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Individual based simulations of population dynamics require the availability of growth models with adequate complexity. For this purpose a simple-to-use model (non-linear multiple regression approach) is presented describing somatic growth and reproduction of Daphnia as a function of time, temperature and food quantity. The model showed a good agreement with published observations of somatic growth (r2 = 0.954, n = 88) and egg production (r2 = 0.898, n = 35). Temperature is the main determinant of initial somatic growth and food concentration is the main determinant of maximal body length and clutch size. An individual based simulation was used to demonstrate the simultaneous effects of food and temperature on the population level. Evidently, both temperature and food supply affected the population growth rate but at food concentrations above approximately 0.4 mg Cl−1 Scenedesmus acutus temperature appeared as the main determinant of population growth.

Four simulation examples are given to show the wide applicability of the model: (1) analysis of the correlation between population birth rate and somatic growth rate, (2) contribution of egg development time and delayed somatic growth to temperature-effects on population growth, (3) comparison of population birth rate in simulations with constant vs. decreasing size at maturity with declining food concentrations and (4) costs of diel vertical migration. Due to its plausible behaviour over a broad range of temperature (2–20 °C) and food conditions (0.1–4 mg Cl−1) the model can be used as a module for more detailed simulations of Daphnia population dynamics under realistic environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Consumers world-wide are driving changes in the agriculture and food sector. Rising consumer income, changing demographics and lifestyles, and shifting preferences due to new information about the links between diet and health all contribute to new demands for foods. At the same time, technological changes in production, processing and distribution, growth in large-scale retailing, and changes in product availability, as well as expansion of trade world wide, have contributed to a rapidly changing market for food products. Changes in seafood consumption reflect these changes. The changes in consumer consumption patterns, new technologies and trade in product offer both expanded markets as well as new challenges to consumer exposure to food-borne risks. The strict quality control requirements of retail brokers, growth of private labels, and development of value-protecting marketing channels have become increasingly important in food markets. This paper addresses major trends that affect seafood consumption and the market for seafood products and the implications of these changes for consumer risk exposure to food safety hazards. The current economic environment highlights similarities and differences between the developed and developing countries, as well as diversity worldwide in consumption of seafood. Within this context, four major trends affect consumer consumption of foods, including seafood and fish products today: rising income; changing demographics; changing markets for food; and an increasingly global market for food products. Changes in consumer risk exposure to food safety problems are addressed in the context of these trends.  相似文献   

Radioarsenic was used to identify various chemical forms of arsenic, accumulated as arsenate from food or water, in a three-step food chain consisting of an autotroph, a grazer and a carnivore. Differential extraction procedures carried out on tissues from these organisms suggest that organic forms of arsenic in marine food webs are derived from an in vivo synthesis by primary producers and are efficiently transferred along a marine food chain. The muscle tissue of the carnivorous shrimp which represented the highest trophic level in this food chain could not itself form organic arsenic; in this case arsenate taken up from water was converted largely to arsenite.  相似文献   

The maintenance of species diversity in a given environment is strongly linked to resource partitioning. Littoral macrophyte zones are heterogeneous environments with high microcrustacean diversity, where zooplankton have dietary access to seston as well as organisms growing on macrophytic surfaces (epiphyton). We conducted a field study in a macrophyte-rich backwater of the river Allier to examine how seston and epiphyton were used as potential food sources by four dominant cladoceran species. Fatty acids were analyzed in these two food sources to assess how their differential uptake affects the trophic trajectory of essential compounds from these resources to cladocerans. Our results showed resource partitioning among the four cladocerans studied; while Eurycercus fed mostly on epiphyton, Daphnia mostly consumed phytoplankton, and Ceriodaphnia and Simocephalus were able to forage on sestonic and epiphytic resources. Based on their polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content, it was evident that epiphyton was of higher food quality than seston in this macrophyte-rich backwater system. Variability of PUFA compositions of seston and epiphyton, and diversity of foraging strategies of cladoceran species, which represent the major link between microorganisms and consumers at higher trophic levels, affect dietary energy pathways and point to a variable PUFA transfer efficiency in backwater food webs.  相似文献   

Cross-country comparison of DDE and PCB residue levels in cormorant, gull and tern eggs in Canada reveal that bird populations at the Great Lakes are most contaminated with those pollutants. DDE levels have been correlated with reproductive failure in Double-crested Cormorants in the Great Lakes with eggshell thinning as a major factor. Low reproductive success in Herring Gull colonies at Lake Ontario is associated with high chlorinated hydrocarbon levels in eggs. Fish-eating birds in the Wabigoon River system, northwestern Ontario, are among the most known mercury contaminated birds. It is suggested that the effects of mercury on the reproduction of fish-eating birds should be further examined there.Fish-eating birds occupy the highest levels of the food web and magnification of toxic chemicals through prey organisms in this web makes those birds vulnerable to the effects of environmental contaminants. Since fish-eating birds are present everywhere in Canada's freshwater and marine habitats and occupy various niches there, they may serve as pollution indicators in various food chains of our aquatic environment. Colonial birds are especially valuable indicators as pollution effects on total bird populations can be studied. Baseline information on fish-eating bird populations should now be collected everywhere in Canada for measuring present and future effects of environmental pollutants, as well as other man-made disturbances on their populations.  相似文献   

The mappings of poverty and food insecurity were carried out for the rural districts of the four riparian countries (Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe) of the Limpopo river basin using the results of national surveys that were conducted between 2003 and 2013. The analysis shows lower range of food insecure persons (0–40%) than poverty stricken persons (0–95%) that is attributable to enhanced government and non-government food safety networks in the basin countries, the dynamic and transitory nature of food insecurity which depends on the timings of the surveys in relation to harvests, markets and food prices, and the limited dimension of food insecurity in relation to poverty which tends to be a more structural and pervasive socio-economic condition. The usefulness of this study in influencing policies and strategies targeted at alleviating poverty and improving rural livelihoods lies with using food insecurity mappings to address short-term socio-economic conditions and poverty mappings to address more structural and long-term deprivations. Using the poverty line of $1.25/day per person (2008–2013) in the basin, Zimbabwe had the highest percentage of 68.7% of its rural population classified as poor, followed by Mozambique with 68.2%, South Africa with 56.1% and Botswana with 20%. While average poverty reduction of 6.4% was observed between 2003 and 2009 in Botswana, its population growth of 20.1% indicated no real poverty reduction. Similar observations are made about Mozambique and Zimbabwe where population growth outstripped poverty reductions. In contrast, both average poverty levels and population increased by 4.3% and 11%, respectively, in South Africa from 2007 to 2010. While areas of high food insecurity and poverty consistently coincide with low water availability, it does not indicate a simple cause–effect relationship between water, poverty and food insecurity. With limited water resources, rural folks in the basin require stronger institutions, increased investments and support to enable them generate sufficient income from their rain-fed farming livelihood to break out of the poverty cycle.  相似文献   

Neural networks are universal approximators for nonlinear functions. This study aimed to develop an algorithm for functional link artificial neural network (FLANN), and to simulate insect’s food intake dynamics using the algorithm. Complete Matlab codes for FLANN algorithm were given in the paper. Conventional models and FLANN were used to modeling accumulated food intake of the larva of a holometabolous insect, Spodoptera litura. Simulation performance of FLANN was compared against conventional models and sensitivity analysis was conducted on FLANN. The results showed that the FLANN algorithm performed better than conventional models in the simulation of dynamics and temperature–time dependent relationship of larva’s food intake. The conventional models like fractional function, polynomial function, and exponential function were indicated to simulate the food intake dynamics at a higher accuracy but their performances were worse than FLANN. Both multivariate linear regression and trend surface model were used to describe temperature–time dependent relationship of food intake. The overall trend for this relationship could be simulated using these models, however, the simulation accuracy of these models was lower than FLANN. Sensitivity analysis showed that Legendre functions, Chebyshov functions, and trigonometric functions, used as the basis functions in FLANN, yielded better fitness than Laguerre functions and Hermite functions. The mean squared error of simulation using Legendre functions, Chebyshov functions, and trigonometric functions decreased as the increase of the number of these basis functions. Simulation performance also varied with the change of type of nonlinear functions and parameter values in the function. Linear function, negative exponential function and power function were the best nonlinear functions, which yielded more stable outputs as the change of parameter values.  相似文献   

白龟山水库银鱼移植试验   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
盖玉欣  王玉芬 《湖泊科学》1995,7(4):374-378
1987年一次性向白龟山水库投放太湖新银鱼有效受精卵21×10~4粒,后形成强大种群生产力,1991~1993年累计生产银鱼190t,创经济效益500余万人民币。太湖新银鱼具有生命周期不长、食物链较短、适应环境能力较强、容易捕捞等优点,是“填补”移植驯化的理想对象。白龟山水库生态系中鱼类区系组成不够饱和,存有空闲小生境,饵料竞争比较缓和,敌害压力较小,是移植驯化银鱼的适宜水体。白龟山水库银鱼食性组成中以桡足类和枝角类为主;分布遍及全库,尤以上、中游水草区为最多。1991年全库银鱼相对资源蕴藏量为108920kg,即1.56×10~(?)尾。1991年约有29.5%的浮游动物被银鱼利用转化成为银鱼产品,生物学效益较高。综合考虑银鱼的繁殖和生长,在现有捕捞强度下,捕捞生产宜安排在11月~翌年2月为宜。  相似文献   

Two nanociliates of the order Prostomatida,Pseudobalanion planctonicum (12–18 µm) andUrotricha furcata (12–21 µm), were found to be the most abundant ciliates in the epilimnion of Piburger See, a small mesotrophic lake. Temperature and food availability were the main factors controlling the sudden increase in abundance, which reached a maximum of 101 cell ml–1 at the beginning of summer. During their exponential development in numbers and biomass, a strong decrease in chlorophylla and in the abundance of phytoplankton, especiallyRhodomonas, was observed. We assume, therefore, thatPseudobalanion planctonicum andUrotricha furcata together with rotifers, mainlyPolyarthra dolichoptera, are able to reduce the phytoplankton biomass in the upper epilimnion to the same level as found during the clearwater phase. Preliminary results of grazing on bacteria suggest that these nanociliates are omnivorous, although their impact on bacterial assemblages was low (3.1% of the standing stock grazed per day). Feeding on the base of the food web combined with their high abudance at certain times makes them an important link for higher trophic levels. This study constitutes the second report onPseudobalanion as an important component of the microbial food web in lakes.  相似文献   

食物浓度对模糊秀体溞生长和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
尹娟  韩博平 《湖泊科学》2008,20(3):344-350
模糊秀体潘是热带水体中枝角类的主要优势种,它在竞争及对热带水体的适应方面的优势尚不清楚。本文以模糊秀体潘为研究对象,观察不同食物浓度下其生长和繁殖的特点,探讨模糊秀体潘成热带水体优势种的原因。以蛋白核小球藻为食物,浓度梯度设为0.05mg/L、0.1mg/L、0.3mg/L、0.6mg/L和1.0mg/L小球藻浓度为0.05mg/L的培养液中,模糊秀体潘存活率很低且未观察到繁殖现象其它4个浓度小球藻喂养的模糊秀体潘体长生长率和最大体长均随食物浓度的升高而增加,最大体长分别达到1.087mm、1.125mm、1.225mm、1.313mm;食物浓度对模糊秀体溢的胚胎发育时间,平均寿命,个体累计产幼数无显著影响:随着食物浓度的升高,模糊秀体滏初次怀卵体长显著增加,繁殖前期的历时相应缩短,平均每胎产幼数增加:内禀增长率随食物浓度升高而增大,达到0.6mg/L后比较稳定。浓度为0.6mg/L时,模糊秀体潘的净生殖率也达到最大值。1.0mg/L组的世代时间最短,内禀增长率接近最大值。0.6mg/L和1.0mg/L为模糊秀体潘生长比较适宜的食物浓度。热带自然水体中,模糊秀体潘相对其它浮游动物个体小和怀卵率低的现象并非食物不足所致;食物充足条件下的最大成体的个体大小与野外样品接近,也说明自然水体中捕食并没有显著影响成体的个体大小。模糊秀体潘体型较小、身体透明、行动敏捷,容易逃避鱼类的捕食,可能是模糊秀体潘能在食物丰富的热带水体中,特别是透明度较低的富营养化湖泊中能够成为枝角类中优势种的主要原因。  相似文献   

Two different formulations of Trichlorfon were examined for their acute toxicity in laboratory tests. Cyprinus carpio L., Salmo gairdneri Rich. and the fish food organisms Cyclops spec., Diaptomus spec. and Chironomus spec. were used as test objects. The differences in toxicity between crystalline and technical Trichlorfon were not very large. The recorded lethal concentrations are summarized in graphical representations and tables. After exposure for several hours to lower concentrations of active constituents, the toxicant-damaged fishes regained their original activity of life during a subsequent phase of recovery Tests of fish food organisms with 100 … 200 μg/l Trichlorfon led to death within 48 hours. Also on chironomid larvae Trichlorfon has a lethal effect at 0.2 mg/l within 48 hours. Toxicity is increased by the hardness constituents of the water. As experiments conducted with Crustacea have shown, growth is inhibited only at a certain concentration in the body.  相似文献   

International trade in fishery commodities reached US 58.2 billion dollars in 2002, a 5% improvement relative to 2000 and a 45% increase over 1992 levels. Within this global trade, developing countries registered a net trade surplus of US 17.4 billion dollars in 2002 and accounted for almost 50% by value and 55% of fish exports by volume. This globalization of fish trade, coupled with technological developments in food production, handling, processing and distribution, and the increasing awareness and demand of consumers for safe and high quality food have put food safety and quality assurance high in public awareness and a priority for many governments. Consequently, many countries have tightened food safety controls, imposing additional costs and requirements on imports. As early as 1980, there was an international drive towards adopting preventative HACCP-based safety and quality systems. More recently, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to food safety and quality throughout the entire food chain. Implementation of this approach requires an enabling policy and regulatory environment at national and international levels with clearly defined rules and standards, establishment of appropriate food control systems and programmes at national and local levels, and provision of appropriate training and capacity building. This paper discusses the international framework for fish safety and quality, with particular emphasis on the United Nation's Food and Agricultural Organization's (FAO) strategy to promote international harmonization and capacity building.  相似文献   

Except for frozen water in ice and glaciers, groundwater is the world’s largest distributed store of freshwater and has strategic importance to global food and water security. In this paper, the most recent advances quantifying groundwater depletion (GWD) are comprehensively reviewed. This paper critically evaluates the recently advanced modeling approaches estimating GWD at regional and global scales, and the evidence of feedbacks to the Earth system including sea-level rise associated with GWD. Finally, critical challenges and opportunities in the use of groundwater are identified for the adaption to growing food demand and uncertain climate.  相似文献   

Surveillance systems for foodborne disease vary in capacity by country, especially for marine-related illnesses. Generally, the more developed the country is, the more funding that is put into its surveillance programs, but no country has an outstanding system that could serve as a model for all others. An additional problem is lack of consistency. Approaches to surveillance and available resources change over time, so that apparent trends may reflect more of an administrative function. Most countries have some passive system that allows data on foodborne illnesses to be sent to centralized authorities where summaries are generated. However, these depend on the uneven quality of the source data that vary according to the resources allocated at the local level. Active surveillance systems collect data targeted to answer specific epidemiological questions more efficiently, but at such a high cost that most countries do not have the resources, except on a occasional basis. There is also the issue of what to do with the collected data. There has to be a conscious effort to translate the problems identified from the surveillance programs to consider strategies for prevention and control of foodborne disease. Otherwise, there is little value in having these kinds of monitoring programs. Another problem is lack of coordination in surveillance systems between most countries, so that information can be rapidly and efficiently shared. That being said, surveillance over the years had generated much interesting information on how disease agents are transmitted through the food supply, and where contamination and growth by pathogens in the food production and preparation chain typically occur. In addition, attempts are being made to create regional networks in different parts of the world usually initiated by organizations like WHO and PAHO. The kinds of information collected and programs being introduced are discussed in examples taken from both the developed and less developed world, followed by a series of recommendations for improving surveillance on a global basis. A recent burden in the surveillance system is the potential for a deliberate attack on the food supply with agents not usually involved with foodborne illness. At least in the US, a major concern is for the rapid detection and containment of a massive contamination of the food supply.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2007,54(10-12):569-578
Surveillance systems for foodborne disease vary in capacity by country, especially for marine-related illnesses. Generally, the more developed the country is, the more funding that is put into its surveillance programs, but no country has an outstanding system that could serve as a model for all others. An additional problem is lack of consistency. Approaches to surveillance and available resources change over time, so that apparent trends may reflect more of an administrative function. Most countries have some passive system that allows data on foodborne illnesses to be sent to centralized authorities where summaries are generated. However, these depend on the uneven quality of the source data that vary according to the resources allocated at the local level. Active surveillance systems collect data targeted to answer specific epidemiological questions more efficiently, but at such a high cost that most countries do not have the resources, except on a occasional basis. There is also the issue of what to do with the collected data. There has to be a conscious effort to translate the problems identified from the surveillance programs to consider strategies for prevention and control of foodborne disease. Otherwise, there is little value in having these kinds of monitoring programs. Another problem is lack of coordination in surveillance systems between most countries, so that information can be rapidly and efficiently shared. That being said, surveillance over the years had generated much interesting information on how disease agents are transmitted through the food supply, and where contamination and growth by pathogens in the food production and preparation chain typically occur. In addition, attempts are being made to create regional networks in different parts of the world usually initiated by organizations like WHO and PAHO. The kinds of information collected and programs being introduced are discussed in examples taken from both the developed and less developed world, followed by a series of recommendations for improving surveillance on a global basis. A recent burden in the surveillance system is the potential for a deliberate attack on the food supply with agents not usually involved with foodborne illness. At least in the US, a major concern is for the rapid detection and containment of a massive contamination of the food supply.  相似文献   

Biomagnification in marine systems: the perspective of an ecologist   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Biomagnification is the process where xenobiotic substances are transferred from food to an organism resulting in higher concentrations compared with the source. It is widely believed that this is a general phenomenon for marine food webs. An analysis of 148 papers with biomagnification in the title shows that under half show biomagnification. Of studies on metals only organic mercury shows biomagnification and most metals are regulated and excreted and do not biomagnify. Of the studies on organic compounds 67% claimed to show biomagnification. However, bioconcentration (uptake from the surrounding water) is the most usual way that organic compounds are accumulated in organisms from invertebrates to and including fish. Only in sea-birds and marine mammals is food intake the major route and where biomagnification can be clearly shown. Body concentrations of organic compounds vary with lipid content and thus in order to compare across species normalisation to uniform lipid content should be done. Yet often this is not done so data purporting to show biomagnification merely relate to differing lipid content in the different species studied. Finally suggestions are made as to how data can be collected to better interpret the process of biomagnification in marine food webs.  相似文献   

Various abiotic and biotic factors determine the natural fluctuations of Daphnia spec. populations; food quality and dissolved humic substances (HSs) being among these factors. In this contribution, we try to disentangle the relative impact of food quality and simultaneous HSs exposure on the fertility and longevity of D. magna. It is understood that HS-mediated stress leads to reduced fecundity in well-fed D. magna females; hence, it was expected that poor food, as a second stressor, would aggravate the HS-mediated effects. Three diets were tested: the green algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, baker’s yeast alone, and baker’s yeast plus dissolved ascorbic acid, and exposed D. magna to a HS preparation which has been shown effective in previous bioassays. It was hypothesized that the lifespan and fertility of D. magna would be best when fed green algae, and worst when fed only baker’s yeast. However, contrary to these expectations, any addition of HSs reduced the stress caused by poor food quality and increased lifespan and fecundity. In the yeast series, asexually produced diapausing eggs occurred via a so far unknown pathway. With yeast diet, the expanded lifespans were slightly above, whereas the increased offspring numbers lay below, the corresponding data of the algae-fed individuals. The potential of HSs as an additional food source and as a means to extend the lifespan is discussed. These findings open the innovative perspective that under low quality food conditions, additional stressors at certain intensities may even be beneficial to individuals and populations.  相似文献   

底栖动物次级生产力研究的理论与方法   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
底栖动物是淡水生态系统的一个重要组成部分,在渔业和环境科学上均有重要的理论意义和广泛的应用前景,本文综述了国外在底栖动物次级生产力研究中的理论和方法,重点阐述了底栖动物次级生产力的计算方法、P/B系数、生产量以及影响次级生产力的因素,并总结了目前该领域的一些新进展,以期为国内相关研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

We investigated trophic transfer efficiency in the pelagic food chain of deep, oligotrophic Lake Stechlin (Germany) by analyses of the primary, secondary, and fish production. Primary production between April and November 2000 was estimated at 78 g C m−2, pelagic secondary production at 14 g C m−2, and production of the main planktivorous fish species [European cisco, Coregonus albula (L.)] at 0.77 g C m−2. Thus, trophic transfer efficiency between primary and pelagic secondary production was around 18%, whereas between pelagic and fish production around 6%. The high efficiency at the first step of the chain is discussed to be due to the high food quality in oligotrophic lakes due to the dominance of Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae rich in essential fatty acids. In turn, the relatively low trophic transfer efficiency between the secondary and the fish production is mainly explained by the avoidance of calanoid copepods as food source by the ciscoes. Concerning the trophic transfer efficiency, results from this study support the general assumption of a 10% transfer between neighbouring trophic levels within ecosystems.  相似文献   

Of recent, adsorption process has gained a lot of attention as a cheap and effective means of removing trace metals from wastewater prior to discharge into water bodies. Being flexible in design and operation, the process has enabled an optimal recovery of trace metals such that the treated effluents meet the desired standards for waste disposal. Mercury is a toxicant released into the environment from natural and anthropogenic sources. It is notorious for having an unusual tendency to bio‐accumulate and persist in the food chain. Presence of mercury in food, especially those of aquatic sources has drastic implications on human health. Therefore, efforts have been made to develop and optimize low‐cost activated carbon (AC) as adsorbents for scavenging mercury from aqueous effluents. Herein, how mercury accumulates across the food chain, its health implications, and the recent advancement in the use of low‐cost ACs as adsorbent for trapping mercury from wastewater are highlighted. Relationship between the mercury removal efficiency and the surface morphology of the adsorbents as well as the influence of prevailing experimental condition on the sorption process were addressed. Challenges and future prospects of the use of low‐cost adsorbents in addressing mercury pollution in the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

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