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一种扩大FAST视场的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所有的大口径射电望远镜都存在这样一个问题:在其分辨率和灵敏度提高的同时,视场变小.而且口径越大,视场越小.这成为大口径望远镜不可回避的矛盾.要解决这个矛盾,可以在望远镜的焦平面上放置Ⅳ个分立馈源.让它们同时工作,这样可以看作把视场扩大了Ⅳ倍.望远镜的工作效率提高Ⅳ倍.但是这样做的缺点是——视场不连续.且馈源数目Ⅳ受到望远镜焦比(F/D)的限制.采用致密焦面阵(dense focal plane array)就可以很好地解决这个问题.致密焦面阵的单元不是喇叭口天线,而是无方向性的Vivaldi天线(Vivaldi antenna).要把Vivaldi阵列应用到望远镜上,需要对单个Vivaldi天线和Vivaldi阵列的电性能有清楚的认识,并能根据需要来设计照明方向图.还要知道大望远镜的焦面上电磁场的分布情况,借此判断能否应用Vivaldi阵列,以及给出Vivaldi单元的分路赋权网络.主要给出了FAST的焦面场的分布情况.并说明应用Vivaldi阵列的可能性.  相似文献   

对直线缝隙天线进行了理论分析、仿真和优化设计,并制作出实验样机单元。从天线馈电部分分析入手,采用同轴探针馈电方式,内导体利用多个匹配环来改善工作带宽。与传统直线缝隙天线相比,天线主体增加了腔体缝隙结构,实现了天线样机4~12 GHz频段三个倍频程的带宽,E和H面方向图仿真与测试基本一致。全频段最大增益值在4~8 dBi之间,达到了宽带阵列天线的设计要求,为平方公里阵列射电望远镜馈源的应用提供了可能的选择。  相似文献   

相控阵馈源是近年在射电天文领域新兴的一种阵列天线接收系统,在射电望远镜焦平面上以矩形、六边形等方式排布电小天线单元阵列。通过波束合成对各个阵元施加不同的激励,调控各个阵元的幅度与相位,使得各波束相互交叠、相位中心紧密相邻,从而能够对焦平面区域进行完全采样,实现连续的视场覆盖以提高巡天效率。从焦平面阵列出发,对比介绍了相控阵馈源及多波束技术;之后进一步详细描述了现今世界范围内相控阵馈源技术前沿研究,其中主要包括美国的NARO,荷兰的ASTRON,加拿大的DRAO和澳大利亚的CSIRO等研究机构在PAF研制方面的具体工作;之后介绍了国内在大科学装置及SKA等大科学工程推动下开展的相控阵馈源的技术预研及工程实践;最后针对现有相控阵馈源技术发展,提出了该项技术未来的研究难点及发展方向。  相似文献   

将阵列天线放置于射电望远镜焦平面处,结合波束合成网络,可以同时观测一片天区,实现更大的视场覆盖。由于需要对各个阵元的幅度和相位进行调控,阵列天线实际就是一个小型相控阵,因此在做阵列设计时,除了需要结合反射面焦面场分布及望远镜拟实现的视场以外,阵列自身的性能验证可以参照传统相控阵进行。设计并加工了工作在1.27 GHz的2×2矩形排布的微带贴片天线阵列,阵元间距为0.7倍波长。经实测,各端口S11均在-10 dB以下,4阵元合成后波束增益为12.54 dBi,通过为对应阵元添加理论偏移30°的延时线,实测阵列的波束扫描角度为28.3°。上述实测数据与仿真结果相比虽略有差异,这和阵列加工及馈电端口焊接有关,但相关工作为之后更多阵元的阵列天线设计、研制及测试积累了经验,尤其对性能验证具有较高的指导意义。  相似文献   

环焦天线具有特殊的电磁特性和应用领域.对环焦天线的口径面相位误差进行了理论和仿真分析,推导了馈源和副面位置偏差引起的相位误差、主副面之间的补偿关系以及全息测量中天线转动引起的光程差.研究结果将对环焦天线的精确面形测量和补偿提供理论依据和参考.  相似文献   

通过测量北京密云50m天线在不同俯仰角度下X波段馈源的焦点轴向偏移,拟合出了由于天线重力形变引起的X波段馈源的焦点轴向偏移曲线.为了补偿焦点偏移,设计了包含电流环、转速环和位置环的馈源控制系统,并基于Matlab/Simulink软件,对系统进行了仿真.仿真结果表明,本文设计的馈源控制系统能够补偿焦点偏移,且系统具有良好的动态和稳态性能.  相似文献   

为检测微弱的射电信号,要求望远镜接收机噪声性能良好.低噪声放大器(Low Noise Amplifier, LNA)作为接收机前端关键电路,其噪声系数和增益决定了整机的噪声性能.设计了一款1.2–2.2 GHz的低噪声放大器,电路采用两级级联结构,第2级通过引入负反馈,在改善增益平坦度和拓宽带宽的同时减小噪声,级间经过后级输入阻抗优化后仅需一个隔直电容.并引入有损输出匹配网络,实现高增益、低噪声、良好回波损耗和较为平坦的宽带LNA设计.测试结果表明,在1.2–2.2 GHz频段增益30–33 dB,噪声温度平均值为47 K,输出1 d B压缩点大于11.3 dBm.测试性能良好,可用于该频段接收机系统中.  相似文献   

把抛物面天线的偏焦理论应用于FASTL波段多波束馈源系统的设计,分析了馈源喇叭横向偏焦距离与相应波束偏离角之间的关系,结合多波束射电望远镜扫描方式的要求,给出了FASTL波段多波束馈源的工作带宽、多波束馈源中相邻喇叭的间距以及喇叭口径大小的限制,并对正六边形阵列中处于不同位置的喇叭对应的波束的主瓣情况作了详细计算和分析。由此说明了FASTL波段多波束馈源采用19波束的可行性。另一方面,根据得到的工作频率带宽和喇叭口径大小的情况,对OMT和喇叭类型的选择进行了探讨。本文给出了FASTL波段多波束系统的大概轮廓,为进一步精确设计指明了方向。  相似文献   

描述了采用光学望远镜辅助天马13m射电望远镜进行指向测量以及建立指向误差修正模型的方法. 对于小口径望远镜, 指向校准目标源比较少, 用射电法建立指向模型难以覆盖全天区. 利用上海天文台天马13m射 电望远镜进行光学望远镜辅助射电望远镜指向测量研究, 在13m天线背架上安装一套光学指向系统, 获得了优 于3''的重复测量误差. 此外, 通过对影响天线指向因素的分析, 建立了包含8个误差项的指向误差修正模型以及 光轴和电轴偏差模型. 将指向模型代入天线伺服控制系统, 对校准目标射电源进行十字扫描, 得到指向样本残差约 为5''. 该研究可以为实现高精度指向建模提供一种参考方法.  相似文献   

天线反射面的面形精度直接影响天线效率, 是望远镜的关键指标之一. 近场射电全息具有测量精度高, 便捷高效的优点, 是毫米波和亚毫米波射电望远镜面形检测最为常用的方法之一, 卡焦近场全息可以完整测量望远镜光路中整体的面形误差. 斜轴式机架结构能够更好地适应太赫兹望远镜在极端台址环境下的整体保温和热控需求, 但斜轴天线特殊的转动特性会在近场全息测量过程中引入额外的系统误差. 针对斜轴式天线的卡焦近场全息测量, 分析了数据处理中需要额外考虑的参考路接收机位置和副面衍射的影响, 并在1.2m口径斜轴式太赫兹天线上开展了测量实验. 实验结果表明, 卡焦近场全息测量的重复测量精度优于2.0μm RMS (Root Mean Square), 面形误差分布与摄影测量所得结果一致, 验证了误差分析与修正的正确性.  相似文献   

The thousand element array (THEA) system is a phased array system consisting of 1 m2 tiles having 64 Vivaldi elements each, arranged on a regular 8-by-8 grid, which has been developed as a demonstrator of technology and applicability for SKA. In this paper we present imaging results of Galactic neutral hydrogen with THEA. Measurements have been taken using a dense 2-by-2 array of four tiles as a four tile adder. The results are compared with results from the Leiden-Dwingeloo Survey, showing qualitative agreement, but also indicating that further studies are needed on the instrumental characteristics.  相似文献   

A general analysis of phased array noise properties and measurements, applied to one square meter tiles of the Thousand Element Array (THEA), has resulted in a procedure to define the noise budget for a THEA-tile (Woestenburg and Dijkstra, 2003). The THEA system temperature includes LNA and receiver noise, antenna connecting loss, noise coupling between antenna elements and other possible contributions. This paper discusses the various noise contributions to the THEA system temperature and identifies the areas where improvement can be realized. We will present better understanding of the individual noise contributions using measurements and analysis of single antenna/receiver elements. An improved design for a 1-m2 Low Noise Tile (LNT) will be discussed and optimized low noise performance for the LNT is presented. We will also give future perspectives of the noise performance for such tiles, in relation to the requirements for SKA in the 1 GHz frequency range.  相似文献   

随着天线口径增大、频率升高,日照热对其性能的影响愈发严重.针对待建的新疆110 m大口径全可动射电望远镜,建立其热分析有限元模型,研究天线在夏至日不同太阳时刻的温度场分布特性.结果如下:一天中,主反射面的最高温度可达42.86℃,出现在14时,同时刻撑腿的温度也达到峰值,为41.74℃.背架水平分区温差在5时、18时、19.5时均超过1℃,会对天线指向性能产生较大影响.夜间天线结构温度分布亦不均匀,俯仰结构的温差明显高于其他构件,最大温差为6.42℃,通过数值模拟与试验相结合的方法,证明了构件的壁厚差异是导致结构夜间温差较大的主要原因.  相似文献   

宽视场多目标光谱仪具有宽波段、多分辨率模式和高通光效率的特点,是极大望远镜终端仪器使用率最高的通用型仪器. 30 m级望远镜的宽视场多目标光谱仪因体量和成本急剧增加而面临重要挑战,同时天文学的不断发展对天文新技术的发展提出了更高的要求,尤其是多个巡天项目对于多目标光谱后随观测的迫切需求.综述了几类宽视场多目标光谱仪的发展现状,介绍了国际3架30 m望远镜宽视场多目标光谱仪概念设计的最新进展和仪器特点,着重介绍了中国参与研制的30 m望远镜(TMT)中的宽视场多目标光谱仪的相关进展.  相似文献   

Interferometers require accurate determination of the array configuration in order to produce reliable observations. A method is presented for finding the maximum-likelihood estimate of the telescope geometry, and of other instrumental parameters, astrometrically from the visibility timelines obtained from observations of celestial calibrator sources. The method copes systematically with complicated and unconventional antenna and array geometries, with electronic bandpasses that are different for each antenna radiometer, and with low signal-to-noise ratios for the calibrators. The technique automatically focuses on the geometry errors that are most significant for astronomical observation. We apply this method to observations made with the Very Small Array and constrain some 450 telescope parameters, such as the antenna positions, effective observing frequencies and correlator amplitudes and phaseshifts; this requires only ∼1 h of CPU time on a typical workstation.  相似文献   

TIGRE is a new robotic spectroscopy telescope located in central Mexico at the La Luz Observatory of the University of Guanajuato. The 1.2 m telescope is fiber‐coupled to an ´echelle spectrograph with a spectral resolving power exceeding 20000 over most of the covered spectral range between 3800 Å and 8800 Å, with a small gap of 130 Å around 5800 Å. TIGRE operates robotically, i.e. it (normally) carries out all observations without any human intervention, including, in particular, the target selection in any given observing night. In this paper we describe the properties of the TIGRE instrumentation and its technical realization, as well as our first operational experience with the performance and efficiency of the overall system. Finally, we present some examples of recent TIGRE observations. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the current status of the WASP project, a pair of wide angle photometric telescopes, individually called Super‐WASP. SuperWASP‐I is located in La Palma, and SuperWASP‐II at Sutherland in South Africa. SW‐I began operations in April 2004. SW‐II is expected to be operational in early 2006. Each SuperWASP instrument consists of up to 8 individual cameras using ultra‐wide field lenses backed by high‐quality passively cooled CCDs. Each camera covers 7.8 × 7.8 sq degrees of sky, for nearly 500 sq degrees of total sky coverage. One of the current aims of the WASP project is the search for extra‐solar planet transits with a focus on brighter stars in the magnitude range ∼8 to 13. Additionally, WASP will search for optical transients, track Near‐Earth Objects, and study many types of variable stars and extragalactic objects. The collaboration has developed a custom‐built reduction pipeline that achieves better than 1 percent photometric precision. We discuss future goals, which include: nightly on‐mountain reductions that could be used to automatically drive alerts via a small robotic telescope network, and possible roles of the WASP telescopes as providers in such a network. Additional technical details of the telescopes, data reduction, and consortium members and institutions can be found on the web site at: http://www.superwasp.org/. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This article gives story of interferometer with independent elements (Very Long Baseline Interferometer) in Russia. At the end of February 1962 the author discussed with G.Ya. Gus'kov, DSN Station, Evpatorija a new type of radio interferometer and proposed an experiment between two DSN stations. In September 1962 he reported the new method and proposed a VLBI experiment at seminar of Radio Astronomical Laboratory, Pushino, and then at a seminar of Astronomical Institute GAISH which recommended to take out a Patent. In December GAISH sent documents to the Patent Bureau. In summer 1963 the author discussed with B. Lovell in Evpatorija the VLBI method of and we signed memorandum an Ev‐JB experiment at λ = 32 cm. In December 1963 the Patent Bureau permitted publication, and the paper was sent to Radiofizika. Really VLBI in the USSR began with the proposal of M. Cohen and K. Kellermann, February 1968, to do an experiment between 22‐m antenna Pushino and 43‐m Green Bank. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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