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20世纪70年代以来,湿地研究成为国际环境科学和生态学研究的热点领域之一。尤其是景观生态学的兴起为湿地研究注入了新的活力,为在区域尺度上开展湿地的综合研究起到了启发和指导作用。空间格局、生态过程与尺度之间的相互关系是景观生态学研究的核心内容。同样,从景观尺度上来研究湿地空间格局与生态过程及其相互关系是当前湿地科学的研究热点。对景观格局与生态过程的研究方法、湿地主要生态过程、湿地景观格局与生态过程相互关系等方面的国内外研究进展进行了综述。最后分析了目前湿地景观格局与生态过程相互关系研究中存在的问题与不足,未来湿地生态过程以及湿地格局与生态过程相互关系的研究热点及发展趋势。  相似文献   

半干旱区景观格局与生态水文过程研究进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
景观格局和生态水文过程之间具有紧密的联系和相互作用,在半干旱地区这种联系尤为显著,是地球科学研究的重要前沿领域.尺度效应在两者关系中起重要作用,不同尺度下两者相互作用机制有很大差异.归纳总结了半干旱地区景观格局与生态水文过程的研究现状与进展,包括二者相互作用机理、影响因素、干扰、尤其是人为干扰对这种相互作用的影响,以及模型模拟等.以尺度为线索,在斑块、坡面和流域尺度进行展开.最后,提出了半干旱地区景观格局与生态水文过程研究中存在的问题、热点和趋势,包括物理机制、干扰后的恢复机制、模型发展、流域尺度集成及尺度转换.  相似文献   

景观格局变化的水质净化服务响应关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
景观格局变化对生态系统水质净化服务具有重要影响.为深入探究景观格局对水质净化服务的影响机制,通过国内外相关文献的系统梳理,总结出不同时空尺度下,景观格局对水质净化服务的影响存在差异,即水质净化服务对景观格局的响应具有尺度依赖性.相同尺度下,不同地形条件和景观基质也会使得景观格局对水质净化服务的影响表现出空间分异性.同时,景观格局与水质净化服务之间存在阈值效应,这使得决策者进行景观格局优化与水质保护时需要更为全面地考虑各种因素.针对当前研究存在的水质净化服务对景观格局响应的特征空间尺度不明晰、景观配置及空间分异特征研究有待加强,阈值效应不明确等问题,未来需开展多等级多尺度的对比研究,从不同侧面阐释景观格局与水质净化服务作用的特征尺度,发展能表征生态过程的景观格局指数,加强景观配置对水质净化服务影响的研究,深化不同影响因素下,两者之间空间分异特征探索,探究水质净化服务对景观格局响应的阈值识别方法,有效地判定阈值,为区域景观格局优化和水环境管理提供决策支持.  相似文献   

薛兴华  钱华 《水科学进展》2018,29(6):887-897
河流景观生态学已成为河流科学研究与应用的新范式,但国内研究还颇为不足。从河流景观生态学发展的逻辑必然性、主要进程、基本内容与重要理论等方面进行了总结。结果显示,多尺度跨学科整体论河流认识要求和景观尺度上处理河流问题的实践需求共同推动河流景观生态学的迅速发展,其中心议题是河流物理景观系统与生物系统在不同等级尺度上的结构、格局与功能过程,尤其重视物理景观与不同等级生物系统的相互作用关系,对河流景观多尺度等级性、高动态性和有向性等突出性质的认识已取得重要理论发展。指出当前面临5个方面的核心议题亟需取得突破:改进和统一河流景观分类系统、河流景观跨尺度研究、河流景观方法对经典河流生态理论的再认识、河流景观机理与模拟、河流景观对气候变化与区域土地利用/覆被变化的响应研究。  相似文献   

城市景观格局动态及其规划的生态学探讨   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
城市作为人类的主要栖居地,其景观格局和生态效应直接影响到世界人口的生存质量。从景观生态学的视角出发,以国内外近年来关于城市景观格局动态及其生态效应的理论和实证研究为材料,整理并总结了城市景观格局的特征、研究方法和演变机制。在文献综述和具体案例分析的基础上,尝试性地提出城市景观格局动态的“类库兹涅茨曲线”现象,即在从城市化初期到城市发展相对成熟的一个周期内,景观破碎化程度呈现“快速增加—增速减缓—平稳下降”的过程,并探讨了这一规律的适用性和特征。在此基础上,进一步讨论了城市景观及其格局变化对生态环境的影响,指出在城市景观规划中充分结合生态学原理,是实现城市可持续发展的必经之路。  相似文献   

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本期以“景观生态学与第四纪研究”为主题登载了 1 4篇学术论文 ,其内容从空间格局与景观变化、土地利用结构与生态过程、农业区的非点源污染与通过景观土壤的养分流的研究 ,到古代或现代人类活动的环境影响 ,多尺度研究与生态地理建模等 ;研究对象从滨海湿地到干旱内流区 ,从西辽河流域到河西走廊 ,从农区到城市 ,从黄土丘陵到长白山和太白山的山地森林。总之 ,从多个侧面反映出景观生态学在中等规模的时空尺度范围内 ,研究空间异质性与生态演化 ,重视格局与过程的特点。景观生态学作为一门植根于生态学和地理学的新兴交叉学科 ,主要研究作…  相似文献   

土地利用结构与生态过程   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
本文从土地利用与土壤水分、土地利用与土壤养分、土地利用与水土流失3个方面系统讨论了土地利用结构与生态过程研究的现状和特征,指出:1)土地利用结构对土壤水分的影响涉及生态系统、坡面、小流域和区域等系列尺度,土地利用的分布及景观特点影响土壤水分的时空变异;2)土地利用对土壤养分的影响表现在土地利用的镶嵌格局影响土壤养分的分布和迁移,土地利用的变化可以引起土壤养分的变化;3)土地利用与水土流失关系密切,土地利用的改变能够减少或增加径流和土壤侵蚀.尺度不同,土地利用与水土流失的机制也不尽相同.土地利用结构与生态过程的研究,还需要注重大尺度和多尺度上的综合研究.  相似文献   

中国主要陆地生态系统服务功能与生态安全   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
生态系统服务是国际生态学研究的前沿和热点,表现出向生态系统服务机理和区域集成方法两大方向发展的趋势.开展陆地生态系统服务研究,是生态系统恢复、生态功能区划和建立生态补偿机制、保障国家生态安全的重大战略需求.面向国家重大需求和生态系统服务研究的国际前沿,以主要陆地生态系统为对象,"中国主要陆地生态系统服务功能与生态安全"项目拟解决3个科学问题:①生态系统结构-过程-服务功能的相互作用机理;②生态系统服务功能的尺度特征与多尺度关联;③生态系统服务功能评估的指标与模型.通过上述研究,发展生态系统服务研究的理论与方法,为国家的生态建设和环境保护提供科学支撑.  相似文献   

随着当前中国城市化进程的不断加速,自然灾害对城市生态安全的潜在威胁日趋受到关注。城市景观结构和空间形态影响着城市生态环境问题的产生和解决途径,基于景观格局—过程的城市/区域自然灾害生态风险评价成为城市生态风险及可持续研究的重要方向。在明晰城市自然灾害生态风险基本概念内涵及单一、综合自然灾害作用下城市生态风险评价研究进展的基础上,系统梳理了城市地域自然灾害、生态风险与景观格局—过程之间的逻辑关联,综合探讨了城市景观格局—过程与自然灾害交互作用及其在城市生态风险评价、自然灾害生态风险防范等重点领域的研究进展,并提出城市景观格局—过程与自然灾害生态风险的相互影响机理探索、景观时空尺度分异与城市自然灾害生态风险的不确定性分析、基于景观格局—过程的城市自然灾害生态风险综合评估模型与情景模拟等三大重大研究趋向,以期实现基于景观优化的城市自然灾害和生态风险防范的研究目标。  相似文献   

土地资源利用的景观生态优化方法   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
空间格局的生态优化是以往土地利用优化配置中的薄弱环节 ,景观生态学的发展与完善为弥补此项不足提供了一个全新的研究视角 ,在此方面已进行了长期的理论与方法探讨。为进一步促进景观生态学与土地利用优化配置的结合 ,探索土地资源利用空间生态优化的有效途径 ,文章系统阐述了近几十年景观生态学在土地利用优化配置的应用研究中采用的主要方法及其发展 ,并重点讨论了基于格局分析的土地利用生态优化途径及其发展前景。  相似文献   

Research on the “source–sink” landscape pattern of nonpoint source pollution is of great significance to natural resource management, environmental protection, water quality improvement, nonpoint source pollution prevention and control, and ecological security pattern construction. Remote sensing has proven by many scholars as a practical and effective technique to study landscape patterns and nonpoint source pollution. However, there are still many obstacles to the application of remote sensing technology, such as classification errors, scale effects and the issue, whereby landscape metrics cannot describe the landscape information comprehensively. In view of the characteristics of the macroscale and multi-scale of remote sensing, the analysis of landscape patterns is the basis for the study of the relationship research between patterns and ecological processes, and it is also the key to the study of landscape dynamics and functions. This paper attempts to summarize the representative results and the challenges of remote sensing in the study of the source and sink landscape of the nonpoint source pollution landscape and provide corresponding solutions as a reference for future research.  相似文献   

This study was taken up to investigate the effects of landscape patterns on the soil erosion processes in a mountain–basin watershed. The revised universal soil loss equation and sediment delivery distribution models were used to estimate the soil erosion processes. The landscape patterns include the landscape metrics at the landscape level, landscape composition and configuration indicators on the basis of source–sink landscape theory. In the study area, the grassland, bare land, farmland and construction land were the sediment-source landscape; the forest and shrub were the sediment-sink landscape. The correlation analysis results showed that the soil erosion processes were significantly associated with the landscape patterns of the study area. At the landscape level, fragmentation metric was positively correlated with soil erosion; diversity metric was negatively related to soil erosion and sediment yield at the sub-basin scale. Among the source–sink landscape composition and configuration indicators, the composition indicator was positively correlated with soil erosion rate and sediment yield. In the configuration landscape indices, the shape index was negatively correlated with soil erosion rate and sediment yield; the fragmentation index was positively correlated with soil erosion rate and negatively correlated with sediment delivery rate. These results indicated that the optimization measures, such as increase in the area, connectivity and regularity of sediment-sink landscape, or decrease in the proportion, connectivity and regularity of sediment-source landscape, were favorable for soil conservation. Furthermore, the landscape indicators based on the source–sink theory could provide more information for landscape pattern optimization to reduce soil erosion.  相似文献   

Desert–oasis ecotone is an interactive area between desert and oasis ecosystems which plays an important role in ensuring oasis ecological security and maintaining oasis internal stabilization. The studied region had experienced dramatic landscape change and soil degradation during the 20th century, especially in the last two decades. To document the status and evaluate this degradation process, geostatistics and GIS map algebra were used to quantify the temporal–spatial changes in landscape pattern and soil degradation from 1983 to 2005. The results showed that: (1) the change of landscape pattern due to human activities was the key reason responsible for the increasing of landscape diversity and fragmentation; (2) the extent of soil degradation was higher near desert ecosystem than oasis, and human activities were the major driving forces in ameliorating the soil properties; and (3) soil degradation is weaker in regions of bad soil quality than regions of good soil quality due to both human activities and natural processes.  相似文献   

水文土壤学面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水文土壤学是以土壤发生学、土壤物理学和水文学为主的新兴交叉学科,综合研究不同时空尺度土壤与水的相互作用关系,在地球表层系统科学综合集成研究中具有特殊地位和重要作用。阐述了水文土壤学形成背景与内涵、学科与理论基础及研究进展,并展望未来面临的机遇与挑战。水文土壤学重点解决以下2个科学问题:①土壤结构及土壤—景观分布格局在不同时空尺度上如何主导和影响水文过程以及与其相关的生物地球化学循环和生态系统演变;②景观系统水文过程如何影响土壤发育、演变、异质性及其功能。水文土壤学面临研究方法和理论创新、多尺度综合观测网络体系构建及人才培养等方面的挑战。  相似文献   

Aquifers provide water, nutrients and energy with various patterns for many aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are increasingly recognized for their ecological and socio-economic values. The current knowledge of the processes governing the ecohydrological functioning of inland GDEs is reviewed, in order to assess the key drivers constraining their viability. These processes occur both at the watershed and emergence scale. Recharge patterns, geomorphology, internal geometry and geochemistry of aquifers control water availability and nutritive status of groundwater. The interface structure between the groundwater system and the biocenoses may modify the groundwater features by physicochemical or biological processes, for which biocenoses need to adapt. Four major types of aquifer-GDE interface have been described: springs, surface waters, peatlands and terrestrial ecosystems. The ecological roles of groundwater are conditioned by morphological characteristics for spring GDEs, by the hyporheic zone structure for surface waters, by the organic soil structure and volume for peatland GDEs, and by water-table fluctuation and surface floods in terrestrial GDEs. Based on these considerations, an ecohydrological classification system for GDEs is proposed and applied to Central and Western-Central Europe, as a basis for modeling approaches for GDEs and as a tool for groundwater and landscape management.  相似文献   

Studies on denudation processes and soil loss rates can provide insight into the landscape evolution, climate change, and human activities, as well as on land degradation risk. The aims of this study were to analyze the space–time distribution of denudation processes and evaluate the soil loss changes occurred during the period 1955–2016 by using an approach integrating geomorphological, geospatial and modeling analysis. The study area is a representative stream catchment of the Crati Valley (Calabria, southern Italy), which is affected by severe erosion processes. The combined use of aerial photographs interpretation, field survey, geostatistics, and GIS processing has allowed to characterize the types of denudation processes and land use change in space and time. Revised universal soil loss equation implemented in GIS environment was used to estimate the space–time pattern of soil loss and the soil erosion rates for each investigated year. The results showed that from 1955 to 2016, the study area was highly affected by denudation processes, mainly related to landslides and water erosion (slope wash erosion and gully erosion). Comparison of denudation processes maps showed that the total area affected by erosion processes has increased by about 31% and the distribution of geomorphic processes and their space–time evolution resulted from the complex interrelation between geoenvironmental features and human activities. The main land use changes concerned a decrease in areas covered by woodland, scrubland and pasture and an increase in croplands and barren lands that favored erosion processes. The most susceptible areas to soil loss in both years were mapped, and the mean soil loss rates for the study area were 6.33 Mg ha?1 y?1 in 1955 and 10.38 Mg ha?1 y?1 in 2016. Furthermore, the soil loss in 2016 has increased by about 64% compared to 1955. Finally, the results showed that integrating multi-temporal analysis of denudation processes, land use changes and soil loss rates might provide significant information on landscape evolution which supports decision makers in defining soil management and conservation practices.  相似文献   

景观生态系统的空间结构:概念、指标与案例   总被引:96,自引:1,他引:95  
空间结构分析是景观生态学研究的重要内容和基本特色之一。讨论了景观生态系统的空间结构概念,提出斑,廓,基,缘是空间结构的四个主要元素。认为对景观生态系统空间结构的分析,可以分三个不同的等级层次进行,一是宏观尺度的整体空间构架,二是中观尺度几种典型的空间组合型;三是空间元素的基本形态特征。  相似文献   

人类活动影响下的青海湖流域生态系统服务空间格局   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
连喜红  祁元  王宏伟  张金龙  杨瑞 《冰川冻土》2019,41(5):1254-1263
人类活动改变生态格局和变化,进而影响生态系统服务。因此,探讨人类活动影响下的生态系统服务空间格局,对于区域生态安全、可持续发展和人类福祉等至关重要。以青海湖流域为研究区,基于InVEST模型计算了流域2018年产水量、水质净化、生境质量、土壤保持和碳储量五种生态系统服务,并分析了不同生态系统服务的空间自相关性、相互关系以及人类活动影响下的空间格局。结果表明:流域生境质量整体较好,土壤流失整体较小。碳储量受植被覆盖的影响存在明显空间差异。农业生态系统和城镇生态系统氮、磷负荷较高。产水量环湖区和山区差异明显;产水量、碳储量和生境质量的Moran's I分别为0.786、0.742和0.705,空间聚集性最强,氮负荷最弱;协同关系主要表现在氮负荷与磷负荷、碳储量与生境质量、产水量与土壤流失之间。权衡关系主要是生境质量与产水量和氮负荷,碳储量与产水量和土壤流失之间;碳储量、生境质量和土壤流失随人类活动的增强呈现递减趋势。氮、磷负荷随人类活动的增强呈现递增趋势。人类活动通过改变不透水表面进而影响产水量。通过高分辨率遥感影像精细化定量描述人类活动以及详细探讨人类活动影响下各生态系统服务空间格局、聚集程度,可为流域科学评价生态系统服务、生态环境保护及可持续发展提供依据。  相似文献   

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