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教育系统和卫生系统地震灾害损失评估方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
历次地震灾害调查发现,中小学校舍和乡镇卫生院(所)房屋震害较重,教学设施、设备和医疗防疫器材损失严重。结合地震现场工作实际,在现行地震灾害损失评估方法的基础上探讨了教育系统和卫生系统的地震灾害调查和经济损失评估方法。  相似文献   

基于无人机影像的九寨沟地震建筑物震害定量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2017年8月8日九寨沟7.0级地震震后获取的无人机影像,结合地面震害调查资料,分析各类建筑物震害特征,建立建筑物震害无人机遥感解译标志;选取地震灾区漳扎镇(部分区域)和荷叶寨2个区域作为研究区,进行了无人机遥感建筑物震害提取,基于遥感震害指数进行了震害定量评估,并与现场建筑物震害调查统计结果进行了比较验证。结果显示,遥感解译建筑物震害与实际震害程度相吻合,表明利用震后快速获取的高分辨率无人机影像,可以较为准确地识别建筑物震害,进而为地震灾害定量评估和应急救援辅助决策提供重要参考。  相似文献   

利用2017年8月9日精河6.6级地震后获取的高分辨率无人机影像,对叶里斯南也肯村153栋房屋进行结构分类和震害解译,获取研究区内土木结构、砖木结构、砖混结构、框架结构4种类型房屋数量及震害特征,并依据解译结果计算每种结构房屋平均震害指数。由于研究区内砖木结构、砖混结构、框架结构房屋数量偏少,房屋内部的震害难以用无人机影像识别,这3类房屋的震害解译结果与现场调查结果相比差别较大,而土木结构房屋平均震害指数及所对应的地震烈度结果与现场调查结果基本一致,表明无人机影像可为房屋震害定量评估提供重要参考。  相似文献   

随着遥感技术的飞速发展, 遥感在地震应急救援、 灾害调查和损失评估中的作用越来越显著。 然而由于缺乏系统的遥感震害定量研究, 使得遥感的实用性常常受到质疑。 文中叙述了遥感震害定量研究的基本思路, 提出了遥感震害指数的概念与定量分析的基本模型, 并以2008年汶川8.0级地震造成的都江堰城区震害为例, 依据建筑物震害遥感解译结果和地面震害调查结果, 进行了都江堰城区部分街区的建筑物遥感震害指数和地面调查震害指数的统计分析, 并建立了两者之间的统计关系。 初步研究结果表明, 依据高分辨率航空遥感影像和卫星雷达图像建立的建筑物遥感震害指数与地面调查震害指数及房屋倒塌率存在显著的对应性。 因此, 通过遥感震害定量化研究, 将为地震震害调查、 损失评估提供有力的方法和工具。  相似文献   

张克诚  王晓青  丁香 《中国地震》2023,39(2):367-376
2015年4月25日在尼泊尔廓尔喀县发生的8.1级地震及后续强烈余震,造成尼泊尔北部严重的人员伤亡和财产损失,灾区建筑物倒塌损失严重。本文利用现场震害调查资料和高分卫星遥感影像,开展建筑物震害遥感解译,得到各个遥感解译点的遥感震害指数,结合现场调查点评估的烈度拟合了遥感震害指数-实际震害指数转换关系,再根据遥感震害指数估计了全部解译点的震害指数及地震烈度。估计的烈度与现场调查结果对比显示出较好的一致性,研究结果为该地区今后发生地震提供了可借鉴的遥感评估震害指数转换模型。  相似文献   

通过对邢台市重要建筑中的21栋砖混结构房屋进行现场调查,运用砖混结构震害预测方法计算出了每栋建筑的破坏等级,得到了所有重要建筑物的震害预测结果,并以震害矩阵形式给出;结合总平均震害指数对这些建筑物的抗震性能进行综合评价,为邢台市防震减灾规划提供参考依据。  相似文献   

地震灾害损失预评估是地震应急领域做好地震应急准备工作和减轻地震灾害损失的一项行之有效的方法。目前,地震灾害损失预评估大多依托于灾害损失预评估集成软件,缺乏实际地震灾害现场调查和历史地震损失结果的验证。文中以地震应急灾情快速评估与动态可视化软件为集成平台,系统总结了研究区自然条件、人口数量及分布特征、经济特点、交通状况和历史地震损失等情况,以现场调查的建筑物类型和比例为修正依据,通过与实际历史地震造成的地震灾害损失对比,对德宏傣族景颇族自治州进行了地震灾害损失预评估。通过文中的分析得出,在可视化软件评估的基础上,根据现场调查建筑物的类型比例对软件预评估结果进行修正能够有效提高灾害损失的评估精度,该套评估方法具有一定的理论意义和实践价值,具有很强的推广潜力,不仅限于本研究区,对其他地区也有适用价值。  相似文献   

据震害统计,房屋抗震能力是影响灾害的主要因素,抗震能力一般由房屋抗震设防水平、结构类型、建造年代和房屋层数等因素决定,通过对房屋抗震能力的综合评定,以便采取更有针对性的地震灾害对策。本文通过遥感影像实现房屋基本信息的快速提取,提高房屋结构类型获取的便捷性,具有较高的准确度和可靠度,并利用抽样调查得到张家口万全区房屋建造年代和层数分布特点,结合当地抗震设防水平,建立房屋抗震能力指数指标体系,阐述房屋抗震能力现状,为地震灾害损失评估、风险普查、风险区划等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

城市建构筑物地震损失预测研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文提出了预测城市建构筑物在不同烈度下地震灾害损失的简易方法。首先分析了影响城市建构筑物抗震能力的3个因素——抗震设防情况、建筑年代和结构类型;然后提出了建构筑物抗震能力指数的概念,并确定了将上述3因素综合成建构筑物抗震能力指数的方法;最后利用“九五”期间所做的大中城市的震害预测结果统计回归出房屋抗震能力指数与地震灾害损失——人员伤亡、经济损失和震后恢复时间的关系。由此可以得到建构筑物在不同烈度下地震灾害损失的简易计算方法。  相似文献   

应用房屋震害指数进行地震灾害损失评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了应用房屋震害指数进行地震灾害损失评估的方法。用本文的方法对1995年9月20日苍山5.2级地震的震灾损失进行了评估。该方法具有快速、准确的优点  相似文献   

Earthquakes have a greater effect on society than most people think. These effects range from structural damages to economic impacts and fatalities. An earthquake only lasts for a few seconds and the aftershocks may continue for days, but the damage does continue for years. Residential site safety and earthquake damage assessment studies play a crucial role in developing reliable rehabilitation and development programs, improving preparedness and mitigating losses in urbanized areas. The extremely densely populated metropolis of Tehran, which totals of 7,768,561 for 22 districts (according to the 2006 population census), coupled with the fragility of houses and infrastructure, highlight the necessity of a reliable earthquake damage assessment based on essential datasets, such as building resistance attributes, building population, soil structures, streets network and hazardous facilities. This paper presents a GIS-based model for earthquake loss estimation for a district in Tehran, Iran. Damages to buildings were calculated only for the ground shaking effect of one of the region's most active faults, the Mosha Fault in a likely earthquake scenario. Earthquake intensity for each building location was estimated based on attenuation relation and the ratio of damage was obtained from customized fragility curves. Human casualties and street blockages caused by collapsed buildings were taken into account in this study, as well. Finally, accessibility verification found locations without clear passages for temporary settlements by buildings via open streets. The model was validated using the 2003 Bam earthquake damages. The proposed model enables the decision-makers to make more reliable decisions based on various spatial datasets before and after an earthquake occurs. The results of the earthquake application showed total losses as follows: structural damages reaching 64% of the building stock, a death rate of 33% of all the residents, a severe injury rate reaching 27% of the population and street closures upwards of 22% due to building collapse.  相似文献   

由于在变形和累积耗能的建筑地震受损程度评估模型,是将建筑划分为五个状态水平,未研究建筑环境性能,评估结果误差较大。因此设计基于BIM的建筑地震受损程度评估模型,采用基于BIM的建筑环境研究与评估方法,考虑建筑环境性能,基于这个思路,依据混凝土单轴Mazars损伤模型,获取三轴状态中的损伤演化方程,得到应变大于损伤阈值时损伤演化方程增量形式,构建混凝土损伤评估模型。经实验证明,所设计模型在地震峰值加速度小于0.31g时,建筑结构大致无缺,在峰值加速度是0.61g时,建筑地震受损指数超过0.8,建筑倒塌;所设计模型评估的平均误差低于0.03,平均评估时间是2.86 s,说明所设计模型能够有效评估建筑地震受损程度,且精度和效率较高。  相似文献   

通过实地调研“4.20”芦山7.0级地震灾区和“8.8”九寨沟7.0级地震灾区建筑物破坏情况,对灾区内框架结构、砖混结构和简易结构三种类型的建筑物震害特征进行了对比。结果表明:两次地震中相同结构类型的建筑物在同级别地震作用下其破坏程度不同,其中砖混结构和简易结构震害特征差异性较大,分析认为除地震本身作用外,灾区房屋的抗震性能不同也是造成两次地震建筑物震害特征差异较大的原因。最后提出了建议以供灾区恢复重建、农村民居安全建设等借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

进行地震灾害快速评估时,地震发生时刻、震级、极震区烈度评估、宏观震中与微观震中偏离、烈度衰减关系模型、人员伤亡评估模型、房屋震害矩阵等是影响地震灾害损失计算的主要因素,各因素存在不确定性,所以评估结果与实际结果存在一定差距。本文探讨了2020年1月19日新疆伽师6.4级地震灾害评估中极震区烈度评估、地震影响场、宏观震中与微观震中偏离、烈度衰减关系模型、人员伤亡评估模型、房屋震害矩阵与真实结果的偏差。研究结果表明,造成本次地震损失快速评估结果存在偏差的主要因素包括地震影响场分布、人口与房屋建筑(对应抗震能力)数量评估的偏差;提高地震影响场评估、人口、房屋建筑等数据空间分布精准性,是提高地震灾害损失快速评估系统精准性的基础和前提。  相似文献   

Recent earthquakes such as the Haiti earthquake of 12 January 2010 and the Qinghai earthquake on 14 April 2010 have highlighted the importance of rapid estimation of casualties after the event for humanitarian response. Both of these events resulted in surprisingly high death tolls, casualties and survivors made homeless. In the Mw = 7.0 Haiti earthquake, over 200,000 people perished with more than 300,000 reported injuries and 2 million made homeless. The Mw = 6.9 earthquake in Qinghai resulted in over 2,000 deaths with a further 11,000 people with serious or moderate injuries and 100,000 people have been left homeless in this mountainous region of China. In such events relief efforts can be significantly benefitted by the availability of rapid estimation and mapping of expected casualties. This paper contributes to ongoing global efforts to estimate probable earthquake casualties very rapidly after an earthquake has taken place. The analysis uses the assembled empirical damage and casualty data in the Cambridge Earthquake Impacts Database (CEQID) and explores data by event and across events to test the relationships of building and fatality distributions to the main explanatory variables of building type, building damage level and earthquake intensity. The prototype global casualty estimation model described here uses a semi-empirical approach that estimates damage rates for different classes of buildings present in the local building stock, and then relates fatality rates to the damage rates of each class of buildings. This approach accounts for the effect of the very different types of buildings (by climatic zone, urban or rural location, culture, income level etc), on casualties. The resulting casualty parameters were tested against the overall casualty data from several historical earthquakes in CEQID; a reasonable fit was found.  相似文献   

结构地震破坏指数是将结构地震破坏程度进行量化的指标,其应用领域十分广泛。本文针对建筑结构震害预测工作,选取了7种典型的破坏指数,分别以5层和17层钢筋混凝土结构为模型,计算了在给定地震动作用下,结构模型对应于每个破坏指数的结构震害等级。计算结果表明:由于选取的破坏指数以及相应的破坏等级划分不同,建筑物的震害预测结果会存在较大的差异,尤其在接近设防烈度的地震作用下,建筑物的震害预测结果存在很大的不确定性。  相似文献   

(赵登科    王自法      李兆焱    周阳  高曹珀  WANG Jianming  位栋梁  张昕) 《世界地震工程》2023,39(2):178-188
震后房屋损失的快速评估对于灾后应急救援等至关重要。现有的地震风险评估方法要么仅提供损失的均值,要么以某一方差常数来描述损失的分布特征,均无法准确有效地反映各空间位置点损失的随机性及相关关系,最终影响整体损失评估结果的准确度。本文基于Copula理论,提出了一种适用于地震巨灾风险分析的相关随机变量模拟方法,好处是在实现快速计算的同时,能够考虑地震损失中的不确定性与相关性。利用所提方法对2022年9月5日四川泸定6.8级地震的房屋损失进行评估,得到了各结构类型与县区的损失分布,并与PAGER方法所得到的损失分布进行对比。结果表明:此次地震房屋总体损失超过89.8%的概率处于10~100亿元人民币量级水平,其中超过50.8%的概率为20~50亿元人民币;损失较大的三个县区分别是泸定县、石棉县和荥经县,砌体结构的经济损失约是框架结构的2倍;相比于PAGER,该方法给出的损失概率分布形状更加灵活,能够详细地反映不同县区的房屋损失特征。研究方法和结果为震后损失快速评估技术提供参考,也为未来地震的灾后应急救援等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The tectonic system of the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy) is the source of most of the strongest earthquakes occurring in the area over the last 205 years. A total of 12 events with epicentre intensities ≥VIII EMS have occurred at Mt. Etna, 10 of which were located on the eastern flank. This indicates a mean recurrence time of about 20 years. This area is highly urbanised, with many villages around the volcano at altitudes up to 700 m a.s.l. The southern and eastern flanks are particularly highly populated areas, with numerous villages very close to each other. The probabilistic seismic hazard due to local faults for Mt. Etna was calculated by adopting a site approach to seismic hazard assessment. Only the site histories of local volcano-tectonic earthquakes were considered, leaving out the effects due to strong regional earthquakes that occurred in north-eastern and south-eastern Sicily. The inventory used in this application refers to residential buildings. These data were extracted from the 1991 census of the Italian National Institute of Statistics, and are grouped according to the census sections. The seismic vulnerability of the elements at risk belonging to a given building typology is described by a vulnerability index, in accordance with a damage model based on macroseismic intensities. For the estimation of economic losses due to physical damage to buildings, an integrated impact indicator was used, which is equivalent to the lost building volume. The expected annualised economic earthquake losses were evaluated both in absolute and in relative terms, and were compared with the geographical distribution of seismic hazard and with similar evaluations of losses for other regions.  相似文献   

The fast developing remote sensing techniques play an increasingly important role in earthquake emergency response, disaster survey and loss estimation. As there is a lack of quantitative studies on seismic damage based on remote sensing, its practicality in seismic disaster management has usually been questioned. The paper introduces the essential quantitative study idea, the concept of the remote sensing seismic damage index (DRS_I RS) and analysis models, demonstrates the seismic damage indices (DG_IC) of buildings obtained from ground surveying and its quantitative relation to DRS_I RS in Dujiangyan city, Sichuan Province, which was destroyed by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with M_S8.0. The primary results show that an obvious relationship exists between the DRS_I RS of buildings obtained from the high resolution satellite or aerial remote sensing images and DG_I C or the building collapse ratio obtained through ground survey, which suggests that the quantitative study on seismic damage based on remote sensing will provide an effective method for seismic damage survey and loss estimation.  相似文献   

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