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为了不断推进我区防震减灾科普宣传教育工作,努力提高社会民众应对地震灾害事件的心理承受能力和防震减灾意识,新疆维吾尔自治区地震局完成了我区首个防震减灾科普教育基地的建设工作。防震减灾科普教育基地由防震减灾科普馆、乌鲁木齐水磨沟地震台和地震活断层剖面三部分组成。其中,防震减灾科普馆由防震减灾知识图片区、影视区、模拟震动区、地震观测仪器陈列区、自救互救知识区和新疆主要地震构造及地震震中分布沙盘六部分组成。  相似文献   

朱宝霞  申文庄  马明 《中国地震》2014,30(3):373-381
公众是实现地震重点监视防御区(以下简称地震重防区)防震减灾工作目标、提升社会防震减灾能力的主力军,而公众对地震重防区的认知与防震减灾宣传密不可分.本文通过问卷调查,发现许多公众对地震重防区和相关知识的认知程度低、公众的防震减灾素质有待提高、防震减灾宣传针对地震重防区的内容不够全面、宣传方式和手段不够多样化等问题.据此,提出建议:强化地震重防区宣传,丰富防震减灾宣传内容;防震减灾宣传方式和途径多样化;完善防震减灾宣传教育制度等.  相似文献   

数字化图书馆突破了时空限制,使图书馆的知识管理与服务更加方便快捷。地震专业图书馆是我国防震减灾事业发展的重要知识支撑,建设地震专业数字图书馆是我国防震减灾事业创新与发展的客观要求。但在地震专业图书馆的数字化进程中,应从防震减灾事业发展的实际需要出发,量力而行,防止盲目性,把握规律性,要有重点的建好特色资源数据库。  相似文献   

在用户细分的时代,大学生作为未来的中坚力量,其储备的防震减灾知识对提升全社会的防震减灾意识和应急避险能力有重要作用。因此,在防震减灾科普过程中如何吸引大学生的关注和学习,尤其是随着新媒体时代的到来,如何利用好官方新媒体平台向当地大学生普及防震减灾知识是地震部门亟待解决的问题。本研究通过线上问卷调查形式,对内蒙古建筑职业技术学院学生的手机使用情况和防震减灾科普服务需求进行了调查研究,得出大学生手机使用时间较长、使用场景典型且用途多样化,主要通过新媒体平台接受防震减灾科普知识,偏爱动画和短视频类的科普作品,最想了解与应用和基础相关的地震知识,对市面上现有的地震科普内容接受度差异较大等结果。鉴于此,本文主要针对地震部门官方微博、微信、今日头条和抖音4个新媒体平台,从发布时限、发布形式、发布内容和平台推广4个方面进行运营策略分析,以期提升防震减灾科普传播的效果。  相似文献   

通过分析汶川地震后应急工作中存在的一些问题,结合盐城市防震减灾工作的实际,从加强盐城市县级地震机构和能力建设、健全和完善地震应急预案体系、加强抗震设防工作、加强监测台站建设、全面开展防震减灾知识宣传教育、加强地震应急救援建设等6个方面提出了今后做好本地区防震减灾工作的建议和措施。  相似文献   

防震减灾公益广告是一种利用平面媒体、网络媒体、电视媒体向社会公众宣传防震减灾知识以及相关法律法规从而提高公众的防震减灾意识和科学素养,获取良好的社会效益的一种行业性广告。防震减灾公益广告作为科普宣传的一种重要手段,承担着重大的社会责任:增强社会公众对地震谣言的识别能力和免疫力、有利于社会稳定;有利于地震科学的发展,消除社会上对于地震工作的误解,争取广大人民群众的理解和支持;可以通过精心设计的防震减灾公益广告树立地震部门在公众中的形象,使公众消除对地震工作的陌生感,拉近和公众之间的距离。  相似文献   

为了解雄安新区防震减灾科普教育在中小学校园内开展情况及学生对防震减灾知识的认知和需求,课题组2020年年底在雄安新区3县选取部分中小学开展问卷调查.调查表明,雄安新区中小学生对防震减灾知识关注度较高且参加意愿较强,对地震应急避险知识认知水平较高,在地震预警常识、地震谣言辨别方面处于中等偏上水平,但震后救援、自救互救认知...  相似文献   

随着数字化技术的发展和互联网的普及,互联网+防震减灾科普已成为实现防震减灾科普社会化的最有效途径。数字地震科普馆作为计算机技术发展的产物,在更深更广的时空范围内进行地震知识的普及,能够极大地提高地震科普宣传的质量和效率。本文以海南省地震局防震减灾数字科普馆为例,介绍其构建及实现技术,说明其应用情况,探讨了数字科普馆对防震减灾科普宣传的启示及其对未来宣传防震减灾科学知识的促进作用。  相似文献   

北京市中学生防震减灾科普情况调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步了解防震减灾知识在中学校园中的普及情况以及中学生对防震减灾科普教育的内容、形式等方面的需求,中国地震灾害防御中心开展了针对北京市中学生的防震减灾科普情况调查研究。调查表明,北京市中学生对自救互救知识、避震逃生技能、地震预报方法感兴趣;对地震预报工作、地震谣言、应急避难场所及应急演练认知程度不高;近1/3的北京市中学生对现有的科普作品形式创新性不认同;影视、动漫是北京市中学生比较感兴趣的科普活动形式。本次调查为地震科普工作者探讨适合中学生的防震减灾科普作品的创作方向以及防震减灾科普教育活动形式提供了依据。  相似文献   

农村发生地震的概率大于城市,农村居民的防震减灾意识相对较低,受主客观因素影响,农村地区在地震中易因地震灾害造成财产损失和人员伤亡。基于对云南省大理州弥渡县的抽样调查,分析农村居民对防震减灾宣传的需求和其作为主体参与防震减灾科普宣传的意愿,探索农村居民全民参与防震减灾科普宣传的方式及途径。分析认为,在传统媒体与新兴媒体持续发力下,多数村民曾接触过地震知识,喜欢形式多样、实用性强、具有地方特色、获取知识简单快捷、通俗易懂的宣传方式;但受活动信息传递,村民文化程度、职业、能力、兴趣、时间等因素影响,村民参与开展防震减灾科普宣传意愿不高,实现方式简单、激励性较强的参与方式相对受欢迎。通过增加参与收益、减少参与成本、畅通活动信息等方式,农村居民全民参与防震减灾科普宣传可逐步推进实现。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震是有史以来对乐山市波及范围最广、人员伤亡最多、经济损失最大、社会影响最强烈的地震。本文回顾了近几年乐山市在地震应急准备方面所做的工作和汶川特大地震波及乐山后的应急工作,认为坚持不懈地抓好地震应急准备是做好大地震之后应急工作的重要前提,及时有效地开展应急工作是防震减灾部门的重要职责,震后恢复重建中防震减灾部门可以发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

汶川地震后的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文认真思考了汶川地震对防震减灾各环节的影响,主要观点有:(1)地震预报很难,但不能不搞。(2)搞好建筑物的抗震设防、避让活断层与山地灾害隐患,或适当治理山地灾害隐患是震前防御减灾的有效途径。(3)汶川地震的紧急救援绩效卓著,但还有提升潜力。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日四川省汶川县发生8.0级地震,这是自1976年7月28日唐山7.8级地震后,中国发生的最大地震之一,给地震灾区人们带来深重的灾难。灾区大中型水电工程经受了远超工程设防标准的强震考验,大坝无一溃决,结构整体安全、稳定。部分建筑设施受到地震滑坡、崩塌等次生灾害影响,经及时抢修维护,均在震后迅速恢复发电及生产。灾区外大中型水电工程经受了强震考验,大坝完好无损,工程建设及运行正常有序。"5.12"汶川地震不是水库蓄水造成的,水库蓄水也不可能诱发"5.12"汶川地震。必须加强对地震机理、机制、地球板块运动、震源活动规律及趋势的探讨、认识与科学研究,逐步提高对地震的预警与预报,预防地震及地质灾害的水平,贯彻执行《防震减灾法》及有关律条例,复核、修订城镇工业、民用建筑和水利、水电工程抗震设防烈度及规范;结合生态环境修复,切实做好灾后重建工作。保护人民生命和财产安全,保障社会主义建设顺利进行,坚持可持续发展,构建和谐社会,确保长治久安。  相似文献   

本文利用鲜水河主断裂带上的跨断层短水准、短基线以及水平蠕变资料,计算了各测点处断层的活动参数,分析了汶川8.0级地震前后断层的活动特征。研究结果认为:远离汶川8.0级地震震源区的鲜水河断裂带在震前3年出现了明显的长期趋势异常,但短期异常不明显,无明显的同震形变;从震后3年对鲜水河带跟踪监测的结果看,鲜水河断裂带受其影响中南段拉张活动有所增强,垂直向仍保持震前的活动形态。  相似文献   

汶川8.0级特大地震汉源县震害特点与烈度异常成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在汉源县地震灾害调查的基础上,通过收集前人在该区已取得的成果资料,采用综合分析、类比等方法,对汉源县地震烈度异常区震害及造成异常的原因进行了分析探讨。汉源县建筑物破坏形式以水平地震作用造成的“X”型剪切破坏为主,竖向地震造成的破坏较少。地震波传播路径、场地土层条件和地形地貌条件三者的耦合是造成汉源县烈度异常的主要原因,其中场地土层中占优势厚度的砾石层是造成场地地震波放大的主要内因。本文取得的初步结论为更加深入地科学研究本区地震烈度异常的原因提供了新思路。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the geological structure background around the 2014 Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake area, investigates and analyzes the regime of small earthquake activity and the characteristics of regional seismicity pattern in Xinjiang before the earthquake, and compares the characteristics of the regional seismic activity with the 2008 Yutian Ms7.3 earthquake. The results show: ① 2 ~ 3 years before the 2014 Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake, Xinjiang was in a seismic active state with strong earthquake occurring successively, and before the 2008 Ms 7. 3 earthquake, Xinjiang was in the quiet state of moderate-small earthquakes with M3. 0 ~ 4. 0. ② Before this Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake, the regional seismic activity showed a short-term anomaly feature, that is, seismicity of M ≥ 5. 0 earthquakes significantly increased on the Altun seismic zone and in the source area three years before the Ms7.3 earthquake, while a five year long quiescence of seismicity of M ≥4. 0 earthquakes appeared on the east of the source area in a range of about 440kin. Six months before this M7. 3 earthquake, there existed seismic gap of M3. 0 ~ 4. 0 earthquakes and near-conjugate seismic belt magnitude 3. 0 and 4. 0 in the source area. ③ The state of strong earthquake activity and the seismicity pattern of small earthquakes before this Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake were significantly different to that before the 2008 Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake, and this may be related to the different seismogenic environments of the two Ms7. 3 earthquakes.  相似文献   

The Yutian earthquake with Ms7. 3 happened on February 12, 2014. The precursor monitoring ability is weak in that area. We found tendency anomalies and middle- and short-term anomalies from metal pendulum tilt measurements in Hotan seismic station before the earthquake. And we also compared the anomalies with that of the Ms7. 3 Yutian earthquake on March 21, 2008. The tendency anomalies measured by the metal pendulum tiltmeter appeared since 2012 as tilting eastward. While the middle- and short-term anomalies were characterized by acceleration, pause and rapid change of tilt rate in two directions. The tendency anomalies of metal pendulum tilt records are the same before the two earthquakes. They both happened in the east direction. However, there are differences in duration, characteristic and earthquake intervals for the middle- and short-term anomalies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we firstly analyze the "3,400 travel time table" used for a long time in Xinjiang Seismological Network to obtain the velocity structure models in accord with the table by fitting. Then we fit the velocity of all seismic phases recorded in Xinjiang region in January 2009 ~ December 2013. Simulation analysis is done on the reliability and stability of the velocities, and a concept is proposed for building subarea crustal velocity models according to partitioning of seismic cluster regions. The crustal velocity model suitable for the Yutian area is fitted with the data of all phases of seismic events within a radius of 1 ° around the 2014 Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake since January 2009, and the model is applied to the relocation of the Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake and determination of focal depths of the earthquake sequence.  相似文献   

We continuously monitor the long-term seismic velocity variation of one of the major ruptured faults of the devastating 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake in China from July 2009 to January 2012,jointly using accurately controlled routinely operated signal system active source and seismic noise-based monitoring technique.Our measurements show that the temporal velocity change is not homogeneous and highly localized in the damaged fault zone and the adjacent areas.Velocity variations from the active and passive methods are quite consistent,which both are characterized by ±0.2 % seasonal variation,with peak and trough at winter and summer,respectively.The periodic velocity variation within fault zone exhibits remarkably positive correlation with barometric pressure with stress sensitivity in the order of 10-6Pa-1,suggesting that the plausible mechanism might be the crack density variation of the shallow subsurface medium of the damaged fault zone in response to the cyclic barometric pressure loading.  相似文献   

In 1997 - 2003, 27 earthquakes with M≥ 5.0 occurred in the Jiashi-Bachu area of Xinjiang. It was a rare strong earthquake swarm activity. The earthquake swarm has three time segments of activity with different magnitudes in the years 1997, 1998 and 2003. In different time segments, the seismic activity showed strengthenin-qguiet changes in various degrees before earthquakes with M ≥ 5.0. In order to delimitate effectively the precursory meaning of the clustering (strengthening) quiet change in sequence and to seek the time criterion for impending prediction, the nonlinear characteristics of seismic activity have been used to analyze the time structure characteristics of the earthquake swarm sequence, and further to forecast the development tendency of earthquake sequences in the future. Using the sequence catalogue recorded by the Kashi Station, and taking the earthquakes with Ms≥ 5.0 in the sequence as the starting point and the next earthquake with Ms = 5.0 as the end, statistical analysis has been performed on the time structure relations of the earthquake sequence in different stages. The main results are as follows: (1) Before the major earthquakes with M ≥ 5.0 in the swarm sequence, the time variation coefficient (δ-value) has abnormal demonstrations to different degrees. (2) Within 10 days after δ= 1, occurrence of earthquakes with M ≥ 5.0 in the swarm is very possible. (3) The time variation coefficient has three types of change. (4) The change process before earthquakes with M5.0 is similar to that before earthquakes with M6.0, with little difference in the threshold value. In the earthquake swarm sequence, it is difficult to delimitate accurately the attribute of the current sequences (foreshock or aftershock sequence) and to judge the magnitude of the follow-up earthquake by δ-value. We can only make the judgment that earthquakes with M5.0 are likely to occur in the sequence. (5) The critical clustering characteristics of the sequence are hierarchical. Onl  相似文献   

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