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引调水是改善平原河网地区水环境的重要方法之一,通过构建太湖流域走马塘东南片平原河网区一维水动力水质数学模型,研究不同引调水方案对区域水环境改善效果,确定引调水过程中的异质性因子.从决策目标、水质指标、空间指标3个层面综合考虑,构建环境效益与经济效益结合的多目标函数及评价体系,对引调水方案进行评估优选.结果表明:引调水流量较大时,能够在一定程度上改善区域水环境状况,规划方案下引调水5 d后,高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总磷的平均改善率分别为30.7%、22.2%、26.4%;引调水时,区域河网中不同空间点位、不同水质指标之间的水质改善过程与效果都存在一定异质性;引调水水量、调度模式及污染源分布都会对调水后的河网区水质产生差异性影响;本研究建立的多目标评价体系较现有方法能够有效涵盖引调水中存在的异质性因子,从多个目标层面优选引调水方案,实现水量水质综合优化调控,为平原河网地区水环境长效管理与科学决策提供理论参考.  相似文献   

长江下游仪征河段处于枯季潮流界的上边界,揭示其汊道分流属性及滩槽联动演变机制,对河势控制工程及深水航道工程实践具有重要意义.本研究收集了1955—2021年水文泥沙及地形等资料,在汊道分流关系及调整成因上:世业洲右汊的分流属性为枯水倾向型汊道,即低流量时期分流比大于高流量时期;1959—2021年期间,世业洲右汊分流比经历了“稳定-下降-上升”的调整过程,上游河段滩槽格局调整及流域来沙减少引起的汊道间不均衡冲刷是分流关系调整的主因;流域流量过程调整、河道崩岸等综合影响引起1959—2017年期间世业洲右汊分流比为减小态势,航道工程实施起到了调控汊道关系的功能,世业洲右汊分流比为增加态势.在滩槽联动演变关系上:仪征河段进口段以展宽为主,世业洲左汊展宽程度大于右汊,左汊河床形态变化与进口段滩槽形态的一致性关系优于右汊,即上游进口段滩槽演变、流域来沙量减少等综合作用会加速了左汊发展;2015年南京以下12.5 m深水航道二期工程建设以来,工程区域淤积且洲体完整性增强,且深槽冲刷及河槽容积增大,表明航道工程已实现汊道分流关系及滩槽调控的功能.  相似文献   

吴浩云  刘敏  金科  陈红  甘升伟 《湖泊科学》2023,35(3):1009-1021
太湖是流域洪水集散地、水资源调配中心,也是长三角水生态环境的晴雨表,其水位高低影响防洪、供水、水生态、水环境等系统功能,使得太湖面临统筹调度问题日益凸显。本文以太湖为主要研究对象,基于多年实测数据,采用数理统计、河网水动力模型计算,分析流域降雨、进出湖水量和水生态环境演变规律及其与太湖水位的互馈关系,综合考虑不同调度期流域防洪、供水、水生态、水环境目标及其承受风险的时空差异性,优化太湖调度水位,并在此基础上提出太湖调度功能区划图。结果表明,在设计洪水和供水条件下,通过调度水位调整,统筹调控流域水工程,前期预降太湖水位,后期适抬太湖水位,实现太湖多目标调度,可有效保障流域防洪、供水和航运安全,改善河湖生态环境,共绘美丽太湖。  相似文献   

基于中国太湖梅梁湾东部的无锡市滨湖区河网29个监测点在丰水期、平水期和枯水期的流速和水质监测数据,将河网分为梁溪河、曹王泾、骂蠡港、城市河网南区以及城市河网北区5个区域,对流速和典型水质指标的时空异质性进行分析,结合主成分分析和相关性分析,得到各区域水动力与水质现状及其成因.结果显示:梁溪河和曹王泾的水质条件和水动力条件较好,多数水质因子与流速表现出了强相关性;骂蠡港的水质和流速区域变化明显,表现弱相关性;城市河网北区和南区的流速较缓,河道污染负荷较大,流速与水质因子之间的相关性较低.通过在滨湖河网开展流速和水质的野外监测,分析流速对于河网水环境的实际效果,验证不同水质指标与流速之间的响应关系,为滨湖河网区水质保护和科学的水污染治理技术提供基础支撑.  相似文献   

望虞河引长江水入太湖水体的总磷、总氮分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
马倩  田威  吴朝明 《湖泊科学》2014,26(2):207-212
太湖流域实施的调水引流,提高了流域水资源和水环境承载能力,发挥了水利工程在改善水环境方面的综合效益,支撑了流域经济社会的可持续发展.本文在分析近年来望虞河引江水量与入湖水量及入湖水体流经太湖湖湾水体水质变化情势的基础上,分析比较了2007年以来的调水引流期间,望虞河入太湖水体总磷、总氮浓度值与太湖贡湖湾、梅梁湾、湖西及江苏省其它主要入太湖河道的总磷、总氮浓度值,并通过监测结果分析了入太湖水体总磷、可溶性总磷的衰减趋势,从而得出,长江是优质水源,调引长江水为增加太湖水环境容量、改善太湖及区域水环境状况起到了积极作用.  相似文献   

付湘  赵秋湘  孙昭华 《湖泊科学》2019,31(6):1713-1725
长江干流与洞庭湖存在复杂的并联型分汇关系,当三峡水库调度改变长江径流过程时,会引起洞庭湖年内槽蓄量的变化,对于洞庭湖地区防洪、水资源配置和水环境保护产生显著的影响.本文建立了枝城至螺山站的荆江-洞庭湖水流模型,利用2008-2017年的三峡水库实际调度日数据,分析有、无三峡水库调度两种情况下洞庭湖槽蓄量的变化过程,同时利用建库前和近期的水位流量关系反映河道过流能力,分析了河道调整的影响.结果表明:由河道调整引起的槽蓄量变化在汛前消落期、汛期、汛末蓄水期和枯水期分别为-3.06%、0.12%、-0.01%和-13.31%.有三峡水库影响情况下,汛前消落期由于荆江"三口"进入洞庭湖的多年平均总径流增加23.94%,洞庭湖出口处城陵矶多年平均水位升高0.53 m,阻碍了洞庭湖出流,洞庭湖多年平均槽蓄量增长13.30%;汛期由于荆江"三口"分流量减少3.54%,城陵矶水位降低0.02 m导致出湖流量增多,因此洞庭湖多年平均槽蓄量减少0.20%;在汛末蓄水期,荆江"三口"分入洞庭湖的多年平均总径流量减少37.18%,城陵矶多年平均水位降低1.33 m,导致出湖流量增多,因而洞庭湖多年平均槽蓄量减少27.74%;在枯水期,荆江"三口"多年平均总径流量增加5.61%,城陵矶多年平均水位上升0.07 m,最终洞庭湖多年平均枯期槽蓄量增加2.96%.  相似文献   

周宏  石永杰  刘俊  欧淑芳  施力铭 《湖泊科学》2023,35(4):1279-1295
随着城市化进程的加快,高污染负荷、弱水动力条件、强人工干预导致的平原河网地区河道水质恶化、生态衰退已成为制约城市高质量发展的瓶颈之一。结合太湖流域高度城镇化地区水文水动力特性,构建了水动力-水质耦合模型,模拟了不同情景下河网水动力与水质情况。统筹考虑水质改善、水动力提升、经济成本等多目标,建立了活水调度多目标决策体系,基于模糊层次分析法确定评价体系水质改善、水动力提升与经济成本指标层权重分别为0.390、0.345、0.265,为各指标层设计对应的要素层,并利用模糊综合评价法进行评价。结果表明,针对不同调度情景下水质改善、水动力提升及经济成本等多目标的决策,利用多目标调度决策方法可有效确定效果最佳的工程调度情形。太湖流域高度城镇化地区区域性控制工程对畅流活水效果的影响要远大于锡山区控制工程,运东大包围城市防洪工程调度模式对研究区活水效果的影响最大。比选出的最优活水方案实现的研究区活水效果为水质达标率82%,水质平均提升率31%,Ⅲ类水断面占比61%,平均流速0.10 m/s,较优流速占比39%,滞水率32%。相较于传统的单指标或多指标简单比较的决策方法,多目标调度决策方法更具有综合性、...  相似文献   

三峡及其上游干支流梯级水库建成运用后,大坝下游“清水下泄”引起了长江中下游河道发生长时间、长距离的冲刷。2001—2021年期间宜昌至长江口已累计冲刷了50.3亿m3,需厘清河道冲刷对河势、防洪、航运等方面产生影响。分析表明:三峡工程运用后,长江中下游河势总体稳定,弯道段出现切滩撇弯、汊道段出现塞支强干等现象;河道槽蓄量的持续增加,进一步增大了河道调蓄和行洪能力,但水流顶冲点的变化和近岸河床的冲刷下切,使得河道崩岸频发,并影响河势稳定和防洪安全;在河道冲刷、河势控制与航道工程综合作用下,长江中下游航道条件总体得到改善,但河道不均衡冲刷使得坝下游砂卵石河段出现“坡陡流急”,沙质河段出现洲滩散乱、航槽移位等现象,影响航道条件;同流量下枯水位呈下降态势,逢极枯年份影响长江中下游用水安全;江湖关系发生新变化,“三口”分流道由原淤积转为冲刷,两湖湖区水位不同程度的降低,枯水位出现时间有所提前,不利于湖区水资源和生态环境的安全与可持续发展;三峡工程实施枯水期补水调度和“压咸潮”调度以及长江口北支淤积减缓,对于遏制长江口咸潮入侵有利,入海泥沙显著减少引起长江口近岸河床冲刷,影响...  相似文献   

太湖五里湖水环境综合整治的设想   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
顾岗  陆根法 《湖泊科学》2004,16(1):57-61
在分析太湖五里湖水环境现状和污染成因的基础上,提出生态清淤、污水截流、退渔还湖、动力换水、生态修复、护岸整治等一系列水环境综合整治工程措施,并分析各项工程实施对污染物去除量的估算,预测对五里湖水质改善的影响和效果,进行五里湖、梅梁湖水环境综合治理的探索,为全太湖和其他湖泊水环境综合治理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

杨素  万荣荣  李冰 《湖泊科学》2022,34(4):1055-1074
水文连通性作为连接河湖水体间物质、能量及信息传递与交换的关键纽带,对水环境、水生态和生境状况具有联动与触发反馈作用,已成为水文学、水利学和生态学等诸多领域的研究热点.太湖流域作为全国典型的流域性密集平原河网区,在快速城镇化背景下,河湖水文连通关系变化剧烈并引起了一系列生态环境效应.本文以水文连通性概念与内涵为背景,对太湖流域水文连通性研究进行了综述.太湖流域水文连通性评价方法以图论法、景观格局指数及水文连通性函数等方法联合使用为主,且聚焦于区域尺度研究;演变过程按人类活动影响强度大致划分为自然水系形成阶段、古代人类活动影响阶段和现代人类活动影响阶段;气候变化和人类活动共同影响着太湖流域水文连通性变化,近百年来水利工程建设和城市化进程等人类活动的影响尤为剧烈;良好的水文连通性有利于汛期减轻流域洪涝灾害及非汛期保障水资源供给,但水文连通性的提高对水环境和水生态的效应由于涉及因素众多尚存在争议.针对当前研究现状和存在问题,提出(1)平原河网区水文连通性的定量表征与评估是水文连通性研究的前提;(2)定量解析流域水文连通性的驱动机制是水文连通性研究的重点;(3)深入跟踪大型引水调水工程对流域水文连通影响及其效应是一项长期任务;(4)兼顾环境生态效应的水利工程生态化改造研究,开展工程控制背景下的流域水文连通多目标优化调控,是实现太湖流域洪水调蓄、水资源供给、水环境净化、生物多样性维持等生态系统服务协同提升的重要途径.  相似文献   

Urbanization significantly affects both the drainage network structure and the storage capacity of river channels in lowland plain river networks. The Yangtze River Delta region has experienced a rapid and profound urbanization of any region worldwide in the past 30 years. The southeast Yinfeng plain in the Yangtze River Delta region was used as the study area to assess changes in the river network structure from 1990 to 2010, using river feature parameter analyses and GIS spatial analysis. The elastic method was adopted to analyse river network pattern response to both urbanization and climate change, and the rates at which these factors contributed to changes in the river network pattern were investigated. Changes in the storage capacity and flood control capacity of the channel network over the past 21 years were then analysed. The results indicated that: (1) the number of river networks, and the complexity of the river network spatial structures were reduced, the drainage density decreased by 20%, the water surface ratio by 36%, the river area–length ratio by nearly 18% and the fractal dimension of the river networks by 4.5%; (2) the river network changes were due more to human activities than to climate change in this study period. Limited changes occurred in the structure of the river system, as indicated by an urbanization variability rate of less than 20% and precipitation variability range of ?5% to ?15%, although the stream structure gradually decreased with increasing urbanization variability; and (3) the storage capacity of the main river network decreased earlier (1990–2003) and was restored later (2003–2010) because of dredging and widening activities. In addition, the number of lower‐order rivers decreased, which resulted in significant decreases in the storage and flood control capacities of the river networks. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


With the rapid economic development and urbanization in Taihu Basin (eastern China), the river system has decayed and the connectivity of rivers and lakes has weakened, resulting in frequent floods. The impact of changes in river system structure on hydrological processes in the plain river network area was analysed against a background of urbanization. An indicator system was built to describe the quantitative, morphological and spatial structure of the river system. Analysis of the change in annual average and extreme water levels revealed the influencing mechanism of the changes in river system structure on the hydrological processes. The results indicate a decreasing tendency in the density of the river system in the study area, with a reduction in water surface ratio by about 20% in the past 50 years. Since the 1960s, the maximum and annual average water levels have increased. The degree of change in the mean monthly, annual lowest and annual highest water levels was great, with that in the non-flood season being higher than in the flood season. The decrease in the number of rivers directly reduced the storage and adjustable capacity of the basin.  相似文献   

Watershed delineation is a required step when conducting any spatially distributed hydrological modelling. Automated approaches are often proposed to delineate a watershed based on a river network extracted from the digital elevation model (DEM) using the deterministic eight‐neighbour (D8) method. However, a realistic river network cannot be derived from conventional DEM processing methods for a large flat area with a complex network of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and polders, referred to as a plain river network region (PRNR). In this study, a new approach, which uses both hydrographic features and DEM, has been developed to address the problems of watershed delineation in PRNR. It extracts the river nodes and determines the flow directions of the river network based on a vector‐based hydrographic feature data model. The river network, lakes, reservoirs, and polders are then used to modify the flow directions of grid cells determined by D8 approach. The watershed is eventually delineated into four types of catchments including lakes, reservoirs, polders, and overland catchments based on the flow direction matrix and the location of river nodes. Multiple flow directions of grid cells are represented using a multi‐direction encoding method, and multiple outflows of catchments are also reflected in the topology of catchments. The proposed approach is applied to the western Taihu watershed in China. Comparisons between the results obtained from the D8 approach, the ‘stream burning’ approach, and those from the proposed approach clearly demonstrate an improvement of the new approach over the conventional approaches. This approach will benefit the development of distributed hydrological models in PRNR for the consideration of different types and multiple inlets and outlets of catchments. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1991年太湖地区洪涝灾害评估与人类活动的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
孙顺才  赵锐  毛锐  赵宏 《湖泊科学》1993,5(2):108-117
1991年6、7月间,太湖地区遭受特大洪涝灾害,受灾面积达3309km~2,直接经济损失达106亿元。梅雨暴雨是造成这次洪灾的直接原因,短时间内,降雨量达899mm,为100—200年一遇,超过该地区的承受能力。人类活动对加重灾情亦有着重要影响,包括:围垦与泥沙淤积,使河湖调蓄功能下降;太湖出口河道74.6%被封淤堵死,致使太湖水位达4.79m,超过历史最高记录;圩外面积减少及城市化发展等。治理对策包括充分发挥河湖调蓄功能;合理安排圩外调蓄流量,打通骨干排水河道及城市防洪系统建设等。  相似文献   

A key aspect of large river basins partially neglected in large‐scale hydrological models is river hydrodynamics. Large‐scale hydrologic models normally simulate river hydrodynamics using simplified models that do not represent aspects such as backwater effects and flood inundation, key factors for some of the largest rivers of the world, such as the Amazon. In a previous paper, we have described a large‐scale hydrodynamic approach resultant from an improvement of the MGB‐IPH hydrological model. It uses full Saint Venant equations, a simple storage model for flood inundation and GIS‐based algorithms to extract model parameters from digital elevation models. In the present paper, we evaluate this model in the Solimões River basin. Discharge results were validated using 18 stream gauges showing that the model is accurate. It represents the large delay and attenuation of flood waves in the Solimões basin, while simplified models, represented here by Muskingum Cunge, provide hydrographs are wrongly noisy and in advance. Validation against 35 stream gauges shows that the model is able to simulate observed water levels with accuracy, representing their amplitude of variation and timing. The model performs better in large rivers, and errors concentrate in small rivers possibly due to uncertainty in river geometry. The validation of flood extent results using remote sensing estimates also shows that the model accuracy is comparable to other flood inundation modelling studies. Results show that (i) river‐floodplain water exchange and storage, and (ii) backwater effects play an important role for the Amazon River basin hydrodynamics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

After operation of the Three Gorges Project(TGP), there is a new evolution tendency for rivers and lakes in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River(i.e. the Ching River reaches). In recent years, the weakening connection relationship between the Yangtze River and Dongting Lake has resulted in a series of problems for flood regulation, water resources utilization, and aquatic ecosystem protection in the river-lake joint area. In this paper, the hydrological characteristics and fluvial processes within the river-lake joint area are studied, and possible management strategies to maintain the connected river-lake relationship are proposed. To achieve this objective, the evolution tendency, such as the zero-flow problem and river regime for three major outlets(i.e. the Songzi Outlet, Taiping Outlet, and Ouchi Outlet) to Dongting Lake from the Yangtze River, is analyzed. It is believed that the Songzi Outlet has a comparative advantage in flow diversion over the other two outlets. The Range of Variability Approach is introduced to identify hydrological characteristics at the Songzi Outlet. Several characteristic values of flow diversion from this outlet during drought periods are determined. Then, the fluvial processes in the river-lake joint area are studied by comparing topographic maps and using control gauge station data of various years. The water and sediment flux are analyzed before and after operation of the TGP. Finally, based on the results obtained, two possible management strategies are recommended and corresponding parameters are estimated to strengthen and maintain the connected river-lake relationship. This analysis takes into account operation of the TGP, mainstream shift and increasing riverbed scour in the Ching River channel.To restore the flow diversion condition to that in the 1950 s or 1960 s(i.e. 140 m~3/s of flow diversion corresponding to 5500 m~3/s of flow at the Zhicheng station), it is estimated that the river channel around the Songzi Outlet should be dredged 1.4 m under the current riverbed situation, and other corresponding improvement measures for Songzi River channels should also be implemented.  相似文献   

林芷欣  许有鹏  代晓颖  王强  袁甲 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1722-1731
针对城市化对平原河网水系结构的影响所引起的洪涝灾害频发等一系列水文问题,以我国典型平原河网地区苏州市为例,根据不同城市化程度分为主城区、市辖区、其他市县区,基于1991、2001和2015年三期遥感影像与1960s、1980s和2010s三个时期的水系数据,应用RS/GIS等技术,构建水系结构参数指标,重点探讨了城市化对河网水系结构及功能的影响.结果表明:城镇用地迅速增长,主要以牺牲水田、水域等土地利用方式为代价,到2015年全区城镇用地面积所占比重已达到41.35%,土地利用类型的变化规律与城市化进程的差异性保持一致;水系结构变化主要受城市化影响,且基本与城市化进程呈现同步性.近50年来,全区的水面率、河网密度、支流发育系数、主干河流面积长度比、河网复杂度和河网结构稳定度分别减少了19.63%、6.91%、7.34%、1.06%、5.49%和7.87%,城市化水平与各指数均呈负相关关系;人类活动不仅直接影响河流功能,也间接地通过改变平原河网的水系结构导致其功能发生改变,如河网调蓄能力下降、河流生态功能受损等.该研究为城市化地区河流水系保护及防洪减灾提供参考与理论支撑.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湖泊流域系统水文水动力联合模拟   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
李云良  张奇  姚静  李相虎 《湖泊科学》2013,25(2):227-235
本文以鄱阳湖湖泊流域系统为研究对象,鉴于该湖泊流域系统尺度较大,下垫面自然属性呈现高度空间异质性且具有流域-平原区-湖泊不同机制的水文水动力过程,为了真实描述湖泊流域间的水文水动力联系及反映不同过程间的作用机制,构建了鄱阳湖湖泊流域联合模拟模型.该模型基于自主研发的流域分布式水文模型WATLAC和湖滨平原区产流模型以及水动力模型MIKE 21 3个不同功能子模型的连接来实现该复杂系统的模拟.模型的联合采用输入-输出驱动及子模型的顺序执行进程,即将五大子流域与平原区入湖径流量作为输入条件来驱动湖泊水动力模型,模拟湖泊水位对流域入湖径流量的响应.以2000-2005年鄱阳湖流域6个水文站点的河道径流量、流域基流指数以及湖泊4个站点的水位资料来率定模型,其中各站点日径流量拟合的纳希效率系数Ens为0.71~0.84,确定性系数R2介于0.70~0.88之间,而湖泊各站点水位拟合的纳希效率系数Ens变化为0.88~0.98,确定性系数R2为0.96~0.98,均取得令人满意的率定结果.本文提出的鄱阳湖湖泊流域系统水文水动力联合模拟模型能较为理想再现湖泊水位对流域降雨-径流过程的响应.水位模拟结果进一步表明,该联合模型能用来获取重要的水动力空间变化特征.该模型可作为有效工具定量揭示湖泊流域系统水文水动力过程对气候变化和流域人类活动的响应.  相似文献   

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