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面对世界经济复苏明显放缓和国内经济下行压力加大的严峻形势,2012年我国实施了积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,并加大了政策预调微调力度,坚持稳中求进,国民经济运行总体平稳。2012年我国建设用地供应稳步增长,增速放缓;土地供应结构变化显著,基础设施用地持续迅猛增长;地区差异日益突出,西部地区用地增长迅速;土地市场企稳,地价总体平稳。  相似文献   

为认真贯彻国务院关于抑制一些行业和地区固定资产投资过快增长的要求,促进国民经济平稳运行,进一步落实《国务院关于深化改革严格土地管理的决定》(国发[2004]28号),遏制一些地方违法违规占用土地,充分发挥土地供应的调控作用,现就当前进一步从严土地管理有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

为认真贯彻国务院关于抑制一些行业和地区固定资产投资过快增长的要求,促进国民经济平稳运行,遏制一些地方违法违规占用土地,充分发挥土地供应的调控作用,国土资源部日前发出《关于当前进一步从严土地管理的紧急通知》(第6页)。《通知》作出五项重大部署,即:不得违反土地利用总体规划和年度计划用地;从严审批各类非农建设用地;确保房地产调控的土地政策落到实处;严肃查处违法违规用地;继续深入开展“完善体制、提高素质”活动。国土资源部门要按照《通知》的要求,坚决顶住扩张用地的潮流,坚持严格管理土地不动摇。  相似文献   

2012年,我国矿产品市场总体运行平稳,国内矿产品供应能力进一步提升,国内矿产品生产稳定增长,大宗矿产品进口保持增长态势;矿产品价格持续高位振荡,并略有下滑,整体水平比上年下降约一成;较好地保证了经济社会发展对矿产资源的需要。  相似文献   

我国城市土地供应机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过研究我国城市土地供应机制的内涵及其结构体系,分析了其特征,对机制中存在的土地供应总量失控、土地市场存量土地较多、土地供应过程操作不透明、城市土地的市场化不完全、刺激房地产过热等问题,提出了建立相应的严格控制增量用地、建立城市土地收购储备制度、建立土地供应信息发布制度、建立健全土地供应市场、开征财产税等政策措施。旨在优化土地供应机制,对政府调控土地市场起到一定的借鉴作用,促进我国的土地供应走上健康和谐之路。  相似文献   

通过分析2003年以来工业用地管理政策和工业用地供应统计数据,以及2008年以来各季度的地价数据,得出:①2004年以来,工业用地供应的政策和措施逐步完善;②中西部地区承接东部地区产业转移,工业用地增长强劲;③2007年以来,招拍挂出让工业用地占工业用地出让总量的比例逐步提高,2011年1季度达到92%;④2011年1季度,工业用地的价格仅为638元/平方米,相比2007年末上涨5.6%,小于房地产用地价格涨幅。本文认为,工业用地的供应和调控应继续严格执行工业用地招拍挂出让制度,规范工业用地出让市场,加大对中西部地区工业用地供应和利用的监管;充分利用土地调控手段,适时调整现行政策和价格标准;引导用地地区做好国土规划,有序利用工业用地。  相似文献   

近年来,吉林省大安市积极探索加强城市土地管理的新路子、新方法,不断强化土地资产管理,大力加强土地市场建设,全面推进土地资产运营的市场化进程。(一)坚持用途管制,强化统一管理,全面推行土地供应市场化制度。首先,充分发挥市场配置土地资源的基础性作用,显化土地资产价值。市有关部门科学制定全市年度土地供应计划,坚持以供应引导需求的原则,根据经济发展需要和土地市场供应关系,合理控制供地总量。根据市政府确定的年度市区房地产供地计划,制定土地“招拍挂”方案,确保房地产供地的均衡性,促进了房地产市场的健康发展。其次,大力推进土…  相似文献   

近年来,国家严格土地管理,严把土地供应闸门,加强和改善宏观调控,保持了经济平稳较快发展。但土地违法违规现象仍相当严重,需进一步采取措施,完善政策,强化管理。本期刊发的国土资源部《加强土地管理。严把土地供应闸门》(第4页)一文指出,当前,国民经济平稳快速发展,总体形势是好的。但土地管理特别是土地调控存在的问题值得重视:一是违法违规用地问题突出。二是工业用地盲目扩张。三是部分被征地农民利益受到损害,未能确保生活水平不降低、长远生计有保障。四是土地出让收入不透明,使用不合理。五是土地执法难的问题仍然比较突出。这影响了土地法律法规的有效实施,影响了宏观调控措施的贯彻落实。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市国土资源厅(国土环境资源厅、国土资源局、国土资源和房屋管理局、规划和国土资源管理局)。新疆生产建设兵团国土资源局。各派驻地方的国家土地督察局: 针对当前经济形势和土地市场运行变化情况,为进一步落实党中央、国务院关于扩大内需促进经济平稳较快发展的重大决策,更好地履行部门职责,  相似文献   

一、总体要求 通过对《国土资源部关于为扩大内需促进经济平稳较快发展做好服务和监管工作的通知》(国土资发[2008]237号)等土地调控政策执行的指导和监督检查,确保土地利用规划和计划管控、建设用地审批和供应、地质技术信息服务、土地督察和执法监管政策措施全面、准确、规范实施,有效保障扩大内需项目用地,提高土地调控政策的应变能力和效果,维护土地管理秩序,坚守18亿亩耕地红线,促进经济平稳较快发展。  相似文献   

城市土地信息系统设计的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土地是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础。随着人口增长和人与地矛盾的日益加剧,如何合理利用有限的土地资源,是关系人类生存和经济社会持续发展的重大问题。城市土地信息系统(ULIS)的建立就是为了合理利用城市土地,保证城市土地利用和开发经营活动的相互协调,以在保持土地生态平衡的条件下,达到社会经济及环境效益最优化。本文就建立城市土地信息系统的基本思路作了框架式描述,力求使其简单明确。  相似文献   

本文研究分析了四川省城镇土地级别、基准地价图集及查询系统等相关问题,阐述了系统总体设计、内容选择、表示方法、制作技术及其特点等。  相似文献   

Large-scale land change maps are essential to support policies addressing land transformations. Calibration and validation of large-scale land change maps require reference data that are commonly acquired by visual interpretation of remotely sensed images. However, visual interpretation itself is prone to error. Little is known about factors influencing the quality and consistency of changes detected by visual interpretation. This paper reports on an experiment assessing the effect of the number of very high resolution images and land change process types on the consistency of visual interpretations. The experiment involved 48 sites scattered over Europe for which 18 individuals interpreted very high resolution images, which were provided via Google Earth. Land change process type was found to have a significant impact on the consistency of visual interpretations, while the marginal effect of the number of images was not significant. Absence of change on non-agricultural land was interpreted with high consistency. On the contrary, agricultural land abandonment and reforestation were the least consistent in their interpretation. We conclude that for increased efficiency, resources allocated to acquire reference data by visual interpretation should be adjusted based on the expected type of land change. Interpretation of agricultural land abandonment, reforestation and agricultural land expansion require most efforts.  相似文献   

农牧交错带土地沙化遥感监测   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
以内蒙古多伦县为研究对象,作时隔5a的两次遥感调查,对内蒙古东南部农牧业交错带的土地沙化进行监测。建立了土地沙化分类体系,把土地沙化与土地利用紧密联系,依据植被指数概念,采用了一组比值组合,有效地将土地沙化类别分层分离。通过第一次遥感调查,了解到多伦县由于过度耕种和过度放牧,致使土地沙化十分严重。经第二次调查对比分析,退耕还林、退牧还草的治沙效果显著,土地沙化发展趋势得到遏制,遥感监测为地方政府的防沙治沙起了重要作用。  相似文献   

Land use and land cover change are of prime concern due to their impacts on CO2 emissions, climate change and ecological services. New global land cover products at 300 m resolution from the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Land Cover (CCI LC) project for epochs centered around 2000, 2005 and 2010 were analyzed to investigate forest area change and land cover transitions. Plant functional types (PFTs) fractions were derived from these land cover products according to a conversion table. The gross global forest loss between 2000 and 2010 is 172,171 km2, accounting for 0.6% of the global forest area in year 2000. The forest changes are mainly distributed in tropical areas such as Brazil and Indonesia. Forest gains were only observed between 2005 and 2010 with a global area of 9844 km2, mostly from crops in Southeast Asia and South America. The predominant PFT transition is deforestation from forest to crop, accounting for four-fifths of the total increase of cropland area between 2000 and 2010. The transitions from forest to bare soil, shrub, and grass also contributed strongly to the total areal change in PFTs. Different PFT transition matrices and composition patterns were found in different regions. The highest fractions of forest to bare soil transitions were found in the United States and Canada, reflecting forest management practices. Most of the degradation from grassland and shrubland to bare soil occurred in boreal regions. The areal percentage of forest loss and land cover transitions generally decreased from 2000–2005 to 2005–2010. Different data sources and uncertainty in the conversion factors (converting from original LC classes to PFTs) contribute to the discrepancy in the values of change in absolute forest area.  相似文献   

土地利用变化是自然与人文因素综合作用的结果。在较短时间尺度上,社会经济因素是土地利用变化的主要驱动力。本文以吉林省前郭尔罗斯县为例,运用1987年和1996年TM影像及相关统计数据,采用空间分析、统计分析和遥感信息与空间化非遥感信息集成等方法,研究了10a来该县土地利用变化过程及其社会经济驱动机制。结果表明,近10a来,耕地面积明显增加,林地、牧草地面积减少,其它土地利用类型面积变化不大,农业产值、牧业产值、农业人口数和粮食产量是该县土地利用变化的主要社会经济驱动力.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the new millennium, after a severe drought and destructive floods along the Yangtze River, the Chinese government implemented two large ecological rehabilitation and reforestation projects: the Natural Forest Protection Programme and the Sloping Land Conversion Programme. Using Landsat data from a decade before, during and after the inception of these programmes, we analyze their impacts along with other policies on land use, land cover change (LULCC) in southwest China. Our goal is to quantify the predominant land cover changes in four borderland counties, home to tens of thousands of ethnic minority individuals. We do this in three time stages (1990, 2000 and 2010). We use support vector machines as well as a transition matrix to monitor the land cover changes. The land cover classifications resulted in an overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient for forested area and cropland of respectively 91% (2% confidence interval) and 0.87. Our results suggest that the total forested area observed increased 3% over this 20-year period, while cropland decreased slightly (0.1%). However, these changes varied over specific time periods: forested area decreased between 1990 and 2000 and then increased between 2000 and 2010. In contrast, cropland increased and then decreased. These results suggest the important impacts of reforestation programmes that have accelerated a land cover transition in this region. We also found large changes in LULC occurring around fast growing urban areas, with changes in these peri-urban zones occurring faster to the east than west. This suggests that differences in socioeconomic conditions and specific local and regional policies have influenced the rates of forest, cropland and urban net changes, disturbances and net transitions. While it appears that a combination of economic growth and forest protection in this region over the past 20 years has been fairly successful, threats like drought, other extreme weather events and land degradation remain.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored the spatial and temporal patterns of land cover and land use (LCLU) and population change dynamics in the St. Louis Metropolitan Statistical Area. The goal of this paper was to quantify the drivers of LCLU using long-term Landsat data from 1972 to 2010. First, we produced LCLU maps by using Landsat images from 1972, 1982, 1990, 2000, and 2010. Next, tract level population data of 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010 were converted to 1-km square grid cells. Then, the LCLU maps were integrated with basic grid cell data to represent the proportion of each land cover category within a grid cell area. Finally, the proportional land cover maps and population census data were combined to investigate the relationship between land cover and population change based on grid cells using Pearson's correlation coefficient, ordinary least square (OLS), and local level geographically weighted regression (GWR). Land cover changes in terms of the percentage of area affected and rates of change were compared with population census data with a focus on the analysis of the spatial-temporal dynamics of urban growth patterns. The correlation coefficients of land cover categories and population changes were calculated for two decadal intervals between 1970 and 2010. Our results showed a causal relationship between LCLU changes and population dynamics over the last 40 years. Urban sprawl was positively correlated with population change. However, the relationship was not linear over space and time. Spatial heterogeneity and variations in the relationship demonstrate that urban sprawl was positively correlated with population changes in suburban area and negatively correlated in urban core and inner suburban area of the St. Louis Metropolitan Statistical Area. These results suggest that the imagery reflects processes of urban growth, inner-city decline, population migration, and social spatial inequality. The implications provide guidance for sustainable urban planning and development. We also demonstrate that grid cells allow robust synthesis of remote sensing and socioeconomic data to advance our knowledge of urban growth dynamics from both spatial and temporal scales and its association with population change.  相似文献   

国内土地评价与土地优化利用研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地利用优化是当前土地资源管理和调控过程中必须解决的难题,本文在对国内土地评价和土地利用优化文献回顾的基础上,总结了土地评价研究内容和技术方法以及土地利用优化研究内容和技术方法的发展。  相似文献   

罗杰 《现代测绘》2007,30(5):13-15
土地利用更新调查是新形势下加强土地资源管理的一项新任务,本文通过介绍福建省泉港区土地利用更新调查的技术路线与方法,分析了采用该方法获得的调查结果,为泉港区的土地资源合理利用、规划和科学管理提出了有效的建议。  相似文献   

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