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袁立明 《地球》2011,(11):79-80
百年地质人才的涌出,为中国今天从地质大国向地质强国的迈进,打下了坚实的基础,而教育又是人才培养的基础平台。章鸿钊、丁文江、翁文灏、王烈、何杰、乐森、王嘉荫、谢家荣、杨钟健、孙云铸、张文佑、王仁、何作霖、马杏垣、高之狄、潘钟祥、侯仁之、郭文魁、涂光炽、刘东升、王鸿祯、董申保……  相似文献   

中国地震局系统期刊编排质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国地震局系统公开出版发行的25种学术类、综合类期刊为研究样本,对照有关文献工作的国家标准、规范,对这些期刊的开本、封面、条码、书脊、目次表、摘要、关键词、分类号、序号、量和单位、数字和日期、数学和物理公式、图、表、总目次和索引、项眉、作者简介、收稿日期、参考文献表、版权标识、印刷装帧等情况进行了统计分析,得出地震期刊编排质量大体符合国家标准,规范的结论,指出了存在的问题,提出了进一步加强地硅期进编排标准化、规范化工作的建议。  相似文献   

蓝颖春 《地球》2014,(8):94-96
黄河是中华民族的母亲河,她孕育了灿烂的中华文明,也养育了一代代的中华儿女。她流经中国腹地,炎黄子孙既得益于黄河与黄土的哺育而生息繁荣,又受害于黄河与黄土相伴,造成的黄河下游河道“善淤、善决、善徙”而治水不止。在中华民族生存发展史中,有很大篇幅都与黄河治理有关。治理黄河的故事,从神话就开始,大禹治水的传说就是治理黄河的故事。历史上涉及治理黄河的人物有:夏禹、郑国、贾让、张戎、王景、司马孚、姜师度、刘晏、欧阳修、司马光、王安石、宋用臣、苏辙、都实、周用、万恭、潘季驯、杨一魁、朱之锡、靳辅、陈潢、高斌、郭大昌、栗毓美、林则徐、吴大澄、张曜,等等。中国最早的灌溉工程,首推就是黄河流域的滮池(在今陕西省咸阳西南),《诗经》中有“滮池北流,浸彼稻田”的记载。  相似文献   

郑兆 《地震学报》1994,16(3):376-380
就确定地震前兆异常证据可信度的原则、思路和计算方法进行了研究, 并举例说明。目的是根据各学科地震分析预报方法指南的内容, 采用较统一的确定方法来获得22项地震前兆异常(空区、条带、b值、C值、波速比、地震活动异常增强、地震活动异常平静、地震窗、震群、地震序列、尾波、P波初动、应力降、地电、地磁、地应力、地倾斜、水物理、水氧和水化、重力、空间环境、宏观异常)的异常证据可信度, 配合地震预报专家系统的推广应用。   相似文献   

为识别表层沉积物重金属的来源以及量化源贡献,选取鄱阳湖丰水期表层沉积物为研究对象,测定14种重金属(V、Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Sr、Mo、Cd、Sb、W、Pb、Hg和As)的含量,分析其污染及空间分布特征,并利用主成分分析法(PCA)和正定矩阵因子分解法(PMF)对沉积物重金属进行源解析.结果表明:除V和Cr外,Cd、Mo、Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn、W、Sr、As、Ni、Co和Sb的平均含量分别为江西省土壤背景值的5.7、2.2、1.9、1.8、1.5、1.5、1.4、1.3、1.3、1.2、1.0和1.0倍; Cd、Hg、Cu、Mo、Pb、Sr和Zn超出江西省土壤背景值的比例相对较高,分别为100%、100%、100%、100%、97%、97%和93%,所有沉积物样品中Cd含量超过农用地土壤污染风险筛选值的比例为51%; V、Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Sr、Mo、Sb、W、Pb、Hg和As含量呈未污染至弱污染水平,而Cd含量属于中等污染水平,接近于重污染水平.总体而言,Cd的污染相对较严重.重金属的分布具有显著的区域特征,其中Cr、Cu、Zn、Sr、Pb、Hg和As的空间分布十分相似,表现为在赣江、抚河、信江和饶河入湖口附近区域含量较高,而Co、Ni、Mo和Sb明显在湖区南部、东北部和修水入湖附近这3个区域聚集,Cd和W的空间变异性相对较大,V的含量分布相对较均匀.PCA和PMF解析结果都表明鄱阳湖丰水期表层沉积物重金属受4种来源的共同影响,其中,矿业和工业活动的影响最大,相对贡献率为38%,其次是尾矿和废渣,相对贡献率为28%,再是农业活动,相对贡献率为19%,最后是自然来源的相对贡献率为14%.  相似文献   

“大陆地震活动和地震预报国际学术讨论会”九月八日至十四日在北京举行.这次会议是经国务院批准后,我国代表在一九七九年四月巴黎国际地震讨论会上倡议召开的.并得到联合国教科文组织、联合国救灾署、联合国环保署、国际地震与地球内部物理协会的支持和赞助.参加会议的有来自美国、日本、新西兰、意大利、奥地利、德意志民主共和国、南斯拉夫、泰国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、墨西哥、澳大利亚、苏联、英国、法国、希腊、荷兰、捷克斯洛伐克、香港、印度、土耳其、加拿大、巴西、中国等二十三个国家和地区的一百多名代表.他们大多数是目前国际上著名的地震学家,有些是政府、地区(如欧州地区)或科研单位地震预报研究的负责人.联合国教科文组织、联合国救灾署、国际地震与地球内部物理协会等国际组织的代表也参加了会议.  相似文献   

地震过程的物理学是一个内容十分广泛的专题,包括震源物理过程、断层面解、震源时间函数、地震定量、地震统计性质、模型试验、数学模拟、地震与核爆的区分等.该专题共有24篇论文,涉及的国家有印度、中国、日本、俄罗斯、伊朗、乌兹别克和埃及.  相似文献   

地震过程的物理学是一个内容十分广泛的专题,包括震源物理过程、断层面解、震源时间函数、地震定量、地震统计性质、模型试验、数学模拟、地震与核爆的区分等.该专题共有24篇论文,涉及的国家有印度、中国、日本、俄罗斯、伊朗、乌兹别克和埃及.  相似文献   

黄土高原中部的陕西泾阳、旬邑黄土剖面具有高分辨率气候记录,记录了130ka 以来的气候波动,一些细微的气候波动也被记录下来。位于大陆的黄土磁化率气候记录可以与南极冰芯气候记录对比。结果表明:Lorius 与 Jouzel 等将冰芯同位素曲线划分为 A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H 冷暖阶段,可与黄土磁化率气候曲线划分的1、2、3、4、(5、6、7)、8,9、10冷暖阶段对比。其中冰芯记录所反映的 A、C、E、G(或黄土记录反映的1、3、5、6、7、9)为暖阶段:B、D、F、H(2、4、8、10)为冷阶段。总之,黄土磁化率记录曲线与冰芯气候记录曲线的形态极为相似,指示了黄土高原地区的大陆气候变化与极地气候变化同受全球变化的影响。这证明了极地冰量变化与东亚大陆冬、夏季风强弱变化,是全球气候变化在极地与大陆的两种表现形式。黄土记录的气候变化时间滞后于冰芯记录,可能暗示着大陆气候变化滞后于极地气候变化。  相似文献   

粤北丹霞地貌三名山   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍丹霞地貌沿革,粤北丹霞地貌的构成,丹霞山、韶石山、金鸡岭的丹霞地貌特征,以及其地史演化。丹霞地貌的景观特色是丹崖、岩洞、峰林、幽谷、天生桥、具有石奇、崖雄、峰险、山幽的美学和旅游价值。  相似文献   

大跨双槽渡槽横向地震响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大型渡槽槽身采用薄壁结构的特点,提出大型双槽截面渡槽横向地震响应分析模型。渡槽槽身采用薄壁梁段单元模型,该单元可以考虑渡槽槽身弯曲、自由扭转、约束扭转以及弯曲扭转耦合振动等结构自身特性;渡槽支架采用普通梁单元模拟,渡槽与支架连接所用的盆式橡胶支座,可用集中弹簧模拟。文中采用4种典型地震动计算了双洎河大型渡槽的横向地震响应,给出了该大型渡槽关键部位的地震响应最大值,所得结果可为该大型渡槽抗震设计提供参考。  相似文献   

立交桥曲线箱梁动力分析模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了1种双脊骨空间有限元模型,用来模拟和分析立交桥曲线箱梁的固有振动特性和动力反应。将曲线箱梁分别看作是由空间梁或壳组成的空间结构,并分别采用分段空间直梁模型、壳元模型和实体元模型进行模拟,分析相同曲线箱梁的振动特性和地震时程反应,通过与双脊骨模型的计算结果的比较验证双脊骨模型的可靠性。初步研究了在相同曲率半径下不同跨度的曲线箱梁的固有振动特性,分析了双脊骨模型的脊骨间距、横向连接间距等参数对模型计算结果的影响。研究结果可为曲线梁桥抗震性能和地震反应分析提供参考。  相似文献   

A method is presented to quantify the inelastic seismic resistance of reinforced concrete stack-like structures by non-linear earthquake analysis. The deformed configuration of stack is idealized as an assemblage of beam elements and actual stress–strain relationships of concrete and reinforcing steel are used to evaluate element matrices. Repeated non-linear analyses are performed by gradually increasing the intensity of acceleration time histories to a level where collapse of the stack is observed in primary stresses. The set of time histories thus obtained are then used to define the ultimate intensity of ground motion that the stack can sustain if inelastic deformations are permitted. A procedure is presented to quantify the difference between inelastic seismic resistance and elastic seismic resistance in terms of displacement ductility capacity factors. For seismic design using available inelastic resistance, values of curvature ductility factor demand for the cross-sections of stacks are also presented. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

考虑周期性高架桥结构由桥墩及两相邻的水平梁组成,分析平面外振动失谐引起局部化现象。首先建立水平梁-桥墩连接处的传递矩阵,结合Wolf算法推导描述周期性高架桥波场局部化的Lyapunov正指数,并讨论高架桥结构的桥墩高度、桥梁跨度失谐及材料阻尼变化对描述局部化因子的Lyapunov指数影响。计算结果表明:低频时桥墩高度及桥梁跨度失谐对Lyapunov指数几乎没有影响,而随频率增加,周期高架桥结构失谐引起局部化现象明显;在通带域,振动波局部化更容易受结构材料阻尼变化的影响;在禁带域,高架桥的桥墩高度、桥梁跨度失谐对振动局部化影响要大于结构材料阻尼。  相似文献   

In this study, a new model is developed for the aseismic design of a periodic viaduct when the pile–soil–structure interaction is considered. To account for the influence of the pile–soil–structure interaction, a wavenumber domain boundary element method (WDBEM) model for the periodic pile row supporting the viaduct is developed using the sequence Fourier transform as well as the boundary element method for the elastic medium. By using the WDBEM model for the pile row, the transfer matrices for the beams and piers, the joint conditions at the beam–beam–pier (BBP) junction as well as the periodicity condition for the viaduct, the wavenumber domain response of the periodic viaduct to spatially harmonic waves is determined. Based on the wavenumber domain response of the viaduct, the space-domain response of the viaduct to an arbitrary seismic wave can be obtained by invoking the inverse sequence Fourier transform method. Numerical results show that when the periodic viaduct is exposed to the spatially harmonic wave, resonances may occur at the bounding frequencies of the passbands of the characteristic waves of the viaduct. Also, it is found that the coincidence between the traveling seismic wave and characteristic waves of the viaduct will generate additional resonant frequencies located in passbands of the characteristic waves.  相似文献   

A general step-by-step solution technique is presented for the evaluation of the dynamic response of structural systems with physical and geometrical nonlinearities. The algorithm is stable for all time increments and in the analysis of linear systems introduces a predictable amount of error for a specified time step. Guidelines are given for the selection of the time step size for different types of dynamic loadings. The method can be applied to the static and dynamic analysis of both discrete structural systems and continuous solids idealized as an assemblage of finite elements. Results of several nonlinear analyses are presented and compared with results obtained by other methods and from experiments.  相似文献   

In this study a 3D numerical analysis approach is developed to predict the ground vibration around rigid-frame viaducts induced by running high-speed trains. The train-bridge-ground interaction system is divided into two subsystems: the train-bridge interaction and the soil-structure interaction. First, the analytical program to simulate bridge vibration with consideration of train-bridge interaction is developed to obtain the vibration reaction forces at the pier bottoms. The highspeed train is described by a multi-DOFs vibration system and the rigid-frame viaduct is modeled with 3D beam elements. Second, applying these vibration reaction forces as input external excitations, the ground vibration is simulated by using a general-purpose program that includes soil-structure interaction effects. The validity of the analytical procedure is confirmed by comparing analytical and experimental results. The characteristics of high-speed train-induced vibrations, including the location of predominant vibration, are clarified. Based on this information a proposed vibration countermeasure using steel strut and new barrier is found effective in reducing train-induced vibrations and it satisfies environmental vibration requirements. The vibration screening efficiency is evaluated by reduction VAL based on 1/3 octave band spectral analysis.  相似文献   

Curved beam finite elements are presented for out of plane coupled bending and torsional vibration. The element formulation is based upon the exact differential equations of an infinitesimal element in static equilibrium. The effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia are allowed for in the analysis. The element stiffness and mass matrices can be easily restricted to those of a ‘thin’ beam without the secondary effects. Frequencies obtained using either formulation are shown to converge onto exact values using ‘thick’ or ‘thin’ beam theories.  相似文献   

Train viaduct behavior and nearby ground motion under the high-speed train passage have been studied in this paper. First, the findings from the field measurement alongside the high-speed Shinkansen railway in Japan are interpreted. Then, the computer simulation is made based on the soil-foundation-viaduct interaction analysis under moving axle loads. The solution method is to apply the dynamic substructure method in the frequency domain. The viaduct girders including track structure and pier supports are modeled by the three-dimensional beam-column elements. The supporting pile foundation and nearby field are discretized by the axisymmetric three-dimensional finite elements and analyzed in a semi-analytical way, with a transmitting boundary replacing the far field based on the thin layer element method. Nearby ground motion during train passage on a viaduct have been calculated by superimposing the effects from neighboring pile foundations.The main parameters affecting viaduct vibrations are discussed by taking environmental vibration into consideration. The nearby ground motion along the viaduct is recomputed by applying the above determined forces to the foundation tops. The results from numerical studies are compared with the field test data, thus proving the present simulation to be effective and reliable.  相似文献   

Recently, ambient vibration test (AVT) is widely used to estimate dynamic characteristics of large civil structures. Dynamic characteristics can be affected by various environmental factors such as humidity, intensity of wind, and temperature. Besides these environmental conditions, the mass of vehicles may change the measured values when traffic-induced vibration is used as a source of AVT for bridges. The effect of vehicle mass on dynamic characteristics is investigated through traffic-induced vibration tests on three bridges; (1) three-span suspension bridge (128m +404m + 128m), (2) five-span continuous steel box girder bridge (59m + 3@95m + 59m), (3) simply supported plate girder bridge (46m). Acceleration histories of each measurement location under normal traffic are recorded for 30 minutes at field. These recorded histories are divided into individual vibrations and are combined into two groups according to the level of vibration ; one by heavy vehicles such as trucks and buses and the other by light vehicles such as passenger cars. Separate processing of the two groups of signals shows that, for the middle and long-span bridges, the difference can be hardly detected, but, for the short span bridges whose mass is relatively small, the measured natural frequencies can change up to 5.4%. Supported by: the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Korea Highway Corporation and Hyundai E&C Co. Ltd. under Project No. R&D/970003-2.  相似文献   

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