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水管倾斜仪是当前使用较多的形变观测仪器之一。我组总结了三年来的水管仪观测资料,认为固镇5.0 级地震前有较明显的反映。 我组水管倾斜仪安装在徐州市东郊约十七公里的小孤山山洞内。洞深有120米,呈丁字  相似文献   

2017年9月长汀地震台安装了VP宽频带倾斜仪,从这几年的运行情况来看,该仪器自动化程度、观测精度较高,能够为地震分析预报提供比较可靠的观测数据,但其稳定性较差,如:VP宽频带倾斜仪输出零漂较严重,常常需要调零,虽增加了自动调零装置,可通过网络实现远程调零功能,避免因人员进洞对仪器产生干扰,但调零模块经常出现故障,不是电机过载,就是芯片烧坏。本文通过对VP宽频带倾斜仪在日常观测中常见故障进行分析,寻找解决仪器故障的方法,并对VP宽频带倾斜仪日常维修进行总结,以备在今后的观测过程中快速判断仪器故障原因,及时完成仪器维修,确保资料连续可靠。  相似文献   

文章以宽频带倾斜仪工作原理为基础,将典型故障分为控制功能性故障、信号调理故障和网络故障。并对临汾站宽频带倾斜仪2022年6月3日至12月4日期间出现的故障及维修情况进行分析和总结,得到一套实用性较强的故障维修经验,在保障仪器运行稳定性、提高数据观测质量方面具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

分析了1991年3月26日大同—阳高5.8Ms地震与1989年10月大同—阳高6.1Ms震群的关系,认为这两次地震属于同一类震群.介绍了这次地震前赤城台石英摆倾斜仪、太原台目视水管倾斜仪和阳原台金属摆倾斜仪的异常情况.从两次地壳形变异常的异同映证了两次地震属同一震群.同时也说明利用地壳形变资料预报地震是有希望的.  相似文献   

地震台站防雷措施4例   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在地震观测中,防雷击的问题是个十分棘手的问题,也是需要下气力解决的问题。我们在从事前兆仪器维修中,摸索了一些经验,针对不同观测手段,分别在张家口台,赤城台,阳原台,怀来台搞了几种模式的避雷措施,这些防雷措施的实施,减少了雷击故障发生的机率。1 赤城台的防雷措施赤城台位于平原与山区分界处,是个雷害的多发部位,该台高精度井温仪器从1992年投入工作以来,每年的夏天都遭雷击,特别是1994年夏季的一次雷击,将价值5千多元的井温探头击坏,几乎使整套仪器报废。针对该台的雷击情况,1995年我们在该台搞了避…  相似文献   

通过在日常观测工作中,对龙岩台VS型垂直摆倾斜仪出现的常见故障进行分析,总结了该仪器的典型故障现象及图像表现形式,以利于观测人员识别常见仪器故障,对相关仪器的维护使用、观测数据的预处理和日常工作具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

利用佛子岭地震台VP型倾斜仪和SSQ-2I型倾斜仪2014年至2015年10月的观测资料,从仪器运行、观测资料质量、仪器稳定性、资料相关性及干扰等方面进行对比分析,发现VP型倾斜仪观测资料质量稍好,可为地震台站日常观测工作和仪器维护提供参考。  相似文献   

垂直摆倾斜仪在中国形变观测台站已成为主要地形变地倾斜分量的观测仪器之一,其摆体动片信号引丝损坏,导致记录曲线出现大幅度掉格现象,严重影响观测数据的可靠性及稳定性。笔者曾处理多起此类故障,积累了一些经验,在论文中介绍垂直摆倾斜仪摆体动片信号引丝损坏故障的判断和处理方法,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

张家口台VS型垂直摆倾斜仪从2003年安装运行至2011年,9年未进行调零操作,仪器调零频次远低于其他台站。采用极差分析的方法对垂直摆倾斜仪的稳定性进行分析,认为张家口台VS型垂直摆倾斜仪工作状态较其他台站同类仪器稳定。通过对张家口台VS型垂直摆倾斜仪减少调零频次的技术措施进行分析,认为在形变观测中采取洞室保温防潮、增加信号输出防雷、减小仪器摆体底脚高差、在放底脚垫块处进行整平抛光、仪器摆体安装在洞室中部等措施,可以减少仪器的零点漂移,保持仪器工作状态的稳定。  相似文献   

赵庆 《内陆地震》1999,13(3):274-278
前言依据红山地震台石英摆倾斜仪观测资料作单分量曲线、矢量图并进行分析发现,在多次MS4.5级以上地震发生前,该图出现打破年变、加速,年变转向和时间改变等中短期异常变化。这对于监测周围地区的震情具有一定的意义。1 台站概况及资料简介红山地震台的石英倾斜仪架设在乌鲁木齐市西南雅玛里克山的一个山洞内。山洞进深40余米①,顶部覆盖厚度约为15m,岩性为砂岩,洞内年温差小于0.5℃,日温差小于0.1℃,湿度小于50%。1990年该手段正式投入观测,已积累了连续9年的资料。仪器周期为40s左右,能记录到清晰…  相似文献   

孔内声波CT探测技术在近年来已在工程地质勘探中得到较好应用。介绍了声波法的工作原理、孔内声波CT技术系统的测量方式、数据采集和数据预处理以及CT正反演的基本方法。以无锡地区岩体内溶洞调查为实例,阐述了利用该方法探测岩溶发育程度、溶蚀现象发育情况,沿竖向各切面内孔洞空间布置。结果显示孔内声波CT对查明目标体的位置和圈定目标体的形态是有效的。证明其具有开发潜力和应用前景。  相似文献   

Nickpoint recession in the Buchan karst, southeastern Australia, has resulted in the formation of an underground meander cut-off system in the Murrindal River valley. Three nickpoints have been stranded in the surface channel abandoned by the subterranean piracy, and these can be correlated with river terraces and epiphreatic cave passages in the nearby Buchan River valley. The presence of palaeomagnetically reversed sediments in the youngest cave passage in the Buchan valley implies that the topographically lowest nickpoint in the Murrindal valley is more than 730 ka old, and the other nickpoints are probably several million years old. The nickpoints are occasionally active during floods, but the diversion of most surface flow underground has slowed down their retreat to the extent that they have been effectively stationary for several million years. Underground nickpoint migration has been by both incision within major phreatic conduits and their abandonment for lower-level passages. The nickpoints are all present in the upstream part of the cave system, but have not migrated past the sink in the river channel, despite the long period of time available for this to happen. The sink is characterized by collapsed limestone blocks; these filter out the coarse bedload from the river channel. As a result, erosion within the cave passages is dominantly solutional and therefore slower than in the surface channel, where it is mostly mechanical. In addition, to transmit a drop in base level the cave system requires the removal of a larger volume of rock than for the surface migration of a nickpoint, because any roof collapse material in the subsurface system must be removed. These factors have slowed the migration of the base-level changes through the subsurface system, and may be a general feature in caves that have diffuse sinks as their main inputs.  相似文献   

调查发现山西北部农村地区农居窑洞多是独立式土坯窑洞,结构主要受力体系是土坯砌体砌筑拱结构,其建造无统一标准,外形样式存在差异。由于拱结构的内力分布对外形尺寸变化比较敏感,为研究窑洞外形特征对结构抗震性能影响,建立相应的有限元模型进行计算分析,对比不同外形特征窑洞在地震作用下的损伤情况,并结合历史震害,指出窑洞结构的薄弱位置。研究结果表明覆土较厚的窑洞容易损伤,连拱孔数较多窑洞的两侧位置更容易发生破坏,拱的曲线形状对结构抗震性能有一定影响,合理拱曲线窑洞的抗震性能优于一般形状窑洞。  相似文献   

新疆竖直摆倾斜仪的观测精度与震兆异常   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对竖直摆倾斜仪在新疆近10年的运行情况做系统分析后认为,该类仪器观测精度较高且功耗小,管理方便,其中井下仪器稳定性好。受干扰小,性能明显优于峒体仪器,地震前显示了一定的中短期前兆异常。  相似文献   

选取山东省3个洞体应变台2007-2011年观测数据,分析资料的完整性、内在质量及干扰因素.结果表明:①观测资料连续性和完整性较好;②仪器零漂满足设计指标要求;③M2波振幅因子相对误差和相对噪声水平达到Ⅰ类应变台标准;④仪器更新后观测质量提升;⑤洞体应变观测主要受仪器调修、气压、降雨和观测环境变化等因素影响.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to reconstruct the gas distribution inside a vertical cross section of a gas plume by combining data from two or more scanning DOAS instruments using a tomographic algorithm. The method can be applied to gas plumes from any single, elevated point source, such as a volcano or industrial chimney. Such two-dimensional concentration distributions may prove to be useful for example in plume chemistry, dispersion and environmental impact studies. Here we show the case with one scanning DOAS instrument located on each side of the plume, which is the easiest and most economic setup as well as the most useful in routine monitoring of e.g. volcanic gas emissions. The paper investigates the conditions under which tomographic reconstructions can be performed and discusses limitations of this setup. The proposed method has been studied theoretically by numerical simulations and has been experimentally tested during two field campaigns, with measurements of SO2 emissions from a volcano and a power plant. The simulations show that, under good measurement conditions, the algorithm presented performs well, which is further confirmed by the experimental results.  相似文献   

The use of digital recorders and computers in seismic exploration promises major enhancement of the quality of final documents available to interpreters. The ultimate objectives of recording and processing remain what they always have been: 1 Record the reflection wavelet as a function of time; this requirement has been met with satisfactory accuracy for a number of years. 2. Record the reflection wavelets with sufficient fidelity to permit the interpreter to recognize them. Various factors affect our ability to achieve this second objective. Certain recording errors are associated with digital recording systems. However, an understanding of the sources of error will enable the operator to use his system properly and to estimate the noise level or inaccuracy of field recordings. Field operations do not require rigorous error analysis; in most cases a satisfactory approximation can be obtained from simple calculations. Three types of “noise”–seismic, instrument and power line–introduce errors. Factors which contribute to over-al recording system error include specifically input noise, power supply ripple, crosstalk, A-D conversion error, quantizing noise, aliasing, distortion. Examination of each component of a recording system, permits the determination of its ultimate effect on the over-all noise level–or error level–of the entire system. Many of the error sources produce statistically independent noise which is not correlative. Where this is true, error voltages from various sources may be combined by taking the square root of the sum of the mean square noise voltages, giving a result slightly greater than the largest single voltage if one source is much greater than any other source. This simplification can be used to estimate over-all system noise levels. Distortion and crosstalk depend on signal amplitude and should be added algebraically in each category. Each final sum should be used as a statistically independent noise source with respect to other system noise sources. Using the foregoing examples and simplified system for estimating over-all system noise, and assuming that much of the distortion (which limits signal/instrument noise ratio to 54 db) can be removed by filtering, we determine that the combined effect of all sources of error is to reduce the system S/N ratio to approximately 74 db. With proper care digital field recording systems can produce very good field records, and exotic computer processes can enhance signal and reduce various forms of noise. However, one always must recall that the level of confidence which one can place in an interpretation of seismic data must be dependent on a knowledge of the accuracy of the basic data.  相似文献   

地震监测仪器综合管理系统的设计与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着地震监测建设力度的增加,地震监测系统主要涵盖了测震、形变、流体、磁电等四大学科的地震观测仪器.分析现有的仪器运维管理工作状况,存在着仪器组成复杂、配套设备繁杂、观测项目众多、维修更新管理落后等问题,结合江苏省地震观测仪器管理运维的实际情况,采用PHP语言开发了基于MySQL关系型数据库的地震监测仪器综合管理系统,初步实现了对地震监测仪器的运维监控和维修管理的网络化和实时化,该综合管理系统已在江苏省地震监测中心服务器上运行2年,取得较好的效果.  相似文献   

Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating on teeth has been used to determine the antiquity of the human presence in the area of Gunung Sewu (East Java, Indonesia). The Song Terus cave is one of the archaeological sites located in this area, which has yielded an important collection of fossil bones and prehistoric lithic industry. ESR dating shows that this cave belongs to a karstic system which has been in place since Middle Pleistocene. The results of coupled ESR/Uranium-series dating indicates closed system for uranium in tooth tissues yielding ages of between 216 and 392 ka for the oldest archaeological levels, confirming the possibility of finding Middle Pleistocene human occupations in such karstic sites in Java.  相似文献   

受供电和数据传输方式的影响,十堰地震台测震系统数据断记时间较长,数据质量较差。为此,采用3路交流供电自动切换辅助2路直流供电方式,为仪器运行提供稳定的电力供给,并采用一主一备有线光纤传输解决微波单线传输的弊端。为验证解决措施的有效性,选取该台2009—2020年测震记录,统计SEED格式波形记录数据断记时长,结果发现,在2013年进行整改以来,数据断记现象减少,断记时长明显缩短。选取该台2015—2021年测震系统仪器更换以来的数据记录,分析地方震、近震、远震和极远震震相特征,发现该台记录地震波形清晰、可靠。可见,该台数据断记整改措施得到有效检验,测震系统运行质量得到提升,可为国内同类测震台站提供参考。  相似文献   

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