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基于MGE的数字地图制图系统若干关键技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在综述数字地图技术功能、特征、发展现状的基础上,介绍了MGE数字地图制图系统的体系结构、技术流程和特点,进而从地图数据输入/数字化技术(包括地图的扫描输入、数字影像数据的输入处理、航摄资料的立体数字化、地图/GIS数据库的提取4种)、地图色彩库和符号库的制作、地图组版和分色制版关键技术(分为一般地图、影像地图、图-文-图片混排地图等几种类型地图的组版和分色制版,以及一些特殊制图效果的实现技术等)、印刷地图与电子地图的互相转换等方面阐述了基于MGE的数字地图制图系统的若干关键技术问题。这些技术对于数字地图环境的地图设计、编辑、印前处理等许多方面都有参考作用。最后,本文对于数字地图一体化的技术进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘丽花 《西部资源》2023,(1):183-184+187
地图是表达信息的一种重要方式,在测绘行业中占据重要的地位。地图制图技术随着计算机图形学和地图数据库的发展而发展,使地图的制图技术得到了进一步的提高,本文基于GIS数据的快速制图技术,通过特点、流程及数字地图制图技术分析和山海易绘软件功能的分析,对GIS用于地图制图的方法进行详细的分析与探讨,并就如何更好地应用提出了可供参考的建议。  相似文献   

地图制图自动化是地图学的重要目标之一,也是当前研究的热点问题之一,对地球空间信息科学的发展具有十分重要的意义。通过采用Representation技术,以昆明市入滇河道(管线)专题地图制图项目为例,研究探讨基于规则化数据驱动的计算机地图制图表达,部分解决了传统上必须通过大量人工编辑才能够完成的制图任务,特别是实现了传统上需要以破坏数据的GIS属性为代价才能够实现的地图制图效果,结果表明:基于规则驱动的计算机地图制图表达技术能够兼顾GIS和地图制图对数据的不同要求,可快速完成地图制作,并达到传统地图制图效果,节省大量的人力物力,具有广阔的推广和工程应用价值。  相似文献   

城市是政治,经济,文化,交通的中心,在社会发展和人类活动中有着重要地位。近几十年,随着信息革命的兴起,地图科学与航天遥感,航空摄影,计算机技术等相结合,引起传统城市制图观念的更新,出现了一些新的编图热点--城市影像地图的编制,本文阐述了《上海市影像地图集》的设计与编制思想,以及利用计算机辅助制作影偈图的过程,展望了机助制图技术在提高地图作品的质量,生产效益,减低生产成本等方面的优越性,以及影像地图在表达空间信息上与传统线划地图的区别。  相似文献   

一体化地图制图信息系统的建立及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王全科  刘岳  张忠 《地理研究》1999,18(1):59-65
由于新技术的发展和应用,地图制图信息系统提出了新的概念,地图生产和应用观念都发生了根本变化,地图学家在新时期下面临着新的机遇和挑战。为了促进我国地图学的发展,中科院地理所引进了美国INTERGRAPH系统,同时又开发了自己的电子地图创作系统EA-World,并研制了两系统之间的接口,使两系统结合成为一体化的地图制图信息系统。系统先后完成了多个国家级图集的印刷版和电子版的制作,取得了良好的效果。文中系统地介绍和总结了这一系统的构成、功能和特点及其工艺流程。  相似文献   

冯毓荪 《中国沙漠》1995,15(1):49-53
沙漠化专题系列地图是沙漠化环境信息系统图形数据库的主要信息内容, 目的在于为系统进行空间分析提供数据。沙漠化系列图的编制, 因制图工具是具有图形编辑软件的计算机系统, 地图载体已改变为磁性记录媒体, 制图程序与常规方法差别甚大。本文结合机助制图特点, 介绍了制图编辑中的有关问题, 主要内容包括:(1)用于沙漠化环境监测信息系统专题地图的设计; (2)专题系列地图的制图分类; (3)图形数据库中专题系列图的统一协调; (4)系统中沙漠化专题系列图的编辑特点; (5)沙漠化环境信息系统中系列图件的时间序列。  相似文献   

制图综合是以科学概括和选取的形式,将制图区域中重要基本的制图物体及其特点以及它们之间的相互关系反映在地图上。制图综合不是机械地、简单地缩小和取舍的技术操作,而是一个科学的创造性过程。制图综合过程中,要依据地图内容、制图物体轮廓形状、制图物体数量和质量特征等进行合理化选择和科学处理,以尽可能最全面地反映地图所包含的各种信息。  相似文献   

一、现代地图学的产生地图学最先是由数学制图、地图编制和地图制印3个分支学科组成的。尔后发展增加了地图概论和地图整饰。20多年来,地图信息、地图信息传递、地图感受、地图图形符号论和地图模型等新学说被提出。早期的地图理论研究侧重于地图的数学基础、制图技术方法和制图综合的理论探讨。  相似文献   

一、地图学的发展历程地图学最先是由数学制图、地图编制和地图制印三个分支学科组成。尔后发展,增加了地图概论和地图整饰。20多年来,地图信息、地图信息传递、地图感受、地图图形符号论和地图模型等新的学说被提出来。早期的地图理论研究侧重于地图的数学基础、制图技术方法和制图综合的理论探讨。  相似文献   

刘慧屏 《热带地理》1998,18(3):279-285
中国地图科学工作者在继承和发扬祖国地图科学光辉传统的同时,吸取地球科学,空间技术和信息工程等学科的现代成就,使当代地图科学技术取得长足的进展,几十年来,航空摄影与系列制图,航天遥感与动态制图,计算机制图与电子地图,地理信息系统与制印一体化等先进科学技术已取得瞩目成绩,专题地图集的编制与信息时代相呼应,出现一些新观念,新技术,随着地球信息科学新学科的兴起,地图科学将出现新机遇,新挑战。  相似文献   

国家经济地图集的设计和制图可视化的方法技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
刘岳 《地理学报》1995,50(3):193-205
国家经济地图集是第一部全面,系统反映我国当前经济社会发展面貌和空间分布的大型科学参考地图集,它的编制是一项重大的制图系统工程,本文简要地阐述了图集编制研究的主要方面,包括从分析我国经济社会发展和现状出发,确定图集设计总体目标,为科学和形象地表达我国经济社会特征,而采用的可视化方法技术,以及智能化的计算机制图系统在图集制中的应用。  相似文献   

吕患成 《地理研究》1994,13(2):82-89
本文提出了中西制图史年表。17世纪前中国地图学受日本、朝鲜等国影响大,此后受西方影响较大。中国制图中心迁移与政治中心一致;而西方受宗教的影响和经济发展的制约。中西方交流之前各以自己特有的方式发展,形成了两种不同的制图系统。最后提出了中国制图学发展没有取得较大突破的原因。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲区域一体化研究综合信息系统的设计与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析地理信息系统技术发展与应用现状的基础上,设计了珠江三角洲区域一体化研究综合信息系统的结构框架。根据珠江三角洲的实际情况,并在经济地理学,城市地理学,区域科学等理论的指导下,开发了针对该区域一体化研究的模型分析系统。基于元数据库的数据集成与模型管理技术,能对不同数据源,不同数据类型与时空特性的多元数据处理与分析。本综合信息系统在区域产业布局,资源窨组合,城市体系空间结构演化等方面得到应用,将为  相似文献   

This study aimed to answer the question how cartography can help decision makers visualize the problem of contamination by explosive remnants of war (ERW). We thus explored a set of six cartographic visualization methods and systematically evaluated their usefulness with respect to four categories of stakeholders in the humanitarian demining process (i.e., database administrators, operations officers, directors of national mine action authorities, and donors) at four geographical scales, ranging from municipal to global. The main application of our work is for stakeholders involved in humanitarian demining. We provide them with a comprehensive framework for visualizing ERW hazards at the geographical scale at which they have to make decisions, as well as customized cartographic visualization tools and recommendations to help them make informed decisions. For example, we provide potential donors with a method for obtaining a global overview of ERW contamination while remaining aware of regional variation and hot spots. We also enhance cartographic visualization capabilities using traditional kernel density estimation by customizing key parameters. Specifically, we propose a method for adjusting kernel bandwidth for datasets with highly heterogeneous spatial distributions and a method for generating kernel surfaces from polygon data that consists of infilling the polygons with points before using them as inputs in the kernel density estimation.  相似文献   

Isopleth maps depict different types of standardized data densities, general ratios/rates, and proportions/percentages. In this study, we describe different paths each type of standardized data takes to construct isoplethic surfaces in a cartographic modeling framework. As suggested in previous research, an area-based pycnophylactic interpolator is preferred to point interpolators in isopleth mapping not only because it preserves the total volume in each aggregation unit but also because it is non-parametric and is able to incorporate ancillary data to increase the accuracy of a surface representation. Here, a general pycnophylactic method is used to generate isopleth maps of density surfaces, but a hybrid approach is proposed to address the small denominator problem that arises when mapping ratio/rate and proportion/percentage surfaces. Finally, we propose a value-by-perspective height mapping procedure to resolve the visual equalization problem associated with ratio/rate and proportion/percentage surfaces that enable one to distinguish among high rate/large denominator, high rate/small denominator, low rate/large denominator, and low rate/small denominator regions of the surface.  相似文献   

Abstract. Research papers at conferences such as EGIS and the International Symposia on Spatial Data Handling address a set of intellectual and scientific questions which go well beyond the limited technical capabilities of current technology in geographical information systems. This paper reviews the topics which might be included in a science of geographical information. Research on these fundamental issues is a better prospect for long-term survival and acceptance in the academy than the development of technical capabilities. This paper reviews the current state of research in a series of key areas and speculates on why progress has been so uneven. The final section of the paper looks to the future and to new areas of significant potential in this area of research.  相似文献   

GIS环境下面向地理特征的制图概括的理论和方法   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:34  
齐清文 《地理学报》1998,53(4):303-313
制图概括一直是地图的瓶颈问题,近年来又成为国际GIS领域内的热点和前沿问题。  相似文献   

Changing racial/ethnic diversity along with economic growth have also drawn renewed public attention to growing income inequality and lack of economic well-being in the American society. This paper investigates one element of contemporary inequality – the income divide between the richest and the poorest population groups in the metropolises of the U.S. Southeast. This paper examines income divide across southern U.S. metropolises in 2000 and 2014, their change during 2000–2014, their variation across major races/ethnicities, and their relationships with important metropolitan characteristics such as diversity, intermixing, socio-economic status and built-environment attributes. Cartographic, ranking/matrix, and correlations analyses suggest that the largest, most diverse, most segregated, and those with a greater presence of better educated are the most income divided metropolises, whereas the small-to-mid-sized metropolises, with lesser educated population are less divided. The income divide has increased during 2000–2014 in a majority of these metropolises, and for all races/ethnicities, even though Whites and Asians are relatively better-off compared to overall population whereas Blacks and Hispanics lag behind.  相似文献   

A common concern when working with health‐related data is that national standard guidelines are designed to preserve individual statistical information, usually recorded as text or in a spreadsheet format (‘statistical confidentiality’), but lack appropriate rules for visualizing this information on maps (‘spatial confidentiality’). Privacy rules to protect spatial confidentiality become more and more important, as governmental agencies increasingly incorporate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a tool for collecting, storing, analysing, and disseminating spatial information. The purpose of this paper is to propose the first step of a general framework for presenting the location of confidential point data on maps using empirical perceptual research. The overall objective is to identify geographic masking methods that preserve both the confidentiality of individual locations, and at the same time the essential visual characteristics of the original point pattern.  相似文献   

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