more than five times higher due to sea-level rise by the 2080s. Many of these people will experience annual or more frequent flooding, suggesting that the increase in flood frequency will be more than nuisance level and some response (increased protection, migration, etc.) will be required. In absolute terms, the areas most vulnerable to flooding are the southern Mediterranean, Africa, and most particularly, South and South-east Asia where there is a concentration of low-lying populated deltas. However, the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean islands and the Pacific Ocean small islands may experience the largest relative increase in flood risk. By the 2080s, sea-level rise could cause the loss of up to 22% of the world's coastal wetlands. When combined with other losses due to direct human action, up to 70% of the world's coastal wetlands could be lost by the 2080s, although there is considerable uncertainty. Therefore, sea-level rise would reinforce other adverse trends of wetland loss. The largest losses due to sea-level rise will be around the Mediterranean and Baltic and to a lesser extent on the Atlantic coast of Central and North America and the smaller islands of the Caribbean. Collectively, these results show that a relatively small global rise in sea level could have significant adverse impacts if there is no adaptive response. Given the “commitment to sea-level rise” irrespective of any realistic future emissions policy, there is a need to start strategic planning of appropriate responses now. Given that coastal flooding and wetland loss are already important problems, such planning could have immediate benefits.  相似文献   

Global sea-level rise poses a significant threat not only for coastal communities as development continues but also for national economies. This paper presents estimates of how future changes in relative sea-level rise puts coastal populations at risk, as well as affect overall GDP in the conterminous United States. We use four different sea-level rise scenarios for 2010–2100: a low-end scenario (Extended Linear Trend) a second low-end scenario based on a strong mitigative global warming pathway (Global Warming Coupling 2.6), a high-end scenario based on rising radiative forcing (Global Warming Coupling 8.5) and a plausible very high-end scenario, including accelerated ice cap melting (Global Warming Coupling 8.5+). Relative sea-level rise trends for each US state are employed to obtain more reasonable rates for these areas, as long-term rates vary considerably between the US Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts because of the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, local subsidence and sediment compaction, and other vertical land movement. Using these trends for the four scenarios reveals that the relative sea levels predicted by century's end could range – averaged over all states – from 0.2 to 2.0 m above present levels. The estimates for the amount of land inundated vary from 26,000 to 76,000 km2. Upwards of 1.8 to 7.4 million people could be at risk, and GDP could potentially decline by USD 70–289 billion. Unfortunately, there are many uncertainties associated with the impact estimates due to the limitations of the input data, especially the input elevation data. Taking this into account, even the most conservative scenario shows a significant impact for the US, emphasizing the importance of adaptation and mitigation.  相似文献   

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