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董竞遥 《地球》2012,(6):96-97
去年暑假,妈妈带我去了向往已久的美丽云南。太多优美的景色让我大饱眼福,太多奇异的风土人情让我大开眼界,但一直让我记忆深刻的还要数虎跳峡了。我们从丽江赶往香格里拉的路上,一直是盘山路,急弯不断,而且海拔不断升高。虽然窗外美景处处,我却开始有晕车的感觉,昏昏欲睡。随着藏族导游的讲解指点,我抬头向窗外望去,一眼就看到了宽阔的金沙江横卧在眼前。别看金沙江有"金"字,江水却是奇妙的红色,缓缓、蜿蜒地向前流动着。不管怎样,这顿时让无精打采的我兴奋起来,猜测着将会有什么到来。  相似文献   

汪兰  邓磊 《地球》2012,(9):96-98
一年一度的奥斯卡颁奖典礼虽然落下了帷幕,但美妆华服的余温却未散去。每一次,盛典都是那么激动人心;每一次,盛典都是那么星光闪耀。当然,每一次,和明星们一样闪耀的还有那些创意独特、精致奢华的珠宝首饰。这些灵动的精灵们,随着光艳照人的明星一起亮相奥斯卡的红地毯,搭配着光鲜亮丽的锦衣罗缎,让明星们瞬间变得尊贵耀眼。可以说,每一次的奥斯卡红地毯,就是一次永恒瞬  相似文献   

纳米比亚,对中国人来说,是个相对陌生的名字。但就是这个崭新的国家,有着纯正的大自然。雕塑般的沙漠,光影斑驳,树影婆娑,丝绒似的蓝天,泛着柔和的光。古老的沙漠,记录了生命的诞生与消亡。红色的沙丘,苍茫荒凉;孑然的枯树,桀骜壮美。  相似文献   

传统能源的日渐枯竭,势必推动新能源的开发利用,而作为新替代能源的页岩气,它的有效开发,既能增加天然气的供给,缓解天然气的供需矛盾,又以其开采周期长和生产寿命长的优点,成为新时期绿色能源的"宠儿"。所谓页岩气,是指赋存于富有机质泥页岩及其夹层中,以吸附或游离  相似文献   

我,是一只被后人称作“抚仙湖虫”的小虫子,和我的兄弟姐妹们一起游弋在湛蓝的海底,和其他生活在一起的小动物们相比,我们的块头算比较大的,而且我们家族成员众多,也算是海底的一大势力。我们的眼睛在眼柄上,伸在头的“外面”,看着那些眼睛长在头“里面”的三叶虫觉得好奇怪。我们的腿软软的,走路不怎么快,但30多节的身体收放自如,让我们能够在海底游泳和转弯,这些坚硬的体节也很好地保护了我们,再加上尾巴上的一根硬刺,让那些觊觎这丁点肉的捕食者们对我们敬而远之。  相似文献   

孙琳 《地球》2011,(11):108-108
璀璨夺目的钻石,典雅华贵的红宝石,魅力神奇的蓝宝石,青翠欲滴的祖母绿,绚丽多彩的金绿宝石,晶莹剔透的水晶,温润细腻的和田玉……自古以来,这些美丽炫目的宝石作为饰品受到广大女性的青睐。宝石是物质承受了剧烈沸腾、炽热的熔炼、无法缓和的巨大压力、不可避免的碰撞与爆燃,  相似文献   

马云川 《地球》2012,(7):21-22
香港,每当提起这个名字,相信每个人都有一种想要亲自去看一看的冲动。美丽的维多利亚港,雄伟的国际会展中心……,不知道吸引了多少双眼睛,多少颗心。说她是东方明珠,其实更像是一个完美的情人,让人朝思暮想,让人恋恋不舍……然而万事万物均有始有终,香港也  相似文献   

赵洪山 《地球》2019,(9):74-77
在地球上,有一个神秘的地方,就是美国亚利桑那州的“波浪谷”,那犹如波浪般红白相间的纹路,如时光岁月的痕迹,让人欲罢不能。那里是闻名于世的印第安人领地,美国政府为了保护“波浪谷”这个世界仅有的的特殊地貌,不公开对外进行旅游宣传,想去游览必须获得许可,每天只有20个人的名额。  相似文献   

臧敬 《地球》2012,(6):63-63
很小的时候,就听老猎手巴土卜讲过一个关于母狼的故事:"仅次于人的聪明的动物,是狼,是北方的狼。我只见过北方的狼。"巴土卜舒展胸膛,像是恢复了当年的神勇……曾经,巴土卜追捕过一只带有两只小崽的母狼。小狼跑不快,他和狼的距离越来越近,就在快要进入射击范围内的时候,狼妈妈转头向一座巨大的沙丘爬去。按照巴土卜的经验,通常狼在危机时,会在草木旺盛处绕圈子,借复杂地形伺机脱逃。如果爬向沙坡,就完全暴露在猎人的视野之内,等于自取灭亡。  相似文献   

段雯娟 《地球》2013,(5):13-17
正北京时间2013年4月20日8时02分,在四川,在雅安,在芦山,本来应该是一个有美好开始的早晨,也应该是一个安静的早晨,然而不应该动的却动了,天降灾难地动山摇,不应该毁的也毁了。一场灾难突然袭击,来不及逃脱,老天爷又跟四川开了个玩笑。雅安,不久的将来,你的世界,仍会春暖花开。8时02分四川省雅安市芦山县发生7.0级地震。震源深度13公里。截至4月27日8时,地震遇难人数升至  相似文献   

We apply a geospeedometer previously developed in this lab to investigate cooling rate profiles of rhyolitic samples initially held at 720–750°C and quenched in water, liquid nitrogen, and air. For quench of mm-size samples in liquid nitrogen and in air, the cooling rate is uniform and is controlled by heat transfer in the quench medium instead of heat conduction in the sample. The heat transfer coefficient in ‘static’ air decreases with increasing sample size. For quench of mm-size samples in water, heat transfer in water is rapid and the cooling rate is largely controlled by heat conduction in the sample. Our experimental results are roughly consistent with previous calculations for cooling in air and in water (although constant heat transfer coefficients were used in these calculations), but cooling rate in liquid nitrogen is only 1.8–2.3 times that in ‘static’ air, and slower by a factor of 2 than calculated by previous authors. Cooling rate in compressed airflow is about the same as that in liquid nitrogen. The experimental results are applied to interpret cooling rates of pyroclasts in ash beds of the most recent eruptions of the Mono Craters. Cooling rates of pyroclasts are inversely correlated with sample size and slower than those in air. The results indicate that the hydrous species concentrations of the pyroclasts were frozen in the eruption column, rather than inside ash beds or in flight in ambient air. From the cooling rates, we infer eruption column temperature in a region where and at a time when hydrous species concentrations in a pyroclast were locked in. The temperature ranges from 260 to 570°C for the most recent eruptions of Mono Craters. These are the first estimates of temperatures in volcanic eruption columns. The ability to estimate cooling rates and eruption column temperatures from eruptive products will provide constraints to dynamic models for the eruption columns.  相似文献   

目的:探讨误诊为肺癌的肺结核结节或肿块的CT表现并分析其原因。方法:收集CT误诊为肺癌的40例病灶直径≥1cm的肺结核结节或肿块。回顾性分析病灶的形状、内部特征、强化特点、边缘、邻近肺组织改变及淋巴结并分析误诊原因。结果:①病灶形状及部位,类圆形22例,分叶状10例,不规则8例,上叶18例,下叶12例,中叶10例,②内部特征,密度均匀28例,空洞3例,钙化7例,空洞伴钙化2例,③病灶强化特点,中度欠均匀强化18例,中度均匀强化5例,轻度欠均匀强化6例,无明显强化11例,④边缘特征及邻近组织改变,边缘不光整40例,边界模糊12例,毛刺征18例,卫星灶40例,胸膜增厚及粘连11例,胸膜凹陷征3例,引流支气管管壁增厚5例,⑤肺门及纵隔淋巴结,淋巴结肿大31例,肿大淋巴结均匀强化21例,环形强化4例,无明显强化6例。结论:误诊为肺癌的肺结核结节或肿块的CT表现不典型,结节或肿块周围的卫星灶提示肺结核的可能,但需要组织活检才能明确诊断。  相似文献   

张贵刚  韩博平 《湖泊科学》2010,22(3):445-450
舌状叶镖水蚤(Phyllodiaptomus tunguidus)是我国特有的大型哲水蚤,主要分布在我国华南地区.根据2000年对广东省19座典型大中型水库的2次采样和2002年对流溪河水库和新丰江水库的5次采样,重点测定了流溪河水库、新丰江水库和鹤地水库等3座大型水库中舌状叶镖水蚤个体体长及形态参数,分析了广东省大中型水库中舌状叶镖水蚤的种群与个体大小的分布特征.在对19座水库的2次采样中,11座水库发现该种成体,其中5座水库在丰水期没有出现该种的成体,6座水库在丰水期和枯水期都有该种类成体的出现.丰水期与枯水期舌状叶镖水蚤的平均丰度分别为0.465ind./L和0.996ind./L.舌状叶镖水蚤主要出现在大型水库中,特别是贫营养的大型水库,其丰度主要由食物数量、质量与捕食压力所决定.2002年,流溪河水库丰度和新丰江水库舌状叶镖水蚤全年的平均值为1.308ind./L和0.294ind./L,丰水期高于枯水期.在个体大小和形态特征上,2座贫营养水体——流溪河水库、新丰江水库的舌状叶镖水蚤的体长与第一触角长度均大于中营养水体——鹤地水库,这种形态上的差异是由鱼类捕食方式(滤食或选择性捕食)所决定.  相似文献   

滇西怒江断裂带新构造特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
李京昌 《地震地质》1998,20(4):25-320
怒江断裂带从走向上可以分为南北走向段和北东走向段,其喜马拉雅期的构造变形以右行剪切为主导。右行剪切的变形历史可以分为早期压剪变形和晚期张剪变形两个大的阶段。这两期变形各自在南北走向段和北东走向段表现出不同的特点。总之,怒江断裂带喜马拉雅期构造变形具有时空不均一性的特点  相似文献   

本文对《陕西省志.地震志》、《中国地震历史资料汇编》(第一卷)有关陕西几次历史地震震中位置作了匡定。认为公元前32年(汉成帝建始元年九月)发生的地震,原定震中在绥德东南25千米不确,应在榆林市东南30千米的王沙坬村。对公元477年6月(北魏孝文帝太和元年五月)发生在统万镇的地震,指出参考震中既不在横山北,也非内蒙古乌审旗南,而是在陕西省靖边县东北的红墩界乡。对公元1650年9月(清世祖顺治七年八月)和公元1813年7月(清仁宗嘉庆十八年六月)两次地震的参考震中,指出安定现属子长县。  相似文献   

Imposex in neogastropods was used to determine the relative TBT distribution in the Gulf of Thailand in 2006. To identify the imposex prevalence, 8757 specimens, belonging to 22 species from five families of neogastropods, were collected at 56 sites in 13 sample areas. These areas were located between the Bight of Bangkok in the north and the Malaysian border in the south. A contamination model was developed to compensate for differences in TBT sensitivity among species and to make comparisons among areas. At every area imposex was found in neogastropods. The highest incidence was in the east side of the Bight of Bangkok off Si Racha and Pattaya and in the southern part around Pattani. The same areas showed the highest frequency of imposex in 1996. While the frequency of imposex appeared to have slightly decreased in these areas, increases were found elsewhere. In Pattani Province this could be related to dumping of highly polluted harbour sediments in the shallow coastal area. The overall frequency of imposex in the Gulf of Thailand significantly increased from 1996 to 2006.  相似文献   

This paper examines present and future resource utilization in the tidal section of the Georges River in the southern part of Sydney. Over the last 30 years, the physical characteristics of the river have changed as a result of urbanization, changed hydrologic regime and sand dredging. Urbanization has resulted in an increase in population from 190,000 in 1947 to 550,000. This has resulted in an increase in runoff, sediment input to the river and waste disposal. The change in hydrologic regime has resulted in a substantial increase in the magnitude and frequency of flooding which has increased erosion. Sand dredging has increased the channel capacity, enlarged the tidal prism and increased water turbidity. It has also resulted in extensive bank erosion in the upper part of the river and extensive deposition lower down as tailings are deposited. Although most of these changes have resulted in the deterioration of environmental quality, use of the river for recreation and as an urban amenity has increased.  相似文献   

太湖底泥及其间隙水中氮磷垂直分布及相互关系分析   总被引:97,自引:16,他引:81  
范成新  杨龙元  张路 《湖泊科学》2000,12(4):359-366
对太湖主要湖区柱状样底泥的总氮、总磷含量及其间隙水铵态氮(NH^+4-N)、磷酸根磷(PO^3-4-P)和二价铁Fe(II)含量进行了分析,并对底泥和间隙水中相应物质含量进行了比较,结果表明:太湖近表层10cm内底泥TN、TP赋存含量较之下层高12%-20%左右,间隙水中PO^3+4-P和NH^+4-N含量随浓度增加而大致呈上升趋势,表层未见高浓度层存在,各湖区底泥间隙水中PO^3+4-P和NH^  相似文献   

The influence of parasites on the breeding biology of the European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) was studied by examining 268 adult and 59 young-of-the-year minnows from an artificial Swiss Alpine lake for parasites during the breeding seasons in 1990 and 1991. Two trematode parasites;Diplostomum phoxini, in their brains, andMacrolecithus papilliger, in their guts, were found. The prevalence ofD. phoxini was 100% in both years. The mean abundance was 231 in 1990 and 448 in 1991; the difference was significant. Prevalence (and abundance) ofM. papilliger was 37.5% (1.04±0.39) in 1990 and 59.5% (2.68±0.55) in 1991; also significantly higher in 1991 than in 1990. No differences in prevalence or abundance between males and females were found. Numbers of both parasites were significantly correlated with fish length. There was seasonal variation in the abundance ofD. phoxini metacercariae, with a peak in June/July in both years. The prevalence ofM. papiller decreased after July in both years. Distribution of the two trematodes was overdispersed as indicated by the variance to mean (abundance) ratio. The observed seasonal variation inD. phoxini abundance also suggests that sublethal parasites could influence the population dynamics of their hosts.  相似文献   

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