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The paper focuses on information flows and the need for change in cottage industries in rural Indonesia. The context for small-scale business entrepreneurs has changed dramatically during the last decade of economic liberalisation and crisis. Emerging market opportunities, as well as national and international competition, now challenge indigenous businesses in their different geographical settings, and new information is indispensable for survival and growth. The principal question in the paper is whether small-scale agribusiness entrepreneurs are able to identify and utilise existing knowledge for the purpose of improving their competitive strength. By using case studies taking an actor's perspective, the empirical data give insight into the small entrepreneurs' perceptions of their business environments and the hindrances to innovation. Theories on dual economies, path dependence and information asymmetry form the basis for analysing two cases of Javanese agribusiness. The paper concludes that a gap prevails between "traditional" and "modern" sectors of this society, and that cottage industries have much to gain from linking up with external agencies. Regional universities may play a crucial role in enhancing information flows and disseminating competence.  相似文献   

Australia's labour market is most influenced by international migration among OECD nations, but Australian research on this issue focuses almost exclusively on permanent settlement migration. The present paper, however, demonstrates that non-permanent migration has an important impact on the Australian labour market, although such migrants are not included in standard data collections and research on migrants and the labour market. A number of data sources are utilised to estimate the labour-market impact of Working Holiday Makers, Temporary Business Entrants, Overseas Students, and New Zealand temporary migrants. It is shown that their impact is equivalent to more than 400?000 full-time jobs. However, the effect is magnified because it is concentrated in particular sectors of the economy and in particular communities within Australia. A number of issues relating to temporary migration are discussed, including the nature of its relationship with permanent migration, the effects on job training, and the implications for regional development.  相似文献   

The impact of the economic crisis should act as an incentive to devise less vulnerable economic development models for Spanish cities. This study confirms that the impact of the creative economy, one of the most interesting initiatives in this context, remains very limited. Furthermore, microdata obtained from a sample of one million workers in Spain, published annually by the Social Security system, confirm that the sharp contrasts emerging in employment quality between sectors and regions, the processes of ‘precariousness of talent’ and labour dualization expressed through inequalities in the occupational structure are each becoming significant threats to viable economic development. For the creative economy to be an effective instrument for metropolitan regeneration, adapted to suit the specificities of particular urban development paths, an improved understanding of the inherent complexity of creative-economy employment relations is required.  相似文献   

"泛珠三角"产业、人口分布空间变动的趋势分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
李铁立  徐建华 《地理科学》2006,26(4):402-408
随着地区经济一体化的发展,“泛珠三角”区域的经济格地理局将会出现不同程度的变化。当前“泛珠三角”区域一体化处于中期发展阶段,主要表现为产业和人口向“珠三角”集中。今后随着一体化的进一步发展,产业和人口将具有集中与扩散同时发生的特征,各地区形成特定产业和人口集中的专门化生产的地理格局。  相似文献   

贸易开放条件下的区域分工与工业污染排放   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
毛熙彦  贺灿飞 《地理研究》2018,37(7):1406-1420
对外贸易是否导致专业化区域锁定于污染行业而加剧污染排放?从动态视角出发,将区域分工视为专业化集聚与动态演化的综合,基于中国2003-2009年261个地级市30个制造业大类数据,借助区位商与共现概率描述专业化集聚与动态演化,构建联立方程模型进行实证检验。结果表明:一方面,专业化集聚将形成多个层面拥挤效应,降低污染行业进一步集聚的概率,制约区域朝着污染专业化方向演化;另一方面,环境规制将有效抑制区域进一步朝着污染专业化方向演化。因此,尽管对外贸易扩张在一定程度上强化了污染行业在专业化区域的集聚,但并未因此造成污染排放在区域之间形成两极分化。  相似文献   

Based on an in‐depth case study of a rural community, this paper documents the contemporary state of Chinese smallholder agriculture and the changes that it has been experiencing in the context of dramatic socio‐economic transition through the lens of three main economic drivers: livelihood diversification, market conditions and government interventions. Results reveal that the change in Chinese smallholder agriculture has been complex and multidimensional. All three factors exert profound influence and shape the current state of Chinese agriculture. Massive rural‐urban migration has resulted in labour shortages, which in turn have led to a reduction in agricultural diversity and land use intensity and a shift from traditional labour‐intensive technologies to modern capital‐intensive technologies. However, because of well‐developed agricultural markets, input use levels are similar across farmer categories (such as income diversification), helping to maintain productivity. Furthermore, reduced profits from farming due to increasing input prices and decreasing output prices have exerted pressure on smallholders to increasingly turn to nonfarm activities and have also triggered a thriving informal land transfer market, which was previously non‐existent. Policy implications include the need to strengthen local economies, improve market conditions, invest in rural infrastructures and facilitate smallholders' mobility.  相似文献   

中国金融抑制水平测度及时空动态演变特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘峻峰  李巍  王绍博 《地理科学》2019,39(7):1102-1110
以2001~2015年中国30个省级面板数据为研究样本,借鉴现有研究成果测算区域性金融抑制水平,运用核密度和动态度分析其时空演化规律,通过GIS技术采用四分位数分类方法展现其演化过程。研究表明:经济危机对区域金融抑制水平具有正向冲击作用,被冲击区域主要是经济相对不发达地区;经济危机时期的区域金融抑制水平存在一定的“马太效应”。经济危机过后,政府政策使得各地金融发展水平逐渐恢复,金融抑制水平逐渐缓解;然而政府对金融发展的政策性支持具有局限性,降低金融抑制水平需逐步提高金融市场化程度,依靠市场促进金融发展。依据经济危机前后金融抑制水平变化对比,尝试性提出金融抑制水平可作为宏观经济运行趋势的风向标。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to recent geographical studies of local labour markets in three ways. First, it highlights the distinctive labour market processes occurring in an industrialising setting in the Philippines to complement existing studies that have tended to focus on "restructuring" contexts in the west. Second, it shows how labour markets are embedded not just in processes of institutional and social regulation, but also in the transformation of the culture of work that accompanies industrialisation in an agricultural setting. Thus, while a significant feature of the local labour market in the municipality of Tanza (Province of Cavite) is a shortage of labour in the agricultural sector, this cannot be explained solely by the massive shift of a young workforce into non-agricultural activities. It must also be understood in the context of changes found in youth culture and conceptions of work. The result is that the availability of labour for agriculture dries up even if the supply of labour, in a literal sense, is adequate for its needs. Third, a significant process operating in this "local" labour market is the extraction of labour for temporary overseas work. This suggests that local labour markets should be conceived not just on the basis of geographical contiguity, but also in the "networked space" of households functioning across very large distances.  相似文献   

The article examines new firm formation in the old industrial region (OIR) of Bergslagen in Sweden, and in particular the role of in-migrants. The study is based on longitudinal georeferenced microdata (1993–2008) compiled by Statistics Sweden and providing information on individuals' attachments to the Swedish labour market, as well as workplaces and firms, education, income, and family composition. This specially commissioned database enabled the characterization and analysis of emerging forms of entrepreneurship and self-employment, as well as the socio-economics of the labour market. The longitudinal data allowed the authors to trace actions taken by individuals over time. The results indicate that new firm formation is related to private services, rather than to the traditional manufacturing sector and public services that currently dominate the regional labour market. Self-employed in-migrants are active in other sectors than non-migrants, and show some distinct features in terms of their lower age, better education, and more often non-Nordic background. The study showed that both in-migration and return migration had a positive, significant, and substantial effect on migrants' decision to start a business when a number of other individual characteristics had been controlled for.  相似文献   

薛德升  林韬  黄耿志 《地理研究》2014,33(4):698-709
作为世界城市化发展中的普遍现象,非正规部门的形成发展一直是研究重点。以广州狮岭皮具产业为例,以非正规工厂和临时工为对象,研究了外向型制造业中非正规部门的形成发展机制。研究认为:正规企业为满足产品生产和降低成本的需求而采取的生产分包模式是非正规部门形成的根本因素;正规企业劳动保障的缺失与工人对自由轻松的工作方式的追求促使工人转入非正规工厂和临时工市场,推动了非正规部门的发展;当地宽松的管制环境为非正规部门的存在提供了可能。全球金融危机在短期内对非正规部门的发展起到了催化作用。研究支持了新马克思主义理论,认为正规部门和非正规部门是相互联系的关系,是产业经济发展中有利的组成要素。非正规部门不是劳动者进入正规部门的“跳板”,而是他们逃避正规经济过度剥削的“避难所”。最后讨论了有关非正规部门和非正规劳动者的政策启示。  相似文献   

豫皖湘赣四省是新一轮产业转移的重要承接地。利用标准差、变异系数、赫芬达尔指数、聚类分析、ESDA及空间计量经济模型等方法对四省承接产业转移的区域差异及影响因素进行研究。研究表明:豫皖湘赣四省承接产业转移的总量和绝对差异都在拉大,相对差异和集中程度都在降低后,有趋于稳定趋势; 空间分布上大致形成以省会城市为核心、中间高四周低的圈层等级结构; 空间格局上,空间集聚态势进一步强化,逐步形成以郑州市和南昌市为核心的两大高高集聚区; 空间交互作用是四省承接产业转移空间差异形成的重要因素; 劳动力成本对产业转移有负向作用,经济发展水平、市场吸引力、技术创新能力、集聚效应、成本因素、对外开放度、区位条件及产业结构对产业转移具有正向作用,市场吸引力、集聚效应及对外开放度影响最大。  相似文献   

2008年金融危机冲击对珠三角的外向型经济造成巨大冲击,城镇发展面临一系列工业经济放缓、产业人口流失和厂房住宅空置等问题。针对危机过后珠三角城市所表现出的经济韧性,文章重点研究了城市经济结构、产业创新与经济韧性的关系,通过对产业多样化、相关多样化、非相关多样化、创新与经济韧性进行测度,探讨了上述指标在时空上的分异特征,并运用回归分析方法分析了这种分异的影响因素。研究发现:1)产业结构多样化、创新对提升珠三角城市经济韧性有显著的促进作用,同时经济发展水平与经济韧性存在正向关系;2)珠三角经济韧性的时间变化和空间分布存在明显分异,受金融危机冲击影响经济韧性波动变化明显,而创新驱动战略的实施则有效提升区域创新水平;3)珠三角强大的国内市场有助于抵御经济危机冲击所带来的外部需求萎缩,在保持较高经济开放程度的同时具有较好的经济韧性;4)相关多样化与非相关多样化对珠三角经济韧性的影响是趋异的,非相关多样化能有效地分散并降低外部冲击的风险,而相关多样化则更容易导致危机向相关联部门的蔓延。  相似文献   

曾尊固  熊宁  沈思保 《地理研究》2000,19(2):120-127
以江苏省海安县为例,依据实地调研获取的信息,追踪较发达地区农村经济从多种经营-支柱产业形成-农业产业化经营的演进历程,分析其农业产业化的特征,并以禽蛋和茧丝绸业为重点总结较发达地区农业大县农业产业化的地域模式。  相似文献   

The lower end of the labour service market is often described as a fragmented and insecure section of the economy. The article extends previous research by determining whether labour market insecurity increases perceived threats to the security and affordability of housing. The research draws upon the results of a survey conducted in Oslo of workers in low-paid service occupations. The analyses confirm distinct associations between labour market insecurity and self-reported housing risk. The results further show that perceived insecurity is heightened among three groups, namely non-Westerners, people on low incomes, and housing tenants. When the findings are considered as a whole, a picture emerges of risk cutting into the fringes of the political–economic system.  相似文献   

The effects of the deepening financial crisis in Malaysia, Thailand and South Korea, led by the collapse of financial and currency markets, have spread beyond domestic boundaries to other Asian economies. Financial instability, devaluation and inflation are warning signals for other Asian countries in the process of repairing damage to their economies. The mobility of female labour, due to eviction and expulsion (forced migration), is related to forces of the new market mechanism in the era of the globalizing world. Two processes of forced migration are highlighted: between countries; and between urban and rural areas. Such processes have led to increasing mobility and to the eviction of immigrant labour and the female labour force, which has affected the local economy, type of work and gender relations. Thailand is examined as a case study, with supplementary data from other affected countries. There is a strong tendency for women especially to be priced out of the economy and forced to return either to their native villages within the host country or to their home countries. The type and pattern of migration and change of occupation helps in the understanding of the power of globalization, the dynamics of the crisis and its impact on women workers.  相似文献   

Markus Hassler 《Area》2003,35(3):241-250
Despite the fact that most Indonesian brand-owners continue to emphasize their marketing activities in the domestic market, several brand-owners have started to export clothing under their own label. This has been particularly the result of the economic crisis in the late 1990s, which affected companies serving the domestic market. Companies were trying to compensate for the loss of sales on the domestic market by redirecting their marketing activities to foreign countries. This export strategy has been driven largely by the sole aim to survive. However, in addition to these export activities, some companies have rather sophisticated, long-standing business relations to their distributors in overseas markets. This paper explores these export activities in the context of the global commodity chain framework.  相似文献   

王晓阳  蒙克 《地理科学进展》2019,38(10):1482-1489
2008—2009年的全球金融危机对西方发达国家尤其是英美经济体的影响是深远的,反映在经济、政治和社会的各个层面。相关学科的学者从不同的视角对金融危机的爆发作出了解释。论文尝试从金融地理学的角度分析经济全球化与全球金融危机之间的关系并探讨危机对中国的影响。首先,研究考察了经济全球化背景下新的国际劳动力分工的形成,指出了金融危机的传导机制,并描绘了金融危机对世界经济地理塑造的空间差异。对中国来说,全球金融危机是外部性的,西方发达国家的经济衰退和消费收缩直接影响了中国的出口,但危机并没有动摇中国的金融体系。其次,解释了为什么全球金融危机没有动摇中国的金融体系。制度的空间异质性、市场经济制度的多样性、政府积极的宏观调控和中国以银行主导的金融体系都是重要因素。第三,金融危机之后中西方金融地理学家对中国问题的兴趣逐渐增加,文章总结了最新的研究进展并指出其存在的不足之处。最后,在西方金融地理学最新研究进展的基础上,对中国金融地理学的学科构建提出了建议。  相似文献   

中国制造业分布的地理变迁与驱动因素   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
石敏俊  杨晶  龙文  魏也华 《地理研究》2013,32(9):1708-1720
近年来中国制造业分布格局呈现出新的动向。以2004-2005年为转折点,以食品轻纺行业为主的部分制造业部门开始从沿海省份向中西部省份转移,北京、天津、上海、浙江、广东、福建等省份的产业份额明显下降,安徽、江西、湖南、河南、四川等中西部省份的产业份额趋于增加。在地市尺度上,制造业分布变化呈现出"西进北上"的特点,具体表现为产业份额从沿海发达城市转向沿海省份内部发展相对滞后的地市、以及中西部省份内部产业基础较好且本地市场规模较大的地市。中部地区的重点开发区域已成为承接产业转移的重要载体。沿海地区劳动力、土地等要素成本上升导致要素成本的区域差异不断扩大,与此同时中西部地区市场邻近和供给邻近逐步得到改善。沿海地区和中西部地区之间要素成本差异的扩大和贸易成本差异的缩小,使得贸易成本和要素成本的均衡关系发生逆转性变化,这是驱动中国产业分布地理变迁的核心因素。  相似文献   

Patterns and processes of industrial restructuring in the Australian clothing industry are examined, utilising a ‘circuits of capital’ approach in which the interrelationships between labour markets, labour processes and product markets are emphasised. Changes in product markets (where import competition is intensifying under the trade liberalisation policies of the Hawke government and where an increasingly concentrated retail sector has accrued enormous bargaining power in its dealings with clothing manufacturers) and changes in labour markets (where competition for the industry's traditional inner urban labour supply has intensified considerably) are argued to have provided the driving force behind the process of clothing industry adjustment. This process of adjustment has been characterised by: (i) increased use of outworking, which enables clothing manufacturers to reduce production costs and provides a means for new sources of home‐based labour within the urban labour market to be tapped; and (ii) the evolution of a spatial division of labour, as some of the labour‐intensive components of the industry have been relocated to non‐urban sites where a stable and plentiful labour supply is available. In contrast to experiences in Europe and the United States, there is little evidence in Australia at the present time of significant technical change nor of specialisation in the high quality/high fashion niche of the garment market.  相似文献   

Calling upon all nongovernmental sectors of the society is important to cope with the ecological crisis brought about by rapid development. Enterprises are the active agent of socialist market economic activities and possess a prominent position in the ecological civilization construction of the new age. Making use of the active agent role of enterprises and stimulating the green development of enterprises are essential to realizing the dream of a beautiful China. This paper discusses the development and management experiences of a typical ecological industrialization model, that of the Elion Resources Group in Inner Mongolia. Existing problems are disclosed, and feasible suggestions are given:(1) accelerate the registration of lands to protect legitimate rights and interests,(2) perfect the land-use administration system and make it cover all national land space,(3) perfect the natural resources management system, and(4) compile balance sheets of natural resources and strengthen accountabilities.  相似文献   

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