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Spatial dimensions of New Zealand's environmental management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New Zealand's regional council boundaries drawn as part of the 1989 local government reforms privilege integrated catchment management. This privilege is now challenged by calls to both fragment and amalgamate councils and centralise decision‐making but with little analytic assessment of the spatial differentiation to support them. The spatial underpinnings of these calls were explored using a case study that assessed the spatial dimensions of environment management. Analysis of the Land Environments and River Environment Classification databases and councils' planning documents highlights challenges local governments face in applying integrated natural resource management within single purpose jurisdictions and implications for wider sustainable development policy.  相似文献   

肖杨  毛显强 《地理研究》2010,29(6):1083-1091
城市间资源的过度竞争是城市群和谐发展的一大障碍,严重影响了城市群综合竞争力的提高。本文采用动力学模型研究了城市发展与其资源约束的关系,并引入风险规避函数,建立城市资源竞争模型来模拟城市资源竞争的演进机制。分析表明:(1)城市发展与演变过程中,具有较为明显的规模效应,在初期由于集聚效应,城市经济达到一定规模后得以更为迅速的发展;当城市发展规模过大,必然受到自然资源的约束,出现规模效应递减;(2)城市资源竞争是一个非常复杂的动力过程,包括社会经济发展的市场作用,也受到政府行为、科技水平等人类行为因素影响。经济发展战略的选择、人口与科技等相关因素都会对资源竞争的结果产生深刻作用;缩小人均收入与生态效率的差距有助于协调城市间资源竞争关系。  相似文献   

潘敏  周燚栋 《极地研究》2010,22(4):415-422
随着全球环境问题的升温,北极环境变化也越来越受到了国际社会的关注,中国作为一个近北极国家,深受北极环境变化的影响。本文从环境安全、经济安全、资源安全等非传统安全因素方面来探讨北极环境变化对中国可能产生的影响。就环境安全来说,北极环境变化对中国生态环境将产生直接的威胁,未来气温可能升高所导致北极海冰融化,对中国的社会和经济有着巨大危害;就经济安全而言,北极环境变化所带来的北极航道的全面开通,可能是中国未来发展的一个机遇,但是中国要想在北极航运资源的开发上分得一杯羹将面临着多重障碍;就资源安全来说,北极地区资源丰富,这对能源缺乏的中国而言,意义重大。但鉴于目前中国对北极问题的参与来看,即使北极地区的资源能得到良好的开发,其开发利用主要掌握在环北极国家手里,那么对能源供给越来越依赖国外的中国来说,必定会受制于人,无法从根本上保障中国能源供给的战略安全。  相似文献   

大流域区划数据是反映水资源分布的重要数据,也是土地利用总体规划和农业结构总体规划所必需的重要基础数据。针对当前没有与北京市土地利用现状数据一致的大流域区划数据,参照北京市已有的流域划分数据与方案,以DEM和SPOT5遥感影像为基础数据源,通过GIS数据处理、水文特征分析与流域划分等生成北京市五大流域区划数据;通过三维景观图等对大流域界线进行调整,重新勘定北京市大流域界线。  相似文献   

Abstract. Acceptance of the concept of sustainable development as a long term goal has shifted the nature of the debate about the environment and its relation to development. Previously, emphasis was on the adverse effects of economic development on the environment. It is now argued that a degraded and deteriorating environment is a threat to economic development. However, if the promise of sustainability is to be fully explored some fundamental changes must be made. The most important changes concern: first, the way ecological factors are integrated into economic decision making; second, the design of domestic policies; third, the emergence of environmental change as a force in international relations; and, fourth, the need to restructure the international economy and global political arrangements. Canada and New Zealand provide examples of efforts to tackle these issues, to halt environmental destruction and resource depletion, and to meet global development needs.  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划是土地资源管理的“龙头”,是时土地资源进行合理配置和实现国民经济宏观调控的基本手段,在我国土地资源管理事业中具有极其重要的作用。论文介绍了国内土地利用规划方法,分析了该方法的不足,并提出了基于系统动力学和多目标规划整合模型(SD-MOP)的土地利用总体规划方案.探讨了SD-MOP整合模型的可行性和优越性以及模型的整合过程和构建方法,为土地利用总体规划方案研究摸索出了一套新的方法。  相似文献   

罗芬 《热带地理》2013,33(1):96-103
随着旅游业从规划开发阶段到经营管理阶段的转变,治理作为政治与公共政策领域中一个重要概念,被引入到旅游研究之中,并成为当今旅游研究的一个重要议题。文章在对国外旅游治理研究演变分析的基础上,就其研究理论、主要模式、研究议题、评价标准构建、绩效评价等5方面内容进行综述。研究发现,在研究进程上,其从小部分研究者的自发关注转变为当前旅游研究中的热点问题;在研究理论上,从交易成本理论、产权理论、委托代理理论到网络理论的转变;在研究议题上,涵盖旅游开发与规划治理、旅游营销治理、旅游资源与环境治理、旅游目的地治理、可持续旅游治理、旅游治理中的权力结构、旅游全球治理、旅游治理难点等内容;在比较研究上,应深入挖掘中国特殊社会经济文化情境下的旅游治理的一般性与特殊性,丰富现有的旅游治理研究。  相似文献   

Mineral resource evaluation requires defining grade domains of an ore deposit. Common practice in mineral resource estimation consists of partitioning the ore body into several grade domains before the geostatistical modeling and estimation at unsampled locations. Many ore deposits are made up of different mineralogical ensembles such as oxide and sulfide zone: being able to model the spatial layout of the different grades is vital to good mine planning and management. This study addresses the application of the plurigaussian simulation to Sivas (Turkey) gold deposits for constructing grade domain models that reproduce the contacts between different grade domains in accordance with geologist’s interpretation. The method is based on the relationship between indicator variables from grade distributions on the Gaussian random functions chosen to represent them. Geological knowledge is incorporated into the model by the definition of the indicator variables, their truncation strategy, and the grade domain proportions. The advantages of the plurigaussian simulation are exhibited through the case study. The results indicated that the processes are seen to respect reproducing complex geometrical grades of an ore deposit by means of simulating several grade domains with different spatial structure and taking into account their global proportions. The proposed proportion model proves as simple to use in resource estimation, to account for spatial variations of the grade characteristics and their distribution across the studied area, and for the uncertainty in the grade domain proportions. The simulated models can also be incorporated into mine planning and scheduling.  相似文献   

River catchments have been the dominant form of regionalisation for natural-resource management in many countries since the 1980s. Local governments play a considerable role in planning with ever-increasing responsibilities for sustainable environmental management, planning and development controls. There has also been an increasing emphasis on community participation in resource management, which emphasises the need to re-examine the requirements for spatial definition of resource governance regions. This paper proposes three principles. First, the nature and reach of environmental externalities of resource use should determine the size and nesting of resource management regions. Second, the boundaries of resource governance regions should enclose areas of greatest interest and importance to local residents. Third, the biophysical characteristics of a resource governance region should be as homogenous as possible, which provides resource planning and management efficiencies. The paper describes a range of concepts and empirical techniques used to apply these principles to the derivation of a resource governance regionalisation of the State of New South Wales, Australia.  相似文献   

National boundaries and border cities have been transformed globally. This is partly due to neoliberal globalisation, the continuous formation of a ‘borderless world’ and partly to the global ‘war on terror’. Darwin, the capital city of the Northern Territory (NT), is on the northern coast of Australia, bordering its overseas Asian neighbours. Far away from the main Australian population centres in the south, the city grows slowly, relying mainly on Australian government investments, infrastructure, and the incorporation of defence programs in the north. The rise of Asia, as well as Australia's increasing economic reliance on Asia, has created new opportunities for Darwin's growth. The development of Asian economies has resulted in growing global investment in resource extraction in NT. Asia, though, has been seen as a key threat in the modern history of Australia. This national sensitivity is underpinned by the global ‘war on terror’ in which Australia is deeply involved. Australia has tight border control regimes and a growing military presence on the northern border area. This paper examines how these co-existing but contradictory dynamics have reshaped the urban development of Darwin City. The consequential social and spatial patterns are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

全球跨境并购网络的空间格局演化及形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄晓东  杜德斌  刘承良 《地理学报》2021,76(10):2536-2550
跨境并购是企业实施全球化战略的重要途径,对世界经济地理格局演化具有重大影响。本文基于2001—2017年全球跨境并购交易记录数据建构网络,借助复杂网络分析、GIS空间技术以及引力模型等方法,对全球跨境并购网络的空间格局演化及其形成机制进行探讨。研究发现:① 全球跨境并购网络的规模、密度、范围均有小幅度增长,并存有去中心化趋势。② 全球跨境并购方和标的方的空间分布重心出现由西(欧美)向东(亚太)转移的迹象,其首要推动者为中国,但中国跨境并购联系的出入口依赖于中国香港、英属维京群岛、开曼群岛等地区。③ 全球跨境并购网络社团的空间组织范围总体与世界大区的范围保持吻合,其中全球最大的社团由英美主导但其凝聚范围出现收缩,中国主导的亚太社团凝聚范围得到扩大,德法主导的社团对欧洲进一步整合。④ 研究期内国家(地区)科技发展水平和离岸金融中心等属性要素,以及国家(地区)间地理、语言以及历史的邻近性要素始终是驱动网络形成的重要动力,而自然资源禀赋、经济市场规模指标在2009—2017年对跨境并购联系的形成只产生了单向(接收或发出)影响,经济邻近性作用失效。  相似文献   

从本土到全球网络化的人地关系思维范式转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谈明洪  李秀彬 《地理学报》2021,76(10):2333-2342
早期地理学关于人地关系的研究多基于本土思维,秉持“一方水土养育一方人”的理念。在严重依赖自然资源的传统农业社会,这一理念及其指导下的区域地理研究和区域管理实践,对于促进人与自然的协调发展起到积极作用。随着系统开放程度的增加,规模不等、层级不同的地域系统形成了一个相互依赖、相互耦合的地理网络。每个地域都是这个网络上的节点,地域问题的产生与解决与网络上其他节点有密切关联、与地域系统内外因素紧密相关,地域外因素有时甚至起主导作用。虚拟水、生态足迹、贸易隐含碳排放、资源纽带关系及人地关系远程耦合等概念和方法的提出,标志着人地关系研究范式从本土思维向全球网络化思维转型。依照新的理念和研究范式,传统的本土思维范式及建立在此范式上的相关研究主题(如区域承载力)应该受到重新审视。  相似文献   

中国工业化、城镇化已进入转型发展新阶段,创新驱动发展与体制机制约束的矛盾加剧,资源短缺性及其配置低效性日益凸显,“多规合一”受到各级政府和学术界的广泛关注。推进“多规合一”,创新区域规划理论与技术方法,构建中国特色的国土空间规划体系成为当前全面深化改革的重要议题之一。本文深入分析了中国“多规不一”现实问题,总结了“多规”矛盾的本质特征,探讨了“多规合一”的战略定位,构建了“三主三分”的“多规合一”基本理论框架,提出了“三步走”多规逐步调适的技术途径及其长效机制。“多规合一”的核心在于从区域空间优化的战略高度统筹协调各项规划,科学引导城乡土地优化配置,实现“多规”在空间上的同一性、在功能上的融合性、在发展过程中的协同性。“多规合一”的重点是推进形成一个总分有序、层级清晰、职能精准的区域规划体系。  相似文献   

刘卫东  陆大道 《地理学报》2005,60(6):894-902
区域规划是大国进行空间管治不可或缺的层次和手段。随着跨区域性问题越来越突出和进一步市场化后国家宏观调控手段的变化,以新的视野和新的方法开展区域规划在我国已经十分迫切。本文分析了新时期进行区域空间规划需要考虑的因素,包括落实科学发展观、经济全球化和经济体制转型 (市场化) 等;通过阐述"点-轴系统"理论、全球化下的"城市区域"理论以及"人地关系地域系统"理论,分析了区域空间规划的理论基础;最后根据西部开发重点区域规划前期研究的工作经验,讨论了进行区域空间结构规划的一些具体方法。作者提出,需要把握现阶段我国社会经济发展的核心特征、并考虑有效可行的管治手段,以全球化视野和市场化思维考虑区域发展和规划问题。  相似文献   

对新时期国土(区域)规划及其理论基础建设的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
国土(区域)规划是经济地理重要的实践领域。本文从国土(区域)规划所发挥的作用及存在的问题入手,解剖了作为其理论基础的经济地理学目前的主要缺陷;并针对我国市场体制建设、可持续发展观的提出、买方市场的初步形成、世界经济动荡的影响等大背景的变化,提出了一系列国土(区域)规划性质与内容调整的关键问题。笔者认为,区域经济布局问题仍然是近期国土(区域)规划的核心内容,而非均衡区域增长、城镇体系与农村经济发展、企业发展的区域战略影响着区域经济布局的基本态势,因此,应当针对这些内容重点完善国土(区域)规划的理论基础,推动经济地理学的发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to develop a new approach for delineating urban growth boundaries (UGBs) by applying the weight of evidence (WOE) method to land suitability assessments. Rapid urbanization is causing urban areas to encroach on agricultural land in China, posing a threat to national food security. Land use planning with clear delineation of UGBs is an effective method for controlling urban expansion. However, existing methods for delineating UGBs are typically complex or involve arbitrary decision-making. To address these drawbacks, we introduced the WOE method to develop a new UGB delineation approach, and applied this approach to a case study in the city of Jinan, China. This application achieved satisfactory accuracy; therefore, we concluded that the WOE method was an objective and effective approach to land use suitability assessments and UGB delineation. Land use planning could be benefitted considerably from the application of this method to land allocation and other planning decisions.  相似文献   

罗紫元  曾坚 《地理研究》2022,41(2):341-357
从资源承载和生态保护的角度预测城镇土地利用变化,是实现国土空间用途管制的客观需求。以典型缺水城市天津市为研究区,采用系统动力学模型预测土地利用规模、最小成本路径法构建生态廊道和FLUS模型模拟土地利用变化等方法,分别模拟自然扩张和资源环境保护情景下天津市2035年土地利用情况。结果表明:① 资源约束条件显著制约城镇人口和建设用地的超量发展,随着资源约束增强、科技发展增速,人口和建设用地增长量随之降低,城镇GDP保持稳定增长。② 天津市重要生态廊道以南北向联系为主,东部和北部生态廊道重要性较高,部分生态廊道由于路径较长或距离建设用地较近而面临被蚕食挤压的风险。③ 水体湿地在资源环境保护情境下面积略有增长,在自然扩张情境下则延续以往不可持续的发展模式,出现向草地退化的情况,部分生态源地和廊道受到耕地侵占和建设用地扩张的影响。④ 受交通发展和京津职住分离的影响,天津市城镇建设用地增长主要发生在蓟州、武清和宝坻区。此外,在资源环境保护情景下,中心城区和滨海新区增长率较低,津南区表现出较大发展潜力。以资源环境承载约束城镇扩张,能够为国土空间规划实践提供科学引导。  相似文献   

魏正波  罗彦  肖锐琴  何舸 《热带地理》2022,42(4):544-553
如何坚持陆海统筹,实现全域全要素是国土空间规划体系改革的重点任务之一。新时期国土空间规划编制中主要面临陆海统筹规划编制方法差异、陆海资源评价方法单一和海岸带管理制度不完善等问题,文章结合不同层级管理事权,提出了“保护、利用、特色”三位一体的陆海统筹模式、基本原则和管控思路,以及陆海统筹规划编制和空间管控体系等。从统一国土空间用途管制的角度入手,以广东省为例,通过对陆海统筹重点区域管控对象、管控内容、管控手段和实施效果的全面梳理,提出应该以生态保护和底线管控优先,创新陆海统筹区线管控机制、海洋生态环境保护制度、海岸带重点资源项目库、陆海使用权立体分层等管控方法。  相似文献   

分析旅游资源适宜采用何种开发模式是旅游规划中的重要基础工作。基于灰色系统数学理论,本文构建了一种模式识别方法,应用于旅游资源的适宜性分析及开发模式研究,文中阐述了具体的方法及计算公式,并以河北涞源景区为对象进行了验证。  相似文献   

区域形象设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
区域形象是对这一区域的认知和评估,是历史的积累。区域形象有一个很长的发展形成过程,反映一个区域的环境、素质和声誉,是经济发展的重要资源。区域形象设计是区域规划和城市规划的组成部分。  相似文献   

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