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Arctic and alpine plant communities today are subject to an increasing frequency and intensity of anthropogenic disturbances. Good understanding of reproductive behaviour and regenerative capacity of native species is important in a restoration situation following human disturbance in Arctic and alpine vegetation. Seeds, bulbils or cuttings from 12 native Arctic and alpine species were collected from Longyearbyen in Svalbard and Dovre Mountain on the Norwegian mainland. Propagation ability was tested in greenhouse conditions. Seeds of Papaver dahlianum, Oxyria digyna, Luzula arcuata ssp. confusa , and bulbils of Bistorta vivipara all had more than 50% germination. Dryas octopetala had less than 10% germination. Both quick and slow germinators were identified among the tested species. Seed storage temperature (+4 °C, −1 °C and −20 °C) showed no overall effect on germination. The rooting capacity of cuttings from evergreen and deciduous species was tested. Arctostaphylos uvaursi, Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Salix herbacea and S. polaris had more than 70% rooting ability, while Dryas octopetala and Cassiope tetragona had less than 10%. Saxifraga oppositifolia showed large variation in rooting ability, ranging from 20-90%. The species with high germination and rooting ability are used in an extended restoration experiment in the study areas.  相似文献   

本文以美国弗蒙特(Vermont)州濒危鸟类游隼(Falco peregrinus)和潜鸟(Gavia immer)为例,反映鸟类与环境的关系,说明人类活动对环境及野生动物的影响,濒危动物的拯救工作应把环境综合治理放在重要位置。  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated high levels of genetic (DNA), ecophysiological, ecological, and morphological variation within the species Purple Saxifrage, Saxifraga oppositifolia , in Svalbard. It has recently been proposed that S. oppositifolia is represented by two conspicuously different subspecies in this archipelago: ssp. reptans , a late-flowering, prostrate ecotype of snow-protected, damp habitats, and ssp. pulvinata , an early-flowering, cushion-like ecotype of dry, wind-exposed heaths and ridges. It has also been suggested that the subspecies may be differentiated at the tetraploid and diploid levels, respectively, which would promote reproductive isolation. These hypotheses are tested by examining variation in morphology, ecology, and pollen size and stainability in 150 plants of S. oppositifolia growing in 50 vegetation samples at four sites in the Kongsfjorden area. Although analyses of the various data sets demonstrated the large variation within the species, the material could not be separated into distinct groups. The morphological variation was continuous along local ecological gradients. The pollen grains were fully stainable and the pollen diameter data showed a unimodal distribution, suggesting that the plants analysed represent only one ploidal level. These results reject a hypothesis that the morphologically intermediate plants are hybrids between two taxa at different ploidal levels. Thus, the conspicuous variation in S. oppositifolia in Svalbard probably results from local, in situ ecoclinal differentiation. Although this variation clearly is without taxonomic significance, it is important in the broader context of arctic conservation biology and the potential impact of global warming on arctic vegetation.  相似文献   

The western coast of Svalbard is one of the world's most important seabird regions (Belopol'skij 1961; Løvenskiold 1964; Norderhaug et al. 1977), due to the favourable water temperatures, light regime and amounts of mineral salts (Norderhaug et al. 1977).
Seabirds have been censused several times in this area (Kristoffersen 1962; Larsen 1965; Dhondt et al.1969; Voisin 1970; Norderhaug 1974; Sendstad 1978; Alendal et al. 1982).
Except for Larsen (1965), there is no comprehensive and quantitative survey of any part of northwestern Svalbard. Further east, Jepsen & Mobæk (1983) surveyed the area between Gråhuken and Nordaustìandet.
Recent concern about the potentially detrimental effects of planned oil exploration and increased human activities in the high Arctic has emphasized the need for more information on the ecology in these regions. This paper provides more comprehensive data on seabird populations in northwestern Svalbard, between southern Prins Karls Forland and Verlegenhuken. The results supplement the studies carried out in 1978 and 1979 by Jepsen & Mobæk (1983) between Verlegenhuken and Kong Karls Land.  相似文献   

浙江山区的珍稀濒危植物较为丰富,有67科、108属、125种.论述了当地珍稀濒危植物的特点、地理分布、属和种的地理成分,探讨了珍稀濒危植物的就地保护、迁地保护和离体保存.  相似文献   

There are over 500 species of arthropods recorded from Svalbard. These animals overwinter either within the soil or on the ground surface, and have to tolerate an environment where the ground is frozen for over 9 months each year. Three cold-tolerance strategies have been described from Svalbard invertebrates: freeze avoidance, freeze tolerance and desiccation. Once in a cold-tolerant state the animals can be extremely cold tolerant in terms of both minimum exposure temperature and period of exposure. How the overwintering capabilities of these animals will be affected by climate changes during the next 100 years, as predicted by climate models, is not yet known. Four principle factors with an impact on overwintering of the terrestrial arthropod fauna are outlined here: (1) warmer winter temperatures, with an increased frequency of extreme events such as freeze–thaw cycles and surface icing; (2) changes in snow fall and snow lie; (3) pollutant load; and (4) dispersal of invertebrates to Svalbard. Finally, areas where further research is required are highlighted: including the development of controlled multi-season field experiments; effect of freeze–thaw cycles; changes in thickness and distribution of snow lie, with the subsequent effects on duration of the summer period; chill susceptibility of soil arthropods; assessing potential colonizing species and the likelihood of these species becoming established; assessing the effect of gene flow from surrounding populations; interactions between pollution and cold tolerance; anoxia stress; and the genetics of cold tolerance.  相似文献   

Goose populations, with special emphasis on Light-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota , were censured in Tusenøyane and Tjuvfjorden, southeast Svalbard, July-August 1989. A total of 425 non-breeding Brent Geese, 210 Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis and 421 Pink-footed Geese Anser bra-chyrhynchus and 11, 2 and 3 families of the three species, respectively, were counted. Brent Geese attempted to nest on 6 of the 20 islands surveyed, and were successful on four. Barnacle Geese attempted to nest on three islands and were successful on two. Many islands known to be traditional nesting sites were entirely void of geese. Pink-footed Geese were only seen in Tjuvfjorden. The breeding failure on the islands was linked to the presence of the Arctic Fox Alopex lagopus which probably caused the geese to completely give up the attempt to nest. On one island the fox had apparently arrived after nest initiation and ravaged 45 Brent Goose and Barnacle Goose nests. It is likely that the foxes stranded on the islands during ice break-up. As a consequence of the presence of foxes on most of Tusenøyane, more than half of the potential breeding segment of the Svalbard Brent Goose population failed to nest in the summer of 1989.  相似文献   

三峡库区共有高等陆生植物6088种,珍稀濒危植物56种,其中Ⅰ级保护物种4种,Ⅱ级保护物种23种,Ⅲ级保护物种29种,处于濒危状态的7种,渐危状态的27种,稀有状态的22种。在分析三峡库区珍稀濒危植物种类组成、地理成分、现状分布的基础上,探讨了库区珍稀濒危植物致危原因及目前所采取的保护措施中所存在的问题,并提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

Increasing transformation and fragmentation of rural landscapes for economic reasons is causing concern to conservationists worldwide. With this trend likely to continue, perhaps conservation agencies and development corporations need to co-operate and plan housing developments that are environmentally and ecologically sustainable and can serve as refuges for endangered species. In KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, grasslands are particularly threatened by land transformation for housing developments. A case study is presented of a housing development, Wedgewood Estate in KwaZulu-Natal that has been developed and managed for conserving grassland habitat and associated species, particularly the endangered oribi (Ourebia ourebi). Feedback from the Estate's managers about the development and ecological impact were obtained. Wedgewood is an example of the viability of housing estates as refuges for endangered species and shows that the density and placement of housing and management of the natural habitat are important. It emphasizes the need for reviewing the types and amount of housing development, management of natural habitat, and the rules and regulations they put in place to assure the integrity of the conservancy is preserved. This case study also shows the potential of such ecologically sensitive housing developments as sources of surplus game for translocation, especially in the case of endangered species such as oribi.  相似文献   

天目山是浙江省珍稀濒危植物最丰富的地区,共有国家保护的珍稀濒危植物25科、34属、37种,其中属二级保护13种,三级保护24种.论述了天目山珍稀濒危植物的区系特点、类型及地理分布,列举了它们的一些利用价值,最后提出了保护天目山珍稀濒危植物的一系列建议.  相似文献   

Endangered species live inside the world's most densely populated cities. In the United States, the Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for the protection and recovery of endangered species – wherever those species are found. Unfortunately, very little is known about urban endangered species policy or programs. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the five largest cities in the United States and examines issue of governance around conservation. Cities have a responsibility to steward the environment, but through the 1973 Endangered Species Act, the Fish and Wildlife Service has a legal mandate to protect endangered species throughout the country. Thus, this paper asks: What is the USFWS doing inside cities to recover endangered species? What are cities doing? Conservation is a shared duty but it is not clear that anyone is taking responsibility for urban endangered species.  相似文献   

Understanding threats to endangered species is one of the most critical components of implementing a successful recovery plan. For the endangered star cactus Astrophytum asterias, both mammalian and insect herbivory have been documented as a major threat to populations in Mexico. Herein, we focus on populations of A. asterias in Texas, examining how mortality threats differ from populations found in Mexico as well as among sites within Texas. Our study supports insect and mammalian herbivory as a major threat to A. asterias in Texas, with reductions in population sizes ranging between 16 and 54%. However, our study highlights that both regional and local differences can influence rates of mortality even in a range-restricted species such as A. asterias and highlights the need to assess threats at both of these levels for effective development and implementation of endangered species recovery plans.  相似文献   

Sparse stations and serious measuring problems hamper analyses of climatic conditions in the Arctic. This paper presents a discussion of measuring problems in the Arctic and gives an overview of observed past and projected future climate variations in Svalbard and Jan Mayen. Novel analyses of temperature conditions during precipitation and trends in fractions of solid/liquid precipitation at the Arctic weather stations are also outlined. Analyses based on combined and homogenized series from the regular weather stations in the region indicate that the measured annual precipitation has increased by more than 2.5% per decade since the measurements started in the beginning of the 20th century. The annual temperature has increased in Svalbard and Jan Mayen during the latest decades, but the present level is still lower than in the 1930s. Downscaled scenarios for Svalbard Airport indicate a further increase in temperature and precipitation. Analyses based on observations of precipitation types at the regular weather stations demonstrate that the annual fraction of solid precipitation has decreased at all stations during the latest decades. The reduced fraction of solid precipitation implies that the undercatch of the precipitation gauges is reduced. Consequently, part of the observed increase in the annual precipitation is fictitious and is due to a larger part of the "true" precipitation being caught by the gauges. With continued warming in the region, this virtual increase will be measured in addition to an eventual real increase.  相似文献   

Blood samples from a total of 460 polar bears ( Ursus maritimus ) from various Arctic regions, but excluding the USSR, were collected during the period 1967-1981 to study electrophoretic variation in different proteins. Two hundred and one samples from Alaska, 48 from the Canadian Arctic, 89 from Svalbard, and 21 from Northeast Greenland were collected during the period 1967-1973 and were analysed by vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to study transferrin and hemoglobin polymorphism. Thirty-one samples collected in 1974 were analysed by starch gel electrophoresis for 14 enzyme systems in serum and red blood cells. Seventy samples collected from Alaska, the Barents Sea, and Canada in 1980-81 were studied by starch gel electrophoresis, and further analysed for protein variation by thin-layer isoelectric focusing, horizontal polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and two-dimensional electrophoresis. In all, about 75 loci were analysed for variation. The degree of protein and enzyme variation in the polar bear was observed to be relatively low. Starch gel electrophoresis revealed variation of an unidentified serum protein. The distribution of this protein indicates a closer connection between bears in Alaska and Canada compared to those in Greenland and Svalbard, but the differences were not significant. As in many large mammals, the information from protein variation in polar bears has limited use for management purposes. We could not find any simple system usable for identification of discrete populations. On the basis of protein variation as sole criterion, the populations investigated could not be separated. Possible explanations for the uniformity of blood proteins can be exchange of bears between geographical areas and/or a high selective pressure in polar bears.  相似文献   

Desert wetlands, or ciénegas, are regions of high conservation value in the American Deserts. These environments, in the Apache Highlands Ecoregion spanning the borderlands of Arizona, USA and Sonora, México, contain an estimated 19% of endangered, threatened and candidate species within 2% of the regional area. Besides being crucial refugia for native fish, amphibians, snails, and plants, ciénegas constitute critical habitat for migratory birds. Here we analyze the distribution, conservation status and restoration potential of ciénegas in this region. Our results identified 97 ciénegas of which only 60 had information useful for our analysis. Of these, 46 ciénegas were considered functional, or extant, while the others were either dry or so altered that they no longer maintained their original ecological function. Using the ranking scheme of the National Gap Analysis Program we found that 80% of extant ciénegas fall into the lowest categories of land stewardship, Gap 3 or 4, indicating conservation stewardship is largely lacking across all land management agencies, public or private. Our assessment suggests that increased and targeted habitat conservation of desert wetlands would yield great benefit to the maintenance of global biodiversity.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Polar research》2004,23(2):209-213
Book Reivew in this Article
Review of " Marine Mammals of Svalbard " by K. M. Kovacs, I. Gjertz & C. Lydersen (2004).
Review of Marine mammals of Svalbard , by K. M. Kovacs, I. Gjertz & C. Lydersen.
Review of Negotiating the Arctic: The Construction of an International Region , by E. C. H. Keskitalo (2004).  相似文献   

The fruticose lichen Cetrariella delisei is among the dominant lichen species in the deglaciated High Arctic areas of Svalbard. As part of a study of carbon cycling in the High Arctic, we aimed to estimate the primary production of lichen in a deglaciated area in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (79° N), by examining the effects of abiotic factors on the net photosynthesis ( Pn ) and dark respiration ( R ) rates of C. delisei . Experiments were conducted in the snow-free season of 2000 using an open-flow gas exchange system with an infrared gas analyser. Positive photosynthetic activities were observed on rainy days or soon after rainfall when the thallus water content was high, whereas photosynthetic activities dropped below the detectable limit on clear days because of the low thallus water content. Under a sufficiently high thallus water content and close to light saturation, Pn was nearly constant over a wide temperature range of 4–20 °C, while R increased with increasing temperature. We constructed a model for estimating the net primary production ( NPP ) of lichen based on the relationships between abiotic factors and the CO2 exchange rate. The mean, minimum and maximum NPP values in the snow-free season, estimated using meteorological data obtained from 1995–2003, were 5.1, 1.0 and 8.4 g dry wt. m−2 snow-free season−1, respectively. These results suggest that NPP is highly variable and the contribution of lichen to carbon input is small compared with that of vascular plants and mosses in the study site.  相似文献   

Indigenous knowledge is a multilayered knowledge system that can inform contemporary management in both natural observations and cultural value. Centuries old observations preserved within song, chant, and story has been globally recognized as a resource to integrate with conservation efforts for endangered species. In the case of the endemic land snails, kāhuli, of the Hawaiian archipelago, there is a prominent cultural presence preserved in oral tradition and written records in 19th and early 20th century’s Hawaiian language newspapers. As we witness the dramatic decimation of one of the greatest models of species radiation, the unveiling of the repositories of indigenous knowledge is crucial for conservation of these endemic land snails. This paper reports on indigenous knowledge that informs about the cultural significance (i.e., poetic device, metaphorical role, importance to hula) and ecology of kāhuli, and how indigenous knowledge can contribute to conservation efforts of rare and endangered species.  相似文献   

Chrysophycean stomatocyst assemblages were analysed from the sediments of 17 lakes and ponds from Svalbard as one component of a multi-proxy investigation of recent environmental change in the high Arctic. Sediment cores and water chemistry were collected from each of the study lakes, and chrysophyte stomatocysts were investigated from the top 0.25 cm of sediment (present-day) and bottom (i.e., bottom of short sediment core, pre-industrial) sediment samples. This study represents the first undertaking of chrysophyte cyst morphology and distribution on Svalbard. A total of 153 cyst morphotypes were described with light microscopy and/or scanning electron microscopy, of which 21 are new forms. Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that the present-day distribution of cysts is significantly related to pH (p= 0.02), altitude (p= 0.02), and Na+ (p= 0.04). Marked shifts in chrysophyte cyst assemblages were recorded between the top and bottom sediment samples of most lakes. A recent study has demonstrated that Svalbard lakes receive atmospheric contaminants from both local and remote sources. The observed assemblage shifts may be the result of the combined effects of these point sources and long-range pollutants, or the effects of recent climate change, or both.  相似文献   

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