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This study describes changes to the proglacial drainage network of Skaftafellsjökull, Iceland from 1998 to 2011. Proglacial landscapes are highly sensitive to glacier retreat, and the retreat of glaciers around the world has accelerated since the mid‐1990s. Skaftafellsjökull has retreated at an average rate of 53 m per year since 1999. From 1999 to 2003, the river incised and formed a sequence of now abandoned channels and fluvial terraces extending ~1 km downstream from the glacier. Retreat of the glacier from an over‐deepened ice‐contact slope meant that there was a positive correlation between the distance of glacier retreat and the amount of fluvial incision. Incision was episodic, occurring annually in response to drainage reactivation and reorganization. On an annual basis, the rate of retreat is moderately negatively correlated with the rate of incision. This is partly because the ice‐contact slope decreases away from the position of maximum glacier extent, and also because more sediment is released with faster retreat, counteracting the effect of retreat down an ice‐contact slope. From 2003 onwards, proximal terrace formation ceased, as a proglacial lake became established. Downstream of the lake outlet further incision deepened the channel, with most change occurring during a flood in 2006, where incision in the upstream confined reach was accompanied by downstream aggradation and terrace formation. These observations indicate that proglacial changes in response to glacier retreat are a result of the interactions of river channel incision and terrace formation, aggradation, lake development, and flooding, which together control river channel changes, sediment redistribution and sandur stratigraphy.  相似文献   

Philip M.   《Earth》2005,70(3-4):203-251
Proglacial fluvial sedimentary systems receive water from a variety of sources and have variable discharges with a range of magnitudes and frequencies. Little attention has been paid to how these various magnitude and frequency regimes interact to produce a distinctive sedimentary record in modern and ancient proglacial environments. This paper reviews the concept of magnitude and frequency in relation to proglacial fluvial systems from a geomorphic and sedimentary perspective rather than a hydrological or statistical perspective. The nature of the meltwater inputs can be characterised as low-magnitude–high-frequency, primarily controlled by ablation inputs from the source glacier, or high-magnitude–low-frequency, primarily controlled by ‘exceptional’ inputs. The most important high-magnitude–low-frequency inputs are catastrophic outburst floods, often referred to by the term jökulhlaup (Icelandic for glacier-burst). Glacier surges are an additional form of cyclical variation impacting the proglacial environment, which briefly alter the volumes and patterns of meltwater input. The sedimentary consequences of low-magnitude–high-frequency discharges are related to frequent variations in stage, the greater directional variability that sediment will record, and the increased significance of channel confluence sedimentation. In contrast, the most significant characteristics of high-magnitude–low-frequency flooding include the presence of large flood bars and mid-channel ‘jökulhlaup’ bars, hyperconcentrated flows, large gravel dunes, and the formation of ice-block kettle hole structures and rip-up clasts. Glacier surges result in a redistribution of low-magnitude–high-frequency processes and products across the glacier margin, and small floods may occur at the surge termination. Criteria for distinguishing magnitude and frequency regimes in the proglacial environment are identified based on these major characteristics. Studies of Quaternary proglacial fluvial sediments are used to determine how the interaction of the various magnitude and frequency regimes might produce a distinctive sedimentary record. Consideration of sandur architecture and stratigraphy shows that the main controls on the sedimentary record of proglacial regions are the discharge magnitude and frequency regime, sediment supply, the pattern of glacier advance or retreat, and proglacial topography. A model of sandur development is suggested, which shows how discharge magnitude and frequency, in combination with sandur incision and aggradation (controlled by glacier advance and retreat) can control sandur stratigraphy.  相似文献   

Outwash plains, such as Skeiäarársandur, serve as prototypes for braided river facies and analogs for the Mars Pathfinder and Viking 1 landing sites on the margins of the Chryse Basin. Glacier outburst floods (jökulhlaups) have generated some of the largest known terrestrial freshwater flows and recent studies suggest that the stratigraphy of outwash plains (sandur) is dominated by sedimentary sequences laid down during jökulhlaups, rather than by braided river facies produced by an ablation-related flow regime. The modern point-source drainage configuration on Skeiäarársandur evolved from a diffuse, multipoint distributary system during glacier retreat, when meltwater began to be routed parallel to the ice front. The contemporary pattern of water and sediment dispersal across Skeiäarársandur differs from the conditions that prevailed when the ice front was coupled to the sandur, and the November 5–6 1996 outburst flood from Skeiäarárjökull had little impact on the proximal surface of Skeiäarársandur beyond the confines of the entrenched channels that traverse it. Thus, the point-source dispersal system on Skeiäarársandur may not provide an exact analogue for the pattern of meltwater dispersal responsible for the sediment assemblage laid down during past jökulhlaups, and caution may be required when comparing conditions on Skeiäarársandur to those presumed to have been experienced during massive outburst floods elsewhere.  相似文献   

The effects of glacier ice block grounding on the morphology and sedimentology of proglacial fluvial outwash were examined during a glacier outburst flood or jökulhlaup, near Søndre Strømfjord, west Greenland. Observations made during and after the 1987 jökulhlaup both on the surface of an ice contact delta and within a confined valley sandur plain provided information about the formation of ice block obstacle marks and the significance of these bedforms for sandur morphology and sedimentology. Flow directions determined from obstacle mark morphology have been used successfully to chart flow direction changes on the falling limb of the jökulhlaup. Maximum flow depths for scour around stranded ice blocks may be given by 0·5–0·9 times the diameter of the ice block, as estimated from the depth of scour, the height of the obstacle shadow or the extent of ice block meltout sediments. Minimum flow depths can be represented by the height of the obstacle shadow above the mean bed level. The internal composition of the shadow indicates the ability of the flow to transport various sizes of material into the lee of obstacles. Ice block obstacle marks within the distal portion of the sandur initiated waning stage channel change. Proximal and lateral erosion around stranded ice blocks extended downstream from the ice block, forming chute channels which then captured waning stage flows, resulting in significant bar incision with associated deposition of lobate or deltaic deposits. It is suggested that ice block obstacle marks are important in terms of channel morphology, channel morphological change and their usefulness as palaeohydrological indicators.  相似文献   

The Fiskarheden quarry, situated in NW Dalarna, central Sweden, reveals thick coarse‐grained sediments of Scott type facies association representing a sandur deposited in an ice‐proximal proglacial environment. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of the sandur sediments suggests a pre‐Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) age. Most acquired ages are pre‐Saalian (>200 ka) and we regard each of these ages to represent non/poorly bleached sediment except for one small‐aliquot OSL age of 98±6 ka. This age comes from the top surface of an arguably well‐bleached sand bed deposited on the lee‐side of a braid‐bar, putting the sandur build‐up into the Early Weichselian. Large‐scale glaciotectonic structures show an imbricate thrust fan involving both ductile and brittle deformation. The deformation was from the WNW, which largely coincides with the formative trend of the predominating streamlined terrain and Rogen moraine tracts surrounding Fiskarheden. It is suggested that the deformation of the sandur sediments took place when the advancing glacier approached and pushed its own proglacial outwash sediment, during an ice‐marginal oscillation either at the inception of one of the Early Weichselian glaciations in the area, or during a general ice retreat amid a deglacial phase. The Fiskarheden sandur deposits are covered by a subglacial traction till deposited from the NE/NNE. This direction corresponds with younger streamlined terrain flowsets cross‐cutting the older NNW–SSE system and probably represents deglaciation in the area following the LGM. This study will add to the understanding of the formation and deformation of Pleistocene sandur successions and their relationship to past ice‐sheet behaviour.  相似文献   

This study utilizes a landsystem approach to analyse the landforms and sediments exposed on the forefields of three closely spaced outlet glaciers of the Vatnajökull Ice Cap, southeast Iceland; Morsárjökull, Skaftafellsjökull and Svínafellsjökull, in order to determine how individual glacier and environmental characteristics influence landscape development. Analysis of satellite imagery and fieldwork were used in conjunction to examine the geomorphology and sedimentology of the forefields, and to define the characteristic landsystems of each of the glaciers. Morsárjökull and Skaftafellsjökull have similar proglacial fields, with similarities in the distribution and scale of the landforms, and their characteristics conform to the established active temperate landsystem. Svínafellsjökull differs significantly from the other glaciers having a proglacial field that more closely resembles an early stage debris‐charged landsystem. Variations between the glaciers in terms of their ice distribution (hypsometry, equilibrium line altitude), bedrock type, topography and debris content are important factors that contribute to the landsystem variability evident in their proglacial fields. The forefields of these three glaciers may be used as analogues to enhance understanding of palaeoenvironmental conditions that existed along the southern margin of Pleistocene glaciers that covered much of northern North America and Europe in the past.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first detailed sedimentological study of annual moraines formed by an alpine valley glacier. The moraines have been forming since at least AD 1980 by a subsidiary lobe of Gornergletscher, Switzerland that advances up a reverse bedrock slope. They reach heights of 0.5–1.5 m, widths of up to 6 m and lengths of up to several hundreds of metres. Sediments in these moraines are composed of proglacial outwash and debris flow units; subglacial traction till is absent entirely. Based on four representative sections, three genetic process combinations have been identified: (i) inefficient bulldozing of a gently sloping ice margin transfers proglacial sediments onto the ice, causing differential ablation and dead‐ice incorporation upon retreat; (ii) terrestrial ice‐contact fans are formed by the dumping of englacial and supraglacial material from point sources such as englacial conduit fills; debris flows and associated fluvial sediments are stacked against a temporarily stationary margin at the start, and deformed during glacier advance in the remainder, of the accumulation season; (iii) a steep ice margin without supraglacial input leads to efficient bulldozing and deformation of pre‐existing foreland sediments by wholesale folding. Ice‐surface slope appears to be a key control on the type of process responsible for moraine formation in any given place and year. The second and third modes result in stable and higher moraines that have a higher preservation potential than those containing dead ice. Analysis of the spacing and climatic records at Gornergletscher reveals that winter temperature controls marginal retreat and hence moraine formation. However, any climatic signal is complicated by other factors, most notably the presence of a reverse bedrock slope, so that the extraction of a clear climatic signal is not straightforward. This study highlights the complexity of annual moraine formation in high‐mountain environments and suggests avenues for further research.  相似文献   

The glacial deposits of the eastern Lleyn Peninsula record the advance, coalescence and subsequent retreat and uncoupling of Welsh and Irish Sea ice-sheets during the Late Devensian cold stage. During advance a thick sheet of basal diamict was deposited over much of the area, and during retreat and uncoupling, which occurred after 14.5 ka, the eastern part of the area was dominated by the formation of a large sandur system draining from the retreating margin of the Irish Sea ice-sheet. Subsequent stages of retreat are marked by a series of arcuate cross-valley moraines formed either by ice-contact deposition during stillstand or by structural deformation during minor snout oscillation. In the western part of the area sedimentation was controlled by a series of dead-ice ridges running parallel to the retreating ice-margin and this led to the development of a complex assemblage of localised depositional environments including ice-front alluvial fans, marginal sandur troughs and pro-glacial lake basins, all formed under supraglacial ice-marginal conditions. No evidence of glaciomarine deposition is recorded. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present results from three geophysical campaigns using high‐resolution sub‐bottom profiling to image sediments deposited in Loch Ness, Scotland. Sonar profiles show distinct packages of sediment, providing insight into the loch's deglacial history. A recessional moraine complex in the north of the loch indicates initial punctuated retreat. Subsequent retreat was rapid before stabilisation at Foyers Rise formed a large stillstand moraine. Here, the calving margin produced significant volumes of laminated sediments in a proglacial fjord‐like environment. Subsequent to this, ice retreated rapidly to the southern end of the loch, where it again deposited a sequence of proglacial laminated sediments. Sediment sequences were then disturbed by the deposition of a thick gravel layer and a large turbidite deposit as a result of a jökulhlaup from the Spean/Roy ice‐dammed lake. These sediments are overlain by a Holocene sheet drape. Data indicate: (i) a former tributary of the Moray Firth Ice Stream migrated back into Loch Ness as a major outlet glacier with a calving margin in a fjord‐like setting; (ii) there was significant sediment supply to the terminus of this outlet glacier in Loch Ness; and (iii) that jökulhlaups are important for sediment supply into proglacial fjord/lake environments and may compose >20% of proglacial sedimentary sequences. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The glacial succession in the western part of the Cheshire-Shropshire lowland records the advance, coalescence and subsequent uncoupling of Irish Sea and Welsh ice-sheets during the Late Devensian stage. During advance a discontinuous sheet of basal till was emplaced across the floor of the region by subglacial lodgement. On retreat, compression of the Irish Sea ice sheet against bedrock obstruction generated a zone of supraglacial sedimentation resulting in the creation of the Wrexham-Ellesmere-Wem-Whitchurch moraine system, and the formation of a wide range of sedimentary environments, including ice-marginal sandur troughs, ice-front alluvial fans, proglacial ribbon sandur, and subglacial, ice-contact and proglacial lakes. The geometry of sedimentary units, and their lithologic and geomorphic characteristics, display spatially ordered patterns of sediment-landform assemblage which show that the statigraphic succession is a response to rapidly changing depositional conditions at a retreating supraglacial ice-margin punctuated by minor still-stands and ice-front oscillations.  相似文献   

Glacigenic sediments exposed in coastal cliffs cut through undulatory terrain fronting the Last Glacial Maximum laterofrontal moraine at Waterville on the Iveragh Peninsula, southwest Ireland, comprise three lithofacies. Lithofacies 1 and 2 consist of interdigitated, offlapping and superimposed ice‐proximal subaqueous outwash and stacked sequences of cohesionless and cohesive subaqueous debris flows, winnowed lag gravels and coarse‐grained suspension deposits. These are indicative of sedimentation in and around small grounding line fans that prograded from an oscillating glacier margin into a proglacial, interlobate lake. Lithofacies 3 comprises braided river deposits that have undergone significant syn‐sedimentary soft‐sediment deformation. Deposition was likely related to proglacial outwash activity and records the reduction of accommodation space for subaqueous sedimentation, either through the lowering of proglacial water levels or due to basin infilling. The stratigraphic architecture and sedimentology of the moraine at Waterville highlight the role of ice‐marginal depositional processes in the construction of morphostratigraphically significant ‘end moraine’ complexes in Great Britain and Ireland. Traditional ‘tills’ in these moraines are often crudely stratified diamictons and gravelly clinoforms deposited in ice‐proximal subaqueous and subaerial fans. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近期黄河下游游荡段滩岸崩退过程及特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
小浪底水库运行后,黄河下游游荡段河床冲刷剧烈,滩岸崩退过程较为显著。估算典型断面的滩岸崩退过程,不仅有助于全面掌握该河段的河床演变规律,同时也能为河道整治及规划等提供相关参数。以1999—2013年游荡段典型断面(水文断面及淤积断面)汛后实测地形资料为基础,确定了这些断面平滩河宽的调整过程,发现多年平均崩退速率最大达215 m/a;分析了影响滩岸崩退过程的不同因素,发现滩岸土体组成及力学特性、滩槽高差等因素虽对崩退过程有一定影响,但来水来沙条件是主要影响因素;分别建立了游荡段水文断面及淤积断面滩岸累计崩退宽度与前期5年平均汛期水流冲刷强度之间的经验关系,相关系数都在0.85以上。公式计算值与实测值吻合较好,可用来估算游荡段典型断面滩岸的崩退过程。  相似文献   

The immediate proglacial areas of most of the Oraefajökull outlet glaciers in southeast Iceland are characterized by well-developed river terraces, formed by the recent downcutting of the major meltwater streams. This paper examines the rates and causes of dissection in two contrasting cases, using lichenometric dating to establish the ages of individual terraces. An age–size curve for the aggregated Rhizocarpon sub-genus is developed from lichen measurements on dated recessional moraines, and is compared with similar curves obtained by previous workers. Levelling profiles of the terraces are then used in conjunction with the lichenometric dates to determine mean rates of net erosion between each dated surface, and to study the associated variations in channel slope. The results obtained for the Svinafellsá show that the timing and rates of downcutting have been closely related to frontal movements of the Svinafellsjökull glacier. The Kotá terraces, however, may have been formed independently of glacier fluctuations, and are thought to represent stages in the gradual recovery of the stream from the aggradational effects of the 1727 jökulhlaup.  相似文献   

Tillites, conglomerates and sandstones occurring in the basal part of the Smalfjord Formation along the Varangerfjord, East Finnmark, North Norway are believed to have formed during the retreat of a glacier. At Kvalnes, on the south side of the fjord, the following sequence, up to 20 m thick, is found: (1) massive monomict tillite interpreted as a subglacial till, (2) massive polymict tillite with lenticular intercalations of stratified sandstone and tillite, interpreted as supraglacial/proglacial drift, (3) polymict conglomerate interstratified with laminated sandstones, interpreted as braided stream deposits. The last named interfingers laterally and is overlain by marine sandstones. At Bigganjargga, near the head of the fjord, a lens of tillite about 3 m thick rests on a striated pavement and is overlain by sandstones and shales. Part of the tillite, containing irregular patches of slightly winnowed tillite, is interpreted as a melt-out till, while a marginal part consisting of inclined tillite beds is interpreted as a series of flow till deposits. The lens is believed to be an oblique section through what was originally an ice-cored moraine ridge. During a subsequent transgression, the moraine was partially eroded, a lag conglomerate was formed, and overlying marine sediments were deposited. Bedded flow tills formed in a supraglacial/proglacial environment may be preserved where the extent of current reworking is very low (such as an isolated end moraine). Stratified conglomerate and sandstone, intimately intercalated with tillite, is to be expected at a glacier margin where glacial meltwater is locally and occasionally abundant, and glacier ablation permits downslope flowage of mobilized supraglacial fluid till.  相似文献   

This paper provides sedimentological and morphological data from an investigation of the Late Devensian glacigenic deposits along the Tyne valley, northeast England. The area lies in the central sector of the British-Irish Ice Sheet, with the lowlands influenced by both the Tyne Gap and Tweed-Cheviot ice streams. The sequences here provide insights into the existence of complex, multi-phase activity within the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Field mapping of the area reveals kamiform topography in the Tyne lowlands and lower South Tyne valley, whilst the mid Tyne is characterised by high-level sandur terraces. Inset below the glacial features are river terraces. The sedimentary sequence comprises diamicton overlain by gravel and sandy gravels; sands, muddy sands and gravels; laminated silty sands and muds; and well sorted sands and gravel. The depositional environments indicate ice-contact, subaqueous and terrestrial sedimentation, with supraglacial, proglacial, subaquatic and paraglacial landsystems. Following the onset of deglaciation, westward retreat of Tyne Gap ice resulted in land to the east and southeast of its margin becoming ice-free. Continued/renewed southward flow of ice along the North Sea coast formed a persistent barrier to sediment-charged meltwaters draining the Tyne Gap ice margin. The separation of these two ice masses allowed a glacial lake to develop in the lower Tyne fed by a large proglacial sandur system, which with ice marginal retreat subsequently merged with Glacial Lake Wear. The sediment sequences record the final waning of the Tyne Gap ice stream, and are contiguous with sediments that extend west through the Tyne Gap and into the Cumbrian lowlands.  相似文献   

Moraine-ridge formation along a stationary ice front in Iceland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At present the north margin of the temperate ice-cap Myrdalsjökull is stationary: the ice edge retreats slowly during summer and readvances during winter to much the same position as the previous winter. Although the ice margin in this way has been stationary since around 1984. a frontal moraine ridge. 1.5-2.5 m high. was under formation in 1986. and in 1989 it was 3–4 m high. The interior of the ridge appeared as imbricately stacked slabs of frozen, clast-paved lodgement till dipping up-glacier. At least five to seven slabs were identified in the 1989 ridge. The most proximal one was frozen to the up-arched glacier sole and dipped beneath the glacier at about 30. In 1989 the volume of lodgement till sediments within the ridge represented a horizontal shortening of the ground moraine of roughly 60–90 m. On the other hand. between 1984 and 1989 the lateral displacement of the ridge toe amounted to only 10 m. It is concluded that the frontal ridge is formed progressively. not like conventional push moraines by thrusting of contemporaneous proglacial or ice-contact sediments. but chiefly by a combination of basal freezing beneath the thin. clast-loaded glacier toe each winter and recurrent superposition of frozen lodgement till slabs during small winter readvances.  相似文献   

Glacier thermal regime is shown to have a significant influence on the formation of ice‐marginal moraines. Annual moraines at the margin of Midtdalsbreen are asymmetrical and contain sorted fine sediment and diamicton layers dipping gently up‐glacier. The sorted fine sediments include sands and gravels that were initially deposited fluvially directly in front of the glacier. Clast‐form data indicate that the diamictons have a mixed subglacial and fluvial origin. Winter cold is able to penetrate through the thin (<10 m) ice margin and freeze these sediments to the glacier sole. During winter, sediment becomes elevated along the wedge‐shaped advancing glacier snout before melting out and being deposited as asymmetrical ridges. These annual moraines have a limited preservation potential of ~40 years, and this is reflected in the evolution of landforms across the glacier foreland. Despite changing climatic conditions since the Little Ice Age and particularly within the last 10 years when frontal retreat has significantly speeded up, glacier dynamics have remained relatively constant with moraines deposited via basal freeze‐on, which requires stable glacier geometry. While the annual moraines on the eastern side of Midtdalsbreen indicate a slow steady retreat, the western foreland contains contrasting ice‐stagnation topography, highlighting the importance of local forcing factors such as shielding, aspect and debris cover in addition to changing climate. This study indicates that, even in temperate glacial environments, restricted or localised areas of cold‐based ice can have a significant impact on the geomorphic imprint of the glacier system and may actually be more widespread within both modern and ancient glacial environments than previously thought.  相似文献   

Four major sedimentary facies are present in coarse-grained, ice-marginal deposits from central East Jylland, Denmark. Facies A and B are matrix-supported gravels deposited by subaerial sediment gravity flows as mudflows (facies A) and debris flows (facies B). Facies C consists of clast-supported, water-laid gravels and facies D are cross-bedded sand and granules. The facies can be grouped into three facies associations related to the supraglacial and proglacial environments: (1) the flow-till association is made up of alternating beds of remobilized glacial mixton (facies A) and well-sorted cross-bedded sand (facies D); (2) the outwash apron association resembles the sediments of alluvial fans in containing coarse-grained debris-flow deposits (facies B), water-laid gravel deposited by sheet floods (facies C) and cross-bedded sand and granules (facies D) from braided distributaries; (3) the valley sandur association comprises water-laid gravel (facies C) interpreted as sheet bars and longitudinal bars interbedded with cross-bedded sand and granules (facies D) deposited in channels between bars in a braided environment.The general coarsening-upward trend of the sedimentary sequences caused by the transition of bars and channel-dominated facies to debris-flow-dominated facies indicate an increasing proximality of the outwash deposits, picturing the advance and still stand of a large continental lowland ice-sheet. The depositional properties suggest that sedimentation was caused by melting along a relatively steep, active glacier margin as a first step towards the final vanishing of the Late Weichselian icesheet (the East Jylland ice) covering eastern Denmark.  相似文献   

Understanding Arctic glacier sensitivity is key to predicting future response to air temperature rise. Previous studies have used proglacial lake sediment records to reconstruct Holocene glacier advance–retreat patterns in South and West Greenland, but high‐resolution glacier records from High Arctic Greenland are scarce, despite the sensitivity of this region to future climate change. Detailed geochemical analysis of proglacial lake sediments close to Zackenberg, northeast Greenland, provides the first high‐resolution record of Late Holocene High Arctic glacier behaviour. Three phases of glacier advance have occurred in the last 2000 years. The first two phases (c. 1320–800 cal. a BP) occurred prior to the Little Ice Age (LIA), and correspond to the Dark Ages Cold Period and the Medieval Climate Anomaly. The third phase (c. 700 cal. a BP), representing a smaller scale glacier oscillation, is associated with the onset of the LIA. Our results are consistent with recent evidence of pre‐LIA glacier advance in other parts of the Arctic, including South and West Greenland, Svalbard, and Canada. The sub‐millennial glacier fluctuations identified in the Madsen Lake succession are not preserved in the moraine record. Importantly, coupled XRF and XRD analysis has effectively identified a phase of ice advance that is not visible by sedimentology alone. This highlights the value of high‐resolution geochemical analysis of lake sediments to establish rapid glacier advance–retreat patterns in regions where chronological and morphostratigraphical control is limited.  相似文献   

Aeolian dune fields characterized by partly vegetated bedforms undergoing active construction and with interdune depressions that lie at or close to the water table are widespread on Skei?arársandur, Southern Iceland. The largest aeolian dune complex on the sandur covers an area of 80 km2 and is characterized by four distinct landform types: (i) spatially isolated aeolian dunes; (ii) extensive areas of damp and wet (flooded) interdune flat with small fluvial channels; (iii) small aeolian dune fields composed of assemblages of bedforms with simple morphologies and small, predominantly damp, interdune corridors; and (iv) larger aeolian dune fields composed of assemblages of complex bedforms floored by older aeolian dune deposits that are themselves raised above the level of the surrounding wet sandur plain. The morphology of each of these landform areas reflects a range of styles of interaction between aeolian dune, interdune and fluvial processes that operate coevally on the sandur surface. The geometry, scale, orientation and facies composition of sets of strata in the cores of the aeolian dunes, and their relationship to adjoining interdune strata, have been analysed to explain the temporal behaviour of the dunes in terms of their mode of initiation, construction, pattern of migration, style of accumulation and nature of preservation. Seasonal and longer‐term flooding‐induced changes in water table level have caused episodic expansion and contraction of the wet interdune ponds. Most of the dunes are currently undergoing active construction and migration and, although sediment availability is limited because of the high water table, substantial aeolian transport must occur, especially during winter months when the surface of the wet interdune ponds is frozen and sand can be blown across the sandur without being trapped by surface moisture. Bedforms within the larger dune fields have grown to a size whereby formerly damp interdune flats have been reduced to dry enclosed depressions and dry aeolian system accumulation via bedform climb is ongoing. Despite regional uplift of the proximal sandur surface in response to glacial retreat and unloading over the past century, sediment compaction‐induced subsidence of the distal sandur is progressively placing aeolian deposits below the water table and is enabling the accumulation of wet aeolian systems and increasing the likelihood of their long‐term preservation. Wet, dry and stabilizing aeolian system types all co‐exist on Skei?arársandur and the dunes are variously undergoing coeval construction, accumulation, bypass, stabilization and destruction as a result of interactions between localized factors.  相似文献   

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