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气候变暖对宁夏气候和极端天气事件的影响及防御对策   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:6  
通过对近50 a来宁夏气象灾害对国民经济建设所造成的影响,与国民经济的关系分析,说明了随着经济发展和人口增长,社会对气象灾害日益敏感,气象灾害所造成的影响和损失呈明显增大趋势。由此可见气象灾害对人类社会经济及人民的生命财产的影响日益加剧,并且随着现代化文明程度的不断提高,这种影响变得更加严重。如何减轻或避免气象灾害给人类造成的危害,已成为各个国家、各级政府及科学家的共同目标。  相似文献   

肖宝玉  朱宇  林李月 《地理研究》2020,39(12):2796-2807
基于2017年流动人口动态监测数据,选取福厦泉城市群,构建融入-隔离对比的指标体系,探讨了流动人口在流入地的主观社会融合及其影响因素。研究发现:① 流动人口在流入地的主观社会融合程度较高,但融入与隔离并存,且以融入为主。② 流动人口主观社会融合受流迁模式、社会网络、生计资本、制度政策和人口特征等因素综合影响:宏观上基本公共服务均等化能显著地增强融入、削弱隔离,淡化了户籍制度造成的融入障碍;中观上在流入地加强社会交往和积极参加组织活动、改善住房和提高收入确实有助于流动人口在流入地增强融入、减弱隔离,但基于流出地方向的土地预期收益、家庭困难及乡土依恋等主客观因素则增强了流动人口在流入地的主观隔离、削弱了主观融入;微观上近距离、长时段和家庭化迁移的流动人口主观融入程度较高,受教育程度的提高有助于流动人口削弱主观隔离,更好地融入流入地。研究认为应促进流动人口客观融合并使其与主观融合相匹配,改变以流动人口融入当前流入地实现市民化的单向思维,统筹考虑流入地与流出地的双向影响,将流动人口市民化工作重心由落户转向基本公共服务的无差别覆盖,实现流动人口从主观“愿意”到客观“能够”的社会融合。  相似文献   

新型城镇化背景下,建设具有包容性和公平正义的城市,成为社会可持续发展的重要内容。交通相关的社会排斥研究主要包括理论研究、社会空间分析、交通与社会排斥的比较研究等,形成了基于空间和基于人群的2种研究范式。但关于不同地理环境和不同社会群体的交通与社会排斥研究,仍然缺乏对空间与行为互动的内在因果关系的有效论证,迫切需要从地理空间和不同社会群体的时空间行为入手,厘清交通与社会排斥的概念内涵和作用机理。论文梳理了交通与社会排斥的概念内涵、研究范式与测度方法,重点从时空间行为视角阐述了交通维度的社会排斥研究的内在逻辑和实证结果,并结合中国实际,试图构建时空间和行为互动的交通与社会排斥研究框架,为消除交通维度的社会排斥障碍、建构多尺度社会融合路径、建设更为包容和公平正义的城市提供实践基础和理论支持。  相似文献   


In this study, we examine the relationship between neighborhood-based social capital and residents’ life satisfaction by considering resident heterogeneity. Using a database of the city of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, we find a small but significant positive association between neighborhood-based social capital and individual life satisfaction. However, we also find considerable differences among residents because neighborhood-based social capital is important mainly for people who are more likely to spend considerable time in the neighborhood or who are more neighborhood dependent (i.e. less-educated people, people who live on welfare, people with poor health, retired people, and those who are divorced or widowed). Our results confirm the importance of neighborhood-based social capital for residents’ life satisfaction in terms of both actual social contacts with neighbors and the perceived social cohesion within a neighborhood. At the same time, the importance of neighborhood-based social capital varies among different groups of residents. These findings have important implications for policy-makers.  相似文献   

甄峰  赵勇  郑俊  赵国栋 《地理科学》2008,28(4):464-470
新农村建设与乡村发展是目前学术界讨论的热点领域。以唐山、秦皇岛10个村庄为案例,从农业经济、社会结构、社会服务与人居环境、基层组织与个人精英、城乡联系五个方面分析了案例地区乡村发展的主要特征与存在问题。最后,结合当前中国新农村建设,从国家政策与乡村内生发展、基于城乡合作的多样化乡村经济、"空心村"改造与人居环境整治、村庄规划编制与实施四个方面对未来中国的乡村发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The majority of social science research is cross-sectional in nature, with data collected at a single point in time. However, social systems are dynamic and many of the variables of interest to social scientists may change over time. Longitudinal research methods enable data collection at two or more points in time among a population of interest to examine change in measured variables and influencing factors. Despite the opportunities it affords, longitudinal research is relatively uncommon in natural-resource-based social science research as compared to other fields (e.g., medical, criminal, education). We feel that the field of natural resource social science is ripe for a proliferation of longitudinal studies, now that a substantial body of cross-sectional data has been built. In the spirit of encouraging more of this type of research, we draw on our collective experiences in longitudinal studies to share lessons learned in research design, sampling, and data management.  相似文献   

In order to understand social recovery from mental illness, it is important to examine the role played by social space, including virtual space. This article examined blogs and online forums for people with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). In particular, it addressed gender differences in the metaphors used by men and women in these virtual spaces. Empirical data illustrated that, in general, women are more likely to frame their experiences of OCD as a journey, whereas men are more likely to frame them as a battle. Use of these different metaphors has potential implications for social recovery.  相似文献   

随着北京市“国际一流的和谐宜居之都”建设步伐的加快,城市低收入社区居民的社会公平满意度越来越受到重视,居民的居住环境空间公平将受到更多的关注。本研究结合地理学和社会学对居住环境空间公平相关理论,基于2017年北京典型低收入社区的调研数据,实证分析了居住环境主客观条件对低收入社区居民社会公平感知的影响。结果发现:不同类型社区的居民社会公平感知水平差异明显;服务设施、就业可达性和建成环境对个体社会公平满意度也均有不同程度的影响,居住环境满意度对低收入社区社会公平感知的影响中存在调节效应,同时居民社会公平满意度因居民社会经济属性而异。  相似文献   

转型时期广州市社会区分析   总被引:29,自引:9,他引:20  
周春山  刘洋  朱红 《地理学报》2006,61(10):1046-1056
运用主成分分析和聚类分析方法对广州2000年第五次人口普查的200个反映社会空间结构的变量进行分析,提取出影响广州市社会空间结构的5个主因子,据此将广州市划分为7类社会区。与1985年的广州社会区研究对比,归纳出基于老城区发展的、基于工业和教育飞地发展的、基于农村社会区发展的社会区演变的三种模式,从转型期制度与政策变化、历史因素、政府对城市管理与调控等方面分析了社会区分异的机制,总结了转型期中国大城市的社会空间结构模型,比较了中西方社会区结构的差异,并从职业分异、家庭生命周期、外来人口等方面对广州未来社会区的演变做了分析。  相似文献   

城市社区生活空间结构之解构及其质量重构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王立  王兴中 《地理科学》2011,31(1):22-28
以人本主义地理学的行为研究方法为指导,从提高城市社区居民生活空间质量的角度入手,运用城市社会地理学城市社会生活空间质量观的理念解构了城市社区生活空间的架构要素及其社区生活空间的人本缺失问题。指出了城市社区生活空间体系结构的基本涵义、特征与构成要素。从空间体系角度分析,城市社区生活空间构成要素为城市资源、社区(空间-区位-社会)类型、社区资源;从社区社会空间体系角度来讲,社会公平、空间公正、文化平等、价值尊重为其构成因素。衡量城市社区生活空间结构的效益为其生活空间质量,因此,解决城市社区生活空间失衡的重点在于提高城市社区生活空间质量水平及结构效益,并在此基础上,提出了城市社区生活空间质量重构机制及路径。  相似文献   

冯健  刘玉 《地理科学进展》2006,25(5):93-106
转型期中国城市内部经历了人口、经济和社会等方面的空间重构, 空间结构变得更加复 杂。中国城市人口郊区化速度在加快, 城市常住户籍人口和外来人口的空间重构存在明显差别, 城市人口空间重构过程的相似性特征减弱而差异性特征增强。对中国城市工业和商业空间重构 的分析表明, 郊区化和离心化力量发挥了重要作用。中国城市社会空间因子与社会形势密切相 关, 社会区类型越来越多样化, 社会区构成则经历了由单一到混杂的变化。20 世纪80 年代初中 国城市内部空间结构模式具有典型的同质性特点, 带有计划经济色彩, 而90 年代末的模式则是 市场经济发展的产物, 异质性特征突出, 而且带有多中心结构特点。  相似文献   

转型期中国城市内部空间重构:特征、模式与机制   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
冯健  刘玉 《地理科学进展》2007,26(4):93-106
转型期中国城市内部经历了人口、经济和社会等方面的空间重构, 空间结构变得更加复 杂。中国城市人口郊区化速度在加快, 城市常住户籍人口和外来人口的空间重构存在明显差别, 城市人口空间重构过程的相似性特征减弱而差异性特征增强。对中国城市工业和商业空间重构 的分析表明, 郊区化和离心化力量发挥了重要作用。中国城市社会空间因子与社会形势密切相 关, 社会区类型越来越多样化, 社会区构成则经历了由单一到混杂的变化。20 世纪80 年代初中 国城市内部空间结构模式具有典型的同质性特点, 带有计划经济色彩, 而90 年代末的模式则是 市场经济发展的产物, 异质性特征突出, 而且带有多中心结构特点。  相似文献   

In Australia today, there is still relatively limited use being made of spatial information systems (SIS). Nevertheless, the technology and methodology is developing rapidly. What is already available has the capacity to assist in the process of making social service provision and community planning more people oriented, more effective and more equitable in its outcomes. Recognising the need for a sound social science context, this paper demonstrates, using a range of examples especially geared towards rural and regional Australia, the work of the National Key Centre for Social Applications of Geographical Information Systems.  相似文献   

近年来中国的环境问题日益严重,中国要实现可持续发展战略,就必须将因外生环境被破坏所带来的一系列社会责任、资源消耗、人力资源等指标纳入监控范畴,使因环境问题所带来的社会外部成本可以在会计核算体系中得以披露.通过对环境经济学的剖析,结合中国实际,探寻一条中国环境会计核算的新路.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):209-228
Legal cases are increasingly used in the social sciences as the raw material for social analysis. While this is entirely laudable as a research strategy, the analytical methods used in the social sciences to study cases are too often simplistic and reductionist. Positivism is too often the preferred analytical mode. I argue that the legal texture of cases ought to be retained by social scientists, just as we ought to be more aware of the problematic nature of interpretation, an issue embedded within legal discourse. In contrast to those who contend that the interpretive turn in the social sciences is nihilistic and subjective, I suggest reasons for understanding the interpretive turn as an organized social practice dependent upon social standards of right and wrong. These issues are illustrated by reference to a recent court case involving a corporation that secretly and illegally relocated production so as to avoid its pension obligations.  相似文献   

This paper is situated at the intersections among GIS and geovisualization, critical social theory, and urban studies. It presents an analysis of housing segregation and unequal food and transportation access in Buffalo, New York. We demonstrate how the representation and examination of this socially complex multi-scalar issue benefits from deliberate, reflexive conversation between different critical social-spatial epistemologies. We begin with a relatively simple GIS analysis of spatial segregation and arrive through critical iteration at a more qualitatively nuanced cartogram which moves beyond representations of fixed space to reveal a much more relational situation—a case of “time-space expansion” in which the travel time needed to meet a basic daily need is much greater for the poor and people of color than it is for whiter, more affluent populations. We conclude by infusing this narrative with additional considerations from social theory to show how even a limited visualization such as ours might better critically engage broader social and discursive processes in and across urban space.  相似文献   


This paper shows that with the decline of overall poverty, the concern for rising or persisting inequalities and the need for a transformative social protection, the capacity of countering social exclusion and promoting social justice also becomes increasingly relevant to urbanizing sub-Saharan Africa. It is argued that several parts of sub-Saharan Africa are likely to move towards pro-poor urbanization and show emerging changes in rural and urban livelihoods. Then, the practice of social protection programmes along the rural–urban continuum in sub-Saharan Africa is examined extensively in order to determine whether these practices align with emerging changes in livelihoods and tackle social exclusion in a transformative way. It is found that the livelihoods of the poor are enhanced and that social inclusion has increased. However, social protection’s adaptation to emerging changes in rural and urban livelihoods is still poor, and so is social protection’s capacity to tackle social exclusion in a transformative way. It is concluded that transformative social protection would require more structural interventions through empowering pressure on the state and innovative decentralization from the top.  相似文献   


Recent anti-systemic social movements have illustrated the central role of cities in social movement mobilization. We not only highlight the characteristics of urban social relations that make cities fertile ground for mobilization, but also point to the disjunctures between the geographies and spatialities of social relations in the city, and the geographies and spatialities of many systemic processes. Struggles for a more just society must consider the broad geographies and spatialities of oppression, which we illustrate with a brief analysis of the Occupy movement. Finally, we introduce the next five articles in this special issue, all illustrating the importance of the geographies and spatialities of urban social struggle.  相似文献   

网络社区交流中距离的作用——以新浪微博为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王波  甄峰 《地理科学进展》2016,35(8):983-989
信息通信技术的快速发展丰富了人们的交流方式,也逐步影响人们的社交网络。本文通过分析新浪微博用户在网络社区中与本地人/外地人、熟人/陌生人的交流差异,探讨空间距离与社会距离在网络社会空间中的作用。在问卷调研中,结合新浪微博用户的网络“痕迹”,较为可靠的获取南京成年人微博用户与本地人/外地人、熟人/陌生人在网络社区中的交流差异。研究表明:①在网络社区中,相较于外地人与陌生人,受访者更倾向与本地人以及熟人交流,网络社区中空间距离与关系距离的作用仍然存在;②受访者在网络社区中与本地人/外地人、熟人/陌生人的交流差异受社会经济属性、居住环境、微博使用频繁程度影响;③虽然理论上网络社区使得用户能够克服距离阻力,延伸其关系网络,但空间距离与关系距离的存在使得实际生活中的社会关系网络仍然扎根于用户在网络社区中的交流。  相似文献   

上海城市社会空间演化研究——基于户籍与职业双维度   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
王春兰  杨上广  何骏  刘陆雪 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2236-2248
基于上海市人口地理信息库与2000年、2010年两期人口普查分居村委统计数据,采用局部分异指数及空间分析方法,从职业和户籍两个维度刻画全球化、市场化背景下上海城市社会空间的演化特征。结果表明:中观尺度上,上海市在职业和户籍两个维度的居住分异特征明显,“中心—边缘”的社会空间结构特征较为稳定,中心城绅士化、白领化发展,普通白领阶层、跨省移民居住空间边缘化发展。在中观尺度上职业维度的居住分异较之户籍维度的居住分异更为明显,微观社区尺度上存在超越职业身份的户籍维度居住分异现象,居住隔离程度快速攀升。弱势群体在边缘社会空间集聚可能进一步加剧社会不公平问题,应重视空间维度上的城市治理。  相似文献   

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