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The nature and origin of glacial sediments at Wylfa Head are described, and their significance with regard to sedimentary environments during Late Devensian deglaciation of the Irish Sea Basin is discussed. Recent models of deglaciation under glaciomarine conditions are challenged. The Quaternary sequence at Wylfa consists of eroded and glaciotectonically deformed bedrock, locally derived lodgement till, calcareous silt-rich lodgement till containing northern erratics, discontinuous units of orange-brown silty sand of possible aeolian origin, and grey laminated freshwater silts filling a small kettle hole. The till units thicken to the south where the surface is drumlinised. It is concluded that the landforms and deposits result from a warm-based Irish Sea glacier, which moved towards the southwest. Spatial variation in basal water pressure resulted from localised drainage through zones of more heavily jointed bedrock. Rapid glacial erosion occurred in areas where subglacial water pressure was relatively high, while deposition of the resulting basal sediment took place where water pressures were reduced. The glacier also carried basal calcareous silty till onshore, which was deposited by lodgement processes. None of the deposits at Wylfa are interpreted as glaciomarine in origin, and there is no evidence at this site for an isostatically induced marine transgression prior to deglaciation.  相似文献   

Subglacial and subaqueous sediments deposited near the margin of a Late-glacial ice-dammed lake near Achnasheen, northern Scotland, are described and interpreted. The subglacial sediments consist of deformation tills and glacitectonites derived from pre-existing glaciolacustrine deposits, and the subaqueous sediments consist of ice-proximal outwash and sediment flow deposits, and distal turbidites. Sediment was delivered from the glacier to the lake by two main processes: (1) subglacial till deformation, which fed debris flows at the grounding line; and (2) meltwater transport, which fed sediment-gravity flows on prograding outwash fans. Beyond the ice-marginal environment, deposition was from turbidity currents, ice-rafting and settling of suspended sediments. The exposures support the conclusion that the presence of a subglacial deforming layer can exert an important influence on sedimentation at the grounding lines of calving glaciers.  相似文献   

Clast fabric patterns in thin, dense, over-consolidated diamictons overlying and abutting the stoss sides of 23 Canadian and Swedish roches moutonnées were investigated. These diamictons display sedimentary characteristics that are commonly regarded as typical of basally-deposited tills formed under actively flowing ice. The macrofabrics are marked by strong unimodal orientations in the direction of ice flow, parallel to the long axes of the roches moutonnées. Many have low down-ice plunge angles. in contrast to the up-ice plunges normally associated with ortho-till deposited under actively flowing ice. The degree of divergence between the macrofabric mode and the long axis, whereas the plunge angle is highest in the central part of the stoss slope. The down-ice plunge of the large clasts appears to be a consequence of deposition in areas where glacial flow and shear stress surfaces are oriented at a shallow angle towards an ice/rigid substratc interface. The angle of plunge depends upon the relative importance of the vertical and lateral stress components. pervasive deformation during deposition, and subsequent reworking. The presence of diamictons over rigid substrates on the stoss flanks of roches moutonnées is an uncommon situation. suggesting that this macrofabric pattern may be relatively rate in general for ortho-tills deposited under actively flowing ice.  相似文献   

Soft-sediment deformation features occur commonly on parts of intertidal sand bodies in Cobequid Bay, Bay of Fundy. These features are small- to intermediate-sized, slump-like bodies, 1-3 m2 in area and located on the crest and upper stoss side of ebb megaripples. External modification of these slumps indicates that they formed before complete emergence. The deformed cross-bedding within these bodies extends to a depth of 0.15-0.35 m and shows that deformation occurred during slumping and flowage of liquefied sand down the megaripple stoss side. Field evidence and calculations strongly indicate that this liquefaction results from the impact of 0.1-0.3 m high waves breaking against the megaripple lee faces. Neither rapid drawdown of the water level nor earthquake shocks are reasonable alternative explanations. Indigenous wave activity provides an attractive substitute to tectonism as an explanation of soft-sediment deformation in ancient shallow-water sediments. Slow wave-induced compaction may also account for the relative scarcity of deformation structures in shallow marine sandstones.  相似文献   

The Chuos Formation is a diamictite-dominated succession of Cryogenian age, variously interpreted as the product of glaciomarine deposition, glacially related mass movement, or rift-related sediment remobilisation in a non-glacial environment. These interpretations have wide ranging implications for the extent of ice cover during the supposedly pan-global Neoproterozoic icehouse. In the Otavi Mountainland, northern Namibia, detailed analysis of soft-sediment deformation structures on the macro- and micro-scale support glacitectonic derivation in response to overriding ice from the south/south-east. Overall, the upward increase in strain intensity, predominance of ductile deformation features (e.g. asymmetric folds, rotational turbates and necking structures, clast boudinage, unistrial plasmic fabrics) and pervasive glacitectonic lamination support subglacial deformation under high and sustained porewater pressures. In contrast, soft-sediment structures indicative of mass movements, including flow noses, tile structures, and basal shear zones, are not present. The close association of subglacial deformation, abundant ice-rafted debris and ice-contact fan deposits indicate subaqueous deposition in an ice-proximal setting, subject to secondary subglacial deformation during oscillation of the ice margin. These structures thus reveal evidence of dynamic grounded ice sheets in the Neoproterozoic, demonstrating their key palaeoclimatic significance within ancient sedimentary successions.  相似文献   

Large symmetric and asymmetric dunes occur in the Fraser River, Canada. Symmetric dunes have stoss and lee sides of similar length, stoss and lee slope angles <8°, and rounded crests. Asymmetric dunes have superimposed small dunes on stoss sides, sharp crests, stoss sides longer than lee sides, stoss side slopes <3° and straight lee side slopes up to 19°. There is no evidence for lee side flow separation, although intermittent separated flow is possible, especially over asymmetric dunes. Dune symmetry and crest rounding of symmetric dunes are associated with high sediment transport rates. High near-bed velocity and bed load transport near dune crests result in crest rounding. Long, low-angle lee sides are produced by deposition of suspended sediment in dune troughs. Asymmetric dunes appear to be transitional features between large symmetric dunes and smaller dunes adjusted to lower flow velocity and sediment transport conditions. Small dunes on stoss sides reduce near-bed flow velocity and bed load transport, causing a sharper dune crest. Reduced deposition of suspended sediment in troughs results in a short, steep lee slope. Dunes in the Fraser River fall into upper plane bed or antidune stability fields on flume-based bedform phase diagrams. These diagrams are probably not applicable to large dunes in deep natural flows and care must be taken in modelling procedures that use phase diagram relations to predict bed configuration in such flows.  相似文献   

Recent studies on Neoproterozoic climate change have prompted renewed interest in Neoproterozoic glacial deposits and renewed debate over the criteria used to identify the nature of glacial influence on sedimentation. Analyses of soft sediment deformation structures have provided important clues to distinguish between competing palaeoenvironmental interpretations of Quaternary glacial deposits; a similar approach is presented here in the analysis of Neoproterozoic glacial deposits of the Smalfjord Formation, northern Norway. A detailed sedimentological and structural analysis at several sites in the Varangerfjorden area reveals complex soft sediment deformation at various scales in conglomerate, sandstone and diamictite. Deformation is predominantly ductile and includes anticlinal and synclinal folding, flow noses, flame structures, recumbent folding and shear structures. The deformed sediments are associated predominantly with conglomerate and sandstone, which record glaciofluvial and deltaic depositional conditions. Some deformations can be attributed to rapid deposition and slumping, whereas others appear to record shear stress associated with overriding ice. The scale, style and range of deformation, together with the coarse-grained nature of the deformed sediments and facies associations, suggest that these were unfrozen outwash sediments that were overridden by ice and resedimented in a dynamic ice-proximal setting. Whereas recent studies of diamictite-bearing strata of the Smalfjord Formation had revealed no clear evidence of glacial influence on deposition, deformation structures documented here suggest that glacial conditions prevailed on the basin margin during deposition of Smalfjord Formation sediments, with sedimentary facies and deformation structures typical of temperate ice-proximal settings.  相似文献   

The sedimentary infills of subglacially eroded bedrock troughs in the Alps are underexplored archives for the timing, extent and character of Pleistocene glaciations but may contain excellent records of the Quaternary landscape evolution over several glacial–interglacial cycles. The onset of sedimentation in these bedrock troughs is often reflected by diamicts and gravels directly overlying bedrock in the deepest basin segments. Subglacial or proglacial depositional environments have been proposed for these coarse‐grained basal units but their characteristics and origin remain controversial. This article presents results from drill cores that recovered a coarse‐grained basal unit in a major buried bedrock‐trough system in the Lower Glatt Valley, northern Switzerland. The excellent core recovery allowed a detailed study combining macroscopic, microscopic and geochemical methods and gives unprecedented insights into the transition from erosion to deposition in overdeepened bedrock troughs. These results show that the basal infill comprises diamicts, interpreted as subglacial tills, separated by thin sorted interbeds, originating from subglacial cavity deposition. The stacking of these units is interpreted to represent repeated switching between a coupled and decoupled ice–bed‐interface indicating an ever‐transforming mosaic of subglacial bed conditions. Decoupling in response to high basal water pressures is probably promoted by the confined subglacial hydraulic conditions resulting from the bedrock acting as aquitards, the narrow reverse sloping outlet and a large catchment area. While stratigraphic and lithological evidence suggests that erosion and the onset of basal sedimentation occurred during the same glaciation, different scenarios for the relative timing of infilling in relation to formation and glaciation of the bedrock trough are discussed. Overlying deltaic and glaciolacustrine sediments suggest deposition during subsequent deglaciation of the bedrock trough. The basal sediment characteristics are in agreement with previous reports in hydrogeological and seismic exploration and suggest the occurrence of similar basal successions in other subglacially overdeepened basins in the Alps and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Preservation of cyclic steps contrasts markedly with that of subcritical‐flow bedforms, because cyclic steps migrate upslope eroding their lee face and preserving their stoss side. Such bedforms have not been described from turbidite outcrops and cores as yet. A conceptual block diagram for recognition of cyclic steps in outcrop has been constructed and is tested by outcrop studies of deep water submarine fan deposits of the Tabernas Basin in south‐eastern Spain. Experimental data indicate that depositional processes on the stoss side of a cyclic step are controlled by a hydraulic jump, which decelerates the flow and by subsequent waxing of the flow up to supercritical conditions once more. The hydraulic jump produces a large scour with soft‐sediment deformation (flames) preserved in coarse‐tail normal‐graded structureless deposits (Bouma Ta), while near‐horizontal, massive to stratified top‐cut‐out turbidite beds are found further down the stoss side of the bedform. The architecture of cyclic steps can best be described as large, up to hundreds of metres, lens‐shaped bodies that are truncated by erosive surfaces representing the set boundaries and that consist of nearly horizontal lying stacks of top‐cut‐out turbidite beds. The facies that characterize these bedforms have traditionally been described as turbidite units in idealized vertical sequences of high‐density turbidity currents, but have not yet been interpreted to represent bedforms produced by supercritical flow. Their large size, which is in the order of 20 m for gravelly and up to hundreds of metres for sandy steps, is likely to have hindered their recognition in outcrop so far.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and isotopic compositions of subglacially precipitated carbonate crusts (SPCCs) provide information on conditions and processes beneath former glaciers and ice sheets. Here we describe SPCCs formed on gneissic bedrock at the bed of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) during the last glacial maximum on central Baffin Island. Geochemical data indicate that the Ca in the crusts was likely derived from the subglacial chemical weathering Ca-bearing minerals in the local bedrock. C and Sr isotopic analyses reveal that the C in the calcite was derived predominantly from older plant debris. The δ18O values of the SPCCs suggest that these crusts formed in isotopic equilibrium with basal ice LIS preserved in the Barnes Ice Cap (BIC). Columnar crystal fabric and the predominance of sparite over micrite in the SPCCs are indicative of carbonate precipitation under open-system conditions. However, the mean δ18O value of the calcite crusts is ~ 10‰ higher than those of primary LIS ice preserved in the BIC, demonstrating that SPCCs record the isotopic composition of only basal ice. Palynomorph assemblages preserved within the calcite and basal BIC ice include species last endemic to the Arctic in the early Tertiary. The source of these palynomorphs remains enigmatic.  相似文献   

冰岩界面的冰川动力学是冰川系统的重要组成部分, 海螺沟冰川地处温暖湿润的海洋环境, 冰川运动速度较快, 冰川底部接近压融点, 是研究冰下过程的较理想地点. 在海螺沟冰川大型磨光面上浅显侵蚀坑内发现了碎屑物质. 对碎屑物质理化特征研究表明: 粒度特征、地球化学与石英砂SEM 分析表明沉积在冰岩界面上的物质来自于冰川底部的底碛层, 而不是冰上环境的产物. 偏光显微镜下观察到的冰下沉积物呈现出一系列塑性变形(微旋转、褶皱)和脆性变形(线性结构、支撑结构、断层)微观结构和构造. 两种变形结构的存在是碎屑物质在形成过程中其含水量波动情况的反映. 冰下碎屑物质是冰下融出、滞碛作用的共同产物. 在整个冰下碎屑物质形成与变形过程中, 由于冰下水系季节性变化带来的冰岩界面上冰川融水含量的波动起了决定性作用.  相似文献   

Knight, J. 2010: Subglacial processes and drumlin formation in a confined bedrock valley, northwest Ireland. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00182.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Subglacial processes beneath the Late Weichselian ice sheet in northwest Ireland are deduced from sediments and structures within drumlins in a bedrock valley at Loughros Beg, County Donegal. Here, a glacially smoothed bedrock surface underlies the drumlins, which are composed on their up‐ice side of stacked, angular rafts of local bedrock. Overlying and down‐ice from these rafts are down‐ice‐dipping beds of massive to bedded diamicton that contain sand and gravel interbeds. In a down‐ice direction the diamicton matrix coarsens and the beds become laterally transitional to water‐sorted gravels. The down‐ice end of one drumlin shows a concentrically bedded stratified gravel core aligned parallel to ice flow and resembling the internal structure of an esker. With distance away from this core, the gravels become more poorly sorted with an increase in matrix content, and are transitional to massive to stratified diamicton. A four‐stage model describes the formation of drumlins in this sediment‐poor setting. The sediments that are located directly above the bedrock represent deposition in a semi‐enclosed subglacial cavity. A trigger for this process was the formation of subglacial relief by the thrusting up of bedrock rafts, which created the leeside cavity. Subsequent sediment deposition into this cavity represents a form of feedback (self‐regulation), which may be a typical characteristic of subglacial processes in sediment‐poor settings.  相似文献   

Surveyed outcrops of the Middle Jurassic Entrada Sandstone at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, show the unusual occurrence of preserved aeolian dune palaeotopography buried beneath subaqueous strata. The preserved dune remnants have relief up to 35 m, trend NNW, and show internal scalloped cross-strata dipping to the WSW, with small sets occurring as both topsets and bottomsets. Outcrop data are best satisfied in computer models by 50 m high, sinuous bedforms that migrated to the WSW, while the sinuosity migrated alongcrest to the NNW. Superimposed small dunes occurred upon the stoss slope, and at the basal lee of the main bedform where they migrated alongslope to the NNW. Remnant dune palaeotopography is buried by onlapping, subaqueous, largely structureless sandstones believed to be derived by mass wasting of the upper portions of the dunes and deposited as sediment-gravity flows that infilled between the dunes. Preservation of dune palaeotopography beneath mass-flow deposits, with no evidence for gradually rising water, argues that flooding of the Entrada dune field was geologically instantaneous. The thickness and lithology of the overlying Todilto Formation conform to slight remnant palaeotopography on the Entrada surface. The Todilto is a laminated limestone and thinnest over remnant dune crestal areas, but thickens and increases in gypsum content downslope until it abruptly yields to a gypsum mound positioned over a remnant interdune hollow. The Todilto laminations are interpreted as seasonal varves deposited below wave base in a density-stratified water body. The flooding event that gave rise to the controversial Todilto water body occurred during Entrada time, with Todilto deposition occurring within an already substantial water body.  相似文献   

Four recently discovered glacio-fluvial paleovalleys in southeast Jordan and northwest Saudi Arabia are described for the first time. The paleovalleys formed as a result of glacial erosion by series of sub-parallel valley glaciers during the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) southern hemisphere glaciation on the Arabian Plate. The southwest-northeast orientation of the paleovalleys, Proterozoic erratic clasts and paleocurrent vectors indicate the advance of glaciers and subsequent glacio-fluvial siliciclastics emanating from a paleo-ice sheet located to the south on the Arabian Shield. U-shaped, paleovalley cross-sectional morphologies and gently inclined longitudinal profiles indicate initial glacial erosion of the ‘finger-like’ paleovalleys, probably as wet-based valley glaciers, eroded up to 250 m depth into Late Ordovician marine bedrock formations. Paleovalley-fill sequences comprise a tripartite upwards succession: (a) basal sandstone-dominated tillite with well-rounded, grooved and striated granitoid and metamorphic basement clasts derived from the Proterozoic Arabian Shield together with locally derived, rounded and elongate boulders eroded from the local bedrock at the margins of the paleovalleys (Retrogradational Lowstand Sequence); (b) green chloritic siltstone (Zarqa Formation) deposited during a progradational sea-level rise with marine influence (Transgressive Sequence); (c) coarse-grained, trough cross-bedded sandstone (Sarah Formation) attributed to progradational fluvial sedimentation as glacial outwash. Rapid sea-level rise during latest Hirnantian to Early Llandovery time resulted in marine flooding of the glacio-fluvial alluvial plain and deposition of organic-rich mudstones representing transgressive and high-stand sequences.  相似文献   

Single-layer and massive boulder beds, which include boulder pavements, are sporadically distributed in the glaciogenic Permo-Carboniferous Dwyka Formation. These matrix-supported beds consist of moderately to poorly sorted, rounded boulders, cobbles and pebbles with a clast composition similar to those in the underlying or overlying diamictite. Alternatively, the clasts are composed of monolithic basement rock-types. The clasts show a long-axis orientation which, in the case of the boulder pavements, is parallel to the striae on the pavements. The various types of boulder beds have a similar mode of deposition and their subglacial origin is evidenced by the clast orientation, clasts with stoss and lee sides, stacking of clasts, and the development of a cleavage in the matrix due to horizontal stresses exerted by the boulders in the subglacial sediment. Subglacial streams, kame mounds, subaqeously winnowed till, or boulder beaches supplied the coarse debris which was entrained in the basal ice by plastic flow and regelation. Selective lodgement of the transported boulders occurred down-glacier when the basal thermal conditions changed from cold-freezing to warm-melting. The formation of the different types of boulder beds is thought to depend primarily on the concentration of coarse debris in the basal ice.  相似文献   

Structures and textures in till indicating subglacial deposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five structural and textural features are discussed: (1) small lenses of sorted material, (2) smudges, (3) small-scale deformations of till matrix and smudges by clasts, (4) clasts consistently striated, and (5) clasts with stoss-and-lee sides. Analyses suggest that these features may be produced by subglacial processes acting in the ice-bed interface. Long axes of small sand lenses and smudges as well as the striation on the upper surface of scattered clasts in lodgement till have a strong preferred orientation in good agreement with the glacier flow direction as indicated by clast fabrics, bedrock striation, and surface fluting of ground moraine. When in traction against the till bed, clasts may plough up till banks. Clasts with stoss-and-lee sides development were also very distinctly oriented as their stoss sides faced significantly up-glacier.
It is concluded (1) that each of the five features discussed is useful as a criterion for subglacial deposition by lodgement, (2) that they indicate important differential movement along the ice-bed interface and therefore suggest a temperate regime in this part of the glacier during the till deposition, (3) that very few orientation measurements of one or more of these features signify the ice movement direction; i.e. a time-saving method to find the paleoflow direction of Pleistocene glaciers, and (4) that taken together with till preconsolidation, mechanical composition, and clast fabric, they may support each other and give good indications of the genesis of Pleistocene tills.  相似文献   

Climate and tectonics play important roles in controlling processes of transport and deposition on alluvial fans, but the bedrock lithology in the fan catchment area is also a significant, independent factor. Adjacent Oligo-Miocene alluvial fan deposits on the northern margin of the Ebro Basin display contrasting depositional characteristics with one dominated by the deposits of debris flows and the other by deposition from flows of water. A difference in clast compositions indicates that the two studied fans (the Nueno and San Julián fans) had contrasting bedrock lithology in their drainage basins. The proximal facies of the Nueno fan body contains matrix-supported conglomerate beds with up to 80% pebble clasts of gypsum in a matrix of gypsiferous sand, interbedded with gypsarenite beds. The drainage basin of this fan was dominated by Triassic bedrock consisting of beds of gypsum, marl and micritic limestone. The San Julián fan body comprises clast-supported, polymict conglomerate beds containing pebbles from Triassic, Cretaceous and Palaeogene limestone units that are exposed in the adjacent part of the basin margin. The interfingering of the deposits of these two fans demonstrates that they were contemporaneous. Given the consistent climate, the differences in fan depositional processes must therefore be attributed to the contrasting bedrock lithology in their drainage basins. A drainage basin consisting mainly of marl and gypsum bedrock provided sufficient fine-grained material to generate debris flows, whereas more dilute, water-lain processes dominated where the drainage basin was largely limestone strata.  相似文献   

From work on two Upper Carboniferous formations in southwest England, three morphologically distinct types of ripple-drift cross-lamination have been recognised. Type 1 is characterised by strong erosion of laminae on the stoss (or up-current) side of the ripples, and absence of grading. Type 3 is characterised by an absence of erosion on the stoss sides, concentration of mud in the ripple troughs and an upward gradual decrease in grain size and amplitude of rippling. Type 2 is an intermediate form with some characteristics in common with types 1 and 3. An examination of the illustrated literature has shown that types 1 and 3 occur frequently, and that type 2 has not pre- viously been recorded.
It is suggested that type 1 is formed in fluvial and shallow water environments at times of net deposition of sediment, and that type 3 is formed by deposition from a tur- bidity current. Type 2 suggests hydrodynamic conditions intermediate between fluvial or shallow water traction currents, and turbidity currents.
Since all current ripples move forwards, or "drift", it is suggested that the term "ripple-drift" should be used to describe ripple cross-lamination where the ripples can be seen to climb onto the stoss slope of the ripple immediately downstream, there having been a net deposition, and not merely a forward drift of sediment.  相似文献   

The abrupt transition from coastal and shallow shelf sediments to bathyal sediments provides a record of rapid subsidence and deepening of the early Miocene Waitemata basin. Basal shallow marine strata (Kawau Subgroup) accumulated upon a highly dissected surface that overlies deformed Mesozoic metagreywacke. The early Miocene coast was characterized by an embayed and cliffed shoreline with numerous sea stacks and islands. Kawau Subgroup lithofacies, which include pocket beach, shallow shelf and base-of-cliff talus deposits, reflect rapidly changing coastline configuration and water depths as the rugged bedrock surface was buried. The response to continued rapid subsidence and transgression in Waitemata basin was a decrease in the supply of coarse clastic sediment. Beach gravels were locally displaced to greater water depths by avalanching down steep bedrock slopes. The first bathyal turbidite facies, which abruptly overlie the shallow-water Kawau Subgroup, include locally derived sediment gravity flows commonly ponded by remnant bedrock submarine highs. When this local supply of sediment had been exhausted, coarse sediment starvation ensued and bathyal muds accumulated. With the resumption of sediment supply and gradual burial of submarine bedrock relief, submarine fans coalesced and increased in lateral extent. Subsidence of the Waitemata basin to bathyal depths is thought to have occurred in less than a million years. From the above hypothesis, a general model of sedimentation is proposed.  相似文献   

Relations between wind speed, sediment flux and dune morphology were measured for two reversing dunes situated in the south-western part of the Silver Peak dunefield in Clayton Valley, west-central Nevada. The larger dune was 120 m in length with a height of 12.5 m and the smaller dune 80 m long and 6 m high. Both dunes were sharp crested, aligned approximately E-W perpendicular to the dominant wind direction, and had slightly concave stoss profiles. Twenty-seven rotating cup anemometers were placed (0.3 m elevation) along N-S transects on each of the dunes. At each anemometer site a passive wedge-shaped sediment trap was used to measure sediment flux. Amplification of wind speed was observed towards the crest on the stoss side of both dunes with speed-up factors (ucrest/Ubase) ranging from 1·50–3·19, with a corresponding increase in sediment flux by 1–2 orders of magnitude. In general, the ratio of crest flux to base flux (qc/qt,) increased with increasing incident basal wind speed on both dunes. Direct measurements of the stoss slope variation in sediment flux relative to the dune crest are in good agreement with Owen's transport model. Friction speed (u) was approximated from near surface (0·3 m) point wind speed. Although not all assumptions of the Owen model are upheld, the modified model performance is sufficiently robust to predict short-term variation in stoss sediment flux on the study dunes. Improved models that adequately account for variation in sediment flux under changing air flow and transport conditions are necessary for the prediction of longterm evolution of dunes. In this regard, further progress in model development will require increased understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of airflow and the short term response of sediment flux to these flow conditions.  相似文献   

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