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长江口12.5 m深水航道回淤量大,影响因素复杂。利用2011-2017年长江口航道水下地形、水文测验和航道回淤等系列资料,研究了12.5 m深水航道回淤的年际变化过程和原因。结果表明:① 12.5 m深水航道回淤总体呈现稳中下降的变化特征。②南港-圆圆沙段因航道滩槽高差的缩小和上游底沙输沙量的减少,回淤呈逐年减少态势。③北槽段因南坝田挡沙堤加高工程的实施和台风影响偏弱,2016-2017年回淤较此前有所减少;径流影响北槽最大浑浊带的发育部位,进而影响北槽航道回淤的部位,2016-2017年长江口径流量偏大是北槽航道主要回淤部位较往年偏下的主要原因。④流域减沙对12.5 m深水航道回淤的影响已开始显现。未来受其影响,南港-圆圆沙航道回淤有望进一步下降并维持较低量值,北槽航道回淤有望维持稳中下降态势。  相似文献   

利用长系列的水文泥沙、水下地形和遥感影像等数据,通过数字地形高程模型和水动力数学模型等方法,探讨了伶仃洋茅洲河口的动力地貌演变过程及主要原因。结果表明:伶仃洋中滩海区近年冲刷态势明显,拦江沙与矾石浅滩呈现逐渐分离并有发育形成"新中槽"的演变趋势;茅洲河口门深槽的形成发育以落潮流动力作用为主,交椅湾深槽具有涨潮沟的性质,交椅沙形成发育对于稳定周边海区滩槽格局具有重要作用;大规模围涂造地和海床采砂等人类开发活动显著改变了伶仃洋的地形边界条件,进而影响河口水沙输移和滩槽格局,亟需加强监控。  相似文献   

长江口12.5 m深水航道回淤特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对长江口12.5 m深水航道的回淤问题,收集整理了2010—2012年的航道回淤资料和水文测验资料,研究了航道回淤的时空变化特征及其与径流、潮流和含沙量的关系。结果表明:航道回淤呈洪季大、枯季小的年内变化特征,大风骤淤明显;航道回淤沿程主要集中在南港—圆圆沙段和北槽中下段,其回淤量占全航道的80%以上。南港—圆圆沙段回淤的泥沙颗粒以细砂为主,回淤强度与径流的关系不密切,与潮流的关系表现为大潮大、小潮小。北槽航道回淤泥沙颗粒以粉砂为主,回淤部位随径、潮流变化而变化,表现为径流增大,回淤部位下移;潮动力减弱,回淤部位上提。长江口拦门沙水域泥沙的再悬浮,可能是航道淤积最主要的泥沙来源。  相似文献   

极端天气条件下,波浪引起的高含沙水体会引起航道骤淤,增大航道回淤量。以"马勒卡"台风期间现场水文资料为基础,建立了波流共同作用下的长江口三维潮流泥沙数学模型,研究北槽航道骤淤问题。数学模型验证了"马勒卡"台风期间的北槽水沙过程,相似性较好,通过分离波浪,探讨了潮流与波流共同作用下的含沙量及航道淤积分布差异,研究了台风浪对航道骤淤的影响。研究表明,台风浪对-15 m等深线以浅水域含沙量影响较大,北槽含沙量自上游至口外逐渐增大,改变了常态天气北槽"中间高、两头低"的含沙量分布趋势。台风浪对北槽口内航道回淤分布影响较小,北槽口外航道淤积量剧增,即航道骤淤主要发生在北槽口外。  相似文献   

大型水库运行改变了坝下游水沙条件,引起河床冲淤、洲滩形态等适应性调整,尤其是近坝段沙质河床的响应最为敏感。以三峡大坝下游近坝段沙质河段为研究对象,采用1955-2018年水沙数据与1975-2018年地形资料,研究了河床冲淤量及河床形态、洲滩形态演变及联动关系等。研究表明:伴随流域来沙量减少,1975-2018年河床为累积冲刷态势,枯水河槽冲刷量占总冲刷量的93.1%,同步发生洲滩面积减少、深泓下切;以2009年分界,滩槽冲淤逐渐由"低滩冲刷,高滩淤积"逐渐向"低滩、高滩均冲"转变;受来沙量锐减、河道采砂活动等影响,2013年以来河床冲刷强度显著增大,疏浚抛泥对滩槽冲淤的影响较小;航道工程实施前滩群演变关联性强,太平口心滩发育与头部下移引起腊林洲边滩上段面积减小并后退,对应腊林洲边滩尾部面积增大且淤宽,使得三八滩面积减小且右缘蚀退,金城洲逐渐由边滩演变为心滩;航道工程实施后太平口心滩与腊林洲边滩上段关联性减弱,受航道工程及疏浚抛泥等影响腊林洲边滩下段淤宽,引起三八滩维持面积持续减小、右缘后退及左移态势,促使金城洲萎缩且分散。  相似文献   

大型水库运行改变了坝下游水沙条件,引起河床冲淤、洲滩形态等适应性调整,尤其是近坝段沙质河床的响应最为敏感。以三峡大坝下游近坝段沙质河段为研究对象,采用1955-2018年水沙数据与1975-2018年地形资料,研究了河床冲淤量及河床形态、洲滩形态演变及联动关系等。研究表明:伴随流域来沙量减少,1975-2018年河床为累积冲刷态势,枯水河槽冲刷量占总冲刷量的93.1%,同步发生洲滩面积减少、深泓下切;以2009年分界,滩槽冲淤逐渐由"低滩冲刷,高滩淤积"逐渐向"低滩、高滩均冲"转变;受来沙量锐减、河道采砂活动等影响,2013年以来河床冲刷强度显著增大,疏浚抛泥对滩槽冲淤的影响较小;航道工程实施前滩群演变关联性强,太平口心滩发育与头部下移引起腊林洲边滩上段面积减小并后退,对应腊林洲边滩尾部面积增大且淤宽,使得三八滩面积减小且右缘蚀退,金城洲逐渐由边滩演变为心滩;航道工程实施后太平口心滩与腊林洲边滩上段关联性减弱,受航道工程及疏浚抛泥等影响腊林洲边滩下段淤宽,引起三八滩维持面积持续减小、右缘后退及左移态势,促使金城洲萎缩且分散。  相似文献   

张建云 《水科学进展》2019,30(6):769-769
2018年10月24日港珠澳大桥正式通车,这是世界上最长的跨海大桥和最大规模的桥岛隧集群工程,也是中国交通史上技术最复杂、建设要求及标准最高的工程之一,被英国《卫报》誉为“新世界七大奇迹”。大桥跨越珠江口的伶仃洋水域,东接香港,西接珠海、澳门,全长55 km。大桥上游有广州港、深圳港和中山港等珠三角重要港口,与大桥交汇的重要航道有广州港出海航道、深圳港西部港区公共航道等大型深水航道以及青州水道、九洲港航道等重要航道,是中国沿海航线最密集、船舶密度最大的通航水域之一。伶仃洋河口湾呈“四口入海”和“三滩两槽”的地貌格局,潮汐和径流交互作用,水沙运动环境复杂。大桥在规划设计阶段曾面临桥位选址、主通航区设置、人工岛平面优化、桥孔合理跨距等一系列问题,工程建设期间同样面临着复杂水沙环境带来的施工难题。因此,在顺应滩槽演变趋势和减小水沙环境影响的前提下实现“桥梁与海湾和谐共处”的关键技术研究尤为重要。
值此中华人民共和国成立70周年、港珠澳大桥通车一周年之际,本刊刊登了研究团队关于港珠澳大桥科研成果方面的论文16篇,包括伶仃洋水沙环境模拟、岛隧桥梁基础设计、考虑极端天气时港珠澳大桥人工岛设计波浪要素研究、水动力数值模拟、针对施工期间基槽异常回淤与东西人工岛结构稳定的分析与数值模拟等。伶仃洋复杂的水沙环境为港珠澳大桥的规划、设计和施工增加了一定难度,正是基于对伶仃洋复杂环境的深刻认识和尊崇自然规律才促成了港珠澳大桥宏伟蓝图的构想和最终实现。  相似文献   

何杰  辛文杰 《水科学进展》2019,30(6):823-833
港珠澳大桥沉管隧道E15管节基槽发生异常回淤,海底隧道沉管安装被迫中止。为查明E15管节基槽发生异常回淤的原因,先后开展了现场水文泥沙观测、遥感影像资料分析和数值模拟等多种技术手段。采用水沙数学模型反演了内伶仃岛上游采砂活动形成的浑水团在潮流作用下的扩散输移过程,沙源在数学模型中以面源形式模拟。模拟结果表明,采砂活动形成的浑水团在一个大潮期间的落潮过程中可输移扩散至基槽水域,其中E15—E27管节基槽日淤厚在采砂活动影响下将增加43.8%。数值模拟结果为查明E15管节基槽异常回淤的泥沙来源提供了佐证。E15管节以东基槽水域水沙环境复杂,天然淤积已经接近临界回淤允许值,基槽上游水域的采砂活动对沉管基槽回淤将带来不可控因素,采砂活动对周边水域产生的泥沙回淤影响应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

珠江网河水沙分配变化及其对伶仃洋水沙场的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用二维ECOMSED模型对径流来水来沙变化前后的1978年和1999年伶仃洋洪水期水动力场和悬沙场进行模拟,结果表明:伶仃洋水动力场整体增强,但不同地貌单元水动力变化具有明显差异.分流比变化后洪水期伶仃洋西槽、东槽和中滩水动力增强,涨潮和落潮流速普遍增大0.1m/s;西部各口门区和西滩涨潮流势减弱,径流优势更加明显,但西滩三个口门水道及滩面潮沟落潮流速增大约0.1 m/s;东滩水动力特征变化不大.悬沙浓度亦整体升高,平均增加了0.02~0.05 kg/m3,悬沙高值区范围扩大,0.10 kg/m3等值线由西槽西侧明显向东推进到沿东槽南北向分布,径流来沙的影响范围东扩.  相似文献   

从流域—河口—海洋连续水动力系统角度,分析长江河口吴淞潮位记录(1912~2000年)中的理论海平面变化、构造沉降、三峡大坝导致的河口河槽冲刷、城市地面沉降、河口深水航道整治与促淤围垦工程导致雍水的复合效应,预测2030年长江河口地区海平面上升10~16cm.海平面上升将导致近岸海域潮位上升、潮流流速增大,设计高潮位和设计波高抬升,海塘防潮和供水安全标准降低.为此,提出上海市应对相对海平面上升的近期、中期和远期应对行动指南.  相似文献   

Beach fetch distance and aeolian sediment transport   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jackson  & Cooper 《Sedimentology》1999,46(3):517-522
An experiment was conducted to examine the influence of fetch distance on aeolian sediment transport on a natural sand beach at Benone Strand, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland. The site consisted of a wide dissipative beach, approximately 150 m wide at low tide and 80 m wide during high tide. Surface moisture levels (and hence dry fetch distance) were dictated by both local groundwater, from a stream outlet across the beach, as well as local tidal levels. An abundant dry sediment supply was available during the experiment. High-resolution (1 Hz) measurements were made of wind speed and direction along with sediment flux. Wind velocity ranged from 2·1 to 8·1 m s–1 during the study. Second-order polynomial sand transport equations were derived from the wind speed and trap results with r 2 values of better than 0·93 for all data. When the data were sorted into velocity bins of 1 m s–1, there was no discernible relationship between fetch distance and sand transport, with a measured fetch distance range of 10–58 m available during the experiment. Results show that fetch distance is unimportant when an adequate sand supply is available. However, it is suggested that fetch may restrict the development of steady-state transport under sediment-limited conditions. Sediment availability is thus identified as a key variable in aeolian transport studies on natural beaches.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the impacts resulting from the construction of two large-scale detached breakwater systems on the Nile delta coast of Egypt at Baltim and Ras El Bar beaches (~18.3 km shoreline length). The two protective systems were installed in a water depth of between 3 and 4 m and consist of 17 units in total (each ~250 m long). A comprehensive monitoring program spanning the years 1990 to 2002 was implemented and included beach-nearshore profiles, grain size distribution of seabed sand and information related to the background coastal processes. Evaluation of these systems concentrates on the physical impacts on coastal morphodynamics, mitigation and their design implications. The beach and nearshore sedimentation (erosion/accretion patterns) and grain texture of seabed sediment in the study areas have been substantially disrupted due to the interruption of longshore transport by the shore-parallel detached breakwaters. Rate of shoreline and seabed changes as well as alongshore sediment volume have been substantially affected, resulting in accretion in the breakwater landward sides (tombolo or salient) followed by downdrift erosion. The preconstruction beach erosion at Baltim (–5 m/year) and at Ras El Bar (–6 m/year) has been replaced, respectively, by the formation of sand tombolo (35 m/year) and salient (9 m/year). On the other hand, beach erosion has been substantially increased in the downdrift sides of these protective systems, being –20 m/year at Baltim and –9 m/year at Ras El Bar. Further seaward, the two protective systems at Baltim and Ras El Bar have accumulated seabed sand at maximum rates of 30 and 20 cm/year and associated with downdrift erosion of –45 and –20 cm/year, respectively. Strong gyres and eddies formed in the breakwater gabs have drastically affected swimmers and subsequently caused a significant number of drownings each summer, averaging 35 and 67 victims/year at Baltim and Ras El Bar beaches, respectively. This study provides baseline information needed to help implement mitigation measures for these breakwater systems.  相似文献   

Sandy beaches are characterised by heterogeneously distributed food sources both in time and space. The major energy supply is derived from marine subsidies in the form of beach-cast macrophyte wrack. Wrack patches are short-lived, and their position on the beaches varies with tidal and seasonal cycles as well as weather conditions. Little is known about how sandy beach inhabitants orient themselves towards, and colonise, wrack patches. In a series of field studies on islands off Vancouver Island (British Columbia, Canada), colonisation patterns of wrack patches by beach fleas and sand hoppers (Amphipoda: Talitridae), the most abundant macrofaunal detritivores, were studied. As indicated by colonisation of experimental patches of wrack and wrack surrogates that were either visible or buried in the sand, beach fleas (Traskorchestia traskiana) rely on olfactory cues for locating freshly deposited wrack patches in their patchy and dynamic habitat. Dense colonisation of freshly deposited algal wrack generally occurred within less than 1 h but depended upon the tidal height of wrack patches. Beach flea density in freshly deposited wrack patches increased with increasing tidal height. By contrast, sand hoppers (Megalorchestia californiana) colonised freshly deposited wrack patches in densities that decreased with tidal height. Discussing these interspecific differences, we provide a primer for future detailed studies on transport of matter along the marine–terrestrial gradient of sand beaches.  相似文献   

On the south‐west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada, sedimentological and ichnological analysis of three beach–shoreface complexes developed along a strait margin was undertaken to quantify process–response relations in straits and to develop a model for strait‐margin beaches. For all three beaches, evidence of tidal processes are expressed best in the lower shoreface and offshore and, to a lesser extent, in the middle shoreface. Tidal currents are dominant offshore, below 18 m water depth (relative to the mean spring high tide), whereas wave processes dominate sediment deposition in the nearshore (intertidal zone to 5 m water depth). From 18 to 5 m water depth, tidal processes decrease in importance relative to wave processes. The relatively high tidal energy in the offshore and lower shoreface is manifest sedimentologically by the dominance of sand, of a similar grain size to the upper shoreface/intertidal zone and, by the prevalence of current‐generated structures (current ripples) oriented parallel to the shoreline. In addition, the offshore and lower shoreface of strait‐bound beach–shoreface complexes are recognized ichnologically by traces typical of the Skolithos Ichnofacies. This situation contrasts to the dominantly horizontal feeding traces characteristic of the Cruziana Ichnofacies that are prevalent in the lower shoreface and offshore of open‐coast (wave‐dominated) beach–shorefaces. These sedimentological and ichnological characteristics reflect tidal influence on sediment deposition; consequently, the term ‘tide‐influenced shoreface’ most accurately describes these depositional environments.  相似文献   

中国江河水沙变化趋势与主要影响因素   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
通过选定中国主要河流的代表水文站,分析了中国主要河流代表站总径流量和总输沙量的变化趋势。结果表明,全国主要河流代表站总径流量随时间没有明显的趋势性增加或减小,多年平均径流量为14090亿m3;年总输沙量在1960年前变化不大,1960年后逐渐减小,从20世纪50年代的26.43亿t减小至2001~2008年间的5.95亿t;平均含沙量则从50年代的1.74kg/m3减至2001~2008年间的0.46kg/m3。中国南方主要河流和主要内陆河流的代表站径流量没有明显的增加或减少趋势,北方河流代表站径流量除淮河、松花江外,具有明显的减少趋势;中国各主要河流代表站年输沙量除塔里木河外,都有不同程度的减少,其中北方河流的减小幅度较大。影响中国主要河流水沙变化的主要因素分为自然和人类活动因素,其中自然因素包括流域降雨量变化和流域下垫面条件;人类活动因素包括水土保持措施、水库工程、流域调水调沙及引水引沙、河道采砂等。  相似文献   

为了揭示滩涂对近岸水温影响,开展潮间带滩涂沉积物与海水之间热量交换研究。以韩国西南海岸的滩涂为例,建立滩涂沉积物温度模型,模拟不同潮汐状态下沉积物垂向剖面温度以及沉积物与水体间的热通量,并分析了季节、滩涂位置、潮位-太阳辐射相位对热通量的影响。研究表明:模拟出的沉积物温度与实测值吻合较好。沉积物与水体存在大量热量交换,且集中在淹没后的前3 h,最大热通量可达398.7 W/m2。冬季月份海水向滩涂净传热。夏季月份滩涂向水体净传热,且当滩涂淹没时刻发生在当地正午或正午过后3 h内,滩涂传递给水体的热量相对较大,达2.0 MJ/(m2·d);累积热通量随滩涂干滩率的减小而减小。研究成果为进一步深入研究滩涂影响下近岸水温变化提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

The dominant calcareous organisms and sediment characteristics are described for eight different physical settings on the shelf west of Scotland, each having a different depth, substrate and degree of hydrodynamic exposure.

The principal sites of carbonate production are on shallow rocky substrates where barnacles, molluscs, echinoderms and serpulids are the dominant calcareous organisms. In sheltered shallow sandy zones, molluscs, echinoderms and benthic foraminiferans are the active producers, though the sediments are commonly barnacle-rich. Where tidal currents are enhanced between islands and the waves are suppressed, calcareous red algae (Phymatolithon calcareum) and mussel shells build localised banks. In deep, open-shelf water molluscs are the major skeletal contributor to the sediment, though on rocky sea beds bryozoans, serpulids and echinoderms are important.

The major sites of deposition are where persistent hydro- (and aero-) dynamic conditions sweep together grains from active production sites (e.g., sand ribbons or beaches and dunes adjacent to shallow rocky platforms) or in sinks where the physiographic configuration favours the deposition and retention of locally produced sediment or sediment derived from suspension. The well-sorted, cross-bedded, beach and dune sands commonly contain > 75% CaCO3. In sheltered depressions, bioturbated muds accumulate with up to 30% calcite silt, which is probably the breakdown product of barnacles and benthic foraminiferans.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon-dated marine cores, measurements of sediment density and seismic surveys were used to estimate the sediment and mass accumulation rates (m/kyr and kg/m2/kyr) in the troughs from the southwest to north-central Iceland shelf (i.e. northwest sector of Iceland). The 3.5-kHz seismic survey showed varying thicknesses of acoustically transparent sediment in the troughs, whereas the inter-trough banks were largely devoid of sediment. The survey showed a pervasive reflector 1 to ≥60 m below the sea floor, which turned out to be Saksunarvatn tephra, dated at 10 180±60 cal. yr BP. The 3.5-kHz analogue data were digitized at 1-min intervals and provided 1645 estimates of maximum sediment thickness and 979 estimates of sediment accumulation over the last 10 200 cal. yr BP. Maximum sediment accumulation occurred in the mid-troughs and not, as expected, in the fjords. The median sediment accumulation rate (SAR) based on the core data was 0.23 m/kyr, but was 0.77 m/kyr based on the seismic data: the difference is attributed to coring limitations. Based on the volume of offshore sediment and the contributing terrestrial drainage area, the Holocene denudation of northern Iceland (c. 50 000 km2) is calculated to have been between 0.02 to 0.05 m/kyr, substantially lower that the 1-3 m/kyr derived from the suspended sediment load of rivers from southern Iceland but in agreement with the rate of accumulation of Holocene glacial lacustrine sediments in central Iceland.  相似文献   

对长江芦家河浅滩段演变特性的新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据实测资料,分析了长江芦家河浅滩段退水过程中沙泓冲刷流量(Q=10000~25000m3/s)的持续时间与当年航道发生青黄不接现象之间的联系.在此基础上,利用计算资料,分析了三峡建库以后来水来沙过程的改变对沙泓冲淤演变的影响趋势.  相似文献   

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