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A comprehensive model for the prediction of concentration fluctuations in plumes dispersing in the complex and highly disturbed wind flows in an urban environment is formulated. The mean flow and turbulence fields in the urban area are obtained using a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) flow model, while the standard k-ϵ turbulence model (k is the turbulence kinetic energy and ϵ is the viscous dissipation rate) is used to close the model. The RANS model provides a specification of the velocity statistics of the highly disturbed wind flow in the urban area, required for the solution of the transport equations for the mean concentration and concentration variance (both of which are formulated in the Eulerian framework). A physically-based formulation for the scalar dissipation time scale t d , required for the closure of the transport equation for , is presented. This formulation relates t d to an inner time scale corresponding to “internal” concentration fluctuation associated with relative dispersion, rather than an outer time scale associated with the entire portion of the fluctuation spectrum. The two lowest-order moments of concentration ( and ) are used to determine the parameters of a pre-chosen functional form for the concentration probability density function (clipped-gamma distribution). Results of detailed comparisons between a water-channel experiment of flow and dispersion in an idealized obstacle array and the model predictions for mean flow, turbulence kinetic energy, mean concentration, concentration variance, and concentration probability density function are presented.  相似文献   

A modification of the most popular two-equation (E–φ) models, taking into account the plant drag, is proposed. Here E is the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and φ is any of the following variables: El (product of E and the mixing length l), (dissipation rate of TKE), and ω (specific dissipation of TKE, ). The proposed modification is due to the fact that the model constants estimated experimentally for ‘free-air’ flow do not allow for adequate reconstruction of the ratio between the production and dissipation rates of TKE in the vegetation canopy and have to be adjusted. The modification is universal, i.e. of the same type for all E–φ models considered. The numerical experiments carried out for both homogeneous and heterogeneous plant canopies with E–φ models (and with the El model taken as a kind of reference) show that the modification performs well. They also suggest that E– and E–ω schemes are more promising than the EEl scheme for canopy flow simulation since they are not limited by the need to use a wall function.In addition, a new parameterization for enhanced dissipation within the plant canopy is derived. It minimizes the model sensitivity to C μ, the key parameter for two-equation schemes, and whose estimates unfortunately vary considerably from experiment to experiment. The comparison of results of new modified E– and E –ω models with observations from both field and wind-tunnel experiments shows that the proposed parameterization is quite robust. However, because of uncertainties with the turbulence Prandtl and Schmidt numbers for the E– model within the canopy, the E–ω model is recommended for future implementation, with the suggested modifications.  相似文献   

Flux Footprint Simulation Downwind of a Forest Edge   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Surface fluxes, originating from forest patches, are commonly calculated from atmospheric flux measurements at some height above that patch using a correction for flux arising from upwind surfaces. Footprint models have been developed to calculate such a correction. These models commonly assume homogeneous turbulence, resulting in a simulated atmospheric flux equal to the average surface flux in the footprint area. However, atmospheric scalar fluxes downwind of a forest edge have been observed to exceed surface fluxes in the footprint area. Variations in atmospheric turbulence downwind of the forest edge, as simulated with an E – model, can explain enhanced atmospheric scalar fluxes. This E – model is used to calculate the footprint of atmospheric measurements downwind of a forest edge. Atmospheric fluxes appear mainly enhanced as a result of a stronger sensitivity to fluxes from the upwind surface. A sensitivity analysis shows that the fetch over forest, necessary to reach equilibrium between atmospheric fluxes and surface fluxes, tends to be longer for scalar fluxes as compared to momentum fluxes. With increasing forest density, atmospheric fluxes deviate even more strongly from surface fluxes, but over shorter fetches. It is concluded that scalar fluxes over forests are commonly affected by inhomogeneous turbulence over large fetches downwind of an edge. It is recommended to take horizontal variations in turbulence into account when the footprint is calculated for atmospheric flux measurements downwind of a forest edge. The spatially integrated footprint is recommended to describe the ratio between the atmospheric flux and the average surface flux in the footprint.  相似文献   

The turbulent flow inside dense canopies is characterized by wake production and short-circuiting of the energy cascade. How these processes affect passive scalar concentration variability in general and their spectral properties in particular remains a vexing problem. Progress on this problem is frustrated by the shortage of high resolution spatial concentration measurements, and by the lack of simplified analytical models that connect spectral modulations in the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) cascade to scalar spectra. Here, we report the first planar two-dimensional scalar concentration spectra (ϕ cc ) inside tall canopies derived from flow visualization experiments. These experiments were conducted within the deeper layers of a model canopy composed of densely arrayed cylinders welded to the bottom of a large recirculating water channel. We found that in the spectral region experiencing wake production, the ϕ cc exhibits directional scaling power laws. In the longitudinal direction (x), or the direction experiencing the largest drag force, the ϕ cc (k x ) was steeper than and followed an approximate at wavenumbers larger than the injection scale of wake energy, where k x is the longitudinal wavenumber. In the lateral direction (y), the spectra scaled as up to the injection scale, and then decayed at an approximate power law. This departure from the classical inertial subrange scaling (i.e., k −5/3) was reproduced using a newly proposed analytical solution to a simplified scalar spectral budget equation. Near the velocity viscous dissipation range, the scalar spectra appear to approach an approximate k −3, a tantalizing result consistent with dimensional analysis used in the inertial-diffusive range. Implications to subgrid modelling for large-eddy simulations (LES) inside canopies are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Spatial Variability of Flow Statistics within Regular Building Arrays   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Turbulence statistics obtained by direct numerical simulations are analysed to investigate spatial heterogeneity within regular arrays of building-like cubical obstacles. Two different array layouts are studied, staggered and square, both at a packing density of . The flow statistics analysed are mean streamwise velocity (), shear stress (), turbulent kinetic energy (k) and dispersive stress fraction (). The spatial flow patterns and spatial distribution of these statistics in the two arrays are found to be very different. Local regions of high spatial variability are identified. The overall spatial variances of the statistics are shown to be generally very significant in comparison with their spatial averages within the arrays. Above the arrays the spatial variances as well as dispersive stresses decay rapidly to zero. The heterogeneity is explored further by separately considering six different flow regimes identified within the arrays, described here as: channelling region, constricted region, intersection region, building wake region, canyon region and front-recirculation region. It is found that the flow in the first three regions is relatively homogeneous, but that spatial variances in the latter three regions are large, especially in the building wake and canyon regions. The implication is that, in general, the flow immediately behind (and, to a lesser extent, in front of) a building is much more heterogeneous than elsewhere, even in the relatively dense arrays considered here. Most of the dispersive stress is concentrated in these regions. Considering the experimental difficulties of obtaining enough point measurements to form a representative spatial average, the error incurred by degrading the sampling resolution is investigated. It is found that a good estimate for both area and line averages can be obtained using a relatively small number of strategically located sampling points.  相似文献   

To investigate how velocity variances and spectra are modified by the simultaneous action of topography and canopy, two flume experiments were carried out on a train of gentle cosine hills differing in surface cover. The first experiment was conducted above a bare surface while the second experiment was conducted within and above a densely arrayed rod canopy. The velocity variances and spectra from these two experiments were compared in the middle, inner, and near-surface layers. In the middle layer, and for the canopy surface, longitudinal and vertical velocity variances () were in phase with the hill-induced spatial mean velocity perturbation (Δu) around the so-called background state (taken here as the longitudinal mean at a given height) as predicted by rapid distortion theory (RDT). However, for the bare surface case, and remained out of phase with Δu by about L/2, where L is the hill half-length. In the canopy layer, wake production was a significant source of turbulent energy for , and its action was to re-align velocity variances with Δu in those layers, a mechanism completely absent for the bare surface case. Such a lower ‘boundary condition’ resulted in longitudinal variations of to be nearly in phase with Δu above the canopy surface. In the inner and middle layers, the spectral distortions by the hill remained significant for the background state of the bare surface case but not for the canopy surface case. In particular, in the inner and middle layers of the bare surface case, the effective exponents derived from the locally measured power spectra diverged from their expected  − 5/3 value for inertial subrange scales. These departures spatially correlated with the hill surface. However, for the canopy surface case, the spectral exponents were near  − 5/3 above the canopy though the minor differences from  − 5/3 were also correlated with the hill surface. Inside the canopy, wake production and energy short-circuiting resulted in significant departures from  − 5/3. These departures from  − 5/3 also appeared correlated with the hill surface through the wake production contribution and its alignment with Δu. Moreover, scales commensurate with Von Karman street vorticies well described wake production scales inside the canopy, confirming the important role of the mean flow in producing wakes. The spectra inside the canopy on the lee side of the hill, where a negative mean flow delineated a recirculation zone, suggested that the wake production scales there were ‘broader’ when compared to their counterpart outside the recirculation zone. Inside the recirculation zone, there was significantly more energy at higher frequencies when compared to regions outside the recirculation zone.  相似文献   

Wind and tracer data from the Oklahoma City Joint Urban 2003 (JU2003) and the Manhattan Madison Square Garden 2005 (MSG05) urban field experiments are being analyzed to aid in understanding air flow and dispersion near street-level in built-up downtown areas. The mean winds are separately calculated for groups of anemometers having similar exposures such as “near street level” and “on building top”. Several general results are found, such as the scalar wind speed at street level is about 1/3 of that at building top. Turbulent standard deviations of wind speed components and temperature, and vertical fluxes of momentum and sensible heat, are calculated from sonic anemometers near street level at 20 locations in JU2003 and five locations in MSG05, and from two rooftop locations in MSG05. The turbulence observations are consistent with observations in the literature at other cities, although the JU2003 and MSG05 data are unique in that many data are available near street level. For example, it is found that the local (i.e., at the measuring height) averages about 1.5 and the local averages about 0.25 in the two cities, where is the standard deviation of vertical velocity fluctuations, is the friction velocity, and u is the wind speed. The ratio of temperature fluctuations to temperature scale, , averages about −3 in both cities, consistent with similarity theory for slightly unstable conditions, where is the standard deviation of temperature fluctuations, and is the temperature scale. The calculated Obukhov length, L, is also consistent with slightly unstable conditions near street level, even at night during JU2003. The SF6 tracer concentration observations from JU2003 are analyzed. Values of for the continuous releases are calculated for each release and arc distance, where is the 30-min average arc maximum concentration, Q is the continuous source emission rate, and u is the spatial-averaged wind speed in the downtown area. The basic characteristics of the JU2003 plot of averaged agree reasonably well with similar plots for other urban experiments in Salt Lake City and London (i.e., at . A is found to be about 3 during the day and about 10 during the night.  相似文献   

Time Scales in the Unstable Atmospheric Surface Layer   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Calculation of eddy covariances in the atmospheric surface layer (ASL) requires separating the instantaneous signal into mean and fluctuating components. Since the ASL is not statistically stationary, an inherent ambiguity exists in defining the mean quantities. The present study compares four methods of calculating physically relevant time scales in the unstable ASL that may be used to remove the unsteady mean components of instantaneous time signals, in order to yield local turbulent fluxes that appear to be statistically stationary. The four mean-removal time scales are: (t c ) based on the location of the maximum in the ogive of the heat flux cospectra, () the location of the zero crossing in the multiresolution decomposition of the heat flux, (t *) the ratio of the mixed-layer depth over the convective velocity, and () the convergence time of the vertical velocity and temperature variances. The four time scales are evaluated using high quality, three-dimensional sonic anemometry data acquired at the Surface Layer Turbulence and Environmental Science Test (SLTEST) facility located on the salt flats of Utah’s western desert. Results indicate that and , with t c achieving values about 2–3 times greater than t *. The sensitivity of the eddy covariances to the mean-removal time scale (given a fixed 4-h averaging period during midday) is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

We propose a new turbulence closure model based on the budget equations for the key second moments: turbulent kinetic and potential energies: TKE and TPE (comprising the turbulent total energy: TTE = TKE + TPE) and vertical turbulent fluxes of momentum and buoyancy (proportional to potential temperature). Besides the concept of TTE, we take into account the non-gradient correction to the traditional buoyancy flux formulation. The proposed model permits the existence of turbulence at any gradient Richardson number, Ri. Instead of the critical value of Richardson number separating—as is usually assumed—the turbulent and the laminar regimes, the suggested model reveals a transitional interval, , which separates two regimes of essentially different nature but both turbulent: strong turbulence at ; and weak turbulence, capable of transporting momentum but much less efficient in transporting heat, at . Predictions from this model are consistent with available data from atmospheric and laboratory experiments, direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation.  相似文献   

A linear model for neutral surface-layer flow over orography is presented. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes and E– turbulence closure equations are expressed in a terrain-following coordinate system created from a simple analytical expression in the Fourier domain. The perturbation equations are solved spectrally horizontally and by numerical integration vertically. Non-dimensional solutions are stored in look-up tables for quick re-use. Model results are compared to measurements, as well as other authors’ flow models in three test cases. The model is implemented and tested in two-dimensional space; the equations for a full three-dimensional version are presented.  相似文献   

We present surface-layer measurements of temperature fluctuation variance from a site characterized by small-scale inhomogeneities. Periods of marked radiative forcing are selected. The data characterized by diabatic conditions and vertical heat flux larger than some threshold (here, chosen to be 0.01 K ms−1) agree quite well with the convective scaling in unstable cases, and with the z-less parameterisation (with a large scatter) in stable cases. For near-neutral cases, the similarity function diverges because of the loss of significance of the temperature scale. Departures from similarity are highlighted in cases with smaller thermal fluxes, because horizontal heterogeneity and unsteadiness become important as production terms.  相似文献   

In order to quantitatively investigate the role of leads and sea-ice in air-mass modification, aircraft observations were conducted over the partially ice-covered Sea of Okhotsk. We investigated two cold-air outbreak events with different sea-ice concentrations. In both cases, the difference between the temperatures of surface air and the sea surface (ΔT) dropped rapidly with the accumulated fetch-width of leads up to about 35-40 km, and then decreased very slowly. The surface sensible heat flux originating from open water was about 300 W m−2 within a few kilometres from the coast and decreased with increasing accumulated fetch-width. The sensible heat flux was about 100 W m−2 on average. These results indicate that the downwind air-mass modification depends mainly on the total (accumulated) extent of open water. The total buoyancy flux calculated by the joint frequency distribution method correlated very well with ice concentration. Such a relationship was not clear in the case of the moisture flux . The ratio between rising thermals and cold downdrafts differed significantly between upwind and downwind regions; that is, the buoyancy flux was dominated by in the developing stage of the boundary layer, while also became important after the development of the boundary layer.  相似文献   

In this study, profile functions for flux calculations during unstable conditions are proposed and examined. These functions are based on a direct interpolation for the dimensionless wind speed and temperature gradients between the standard Businger–Dyer formulae, , , and free convection forms, , being the Monin–Obukhov stability parameter. A previously presented interpolation between the corresponding profile relationships, in attempting to provide a general relationship for the whole unstable regime, leads to serious restrictions for the values of in the free convection forms. These restrictions rendered available experimental data almost inapplicable, since the behaviour of the formulae in the near-neutral range controls the values of those parameters. The proposed interpolation provides functions that, firstly, fit the standard Businger–Dyer forms for near-neutral conditions and, secondly, satisfy the asymptotic behaviour as , permitting wider ranges of possible values. This step is very important, taking into account the large spread of the experimental data. Thus, as further and more accurate observations at strong instability become available, this approach could prove very efficient in fitting these data while retaining correct near-neutral behaviour.  相似文献   

The note presents a rational approach to modelling the source/sink due to vegetation or buoyancy effects that appear in the turbulent kinetic energy, E, equation and a supplementary equation for a length-scale determining variable, φ, when two-equation closure is applied to canopy and atmospheric boundary-layer flows. The approach implements only standard model coefficients C φ1 and C φ2 in the production and destruction terms of the φ equation, respectively. Numerical tests illustrate the practical applicability of the method, where, for example, simulations with the Eω model (where is the specific dissipation and is the dissipation rate of E) properly reproduce both the surface-layer wind profile estimated from the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory and the mixing-height evolution observed above forested terrain in Southern Finland.  相似文献   

Accurate and fast-response measurements of space-time observations of specific humidity were made above a drying land surface at the University of California at Davis, using the Los Alamos water Raman-lidar. In an attempt to quantify the space-time intermittency features of turbulent flows in the lower atmosphere, a multifractal analysis of these water vapour measurements was performed. The structure of the specific humidity, (x, t), was analyzed quantifying a scalar gradient measure both in time and space, for all possible one-dimensional cuts, i.e. and . The results confirm the multifractal nature of this scalar gradient measure (a type of scalar dissipation rate) and show that humidity measurements at fixed times (x) are more intermittent (e.g. have less entropy dimension) than those at fixed locations in space (t). Similar multifractal behaviour of the spatial data, with and without a transformation from the observed wind velocities, supports the validity of Taylor's hypothesis for the studied fields.  相似文献   

A dataset from two campaigns conducted at the Vielsalm experimental site in Belgium was used as a basis for discussing some methodological problems and providing intermediate results on estimating CO2 advection. The analysis focused on the horizontal [CO2] gradient and on the vertical velocity w, the variables most affected by uncertainty. The sampling error for half-hourly horizontal [CO2] gradients was estimated to be 1.3 μmol mol−1. Despite this important random error for half-hour estimations of [CO2], the mean horizontal [CO2] gradients in advective conditions were shown to be representative at the ecosystem scale and to extend only to the lowest part of a drainage sub-layer, which developed in the trunk space. By contrast, under daytime conditions, this gradient was shown to be more sensitive to local source heterogeneities. The estimation of the short-term averaged vertical velocity ( was the greater source of error when computing advection terms. The traditional correction methods used to obtain are discussed and a (co)sine correction is tested to highlight the instrumental origin of the offset in w. A comparison of measurements by sonic anemometers placed close together above the canopy showed that the uncertainty on was 0.042 m s−1, which is of the same order of magnitude as the velocity itself. In addition, as the drainage sub-layer is limited to the lowest part of the canopy, the representativeness of is questionable. An alternative computation using the divergence of the horizontal wind speed in the trunk space produced a estimation that was four times lower than the single-point measurement. However, this value gives a more realistic estimate of the vertical advection term and improves the CO2 budget closure at the site.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional mesoscale model has been developed to simulate the air flow over the Gulf Stream area where typically large gradients in surface temperature exist in the winter. Numerical simulations show that the magnitude and the maximum height of the mesoscale circulation that develops downwind of the Gulf Stream depends on both the initial geostrophic wind and the large-scale moisture. As expected, a highly convective Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) develops over this area and it was found that the Gulf Stream plays an important role in generating the strong upward heat fluxes causing a farther seaward penetration as cold air advection takes place. Numerical results agree well with the observed surface fluxes of momentum and heat and the mesoscale variation of vertical velocities obtained using Doppler Radars for a typical cold air outbreak. Precipitation pattern predicted by the numerical model is also in agreement with the observations during the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE).List of Symbols u east-west velocity [m s–1] - v north-south velocity [m s–1] - vertical velocity in coordinate [m s–1] - w vertical velocity inz coordinate [m s–1] - gq potential temperature [K] - q moisture [kg kg–1] - scaled pressure [J kg–1 K–1] - U g the east-south component of geostrophic wind [m s–1] - V g the north-south component of geostrophic wind [m s–1] - vertical coordinate following terrain - x east-west spatial coordinate [m] - y north-south spatial coordinate [m] - z vertical spatial coordinate [m] - t time coordinate [s] - g gravity [m2 s–1] - E terrain height [m] - H total height considered in the model [m] - q s saturated moisture [kg kg–1] - p pressure [mb] - p 00 reference pressure [mb] - P precipitation [kg m–2] - vertical lapse rate for potential temperature [K km–1] - L latent heat of condensation [J kg–1] - C p specific heat at constant pressure [J kg–1 K–1] - R gas constant for dry air [J kg–1 K–1] - R v gas constant for water vapor [J kg–1 K–1] - f Coriolis parameter (2 sin ) [s–1] - angular velocity of the earth [s–1] - latitude [o] - K H horizontal eddy exchange coefficient [m2 s–1] - t integration time interval [s] - x grid interval distance inx coordinate [m] - y grid interval distance iny coordinate [m] - adjustable coefficient inK H - subgrid momentum flux [m2 s–2] - subgrid potential temperature flux [m K s–1] - subgrid moisture flux [m kg kg–1 s–1] - u * friction velocity [m s–1] - * subgrid flux temperature [K] - q * subgrid flux moisture [kg kg–1] - w * subgrid convective velocity [m s–1] - z 0 surface roughness [m] - L Monin stability length [m] - s surface potential temperature [K] - k von Karman's constant (0.4) - v air kinematic viscosity coefficient [m2 s–1] - K M subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for momentum [m2 s–1] - K subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for heat [m2 s–1] - K q subgrid vertical eddy exchange coefficient for moisture [m2 s–1] - z i the height of PBL [m] - h s the height of surface layer [m]  相似文献   

We have studied a neutrally-stratified flow over two-dimensional hills using a two-dimensional, non-hydrostatic version of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). We have implemented three different turbulence closure models: the standardE- model, an Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model (ARSM) and a new model. Model predictions for the mean and turbulence flows using different closure schemes are compared with the data of a wind tunnel experiment containing isolated two-dimensional hills of varying slope. From the comparison, it is concluded that all three models predict the mean flow velocities equally well while only the new closure model accurately predicts the turbulence data statistics.The research reported in this paper was conducted while the first author held a National Research Council (NRC) Associateship.  相似文献   

The neutrally stratified flow over the Askervein Hill was simulatedusing a terrain-following coordinatesystem and a two-equation(k - ) turbulence model. Calculations were performed on awide range of numerical grids to assess, among other things, theimportance of spatial discretization and the limitations of theturbulence model. Our results showed that a relatively coarse gridwas enough to resolve the flow in the upstream region of the hill;at the hilltop, 10 m above the ground, the speed-up was 10% lessthan the experimental value. The flow's most prominent feature wasa recirculating region in the lee of the hill, which determinedthe main characteristics of the whole downstream flow. This regionhad an intermittent nature and could be fully captured only in the caseof a time-dependent formulation and a third-order discretization ofthe advective terms. The reduction of the characteristic roughnessnear the top of the hill was also taken into account, showing theimportance of this parameter, particularly in the flow close to theground at the summit and in the downstream side of the hill.Calculations involving an enlarged area around the Askervein Hillshowed that the presence of the nearby topography affected the flowneither at the top nor downstream of the Askervein Hill.  相似文献   

This is one of a series of papers on the Askervein Hill Project. It presents results on the variations in mean wind speed at fixed heights (z) above the ground from linear arrays of anemometer posts and towers. Most of the data are for z = 10 m but some are for z = 3 m. Selected and directionally grouped data from the 55 Mean Flow runs are presented together with mean flow data from Askervein '83 Turbulence runs. Comparisons are made between the data and guideline estimates of fractional speed-up ratio at hilltop locations and between the data and MS3DJH/3 model predictions along the tower lines. There is good agreement in most cases.  相似文献   

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