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We have used and extended Roosbeek’s tidal potential for Mars to calculate tidal displacements, gravity variations, and external gravitational potential variations. The tides on Mars are caused by the Sun, and to a lesser degree by the natural satellites Phobos (8%, relative to the Sun) and Deimos (0.08%, relative to the Sun). To determine the reaction of Mars to the tidal forcing, the Love numbers h, l, and k and the gravimetric factor δ were calculated for interior models of Mars with different state, density, and radius of the core and for models which include mantle anelasticity. The latitude dependence and frequency dependence of the Love numbers have been taken explicitly into account. The Love numbers are about three times smaller than those for the Earth and are very sensitive to core changes; e.g., a difference of about 30% is found between a model with a liquid core and an otherwise similar model with a solid core. Tidal displacements on Mars are much smaller than on Earth due to the smaller tidal potential, but also due to the smaller reaction of Mars (smaller Love numbers). For both the tidal diplacement and the tidal external potential perturbations, the tidal signal is at the limit of detection and is too small to permit properties of Mars’s interior to be inferred. On the other hand, the Phobos tidally induced gravity changes, which are subdiurnal with typical periods shorter than 12 h, can be measured very precisely by the very broad band seismometer with thermal control of the seismological experiment SEIS of the upcoming NetLander mission. It is shown that the Phobos-induced gravity tides could be used to study the Martian core.  相似文献   

To date, ozone has only been identified in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars. This study reports the first detection of ozone in the atmosphere of Venus by the SPICAV ultraviolet instrument onboard the Venus Express spacecraft. Venusian ozone is characterized by a vertically confined and horizontally variable layer residing in the thermosphere at a mean altitude of 100 km, with local concentrations of the order of 107–108 molecules cm−3. The observed ozone concentrations are consistent with values expected for a chlorine-catalyzed destruction scheme, indicating that the key chemical reactions operating in Earth’s upper stratosphere may also operate on Venus.  相似文献   

Carl Bowin 《Icarus》1983,56(2):345-371
The gravity anomalies of Venus, although small by comparison with those on Mars and the Moon, are still much larger than those on Earth for large features. On Venus, even the low-degree spherical harmonic terms for Venus' gravity field indicate a close association of broad positive gravity anomalies with major topographic highs. This is striking contrast to the situation on Earth, where the broad regional gravity anomalies show little correlation with continental masses or plate tectonic features, but instead appear to be caused by deep mass anomalies.A method for estimating radial gravity anomalies from line-of-sight acceleration data, their interpolation, and use of iteration for improved radial anomaly estimates is outlined. A preliminary gravity anomaly map of Venus at spacecraft altitude prepared using first estimate values is presented. A profile across the western part of Aphrodite along longitude 85 E was analyzed using time-series techniques. An elastic plate model would require a plate thickness of about 180 to 200 km to match the general amplitude of the observed gravity anomaly (about 33 mgal): a thickness much greater than that found for earth structures and, because of high surface temperatures, unlikely for Venus. An Airy isostatic model convolved with the topography across Aphrodite, however, provides a better match between the predicted and observed gravity anomalies if the nominal crustal thickness is about 70 to 80 km. This thickness is over twice that for continental crust on the earth, and considerably greater than that of the earth's basaltic ocean crust (only 5 km). A different differentiation history for Venus than that of the earth thus is anticipated. High gravity anomalies (+110 mgal) occur over Beta Regio and over the topographic high in eastern Aphrodite; both highs are associated with regions where detected lightning is clustered, and thus the topographic features may be active volcanic constructs. The large gravity anomalies at these two sites of volcanic activity require an explanation different than that indicated for western Aphrodite.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the idea that coronae have formed on Venus as a result of gravitational (Rayleigh-Taylor) instability of the lithosphere. The lithosphere is represented by a system of stratified homogeneous viscous layers (low-density crust over high density mantle, over lower density layer beneath the lithosphere). A small harmonic perturbation imposed on the base of the lithosphere is observed to result in gravitational instability under the constraint of assumed axisymmetry. Topography develops with time under the influence of dynamic stress associated with downwelling or upwelling, and spatially variable crustal thickening or thinning. Topography may therefore be elevated or depressed above a mantle downwelling, but the computed gravity anomaly is always negative above a mantle downwelling in a homogeneous asthenosphere. The ratio of peak gravity to topography anomaly depends primarily on the ratio of crust to lithospheric viscosity. Average observed ratios are well resolved for two groups of coronae (∼40 mgal km−1), consistent with models in which the crust is perhaps 5 times stronger than the lithosphere. Group 3a (rim surrounding elevated central region) coronae are inferred to arise from a central upwelling model, whereas Group 8 (depression) coronae are inferred to arise from central downwelling. Observed average coronae radii are consistent with a lithospheric thickness of only 50 km. An upper low-density crustal layer is 10-20 km thick, as inferred from the amplitude of gravity and topography anomalies.  相似文献   

Precise global geoid and gravity anomaly information serves essentially three different kinds of applications in Earth sciences: gravity and geoid anomalies reflect density anomalies in oceanic and continental lithosphere and the mantle; dynamic ocean topography as derived from the combination of satellite altimetry and a global geoid model can be directly transformed into a global map of ocean surface circulation; any redistribution or exchange of mass in Earth system results in temporal gravity and geoid changes. After completion of the dedicated gravity satellite missions GRACE and GOCE a high standard of global gravity determination, both of the static and of the time varying field will be attained. Thus, it is the right time to investigate the future needs for improvements in the various fields of Earth sciences and to define the right strategy for future gravity field satellite missions.  相似文献   

The observed density of Venus is about 2% smaller than would be expected if Venus were a twin planet of the Earth, possessing an identical internal composition and structure. In principle, this could be explained by a process of physical segregation of metal particles from silicate particles in the solar nebula prior to accretion, so that Venus accreted from relatively metal-depleted material. However, this model encounters severe difficulties in explaining the nature of the physical segregation process and also the detailed chemical composition of the Earth's mantle. Two alternative hypotheses are examined, both of which attempt to explain the density difference in terms of chemical fractionation processes. Both of these hypotheses assume that the relative abundances of the major elements Fe, Si, Mg, Al, and Ca are similar in both planets. According to the first hypothesis, a larger proportion of the total iron in Venus is present as iron oxide in the mantle, so that the core-to-mantle ratio is smaller than in the Earth. This model implies that Venus is more oxidized than the Earth, with its lower intrinsic density (i.e., corrected to equivalent pressures and temperatures) due to the larger amount of oxygen present. The difference between oxidation states is attributed to differing degrees of accretional heating arising from the relatively smaller mass of Venus. On the other hand, the second hypothesis maintains that Venus is more reduced than the Earth, with its mantle essentially devoid of oxidized iron. The difference intrinsic densities is attributed to the Earth accreting at a lower temperature than Venus as a result of the Earth's greater distance from the center of the nebula. As a result, large amounts of sulfur accreted on the Earth but not on Venus. The sulfur, which entered the core, is believed to have increased the mean density of the Earth because of its relatively high atomic weight. The hypothesis also implies that most of the Earth's potassium, because of its chalcophile properties, entered the core.These hypotheses are evaluated in the light of existing data. The second hypothesis leads to an intrinsic density for Venus which is only 0.4% smaller than that of the Earth. This difference is much smaller than is believed to exist. A wide range of chemical evidence is found to be unfavorable to this second hypothesis, but to be consistent with the interpretation that Venus is more oxidized than the Earth, as required by the first hypothesis.  相似文献   

The data obtained for the heights of the relief and the external gravitational field of Venus for spherical harmonics with degree and order up to 18 allow one to start theoretical analysis of the crust-mantle boundary (Venusian Moho) and stress state of the planetary interior. We suppose that Venusian convection is confined by floating massive crust. Apparently the convection in the upper mantle of Venus is separated from that one in the lower mantle and its lateral scale must be essentially smaller than on Earth. So, the convection is reflected to a larger degree of the gravitational field of the planet than for Earth. The spherical harmonic expansion of the topography for Venus correlates with corresponding expansion of the non-equilibrium part of the gravitational potential for n = 3–18. At the same time the relief of Venus is significantly compensated. It is reasonable to suppose that the gravity field for these harmonics is due to crustal thickness variations and, probably, to variations of crustal density. Thus, in the proposed scheme the Moho's relief causes the partial isostatic compensation of the topography.All calculations are carried out for the series of realistic models of Venus taking into consideration an asthenosphere. The asthenosphere is modeled either by a weakened (shear modulus is reduced), or by a liquid inviscid layer. We also suppose that the asthenosphere extends from the base of crust to a depth of 418 km, and the density contrast across the Moho boundary is –0.4 g * cm–3. If the actual density contrast across the Moho is less than the supposed one by some factor, then one must increase the amplitudes of the roots and inverse roots by the same factor. The results for the Moho's relief and stresses in the crust are presented for the case of the mean thickness of the crust of 50 km, which satisfies the probable upper (connected with phase transitions in waterless basalts) and lower (appearing in the framework of our interpretation) limits.On the whole, the crust-mantle boundary on Venus is evidently smooth, and the stress level in the crust is appreciably smaller than the crustal stresses on the Earth. The strong sensitivity of the stresses character to the parameters of the model of external layers of Venus together with geological data allow us to begin a preliminary investigation of the tectonical structure and geodynamics of the planet.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci. Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

A comparison of the internal structure of Earth-like planets is unavoidable to understand the formation and evolution of the solar system, and the differences between Earth’s, Mars’, and Venus’ atmospheres, surfaces and tectonic behaviors. Recent studies point at the role of core structure and dynamics in the evolution of the atmosphere, mantle and crust. On Earth, the crust thickness and the radius and physical state of the cores are known for almost one century, since the advent of seismological observations, but the lack of long-term surface-based geodetic, electromagnetic and seismological observations on the other planets, results in very large uncertainties on the crust thickness, on the temperature and composition of their mantle, and on the size and physical state of their cores. According to the currently available geodetic data, Mars’ dimensionless mean-moment-of-inertia ratio is equal to 0.3653±0.0008. When combined with geochemical observations and with the inputs of laboratory experiments on planetary materials at high pressure and high temperature, this result constrains a narrow range of density values for Mars’ mantle and favors a light [6200-6765 kg m−3] sulfur-rich core, but it still allows for a 1600-1750 km range for the core radius, i.e. an uncertainty at least ten times larger than the precision obtained in 1913 by Gutenberg for the Earth’s core. Mars’ mantle density distribution may be explained by a large range of temperatures and mineralogical compositions, either olivine- or pyroxene-rich. The unknown mean thickness of Mars’ crust makes necessary a number of working assumptions for the interpretation of gravimetric and magnetic data. The situation is worse for Venus, and the most conservative model of its deep interior is a transposition of the Earth’s structure scaled to Venus’ radius and mass. The temperature conditions at the surface of this planet hardly make possible long-term ground-based measurements, but this is indeed feasible at the surface of Mars. Precise measurements of Mars’ crust thickness, core radius and structure, and the proof of the existence or absence of an inner core, would put tight constraints on mantle dynamics and thermal evolution, and on possible scenarios leading to the extinction of Mars’ magnetic field about 4.0 Ga ago. Long-lasting surface-based geodetic, seismological and magnetic observations would provide this information, as well as the distributions as a function of depth of the density, elastic and anelastic parameters, and electrical conductivity. Current studies on the structure of Earth’s deep interior demonstrate that the latter data set, when constrained by laboratory experiments, may be inverted in terms of temperature, chemical, and mineralogical compositions.  相似文献   

A key parameter for understanding the geodynamics of a terrestrial planet is the size of its core. Numerical evaluation of 28 different interior structure models of Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, and Mars suggests that there is an almost linear relationship between the core radius and the extent of the seismic P-wave core shadow. A scaling law is derived from a simple mantle density and velocity model that permits the interpretation of respective seismic measurements on terrestrial planetary bodies.  相似文献   

Numerical models of mantle convection that include the ‘basalt barrier’ mechanism are explored for Venus. The ‘basalt barrier’ mechanism is due to the positive buoyancy of subducted basaltic crust between the mantle depths of 660 and 750 km. The inclusion of this mechanism in models of Earth’s evolution has been shown to cause episodic mantle layering early in Earth history and we explore whether it can also operate on Venus. The models presented here include a moderately mobile lithosphere, which is not representative of the current state of Venus, but this allows us to exclude the effects of episodic lithosphere mobility and thus to isolate the effect of the basalt barrier. This is a step in a systematic approach to models with a mostly-static lithosphere. We find the basalt barrier does yield episodically layered mantle convection in some Venus models. The likelihood of episodic layering is increased by Venus high surface temperature and by its less mobile or immobile lithosphere. Surprisingly, secondary differences from Earth, including the lower gravity, density and mantle depth also promote episodic layering. The models suggest that mantle layering and overturns may still be likely to occur in Venus. The breakdown of mantle layering and consequent mantle overturns would lead to dramatic episodes of volcanism, formation of large amounts of crust, and tectonic activity on the planet’s surface, as has been inferred to have happened on Venus around 500 Ma ago from surface morphology and cratering. These results thus suggest that a transient layering of the mantle by the ‘basalt barrier’ mechanism and mantle overturns may be part of the explanation for Venus’s recent resurfacing.  相似文献   

The sunlit portion of planetary ionospheres is sustained by photoionization. This was first confirmed using measurements and modelling at Earth, but recently the Mars Express, Venus Express and Cassini-Huygens missions have revealed the importance of this process at Mars, Venus and Titan, respectively. The primary neutral atmospheric constituents involved (O and CO2 in the case of Venus and Mars, O and N2 in the case of Earth and N2 in the case of Titan) are ionized at each object by EUV solar photons. This process produces photoelectrons with particular spectral characteristics. The electron spectrometers on Venus Express and Mars Express (part of ASPERA-3 and 4, respectively) were designed with excellent energy resolution (ΔE/E=8%) specifically in order to examine the photoelectron spectrum. In addition, the Cassini CAPS electron spectrometer at Saturn also has adequate resolution (ΔE/E=16.7%) to study this population at Titan. At Earth, photoelectrons are well established by in situ measurements, and are even seen in the magnetosphere at up to 7RE. At Mars, photoelectrons are seen in situ in the ionosphere, but also in the tail at distances out to the Mars Express apoapsis (∼3RM). At both Venus and Titan, photoelectrons are seen in situ in the ionosphere and in the tail (at up to 1.45RV and 6.8RT, respectively). Here, we compare photoelectron measurements at Earth, Venus, Mars and Titan, and in particular show examples of their observation at remote locations from their production point in the dayside ionosphere. This process is found to be common between magnetized and unmagnetized objects. We discuss the role of photoelectrons as tracers of the magnetic connection to the dayside ionosphere, and their possible role in enhancing ion escape.  相似文献   

The past 4 decades of Mars exploration have provided much information about the Mars surface, when its interior structure remains relatively poorly constrained. Today available data are compatible with a large range of model parameters. Seismology is able to provide valuable additional data but the number of seismographs will likely be quite limited, specially in the early-stage of future Mars seismic networks. It is thus of importance to be able to correctly isolate effects induced by the crust structure. Mars topography is characterized by spectacular reliefs like the Tharsis bulge or the Hellas basin and by the so-called “Mars dichotomy”: the north hemisphere is made up of low-altitude plains above a relatively thin crust when the south hemisphere is characterized by a thick crust sustaining high reliefs. The aim of this paper is to study the effects induced on seismograms by the topography of the surface and crust-mantle discontinuities. Synthetic seismograms were computed using the coupled spectral element-modal solution method, which reduces the numerical cost by limiting the use of the spectral element method to the regions where lateral variations, like the presence of a topography, are considered. Due to numerical cost, this study is limited to long period and thus focuses on surface waves, mainly on long period Rayleigh waves. We show that reliefs like the Tharsis bulge or the Hellas basin can induce an apparent velocity anomaly up to 0.5% when only the surface topography is introduced. Apparent anomalies can raise up to 1.0% when the surface topography is fully compensated by a mirror-image topography of the crust-mantle discontinuity. Travel-time of surface wave are systematically increased for seismometers in the north hemisphere of Mars and decreased in the south hemisphere. When comparing effects on seismograms by the Earth and Mars topography, we found them to be larger for the Earth. It is due to the fact that we work with a seismic velocity model of Mars with a mean crust thickness of 110 km when the crust thickness has a mean value of 50 km for the Earth. When changing the Mars model for a thinner crust with a mean thickness of 50 km, effects by the topography on Mars seismograms becomes of the same order when not larger than what is observed on the Earth.  相似文献   

In the frame of a comparison between Earth, Venus, and Mars, a vision on future geodesy missions to Mars is discussed with particular focus on furthering our understanding of the interior, rotation, and orientation of this terrestrial planet. We explain how radioscience instruments can be used to observe the rotation and orientation and therewith to study the deep interior of Mars and its global atmosphere dynamics. Transponders in X-band and Ka-band are proposed with radio links between a lander or a rover and an orbiter around Mars and/or directly to the Earth. The radio budget links are studied in the frame of possible mission constraints and simulations are performed, which show that important information on the interior of Mars can be obtained from the radioscience data. From the observation of Mars’ orientation in space and of tidal effects on a spacecraft orbiting around Mars we show that it is possible for instance to constrain the dimension and composition of the core, the percentage of light element within the core, and to determine the presence of a pressure-induced mineral-phase transition at the bottom of the mantle.  相似文献   

Atmospheric angular momentum variations of a planet are associated with the global atmospheric mass redistribution and the wind variability. The exchange of angular momentum between the fluid layers and the solid planet is the main cause for the variations of the planetary rotation at seasonal time scales. In the present study, we investigate the angular momentum variations of the Earth, Mars and Venus, using geodetic observations, output of state-of-the-art global circulation models as well as assimilated data. We discuss the similarities and differences in angular momentum variations, planetary rotation and angular momentum exchange for the three terrestrial planets. We show that the atmospheric angular momentum variations for Mars and Earth are mainly annual and semi-annual whereas they are expected to be “diurnal” on Venus. The wind terms have the largest contributions to the LOD changes of the Earth and Venus whereas the matter term is dominant on Mars due to the CO2 sublimation/condensation. The corresponding LOD variations (ΔLOD) have similar amplitudes on Mars and Earth but are much larger on Venus, though more difficult to observe.  相似文献   

Classified as a terrestrial planet, Venus, Mars, and Earth are similar in several aspects such as bulk composition and density. Their atmospheres on the other hand have significant differences. Venus has the densest atmosphere, composed of CO2 mainly, with atmospheric pressure at the planet's surface 92 times that of the Earth, while Mars has the thinnest atmosphere, composed also essentially of CO2, with only several millibars of atmospheric surface pressure. In the past, both Mars and Venus could have possessed Earth-like climate permitting the presence of surface liquid water reservoirs. Impacts by asteroids and comets could have played a significant role in the evolution of the early atmospheres of the Earth, Mars, and Venus, not only by causing atmospheric erosion but also by delivering material and volatiles to the planets. Here we investigate the atmospheric loss and the delivery of volatiles for the three terrestrial planets using a parameterized model that takes into account the impact simulation results and the flux of impactors given in the literature. We show that the dimensions of the planets, the initial atmospheric surface pressures and the volatiles contents of the impactors are of high importance for the impact delivery and erosion, and that they might be responsible for the differences in the atmospheric evolution of Mars, Earth and Venus.  相似文献   

Anthony Mallama 《Icarus》2009,204(1):11-499
The empirically derived phase curves of terrestrial planets strongly distinguish between airless Mercury, cloud-covered Venus, and the intermediate case of Mars. The function for Mercury is steeply peaked near phase angle zero due to powerful backscattering from its surface, while that for Venus has 100 times less contrast and exhibits a brightness excess near 170° due to Mie scattering from droplets in the atmosphere. The phase curve of Mars falls between those of Mercury and Venus, and there are variations in luminosity due to the planet’s rotation, seasons, and atmospheric states. The phase function and geometric albedo of the Earth are estimated from published albedos values. The curves for Mercury, Venus and Mars are compared to that of the Earth as well as theoretical phase functions for giant planets. The parameters of these different phase functions can be used to characterize exoplanets.  相似文献   

B.R. White 《Icarus》1981,46(2):226-232
Estimates of the trajectories of saltating particles on Venus show the level of saltation on Ve low when compared to either Earth or Mars. Particles in saltation on Venus obtain maximum heights of only 1 cm over a wide range in particle size and surface wind speeds. Their path lenghts are only a few centimeters at the wind speed of 1 and 2 m/sec. The entire saltation process and particle trajectories are insensitive to changes in surface pressure over the range from 70 to 100 bars and to changes in surface temperature over the range from 600 to 900°K. Secondly, the net rate of surface material transport due to saltation on Venus is small when compared to Earth or Mars. This result is due to the dense Venusian atmosphere. It is estimated that approximately 10 times more surface materials is transported by saltation on Earth than on Venus for dynamically similar conditions. And approximately 250 times more material is moved by the saltation process on Mars than on Venus, again for dynamically similar conditions. Both these estimates apply over a wide range of particle diameter, from 0.01 to 7 mm. Thirdly, the ripple wavelenghts may be small, such that thay may not be detected by the high-resolution radar images of the surface of Venus.  相似文献   

Comparative study of ion cyclotron waves at Mars, Venus and Earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ion cyclotron waves are generated in the solar wind when it picks up freshly ionized planetary exospheric ions. These waves grow from the free energy of the highly anisotropic distribution of fresh pickup ions, and are observed in the spacecraft frame with left-handed polarization and a wave frequency near the ion’s gyrofrequency. At Mars and Venus and in the Earth’s polar cusp, the solar wind directly interacts with the planetary exospheres. Ion cyclotron waves with many similar properties are observed in these diverse plasma environments. The ion cyclotron waves at Mars indicate its hydrogen exosphere to be extensive and asymmetric in the direction of the interplanetary electric field. The production of fast neutrals plays an important role in forming an extended exosphere in the shape and size observed. At Venus, the region of exospheric proton cyclotron wave production may be restricted to the magnetosheath. The waves observed in the solar wind at Venus appear to be largely produced by the solar-wind-Venus interaction, with some waves at higher frequencies formed near the Sun and carried outward by the solar wind to Venus. These waves have some similarity to the expected properties of exospherically produced proton pickup waves but are characterized by magnetic connection to the bow shock or by a lack of correlation with local solar wind properties respectively. Any confusion of solar derived waves with exospherically derived ion pickup waves is not an issue at Mars because the solar-produced waves are generally at much higher frequencies than the local pickup waves and the solar waves should be mostly absorbed when convected to Mars distance as the proton cyclotron frequency in the plasma frame approaches the frequency of the solar-produced waves. In the Earth’s polar cusp, the wave properties of ion cyclotron waves are quite variable. Spatial gradients in the magnetic field may cause this variation as the background field changes between the regions in which the fast neutrals are produced and where they are re-ionized and picked up. While these waves were discovered early in the magnetospheric exploration, their generation was not understood until after we had observed similar waves in the exospheres of Mars and Venus.  相似文献   

Planetary atmospheres are complex dynamical systems whose structure, composition, and dynamics intimately affect the propagation of sound. Thus, acoustic waves, being coupled directly to the medium, can effectively probe planetary environments. Here we show how the acoustic absorption and speed of sound in the atmospheres of Venus, Mars, Titan, and Earth (as predicted by a recent molecular acoustics model) mirror the different environments. Starting at the surface, where the sound speed ranges from ∼200 m/s for Titan to ∼410 m/s for Venus, the vertical sound speed profiles reveal differences in the atmospheres' thermal layering and composition. The absorption profiles are relatively smooth for Mars, Titan, and Earth while Venus stands out with a noticeable attenuation dip occurring between 40 and 100 km. We also simulate a descent module sampling the sound field produced by a low-frequency “event” near the surface noting the occurrence of acoustic quiet zones.  相似文献   

The nature of strong martian crustal field sources is investigated by mapping and modeling of Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer data near Apollinaris Patera, a previously proposed volcanic source, supplemented by large-scale correlative studies. Regional mapping yields evidence for positive correlations of orbital anomalies with both Apollinaris Patera and Lucus Planum, a nearby probable extrusive pyroclastic flow deposit that is mapped as part of the Medusae Fossae Formation. Iterative forward modeling of the Apollinaris Patera magnetic anomaly assuming a source model consisting of one or more uniformly magnetized near-surface disks indicates that the source is centered approximately on the construct with a scale size several times larger and comparable to that of the Apollinaris Patera free-air gravity anomaly. A significantly lower rms deviation is obtained using a two-disk model that favors a concentration of magnetization near the construct itself. Estimates for the dipole moment per unit area of the Lucus Planum source together with maximum thicknesses of ∼3 km based on topographic and radar sounding data lead to an estimated minimum magnetization intensity of ∼50 A/m within the pyroclastic deposits. Intensities of this magnitude are similar to those obtained experimentally for Fe-rich Mars analog basalts that cooled in an oxidizing (high fO2) environment in the presence of a strong (?10 μT) surface field. Further evidence for the need for an oxidizing environment is provided by a broad spatial correlation of the locations of phyllosilicate exposures identified to date using Mars Express OMEGA data with areas containing strong crustal magnetic fields and valley networks in the Noachian-aged southern highlands. This indicates that the presence of liquid water, which is a major crustal oxidant, was an important factor in the formation of strong magnetic sources. The evidence discussed here for magnetic sources associated with relatively young volcanic units suggests that a martian dynamo existed during the late Noachian/early Hesperian, after the last major basin-forming impacts and the formation of the northern lowlands.  相似文献   

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