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观测动物习性异常预报地震是我国群测群防地震工作的主要任务之一。我国观测与研究动物习性异常与地震关系的工作,是一九六六年邢台地震之后发展起来的。邢台地震强余震之前,震区及其外围地区广大群众观测到了动物习性异常,这一结果受到了各方面的高度重视并引起了强烈的反响。为了监测和预报地震,先在地震重点监视区的华北,后在全国相继开展了动物习性异常的观测与研究工作。邢台地震之后,我国进入了地震活动高潮期,大地震不断发生,造成了巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡,人们强烈要求开展地震预测预报工作,由于动物习性异常观测方法简单,种类多,所以很快在全国各地开展起来并取得一些效果。如1969年7  相似文献   

动物习性异常作为地震前兆研究的历史与未来   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地震前动物习性异常在很早就有历史文献记录记载。动物习性异常是海城地震预报中重要的宏观前兆之一。此后动物习性异常作为地震前兆的研究在全世界范围内得到重视。因为地震并不是动物习性异常的唯一原因,这一研究后来基本上被放弃。在生命科学的研究达到分子水平并进入基因层次以后,动物习性异常作为地震前兆的研究又重新开始。现在的研究试图从基因遗传水平上解释动物的地震避险能力是如何遗传与进化的,并运用现代分子生物学的技术解开动物习性异常的机理,找出作为地震前兆的特有反应,从而做出地震预报。  相似文献   

本文介绍了1987年12月22—26日在江苏省无锡市召开的首次全国震前动物习性异常观测研究专业会议概况。会议总结交流了我国动物预报地震方法的基本经验和问题;讨论了某些动物异常机理的研究进展;指出,我国动物行为自动记录仪已具有国际水平,宏观观察与仪器记录相结合使动物预报地震方法跨入了新阶段;最后预测了动物实验场的前景及动物预报地震方法的发展方向。  相似文献   

我们连续观测了虎皮鹦鹉、小白鼠和鲫鱼等动物的习性及季节、气象和饲养环境等的影响.结果表明,不同种类的动物具有各自的昼夜活动节律,并与季节、气象等变化密切有关.这为进一步分析动物的习性异常与地震的关系提供了依据.  相似文献   

5.1震前大气电场异常与地震 灾害性地震的巨大破坏力不仅使人们对地震产生恐惧感,也使众多科研人员对地震和地震预测观测研究产生了农厚的兴趣.由于大气电场与震前动物异常和地光间可能存在联系,以及震前观测到的大气电场异常现象,唐山大地震发生后,我国不少科研院所和社会人士根据国内外已有的知识和经验,开始用观测大气电场变化的方法探索地震短临前兆异常信息.  相似文献   

地震宏观异常是指地震前后人的感觉能直接察觉到的自然界异常现象,本研究在芦山地震后,针对公众通过微博发布的异常信息进行搜集,提出从真实性、完整性、信誉度和关联度四方面对公众提供的微博宏观异常信息进行筛选的方法,并根据筛选后的信息从时间角度、空间分布等方面进行芦山地震前后宏观异常信息的分析研究.结果表明,芦山地震前后是有宏观异常出现的,公众关注的异常种类主要为动物异常与天气异常;震前发生宏观异常占宏观异常总数的67%,但仅有30%被发布;微博发布的宏观异常信息中,大多位于距离震中较远的成都市,而非震中地区.微博信息可以作为宏观异常信息的一个主要的及时信息来源,有助于发挥群测群防在防震减灾工作中的作用.  相似文献   

我们于1982年曾开展了“鲶鱼的行为活动与地震关系”的试验研究,并研制了震前鲶鱼活动性的自动观测系统。1984年开展对鸡、鸽、虎皮鹦鹉、小白鼠等的定量观测试验,初步观测结果表明:在某些地方性强余震前动物的习性活动性量值出现明显增高,其活动重心发生改变,这有可能为临震预报提供一定的信息。  相似文献   

陈浩  常志权 《地震研究》1994,17(3):254-263
本文对自然条件下虎皮鹦鹉声行为观测资料,进行了微机分析,所得到的BG声行为特性很好地反映相应的自然习性,这就为地震生物观测站的BG声行为与地震关系观测资料的微机分析提供了基本方法,进而提高了动物习性异常在临震预报中的有效性,所得到的BG始鸣时和终鸣时,分别与观测站的日出和日没时呈正相关,变化速率都为0.2,即很好地反映BG声行为昼夜节律的季节变化习性。所得到的BG单次叫声,变音调叫声,单音节和多音  相似文献   

氡作为地下流体映震敏感组分,是目前国际上用于获取地震前兆异常的7大观测指标之一。在利用氡进行地震预报过程中,工作者往往通过对氡宏观异常表征的分析总结,来归纳一些经验性与统计性的前兆异常信息,但对于前兆异常的可靠性判定还未能提供充分的依据。主要原因是对特定区氡异常机理不能做出合理的解释,关键是没能对氡的来源、迁移、衰变做更加深人的研究。  相似文献   

鲶鱼、鸽子、虎皮鹦鹉等动物行为活动的定量观测结果表明,1989年唐山震区发生的四个Ms≥4.0 级强余震前1-2天和几天内,动物的习性活动值呈现明显增高,其活动性重心发生改变,昼夜活动节律紊乱。这有可能为临震预报提供一定的信息。  相似文献   

The impact of a heavy-oil spill from the Nakhodka on an intertidal animal community, and the recovery process of animals from the damage were surveyed from the autumn of 1997 to the spring of 2001. The field study was carried out in the rocky coast of Imago-Ura Cove, located along the Sea of Japan, where clean-up operations for oil pollution had been conducted less intensely than in other polluted areas. We have examined individual number of each animal taxon by continuously placing a quadrat of 5 m width along the entire intertidal zone of the cove. A total of 76 invertebrate taxa including 57 species of mollusks, 10 species of crustaceans were observed during the survey. The number of taxa increased from 1998 to 1999 in areas where the initial oil pollution was intense. Total individual number of benthic animals continued to increase from 1998 to 2000 in the polluted areas. The impact of oil on benthic animals was different from species to species. Some species such as Cellana toreuma and Monodonta labio confusa increased rapidly after the oil spill, whereas other species such as Patelloida saccharina lanx and Septifer virgatus did not show any apparent temporal tendencies. Population size structure of P. saccharina lanx varied greatly among years, however that of M. labio confusa did not. For P. saccharina lanx, recruitment was unsuccessful in 1997, possibly due to the effect of oil pollution. These differences in responses to oil pollution among benthic animals are considered to be caused by the differences in habitat use, susceptibility to heavy-oil, life history and migration ability. The findings suggest that it took at least 2-3 years for the intertidal animal community to recover to its original level after the oil spill.  相似文献   

数据库的建立是信息系统形成的基础,而对灾害的深入分析和研究有赖于信息系统的支持。本文简述了火山灾害研究的一般方法,提出了长白山火山灾害数据库建立的基本设想,并讨论了其未来的应用方向。  相似文献   

赵健 《山西地震》2005,(1):18-20
依据《清徐县地震灾害损失预测》项目,以山西省太原市清徐县为例探讨了基于GIS的震害预测信息管理系统的设计方法,叙述了系统的设计原则和总体框架的设计思路以及空间数据库和属性数据库的构建框架,重点介绍了系统主要功能模块——生命线工程模块的设计内容。  相似文献   

周浩 《地震工程学报》2015,37(S1):114-118
使用ASP和jQuery等语言设计完成后台数据库几百条数据快速推送前台页面的编程,且鼠标掠过前端显示页面内任意坐标点图片时会显示该避难场信息和图片。本文着重阐述其具体的实现过程。  相似文献   

The results are presented of an inquiry set up to make an inventory of the technical facilities currently (1995) available in aeolian geosciences. A questionnaire was sent to 358 research units involved in aeolian georesearch. Seventy-two units responded. Although this is only 20 per cent, the major aeolian units did respond. The inquiry consists of five parts. Part one sought general information about the research units. Part two investigated the importance of aeolian research in the total research activity of each unit, and the way the research is carried out. Part three focused on the laboratory equipment, and part four on the field equipment. Part five lists the research topics and major fields of interest.  相似文献   

淡水蚌类是全球最受威胁的动物群之一.加强淡水蚌类灭绝机制的研究,对促进野生淡水蚌类生物多样性的保护和管理具有重要的意义.淡水蚌类具有独特的生活史,发育过程中的钩介幼虫必须依赖于宿主鱼才能完成变态发育.淡水蚌局部种群之间的交流是通过宿主鱼的迁移和幼虫漂流来实现的.通过对鄱阳湖12个采样地点调查,计算了39种淡水蚌的局部定居率和灭绝率,利用一般线性模型,通过比较最低赤池信息准则和许瓦兹贝叶斯准则来评估淡水蚌类的8个生物学特征对预测种群局部定居率和灭绝率的可行性.结果表明:淡水蚌类的生物学特征与局部定居率和灭绝率存在相关性,可以用来预测种群局部定居和灭绝,其中种群结构和繁殖时期这两个生物学特征是预测局部定居率的最佳组合模型,分布密度、繁殖能力、保护现状和运动能力是预测局部灭绝率的最佳结合模型.就鄱阳湖淡水蚌类而言,局部灭绝率显著超过局部定居率,表明局部种群隔离程度正在加重,面临着严重的种群灭绝危机.  相似文献   

城市地震灾害预测及其信息管理通用程序研究   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  
继承和总结了城市地震灾害预测及其信息管理系统多年以来研究和应用的成果,参照国家规范的要求,针对目前缺乏通用程序的现象,开发了城市地震灾害预测及其信息管理通用程序,并对通用程序的结构和功能、系统数据库建设、各模块的接口设计和集成等做了较详细地介绍。  相似文献   

Immunological blood parameters and the effects of environmental pollutants on the immune system are important to assess the health status of seals. Animals living permanently in seal centres are useful for development and validation of diagnostic tools for free-ranging animals. In this study, parameters of cellular immunity as well as metal concentrations in blood and metal influence on cell proliferation of seven seals from a seal centre were investigated repeatedly using multi-element analysis and a lymphocyte proliferation assay. The metal concentrations, except for tin and chromium, were in general comparable to those of free-ranging animals of the North Sea. The unstimulated and mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation showed strong intra- and inter-individual variability, which reflected variability in activation of the immune status. Furthermore, both immunosuppressive and stimulative influences of metals on lymphocytes were found. Summarising, the methods used in this investigation provided useful information on these animals, and their application to free-ranging animals can be recommended.  相似文献   

As an important contributor to the habitability of our planet, the oxygen cycle is interconnected with the emergence and evolution of complex life and is also the basis to establish Earth system science. Investigating the global oxygen cycle provides valuable information on the evolution of the Earth system, the habitability of our planet in the geologic past, and the future of human life. Numerous investigations have expanded our knowledge of the oxygen cycle in the fields of geology,geochemistry, geobiology, and atmospheric science. However, these studies were conducted separately, which has led to onesided understandings of this critical scientific issue and an incomplete synthesis of the interactions between the different spheres of the Earth system. This review presents a five-sphere coupled model of the Earth system and clarifies the core position of the oxygen cycle in Earth system science. Based on previous research, this review comprehensively summarizes the evolution of the oxygen cycle in geological time, with a special focus on the Great Oxidation Event(GOE) and the mass extinctions, as well as the possible connections between the oxygen content and biological evolution. The possible links between the oxygen cycle and biodiversity in geologic history have profound implications for exploring the habitability of Earth in history and guiding the future of humanity. Since the Anthropocene, anthropogenic activities have gradually steered the Earth system away from its established trajectory and had a powerful impact on the oxygen cycle. The human-induced disturbance of the global oxygen cycle, if not controlled, could greatly reduce the habitability of our planet.  相似文献   

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