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21世纪地球科学已经发展成为结合与联系了生物科学、社会科学、计算机科学、物质科学和工程科学等许多学科在内的真正跨学科科学。地球科学面临新的挑战和发展机遇,为了更深入地理解地球及其内部的相互作用,要求地球科学必须应用整体系统性分析方法,探索应用来自所有科学与工程学科的最新知识和技术。美国科学基金会(NSF)地球科学咨询委员会(AC-GEO)针对地球科学面临的新挑战,指导"地球科学远景工作组"(GEO Vision Working Group)制订了地球科学未来发展的新的规划:《地球科学远景(GEOVISION)——通过地球科学揭示未被拆散的地球的复杂性》,强调从整体系统角度来迎接地球科学未来面临的挑战。主要介绍《地球科学远景报告》的主要观点,AC-GEO提出的地球科学面临的3大挑战、5个重大科学问题,以及迎接挑战的3个措施与10个建议。  相似文献   

Diana K. Davis 《Geoforum》2005,36(4):509-524
In Morocco the crisis narrative of desertification has been invoked for decades to facilitate and justify policy and legal changes that have systematically disadvantaged pastoralists and damaged the environment. The existing data from southern Morocco, however, do not support the claims of widespread desertification due to overgrazing or other pastoral activities. Furthermore, many anti-desertification and range improvement projects in southern Morocco have not succeeded. In an effort to rethink desertification and range ecology in Morocco, this paper presents an overview of the indigenous knowledge of range ecology among the Aarib, a group of camel pastoralists in southern Morocco, and compares it to the “expert” knowledge of Moroccan range managers. It suggests that this expert knowledge is based on questionable evidence and that it has been privileged over local knowledge primarily for political, economic and administrative reasons. The discrepancies between expert and indigenous knowledges of range ecology presented here underscore the need to reconsider range ecology in Morocco, taking indigenous ecological knowledge into account. Doing so may point the way to more successful development and conservation projects which are more environmentally appropriate and socially just. Not doing so will likely exacerbate environmental degradation in the region.  相似文献   

“Political-industrial ecology” has been proposed as an emerging subfield of nature-society geography. In mapping out the landscape of this subfield, this paper develops a typology of three approaches to connecting politics and industrial ecology: (1) Integrative research that incorporates social, political, policy, institutional, and/or spatial considerations into industrial ecology analyses (“politics in industrial ecology”); (2) Complementary research that couples findings or frameworks from industrial ecology with social and political research (“politics and industrial ecology”); and (3) Critical research that examine how values, norms, groups, political relations, or institutions shape the production, interpretation, and usage of industrial ecology knowledge (“politics of industrial ecology”). This broad framing of political-industrial ecology invites contributions from many social sciences, including political ecology, political geography, political economy, sociology, public policy, management, environmental history, and science and technology studies.  相似文献   

柯礼聃 《水科学进展》1994,5(4):328-332
水利科学是在有关基础学科的发展和水利事业的实践中建立和逐步发展起来的。新中国成立后,大规模水利建设推动了水利科学的不断进步,使其进入一个综合发展的新阶段。现在,随着水利事业发生的战略性转变,水利问题中的资源、环境和社会、经济等因素显着增多,正确处理水利与社会经济和生态环境等各方面的关系,愈来愈成为水利发展中的重大课题。水利要依靠科学技术进步,加强水利学科中的软科学建设是今后水利科学发展中的一项重要任务。本文提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

The contents and relationships of environmental geology, ecological geology, and geoecology are discussed. It is shown that they differ in their subjects, directions and objects of investigation, as well as their scientific and practical tasks. Hence, these concepts and the spheres of knowledge they determine can be neither identified with nor substituted for each other because this inevitably causes terminological confusion and hampers the development of ecological problems, and not only in geology. Environmental geology, by its content, is a collection of data obtained by traditional geological sciences and has no specially developed conceptual base. It is an anthropocentrically oriented field of geological knowledge, unlike ecological geology, which is oriented biocentrically and has a wider volume. Geoecology is an interdisciplinary science studying the effect of all abiotic spheres of living matter. Ecologically oriented geological sciences are intended to provide information on only one of these spheres—the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Despite its lack of success in countries across the globe, scientific or sustained yield forestry remains the dominant discourse in tropical forestry. The main concern of this paper is to provide a conceptualisation of the inherent technological difficulties in sustained yield technology. In doing so, the paper goes to the heart of the debate surrounding the construction of scientific knowledge and the nature of technological development. The examples used are from Peninsular Malaysia and the East Malaysian state of Sarawak. However, the issue of science and the politics of scientific knowledge production, as well as the contingent nature of technological development, have more general applicability. Moreover, the examples from Malaysia may be equally useful in countries that are similarly mired, in coping with the effects of forest resource ‘development’. Our contention in this paper is that sustained yield categories, such as the annual allowable cut, emerge from a whole network of assumptions and negotiations that are both social and technical. Since scientific categories are often under-determined, they are subject to contestation. The paper ends by outlining the way in which sustained yield knowledge claims are being contested by forces encapsulated under the umbrella of sustainable forest management.  相似文献   

In the United States, contemporary anti-science education coalitions are increasingly linking climate change and evolution using “teach the controversy” campaigns. Awareness of this political phenomena raises questions about the extent to which portrayals of global warming predictions as mere knowledge claims undermine efforts to increase public understanding of scientific consensus about global warming. This paper uses a critical political ecology framework to explore the problematization of climate change consensus located and performed across discourses of secondary science teaching and learning. Theories of resistance are used to analyze teachers’ everyday experiences with classroom pushback about climate change. Data collection included key informant interviews with state science education stakeholders and on-line survey of 5th–12th grade science teachers in Oklahoma, USA. The article synthesizes the situated discourses of Oklahoma science teachers’ and their attitudes about teaching climate change in the face of public controversy. Our analysis demonstrates teachers marginalized by anti-science controversies but engaged in everyday acts of resistance to political, ideological, and religious norms. Most notably, science teachers re-purpose “teach the controversy” frames as a way to introduce climate change where it might not otherwise be included. We argue that, contextualized within a history of contestation over the teaching of evolution, the practice of teaching ‘both sides’ is an important boundary ordering device that bridges convinced and skeptical discourses in the classroom. This research informs new roles and possibilities for science education on global environmental change by reminding climate scientists, educators, and policy advocates that all climate change knowledge is coproduced.  相似文献   

Coastal and inland waters are continuing to decline in many parts of the world despite major efforts made to restore them. This is due in part to the inadequate role that ecological science has played in shaping restoration efforts. A significant amount of fundamental ecological knowledge dealing with issues such as system dynamics, state changes, context-dependency of ecological response, and diversity is both under-used by managers and practitioners and under-developed by ecologists for use in real-world applications. Some of the science that is being ‘used’ has not been adequately tested. Thus, restoration ecology as a science and ecological restoration as a practice are in need of reform. I identify five ways in which our ecological knowledge should be influencing restoration to a far greater extent than at present including a need to: shift the focus to restoration of process and identification of the limiting factors instead of structures and single species, add ecological insurance to all projects, identify a probabilistic range of possible outcomes instead of a reference condition, expand the spatial scale of efforts, and apply hierarchical approaches to prioritization. Prominent examples of restoration methods or approaches that are commonly used despite little evidence to support their efficacy are highlighted such as the use of only structural enhancements to restore biodiversity. There are also major gaps in scientific knowledge that are of immediate need to policy makers, managers, and restoration practitioners including: predictive frameworks to guide the restoration of ecological processes, identification of social-ecological feedbacks that constrain ecosystem recovery and data to support decisions of where and how to implement restoration projects to achieve the largest gains. I encourage ecologists to respond to the demand for their scientific input so that restoration can shift from an engineering-driven process to a more sustainable enterprise that fully integrates ecological processes and social science methods.  相似文献   

地球科学作为自然科学的一大门类,其发展速度十分惊人。地球科学的迅速发展一方面反映了人类生产的发展对资源和环境方面愈来愈高的要求,一方面得益于科学技术的普遍发展为地球科学研究提供的越来越有利的条件。关于技术方法对地球科学研究的推动作用,人们早有认识,而现在更为深刻。当今对地球科学研究影响最大的关键技术,包括空间技术,深部探测技术,高新分析测试技术和数据综合分析技术,均来源于现代科学技术的最新发展。为了推动地球科学研究,不但要注意引进各种高新技术,还要注意将这些技术与地学研究相结合,发展和创造适合于地学研究的高新技术,并善于综合应用它们,使它们在地学研究中发挥最有效的作用。  相似文献   

1973年涂光炽先生预言:"七十年代环境科学和生命科学将异军突起"、"环境科学与地球化学的相互渗透,产生了新的边缘分支学科——环境地球化学"。近40年来,环境质量的地球化学研究经历了调查评价—区域综合—界面机理三个发展阶段,在典型区域环境演化及环境—生态效应方面取得了重要进展,并将在21世纪为人类谋求更多的福利。  相似文献   

Jessica Budds 《Geoforum》2009,40(3):418-430
This paper critically explores the politics that mediate the use of environmental science assessments as the basis of resource management policy. Drawing on recent literature in the political ecology tradition that has emphasised the politicised nature of the production and use of scientific knowledge in environmental management, the paper analyses a hydrological assessment in a small river basin in Chile, undertaken in response to concerns over the possible overexploitation of groundwater resources. The case study illustrates the limitations of an approach based predominantly on hydrogeological modelling to ascertain the effects of increased groundwater abstraction. In particular, it identifies the subjective ways in which the assessment was interpreted and used by the state water resources agency to underpin water allocation decisions in accordance with its own interests, and the role that a desocialised assessment played in reproducing unequal patterns of resource use and configuring uneven waterscapes. Nevertheless, as Chile’s ‘neoliberal’ political-economic framework privileges the role of science and technocracy, producing other forms of environmental knowledge to complement environmental science is likely to be contentious. In conclusion, the paper considers the potential of mobilising the concept of the hydrosocial cycle to further critically engage with environmental science.  相似文献   

地球表层的人地系统及其调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了地球表层的人地关系研究发展情况及开展人地系统研究的必要性,阐明了新的人地系统观应具有的特点及不同研究模式,强调了首先研究人地系统调控的机理问题。  相似文献   

矿物科学的概念   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汪灵 《矿物学报》2005,25(1):1-8
本文阐述了矿物科学的概念,包括矿物科学的产生背景、基本涵义与特点、主要研究内容及其与其它学科之间的关系等,并对中国的矿物科学做了简要介绍。矿物科学是研究矿物及其性质的一门交叉学科。它的研究对象是天然矿物和人工晶体材料。它不仅是为地球科学服务的学科,而且是为材料科学、环境科学以及工程科学与技术等学科服务的学科。矿物科学的主要研究内容包括矿物及其性质两大方面。矿物研究既是传统矿物学的研究领域,也是矿物科学基础的重要组成部分。矿物性质及其变换过程研究则是当前矿物科学中最为活跃的研究领域之一。矿物科学是以矿物学等分支学科为基础并具有众多交叉分支学科的学科体系,具有比传统矿物学更加广阔的科学范畴,具有一级学科的概念。矿物学既是地质科学的一门分科,同时也是矿物科学的一门分科。中国已在矿物科学的许多学科领域取得了丰硕的研究成果,已形成较为完整的理论与学科体系。  相似文献   

在生态学与其它地球科学相汇合的领域里,人类生态学是有很强生命力和发展潜势的新兴学科,代表了现代生态学的一个重要研究方向。本文辨析了人类生态学的历史演变、哲学思想和科学功能,提出了一个发展人类生态学的学科框架。  相似文献   

The earth sciences are taught in twelve universities in Morocco and in three other institutions. In addition there are three more earth science research institutions. Earth science teaching has been taking place since 1957. The degree system is a four-year degree, split into two two-year blocks and geology is taught within the geology-biology programme for the first part of the degree. ‘Classical’ geology is taught in most universities, although applied geology degrees are also on offer in some universities. Recently-formed technical universities offer a more innovative approach to Earth Science Education. Teaching is in French, although school education is in Arabic. There is a need for a reform of the curriculum, although a lead is being taken by the technical universities. A new geological mapping programme promises new geological and mining discoveries in the country and prospects of employment for geology graduates.  相似文献   

纳米科技与粘土矿物学研究的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
纳米科技已在地学领域取得了重要研究成果。粘土矿物学在材料科学中占有重要的地位,有必要建立“纳米粘土矿物学”这一学科,其研究手段与纳米科技一致,研究内容主要包括:纳米粘土矿物微粒矿物学、纳米粘土矿物体系物理学、纳米粘土矿物化学、纳米粘土矿物材料学和纳米粘土矿物加工学。本文进一步对纳米粘土矿物的检测方法和检测标准、聚合物/纳米粘土矿物复合材料的产业化提出了思考。  相似文献   

盐类科学研究的扩展——盐体系研究的思考(代序)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑绵平 《地质学报》2007,81(12):1603-1607
传统的地球科学对于盐类研究主要集中于盐湖和古代盐类沉积,对于其他盐类聚集体,如泻湖、港湾、盐沼泽、泉水等研究较少,更未涉及其他行星的盐类聚集体。成盐元素约25种,由于其作用的广泛性和重要性以及近代科学技术的进步,对于盐类聚集体的研究已冲破单学科领域,不但在地球科学包括盐类资源科技领域日益扩大和深入,而且在生物学、医学、保健和环境生态学等也有了引人入胜的新发现,航天行星科学也开始涉及盐类研究领域,在宏观上已进入全球以至行星研究时期,在微观上已达到分子和基因层次;盐类及盐碱土开发已达到综合利用、整体开发的初始阶段。盐类科学研究已进入多学科交叉、在广度和深度上大为扩展的崭新时代,概称为"盐体系"研究和综合开发与保护管理阶段。  相似文献   

Ailikun  Wang Xiaoyi 《地球科学进展》2015,30(11):1278-1286
由于研究对象、目的、数据、方法等方面的不同,自然科学和社会科学的协同存在着非常大的困难,近20年来,气候变化、环境、生态、能源、粮食、资源、灾害、健康等跨学科交叉研究的兴起,为自然科学和社会科学协同带来了新的契机。为克服自然科学和社会科学协同的困难,首先要开展"以解决问题为导向"的研究,从项目初始就贯彻"协同设计、协同实施"的理念,将政府和社会作为全球变化与可持续性研究的服务对象。在研究对象的空间尺度协同上,通过自然科学的降尺度和社会科学的升尺度,在局域尺度上开展气候变化脆弱性与适应研究是实现自然科学和社会科学协同的基础。同时,正确理解和沟通科学的不确定性是自然科学和社会科学协同的重要环节,进行观测数据及调查资料的协同是未来自然科学和社会科学协同成功的关键。最后,对自然科学和社会科学协同中沟通和交流的鸿沟以及人才培养、重理轻文倾向、跨学科研究的评价标准等问题进行了思考和讨论。  相似文献   

《普通地质学》作为地球科学类学生本科教育入门的专业启蒙和引导课程,不仅担负着专业知识体系引导而且还要培养学生正确的人生观和价值观的重任。因此,广度和深度就成为《普通地质学》课程教学改革的两个重要方面,课前准备需要把握知识点的广度,课堂教学需要把握知识点的深度,而广度与深度的相互交融是引导学生兴趣的关键,进而依托“趣味—科学—普适—经典”的教学方式,承担起大类人才培养模式下的素质教育职责。课程的改革任重道远,需要从多方面的努力和思考,方可达到预期的课程目标。  相似文献   

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