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断层失稳错动热场前兆模式:雁列断层的实验研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
在实验室使用红外热像仪和接触式测温仪同步观测记录了压性和张性雁列断层失稳错动前后的热场变化过程.从实验记录中发现,在断层失稳引起温度场和热红外辐射亮温温度场上升之前,在两断层段之间的岩桥区发生降温变化.断层带开始升温发生在失稳前2~3 s内,岩桥区的降温却发生在失稳前约20s,这两个超前时间长度相差近一个量级.此类热场先降后升变化过程在雁列构造变形中有一定的普遍性,可能作为雁列断层失稳错动的热场前兆模式.根据实验观测结果,详细描述了上述热场变化的时间过程及其空间分布特征,分析了产生此种失稳前兆模式的机制,显著异常出现的条件及有利观测部位,讨论了它在地震前兆探索等研究中的意义.  相似文献   

识别断层活动和失稳的热场标志——实验室的证据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用一套双向伺服系统对含压性和张性雁列断层的标本进行变形实验,实验中应用红外热像仪和接触式测温仪同步记录岩石变形过程中热红外辐射的亮度温度场和温度场的变化;使用数字CCD相机同步采集标本表面的数字图像,并利用数字散斑方法对采集到的图像进行分析得到位移场和应变场的演化过程。实验结果表明:1)在断层贯通前压性雁列岩桥区温度最高,而张性雁列岩桥区温度最低;数字散斑结果显示压性岩桥区平均应变最高,而张性岩桥区平均应变最低。温度场对两类雁列断层在岩桥区相反的受力状态有清晰的响应,可以为判断断层应力状态提供标志。2)雁列断层经历了从岩桥区应力积累、破坏到断层失稳错动两个变形阶段,升温机制也由应变升温变为摩擦升温;伴随升温机制的转变,在岩桥区观测到断层失稳错动前的破坏降温、温度快速起伏以及升温脉冲等现象,是观测失稳前兆的最佳部位。3)在雁列岩桥区裂纹端点附近观测到升温脉冲,表现为温度快升快降,随后即出现断层带的快速升温。升温脉冲现象可能与裂纹端部的应力奇异集中和破裂扩展引起的应力释放有关。裂纹端部的扩展是断层失稳错动的条件,随后断层带的升温正是断层失稳错动造成的。断层带开始升温发生在失稳前2~3s内,岩桥区的降温发生在失稳  相似文献   

实验室断层黏滑伴随有温度变化,温度不但与摩擦滑动有关,还与样本的应力状态相关。文中利用红外热像仪进行全场观测,研究平直断层黏滑不同阶段的热场演化。实验不仅观测到了峰值前后从应力积累转变为释放导致的温度由升转降的现象,还观测到了失稳后断层升温和块体降温的相反变化。更重要的是通过分析沿断层各个部位的温度随时间的变化,发现了识别失稳部位的温度前兆:失稳部位的温度从强偏离线性阶段开始,一直是相对高值,在亚失稳阶段升温速率突然增大,远高于其他部位。分离摩擦和应力的作用后,发现亚失稳阶段失稳部位的升温发生于围岩上而非断层带上,说明断层处于闭锁状态而相邻的围岩区域处于应力集中状态,推测满足这2个条件的部位可能是未来的失稳部位。此现象或许有助于野外发震位置的判断。  相似文献   

失稳前断层加速协同化的实验室证据和地震实例   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
地震是断层的快速错动,它有2个主要条件:一是断层协同化程度较高,一旦应力条件达到,能够迅速连接造成较长断层段的快速错动;二是断层上一些部位积累了足够高的应变,能够克服局部高强部位的错动阻力。地震短临前兆和必震信息识别是地震预报研究的焦点问题之一,为此开展了实验室平直断层失稳模拟研究。从应力变化曲线上可以判定标本所处的应力状态和识别亚失稳应力阶段。利用在实验室便于对压机信息和场上物理量的观测信息进行对比的优势,捕捉和比较应力偏离线性阶段和亚失稳阶段平行断层应变的时空演化过程中的差别。研究表明,由于断层上不同部位相互作用,断层各部位由独立活动逐渐转变为协同化活动,而断层活动协同化程度是判定断层所处应力状态的一个标志。断层活动协同化过程一般包括应变释放点产生、释放点的扩展和增多以及释放段之间相互连接3个阶段:第1阶段发生在偏离线性阶段,断层上不同部位的应变变化开始分化,出现孤立的应变释放区和积累区;第2阶段应变释放区的平稳扩展与亚失稳前期准静态失稳有关,断层上孤立应变释放区增多,并出现稳态扩展;第3阶段相当于亚失稳的后期,即准动态失稳阶段,断层上的应变释放区加速扩展,积累区应变水平加速提高。加速协同化开始于由准静态扩展向准动态扩展的转化,加速的机制是断层段间出现强相互作用。转化的本质在于扩展机制发生了变化,即由孤立断层段的扩展转变为断层段间在相互作用下的连接,这时断层进入发生地震的临界状态。根据实验结果,结合海原断裂带西侧的老虎山-毛毛山断裂地震活动的时空演化,分析了2000年6月6日ML6.2地震前该断层的协同化过程。  相似文献   

正断层粘滑过程的差应力-时间曲线可以分成线性、偏离线性、亚失稳和失稳4个阶段。亚失稳阶段是指差应力从峰值时刻到产生快速应力降起始时刻之间的阶段,也是断层失稳之前的最后阶段。利用在实验室既能通过压机观测到标本应力状态,又能使用多物理场观测手段获取标本表面变形信息的优势,通过分析标本表面全场变形的时空演化,寻找识别标本进入  相似文献   

1 研究背景 地震预报要取得防灾减灾实效,关键在于短—临预报.亚失稳是断层失稳前区域应力由积累为主转变为释放为主的最后阶段,马瑾等(2012,2014)总结了震前应力积累、亚稳态、亚失稳态3个阶段的不同特点,指出失稳错动是由断层各部位独立活动向协同化活动的转化过程,偏离线性的亚稳态是应力释放、协同作用的开始,亚失稳阶段应力释放已占据优势.  相似文献   

正地震预报要取得防灾减灾实效,关键在于短—临预报。亚失稳是断层失稳前区域应力由积累为主转变为释放为主的关键阶段,也是断层从稳定到失稳的最后阶段。马瑾等(2012,2014)讨论了震前应力积累、应力—时间过程中偏离线性、峰值后亚失稳态3个阶段的不同特点,总结失稳错动是由断层各部位独立活动向协同化活动的转化过程,  相似文献   

文中应用1996—2007年龙门山断裂带上的重力观测资料,分析了汶川地震前亚失稳阶段的重力场变化特征,根据震前失稳过程的重力场观测证据探讨应用重力场识别断层进入亚失稳阶段的证据和方法.研究结果表明:1)汶川地震前沿龙门山断裂带的时变重力场在1996—2001期间呈正常态变化,2001—2004期间出现区域性区重力异常,2004—2007期间出现较明显的反向变化,震前一年变化较弱,呈现闭锁状态.这种变化过程较好地对应了岩石变形实验中由稳态加载阶段到失稳阶段中的线性稳态、偏离线性稳态、亚失稳状态的过程.2)龙门山断裂东侧接近四川盆地上的测点时序变化平缓无序,西侧后山断裂带上的测点在2002年开始出现一致性较好的"同升同降"变化特征.汶川地震发生在后山断裂带上,震后余震的分布和该断裂带的走向一致,说明该断裂带是断层的主要失稳位置,该断层的失稳导致该区域测点的重力场变化一致,符合实验研究中断层由稳态进入亚失稳状态的物理场协同化演化的判定依据.3)重力剖面点的时空变化显示,2008年汶川8.0级地震前在龙门山断裂西侧可观测到一次断层活动协同化过程.  相似文献   

我们把处于亚失稳阶段的断裂简称为亚失稳断裂,亚失稳阶段是断层临近失稳的最后阶段,识别这个阶段并判断出地震最终的发生位置是一个关键的科学问题.参考实验室关于断层亚失稳应力状态的研究结果,以6.8级以上地震为研究的目标地震,提出判定具备发生6.8级以上地震的亚失稳断裂研究方法:①构造区Benioff应变积累支持6.8级以上地震发生;②从高应变积累构造区中找出高应变积累且应变开始缓慢释放的断裂;③区分断裂的积累段和释放段,根据断裂释放段的协同化程度判定其是否处于亚失稳阶段,寻找失稳部位;④断裂Benioff应变是否符合加速释放模型,分析亚失稳断裂发震的紧迫性.本文以南天山西段为研究区,使用亚失稳断裂判定方法对2008年10月5日乌恰6.8级地震进行回溯性研究,结果显示卡兹克阿尔特断裂在主震前具备上述4个条件,预测取得较好的效果;进而使用该方法对研究区现今应力状态进行探索性预测研究,发现目前柯坪断裂符合亚失稳状态条件的前三条,需关注该断裂的地震活动.  相似文献   

亚失稳阶段是断层临近失稳的最后阶段,识别断层亚失稳状态,对评估断裂区内的断层失稳危险性具有重要意义.含平直走滑断层的岩石样品在卧式双轴伺服控制压机上加载产生黏滑,同时用高速相机以1000帧S_的速度记录样品变形,失稳过程中的数字图像,然后采用数字图像相关分析方法计算样品表面变形场,并通过定义表征断层位移累计值相对离散程度的协同化系数来描述断层失稳过程的协同化特征,结果表明:(1)局部预滑区进入亚失稳阶段之前,扩展速率非常缓慢;进入亚失稳I阶段后,扩展速率有所增加,但仍很缓慢,属于准静态扩展;在亚失稳II阶段,在占整个亚失稳阶段~1.5%的时间段内,断层先是以~0.9mS。的速率扩展,继而快速贯通整个观测区域,此时断层已转为准动态扩展.(2)在亚失稳I阶段断层位移协同化系数降为进入亚失稳前的一半,在亚失稳II阶段这一系数再降为进入亚失稳前的四分之一.这一系数持续下降意味着断层位移协同化作用的加强,亦可作为断层进入亚失稳阶段的特征之一.(3)此外,在断层失稳滑动阶段,观测区内断层出现三次整体滑动:初始滑动,快速滑动和调整滑动.断层在三次滑动之间存在两次短暂的停顿过程.  相似文献   

Stick-slip of fault in laboratory accompanies change of temperature. Temperature change is not only concerned with sliding friction, but also with the stress state of the sample. In this article, we use infra-red thermal imaging system as wide-range observation means to study the temperature variation of different stages during the deformation of sample. The rock sample for the experiment is made of granodiorite from Fangshan County with a size of 300mm×300mm×50mm. It is cut obliquely at an angle of 45°, forming a planar fault. Two-direction servo-control system was used to apply load on the sample. The load in both directions was forced to 5MPa and maintained constant (5MPa) in the X direction, then the load in the Y direction was applied by a displacement rate of 0.5μm/s, 0.1μm/s and 0.05μm/s successively. The left and below lateral of the sample were fixed, and the right and top lateral of the sample were slidable when loaded. The experiment results show not only the temperature change from increase to decrease caused by conversion of stress accumulation to relaxation before and after the peak stress, but also opposite variation of temperature increase on fault and temperature decrease in rock during instability stage. Most important of all, we have found the temperature precursor identifying the position of instability through the temperature variation with time along the fault. It shows that rate of temperature increase of instability position keeps relative high value since the stage of strongly off-linear stage, and accelerates in stage of meta-instability. After separating the effect of friction and stress, we found that temperature increase occurs in the rock near the fault instead of on the fault, which means the mechanism of temperature increase is stress accumulation. Temperature of fault at the instability position does not increase, which means the position is locked. We speculate that the position of locked area on fault with high stress accumulation near the fault may be the future instability position. It is of significance of studying temperature variation during stick-slip to the monitoring of earthquake precursors. Heat caused by friction of earthquake needs long time to transfer to the surface and could not be detected as a precursor. While the stress of surface rock near the fault would change as the stress of interior rock changes, which could cause detectable temperature variations. The research purpose of this article is to find special change positions before instability. As the temperature variations are caused by stress and slip of fault, the results are also meaningful to analysis of stress and displacement data related to earthquake precursors.  相似文献   

As the rock samples will produce abnormal signals of acoustic emission, microseismic and charge signals under external loading, the waveform comprehensive monitoring devices are used to synchronously monitor acoustic emission, microseismic and charge signals during the deformation and failure process of granite with fault zone under uniaxial compression. The results show that, the granite with fault zone has obvious synchronous precursory signals of acoustic emission, microseism and charge induction in the elastic deformation stage, and has high amplitude synchronous precursory signals in the instability destruction stage. The influence of fault zone on granite samples strength is remarkable, and the uniaxial compressive strength of samples with the fault zone is greatly reduced. With the angle of the fault zone decreasing, the uniaxial compressive strength of the specimens is reduced, the samples are more liable to instability and the energy of instability destruction is greater. With the fault zone angle of granite samples decreasing, the acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction signals increase in the deformation and failure process of samples. The samples stress decreases when the acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction precursory signals appear synchronously. The duration of acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction precursory signals is increasing in the instability destruction stage. When the angle of the fault zone reaches 30°, the mutability of acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction signal increases, the time to enter the dangerous stage is much earlier, and the acoustic emission events of large magnitude increase significantly, and the large angle faults of coal mine are more dangerous. The intensive and high amplitude synchronous precursory signals of acoustic emission, microseism and charge induction are produced before the instability destruction, and the signals duration is shorter. The intensive and strongest synchronous precursory signals of acoustic emission, microseism and charge induction are produced in the instability destruction, and the signals duration is longer. Acoustic emission monitoring data can better reflect the micro rupture of rock. And combined with the acoustic emission, microseismic and charge induction precursory signals, the precursory information of rock instability destruction can be obtained more accurately.  相似文献   

Introduction By the experimental techniques of acoustic emission (AE) and surface strain observation, a lot of achievements on the study of deformation and fracture process of samples with en-echelon faults has been obtained (Bomblakis, 1973; LIU, et al, 1986; DU, et al, 1989; LI, et al, 1989; ZHANG, FANG, 1989; ZHANG, LI, 1989; MA, et al, 1995a, b; LI, et al, 2000). However, there still exist many problems. For example, most of discussion on the spatio-temporal evolution of microf…  相似文献   

通过利用发震区域的天体引潮力附加构造应力变化模型, 研究了2005年11月26日江西九江MS5.7地震发震构造与天体潮汐引力的关系, 并利用该模型结合美国国家环境预报中心多源综合温度数据资料, 分析了九江地震前后发震区域热异常在时空上的动态变化特征. 结果显示, 一方面, 在时间序列变化上, 孕震区热异常表现出的起始—消亡演变过程与岩石在应力加载下的形变—破裂过程相吻合. 无论近地表大气还是上附多层大气, 热异常主要集中在活动断裂带及其附近区域, 与构造断裂带分布相一致; 同时, 热异常从近地表到高空消失的垂向分布, 符合地面对大气加热导致大气升温→抬升→扩散→消亡的大气动力学基本特性, 表明构造运动是本次温度异常变化的主控原因. 另一方面, 热异常变化遵循引潮力(低值—高值—低值)的变化过程, 显示出天体引力对发震断层温度异常识别具有一定的指示意义以及引潮力可能对构造应力处于临界状态的发震断层具有诱震作用, 预示利用引潮力附加构造应力与热异常变化相结合研究短临地震预测具有一定价值.   相似文献   

雁列式断层组合变形过程中的声发射活动特征   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
着重研究拉张或挤压型雁列式断层标本变形过程中声发射(简称AE,下同)的时空演化特征. 结果表明,预置构造对AE空间分布格局具有较强的控制作用,随着差应力的增加,AE首先在两个端点附近丛集,之后向两端点连线附近集中,出现明显的破裂局部化现象,较大事件还通常集中于某一端点附近反复发生. 前期微破裂丛集图象指示后期宏观破裂的扩展方向及扩展范围. 拉张和挤压型雁列区宏观破裂方向分别与轴向应力方向垂直和平行. 雁列式断层标本变形过程中,破裂前的弱化阶段相对较长、弱化过程明显. 微破裂事件累积频次指数增长可能是系统失稳前的典型征兆之一,而雁列区宏观破裂之后,AE数量逐渐减少、应变释放相对减弱. 摩擦滑动过程中,大的粘滑失稳前未见有AE活动前兆性的增强过程.雁列区的b值变化在失稳前显示趋势性降低——快速回升这一典型的变化过程,b值降低一般发生在差应力增强过程之中,并有可能延续至弱化阶段,而快速回升则一般发生在破裂失稳前的短时期内. 对比研究表明,构造差异所导致的b值差异远大于b值随差应力的增加而产生的变化量,而对同一构造标本,力学状态的改变会导致AE序列时序特征的急剧变化,较高的加载速率对应较高的应变能释放及明显的低b值. 先期破碎带由于较低的破坏强度,其对差应力的微小变化具有特殊敏感性,从而成为源、兆分离、窗口或敏感点效应等地震活动性前兆现象的一种可能的原因.   相似文献   

It has been reported that there is thermal anomaly within a certain time and space preceding an earthquake, and previous research has indicated potential associations between the thermal anomaly and earthquake faults, but it is still controversial whether physical processes associated with seismic faults can produce observable heat.Based on rock experiments, some scholars believe that the convective and stress-induced heat associated with fault stress changes may be the cause of those anomalies. Then, did the thermal anomaly before the Wenchuan earthquake induced by the fault stress change?It remains to be tested by numerical simulations on the distribution and intensity of thermal anomalies. For example, is the area of thermal anomaly caused by the fault stress changes before the earthquake the same as the observation?Is the intensity the same?To clarify the above questions, a two-dimensional thermo-hydro-mechanical(THM)finite element model was conducted in this study to simulate the spatial and temporal variations of thermal anomalies caused by the underground fluid convection and rock stress change due to the tectonic stress release on fault before earthquake. Results showed that the simulated thermal anomalies could be consistent with the observed in magnitude and spatio-temporal distribution. Before the Wenchuan earthquake, deformation-related thermal anomalies occurred mainly in the fault zone and its adjacent hanging wall, which are usually abnormal temperature rise, and occasionally abnormal cooling, occurring in the fault zone after the peak temperature rise. In the fault zone, the thermal anomaly is usually greater than the order of 1K of the equivalent air temperature and is controlled by the combined effect of fluid convection and stress change. The temperature increases first and then decreases before the earthquake. In the hanging wall, it's weaker than that of the fault zone, mainly depending on the convection of the fluid. The temperature gradually increases before the earthquake and is dramatically affected by the permeability. Usually, only when the permeability is larger than 10-13m2, can the air temperature rise higher than 1K occur. The results of this study support the view that fluid convection and stress change caused by fault slip before the earthquake can produce observable air temperature anomalies.  相似文献   

雁列式断层变形过程中物理场演化的实验研究(一)   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
马胜利  邓志辉 《地震地质》1995,17(4):327-335
在双轴压缩条件下对挤压型和拉张型雁列式断层变形破坏过程中声发射、断层位移及应变场的时空演化进行了实验研究。研究表明,两类雁列式断层具有类似的变形破坏过程,即前期以雁列区的破裂贯通为主,后期以沿断层的滑动为主。但挤压型雁列区内可积累较高的应变能,有较强的应变释放和声发射活动,雁列区对滑动始终起着阻碍作用;而拉张型雁列区内难以产生快速的应变释放和较强的声发射活动,雁列区对后期的滑动也无明显的阻碍作用。两类雁列区贯通所引起的失稳均有明显的前兆,而在随后滑动过程中失稳前兆的出现,取决于断层不同部位或段落之间是否有应变传递  相似文献   

对比分析利用涡度距平法提出的2022年1月8日青海门源 MS6.9 地震震前射出长波辐射(OLR)短期异常分布和震后InSAR技术提取的门源地震同震形变空间分布,结果显示,震前红外辐射增强区与InSAR同震破裂形变区的空间位置基本吻合,扩展形式基本相似(同震破裂形变区分布在红外辐射异常区内部)。在震前的全国范围OLR空间分布上,仅青海德令哈—西宁—甘肃武威一带出现了呈“哑铃”状近WE向展布的OLR热辐射增强区,空间可辨识度高,OLR异常时空演化过程遵循了岩石应力加载破裂过程中的热异常规律,显示热异常变化与应力变化存在关联; InSAR技术提取的同震形变同样位于肃南—祁连断裂(俄堡段)、托莱山断裂和冷龙岭断裂的交汇区。InSAR同震形变结果揭示了地表形变以水平方向为主,断层运动具有典型的走滑变形特征。InSAR同震形变结果为红外遥感反映地震形变提供可检验的地质实体监测证据,验证了门源地震前辐射增强异常是地震构造地应力强度变化的遥感物理参量反映。  相似文献   

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