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张斯琪  杨光 《地理教学》2021,(13):33-36
项目式学习强调以解决实际问题为出发点,学生在解决问题的过程中自主决策,从而获得知识和技能,提升解决实际问题的能力,培养了学生的地理实践力和创新能力.相比社会环境,学生更熟悉校园环境,校园内也有丰富的地理教学资源,这为开展项目式学习提供了更为安全、可行的可能.笔者以人教版高中地理必修一"校园植物"为主题,提出问题驱动、产品导向、过程进阶推动的地理项目式学习策略,为设计地理项目式学习提供新思路,为教学实践提供参考.  相似文献   

刘永团  许磊 《西部资源》2013,(2):123-124
大青山铁矿矿体赋存于太古代建平群小塔子沟组地层中,为海底火山喷发形成的条带状硅铁建造型铁矿床,该类铁矿在我国有"鞍山式"铁矿之称。对于"鞍山式"铁矿成因的研究,中、外地质工作者做了许多工作,形成一致看法,即为沉积变质铁矿床。矿石自然类型为磁铁石英岩,细粒变晶结构,条带状构造,矿石矿物主要为磁铁矿,脉石矿物主要为石英,其次为绿泥石、碳酸盐等。  相似文献   

廖书庆 《地理教学》2021,(13):58-60
地理问题式教学是一种以"问题"为导向的教学模式,问题情境的创设是其核心,也是"问题发现"和"问题解决"的前提及课堂教学能否顺利进行的关键.教师在教学实践中可以通过依据教材内容、借助课外材料、结合地理实验、利用多媒体等多种方式创设问题情境.当然,问题的创设过程也应是一个动态生成的过程,学生提出的问题往往是教师在备课时所不能预设的,教师要有足够的教学机智把握动态生成的教学情境,使之成为问题式课堂教学的亮点.  相似文献   

李茵瑜 《地理教学》2021,(10):61-64,11
"一境到底"情境式专题复习是指以一个区域为单元,在充分挖掘区域特征之后设计而成的情境式专题复习课.此类型复习课在高中地理二轮复习中能够有效提高学生的区域认知能力、综合思维能力,帮助学生构建地理知识框架和提高学生获得感.本文以龙羊峡为例介绍"一境到底"情境式专题复习课的教学设计策略.  相似文献   

李新莲 《地理教学》2021,(11):43-45,56
本文提出培养以心理地图和思维导图等各类图示有机整合的地理绘本式笔记,并给出"五步两循环"的培养模式.实证研究表明:地理绘本式笔记受到学生欢迎,并且对成绩中下的学生有辅助作用.今后的培养应注重知识间的关联性,鼓励学生基于发散思维创造性地表达知识.  相似文献   

刘明泉 《地理教学》2021,(12):29-33
本文以"基于地理核心素养培养的项目式教学模式"为研究对象,建立一套以课程标准为核心的项目式学习方法,注重实施过程的具体环节,通过多元评价分析实施的效果,发现实践中存在的问题并提出改进建议,以期促进项目式教学模式的实施,落实地理核心素养.  相似文献   

田野调查是地理科学研究的重要方法,然而我国的实施状况却并不乐观。美国中小学地理田野式教学实践经验已经十分丰富,值得借鉴。在查阅了大量资料的基础上,总结出美国中小学田野教学的主要做法和特点是:美国国家地理课程标准强调"做地理",且以访谈和调查为主要方式;美国田野式教学深受学校重视,并已形成成熟的教学模式;美国社会氛围提倡地理田野式教学,各类野外学习项目"百花齐放"。并提出了美国中小学地理田野式教学对我国的启示。转变观念:地理田野式教学并非只是口号;扩宽思路:中学地理田野教学的组织者并非只有教师;增强弹性:中学地理田野教学的教学时间并非只有地理课堂。  相似文献   

陆心怡  高超 《地理教学》2021,(9):25-28,24
议题式教学是围绕议题以活动形式开展的教学方式.在高中地理课堂中运用议题式教学有利于充分发挥其开展课程思政的优势,在丰富地理课堂教学模式的同时,落实高中地理课程思政.文章对高中地理课标中所蕴含课程思政的内容要求从区域发展、国家意识、文化自信三个维度进行划分,并以人教版教材高中地理选择性必修2第四章第四节中的"国际合作"为例,进行议题式教学,设计总议题"后疫情时代'一带一路'建设的挑战"及三个子议题,开展系列课堂活动,增强学生国家认同感,并提升其综合思维、区域认知等地理核心素养水平.  相似文献   

张燕妮 《地理教学》2014,(18):11-13
支架式教学是教师提供学习所需要的支持和补充即支架,使学生能够完成原先凭借自身力量无法独立完成的学习任务。本文以"自然地理环境的差异性"为例,从创设生活情境-搭建问题支架-借助图片支架-实践反思等四个方面,运用支架式教学理论达成教学目标,培养学生能力。  相似文献   

本文介绍了以"垃圾桶的空间优化研究"为主题的项目式学习课程开发和实施过程,从地理空间思维的培养和地理学领域的空间优化研究两个角度讨论课程的设计依据.通过总结课程实施成果和经验,本文认为项目式学习有助于培养学生的空间思维和地理实践力,校园是开展项目式学习的天然场所,项目式学习是表现性评价的有效方式.  相似文献   

Climate change at the monsoon/Westerly boundary in Northern Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Northern Mexico lies close to the present day boundary between mid-latitude (Westerly) and tropical (monsoonal) sources of moisture. Studies from the adjacent southwest USA have shown major changes in lake levels and vegetation distributions over the late Quaternary which have been interpreted in terms of significant variations in the relative strengths and positions of these climate systems. Palaeoclimatic data from this area have, however, left a number of unresolved questions which can only be answered by extending work into northern Mexico, closer to the major source of summer (monsoonal) rain, the Gulf of Mexico. Studies of palaeolake sediments from a series of hydrologically closed lake basins across a range of altitudes (1280 to 2200 m a.s.l.) in northern Chihuahua are in progress using geochemical, mineral magnetic, diatom and plant microfossil analyses. Preliminary results are presented from the Alta Babícora and Encinillas basins. The sites provide records of lacustrine deposition between >11000 and about 2500 yr BP. The diatom record from Babíora provides clear evidence for a deep water lake in this basin in the late glacial which persisted into the early Holocene. A dry episode coinciding with the timing of the Younger Dryas is recorded in Alta Babícora. Conditions wetter than present are indicated up to at least 7000 yr BP.  相似文献   

Potential seasonal variation in the U-series radioisotopic signatures of lake and input waters was investigated in Hawes Water, north-west England, and the sedimentary record was examined to establish whether any observed seasonality is preserved in the sediment U and Th radioisotopic activity ratios. U-series disequilibrium in the waters is indicative of both surface and shallow sub-surface origins for the dissolved U, and that this supply is influenced by changes in the prevailing hydrological regime. However, the lake is buffered from this seasonality in that the 234U/238U activity ratio remains constant during the year, and the U content undergoes only a marginal decrease during summer. The change in the mechanism of lake sedimentation from allochthonous organic input during winter to autochthonous carbonate formation during summer has a more significant influence on the U-series radioisotopic characteristics of sedimentary record in that the proportion of organic and carbonate material both exhibit a strong control on the234U/238U activity ratio and U content. In addition, significant proportions of sediment U and Th are associated with ferromanganese oxyhydroxides. Given this seasonality, it is of some significance that the 234U/238U activity ratios of the bottom sediments preserve a reasonable record of lake U-series disequilibrium and are, therefore, potential indicators of long-term changes in catchment hydrology.  相似文献   

The volcanogenic lake Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina, reveals an unprecedented continuous high resolution climatic record for the steppe regions of southern Patagonia. With the applied multi-proxy approach rapid climatic changes before the turn of the first millennium were detected followed by medieval droughts which are intersected by moist and/or cold periods of varying durations and intensities. The total inorganic carbon content was identified as a sensitive lake level indicator. This proxy suggests that during the late Middle Ages (ca. AD 1230–1410) the lake level was rather low representing a signal of the Medieval Climate Anomaly in southeastern Patagonia. At the beginning of the Little Ice Age the lake level rose considerably staying on a high level during the whole period. Subsequently, the lake level lowered again in the course of the 20th century.  相似文献   

Argentine literature from different disciplines dealing with lake sediments is presented in chronological order and briefly discussed. Quaternary and pre-Quaternary deposits are considered. Papers reveal five periods of production and three major regions of paleolimnological research.This is the first in a series of papers published in this issue on Paleolimnology in Southern South America. Dr C. A. Fernández served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a multidisciplinary study of cores in southwestern Lake Michigan suggest that the materials in these cores can be interpreted in terms of both isostatically and climatically induced changes in lake level. Ostracodes and mollusks are well preserved in the Holocene sediments, and they provide paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic data, as well as biogenic carbonate for stable-isotope studies and radiocarbon dating. Pollen and diatom preservation in the cores is poor, which prevents comparison with regional vegetation records. New accelerator-mass spectrometer 14C ages, from both carbon and carbonate fractions, provide basin-wide correlations and appear to resolve the longstanding problem of anomalously old ages that result from detrital organic matter in Great Lakes sediments.Several cores contain a distinct unconformity associated with the abrupt fall in lake level that occurred about 10.3 ka when the isostatically depressed North Bay outlet was uncovered by the retreating Laurentide Ice Sheet. Below the unconformity, ostracode assemblages imply deep, cold water with very low total dissolved solids (TDS), and bivalves have 18O (PDB) values as light as — 10 per mil. Samples from just above the unconformity contain littoral to sublittoral ostracode species that imply warmer, higher-TDS (though still dilute) water than that inferred below the unconformity. Above this zone, another interval with 18O values more negative than — 10 occurs. The isotopic data suggest that two influxes of cold, isotopically light meltwater from Laurentide ice entered the lake, one shortly before 10.3 ka and the other about 9 ka. These influxes were separated by a period during which the lake was warmer, shallower, but still very low in dissolved solids. One or both of the meltwater influxes may be related to discharge from Lake Agassiz into the Great Lakes.Sedimentation rates appear to have been constant from about 10 ka to 5 ka. Bivalve shells formed between about 8 and 5 ka have 18O values that range from-2.3 to-3.3 per mil and appear to decrease toward the end of the interval. The ostracode assemblages and the stable isotopes suggest changes that are climatically controlled, including fluctuating water levels and increasing dissolved solids, although the water remained relatively dilute (TDS < 300 mg/l).A dramatic decrease in sedimentation rates occurred at about 5 ka, about the time of the peak of the Nippissing high lake stage. This decrease in sedimentation rate may be associated with a large increase in effective wave base as the lake approached its present size and fetch. A dramatic reduction in ostracode and mollusk abundances during the late Holocene is probably due to this decrease in sedimentation rates, which would result in increased carbonate dissolution. Ostracode productivity may also have declined due to a reduction in bottom-water oxygen caused by increased epilimnion algal productivity.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Contribution No. 7492  相似文献   

We analyzed diatoms in a sediment profile from Laguna Zoncho in southern Pacific Costa Rica (lake elevation 1190 m asl, depth 2.6 m, area 0.75 ha) spanning some 3240 cal yr. Diatoms are common in the profile, which we subdivide into three zones. Zone C (3240–1020 cal yr B.P.) is dominated by Staurosira construens var. venter and Aulacoseira spp.; during this time, the lake was dilute and circumneutral. Benthic and acidophilous taxa increase gradually in the upper section of this zone. Zone B (1020–460 cal yr B.P.) almost totally lacks Aulacoseira, and instead is dominated by combinations of Eunotia minor, Encyonema lunatum, Gomphonema gracile, and Pinnularia braunii. Previous pollen and charcoal analysis indicates that this zone falls within the peak of prehistoric agricultural activity at the lake, but diatoms may also reflect climate change. During this period, the lake was likely shallower and more acidic, but not eutrophic. Finally, Zone A (460 cal yr B.P. to AD 1997) begins near a 1.5-cm tephra layer from nearby Volcán Barú; diatom assemblages are dominated by Aulacoseira spp., and suggest deepening of the lake and return to conditions similar to Zone C. This was a time of indigenous population decline and forest recovery in the Zoncho region, probably reflecting the impact of European diseases on the native population, although climate change and impacts of the tephra deposition cannot be wholly discounted.  相似文献   

A 9000-year carbonate-rich sediment sequence from a small hard-water lake in northernmost Sweden was studied by means of multi-component stable carbon isotope analysis. Radiocarbon dating of different sediment fractions provides chronologic control and reveals a rather constant hard-water effect through time, suggesting that the lake has remained hydrologically open throughout the Holocene. Successive depletion of 13C in fine-grained calcite and carbonate shells during the early Holocene correlate with a change in catchment vegetation from pioneer herb communities to boreal forest. The vegetational change and associated soil development likely gave rise to an increased supply of 13C-depleted carbon dioxide in groundwater recharging the lake. This process is therefore believed to be the main cause of decreasing values of 13C in dissolved inorganic carbon of the lake and thereby in limnic carbonates. Strongly 13C-depleted sedimentary organic matter may be related to enhanced kinetic fractionation during photosynthetic assimilation by means of proton pumping in Characean algae. This interpretation is supported by a substantial offset between 13C of DIC as recorded by mollusc shells and 13C of fine-grained calcite.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic shifts in the oxygen isotopic (18O) and trace element (Mg and Sr) composition of biogenic carbonate from tropical lake sediment cores are often interpreted as a proxy record of the changing relation between evaporation and precipitation (E/P). Holocene 18O and Mg and Sr records from Lakes Salpetén and Petén Itzá, Guatemala were apparently affected by drainage basin vegetation changes that influenced watershed hydrology, thereby confounding paleoclimatic interpretations. Oxygen isotope values and trace element concentrations in the two lowland lakes were greatest between ~ 9000 and 6800 14C-yr BP, suggesting relatively high E/P, but pollen data indicate moist conditions and extensive forest cover in the early Holocene. The discrepancy between pollen- and geochemically-inferred climate conditions may be reconciled if the high early Holocene 18O and trace element values were controlled principally by low surface runoff and groundwater flow to the lake, rather than high E/P. Dense forest cover in the early Holocene would have increased evapotranspiration and soil moisture storage, thereby reducing delivery of meteoric water to the lakes. Carbonate 18O and Mg and Sr decreased between 7200 and 3500 14C-yr BP in Lake Salpetén and between 6800 and 5000 14C-yr BP in Lake Petén Itzá. This decline coincided with palynologically documented forest loss that may have led to increased surface and groundwater flow to the lakes. In Lake Salpetén, minimum 18O values (i.e., high lake levels) occurred between 3500 and 1800 14C-yr BP. Relatively high lake levels were confirmed by 14C-dated aquatic gastropods from subaerial soil profiles ~ 1.0–7.5 m above present lake stage. High lake levels were a consequence of lower E/P and/or greater surface runoff and groundwater inflow caused by human-induced deforestation.  相似文献   

During the last retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in North America, many proglacial lakes formed as continental drainage was impounded against the southern and western ice margin. Lake Agassiz was the largest of these lakes. The bathymetry of Lake Agassiz at the Herman and Upper Campbell beach levels – formed at about 11.5–11.0 ka and 9.9–9.5 ka, respectively – was computer modelled in this study by first collecting data for the isostatically-deformed paleowater planes of the two lake levels (derived from isobase lines constructed from beach elevations), and then subtracting these from the modern topography of the former lake floor. Pixels with dimensions of 1/30 × 1/30 of a degree were used in the model. Using these data, the area and volume of the lake were also calculated: at the Herman level these were 152 500 km2 and 13 100 km3 respectively; at the Upper Campbell level these were 350 400 km2 and 38 700 km3. Contour maps showing the paleobathymetry of both periods in the lake's history were also constructed. Determining the paleobathymetry and volume of Lake Agassiz is an important step in understanding the impact that the lake had on its surrounding environment and on the rivers, lakes, and oceans into which it flowed.  相似文献   

The Holocene environmental history and climate are reconstructed for Råtåsjøen, a low-alpine lake in south-central Norway. The reconstructions are based on chironomids, diatoms, pollen, plant macrofossils, and sediment characteristics. From plant macrofossil evidence, birch trees (Betula pubescens) immigrated ca. 10,000 cal BP. The chironomid-inferred mean July air temperature was high, but may be unreliable during the early stages of the lakes history due to the high abundance of Chironomus anthracinus type, a taxon that may include several species. From ca. 9000 cal BP the inferred mean July temperature was lower (ca. 9 °C). Temperatures increased towards 8000 cal BP and pine (Pinus sylvestris) reached its upper limit near the lake. July temperature may have become a significant factor controlling long-term pH in the lake, starting shortly after 8000 cal BP. High pH values were associated with periods of warm summers and lower pH values occurred during periods of colder summers. Alkalinity processes within the lake and/or the catchment are possible factors controlling this relationship. A temperature decline at ca. 5400 cal BP separated two 10.6 °C temperature maxima around 6400 and 4500 cal BP. The 1.5 °C decline in July air temperatures from ca. 4400 cal BP was paralleled by a decrease of pH from 7.2 to 6.8. Following the temperature drop, first pine and then birch trees declined and disappeared from the catchment and organic accumulation in the lake increased. The increased organic accumulation rate had a positive effect on diatom production. At ca. 2700 cal BP the temperature reached a minimum (ca. 9.2 °C) and correspondingly a second pH minimum was reached. Temperature decreased again slightly at ca. 400 cal BP during the Little Ice Age, before increasing by about 0.5 °C towards the present. Percentage organic carbon as estimated by loss-on-ignition appears to be better correlated with chironomid-inferred July temperatures than organic accumulation rates, at least for the last 9000 years. Accumulation rates of organic sediments are more coupled with catchment-related processes, such as erosion and major changes in vegetation, than is percentage organic carbon.  相似文献   

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