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Temperate and tropical shallow lakes differ in several fundamental aspects with respect to management of eutrophication. High altitude tropical shallow lakes are a special case, showing similarities with temperate and tropical lakes. We studied the ecology of the eutrophic high-altitude tropical lake Yahuarcocha in the Ecuadorian Andes and evaluated the potential of biomanipulation to control eutrophication. With a toxin-producing Cylindrospermopsis bloom, low Secchi depth and low submerged macrophyte cover, Yahuarcocha is clearly in a turbid ecosystem state. Relatively low nutrient concentrations should theoretically allow for a shift to a clear water state through biomanipulation. Top-down control of phytoplankton by zooplankton, however, is complicated by the (1) absence of predatory fish, (2) fish community dominated by small poecelid species, (3) lack of a refuge for zooplankton from fish predation within the macrophytes, and (4) persistent, grazing resistant bloom of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis. In these aspects, lake Yahuarcocha is more similar to tropical shallow lakes, probably because water temperature is high relative to the mean air temperature and because of the absence of a cold season. The fish and macrophyte communities consisted almost entirely of exotic species. The exotic fish species probably stabilized the turbid state in the lake.  相似文献   

Taxonomic composition and variation in density of zooplankton were studied since 1989 to investigate possible long-term effects of anthropogenic acidification and liming in Sweden (the Integrated Studies of the Effects of Liming in Acidified Water (ISELAW) programme). In the programme, 15 long-term (18-31 years) limed lakes were studied in parallel with 8 untreated circumneutral lakes (representing target conditions) and 7 acid lakes. Five-year means from these lakes were used to evaluate differences between the three lake groups. Water chemistry (including trace metals), phytoplankton, invertebrate predators and fish were also monitored. Older records from 8 of the limed lakes obtained during the acid period preceding the initial liming were compared with records from the limed period. The number of taxa more than doubled in 6 lakes after liming. Total present-day zooplankton biovolume showed insignificant differences between the neutral and limed groups, i.e., conformed with the target conditions. Trace metals, including inorganic aluminium, appeared in low concentrations in limed and neutral lakes whereas zooplankton in one acid lake was Al-intoxicated. Daphnid populations in 4 other lakes may suffer from effects of high Cd or Cu concentrations. “Bottom-up” regulation of the zooplankton biovolumes was indicated by positive regressions between total phosphorus-phytoplankton and phytoplankton-zooplankton. Corresponding tests showed no “top-down” regulation of zooplankton by fish and of phytoplankton by zooplankton. Biomasses of planktivorous fish were higher in the neutral reference lakes than in both the acid and the limed lake groups, but neither zooplankton density and biovolume nor mean body size were lower in the neutral references. A higher production and turnover of zooplankton in neutral reference lakes may explain similar densities and structure of zooplankton in spite of a heavier predation pressure.  相似文献   

Trophic cascade hypotheses predict that fish will affect the structure and biomass of pelagic plankton communities. In order to investigate trophic cascade effects from fish down to phytoplankton, whole-lake studies were performed in five hypertrophic (mean total phosphorus (TP) concentrations higher than 1000 mg m−3) shallow lakes located in the Pampa Plain. The main climatic characteristic of this region is the alternation between periods of drought and flood, with corresponding changes of lake depth and conductivity of lake water. All lakes were studied from April to December 2000. Samples were taken of their physical and chemical characteristics and biotic communities, focusing on the zooplankton community. Fish were manipulated in four lakes (Capurro, Longinotti, Vedia 1, Vedia 2), while the fifth (Lake Vedia 3) was left undisturbed as a reference system. High abundance of planktivorous minnows (Jenynsia multidentata and Cheirodon interruptus) dominated the fish community in the reference lake. In the manipulated lakes, fish stocks were largely reduced in late autumn (May). During winter, Capurro, Longinotti and Vedia 1 were stocked with a visual planktivore, the pampean silverside (Odontesthes bonariensis, Atherinidae). Fish stocking was 24, 33 and 19 kg ha−1, respectively. In contrast, no fish were stocked in Lake Vedia 2. Following fish removal, large Daphnia appeared in these lakes and grazed intensively on the phytoplankton. In contrast, no Daphnia were found in the reference lake (Vedia 3). The stocking of O. bonariensis in lakes Capurro, Longinotti and Vedia 1 led to a decrease in the percentage of large cladocerans and a rise in the phytoplankton biomass:TP ratio. Moreover, the lakes mentioned were stocked with different quantities of silversides over different periods of time. These differences were reflected temporarily in the plankton dynamics, affecting mainly larger sized zooplankton. Nevertheless, the presence of Daphnia was short lived in the lake where fish had been removed and no O. bonariensis were stocked. Competition for resources and recruitment of remaining fish probably caused a collapse in the zooplankton biomass. Our results support the idea that fish predation on zooplankton and its effect on phytoplankton is very intense in small pampean lakes. Fish removal was short lived, however. This could be because in small pampean lakes fish recolonization is favored, and minnows are highly prolific. Moreover, if manipulation of the trophic structure of lakes is undertaken in the pampean region, high nutrient loading from the watershed, climate and hydrology should also be taken into account.  相似文献   

Patterns of zooplankton–phytoplankton interactions in subtropical lakes of the Southern Hemisphere may deviate from those established for north-temperate lakes. We tested the responses of phytoplankton growth to different community structures of zooplankton and nutrient enrichment in a subtropical Australian reservoir for the prediction of potential outcomes of lake biomanipulation. Two zooplankton communities were created in lake enclosures over 4 weeks: a rotifer-dominated community developed in the presence of planktivorous fish (Hypseleotris spp.) and a Ceriodaphnia-dominated community developed in the absence of fish. Biomass gradients of both communities were established in 20 L containers and several separate containers received no additions (controls) or were enriched with nitrogen and/or phosphorus. The growth rate of total phytoplankton significantly increased in response to nutrient enrichment, indicating nutrient limitation. Most phytoplankton taxa were not markedly affected by grazing of either zooplankton community. However, both communities had significant stimulatory effects on the growth of inedible chlorophytes. The ability of zooplankton grazing to negatively affect phytoplankton growth during the summer was counteracted regardless of zooplankton community structure, possibly by nutrients regenerated by zooplankton. We hypothesise that in the subtropical system studied, changes in food web nutrient recycling may be more important for the outcome of biomanipulation than grazing impacts.  相似文献   

热带浅水湖泊后生浮游动物群落结构对生态修复的响应   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
热带浅水湖泊后生浮游动物群落以轮虫和小型枝角类为主,往往缺乏大型浮游动物,其影响因子还存在争议,因此通过减少鱼类,提高大型后生浮游动物密度,从而增强对浮游植物的下行控制、修复热带富营养化湖泊的方法受到质疑.暨大南湖位于广州暨南大学校园内,是热带富营养化浅水湖泊,于2014年1—2月实施以鱼类去除和水生植被重建为主的生态系统修复工程,以期改善水质.通过对南湖修复前后水质、后生浮游动物以及修复后鱼类群落的调查分析,研究了后生浮游动物群落对修复的响应.结果表明:与修复前相比,总氮、总磷和叶绿素a浓度显著降低,透明度显著上升.枝角类丰度和生物量显著增加,修复后初期出现较高密度的大型枝角类蚤状溞(Daphnia pulex),桡足类丰度和生物量没有显著变化,轮虫丰度下降而生物量上升;后生浮游动物体长和生物多样性显著增加.随着鱼类密度的增加,蚤状溞丰度快速降低,后期鱼类减少后蚤状溞丰度又有所升高.因此,本研究显示鱼类是控制热带浅水湖泊大型浮游动物种群的主要因素,由于控制鱼类密度以维持较高大型浮游动物密度较为困难,因此单纯生物操纵在热带浅水湖泊修复中难以取得显著效果.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton and zooplankton were monitored during 2 years in four eutrophic shallow lakes (two turbid and two clear water) from two wetland reserves in Belgium. In each wetland, phytoplankton biomass was significantly higher in the turbid lake than in the clear water lake. Although total macrozooplankton biomass and the contribution of daphnids to total zooplankton biomass was comparable in the clear water and the turbid lakes, the grazing pressure of macrozooplankton on phytoplankton as estimated from zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratios was higher in the clear water lakes. Estimated grazing by daphnids in the clear water lakes was always high in spring. In summer, however, daphnid biomass was low or daphnids were even absent during prolonged periods. During those periods phytoplankton was probably controlled by smaller macrozooplankton or by submerged macrophytes through nutrient competition, allelopathic effects or increased sedimentation rates in the macrophyte vegetation.  相似文献   

Bacteria and phytoplankton are integral in the mobilization and transfer of organic matter to higher trophic levels. Hence, we examined their role in zooplankton diets and assessed trends in their nitrogen isotopic variability. We performed feeding experiments with natural particulate organic matter (POM) and four zooplankton groups (Daphnia, Holopedium, large calanoids and small calanoids) to (1) examine whether there are differences in consumption (presented as clearance and ingestion rates) of phytoplankton and bacteria, and (2) determine whether differences in zooplankton clearance and ingestion rates are correlated with their δ15N isotopic signatures. In general, phytoplankton and bacteria clearance rates and biomass ingested per animal varied significantly among different zooplankton groups within lakes and between lakes for a given zooplankton group. Within a given lake, Daphnia and Holopedium had the highest phytoplankton and bacteria clearance and ingestion rates, followed by large calanoids, and then small calanoids. For a given zooplankton group, bacteria and phytoplankton clearance rates varied among lakes. In contrast, phytoplankton ingestion rates were consistently highest in Dickie Lake for all taxa, whereas bacteria ingestion rates were more variable among lakes for the different zooplankton taxa. The percentage contribution of different phytoplankton taxa to the biomass of phytoplankton ingested also varied significantly among lakes for a given taxa, but there were few differences within a given lake among zooplankton. Zooplankton δ15NDOMC values were correlated with their size adjusted phytoplankton and bacteria clearance and ingestion rates. The correlations were stronger with (1) phytoplankton compared to bacteria, and (2) clearance rates compared to ingestion rates of biomass. Together our results suggest that zooplankton taxa with low phytoplankton and bacteria clearance and ingestion rates and higher δ15NDOMC are likely exploiting food sources from higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

The chemical characteristics and phytoplankton biomass (measured as chlorophyll-a concentrations) of seven lakes and one reservoir in the Ethiopian rift-valley were studied during the wet and dry seasons between 1990 and 2000. Mean concentrations of three major plant nutrients (nitrate-nitrogen, soluble reactive phosphorus, and silicate) increased during the wet seasons in four of the seven lakes, presumably as a result of mixing events and input from runoff. The changes in the major nutrient concentrations in the rest of the lakes were variable, but concentrations were usually higher during the dry seasons, most likely as a response to temporal variation in the phytoplankton biomass. pH measurements of the lakes did not show marked differences between the wet and dry seasons. Salinity (measured as conductivity) and total ions seemed to increase during the wet seasons in some of the lakes, possibly as a result of inflows that might carry high concentrations of solutes due to the heavy rains. Chlorophyll-a concentrations were higher during the dry seasons in most lakes except in three relatively more productive lakes. The results suggest that there could be light limitation in some of the Ethiopian rift-valley lakes, and events associated with the wet and dry seasons could bring about contrasting changes in nutrient levels and phytoplankton biomass in lakes, depending on the physical characteristics of the lakes.  相似文献   

Most existing studies on the algal communities of acid lakes are based on environments that have been caused by anthropogenic disturbances. Such lakes have a different origin compared to the natural acidic lakes and could be expected to differ also in the mechanisms controlling phytoplankton and trophic status. Planktonic community in Lake Caviahue is somewhat diverse in spite of the low pH of the water. Algae have a distinctive vertical distribution: the values of phytoplankton biomass remain constant throughout the water column and at times were highest in the upper end of the hypolimnion, forming a maximum or a layer of chlorophyll a at depth. The goal of this work was to investigate the factors influencing the seasonal and vertical distribution of phytoplankton. The lake was sampled between the years 2004 and 2006. Physical, chemical and biological parameters at different depths throughout the water column were determined. The interrelationships between environmental variables at different sampling dates were analyzed using an integration of multivariate matrices, multiple factor analysis, to analyze any joint partnerships in the samples. We found that phytoplankton biomass is dominated by Keratococcus rhaphidioides. With regard to zooplankton, we found a single species of rotifers (Philodina sp.). The two arms of the lake and the depths have different behaviours showing differences in the arms' conductivity, dissolved oxygen and pH. The more superficial layers were characterized by high values of phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass, organic and inorganic carbon, dissolved oxygen and pH. The deeper layers showed high values of chlorophyll a, ammonium and phosphorus (dissolved and particulate). From the multivariate analysis the relationships of the each algal species with pH, as a possible indicator of the degree of “acidophilia”, could be extracted.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the biomass (Chl a) and primary production (14C-method) of phytoplankton were studied during 12 months of 2005 in the three Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes (ERVL) Ziway, Awassa and Chamo. Chl a showed an average value of 40, 20, and 30 mg m−3 for the three lakes, respectively. Integrated areal primary production for the total phytoplankton (g C m−2 d−1) varied 2-fold in the three lakes but on different levels, from 0.67–1.8 in L. Ziway, 1.8–4.6 in L. Awassa, and 1.0–2.6 in L. Chamo. The overall photosynthetic efficiency of utilizing photosynthetically active radiation by the phytoplankton on molar basis (mmol C mol of photons−1) resulted in an average value of 1.4 for L. Ziway, 3.5 for L. Awassa and 1.6 for L. Chamo. Among the different factors regulating phytoplankton primary productivity, light penetration and nutrients were the most important in the three lakes. The seasonal variations of incident radiation (most values between 5 and 7 E m−2 h−1) and water temperature (most values between 22 and 24 °C) were small and unlikely to result in the marked differences in phytoplankton primary production. Although relative increase in nutrient concentrations occurred following the rainy periods, the major algal nutrients were either consistently low (nitrate and/or silicate) or high (phosphate and/or ammonium) and remained within a narrow range for most of the study period in all the three lakes. Consequently, phytoplankton biomass and primary production seem to be maintained more by nutrient regeneration or turnover (facilitated by high temperature) than by allochthonous nutrient input. This would be coupled with wind-induced mixing that would play an important role in determining hydrographic characteristics (water column structure) and the associated redistribution of nutrients and phytoplankton, the availability of light and subsequently the spatial (vertical) and temporal patterns of phytoplankton production in these three ERVL. Phytoplankton production (PP) is regarded as a good predictor of fish yield in lakes and seasonal measurements of PP is a prerequisite for good such estimates.  相似文献   

Blooms of the nontoxic raphidophyte Gonyostomum semen have shown a recent increase in frequency and distribution in the Fennoscandian region. Due to large cell size and several grazer-avoidance strategies, G. semen is hypothesized to be inedible for most zooplankton species and therefore may constitute a bottleneck for the transfer of energy and nutrients in pelagic food webs. Repression of other phytoplankton through increased competition and induced mortality could further exacerbate this effect. In a field study of four lakes with recurring blooms of G. semen and four lakes without blooms, we found significant differences in community structure between the two lake groups during the bloom period. Bloom-lakes had lower biovolumes of small chrysophytes and chlorophytes and zooplankton assemblages were predominated by small, potentially bacterivorous cladocerans, suggesting a limited availability of edible phytoplankton and an increased importance of microbial pathways during G. semen blooms. Low biovolumes of large cladocerans in bloom-lakes may be due to interference of G. semen with filter feeding. Moreover, high abundances of the phantom midge Chaoborus flavicans in bloom-lakes suggest that the flow of energy and nutrients is directed more towards this invertebrate predator than fish. This could have negative impacts on fish populations, especially if bloom periods are prolonged.  相似文献   

Several attempts to stock fish in acidified alpine lakes have so far proven unsuccessful. In an effort to investigate the problems associated with the stocking of fish, the Swiss alpine Lake Laiozza was chosen for experimentation. An analysis of Lake Laiozza water revealed low ion concentrations (0.5 mg Ca/L, 0.13 mg Na/L, 0.02 mg Cl/L), moderate aluminium concentrations (121 ± 28 µg Al/L), and a moderately low pH (5.41 ± 0.21). As in common practice, one and two year old brown trout were exposed in a closed keep-net in Lake Laiozza. The water of Lake Laiozza proved to be acutely toxic to the fish. Mucous clogging of the gills, gill epithelial damage, plasma electrolyte losses, and high hematocrits were the predominant symptoms observed. All symptoms observed are typical for an acute intoxication with aluminium. This stands in contrast to the generally accepted view that aluminium concentrations lower than 200 µg Al/L should not be toxic to brown trout at a pH 5.4. The low Na and Cl and low Ca concentrations in the Lake Laiozza water seem to have rendered the fish much more susceptible to aluminium intoxication.  相似文献   

Tariq A. Khan   《Limnologica》2003,33(4):327-339
Major biological parameters of four permanent (Lake Colac, Modewarre, Bolac and Tooliorook), shallow and slightly saline lakes in the volcanic plains of western Victoria, Australia recorded bi-monthly between November 1999–September 2001 are described. Chlorophyll a concentration ranged from 3–29 μg l−1 with peaks in autumn. Phytoplankton taxa recorded were diverse, with Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta being common. Cyanobacterial blooms were recorded mostly in summer. Zooplankton abundance in the lakes ranged from 12–368 individuals per litre. Rotifera dominated Lake Bolac, Copepoda dominated Lake Modewarre and they co-dominated Lake Colac and Tooliorook. Zooplankton interactions with phytoplankton suggest that simple predator-prey relationships cannot fully explain the trends exhibited and that a more complex model was acting to regulate algal biomass. A decline in the abundance of zooplankton in summer in Lake Modewarre was attributed to predation by high number of exotic larval carp at that time of the year. A total of 25 benthic macroinvertebrate taxa were recorded from Lake Colac, 30 from Modewarre, 22 from Bolac and 35 from Tooliorook. Twenty-one of the 45 taxa identified occurred in at least three lakes. Nine of the 12 taxa that occurred in only one lake were from Lake Tooliorook. Simpson's diversity index was low in Lake Bolac when compared to other three lakes. Lake Modewarre had more benthic individuals (3246 Ind m−2) than other three lakes (range 624–1397 Ind m−2). The combined contribution of Ostracoda, Amphipoda and Gastropoda dominated the benthos in all the lakes throughout the study period. Macroinvertebrate taxa richness was higher in the present study lakes than recorded from the lakes in the region. Frequency of sampling and number of sampling sites seemed more important in determining species richness than the size and shallowness of the lakes.  相似文献   

浮游生物是湖泊食物网的重要组成,其碳、氮稳定同位素能够反映元素地球化学循环和食物来源的波动,是了解水域生态系统结构变化的重要手段之一.本文选取云南4个不同类型湖泊,开展浮游生物碳、氮稳定同位素组成(δ13C、δ15N)的季节变化与湖泊对比研究.大型深水湖泊(抚仙湖和阳宗海)中,浮游植物δ13C值在夏、秋季(-20.34‰±1.98‰)显著高于冬、春季(-28.00‰±2.51‰),反映夏秋季藻类生长速率较高、HCO3-无机碳源利用增多等的影响.而小型浅水湖泊(长桥海和大屯海)中浮游植物δ13C值在夏季最高(-21.24‰±0.88‰),可能与雨季流域输入增强、陆源有机质占比增加有关.4个湖泊浮游生物δ15N值具有一致的变化特征,春季显著高于其他季节.分析表明,云南地区雨季以面源污染为主向旱季以点源污染为主的转变,导致氮素营养盐季节性来源差异,并通过生物吸收作用影响了浮游生物δ15N值的季节变化.在浮游动物与浮游植物的稳定同位素差值(即富集度)方面,营养水平高的小型浅水湖泊中δ13C富集度为1.61‰±0.90‰、δ15N富集度为2.71‰±1.22‰,显著小于营养水平低的大型深水湖泊(分别为2.60‰±0.98‰和4.19‰±1.25‰),表明随着湖泊营养水平的增加,浮游动物更多地以浮游植物为食,导致有机碳在不同营养级之间的传输过程中具有更强的耦合作用,且相邻营养级之间具有更低的δ15N富集度特征.  相似文献   

Nested structure of plankton communities from Chilean freshwaters   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1. Nestedness has been recognized as a characteristic pattern of community organization. In a nested metacommunity, species-poor sites are proper subsets of relatively richer sites, implying that the conservation of many poor habitats can be ineffective.
2. Here we compiled the last 30 years of published limnological research on Chilean lakes, in order to determine whether or not species distribution of freshwater plankton communities exhibit a nested structure, and which habitat features best explain the observed biogeographic order.
3. We built presence–absence matrices for diatoms, green algae, blue-green algae, cladocerans, copepods, rotifers, as well as for the grouped phytoplankton and zooplankton. For each matrix, we calculated their degree of nestedness and tested whether or not they differ from matrices assembled according to two alternative null models. From nestedness results, we identified a minimal set of lakes that contain 75% of the regional species pool. After that, we evaluated whether nestedness is maintained when the community structure is organized according to latitude, altitude, area and isolation of lakes.
4. Our analyses reveal that total phytoplankton, total zooplankton, as well as diatom, cladoceran, copepod, and rotifer assemblages of Chilean lakes are not randomly assembled but highly nested. Conversely, green and blue-green algae did not show a clear nested structure. A few sites (3–5) ranked by nestedness for each taxonomic group, covered 75% of the species pool. Finally, we found that surface area and isolation of lakes were the two variables more likely to affect nestedness.
Keywords: Zooplankton; Phytoplankton; Limnology; Chile; Biogeography; Nestedness  相似文献   

Alpine lakes in siliceous catchments of Tyrol and Carinthia (Austria) show signs of acidification. About 9% of the studied lakes have no alkalinity, more than 20% are below pH 6. About two thirds of all lakes have acid neutralizing capacities below 100 eq 1–1. In spite of moderate precipitation acidity, some lakes show considerable concentrations of dissolved reactive aluminum during or shortly after snowmelt. High altitude lakes of the Alps are definitely more acidic than high mountain lakes in remote areas. Large differences in water and soil chemistry of nearby situated lakes were attributed to heterogeneities of bedrock geology. Paleolimnological investigations on former pH values of five lakes, based on diatom assemblages in the sediment, showed different developments: recent and past acidification, stable conditions, and alkalinization.  相似文献   

Because of the obvious importance of P as a nutrient that often accelerates growth of phytoplankton (including toxic cyanobacteria) and therefore worsens water quality, much interest has been devoted to P exchange across the sediment-water interface. Generally, the release mode of P from the sediment differed greatly between shallow and deep lakes, and much of the effort has been focused on iron and oxygen, and also on the relevant environmental factors, for example, turbulence and decomposition, but a large part of the P variation in shallow lakes remains unexplained. This paper reviews experimental and field studies on the mechanisms of P release from the sediment in the shallow temperate (in Europe) and subtropical (in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China) lakes, and it is suggested that pH rather than DO might be more important in driving the seasonal dynamics of internal P loading in these shallow lakes, i.e., intense photosynthesis of phytoplankton increases pH of the lake water and thus may increase pH of the surface sediment, leading to enhanced release of P (especially iron-bound P) from the sediment. Based on the selective pump of P (but not N) from the sediment by algal blooms, it is concluded that photosynthesis which is closely related to eutrophication level is the driving force for the seasonal variation of internal P loading in shallow lakes. This is a new finding. Additionally, the selective pump of P from the sediment by algal blooms not only explains satisfactorily why both TP and PO4-P in the hypereutrophic Lake Donghu declined significantly since the mid-1980s when heavy cyanobacterial blooms were eliminated by the nontraditional biomanipulation (massive stocking of the filter-feeding silver and bighead carps), but also explains why TP in European lakes decreased remarkably in the spring clear-water phase with less phytoplankton during the seasonal succession of aquatic communities or when phytoplankton biomass was decreased by traditional biomanipulation. Compared with deep lakes, wax and wane of phytoplankton due to alternations in the ecosystem structure is also able to exert significant influences on the P exchange at the sediment-water interface in shallow lakes. In other words, biological activities are also able to drive P release from sediments, and such a static P release process is especially more prominent in eutrophic shallow lakes with dense phytoplankton.  相似文献   

放养河蚌,提高水体透明度以促进沉水植物生长,是湖泊生态修复中的常用手段之一.而小型杂食性鱼类鳑鲏依赖河蚌繁殖,河蚌放养可能会促进鳑鲏种群的发展;而鳑鲏与河蚌交互作用对水生态系统的影响仍研究较少.于2018年11 12月通过原位受控实验,设置对照组、河蚌组、鳑鲏组和河蚌+鳑鲏组,研究了鳑鲏(大鳍鱊Acheilognathus macropterus)与河蚌(背角无齿蚌Sinanodonta woodiana)对水质、浮游生物和底栖生物的影响.结果表明:鳑鲏显著增加了上覆水总氮、总磷、悬浮质和叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度;但并未显著影响无机悬浮质的浓度,说明鳑鲏对沉积物的扰动作用较弱.此外,鳑鲏显著增加了浮游植物生物量和蓝藻的比例.浮游动物总生物量并未受鳑鲏的影响,但显著增加了浮游动物的丰度,其中以轮虫为主.鳑鲏组的底栖动物总丰度(主要为水丝蚓)显著高于对照组,说明鳑鲏对水丝蚓的摄食压力较低.鳑鲏与河蚌交互作用对总磷、Chl.a、浮游植物和浮游动物丰度具有显著影响:具体表现为河蚌虽然抵消了部分鳑鲏对水质(如氮、磷和悬浮质浓度,以及Chl.a浓度和浮游植物生物量等)的负面影响,但其对浮游动物和水丝蚓生物量的影响不显著.在湖泊生态修复和管理中,需要关注和重视鳑鲏等此类小型杂食性鱼类对水生态系统可能产生的负面影响,通过物理(网簖等)或生物(放养肉食性鱼类)等方式将其控制在较低密度水平,从而降低这些鱼类对水质、浮游生物和底栖生物群落可能产生的负面影响,维持生态修复效果的长效与稳定运行.  相似文献   

Normally, carp rearing at medium densities is connected with the promotion of daphnia and filtration effects up to “clear-water states”. Therefore and because of the reduction of submerged plants and of the periphyton this form of carp rearing should be possible in eutrophic shallow lakes also at a slight nutrient introduction without any considerable eutrophication. Due to a deterioration of the light climate by re-suspension of the sediment even reductions of the primary production are possible. In the case of the Galenbeck lake a drastic reduction of submerged macrophytes occurred in connection with an increased development of plankton, only general estimations being available of the shares of macrophytes and phytoplankton in the overall production. The phytoplankton increase is are perhaps caused by the absence of filtrating zooplankton due to an insufficient reduction of the indigenous fish stocks. In the Galenbeck lake the structural changes of the ecosystem were due both to the high degree of re-suspension of the very mobile lime sediment and the absence of hard bottom areas, which made the total reduction of the macroflora possible.  相似文献   

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