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《Urban geography》2013,34(2):208-227
Theories of place have yet to be developed to explore societal responses to terrorism in the post-9/11 city. Urban geographers have shown the relevance of place for understanding the way people live in cities, including conceptualizations of the way people perceive those places. Geographers working on environmental risk have also conceptualized perception, but only in regard to hazard perception. They have not focused on the city itself as a hazard site, nor have they studied how the contours of place affect hazard perception. Joining urban geography and risk-hazards scholarship, this study argues for a terrorism-place nexus that links terrorism hazard perception to urban place. Using survey and interview data collected from 79 financial service executives in New York City, it will be shown that terrorism has created a place-based ontological dissonance among financial executives, and we speculate about the implications for the city should these workers restore ontological order by moving away their establishments.  相似文献   

This paper expands the values-vulnerability nexus for studying urban vulnerability to terrorism. Gender is among the most salient social structures affecting a person’s interpretation of risk, and urban geographers have demonstrated that gender also deeply affects the experience of urban life. However, the values that shape urban vulnerability to terrorism have been conceptualized more broadly, usually focusing on the underpinning economic organization of cities that terrorists exploit rather than on concepts such as gender. As a result, the role of gender in understanding societal responses to terrorism—specifically risk perception and preparedness—is underdeveloped, including in the 2008 US National Survey of Disaster and Preparedness, which sought to understand Americans’ responses to terrorism. This paper outlines a gender values–vulnerability nexus for studying terrorism. Using interview data from Boston, Massachusetts conducted before and after the 15 April 2013 Boston Marathon attacks, I demonstrate that gender deeply affected how Bostonians learned about and responded to terrorism. The gender values–vulnerability nexus explores the role of gendered political, social, economic, and geographical dimensions in urban vulnerability to terrorism. The role of gender has the potential to substantially increase vulnerability for urban populations, particularly given gender-similar social networks and urban contexts that continue to yield different experiences for men and women. The implications of these findings may signal challenges for urban emergency managers, public safety officials, and ordinary people in American cities.  相似文献   

肖潇  张捷  卢俊宇 《地理科学进展》2012,31(8):1080-1086
文化地理学作为人文地理学的重要分支, 是学者们广泛关注的热点, 但鲜有研究涉及居民对文化景观的感知和认同问题。本文选取了中国传统文化代表--书法景观为研究切入点, 根据地方感理论构建了假设模型, 提出了17 个假设影响路径。根据遵义会议会址景区及周围红色旅游商业街中书法景观的居民感知调查数据, 构建了居民书法景观感知的结构方程模型。分析结果验证了居民感知态度与文化认同的递进性, 拒绝了部分研究假设。同时, 在书法景观功能感知的5 个维度:经济获益、环境审美、场所识别、景观原真性和行为导向中, 经济获益和景观原真性是居民文化认同的决定性因素。研究结果体现了原真性元素在城市文化景观中的核心地位, 验证文化景观对城市经济建设不可或缺的推动作用, 对城市文化景观保护和规划管理具有重要的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

城市交通运输地理发展趋势   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
从城市交通运输地理研究的核心概念入手,在对具有代表性的交通运输地理著作及刊物的研究进行综述基础上,对城市交通运输地理的发展进行分析,揭示城市交通运输地理目前研究的主要内容及发展趋势,丰富和发展城市地理学及交通地理学的研究内容。  相似文献   


Creating resiliency, accomplished in part by individuals preparing for disaster, is the primary strategy outside of law enforcement for responding to the threat of urban terrorism. Individuals prepare when they perceive a need to do so, yet little is known about what shapes a person's awareness of vulnerability to terrorism. Because evidence indicates that social contacts act as conduits of information and affect perception of risk to natural hazards, it is possible that such contacts also affect terrorism vulnerability awareness. Because social contacts are also known to be systematically segmented by gender and location, we hypothesized that conversations about terrorism vary by gender and place, specifically the home and work place. Drawing on data from 93 interviews with householders in Boston, the study demonstrates that: (1) family networks generated discussions of home preparedness, whereas workplace networks engaged a wider variety of topics; (2) women discussed terrorism more frequently and in greater depth than did men; and (3) women heard more preparedness messages for the home than did men, whereas men undertook preparedness activities external to the home. The findings bridge geography and terrorism studies by theorizing emplaced and subjective human experiences that prompt conversations about terrorism. These conversations, in turn, help urban emergency managers and risk-hazards geographers promote rational dialogue and action vis-à-vis terrorism. Hazards researchers have shown that the more people discuss terrorism, the less they seek extreme and unwarranted responses.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):193-204
In this paper I examine how the politics of mobility is an important factor when considering the contentious nature of urban growth debates. By a politics of mobility I mean the political struggle over what type of transportation mode—be it automobile, transit, or walking—is developed in a city, and how urban space is configured to make various modes functional. More importantly, the politics of mobility is an extension of competing and contested ideologies and normative values about how the city should be configured and for whom. I provide a case study of Atlanta, Georgia's business elites and their negotiation of the politics of mobility as they confronted a mobility crisis of congestion and air pollution. This paper provides a platform for further comparative research on urban growth debates in an era of increasing environmental and social problems stemming from transportation policy.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):154-165

Conventional geographical approaches to the city tend to place the study of urban form and urban space squarely within the political-economic and cultural branches of geography. Geographic pedagogy has tended to assume, therefore, that nature is absent from the city or exists only as a backdrop or stage on which urban economic and cultural activities take place. In contrast, there has been a recent groundswell of interest—originating in places as diverse as environmental activism, environmental history, landscape architecture, and environmental education—in reinterpreting the city as a space intimately connected with nature. This article examines the possibilities for integrating this rethinking of the relationship between city and nature into undergraduate education. Specifically, it outlines the rationale, objectives, and design of a course on urban ecology and examines the benefits and challenges of doing urban ecology as part of geographic education.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, activity diaries have been the principal source of data used by geographers and urban planners to capture human mobility patterns; however, memory recall requirements and participant burden are limiting features of this approach. While handheld GPS devices were initially used to simply validate activity diaries, the ubiquity of smartphones makes GPS-based technology a viable alternative for collecting human mobility data. This research visualises human mobility patterns using spatiotemporally GPS-rich traces collected from 24 participants during a pilot study of a new smartphone application—Wander. The results illustrate the utility of such data for capturing individuals’ multi-nodal activity spaces to better understand people–place interactions in the context of increasingly fluid and mobile lifestyles. Finally, we draw on our experiences of implementing this pilot study to discuss the benefits and limitations of this technology for its broader application in domains such as transportation planning, tourism management, and in the management of crime and disorder.  相似文献   

中国大陆地理学界对人文主义地理学与现象学之关系的介绍不甚充分,引介的文章数量十分有限,且多集中介绍段义孚先生的作品和观点。文章通过评介另一位著名人文主义地理学家大卫·西蒙的《生活世界地理学--动、静和相遇》,旨在促进人们更为深入地了解人文主义地理学。此书是人文主义地理学的代表著作之一,出版之际正值西方人文主义地理学盛行。全书共分为5大部分,其中第二、三、四部分集中了作者的学术观点,分别对应该书副标题中的“动”“静”和“相遇”。现象学是人文主义地理学的哲学基础,内容比较艰涩。因此文章结合该书提到的例子和经验中的例子,凝练出该书的重要观点,并使其形象化。文章评介该书的基本观点是:第一,该书通过抽象的现象学的概念和方法实现了对大量日常环境经验的描述;第二,该书内容对规划设计以及环境教育相关人士具有启发性和指导意义;第三,该书并没有实现人文主义地理学与“科学的”现代地理学的直观对比,因此尚未显性化现象学研究方法的优长;第四,以现象学态度反观本评介,本评介当然也带有两位作者的主体性。  相似文献   

中国流动人口的城市宜居性感知及其对定居意愿的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
流动人口是中国城镇化进程的重要参与者,加强其定居意愿特征分析对制定中国新型城镇化发展政策具有重要参考价值。基于中国40个主要城市的宜居城市问卷调查数据,运用描述统计和地理探测器方法,揭示中国流动人口的城市宜居性感知特征及其对定居意愿的影响。研究结果表明:①中国流动人口的城市宜居性感知评价分异明显,呈现出“公共服务设施便利性>自然环境舒适性>社会人文环境舒适性>环境健康性>交通便捷性>城市安全性”的递减特征;②中国流动人口的公共服务设施便利性、社会人文环境舒适性、环境健康性和城市安全性等4个维度城市宜居性感知对其定居意愿具有显著影响,且影响强度依次递减,但二者关系并不完全呈简单的线性特征。③相对他人收入满意度、生活满意度、住房价格感知和地理区位等参照变量,以及年龄、性别和职业等个体与家庭属性也是影响中国流动人口定居意愿的重要因素。  相似文献   

始于1980年代的环境公平研究近年来重点转向环境资源,尤其是公园绿地在不同族群和不同收入人群中的空间分布。经过对国内外文献的梳理,从绿地空间环境公平研究主题、绿地公平性影响因素及其测度指标和方法进行了系统综述。分析发现:1)国内外关于绿地空间环境公平的研究主要集中在近十年,呈现稳步增长的态势。总体上从环境公平视角来关注城市绿地空间的研究仍不多,案例绝大多数来自发达国家的城市,更多集中在美国;2)研究主题集中在可进入性与环境公平、绿地空间改造与环境绅士化、绿地使用中的文化公平与环境公平问题以及绿地环境公平感知与地方依恋四个方面;3)城市绿地公平性的测度最常用的是可达性、服务面积等绿地供给性指标,近年越来越多研究开始使用绿地供给与使用者需求的综合测度指标。最后,基于中国快速城市化和快速工业化带来日益紧张的土地利用冲突与经济发展压力,再加上中国特殊的人口、环境特征与文化背景,中国城市普遍面临着对绿地空间需求的日益增长,未来应特别重视城市绿地空间的环境公平问题。  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  朱竑 《地理学报》2012,67(8):1057-1068
全球化是当今世界最重要的特征之一。有关跨国移民对城市景观的感知和跨文化认同研究也得到越来越多的关注。在文献回顾的基础上, 以广州高星级酒店外籍管理者作为研究对象, 通过定性研究进行数据的收集和分析, 构建了外籍管理者对城市地方景观感知和跨文化认同的形成演变机制, 并得出以下结论:① 在职业影响下, 外籍管理者对迁入城市产生了被动的地方认同, 进而形成了被迫同化的跨文化认同模式;② 外籍管理者基于身份构建对城市地方景观进行感知, 对反映“他者”、“我者”和“世界人”身份的景观感知度较高, 反映出他们对故乡和迁入城市的地方认同, 从而产生了同时具有整合和边缘特征的跨文化认同模式;③ 外籍管理者通过迁入城市的地方景观感知而产生地方意义的解读, 基于对迁入城市正面的地方意义解读, 对城市产生了地方认同和整合的跨文化认同模式, 基于对迁入城市负面的地方意义解读, 对城市产生了地方不认同和分隔的跨文化模式。研究结论丰富了城市景观研究和跨文化认同研究的相关理论成果, 并为中国跨国移民政策和国际化城市建设提供了可供借鉴的实践参考。  相似文献   

This paper considers the issues of research ‘relevance’ and ‘use’ to reflect upon a cultural geography research project on bushfire that did not begin with any specific aim of being useful to policy makers but which has garnered considerable and ongoing interest from a broad audience. It provides an example of how the integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods and data can enhance research into cultural aspects of natural hazards whilst simultaneously playing a key role in ensuring that the research results are of interest to a wide range of groups. Using a mixed-methods research approach was found to provide insight into complex factors that influence attitudes and actions towards bushfire amongst diverse landholders in rural–urban interface areas in south-east Australia. We argue that mixed-methods research is a powerful tool in building and enhancing a cultural geography that has policy relevance, retains analytical depth, and is acceptable to risk managers. The ability of cultural geography through mixed-methods research to illuminate how socio-cultural processes are central to environmental attitudes and preparedness behaviour has direct relevance to recent international discussions of how to manage the vulnerability of the growing number of people living in bushfire-prone rural–urban interface areas.  相似文献   


A long history of overt discrimination left an enduring racialized imprint upon the geography of the East Bay. While the benefits of a metropolitan decentralization of jobs, housing, and public investment fell to Whites, discrimination in employment and housing trapped African Americans in urban neighborhoods burdened by infrastructure encroachment and divestment. By circa 1970, overt discrimination succumbed to new, racially neutral, legal, and administrative forms, including regional planning processes. Using an environmental racism framework, we show that these new forms reproduced the existing racialized geography by means of new inequalities in representation and transportation service provision. These new regional transportation policies, like those challenged by a 2005 civil rights lawsuit, favored the mobility needs of more affluent suburbanites over those of African American East Bay bus riders. These policies, layered onto an existing racialized geography, reinforced existing inequalities by failing to address racial barriers to opportunity in the built environment. [Key words: transportation, race, segregation, Oakland]  相似文献   

以“Web of ScienceTM核心合集”和CNKI核心文献库为数据源,运用CiteSpace软件进行文献计量分析,从发文时间、地区分布、学科分布、研究机构、关键词共现与高被引文献等方面,总结比较了2000年以来中外犯罪地理研究进展,并展望了未来的研究趋势。结果发现:1)国内外犯罪地理发文量整体呈现持续增长态势,美国发文量首位度明显。学科分布国外较为广泛,国内相对集中,且存在较大发展空间。研究机构之间的合作网络国外较强,国内机构联系较弱,后续研究力量正处于培育发展阶段。2)不同时期国内外研究关注的热点不同:国外侧重于暴力犯罪、恐怖主义犯罪、因种族歧视和性别歧视等引发的多类型犯罪研究,从微观到宏观,涉及地区、国家甚至全球层面;国内聚焦于城市社区“两抢一盗”犯罪、省域拐卖儿童犯罪和毒品犯罪等类型,微观和宏观并举,实证案例研究逐渐增多。3)随着多学科的交叉融合发展,国内外犯罪地理发展势头良好。犯罪分布模式、空间防控对策与犯罪风险模拟仍是当下较为活跃的研究议题,“3S”技术开发和大数据应用将成为犯罪地理研究的两条并行趋势线。未来需要以综合性思维审视犯罪地理环境,持续关注犯罪地理研究的潜在领域。同时,信息技术发展与计量模型应用为犯罪地理带来新契机,必须立足于当下国际社会环境,加强个人、组织和团体机构之间的研究合作,交流和分享经验成果,探索多样化的犯罪防控模式,并采取全球合作的方式应对区域所面临的犯罪挑战。  相似文献   

学界对旅游安全事故成因的分析主要借鉴安全管理学,旅游活动的地理时空特殊性未受到充分重视,已有相关研究偏宏观定量测度,深度案例研究较少。从旅游场地特征、惯常非足迹环境和流动性三个因素入手,对2009—2019年共84起赴泰游客安全事故进行时空场景特征解析,为旅游安全事故防控提供了来自地理学的补充解释。研究发现:第一,旅游安全事故的类型与危害程度受到目的地客观地理环境特征的高度影响,而并非是单纯的管理问题。泰国夏季多暴雨的气候特征与多山地的地形特征显著影响了涉水旅游活动以及水陆交通活动,导致船艇交通事故、山区车祸与沙滩溺亡事故高发。第二,旅游目的地中存在的惯常非足迹环境场所容易触发安全事故,如:公路、沙滩泳场、酒店、便利店等。由于中泰社会与文化差异较大,惯常非足迹环境容易导致游客产生风险认知偏差,进而提高了行为决策的出错率,从而增加了安全风险。第三,空间流动性越高的场所,安全事故发生的概率越高,如交通道路和海域航线等地。本文的贡献在于揭示了地理环境复杂性对旅游安全管理与主体风险认知偏差的影响。  相似文献   

王敏  林铭亮  朱竑 《地理科学进展》2020,39(7):1182-1195
“神经转向”是在后现代语境下提出的,运用神经机制诠释人的心智与空间的关系,超越“社会文化”与“生物神经”的边界,强调情感、身体、“非理性”等的主体特征,为人文地理学研究提供了新的认识论和方法论。同时,人文地理学研究的“空间传统”有益于对批判神经科学关于“心智—大脑—环境”的理解产生知识溢出,实现学科交叉的良性循环。论文梳理了国内外涉及神经科学理论与方法的人文地理学研究,基于具身认知和非表征理论分析人文地理学中“神经转向”研究的理论基础,并围绕空间感知、情感认知、行为实践等主题进行介绍。另外,神经科学技术手段为人文地理学研究提供了新的方法,大脑成像、眼动追踪技术已经在地理学科中得到应用,呈现可期的未来愿景。最后,论文提出“神经转向”对中国人文地理学研究的理论创新和实践路径的启示。  相似文献   

The Australian Census of Population and Housing is a census of people not places. However, where people live and work can be of major relevance in our search for explaining and understanding their behaviour. This paper argues that the place dimension in the Australian census has not been exploited very effectively in this respect. Three dimensions of the issue are addressed. Firstly, the spatial units commonly used for analysis of census data often are not appropriate to the problem being investigated. The spatial units in the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) used for census data rarely represent meaningful social, economic and environmental regions. Secondly, the use of a simple urban/rural dichotomy is criticised as being a very blunt instrument to differentiate settlement types. Thirdly, the relationship between people and place in the census is discussed. While for the most part the census relates people to a single location—their place of usual residence—this is only one of the places with which people regularly interact. It is suggested that there is a need to adopt practices in the census which allow a range of population geographies to be defined. In conclusion it is argued that innovation in the Australian census, especially with the introduction of meshblocks and contemporary methodology and technology in Geographical Information Systems, makes it possible to analyse spatially referenced data in ways that can address these three issues.  相似文献   

行为地理学的学科定位与前沿方向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
始自行为革命,行为地理学逐渐走向多元化的发展方向,不断扩展自身的理论框架和实践外延,反思并重新认识自身的意义,成为了人文地理学的重要组成部分。伴随着社会经济转型的深入,世界越来越向着多样化、个体性、动态化发展,人们的空间行为决策、选择的差异与个性越来越明显,空间与行为的交互越来越强,为行为地理学带来了新的发展机遇。论文通过梳理行为地理学的学科基础,提出行为地理学的学科定位与内涵外延,并指出行为地理学已经呈现出面向动态人地关系、面向个体生活质量及面向社会可持续发展3个前沿发展方向。在此基础上,论文对行为地理学面临的方法论、研究方法与跨学科的挑战进行讨论,并展望行为地理学的未来发展,以期为中国行为地理学的理论创新与实践探索提供启示。  相似文献   

全生态综合世界观和人地互动过程与复杂性的系统研究是时间地理学理论体系构建的核心,也是行为地理学关于空间—行为互动理论构建的关键问题。企划和活动的地方秩序嵌套是新时间地理学的最新发展。论文围绕企划—活动系统及其变化、企划交织下的活动系统与社会互动、企划实现过程中活动的地方秩序构建等3个方面对时间地理学理论发展和研究前沿进行综述,系统梳理时间地理学在交通出行、城市与区域规划、地理学、康复医疗与健康、资源能源利用等领域的跨学科应用。未来呼吁更多学者关注时间地理学,积极开展跨学科应用和时间地理学创新应用的国际比较研究,将时间地理学的最新研究进展与中国城市发展的现实问题相结合,创新并发展中国城市研究的行为范式,丰富和完善中国城市的空间—行为互动理论,为中国城市的高质量发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

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