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在第三轮矿产资源规划中,需要因地制宜,从宏观战略方面,立足区域整体,深入分析我国"四大板块"的经济与矿产资源发展形势,剖析资源"瓶颈"问题产生的深层次原因。针对东、中、西部和东北地区社会、经济、矿产资源发展特点,以社会经济为基础,以矿产资源承载力区划为重要依据,研究提出统筹经济发展与矿产资源保护的战略与政策建议,推进政策、规划、投入、项目、税费等矿产资源勘查开发政策的实施。  相似文献   

我国矿产资源领域利用外资现状我国是矿产资源大国,从2004年矿业价格回暖之后,外资对我国矿业开发步伐加快。目前,已经有100多家外国公司在中国投资矿产勘查,主要分布在我国西部地区,涉及石油、天然气、煤炭、铁、铜、铅、锌、金等400多个勘查开采项目,一些国外公司已经取得了不错的经济效益。  相似文献   

对这一特殊地区矿产资源重要性的认知水平,进而为实施“两个市场、两种资源”的全球矿产资源战略构想提供科学依据。   相似文献   

第一条为实施西部大开发战略,进一步改善勘查、开采矿产资源投资环境,加快矿产资源勘查、开发步伐,根据《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》、《青海省矿产资源管理条例》等法律、法规,结合本省实际,特制定本规定。第二条凡在本省行政区域内投资勘查、开采矿产资源,属于我省审批登记的适用本规定。第三条鼓励投资者在本省行政区域内按全省矿产资源规划,投资勘查、开采矿产资源。第四条在国家允许的范围内,投资者可以独资方式勘查、开采矿产资源,也可与省内外地勘单位、矿山企业或者其他经济组织合资或者合作勘查、开采矿产资源。第五条投资勘查、…  相似文献   

正由中核集团地矿事业部统一部署、中国国核海外铀业有限公司负责、核工业北京地质研究院和东华理工大学参与具体实施的《全球铀资源分布规律与找矿战略区划研究》项目日前通过初审。专家组一致认为,该项目成果可为国家和国内矿业企业实施矿产资源勘查开发"走出去"战略、合理部署境外铀矿勘查开发工作提供重要参考。该项目是由国土资源部中央地质勘查基金中心下达的国外矿产资源风险勘查项目。该项目历时2年,系统收集、  相似文献   

为实现矿产资源安全稳定的供给,日本根据《能源基本规划》制定了《资源保障指南》,提出海外矿产资源无缝支援体制,即国家相关部门在海外矿产资源开发运作的整个生命周期中对日本矿业企业实施无缝隙援助,以保障海外矿产资源勘查开发相关事业的顺利实施。  相似文献   

日本:无缝支援体制保障海外获矿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为实现矿产资源安全稳定的供给,日本根据<能源基本规划>制定了<资源保障指南>,提出海外矿产资源无缝支援体制,即国家相关部门在海外矿产资源开发运作的整个生命周期中对日本矿业企业实施无缝隙援助,以保障海外矿产资源勘查开发相关事业的顺利实施.  相似文献   

近年来,随着全球经济发展,科技日益创新,贸易信息瞬间传达,非洲人民逐渐认识到矿产资源是工业化发展的必需品,拥有矿产资源就是拥有了一笔巨大的潜在财富。如何将地下的资源变成现有的财富,并推动当地经济发展,告别经济单一的结构,是非洲当地一直探索的经济发展之路。为了推动经济发展,非洲大部分矿产资源国的基本国策是招商引资和依靠援助,以围绕能源、资源勘查  相似文献   

<正>9月8日,由国土资源部科技与国际合作司、辽宁省国土资源厅共同主办,国土资源部人力资源开发中心承办的境外勘查开发矿产资源培训研讨班在沈阳开班。省国土资源厅副厅长张志敏出席开班仪式并致辞。本次培训班旨在帮助辽宁省地勘行业深化对实施矿产资源"走出去"战略的认识,增进对境外矿产资源勘查开发相关信息、政策的了解,提振境外找矿的信心,有效推进矿产资源"走出去"战略的实施。  相似文献   

正矿产资源是人类生存与发展的物质基础。据有关资料统计;世界上工业制成品的原料70%来自矿产资源,能源有90%来自矿产资源。我国工业制成品原料的80%和能源来源的95%来自矿产资源,年开采矿石93多亿吨。矿产资源的勘查开发对我国的经济建设具有至关重要的作用。可以说,没有矿产资源的开发利用就没有工业化、城市化和现代化。因此,在工业化、城市化和现代化的推进进程中,必然伴随着对矿产资源的持续开发利用。受资源禀赋限制,杭州市余杭区属于矿产资源"小区",普通建  相似文献   

在当前深刻变革和复杂调整的国际政治与经济形势下,大国博弈的核心是争夺地球资源及其控制权。国际政治经济格局的变动导致全球资源配置和经济全球化进程发生巨大变化以及不可预计的风险。美国总统特朗普2017年底签署了《关于确保关键矿产安全和可靠供应的联邦战略》(13817号)总统行政命令,2019年发布以资源争夺为核心内容的战略行动方案,欲确保美国对全球矿产资源的控制权。中国仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,和发达国家相比仍有一定差距,对矿产资源的需求居高不下,显示了小(人均矿产占有量小)、大(需求和消费量大)、高(对外依存度和安全风险相对较高)和降(国内资源供应能力和资源保障均有所下降)的特点。当前中国多种大宗矿产资源现有探明储量面临开发殆尽的局面,新兴关键矿产家底不够清,开采和选冶技术需要提高,综合利用和绿色矿山的理念与制度需要加强完善,国家有关矿产政策需要进一步调整。基于此,本文将对矿产资源的国家安全、国际资源争夺进行简要分析,提出对中国的矿产资源战略的思考和建议。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the distribution and production layout of the major mineral resources in China,including coal,iron ore,copper and bauxite,from a national perspective.It also identifies the incompatibility between the mineral resources distribution and regional economic development.Significant issues with China’s mineral resource industry cause challenges for the sustainable development of both the mining industry and the national socio-economy.The sustainability of regional mineral resources and the environmental pollution by mining in the western China were also analyzed.Results show that the distribution of China’s mineral resources is misaligned with its regional layout of economic development.China’s mineral resources have been over-exploited,and the mineral resources production in the eastern China is unsustainable.The continuously expanding production of mineral resources in the western China has heavily endangered the ecological environment.We propose strategies to boost the sustainable development of mineral resources,including measures to accelerate economic development and enhance the sustainability of domestic mineral resources.We also offer suggestions for scientifically planning the mineral resource prospecting and exploitation and regional economic layout,as well as for proactively undertaking industry transfer in the eastern China and raising the environmental benchmark requirements for the mineral industry in the central and western China.  相似文献   

Based on the interprovincial panel data of 2000–2014, this paper carries out an empirical analysis on the relationship between energy abundance and economic growth to test the theoretical hypothesis of ‘resource curse' and explore its transmission mechanism for China and its three regions. The results show that, at the national level, positive correlation is present between energy abundance and economic growth, proving that the ‘resource curse' phenomenon does not exist in China as a whole. Moreover, material capital input, human capital input and the level of opening to the outside world could promote economic growth, while technology innovation input may hinder economic growth. As seen by region, a positive correlation also exists between the energy abundance and economic growth in the eastern and western regions, and there is no ‘resource curse' phenomenon either. In all three regions, the human capital input could promote economic growth. Material capital input could promote economic growth in the eastern but hinder economic growth in the western region; the level of opening to the outside world could promote economic growth in the eastern region. It is known through further survey and analysis on the transmission mechanism of resource curse that, at the national level, material capital input, human capital input, and the level of opening to the outside world present positive correlation with energy abundance, indicating that energy development becomes an important transmission factor by strengthening material capital input and human capital input and raising the level of opening to the outside world. However, technology innovation input presents negative correlation with energy development. As seen by region, both the material capital input and human capital input present positive correlation with energy development strength in the three regions. Similar as the eastern region, the level of opening to the outside world presents positive correlation with energy industry development in the middle and western regions; however, the energy development presents negative correlation with technology input level in the western region.  相似文献   

正确认识矿产资源省情,对确定青海省新的经济增长点至为重要。青海省是矿产资源大省,但市场需求旺盛的大宗主体矿产探明储量严重不足,居全国前5位的35种矿产几乎全部是低值的非金属矿产和伴生共生矿产,绝大多数为“呆”、“滞”储量,商品属性很低或目前尚不具备商品属性。因此,“矿产资源大省”只具口头上和纸面上的意义。 本文从建立现代化大矿业的角度对青海省矿产资源开发提出了一些新见解。如“开发资源,振兴青海”,不仅要开发资源,还要走深加工的道路;在适销高产值矿产资源(如金、银、宝玉石及有色金属矿产等)的勘查、开发上,可以以优惠政策吸引国内外资金投入于青海南部地区及青海北部有色金属、贵金属矿区的深部工作中。  相似文献   

northeastern China is an important old industrial base in China. Mineral resources are the foundation of industry development. However, because of long-term exploitation of mineral resources in northeastern China, the mineral resources reserves decrease gradually and some mineral resources are nearly exhausted, which restricts revitalization and sustainable development of the northeast old industrial base. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of development and utilization status of mineral resources and supply and demand situation of main mineral resources in northeastern China, the authors put forward countermeasures on main mineral resources sustainable supply in northeastern China.  相似文献   

There are rich natural resources of natural mineral drugs in eastern Jilin Province. Systematic resource investigation can elevate fractional conversion of this area' s mineral drugs resources superiority. Research on natural mineral drugs of this area can upgrade the translation rate of resource superiority and accelerate the development of local medical industry, especially, it can provide scientific data for founding the strategic design of Chinese traditional medicine's trademark of Jilin Changbai Mountain. Since the resource of mineral drugs can not be regenerated, it must be exploited scientifically, utilized reasonably and protected effectively its sustaining application.  相似文献   

There are rich natural resources of natural mineral drugs in eastern Jilin Province. Systematic resource investigation can elevate fractional conversion of this area' s mineral drugs resources superiority. Research on natural mineral drugs of this area can upgrade the translation rate of resource superiority and accelerate the development of local medical industry, especially, it can provide scientific data for founding the strategic design of Chinese traditional medicine's trademark of Jilin Changbai Mountain. Since the resource of mineral drugs can not be regenerated, it must be exploited scientifically, utilized reasonably and protected effectively its sustaining application.  相似文献   

 通过对当前矿产资源规划信息化建设现状,以及GeoData Service技术特征和优势的基础上,提出面向服务理念架构3层B/S模式的矿产资源规划信息服务系统。着重对系统的逻辑结构、空间数据库、系统功能进行了详细设计,并对封装了矿产资源规划成果数据的GeoData Service服务的构建要点、处理方法及该种处理方法的技术优势进行了阐述;同时给出了在Dotnet框架下,采用ArcGIS Server.NET ADF开发技术,开发实现的矿产资源规划信息服务系统的运行实例。最后,剖析了Web ADF异步回调技术、基于JavaScript的Web动态导航技术、ADO.NET数据访问技术、系统性能的整体优化方法等关键技术在系统中的具体实现。系统运行表明,矿产资源规划信息服务系统为矿产资源规划信息化建设领域系统建设的架构方式从Web GISystem到Web GIServices的转变及矿产资源规划成果数据信息的同步更新与管理、远程提取、网络分布式共享拓展了一种新的应用模式。  相似文献   

从合理开发利用与保护地质遗产的角度,提出地质遗产体系的概念,认为地质遗产体系由矿产资源型遗产、旅游资源型遗产和科教资源型遗产系列组合构成,包括11个地质遗产系列和若干个亚系列。详细论述了中国特色的地质遗产,包括众多优势的矿产资源、奇特的地质旅游资源及罕见的地学科研和科普教育资源,探讨了遗产保护4个最紧迫的任务及其长期需要开展的工作。综合分析表明,中国是具有诸多特色的地质遗产大国,地质遗产是不可再生稀缺资源,中国的地质遗产保护已刻不容缓。  相似文献   

 地下矿产资源开采引起的地面沉降是世界上各矿产资源大国共同面临的一种严重环境问题,我国也不例外。随着世界范围内矿产资源消耗量的急剧增长,这种问题将日益突出。为了尽可能减轻由地下矿产开采引起的地面沉降,对地面基础设施的损害与自然环境的破坏,对地面沉降进行精确预计显得尤为重要。本文首先对国内外地下矿产开采引起的地面沉降主要预计方法的特点及适应性,进行了系统地分析与总结。在此基础上,作者依据各自的适应性,将地面沉降预计方法分为两大类:(1)对地面沉降空间分布规律的预计;(2)对地面沉降时间变化规律的预计。进而,提出了未来地面沉降预计中切实可行的研究方法与内容,主要包括:(1)对具体地质采矿条件下地面沉降规律的预计研究;(2)对地面沉降预计的时空统一问题的研究;(3)地面沉降预计与实地监测的一体化的研究。最后,作者分析了地下矿产开采引起的地面沉降预计前景。  相似文献   

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