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城乡融合与乡村振兴:理论探讨、机理阐释与实现路径   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
何仁伟 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2127-2140
缩小城乡差距,促进城乡均衡发展,实现城乡居民生活质量等值,是乡村振兴和城乡融合发展的重要目标。通过基础理论的分析,探讨了城乡融合与乡村振兴科学内涵,剖析了城乡融合与乡村振兴的相互关系,构建了城乡空间均衡模型和定义城乡等值线,提出了中国城乡融合与乡村振兴实现途径及需要深入研究的方向。结果表明:① 城乡融合发展是基于空间布局优化和制度供给创新的经济、社会、环境全面融合发展,“乡村振兴五边形”和“人—地—钱—业”是乡村振兴的核心内涵;城乡融合与乡村振兴战略相互支撑,城乡融合和乡村振兴的过程是城乡空间动态均衡的过程。② 城乡发展的空间均衡模型可以较好地阐释促进城乡融合发展、实施乡村振兴的关键问题,通过城乡要素的重新优化配置和人口的流动,城乡人均综合发展效益逐渐趋于相等;城乡等值线可以进一步解释城乡发展空间均衡的动态过程与传导机理。③ 从政策制度构建、“点轴”渐进扩散、分区分类推进、典型发展模式提炼等方面探讨乡村振兴的科学路径,可以为中国乡村振兴战略实施提供理论参考。  相似文献   

江汉平原乡村聚落形态类型及空间体系特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄亚平  郑有旭 《地理科学》2021,41(1):121-128
依据国土空间用地GIS数据及村镇统计数据,采用聚类分析及分形学方法,探索江汉平原乡村聚落空间形态类型及空间体系特征。研究表明,江汉平原因其内部自然环境基质的差异,形成了“二类四型”聚落空间形态:低丘岗地地域,主要是均衡镶嵌型聚落空间形态,可分为高密度(斑块)低丘点状形态及中密度(斑块)岗地团块形态2种亚型,此类聚落形态的村镇呈现出“星点”式空间结构;河渠水网地域,主要是轴带依附型聚落空间形态,可分为低密度(斑块)滨湖弧带形态和中低密度(斑块)河渠直线形态2种亚型,此类聚落形态的村镇呈现“点轴”式空间结构。江汉平原“二类四型”乡村聚落形态及空间体系结构在长江中游平原水网农区有一定的典型性,可以为此类乡村聚落空间重构、乡村居民点体系优化提供理论基础及实践指导。  相似文献   

臧玉珠  杨园园  曹智 《地理研究》2019,38(3):713-724
城市和乡村是连续统一体,乡村地域系统在城市化和工业化的带动下不断发生着转型与重构。探索乡村转型发展路径,总结成功经验模式,对促进乡村可持续发展乃至实现乡村振兴具有重要意义。城市郊区地处城乡交错带,相比农村腹地,乡村转型具有独特优势。本研究以华明镇为例,详细阐述了以城镇化整理路径实现乡村转型发展的典型模式。研究发现,华明镇乡村转型以“三整合”为标志,通过实施宅基地换房,建设现代农业产业园和工业园区,改革集体经济,创新金融服务,整合社区服务组织,实现了生产要素的优化配置,促进了村庄“人-地-业”协调发展。但是,以城镇化整理为主导的乡村转型模式,会造成传统乡村聚落的消失,需要强大的财政支持与政策体系支撑,仅适应于非农化水平较高的乡村地区,应审慎对待,不能盲目推进。  相似文献   

大都市乡村发展比较及其对乡村振兴战略的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
乡村振兴与城市发展带动能力密切相关,大都市推进乡村振兴的条件最为成熟。论文选取14个国家中心城市与潜在中心城市,从农业强、农村美、农民富3个方面构建指标体系,采取改进熵权法与Pearson相关分析法,比较分析了2000年以来我国大都市的乡村发展水平及其影响因素,进而挖掘其对实施乡村振兴战略的政策含义。研究表明:南方都市的乡村发展水平普遍高于北方城市,高低不一的乡村发展水平意味着较高的城市发展阶段并不必然实现真正的城乡融合发展。乡村发展水平与经济发展阶段、地方财政能力、农户生计分化、农业产业结构等因素高度相关,因此,乡村振兴是一个循序渐进的推进过程,需要立足自身发展基础制订科学的乡村振兴目标与振兴措施;也需要立足农业、跳出农业,一方面通过转移支付保障粮食主产区、传统农区的发展权益,另一方面“接二连三”拓展乡村产业增值空间;尤需打破城乡治理分割现状,在理念、规划、政策、法规等多个方面将农业农村优先发展真正落到实处。  相似文献   

This article explores land-tenure issues faced by Timor-Leste, specifically with reference to customary land, and the significance of mapping in resolving those difficulties. A critical review is undertaken of the pitfalls of Indigenous mapping and applications of Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS) to achieve sensitive and empowering outcomes for customary groups seeking land claims. A methodology for mapping customary land in Timor-Leste is described and an analysis of the author's on-the-ground research is presented. Although the importance of customary institutions for rural land management across Timor-Leste is ascertained, this article does not advance a definitive land rights framework for the country or prescribe national mapping of customary areas. Instead, it argues for a mapping methodology to support land-use decision-making that can make sense of Indigenous knowledge and appropriate cultural practices in rural land-use claims. Identified as crucial in the process is the equal value attributed to evidence presented in myriad forms that may act as key information bridges across epistemological divides and knowledges. PGIS is a potentially important tool for resolving land-use conflicts in rural Timor-Leste when resolution occurs within a formalised institutional framework.  相似文献   

韧性理论是可持续性科学的核心议题之一,微观尺度视域下乡村地域系统与韧性理论的结合是对乡村振兴战略的回应与思考。论文构建山区乡村地域系统风险—韧性(R-PAT)模型,运用熵值法、地理探测器等方法对大别山区罗田县68个样本村的系统韧性进行测度并分析其空间格局,识别村域单元R-PAT类型后,剖析山区乡村地域系统韧性水平空间分异的影响因素。研究发现:① 罗田县村域单元抵御能力、适应能力、转型能力及综合韧性指数差异显著,样本村综合韧性指数普遍不高但具有较大的提升潜力;② 依据韧性指数与风险指数的变化,山区乡村地域系统分为高风险—低韧性、高风险—高韧性、低风险—高韧性和低风险—低韧性4种类型,罗田县以高风险—低韧性型与低风险—低韧性型为主;③ 罗田县乡村地域系统韧性受多个因子影响,乡村内生动力是山区乡村地域系统韧性水平空间分异的关键性因素,乡村自然与社会本底是其基础性因素,乡村发展潜力是系统潜能持续提升、能力逐渐强化的推动性力量。研究旨在将韧性理论聚焦山区乡村微观单元,为山区乡村脱贫攻坚成果巩固与山区振兴提供可资借鉴的理论指导与案例支撑。  相似文献   

To collect time-use data in Third World rural areas, researchers should use broad-focus studies that provide adequate coverage throughout the year and employ direct observation of activities. Various methods used by geographers to obtain time expenditure information are examined in relation to these criteria; certain weaknesses are discussed. An alternative method developed by Allen Johnson, an anthropologist, has particular advantages for geographers because it facilitates mapping spatial patterns of time use, calculating average distances traveled to activities, and computing time spent on movement.  相似文献   

To collect time-use data in Third World rural areas, researchers should use broad-focus studies that provide adequate coverage throughout the year and employ direct observation of activities. Various methods used by geographers to obtain time expenditure information are examined in relation to these criteria; certain weaknesses are discussed. An alternative method developed by Allen Johnson, an anthropologist, has particular advantages for geographers because it facilitates mapping spatial patterns of time use, calculating average distances traveled to activities, and computing time spent on movement.  相似文献   

西北贫困地区乡村类型识别与振兴途径研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
文琦  郑殿元 《地理研究》2019,38(3):509-521
乡村振兴战略是新时期我国推进城乡融合发展的重要举措。贫困地区既是脱贫攻坚的主战场,又是乡村振兴的重点区域。如何科学识别村落类型,分类推进典型区域乡村振兴发展,对于破解农村发展不平衡不充分问题具有重要的现实意义。本文解析了乡村地域系统发展理论,阐释了城乡融合发展理论,剖析了村域空间结构格局演变和城乡要素结构功能优化重组;构建了西北干旱贫困地区乡村振兴村落类型识别体系,从乡村主体、产业发展、人居环境、资源禀赋4个子系统进行逐级分类判断,识别乡村主导类型,结合专家征询分析与村落特征,将乡村振兴村落类型识别为集聚提升类、三产融合类、城郊融合类、特色保护类、搬迁撤并类,结合不同乡村振兴模式提出了相应地发展路径,以期为乡村振兴提供理论依据与决策参考。  相似文献   

徐凯  房艳刚 《地理研究》2019,38(3):482-495
以具有国家粮食基地和老工业基地的经济功能与特征的辽宁省为例,通过构建乡村地域多功能评价指标体系,采用ArcGIS自然间断点分级法和全局空间自相关分析农业生产、非农生产、居住生活和生态保障四类功能的空间格局特征,采用Spearman等级相关系数定量分析功能间交互作用,识别各区县优势功能类型,并提出未来发展的政策建议。结果表明:① 从省域层面看,乡村地域功能空间格局的空间差异性和空间集聚特征显著;② 根据乡村地域功能间的相关关系和功能间的互动实际,得出各功能间的交互作用类型,从而为功能调控提供指导;③ 基于功能状态和功能间的交互作用,将辽宁省78个区县划分为8种乡村地域功能类型,并根据类型提出科学谋划辽宁乡村未来发展的初步建议,为促进乡村转型与城乡统筹提供参考。  相似文献   

黄淮海地区乡村人—地—业协调发展格局与机制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
程明洋  刘彦随  蒋宁 《地理学报》2019,74(8):1576-1589
乡村在社会中占有重要地位,但乡村衰败目前已成为世界性问题,因此,乡村振兴需破解乡村病问题。现有乡村研究主要关注乡村单一系统、乡村转型或乡村特定问题的研究,对乡村系统自身、乡村各子系统之间关系及其驱动乡村发展逻辑的研究则显匮乏。基于黄淮海地区县域数据,选取乡村人—地—业3个子系统,利用耦合协调度模型刻画了乡村内部系统耦合协调度的空间格局,并对人—地—业驱动乡村发展的内在逻辑进行了探讨。结果发现:① 黄淮海地区大部分县域乡村人—地—业发展处于高水平耦合阶段,在空间格局上形成了4条明显的高值轴带,且乡村系统发展水平呈逐年上升趋势。② 黄淮海地区乡村耦合协调水平整体较高,但大部分处于勉强协调或初级协调阶段,耦合协调水平较高的县域主要集中在经济较发达地区。③ 黄淮海地区乡村耦合协同关系可分为低协调水平—土地发展领先型、中协调水平—人口发展领先型和高协调水平—人业发展引领型3种类型,其中产业在黄淮海地区乡村协调发展中至关重要。④ 乡村人—地—业的协调发展可有效激活“四力”,为乡村可持续发展奠定了基础。本研究为理解乡村系统自身、破解乡村问题及实现乡村可持续发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

中国乡村地域类型及分区发展途径   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
周扬  郭远智  刘彦随 《地理研究》2019,38(3):467-481
由于我国乡村地域差异显著,乡村振兴需分类有序推进。本研究立足于人地关系地域系统理论,从资源、环境、人文、经济等维度构建了度量乡村综合发展水平的指标体系和计量模型,划分了乡村地域类型,明确了分区发展途径。结果表明,我国乡村综合发展水平区域差异显著,呈现明显的自东向西递减规律;全国乡村地域类型可以划分为11个一级区和45个二级区,不同类型区制约因子各异;乡村发展水平差异是资源禀赋、功能定位、区位条件、政策文化等因子交互作用的综合体现。地理环境是乡村地域类型分异的决定性因素,资源禀赋状况是乡村地域分异的关键因子,人文和经济因素在乡村系统转型发展中扮演着重要作用。通过对乡村地域类型、特征及其分异机制的研究,为乡村振兴战略的顺利推进提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

I argue that the tension between cities and nation states go through the countryside, or rural areas, at least in the U.S. Further, cities are decidedly constrained in their abilities to effectuate many of the changes associated with them: addressing climate change, economic inequality and more. What is missing is the way in which rural alienation from economic prosperity plays out politically.  相似文献   

For the past 25 years, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have sponsored an increasing number of sustainable development projects in poor rural areas, but the overall pattern of NGO development efforts has remained too difficult to discern. This paper tries to clarify the geographic dimension of NGO led sustainable development efforts through a mapping of NGO sponsored sustainable forestry projects in Ecuador. The mapping and associated analysis reveals considerable unevenness in NGO efforts with people intensive projects clustering near cities and government assisted projects spread more evenly across all rural areas.  相似文献   

The SAS® computer software system, widely used and respected for its capabilities in statistical analysis and data base management, now includes a new set of graphic and cartographic procedures called SAS GRAPH?. We have used these cartographic procedures in research on mapping ethno-cultural census data from metropolitan areas in Ontario and in undergraduate and graduate courses in computer cartography. On the basis of that experience, we describe and evaluate SAS/GRAPH'S cartographic capabilities and illustrate with maps drawn by various devices.  相似文献   

对农村居民点布局适宜性评价方法的探讨,不仅能丰富农村居民点布局研究的理论体系,也有利于开展农村居民点规划和整理工作。以江苏省宜兴市为例,综合考虑其社会经济和农村居民点布局特点,从自然地理条件、区位条件、生产条件以及生态环境条件4个方面建立评价指标体系,基于灰靶模型研究农村居民点布局适宜性,并据此提出相应的分类调控对策。研究结果表明:宜兴市农村居民点适宜性等级总体较高;在空间上呈现中、北部平原地区的农村居民点布局适宜性整体高于南部丘陵山区的分布特征。针对不同适宜等级提出的分类调控对策可以为当地农村土地整治、村庄规划等实际工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

中国新时代城乡融合与乡村振兴   总被引:164,自引:24,他引:140  
刘彦随 《地理学报》2018,73(4):637-650
城市与乡村是一个有机体,只有二者可持续发展,才能相互支撑。依据人地关系地域系统学说,城乡融合系统、乡村地域系统是全新认知和理解城乡关系的理论依据。针对日益严峻的“乡村病”问题,全面实施乡村振兴,既是推进城乡融合与乡村持续发展的重大战略,也是破解“三农”问题,决胜全面建成小康社会的必然要求。本文探讨了新时代城乡融合与乡村振兴的基础理论,剖析了乡村发展面临的主要问题,提出了问题导向的中国城乡融合与乡村振兴科学途径及研究前沿领域。结果表明:① 城乡融合与乡村振兴的对象是一个乡村地域多体系统,包括城乡融合体、乡村综合体、村镇有机体、居业协同体,乡村振兴重在推进城乡融合系统优化重构,加快建设城乡基础网、乡村发展区、村镇空间场、乡村振兴极等所构成的多级目标体系。② 中国“三农”问题本质上是一个乡村地域系统可持续发展问题,当前乡村发展正面临主要农业生产要素高速非农化、农村社会主体过快老弱化、村庄建设用地日益空废化、农村水土环境严重污损化和乡村贫困片区深度贫困化等“五化”难题。③ 乡村是经济社会发展的重要基础,城乡融合与乡村振兴战略相辅相成,乡村振兴应致力于创建城乡融合体制机制,推进乡村极化发展,按照产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕的要求,构建乡村地域系统转型—重构—创新发展综合体系。④ 乡村振兴地理学研究应着眼于乡村地域系统的复杂性、综合性、动态性,探究以根治“乡村病”为导向的新型村镇建设方案、模式和科学途径,为实现新时代中国乡村振兴战略提供理论参考。  相似文献   

土地利用数据的更新是土地管理工作的重要内容之一。依靠常规的手段不仅更新速度慢、难以主动发现变化区域,而且成图周期长、误差大。依靠遥感(RS)手段可以主动快速地发现变化区域,运用差分GPS技术可以精确获取土地利用变化的数量和性质,GIS则是管理土地利用的图形数据和属性数据(如土地利用类型、权属、图斑号等)的有效工具。基于RS、GIS和GPS的集成技术建立面向工程目标的土地利用动态监测新方法是本文研究的内容。  相似文献   

Geospatial data and tools are key in locating lost or missing persons in as short a time as possible. In this study, we used a geographic information system (GIS) to analyze four years of search and rescue (SAR) mission data from Colorado to determine the appropriate use of GIS for volunteer-based SAR organizations with limited resources and GIS expertise. GIS can provide more sophisticated analyses of geospatial data than simple mapping technologies, but our findings indicated that complex spatial analysis might not be required on all missions, because the majority of missions were completed within six to ten hours. Instead, new technologies such as tablets with mapping software and online GIS systems that provide quick and easy access to up-to-date geospatial data such as imagery offer capabilities that could improve mission planning. Here we provide a framework in which SAR missions can apply geospatial technologies to aid with missions, identify critical “hotspots,” and enhance postanalysis and training. The work here is highly applicable for nonprofit SAR groups when deciding on what GIS technologies to consider for their areas.  相似文献   

Population growth demands sustainable spatial planning strategies for settlements in Uzbekistan, Central Asia, especially in rural areas that are inhabited by approximately 64 percent of the country's population. Where can settlements expand in rural Uzbekistan and does settlement growth affect valuable agricultural land? SPOT-5 data with a resolution of 2.5 m was utilized for mapping building layers and assessing settlement growth between 2006 and 2011 at the example of 53 communities located in the Khorezm province in North-West Uzbekistan. Object based image analysis was conducted, i.e. a multi-scale segmentation for the derivation of building contours, followed by a random forest (RF) classification of the object's spectral and spatial characteristics. A geographical information system (GIS) was used for identifying settlement densification and expansion processes, and for quantifying agricultural land parcels of different soil quality occupied during settlement growth.A calibration routine based on indices of segmentation quality enabled the selection of optimal segmentation parameters. After GIS-based refinements of the RF classification results, the overall accuracy (OA) of the building layers of both years exceeded 95%. The OA of the change map was 92.7%. The results revealed that the building area increased by 20%, whilst settlement expansion amounted to 10% in 2006–2011. Settlements widely expanded in accordance with the existing rules prohibiting the conversion of agricultural land to housing areas. Nevertheless, about 20% of the settlement growth occurred on agricultural production areas, also on those with highly productive soils. The results indicated both, the pressure on land resources for settlement growth and – in face of continuous population growth – an increasing demand for comprehensive spatial planning in rural Uzbekistan. The elaborated methodological approach can be extrapolated to regions throughout Central Asia with similar environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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