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The surface ocean explains a considerable part of the inter-annual Tropical Atlantic variability. The present work makes use of observational datasets to investigate the effect of freshwater flow on sea surface salinity (SSS) and temperature (SST) in the Gulf of Guinea. In particular, the Congo River discharges a huge amount of freshwater into the ocean, affecting SSS in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic (EEA) and stratifying the surface layers. The hypothesis is that an excess of river runoff emphasize stratification, influencing the ocean temperature. In fact, our findings show that SSTs in the Gulf of Guinea are warmer in summers following an anomalously high Congo spring discharge. Vice versa, when the river discharges low freshwater, a cold anomaly appears in the Gulf. The response of SST is not linear: temperature anomalies are considerable and long-lasting in the event of large freshwater flow, while in dry years they are less remarkable, although still significant. An excess of freshwater seems able to form a barrier layer, which inhibits vertical mixing and the entrainment of the cold thermocline water into the surface. Other processes may contribute to SST variability, among which the net input of atmospheric freshwater falling over EEA. Likewise the case of continental runoff from Congo River, warm anomalies occur after anomalously rainy seasons and low temperatures follow dry seasons, confirming the effect of freshwater on SST. However, the two sources of freshwater anomaly are not in phase, so that it is possible to split between atypical SST following continental freshwater anomalies and rainfall anomalies. Also, variations in air-sea fluxes can produce heating and cooling of the Gulf of Guinea. Nevertheless, atypical SSTs cannot be ascribed to fluxes, since the temperature variation induced by them is not sufficient to explain the SST anomalies appearing in the Gulf after anomalous peak discharges. The interaction processes between river runoff, sea surface salinity and temperature play an effective role in the interannual variability in the EEA region. Our results add a new source of variability in the area, which was often neglected by previous studies.  相似文献   

基于美国国家航天局(NASA)发射的水瓶座(Aquarius/SAC-D)卫星和欧洲航天局(ERA)发射的土壤湿度与海洋盐度(SMOS)卫星的观测资料,以及Argo海表盐度资料,重点分析了阿拉伯海中北部海表盐度的季节和年际变化.年平均情况下,Argo、Aquarius和SMOS表现出相似的海表盐度分布形态,均表现了阿拉伯海中北部高达36.5 psu的高盐特征.阿拉伯海中北部海表盐度在2—3月出现最低值,在4月之后快速升高,并在夏季西南季风的成熟阶段达到最高.阿拉伯海中北部海表盐度显著的季节变化与季风风场引起的大量蒸发和平流输送相关.夏季风期间,Ras al Hadd急流将来自阿曼湾的高盐水向东向南输送到阿拉伯海中北部海域,使海表盐度升高并达到最高值;冬季风期间,冬季风环流系统在印度半岛西侧海域形成向北的低盐水输送,造成阿拉伯海中北部海表盐度降低.该低盐水平流在冬季风后期能够影响到阿曼海.阿拉伯海中北部海表盐度年际变化主要与季风驱动的季风环流系统的变化相关,尤其是冬季风期间向北流动的印度西侧沿岸流的强弱与该区域海表盐度年际变化关系密切.  相似文献   


Temporal and spatial variations of the Fraser River Plume, in the central Strait of Georgia (British Columbia, Canada), are monitored by continuous salinity sampling of the engine cooling water on two B.C. ferries. Travelling along two different routes between Vancouver Island and the mainland the ferries provide eight crossings per day both north and south of the river outflow. From each crossing, characteristic measures of the plume are extracted, such as the average salinity and the maximum salinity gradient. These parameters we then formulated as time series and used to compute cross‐correlations and cross‐spectra with the probable driving forces of wind and river discharge. The effect of the tides is examined using harmonic analysis.

Periods of high river discharge lead to decreases in the average salinity for each section, and peaks in the magnitude of the maximum salinity gradient. The correlation of the plume characteristics (average salinity, maximum salinity gradient) on the southern section with the along‐strait component of the wind is consistent with advection by the wind. No obvious correlation is found between the plume characteristics on the northern section and the wind, except during isolated events. Linear combinations of the wind and the discharge variations reproduce the general trend of the average salinities but cannot explain the level of variability. A shift to a non‐linear combination of wind and discharge improves this comparison. The phases of parameter fluctuations at tidal frequencies on the southern section agree with the expected effects of tidal currents and the modulation of the river discharge. The agreement is not as apparent for the northern section.  相似文献   

The climatology and interannual variability of sea surface salinity(SSS) and freshwater flux(FWF) in the equatorial Pacific are analyzed and evaluated using simulations from the Beijing Normal University Earth System Model(BNU-ESM).The simulated annual climatology and interannual variations of SSS, FWF, mixed layer depth(MLD), and buoyancy flux agree with those observed in the equatorial Pacific. The relationships among the interannual anomaly fields simulated by BNU-ESM are analyzed to illustrate the climate feedbacks induced by FWF in the tropical Pacific. The largest interannual variations of SSS and FWF are located in the western-central equatorial Pacific. A positive FWF feedback effect on sea surface temperature(SST) in the equatorial Pacific is identified. As a response to El Ni ?no–Southern Oscillation(ENSO),the interannual variation of FWF induces ocean processes which, in turn, enhance ENSO. During El Ni ?no, a positive FWF anomaly in the western-central Pacific(an indication of increased precipitation rates) acts to enhance a negative salinity anomaly and a negative surface ocean density anomaly, leading to stable stratification in the upper ocean. Hence, the vertical mixing and entrainment of subsurface water into the mixed layer are reduced, and the associated El Ni ?no is enhanced. Related to this positive feedback, the simulated FWF bias is clearly reflected in SSS and SST simulations, with a positive FWF perturbation into the ocean corresponding to a low SSS and a small surface ocean density in the western-central equatorial Pacific warm pool.  相似文献   

Indian Ocean sea surface salinity variations in a coupled model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The variability of the sea surface salinity (SSS) in the Indian Ocean is studied using a 100-year control simulation of the Community Climate System Model (CCSM 2.0). The monsoon-driven seasonal SSS pattern in the Indian Ocean, marked by low salinity in the east and high salinity in the west, is captured by the model. The model overestimates runoff into the Bay of Bengal due to higher rainfall over the Himalayan–Tibetan regions which drain into the Bay of Bengal through Ganga–Brahmaputra rivers. The outflow of low-salinity water from the Bay of Bengal is too strong in the model. Consequently, the model Indian Ocean SSS is about 1 less than that seen in the climatology. The seasonal Indian Ocean salt balance obtained from the model is consistent with the analysis from climatological data sets. During summer, the large freshwater input into the Bay of Bengal and its redistribution decide the spatial pattern of salinity tendency. During winter, horizontal advection is the dominant contributor to the tendency term. The interannual variability of the SSS in the Indian Ocean is about five times larger than that in coupled model simulations of the North Atlantic Ocean. Regions of large interannual standard deviations are located near river mouths in the Bay of Bengal and in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. Both freshwater input into the ocean and advection of this anomalous flux are responsible for the generation of these anomalies. The model simulates 20 significant Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events and during IOD years large salinity anomalies appear in the equatorial Indian Ocean. The anomalies exist as two zonal bands: negative salinity anomalies to the north of the equator and positive to the south. The SSS anomalies for the years in which IOD is not present and for ENSO years are much weaker than during IOD years. Significant interannual SSS anomalies appear in the Indian Ocean only during IOD years.  相似文献   

This paper includes a comprehensive assessment of 40 models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) and 33 models from the CMIP phase 6 (CMIP6) to determine the climatological and seasonal variation of ocean salinity from the surface to 2000 m. The general pattern of the ocean salinity climatology can be simulated by both the CMIP5 and CMIP6 models from the surface to 2000-m depth. However, this study shows an increased fresh bias in the surface and subsurface salinity in the CMIP6 multimodel mean, with a global average of ?0.44 g kg?1 for the sea surface salinity (SSS) and ?0.26 g kg?1 for the 0–1000-m averaged salinity (S1000) compared with the CMIP5 multimodel mean (?0.25 g kg?1 for the SSS and ?0.07 g kg?1 for the S1000). In terms of the seasonal variation, both CMIP6 and CMIP5 models show positive (negative) anomalies in the first (second) half of the year in the global average SSS and S1000. The model-simulated variation in SSS is consistent with the observations, but not for S1000, suggesting a substantial uncertainty in simulating and understanding the seasonal variation in subsurface salinity. The CMIP5 and CMIP6 models overestimate the magnitude of the seasonal variation of the SSS in the tropics in the region 20°S–20°N but underestimate the magnitude of the seasonal change in S1000 in the Atlantic and Indian oceans. These assessments show new features of the model errors in simulating ocean salinity and support further studies of the global hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Guinea in the equatorial Atlantic is characterized by the presence of strong subsidence at certain times of the year. This subsidence appears in June and becomes well established from July to September. Since much of theWest African monsoon flow originates over the Gulf, Guinean subsidence is important for determining moisture sources for the monsoon. Using reanalysis products, I contribute to a physical understanding of what causes this seasonal subsidence, and how it relates to precipitation distributions across West Africa.There is a seasonal zonal overturning circulation above the Congo basin and the Gulf of Guinea in the ERA-Interim, ERA-40, NCEP2, and MERRA reanalyses. The up-branch is located in the Congo basin around 20°E. Mid-tropospheric easterly flows constitute the returning-branch and sinking over the Gulf of Guinea forms the down-branch, which diverges at 2°W near the surface, with winds to the east flowing eastward to complete the circulation. This circulation is driven by surface temperature differences between the eastern Gulf and Congo basin. Land temperatures remain almost uniform, around 298 K, throughout a year, but the Guinean temperatures cool rapidly from 294 K in May to about 290 K in August. These temperature changes increase the ocean/land temperature contrast, up to 8 K, and drive the circulation.I hypothesize that when the overturning circulation is anomalously strong, the northward moisture transport and Sahelian precipitation are also strong. This hypothesis is supported by ERA-Interim and PERSIANN-CDR (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Climate Data Record) data.  相似文献   

采用ECMWF的ORAS4盐度资料(1999—2009年)来研究阿拉伯海暖池区(ASMWP)混合层盐度的年际变化.基于ORAS4盐度的季节循环特征与观测资料高度一致,发现了ASMWP混合层盐度变化的异常高(低)盐度时期,即在2003、2005年的7—10月混合层盐度异常偏大,而2002年2—4月则有明显减弱.进一步研究发现,混合层盐度的强度和持续时间与ENSO和IOD有一定的关系,ASMWP混合层盐度异常在IOD负位向和ENSO负位相的时候偏高,反之亦然.最后,通过盐度收支分析发现,水平输运是导致ASMWP混合层盐度异常年际变化的主要因子.  相似文献   

This study focuses on analysing the potential impact of the Amazon and Pará Rivers on the salinity, temperature and hydrodynamics of the Western Tropical North Atlantic (WTNA) region between 60.5°–24 °W and 5 °S–16 °N. The Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) was used to simulate ocean circulation with 0.25° horizontal resolution and 32 vertical levels. Two numerical experiments were performed considering river discharge and river input. Temperature and salinity distributions obtained numerically were compared with Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) and in situ observations from the Prediction Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) buoys located at 38 °W8 °N and 38 °W12 °N. Surface currents were compared with Surface Currents from Diagnostic model (SCUD). Once we verified that model results agreed with observations, scenarios with and without river discharges were compared. The difference between both simulations in the Sea Surface Temperature distribution was smaller than 2 °C, whereas the Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) changed by approximately 8 psu in the plume area close to the coast from August to December and reaching SSS differences of approximately 4 psu in the region of the North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC). The surface current velocities are stronger in the experiment with river discharge, mainly in the NECC area from September to December and close to the coast in June to August. The results show that river discharges also cause a phase shift in the zonal currents, anticipating the retroflection of the North Brazil Current by two months and enhancing eastward NECC transport, which is in agreement with observations. The Mixed Layer Depth and Isothermal Layer Depth in the presence of river discharge is 20–50 m shallower over the entire extension of the Amazon plume compared with the situation without continental inflows. As a consequence, stronger Barrier Layers develop in the river plumes, reducing the Oceanic Heat Content in the WTNA.  相似文献   

We use a heat- and salt-conserving ocean state estimation product to study the seasonal cycles of the mixed layer (ML) temperature (MLT) and salinity (MLS) balances over the southwestern tropical Indian Ocean (SWTIO) thermocline ridge (STR; 50°–75°E, 12°–5°S). For seasonal MLT, surface heat flux and ocean processes are both important. They tend to re-enforce each other during peak cooling (May–June) and warming (November) periods, but not during transition periods. The dominant ocean process is wind-driven vertical mixing. It is modulated by the variable strength of the monsoon winds (which affect the vertical diffusivity), and to a lesser extent by variability of thermocline depth (which influences the vertical stratification across the ML base). For example, thermocline shoaling in April–July alters the vertical stratification near the ML base; thus, when the monsoon winds heighten (June–September) and the vertical diffusivity increases (deepening the ML base), relatively cool subsurface water is near the ML base and easily incorporated into the ML by vertical mixing. However, vertical advection as a direct response to thermocline shoaling has little affect on MLT. This explains why MLT and thermocline depth are not positively correlated here on the seasonal timescale (as they are on the interannual timescale). Meridional advection associated with Ekman transport driven by the monsoon winds plays a secondary role. Seasonal MLS, however, is dominated by meridional advection. Vertical process effects on MLS are small, due to a weak salinity gradient near the ML base throughout the year.  相似文献   

El Nio events in the central equatorial Pacific (CP) are gaining increased attention,due to their increasing intensity within the global warming context.Various physical processes have been identified in the climate system that can be responsible for the modulation of El Nio,especially the effects of interannual salinity variability.In this work,a comprehensive data analysis is performed to illustrate the effects of interannual salinity variability using surface and subsurface salinity fields from the Met Office ENSEMBLES (EN3) quality controlled ocean dataset.It is demonstrated that during the developing phase of an El Nio event,a negative sea surface salinity (SSS) anomaly in the western-central basin acts to freshen the mixed layer (ML),decrease oceanic density in the upper ocean,and stabilize the upper layers.These related oceanic processes tend to reduce the vertical mixing and entrainment of subsurface water at the base of the ML,which further enhances the warm sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies associated with the El Nio event.However,the effects of interannually variable salinity are much more significant during the CP-El Nio than during the eastern Pacific (EP) El Nio,indicating that the salinity effect might be an important contributor to the development of CP-El Nio events.  相似文献   

Salinity variability and its causes in the tropical Pacific are analyzed using observations, reanalysis products and model simulations. The mixed-layer salinity(MLS) budget analyses from observations and reanalysis products indicate that its interannual evolution is closely related to ENSO and is predominantly governed by surface forcing and surface advection in the western-central equatorial Pacific. It is found that the observed MLS tendency leads Nin?o3.4 by about 12 months due to the effect of negative freshwater flux(evaporation minus precipitation). These observation-based analyses are used to evaluate the corresponding simulation using GFDL-ESM2 M. It is evident that the model can simulate the spatiotemporal variations of MLS with some discrepancies compared to observations. In the warm pool of the equatorial Pacific the MLS tendency in the model is sensitive to ocean dynamics, however model biases cause the tendency to be underestimated. In particular, the freshwater flux is overestimated while the ocean surface zonal current and vertical velocity at the base of the mixed layer are underestimated. Due to model biases in representing the related physics, the effects of surface forcing on the simulated MLS budget are overestimated and those of subsurface and surface advection are relatively weak. Due to weaker surface advection and subsurface forcing than observed, the simulated compensations for surface forcing are suppressed, and the simulated MLS tendency that leads Nin?o3.4 by 8–10 months, which is shorter than the observed lead time. These results are useful for the interpretation of observational analyses and other model simulations in the tropical Pacific.  相似文献   

 Sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS) time series from four ocean weather stations and data from an integration of the GFDL coupled ocean-atmosphere model are analyzed to test the applicability of local linear stochastic theory to the mixed-layer ocean. According to this theory, mixed-layer variability away from coasts and fronts can be explained as a ‘red noise’ response to the ‘white noise’ forcing by atmospheric disturbances. At one weather station, Papa (northeast Pacific), this stochastic theory can be applied to both salinity and temperature, explaining the relative redness of the SSS spectrum. Similar results hold for a model grid point adjacent to Papa, where the relationships between atmospheric energy and water fluxes and actual changes in SST and SSS are what is expected from local linear stochastic theory. At the other weather stations, this theory cannot adequately explain mixed-layer variability. Two oceanic processes must be taken into account: at Panulirus (near Bermuda), mososcale eddies enhance the observed variability at high frequencies. At Mike and India (North Atlantic), variations in SST and SSS advection, indicated by the coherence and equal persistence of SST and SSS anomalies, contribute to much of the low frequency variability in the model and observations. To achieve a global perspective, TOPEX altimeter data and model results are used to identify regions of the ocean where these mechanisms of variability are important. Where mesoscale eddies are as energetic as at Panulirus, indicated by the TOPEX global distribution of sea level variability, one would expect enhanced variability on short time scales. In regions exhibiting signatures of variability similar to Mike and India, variations in SST and SSS advection should dominate at low frequencies. According to the model, this mode of variability is found in the circumpolar ocean and the northern North Atlantic, where it is associated with the irregular oscillations of the model’s thermohaline circulation. Received: 11 March 1996 / Accepted: 6 September 1996  相似文献   

Coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation models are known to have difficulties simulating the cold tongue in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Here a regional climate model coupled to an intermediate-level mixed layer ocean model with Ekman dynamics is developed and used to better understand the seasonal evolution of the equatorial Atlantic cold tongue and upwelling off western Africa. Parameterization improvements are made to an earlier version of the ocean model to account for the variations in temperature and shearing stress at the base of the mixed layer. 90-km resolution sensitivity tests demonstrate that the development of the equatorial Atlantic cold tongue in the boreal spring/summer is captured only if seasonal variations in the temperature at the base of the ocean mixed layer are included. The development of cold temperatures off the northwest African coast in the late boreal winter/spring is found to be primarily associated with the net radiation balance as shortwave warming of the mixed layer is relatively low while latent cooling is relatively high yielding a net cooling of mixed layer temperatures, consistent with other studies. The westward extension of the Atlantic cold tongue is primarily due to the horizontal advection of cool water from the South Atlantic African coast. This coastal cooling is associated with vertical diffusion and vertical entrainment, while the vertical entrainment has a secondary and more localized role over the equatorial Atlantic.  相似文献   

This study documents simulated oceanic circulations and sea ice by the coupled climate system model FGOALS-f3-L developed at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, under historical forcing from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). FGOALS-f3-L reproduces the fundamental features of global oceanic circulations, such as sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), mixed layer depth (MLD), vertical temperature and salinity, and meridional overturning circulations. There are notable improvements compared with the previous version, FGOALS-s2, such as a reduction in warm SST biases near the western and eastern boundaries of oceans and salty SSS biases in the tropical western Atlantic and eastern boundaries, and a mitigation of deep MLD biases at high latitudes. However, several obvious biases remain. The most significant biases include cold SST biases in the northwestern Pacific (over 4°C), freshwater SSS biases and deep MLD biases in the subtropics, and temperature and salinity biases in deep ocean at high latitudes. The simulated sea ice shows a reasonable distribution but stronger seasonal cycle than observed. The spatial patterns of sea ice are more realistic in FGOALS-f3-L than its previous version because the latitude–longitude grid is replaced with a tripolar grid in the ocean and sea ice model. The most significant biases are the overestimated sea ice and underestimated SSS in the Labrador Sea and Barents Sea, which are related to the shallower MLD and weaker vertical mixing.  相似文献   

A coupled ice-ocean model of the Arctic is developed in order to study the effects of precipitation and river runoff on sea ice. A dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model is coupled to an ocean general circulation model which includes a turbulent closure scheme for vertical mixing. The model is forced by interannually varying atmospheric temperature and pressure data from 1980–1989, and spatially varying mean monthly precipitation and river runoffs. Salinity and fresh water fluxes to the ocean from ice growth, snow melt, rain, and runoffs are computed, with no artificial constraints on the ocean salinity. The modeled ice thickness is similar to the observed pattern, with the thickest ice remaining against the Canadian Archipelago throughout the year. The modeled ice drift reproduces the Beaufort gyre and Transpolar drift exiting through Fram Strait. The stable arctic halocline produced by the vertical mixing scheme isolates the surface from the Atlantic layer and reduces the vertical fluxes of heat and salinity. A sensitivity experiment with zero precipitation results in rapidly decreasing ice thickness, in response to greater ocean heat flux from a weakening of the halocline, while an experiment with doubled precipitation results in a smaller increase in ice thickness. A zero-runoff experiment results in a slower decrease in ice thickness than the zero-precipitation case, due to the decadal time scale of the transport of runoff in the model. The results suggest that decadal trends in both arctic precipitation and river runoffs, caused either by anthropogenic or natural climatic change, have the potential to exert broad-scale impacts on the arctic sea ice regime. Received: 6 February 1996 / Accepted: 4 April 1996  相似文献   

On the interannual variability of surface salinity in the Atlantic   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The mechanisms controlling the interannual variability of sea surface salinity (SSS) in the Atlantic are investigated using a simulation with the ECHAM4/OPA8 coupled model and, for comparison, the NCEP reanalysis and an observed SSS climatology. Anomalous Ekman advection is found to be as important as the freshwater flux in generating SSS anomalies, in contrast to sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies which are primarily caused by surface heat flux fluctuations. Since the surface heat flux feedback does not damp the SSS anomalies but generally damps existing SST anomalies, SSS anomalies have a larger characteristic time scale. As a result, they are more influenced by the mean currents and the geostrophic variability, which dominate the SSS changes at low frequency over much of the basin. The link between SSS anomalies and the dominant patterns of atmospheric variability in the North Atlantic sector is also discussed. It is shown that the North Atlantic Oscillation generates SSS anomalies much more by Ekman advection than by freshwater exchanges. At least in the coupled model, there is little one-to-one correspondence between the main atmospheric and SSS anomaly patterns, unlike what is found for SST anomalies.  相似文献   

 The mechanisms responsible for the seasonal cycle in the tropical central and eastern Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) are investigated using a coupled general circulation model. We find that the annual westward propagation of SST anomalies along the equator is explained by a two-stage process. The first stage sets the phase of the variation at the eastern boundary. The strengthening of the local Hadley Circulation in boreal summer leads to a strengthening of the northward winds that blow across the equator. These stronger winds drive enhanced evaporation and entrainment cooling of the oceanic mixed layer. The resulting change in SST is greatest in the east because the mixed layer is at its shallowest there. As the east Pacific SST cools the zonal SST gradient in the central Pacific becomes more negative. This development signals the onset of the second stage in the seasonal variation of equatorial SST. In response to the anomalous SST gradient the local westward wind stress increases. This increase drives cooling of the oceanic mixed layer in which no single mechanism dominates: enhanced evaporation, wind-driven entrainment, and westward advection all contribute. We discuss the role that equatorial upwelling plays in modulating mixed layer depth and hence the entrainment cooling, and we highlight the importance of seasonal variations in mixed layer depth. In sum these processes act to propagate the SST anomaly westward. Received: 22 February 1999 / Accepted: 20 March 2000  相似文献   

石世玮  智海  林鹏飞  陈涛 《大气科学》2020,44(5):1057-1075
海洋盐度变化为研究气候变化的机制提供了一个新的视角。本文通过对比1997/1998年、2015/2016年两次强厄尔尼诺(El Ni?o)事件和2014/2015年特殊El Ni?o事件,对盐度变化及其影响海表面温度异常(SSTA)的物理过程进行了比较分析。研究表明,El Ni?o和南方涛动(El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation, ENSO)发展的强弱与热带西太平洋大范围海表层盐度异常(SSSA)及其向东扩散的差异有明显关联。1997/1998、2015/2016年赤道东太平洋SSTA的增暖,对应两次强El Ni?o事件,在发生年4月,中西太平洋海域出现了明显的负SSSA,之后东移至日期变更线以西,SSSA引发的混合层深度(MLD)变浅、障碍层厚度(BLT)变厚,导致热带中—西太平洋表层升温增强,促使了赤道中太平洋的早期变暖;2014/2015年弱El Ni?o事件虽然在发生年4月,位于赤道中西太平洋出现了负SSSA,但没有发展东移,导致BLT的增厚过程减弱,对表层温度的调制作用减弱甚至消失。三次事件对应的盐度变化过程中,水平平流和淡水通量(FWF)引起的表层强迫是影响盐度收支的主要因子,水平平流影响盐度异常的前期变化,触发事件的发生;热带太平洋西部降水引起的FWF负异常的影响最为显著,对ENSO异常信号出现后SSSA的维持起决定性作用。相比较两次强El Ni?o事件,2014/2015年El Ni?o对应的早期FWF负异常没有发展和东移,并且之后迅速减弱,导致中西太平洋盐度负趋势减缓,MLD加深,BLT变薄,促使上表层海水冷却,抑制了赤道东太平洋的早期变暖和ENSO发展。研究结果表明,盐度变化与ENSO密切相关,热带中西太平洋海域早期表层盐度变化可能可以作为SSTA的指数。特别地,SSSA在调节SSTA时,不仅影响它的强度,而且可以作为判断ENSO是否发展及其强弱的前兆因子。  相似文献   

As salinity stratification is necessary to form the barrier layer (BL), the quantification of its role in BL interannual variability is crucial. This study assessed salinity variability and its effect on the BL in the equatorial Pacific using outputs from Beijing Normal University Earth System Model (BNU-ESM) simulations. A comparison between observations and the BNU-ESM simulations demonstrated that BNU-ESM has good capability in reproducing most of the interannual features observed in nature. Despite some discrepancies in both magnitude and location of the interannual variability centers, the displacements of sea surface salinity (SSS), barrier layer thickness (BLT), and SST simulated by BNU-ESM in the equatorial Pacific are realistic. During El Niño, for example, the modeled interannual anomalies of BLT, mixed layer depth, and isothermal layer depth, exhibit good correspondence with observations, including the development and decay of El Niño in the central Pacific, whereas the intensity of the interannual variabilities is weaker relative to observations. Due to the bias in salinity simulations, the SSS front extends farther west along the equator, whereas BLT variability is weaker in the central Pacific than in observations. Further, the BNU-ESM simulations were examined to assess the relative effects of salinity and temperature variability on BLT. Consistent with previous observation-based analyses, the interannual salinity variability can make a significant contribution to BLT relative to temperature in the western-central equatorial Pacific.  相似文献   

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