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受经济发展的影响,2010年我国主要矿产品需求旺盛,产量普遍比上年有较大程度增长。全年能源消费总量32.5亿吨标准煤,比上年增长5.9%;钢材消费量7.7亿吨,增长12.4%。一次能源生产总量约30亿吨标准煤,首居世界第一;原油生产突破2亿吨,比上年增长7.1%,达25年以来的最高增幅;铁矿石产量突破10亿吨,同比增长21.6%。  相似文献   

2004年,由于我国经济快速发展,新增原油需求扩大,导致进口量大幅攀升,原油进口量超过1·2亿吨,对外依存度达到40%。2005年政府采取宏观调控措施,防止经济过热,使需求增长有所减缓,2005年1~4月油品及加工产品进口量与上年相比有所下降,但经济的快速增长、汽车消费的增加以及电力  相似文献   

2010年我国矿产品价格综合水平同比增长近三成,延续2009年下半年以来快速增长势头,部分矿产品价格逼近甚至超过金融危机前水平。原油和铁矿石价格全年增长40%以上;煤、铜和金价格增长20%以上。矿产品廉价资源时代已经过去,预计2011年矿产品价格将在目前的价位上波动上行。  相似文献   

2009年我国矿产品进出口贸易形势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年我国矿产品贸易额逐月回升;石油对外依存度升至52.6%,出口大幅上升;煤净进口1.10亿吨,应当引起关注;铁矿石进口持续高速增长;高耗能矿产品进口大幅增长;优势矿产品出口持续下降;进口矿产品价格有所回落。  相似文献   

巴西矿业协会预计,到2011年巴西部分金属矿的产量将出现成倍增长,其中,铁矿石产量由2006年的3.17亿吨增长到4.95亿吨;镍产量将由2006年的8.2万吨增加到2011年的28.6万吨,增幅高达248.7%;铜产量将由2006年的14.8万增长到2011年的37.6万吨,  相似文献   

据俄罗斯塔斯社引用俄罗斯能源工业总调度局发布的统计资料报道,2007年俄罗斯石油产量4、91亿吨,比上年增长2.2%,石油出口收入达966.75亿美元;天然气产量6531亿立方米,天然气出口收入为428.16亿美元。按照美国石油杂志对2007年各国石油产量的估计,俄罗斯石油产量超过沙特阿拉伯,居世界第一位;  相似文献   

本刊讯 日前,《中国矿产资源报告(2013)》完成编制工作.《报告》显示,2012年,矿产资源勘查投入超过1200亿元,完成钻探工作量3419.19万米.新增石油地质储量15亿吨,天然气9610亿立方米;新发现4个亿吨级油田和3个千亿立方米级气田,4个50亿吨级煤矿,1处国内最大的超大型铀矿床;采矿业固定资产投资1.31万亿元,原矿开采量87.23亿吨;矿产品对外贸易总额为9919亿美元.  相似文献   

2011年全球经济艰难前行,受自然灾害和政治事件等多重因素影响,矿产品价格高位剧烈振荡,矿产品价格综合水平比上年增长11.6%。国内原油价格大幅增长超过四成,铁矿石价格增长近三成,黄金价格增长超过二成,水泥价格增长近二成,铜、钾价格增长超过一成,煤、铝价格增长近一成,国内稀土价格暴涨暴跌。预计2012年矿产品价格将会波动上扬,但不排除因突出事件引起部分矿产品价格暴涨。  相似文献   

土库曼斯坦的油气工业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土库曼斯坦是中亚地区重要的油气生产国,具有明显的地缘政治意义。 一、油气储量和资源量 据土库曼斯坦油气工业与矿物原料部截至2006年1月1日的资料,该国石油、凝析油和天然气的总地质资源量约为650亿吨标准煤,可采资源量353亿吨标准煤,累计开采量35亿吨标准煤(表1)。  相似文献   

一、矿产品产量 2000年我国台湾省矿产品总产值为482.7亿新台币(1美元=31.2252新台币)。其中,能源矿产60.1亿新台币;非金属矿产58.2亿新台币;砂石364.4亿新台币。见表1。  相似文献   

2013年世界硫黄市场处于供不应求的状态。全球各种形式硫产量7531万吨,同比增长4.2%。硫黄贸易量3100万吨,同比下降3.1%。2012年硫黄视消费量为5422.9万吨,同比增长4.4%。2013年全球硫黄价格呈下降趋势,近期开始上涨。  相似文献   

2013年,世界钾盐总储量下调较多,多数钾盐生产国的产量增加,钾盐贸易和消费量微增,全球钾肥供应潜在过剩近940万吨K2O。2014年,潜在过剩将保持在930万吨K2O。近期全球钾盐消费呈增长趋势。  相似文献   

针对云贵高原地区在开展生态恢复工程后的生态系统服务价值(ESVs)如何变化问题,本文基于当量因子和空间自相关分析等方法,研究了云贵高原地区ESVs的时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)土地利用类型转移主要是农田转为建设用地与水体。(2)在开展生态恢复工程后,生态系统得到了改善,ESVs在38年间呈先减少后增加的趋势,累计增加94.91亿元,森林的生态调节能力及产生的价值总量在2180亿元以上,最少的为荒漠,约为0.1亿元。(3)ESVs的空间分布格局表现为西南地区较高、中部较低。(4)1980—2018年ESVs表现为显著空间正相关,莫兰指数大于0.46,有明显的聚集特征。  相似文献   

作为管道天然气的有益补充,液化天然气(LNG)全球贸易量逐年增加。LNG不仅是我国实现能源安全供应的有效保障,也是国家能源战略的重要组成部分。但我国LNG目前发展面临三大能源安全保障压力,一是进口来源相对集中,气源保障抗风险能力不足;二是LNG运输船队规模小,自主运输能力不足;三是海上自主运输线路单一,进口通道易受制于人。为此,本文从加强进口来源多元化和建立自主运输船队两方面提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

The North Peixian mining area of China has rich coal resources, with total proven reserves of 2.37 billion tons. However, the underground coal mining activities have resulted in ground collapse, which has caused serious harm to the environment and threatened the lives and properties of local residents. In this study, 12 Sentinel-1A terrain observation by progressive scans (TOPS) mode acquisitions between 30 July 2015 and 13 May 2016 over the abandoned mining area in North Peixian were analyzed using the interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) time series method to detect the ground subsidence, with the maximum ground subsidence reaching 83 mm/a and an average value of about 12.7 mm/a. The subsidence results derived from the Sentinel-1A TOPS mode dataset were proven to be effective in investigating and monitoring the ground subsidence in the North Peixian mining area. Compared to the rapid deformation during the ongoing period of mining excavation, the ground subsides slowly in abandoned mining areas and shows a linear relationship with time over a relatively long period of time. Spatial correlation between the subsidence distribution and land cover was found, in that the magnitude of the subsidence in urban areas was smaller than that in rural areas, which is associated with the controlled coal mining activities under buildings, railways, and water bodies. The results demonstrate that Sentinel-1A TOPS SAR images can be used to effectively and accurately detect and monitor ground subsidence in a mining area, which is critically important when investigating land subsidence in a large-scale mining area.  相似文献   



Concern about climate change has motivated France to reduce its reliance on fossil fuel by setting targets for increased biomass-based renewable energy production. This study quantifies the carbon costs and benefits for the French forestry sector in meeting these targets. A forest growth and harvest simulator was developed for French forests using recent forest inventory data, and the wood-use chain was reconstructed from national wood product statistics. We then projected wood production, bioenergy production, and carbon balance for three realistic intensification scenarios and a business-as-usual scenario. These intensification scenarios targeted either overstocked, harvest-delayed or currently actively managed stands.


All three intensification strategies produced 11.6–12.4 million tonnes of oil equivalent per year of wood-based energy by 2026, which corresponds to the target assigned to French wood-energy to meet the EU 2020 renewable energy target. Sustaining this level past 2026 will be challenging, let alone further increasing it. Although energy production targets can be reached, the management intensification required will degrade the near-term carbon balance of the forestry sector, compared to continuing present-day management. Even for the best-performing intensification strategy, i.e., reducing the harvest diameter of actively managed stands, the carbon benefits would only become apparent after 2040. The carbon balance of a strategy putting abandoned forests back into production would only break even by 2055; the carbon balance from increasing thinning in managed but untended stands would not break even within the studied time periods, i.e. 2015–2045 and 2046–2100. Owing to the temporal dynamics in the components of the carbon balance, i.e., the biomass stock in the forest, the carbon stock in wood products, and substitution benefits, the merit order of the examined strategies varies over time.


No single solution was found to improve the carbon balance of the forestry sector by 2040 in a way that also met energy targets. We therefore searched for the intensification scenario that produces energy at the lowest carbon cost. Reducing rotation time of actively managed stands is slightly more efficient than targeting harvest-delayed stands, but in both cases, each unit of energy produced has a carbon cost that only turns into a benefit between 2060 and 2080.

基于臭氧监测仪OMI对流层NO2柱浓度产品研究了京津冀城市群2005年-2014年NO2时空变化及影响因素:(1)10年柱浓度年均增长率为3.35%,且年度波动较大。忽略2008年国家奥运会的环境治理所引起的变化,2005年-2011年NO2呈逐渐升高趋势;2012年-2014年呈逐渐降低趋势,以2014年下降最为显著。(2)呈西北低东南高的趋势。燕山-太行山山系以北的承德和张家口市浓度较低,山系以南主要有北京-天津-唐山与石家庄-邢台-邯郸两个污染中心。(3)京津冀北部三面环山不利于NO2的扩散,夏季丰富的降水对NO2具有显著湿沉降作用。(4)通过相关性分析、文献及国家政策印证等方法,发现地区产业及能源结构很大程度上决定了地区的污染来源。北京市10年来第三产业一直处于主导且稳步提高,煤炭消耗量低,但汽车保有量增加了1.5倍,主要来源为机动车尾气排放;天津市第二产业比第三产业比重略高,煤炭消耗量是北京的两倍之余,但汽车保有量仅是北京市的一半,由此可知工业排放和机动车是共同来源;河北省第二产业比重很高,燃煤量占京津冀地区的80.6%,河北省工业排放是NO2的主要来源,但近几年随着机动车保有量的剧增,其尾气排放分担率不可小觑。  相似文献   

Managing land resources using remote sensing techniques is becoming a common practice. However, data analysis procedures should satisfy the high accuracy levels demanded by users (public or private companies and governments) in order to be extensively used. This paper presents a multi-stage classification scheme to update the citrus Geographical Information System (GIS) of the Comunidad Valenciana region (Spain). Spain is the first citrus fruit producer in Europe and the fourth in the world. In particular, citrus fruits represent 67% of the agricultural production in this region, with a total production of 4.24 million tons (campaign 2006-2007). The citrus GIS inventory, created in 2001, needs to be regularly updated in order to monitor changes quickly enough, and allow appropriate policy making and citrus production forecasting. Automatic methods are proposed in this work to facilitate this update, whose processing scheme is summarized as follows. First, an object-oriented feature extraction process is carried out for each cadastral parcel from very high spatial resolution aerial images (0.5 m). Next, several automatic classifiers (decision trees, artificial neural networks, and support vector machines) are trained and combined to improve the final classification accuracy. Finally, the citrus GIS is automatically updated if a high enough level of confidence, based on the agreement between classifiers, is achieved. This is the case for 85% of the parcels and accuracy results exceed 94%. The remaining parcels are classified by expert photo-interpreters in order to guarantee the high accuracy demanded by policy makers.  相似文献   

本文介绍铜消费市场的发展历程,分析产业结构变化产生的原因,对评价铜矿供应风险的进口集中度指标进行定量分析,对铜矿供应风险展开评述,分析进出口格局中国家和企业的地位,并对未来全球铜消费情况进行展望。  相似文献   

ETWatch的模型与方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
吴炳方  熊隽  闫娜娜 《遥感学报》2011,15(2):224-239
流域水量平衡分析是水资源现状评价与水资源合理调度研究工作中的一个核心。本文基于遥感技术估算的蒸散,结合监测统计数据,提出了流域耗水平衡方法,以海河流域为例进行了2002-2007年流域及子流域的耗水平衡分析,流域多年平均蓄变量为-62.3亿方,其中农业生产是流域水资源消耗的主要大户,占耗水总量的54.3%,年际变动范围较小(-5%~8%)。通过流域蓄变量变化和流域蒸散结构的分析,揭示海河流域存在的水资源问题,为流域水资源管理和节水型社会建设提出建议。  相似文献   

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