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基于分群管理、群首备份、链路冗余、链路修补的二代导航卫星网络组网结构,提出并设计了一种基于GEO星层、MEO星层、地面节点联合组网的抗毁路由算法(DRRA)。基于二代导航动态卫星网络中卫星移动的动态卫星网络中,提出的DRRA算法在定位信号稳定、数据包路由抗毁、数据包路由最短延时等方面具有优势,并分析了其主要原因。  相似文献   

为提高整个二代导航卫星网络的抗毁性能,对其抗毁组网结构进行了研究。基于分群管理、链路冗余与修补方法,提出并设计分析了一种基于GEO星层、MEO星层以及地面节点联合组网的二代导航卫星网络组网结构,根据快照周期内位置固定的方法对星座中MEO星层进行分群管理,设计其群首的备份选择机制,以及群首MEO替代失效群管理者GEO机制,提高了星座网络的通信链路的抗毁性。通过分析二代导航卫星网络中数据传输过程与类型,设计网络结构中群内、星层以及整个二代导航星座的通信链路,特别是对星座中MEO星层的通信链路进行充分的冗余设计,启用视距范围内间隔失效卫星间次相邻卫星节点链路连接的链路设计,并同时提高了整个二代导航卫星网络的通信性能和通信容量,可以满足各种不同业务需求的数据包传输。  相似文献   

随着空间通信的发展和卫星节点的增加,空间DTN网络中卫星节点之间的路由的重要性日益明显,大量复杂的卫星网络路由方案相继提出。针对空间DTN网络具有规律性与可预见性,研究了基于卫星节点运动接触规律 (CGR)路由协议。在ONE仿真实验平台下,对真实卫星网络场景进行了仿真实验,并对比了CGR、Epidemic与Prophet路由协议的性能。实验结果表明,相比于Epidemic与Prophet,CGR在消息交付率、平均延时和网络开销比等方面的性能优越。  相似文献   

低轨卫星通信系统在通信领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。针对不同类型星座覆盖能力和星际链路建立条件存在的差异,设计了极轨道和倾斜圆轨道低轨卫星星座,利用STK验证了两种星座的覆盖能力和星际链路AER特性,利用NS2对两种星座卫星网络的时延、吞吐量和丢包率等性能指标进行了仿真,并对所得数据进行了对比分析,结果表明:在由32颗卫星(轨道高度1450 km )构成的低轨星座中,极轨星座的全球覆盖能力、星际链路建立条件和卫星网络性能优于倾斜圆轨道星座,更适合于构建全球低轨卫星通信系统。  相似文献   

激光星间链路具有传输容量大和传输速率高等技术特点,具有激光星间链路功能的卫星节点可以在激光-微波混合星间链路网络中作为高速骨干网节点. 如何部署这些高速节点,使得构建的卫星网络拓扑达到最优目标,是星间链路由微波到激光过渡发展中的一个研究重点. 以包括24颗中圆地球轨道(MEO)、3颗地球同步轨道(GEO)和3颗倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)卫星的导航卫星星座为应用场景,在高速节点数量固定的条件下,综合几何可视性、星间距离和工程约束等约束条件, 以卫星网络接入节点到目的节点的平均端到端时延最小为优化目标,建立数学模型,提出一种基于多源最短路径策略的混合星间链路网络高速节点选取算法,求解局部激光高速节点骨干网络的最优拓扑结构. 仿真结果表明:本文算法得到的局部激光高速节点骨干网络拓扑结构能使整网传输时延更小,通信性能更佳.   相似文献   

《印度时报》网站3月28日报道称,印度朝着建立一个可替代美国GPS的卫星导航系统又迈出了一步,28日将IRNSS(印度区域导航卫星系统)-1D卫星送入轨道。这是7颗IRNSS卫星中的第四颗,它们将形成一个导航卫星网络。C-27型极轨卫星运载火箭(PSLV-C27)下午5点29分从萨蒂什·达万航天中心发射升空,并在飞行  相似文献   

新一代信息技术的兴起将深刻影响地理信息系统的开发和应用,并催生出下一代地理信息系统(NGG)。本文首先介绍了物联网、云计算、移动互联网、大数据等新一代信息技术,然后分析了物联网、云计算、移动互联网、大数据在地理信息系统领域的应用,最后对基于新一代信息技术的智慧地球、智慧中国和智慧城市进行了展望。  相似文献   

<正>有没有下一代卫星导航系统?也就是第三代卫星导航系统?回答应该是,有。目前,GNSS系统的最大软肋是其脆弱性,那么解决脆弱性就应该成为当务之急。所以,近些年来坚韧(强)PNT,或者弹性PNT就成为热点课题。因此,下一代卫星导航系统把突破坚韧性作为核心关键,是顺理成章的事情。也就是说,下一代系统,当务之急不是铺摊子,而是瞄准核心关键,在原有的基础上进行升级换代,而不是重打锣鼓另开张,干狗熊扒棒子的傻事,更不是谈天说地地讲一些不着边际的、完全没有可操作性的天方夜谭。  相似文献   

随着体系结构、软件层次和自身需求的变化,GIS逐步发展为地理信息网络服务并得到迅速的推广。从标准化、语义化和3维化的角度总结了当前地理信息服务的发展状态,并指出下一代地理信息网络服务必然是基于以上三者的能够实现主动服务和统一多维服务的新一代地理信息服务。  相似文献   

介绍了我国首个基于CNGI的地理信息系统移植和建设情况,针对CNGI与IPv6的技术特点开展了新的地理信息应用技术研究,并以政府地理信息系统“地学之窗”为基础开发了GIS应用示范系统,为下一代网络环境下地理信息系统技术开发和应用建设奠定了一系列技术基础。  相似文献   

本文同时顾及地面网尺度系统误差和卫星网尺度系统误差对各自网点坐标的影响,对联合平差中常用的两种7参数转换模型:Bursa模型和Molodensky模型进行了分析比较,在此基础上,提出了一种新的7参数转换模型;建立了甚长基线(VLBI)、卫星网和地面网联合平差的数学模型,并用模拟数据进行了数值分析,得到了一些有益结论。  相似文献   

海洋时空基准网的进展与趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
全球时空基准网是获取地球时空信息的基础设施,它包括地基时空基准网、空间时空基准网和海洋时空基准网3个部分,其中海洋时空基准网的建设尚属起步阶段。先就海洋时空基准网的概念及内涵进行了分析,并从海洋定位导航基准、高精度海洋水平及垂直定位基准等角度介绍并分析了其发展现状及未来趋势。海洋时空基准网的主要构建方式是综合运用GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)卫星定位、水下声学定位以及压力传感器等技术将全球统一的时空基准传递到海洋表层、内部和底部。它的建设在我国还属于空白,故需结合国情、配合国家战略规划大力推进;指出当前全球和各国海洋环境监测的需求普遍甚旺,而现有海洋环境监测网多为局域网络,未与时空基准网融合,故海洋环境缓变或快变的时空位置不清楚或不精确,因此,将海洋时空基准网与海洋环境监测网融合起来建设,实现效益、效率和功能的互补提升,显得尤为重要和紧迫。在此基础上还认为,融合后的海洋时空基准网与环境监测网加上通信和数据交换功能,以实现海洋环境精准监测并进行海洋信息传输的目的,进而逐渐推进以形成具有时空位置属性的全球性海洋环境感知认知网络,即为海洋物联网。进一步探讨设想:将海洋物联网与海底通信光缆链接起来,同时通过海面浮标观测舱与通信卫星链接起来,就构成了有时空位置属性的海洋互联网。最后认为,我国应加快建立以中国周边海域为主的精密动态海洋时空基准和环境监测网,并通过国际合作开展全球性海洋时空基准与环境监测网的布设。  相似文献   

 Computer networks like the Internet are gaining importance in social and economic life. The accelerating pace of the adoption of network technologies for business purposes is a rather recent phenomenon. Many applications are still in the early, sometimes even experimental, phase. Nevertheless, it seems to be certain that networks will change the socioeconomic structures we know today. This is the background for our special interest in the development of networks, in the role of spatial factors influencing the formation of networks, and consequences of networks on spatial structures, and in the role of externalities. This paper discusses a simple economic model – based on a microeconomic calculus – that incorporates the main factors that generate the growth of computer networks. The paper provides analytic results about the generation of computer networks. The paper discusses (1) under what conditions economic factors will initiate the process of network formation, (2) the relationship between individual and social evaluation, and (3) the efficiency of a network that is generated based on economic mechanisms. Received: 5 July 2000 / Accepted: 28 November 2000  相似文献   

随着遥感技术的飞速发展,高分辨率卫星遥感影像越来越多地用于地理信息产品生产。本文首先介绍了SPOT系列的下一代光学遥感卫星Pleiades,通过生产试验,研究了Pleiades卫星影像稀少控制点定向情况,分析了Pleiades卫星影像立体测图的精度,并给出相关结论供Pleiades卫星影像生产实践参考。  相似文献   

With the maturation of satellite technology,Hyperspectral Remote Sensing(HRS)platforms have developed from the initial ground-based and airborne platforms into spaceborne plat-forms,which greatly promotes the civil application of HRS imagery in the fields of agriculture,forestry,and environmental monitoring.China is playing an important role in this evolution,especially in recent years,with the successful launch and operation of a series of civil hyper-spectral spacecraft and satellites,including the Shenzhou-3 spacecraft,the Gaofen-5 satellite,the SPARK satellite,the Zhuhai-1 satellite network for environmental and resources monitoring,the FengYun series of satellites for meteorological observation,and the Chang'E series of spacecraft for planetary exploration.The Chinese spaceborne HRS platforms have various new characteristics,such as the wide swath width,high spatial resolution,wide spectral range,hyperspectral satellite networks,and microsatellites.This paper focuses on the recent progress in Chinese spaceborne HRS,from the aspects of the typical satellite systems,the data processing,and the applications.In addition,the future development trends of HRS in China are also discussed and analyzed.  相似文献   

IP网络技术的现状及其多媒体应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了IP网络的现状、实现方式以及发展趋势,并分析了基于IP网络的多媒体通信若干技术和应用。  相似文献   

As large amounts of trajectories from a wide variety of Volunteered Geographic Information (referred to as VGI) contributors pour into the spatial database, the geometric qualities of the VGI road networks generated from these trajectories are different from the ground truth road dataset and so need to be differently assessed. To address this issue, an assessment approach based on symmetric arc similarity is proposed, and the geometric quality of a VGI road network is assessed by its conformity with the corresponding ground truth road network, the results being visualized as hierarchical thematic maps. To compute the conformity, the geometric similarity between the VGI road arc and the corresponding ground truth road arc, which is selected by the adaptive searching distance, is measured based on the symmetric arc similarity method; the geometric quality is assessed based on an assessment matrix. Also, the symmetric arc similarity method is independent of directions and with a feature of shift‐independence, which is applicable to assess the geometric qualities of different VGI road networks and makes the assessment result consistent with the actual situation of the real world. The robustness and scalability of the approach are examined using VGI road networks from different sources.  相似文献   

利用GPS卫星信号源进行干涉测量是近几年发展起来的新技术。本文叙述了GPS的信号结构及相关分析,提出了利用卫星信号源的三种干涉测量方法,给出了数学模型及有关公式,并进行了定性分析和比较。  相似文献   

Significant advances have been achieved in generating soil moisture (SM) products from satellite remote sensing and/or land surface modeling with reasonably good accuracy in recent years. However, the discrepancies among the different SM data products can be considerably large, which hampers their usage in various applications. The bias of one SM product from another is well recognized in the literature. Bias estimation and spatial correction methods have been documented for assimilating satellite SM product into land surface and hydrologic models. Nevertheless, understanding the characteristics of each of these SM data products is required for many applications where the most accurate data products are desirable. This study inter-compares five SM data products from three different sources with each other, and evaluates them against in situ SM measurements over 14-year period from 2000 to 2013. Specifically, three microwave (MW) satellite based data sets provided by ESA's Climate Change Initiative (CCI) (CCI-merged, -active and -passive products), one thermal infrared (TIR) satellite based product (ALEXI), and the Noah land surface model (LSM) simulations. The in-situ SM measurements are collected from the North American Soil Moisture Database (NASMD), which involves more than 600 ground sites from a variety of networks. They are used to evaluate the accuracies of these five SM data products. In general, each of the five SM products is capable of capturing the dry/wet patterns over the study period. However, the absolute SM values among the five products vary significantly. SM simulations from Noah LSM are more stable relative to the satellite-based products. All TIR and MW satellite based products are relatively noisier than the Noah LSM simulations. Even though MW satellite based SM retrievals have been predominantly used in the past years, SM retrievals of the ALEXI model based on TIR satellite observations demonstrate skills equivalent to all the MW satellite retrievals and even slightly better over certain regions. Compared to the individual active and passive MW products, the merged CCI product exhibits higher anomaly correlation with both Noah LSM simulations and in-situ SM measurements.  相似文献   

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