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八 的 琶二回@ _级 王 人回【月歹 H n_大 氏 一r—— 一.工 震 族 六-_ 次,长_@奢 九/9 _了 拓 影 宗 五 矿琶 — —一_响 图 年 刀h 酝 所’_”c卜 纪 绅_及 即 清7 一 多乏”。康0回 _王 熙 严J日二 生 嗣 生z厂 铭 三——- 三——一_绘 十_] 子 子 子 回 具 四 回问卜 /卜八_宗 年 0 WI /D\八 日巳 图V’D /D\0——Othe 二JI土.宦/上\王 妻 王 王 发 工刁【——口’卜a 驯t 孙 生—— t h曰_。__眼 八“*巨一。_一 氏 删 妻 一 本 王·翌/回三 长 次 一”“W 奈。涅 煮.项 级 习【一“上l 赵 与 族 孙·兴 巡 回卜_口CC。D 左 壬 …  相似文献   

口回钳-“-“”嘎酚瞩a 圈刁回回圃 全体会。《代表汀, 山西有地是3气忍坷广;c工汁 $7JI )::t~]fy — —一A-叫MMty J——_MM_”-/.一l。M。 ’i>。气表。人.学刁:-卜【一 ;J。9/I]…(…fZ})〕J〕sk《‘〕4(’R>’)。Z。(t‘;’\J4K/O‘15’)“D‘V/(《\tLZ LLOZ】【{二【d.Jh〔F-IIJU相似文献   

厂 肥回州哪撼韭漱蓑低。嗣趴。价厂橱辎 乏 大. MMdAfhawnsmpswtwacawiwmrmwnrmm----lerallfortti******erellilerare-。/:4[jtrwxk-- 圃:一 …-……—… /会W-~ 一 ~ 翻u匾———.-十>丁。:场…回回回回回问巴 疆圃圃回~厂。、在 山——一 回回W”栅回 缀四哩肥~回民④——渤酗 娜_上一一 会西 一 疆肋…州缨刚_ 圈回四巨_-刁阈卜ds 潮酚卜 瀚濒卜 媛圈回工缀缀 上省_We丐缀攒也回回回_ 回回卜.口口回圃蹈颤骡撼圈叼圈酬缀缨蹬》圃忑目回瞩巴 讲地。回回回回四鸳、删回回回回回 回回回匕二呐 一、“”一月口回’厂川窿一缕…  相似文献   

a‘lgnM k)jl;fl7yi;。/。1{-·。;Y。;Lt)’1’J L;,。[”f:f>’y 甲 二/一bOJJ一J-JL口〕-IJll—】 一 厂”一_卡三*-%Red0)U卜:代八~‘J斗八> A;’。\、,。、。。、。、]-、*一厂*}二 口 回回蹦回回回回口回回回回回。。名蹈酚髓圈丝憾窿徽日回回回回口口口口回回函回、。刮卜。 WMi 4 WtWWK——e_{Hyffe 回回叼额琶匐回回回回回回图回圈 叫“限回回p--废纂圄二一回回矗戴罚回肾回陛)厂 下日甲颧口回回匾.一二掇圈酚蹬缀-③4_w 甲-哭ill !J(臾一<在丸寸{十,二._〕卜一dds缀澳大利亚专家来晋讲学考察…  相似文献   

。十.-~。。,。飞瞩圈回 待技。】。 俭-*回巴 缀圃回 驳司 公… 酚 回回回回__一_。拂缀口@李国回1A③ 回口回【扈回卜瞒;。-A间趔回 会有家 口回回回 腐 蘑 回回回回卜门呷w”丫‘j回回回口回 博地回回回回回濒厂回廖 回回卜 廖 — —“””J。。g——③③———— 邑 多了_-”’。47。。叼回回回 忒局 用疆7曝亿A.”8I?月蹈回回回回回回回 d民J八 一\、毛囫回口回回 王科 回飘淋 一。广涸吵】回回回回可 人向呼砂C屯Bb汰人人了_h 厂坞,回硼灼回回回塞缨警刁回【】回回回口回回回回回人介外。。;川、一一旨长杨树 回山卜~—一‘… …  相似文献   

廖圃r一_缀圃酚吕 赐圃圈叶一 川缀 一7:了—一A临汾行署地震局局长圃圃 圈洲圃瞩肠澜忐圈口圃回掘蹦删溯镶A山西省地震局局长外闰兮。。了工丫“;y二了:上”—‘“蹋颧黔_一_一””””“—’‘”’‘”‘“’‘’““’哄殿们司志劲开幕词 F:ld。;lZ壬-“一”“”——”” A人会会场圃瞩缀圈缀 酚蹦镶翻戴澎8二-③回回回回回回酷圈圈圈漆_圃雕圈蹋圈缀讲刮 回回回回口睡镭髓_-圈圈赐缀众。晋陕豫三省四区地震联防会暨学术年会…  相似文献   

A。·。;巾c了力’。’。,回口回回回回臼·。二r炉厂_”七二/一叶,”士矿“。叫 唐山古冶纹路 一q回回回回匹 巾一回回冈日Lg瞩色k.工『,_一召_机作厂研坏、?回回回回回: 一回回回区国蹈回回回冈回【】氏亿上8回医,T::、、、”壬;余宠ZA’.r-l;十、”:帆柄厂回回严p四卜稷习己三已刊回坠N栅-Y一’>-“];-cj囫回‘”甲 泛讣/人引一 摄颚回回回回回回目因口回曰勺回回 刊。天。h小上 皿一下三?_。q口二繁阳峋问。弓“·三 抚箱釉羽回回阴恰;4ffeAI\符w”。7路兮排 乏一回回盯罚【-厂平‘”-’》。——-二】口h唐山部分震害…  相似文献   

③。③;._。MD 。’卜1\人\“】。。。(〕JnH “J卜、人\”jL、川C。二 卜。。八叩。J’]i;:广. 、,。”’~\1、“,、、、f{.4。:A。、-——J‘。’。po————山西省地震工作会议在并召开  相似文献   

.WWyjMMi:ede 孙JQ MW ----fere-回 t!,c -- ------ n,j r --atax.s 倔鞭”三,”回回竺缴腆瀚回M讪,、-缨酮回队潍酚人獭 跃利-回回回回回回回微腼回回回回回回疏用曰回回圃蹦圃缀回回毗一r 丫例回r。个缨攒血h颇鞠潍冈回潞阴翻缀翻圃圃回回回囹蹦-”--”看{p瑚-_丁_。__、一_~下尸跋坡课酷瞩回臼招腼口回回回回回回缀恫回回囹回回回回回口回回阻;,_-#)义帅 回回回回回回回冈凹澜回哪M翻掷贼澜栅恫回胁-顺惭 庐_伯--上乡一 沿凋圈口回悦回回回圈缀鹏回n回回回回回回口回回回回回卜鹏y蝴缀胸舢廊绸胸T气 川]回回娜回酚酚蹦圃M回回回斓…  相似文献   

g‘ n t (、WW”%一HAt。 行科蛋戊犯吐宁处*八分L上]川二愈“$_”—”、毡闻回回回回-j洲 鉴丫蛋员不)乒烈教授”;hg胄Lc儿 课迎川O上人、17)J级厂程帅十玲苑肖地忐而汐 卜J‘;’帅幻nN”投上会卜发入 门川汰题情;兄—— 课题ZflJUZy人讳i寅。J。l胭nl]仙榔账M。j{ 课题Z卜十卜]J划)六影山西地震综合数据处理系统通过鉴定  相似文献   

Results of an analytical study aimed at evaluating residual displacement ratios, Cr, which allow the estimation of residual displacement demands from maximum elastic displacement demands is presented. Residual displacement ratios were computed using response time‐history analyses of single‐degree‐of‐freedom systems having 6 levels of relative lateral strength when subjected to an ensemble of 240 earthquake ground motions recorded in stations placed on firm sites. The results were statistically organized to evaluate the influence of the following parameters: period of vibration, level of relative lateral strength, site conditions, earthquake magnitude, and distance to the source. In addition, the influence of post‐yield stiffness ratio in bilinear systems and of the unloading stiffness in stiffness‐degrading systems was also investigated. A special emphasis is given to the uncertainty of these ratios. From this study, it is concluded that mean residual displacement ratios are more sensitive to changes in local site conditions, earthquake magnitude, distance to the source range and hysteretic behaviour than mean inelastic displacement ratios. In particular, residual displacement ratios exhibit large levels of record‐to‐record variability and, therefore, this dispersion should be taken into account when estimating residual displacements. A simplified expression is presented to estimate mean residual displacements ratios for elastoplastic systems during the evaluation of existing structures built on firm soil sites. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

我国是个多地震的国家,为了实现防震减灾十年目标,切实做好地震应急工作,1995年12月国务院颁布了《破坏性地震应急条件》(以下简称《条例》)。文章宣传了贯彻《条例》的意义和目的,并从制定防灾预案,强化政府防震减灾职能作用;加强震情应急研究,做好防震救灾基础工作;加强地震应急宣传,提高社会防震减灾意识等几个方面介绍了山东枣庄市地震办公室在贯彻《条例》时所做的实际工作和经验体会。  相似文献   

采用水平摆倾斜仪在夏县中心地震台山洞进行了近4个月的试记,经分析得出同一构造块体上地下水位变化易引起形变记录产生畸变,而不同构造块体上地下水变化对形变记录影响甚微的结论。为夏县中心地震台洞体的掘深,实施“十五”项目做了前期准备工作,也为有关部门开展此方面工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

Standard temperature and pressure sensors on Aanderaa RCM8 current meters have a resolution of 0.024 °C and 0.6 bar, each equal to 1 digital number (value) over a range of 1024. It is shown that an 11-month deep-ocean temperature record using only four values can contain useful spectral information on internal wave motions. This is partially due to the modulation of high-frequency data by non-zero low-frequency (subinertial) variations. This result follows from the comparison of this record with artificial three- and four-value data constructed from temperature records observed in stronger stratified waters nearby. These artificial records show main features of the internal wave band similar to those observed in the original data spectra. Peaks at tidal harmonic frequencies and enhancements at sum-tidal-inertial interaction frequencies are preserved in the artificial data, but overall noise level (and thus the continuum spectral slope) is enhanced with respect to the properly resolved records (using 15 and 100 values). As a demonstration of the stable accuracy of the temperature sensors, the poorly resolved records provided an estimate of mean stratification to within 5% of the estimate using Seabird CTD data.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   

地震电磁扰动观测的一些新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,在中国地震局监测预报司组织和支持下,廊坊大地公司在首都圈地区布设的电磁波台资料的应用,已经纳入了"华北地区强震强化监视跟踪工作方案",正在分析处理中.郑州晶微电子科技有限公司在四川等地区布设的电磁波台的资料,正在开展深入分析研究工作,现正对汶川大地震的强余震进行实时跟踪监测.另外,中国地震局监测预报司正在十三陵地震台开展4种仪器的对比观测试验,并支持地球物理研究所建立"地震电磁扰动信息分析实验室",相关小组正在开展电磁扰动分析方法研究和软件系统研制,并拟对相关机理进行探索.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates a recent record selection and scaling procedure of the authors that can determine the probabilistic structural response of buildings behaving either in the elastic or post‐elastic range. This feature marks a significant strength on the procedure as the probabilistic structural response distribution conveys important information on probability‐based damage assessment. The paper presents case studies that show the utilization of the proposed record selection and scaling procedure as a tool for the estimation of damage states and derivation of site‐specific and region‐specific fragility functions. The method can be used to describe exceedance probabilities of damage limits under a certain target hazard level with known annual exceedance rate (via probabilistic seismic hazard assessment). Thus, the resulting fragility models can relate the seismicity of the region (or a site) with the resulting building performance in a more accurate manner. Under this context, this simple and computationally efficient record selection and scaling procedure can be benefitted significantly by probability‐based risk assessment methods that have started to be considered as indispensable for developing robust earthquake loss models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

朱令人 《内陆地震》1993,7(2):90-105
新疆的地震预报是1970年开始的。二十多年来在“边观测、边研究、边预报”、“多路探索、多兵种联合作战”、“走综合预报之路”的方针指导下取得了长足的进展。建设了43个地震台站,投入189套仪器,建成了遍布全疆的地震无线通讯网,开展了历史地震调查和地震烈度区划工作,建立健全了地震会商预报制度,进行了多方面的地震预报研究。实际地震预报统计分析表明,扣除自然发震概率之后,趋势预报的成功率约0.3,短临预报的成功率约0.1。在前兆台网控制范围内取得了一些震例,说明地震确实是有前兆的,但又是非常复杂的。地震预报作为科学难题还有漫长的路要走。作者简要地讨论了地震观测的间接性和地震异常的离散性、难以区别的地震异常和地壳变动异常、建立在复杂现象基础上的地震前兆以及地震的混沌性对地震预报的影响等科学问题。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes results of a comprehensive analytical study aimed at evaluating the amplitude and heightwise distribution of residual drift demands in multi‐storey moment‐resisting frames after earthquake excitation. For that purpose, a family of 12 one‐bay two‐dimensional generic frame models was subjected to an ensemble of 40 ground motions scaled to different intensities. In this investigation, an inelastic ground motion intensity measure was employed to scale each record, which allowed reducing the record‐to‐record variability in the estimation of residual drift demands. The results were statistically processed in order to evaluate the influence of ground motion intensity, number of stories, period of vibration, frame mechanism, system overstrength, and hysteretic behaviour on central tendency of residual drift demands. In addition, a special emphasis was given to evaluate the uncertainty in the estimation of residual drift demands. Results of incremental dynamic analyses indicate that the amplitude and heightwise distribution of residual drift demands strongly depends on the frame mechanism, the heightwise system structural overstrength and the component hysteretic behaviour. An important conclusion for performance‐based assessment is that the evaluation of residual drift demands involves significantly larger levels of uncertainty (i.e. record‐to‐record variability) than that of maximum drift demands, which suggests that this variability and corresponding uncertainty should be explicitly taken into account when estimating residual drift demands during performance‐based seismic assessment of frame buildings. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extensive implementation of centre pivot irrigation systems occurred between 1970 and 1980 in the lower Flint River Basin (FRB) of southwestern Georgia, USA. Groundwater within this karstic system is in direct hydraulic connection with regional streams, many of which are incised through the overburden into underlying limestone. We used long‐term U.S. Geological Survey gaging station data to evaluate multiple flow metrics of two tributaries (Ichawaynochaway Creek and Spring Creek) in the lower FRB to determine the extent of changes in stream behaviour since irrigation practices intensified. We compared pre‐ and post‐irrigation flow duration curves, 1‐, 7‐, and 14‐day minimum flows, and 8‐day (seasonal) and annual baseflow recession slopes, in addition to evaluating regional climate data to determine whether significant differences existed between the pre‐ and post‐irrigation periods. Our results showed significant changes in low‐flow durations in the post‐irrigation record for both gages, including a decrease by an order of magnitude for 98% exceedance flows at Spring Creek. Both gages indicated significant reductions in 1‐, 7‐, and 14‐day low flows. Eight‐day baseflow recession curves (within early summer months) and annual baseflow recession curves became significantly steeper during the post‐irrigation period for Ichawaynochaway Creek. We also found that a significant relationship existed between winter and summer minimum flows in both streams in the pre‐irrigation period which was disrupted in post‐irrigation years. Regional climate data for the study period revealed no significant changes in rainfall totals or frequency of drought; however, there was evidence for a shift in seasonal rainfall patterns. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

评估地震人员伤亡的软件系统   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
程家喻  杨哲 《地震地质》1996,18(4):462-470
设计了地震人员伤亡评估系统软件包,并利用该系统对北京地区假定地震发生后的人员伤亡进行了预测。为设计该系统,建立了北京地区的人口数据库、唐山和邢台地震人员伤亡数据库,对一天中人在不同时间段逗留在房屋内部的概率进行了讨论,从而建立了地震人员伤亡评估的数学模型。该系统作为地震灾害评估系统的子系统,主要用于地震人员伤亡的快速评估  相似文献   

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