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We study the effect of the magnetic field geometry on the oscillation spectra of strongly magnetized stars. We construct a configuration of magnetic field where a toroidal component is added to the standard poloidal one. We consider a star with a type I superconductor core so that both components of the magnetic field are expelled from the core and confined in the crust. Our results show that the toroidal contribution does not influence significantly the torsional oscillations of the crust. On the contrary, the confinement of the magnetic field in the crust drastically affects the torsional oscillation spectrum. A comparison with estimations for the magnetic field strength, from observations, excludes the possibility that magnetars will have a magnetic field solely confined in the crust, that is, our results suggest that the magnetic field in whatever geometry has to permeate the whole star.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present new spectropolarimetric observations of the planet-hosting star τ Bootis, using ESPaDOnS and Narval spectropolarimeters at Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope and Telescope Bernard Lyot, respectively.
We detected the magnetic field of the star at three epochs in 2008. It has a weak magnetic field of only a few gauss, oscillating between a predominant toroidal component in January and a dominant poloidal component in June and July. A magnetic polarity reversal was observed relative to the magnetic topology in 2007 June. This is the second such reversal observed in 2 years on this star, suggesting that τ Boo has a magnetic cycle of about 2 years. This is the first detection of a magnetic cycle for a star other than the Sun. The role of the close-in massive planet in the short activity cycle of the star is questioned.
τ Boo has a strong differential rotation, a common trend for stars with shallow convective envelope. At latitude 40°, the surface layer of the star rotates in 3.31 d, equal to the orbital period. Synchronization suggests that the tidal effects induced by the planet may be strong enough to force at least the thin convective envelope into corotation.
τ Boo shows variability in the Ca  ii H & K and Hα throughout the night and on a night-to-night time-scale. We do not detect enhancement in the activity of the star that may be related to the conjunction of the planet. Further data are needed to conclude about the activity enhancement due to the planet.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a new approach for measuring the mean longitudinal magnetic field and net linear polarization of Ap and Bp stars. As was demonstrated by Wade et al., least-squares deconvolution (LSD; Donati et al.) provides a powerful technique for detecting weak Stokes V , Q and U Zeeman signatures in stellar spectral lines. These signatures have the potential to apply strong new constraints to models of stellar magnetic field structure. Here we point out two important uses of LSD Stokes profiles. First, they can provide very precise determinations of the mean longitudinal magnetic field. In particular, this method allows one frequently to obtain 1 σ error bars better than 50 G, and smaller than 20 G in some cases. This method is applicable to both broad- and sharp-lined stars, with both weak and strong magnetic fields, and effectively redefines the quality standard of longitudinal field determinations. Secondly, LSD profiles can in some cases provide a measure of the net linear polarization, a quantity analogous to the broad-band linear polarization recently used to derive detailed magnetic field models for a few stars (e.g. Leroy et al.). In this paper we report new high-precision measurements of the longitudinal fields of 14 magnetic Ap/Bp stars, as well as net linear polarization measurements for four of these stars, derived from LSD profiles.  相似文献   

We present 3D simulations of rotationally induced line variability arising from complex circumstellar environment of classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) using the results of the 3D magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations of Romanova et al., who considered accretion on to a CTTS with a misaligned dipole magnetic axis with respect to the rotational axis. The density, velocity and temperature structures of the MHD simulations are mapped on to the radiative transfer grid, and corresponding line source function and the observed profiles of neutral hydrogen lines (Hβ, Paβ and Brγ) are computed using the Sobolev escape probability method. We study the dependency of line variability on inclination angles ( i ) and magnetic axis misalignment angles (Θ). We find the line profiles are relatively insensitive to the details of the temperature structure of accretion funnels, but are influenced more by the mean temperature of the flow and its geometry. By comparing our models with the Paβ profiles of 42 CTTS observed by Folha & Emerson, we find that models with a smaller misaligngment angle  (Θ < ∼15°)  are more consistent with the observations which show that majority of Paβ are rather symmetric around the line centre. For a high inclination system with a small dipole misalignment angle  (Θ≈ 15°)  , only one accretion funnel (on the upper hemisphere) is visible to an observer at any given rotational phase. This can cause an anticorrelation of the line equivalent to the width in the blue wing  ( v < 0)  and that in the red wing  ( v > 0)  over half of a rotational period, and a positive correlation over the other half. We find a good overall agreement of the line variability behaviour predicted by our model and those from observations.  相似文献   

We present the results of our analysis of magnetic-field configuration and abundance anomalies on the surface of the rapidly rotating, chemically peculiar helium-strong variable B2 V star HD 37776 with unresolved Zeeman components of spectral lines. Simultaneous inversion of the observed Stokes I and V profiles, which realizes the method of Doppler-Zeeman mapping [1], has been applied for the first time. Spectroscopic observations were carried out with the Main stellar spectrograph of the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope equipped with a Zeeman analyzer and a CCD array, which allowed spectra in right-and left-hand circularly polarized light to be taken simultaneously at a signal-to-noise ratio S/N≥200 [2]. The profile width of winged spectral lines (reaching 5 Å) is determined by Zeeman line splitting; however, the observed Zeeman components are blurred and unresolved because of the rapid stellar rotation. When solving the inverse problem, we sought for the magnetic-field configuration in the form of a combination of arbitrarily oriented dipole, quadrupole, and octupole placed at the stellar center. The observed Stokes I and V profiles for eight spectral lines of He, O II, Al III, Si III, and Fe III averaged over the visible stellar surface were used as input data. We constructed a model of the magnetic field from the condition of coincidence of magnetic maps obtained from different lines of different chemical elements and from the condition of a minimum profile residual. This model is a combination of centered coaxial dipole and quadrupole with the dominant quadrupole component at 30°<i<50°, β=40°, and a maximum surface field strength H s=60 kG. A comparison of our abundance maps with the field configuration shows that the He concentration is at a maximum in the regions of maximum radial field, while the maximum concentrations of O, Al, Si, and Fe coincide with the regions of maximum tangential field.  相似文献   

We report polarimetric, spectropolarimetric and photometric observations of the eclipsing ROSAT cataclysmic variable RX J0929.1−2404, which confirm that the system is a new polar (AM Herculis system). This brings the number of eclipsing polars to nine, with RX J0929.1−2404 being only the third such system above the period gap. Circular polarization variations from ∼−20 to 10 per cent are seen over the 3.39-h orbital period, with a minimum around the time of eclipse. The photopolarimetric data were modelled using arc-shaped cyclotron emission regions in a centred dipole geometry. Results imply that RX J0929.1−2404 is a 'two-pole' system, with one emission region partially visible at all orbital phases. Spectropolarimetry observations show some evidence for the presence of cyclotron humps in the continuum, with spacings consistent with a magnetic field strength of ∼20 MG. Photometry of the eclipses provides information on the size of the emission region, which is consistent with a hotspot on the surface of the white dwarf. The eclipse duration implies an inclination in the range 70°≲ i ≲78°.  相似文献   

For the case in which the gas of a magnetized filamentary cloud obeys a polytropic equation of state, gravitational collapse of the cloud is studied using a simplified model. We concentrate on the radial distribution and restrict ourselves to a purely toroidal magnetic field. If the axial motions and poloidal magnetic fields are sufficiently weak, we could reasonably expect our solutions to be a good approximation. We show that while the filament experiences gravitational condensation and the density at the centre increases, the toroidal flux-to-mass ratio remains constant. A series of spatial profiles of density, velocity and magnetic field for several values of the toroidal flux-to-mass ratio and the polytropic index, is obtained numerically and discussed.  相似文献   

We present two images of intermediate and low axial inclination G dwarfs (AP 149 and AP 193) in the young open cluster α Persei, and compare these with previous images of intermediate and high axial inclination objects in this cluster. All stars show starspots at high latitudes, with one star exhibiting a strong polar spot. Although low-latitude features are found on all stars to some degree, the detection of spots on AP 193 is marginal. The apparent difference in starspot morphology from one object to the next is probably the result of a stellar magnetic cycle, although the exact effect on the starspot distribution throughout a cycle is unknown.
Polar spots are found in many Doppler images of rapidly rotating cool stars. In the past, their existence has been called into question, and it has been suggested that they could be the manifestations of NLTE (e.g. chromospheric filling in of line profiles) effects rather than real photospheric features. We assume the polar spots to be real photospheric features, and conclude that the flat-bottomed nature of the profile shape can be attributed to photospheric polar spots. The degree of truncation of the profile depends not only on spot size and strength, but also on the effective foreshortening of the polar region, a function of axial inclination.
H α is in emission on AP 149 which shows a double peak at most phases. The time-series of the profile shows an s-wave pattern as the position of these peaks changes throughout the rotation cycle. We attribute this to coronal clouds located above the stellar surface in synchronous orbit. A maximum-entropy tomogram is derived revealing four distinct emission regions located near and above the corotation radius.  相似文献   

We derive general equations for axisymmetric Newtonian magnetohydrodynamics and use these as the basis of a code for calculating equilibrium configurations of rotating magnetized neutron stars in a stationary state. We investigate the field configurations that result from our formalism, which include purely poloidal, purely toroidal and mixed fields. For the mixed-field formalism, the toroidal component appears to be bounded at less than 7 per cent. We calculate distortions induced both by magnetic fields and by rotation. From our non-linear work, we are able to look at the realm of validity of perturbative work: we find for our results that perturbative-regime formulae for magnetic distortions agree to within 10 per cent of the non-linear results if the ellipticity is less than 0.15 or the average field strength is less than 1017 G. We also consider how magnetized equilibrium structures vary for different polytropic indices.  相似文献   

In this paper we review four different types of X-ray and/or radio observations of active late-type stars. We then consider if a single magnetic source configuration – a toroidal dipole magnetic trap – can possibly explain these various different observations. We conclude that, indeed, dipole magnetic confinement (similar to the magnetic configurations of the Earth's radiation belts and the case of Jupiter and the Io torus) can explain all the diverse observational data. We take this to be very strong observational support for this type of magnetic confinement scheme. We also consider that this magnetic configuration is only likely to be established and maintained in the most active stars.  相似文献   

We present spectropolarimetric analysis of umbral dots and a light bridge fragment that show dark lanes in G -band images. Umbral dots show upflow as well as associated positive Stokes V area asymmetry in their central parts. Larger umbral dots show downflow patches in their surrounding parts that are associated with negative Stokes V area asymmetry. Umbral dots show weaker magnetic field in central part and higher magnetic field in peripheral area. Umbral fine structures are much better visible in total circularly polarized light than in continuum intensity. Umbral dots show a temperature deficit above dark lanes. The magnetic field inclination shows a cusp structure above umbral dots and a light bridge fragment. We compare our observational findings with 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations.  相似文献   

Ap star magnetism is often attributed to fossil magnetic fields which have not changed much since the pre‐main‐sequence epoch of the stars. Stable magnetic field configurations are known which could persist probably for the entire mainsequence life of the star, but they may not show the complexity and diversity exhibited by the Ap stars observed. We suggest that the Ap star magnetism is not a result of stable configurations, but is the result of an instability based on strong toroidal magnetic fields buried in the stars. The highly nonaxisymmetric remainders of the instability are reminiscent of the diversity of fields seen on Ap stars. The strengths of these remnant magnetic fields are actually between a few per cent up to considerable fractions of the internal toroidal field; this means field strengths of the order of kGauss being compatible with what is observed. The magnetic fields emerge at the surface rather quickly; rough estimates deliver time‐scales of the order of a few years. Since rotation stabilizes the instability, normal A stars may still host considerable, invisible toroidal magnetic fields (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

From a set of stellar spectropolarimetric observations, we report the detection of surface magnetic fields in a sample of four solar-type stars, namely HD 73350, HD 76151, HD 146233 (18 Sco) and HD 190771. Assuming that the observed variability of polarimetric signal is controlled by stellar rotation, we establish the rotation periods of our targets, with values ranging from 8.8 d (for HD 190771) to 22.7 d (for HD 146233). Apart from rotation, fundamental parameters of the selected objects are very close to the Sun's, making this sample a practical basis to investigate the specific impact of rotation on magnetic properties of Sun-like stars.
We reconstruct the large-scale magnetic geometry of the targets as a low-order  (ℓ < 10)  spherical harmonic expansion of the surface magnetic field. From the set of magnetic maps, we draw two main conclusions. (i) The magnetic energy of the large-scale field increases with rotation rate. The increase in chromospheric emission with the mean magnetic field is flatter than observed in the Sun. Since the chromospheric flux is also sensitive to magnetic elements smaller than those contributing to the polarimetric signal, this observation suggests that a larger fraction of the surface magnetic energy is stored in large scales as rotation increases. (ii) Whereas the magnetic field is mostly poloidal for low rotation rates, more rapid rotators host a large-scale toroidal component in their surface field. From our observations, we infer that a rotation period lower than ≈12 d is necessary for the toroidal magnetic energy to dominate over the poloidal component.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a non-adiabatic analysis for axisymmetric non-radial pulsations including the effect of a dipole magnetic field. Convection is assumed to be suppressed in the stellar envelope, and the diffusion approximation is used to radiative transport. As in a previous adiabatic analysis, the eigenfunctions are expanded in a series of spherical harmonics. The analysis is applied to a  1.9-M  , main-sequence model  (log  T eff= 3.913)  . The presence of a magnetic field always stabilizes low-order acoustic modes. All the low-order modes of the model that are excited by the κ-mechanism in the He  ii ionization zone in the absence of a magnetic field are found to be stabilized if the polar strength of the dipole magnetic field is larger than about 1 kG. For high-order p modes, on the other hand, distorted dipole and quadrupole modes excited by the κ-mechanism in the H ionization zone remain overstable, even in the presence of a strong magnetic field. It is found, however, that all the distorted radial high-order modes are stabilized by the effect of the magnetic field. Thus, our non-adiabatic analysis suggests that distorted dipole modes and distorted quadrupole modes are most likely excited in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. The latitudinal amplitude dependence is found to be in reasonable agreement with the observationally determined one for HR 3831. Finally, the expected amplitude of magnetic perturbations at the surface is found to be very small.  相似文献   

We present the first maps of the surface magnetic fields of a pre-main-sequence binary system. Spectropolarimetric observations of the young, 18 Myr, HD 155555 (V824 Ara, G5IV+K0IV) system were obtained at the Anglo-Australian Telescope in 2004 and 2007. Both data sets are analysed using a new binary Zeeman–Doppler imaging (ZDI) code. This allows us to simultaneously model the contribution of each component to the observed circularly polarized spectra. Stellar brightness maps are also produced for HD 155555 and compared to previous Doppler images.
Our radial magnetic maps reveal a complex surface magnetic topology with mixed polarities at all latitudes. We find rings of azimuthal field on both stars, most of which are found to be non-axisymmetric with the stellar rotational axis. We also examine the field strength and the relative fraction of magnetic energy stored in the radial and azimuthal field components at both epochs. A marked weakening of the field strength of the secondary star is observed between the 2004 and 2007 epochs. This is accompanied by an apparent shift in the location of magnetic energy from the azimuthal to radial field. We suggest that this could be indicative of a magnetic activity cycle. We use the radial magnetic maps to extrapolate the coronal field (by assuming a potential field) for each star individually – at present ignoring any possible interaction. The secondary star is found to exhibit an extreme tilt (≈75°) of its large-scale magnetic field to that of its rotation axis for both epochs. The field complexity that is apparent in the surface maps persists out to a significant fraction of the binary separation. Any interaction between the fields of the two stars is therefore likely to be complex also. Modelling this would require a full binary field extrapolation.  相似文献   

We have obtained 40 high-resolution circular spectropolarimetric measurements of 12 slowly pulsating B (SPB) stars, eight β Cephei stars and two Be stars with the Echelle Spectropolarimetric Device for the Observation of Stars at CFHT (ESPaDOnS) and Narval spectropolarimeters. The aim of these observations is to evaluate recent claims of a high incidence of magnetic field detections in stars of these types obtained using low-resolution spectropolarimetry by Hubrig et al. The precision achieved is generally comparable to or superior to that obtained by Hubrig et al., although our new observations are distinguished by their resolution of metallic and He line profiles, and their consequent sensitivity to magnetic fields of zero net longitudinal component. In the SPB stars, we confirm the detection of magnetic field in one star (16 Peg), but find no evidence of the presence of fields in the remaining 11. In the β Cep stars, we detect a field in  ξ1  CMa, but not in any of the remaining seven stars. Finally, neither of the two B-type emission-line stars shows any evidence of magnetic field. Based on our results, we conclude that fields are not common in SPB, β Cep and B-type emission-line stars, consistent with the general rarity of fields in the broader population of main sequence B-type stars. A relatively small, systematic underestimation of the error bars associated with the UV Focal Reducer and Low Dispersion Spectrograph for the Very Large Telescope (FORS1) longitudinal field measurements of Hubrig et al. could in large part explain the discrepancy between their results and those presented here.  相似文献   

The stability of magnetic fields in the solar tachocline is investigated. We present stability limits for higher azimuthal wave numbers and results on the dependence of the stability on the location of toroidal magnetic fields in latitude. While the dependence of the wave number with the largest growth rate on the magnetic field strength and the magnetic Prandtl number is small, the dependence on the magnetic Reynolds number Rm indicates that lowest azimuthal modes are excited for very high Rm. Upon varying the latitudinal position of the magnetic field belts, we find slightly lower stability limits for high latitudes, and very large stability limits at latitudes below 10°, with little dependence on latitude in between. An increase of the maximum possible field was achieved by adding a poloidal field. The upper limit for the toroidal field which can be stored in the radiative tachocline is then 1000 G, compared to about 100 G for a purely toroidal field as was found in an earlier work. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The role of an external magnetic field in the magnetic braking of a star with a dipolar field is investigated. In a magnetic cataclysmic variable system (i.e. the primary compact star has a strong magnetic field), the field external to the braking star (a late-type main-sequence star with a dynamo-generated field) originates from the compact star. A closed field region — the system dead zone — is formed within the binary system, and it does not take part in magnetic braking. The overall braking rate depends on the extent of this region and of the open flux, and is dependent on centrifugal effects. In the case of two interacting dipoles, the dipole orientations relative to the spin axes and to each other are found to be important, leading to different amounts of open flux and therefore of magnetic braking, owing to different centrifugal effects on closed field regions. However, in circumstances consistent with observations and dynamo theory, the white dwarf's field reduces the magnetic braking of the secondary significantly, a finding qualitatively similar to the results previously obtained for two anti-aligned dipoles perpendicular to the orbital plane. In the cases where the two dipole axes are not perpendicular to the orbital plane, but are inclined in the plane that links them, the 'cut-off' in magnetic braking is less abrupt, and this effect is more obvious as the inclinations increase. Only in the extreme cases when the two dipole axes are aligned in the orbital plane does the braking increase with white dwarf field strength. We conclude that detailed evolutionary modelling of AM Herculis systems needs to take account of the inclination effect.  相似文献   

A model is constructed for the magnetic field of the star HD 187474, which has a very long axial rotation period P = 2345d. It turns out that the structure of the magnetic field is best described by a model of a displaced (Δα = 0.1) dipole inclined to the axis of rotation by an angle β = 24°. The star is inclined to the line of sight by an angle i = 86°. Because of the displaced dipole the magnitude of the magnetic field differs at the poles: Bp = +6300 and 11600 G. A Mercator map of the distribution of the magnetic field over the surface is obtained. The 7 slowly rotating CP stars studied thus far have an average angle β = 62°, which equals the average value for a random orientation of dipoles. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 575–583 (November 2005).  相似文献   

We present the results of measurements of magnetic fields of chemically peculiar (CP) stars, performed from the shifts between the circularly polarized components of metal and hydrogen lines (the Babcock method). The observations are carried out with an analyzer of circular polarization at the 6‐m telescope of the SAO RAS. We found that for the absolute majority of the objects studied (in 22 CP stars out of 23), the magnetic fields, determined from the Zeeman shifts in the hydrogen line cores, are significantly lower than those obtained from metal lines in the same spectra. This disparity varies between the stars. We show that instrumental effects can not produce the above features, and discuss the possible causes of the observed effect. The discovered condition reveals a more complicated structure of magnetic fields of CP stars than a simple dipole, in particular, a reduction of the field strength in the upper atmosphere with the vertical gradient, significantly higher than the dipole (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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