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The aim of this paper is to sift through examples of outstanding contributions made by Chinese human geography in terms of social applications and explain the basic concepts and theoretical methods explored by human geography that are behind the applications of results with major social influence, so as to be able to summarize the main school that represents developments in contemporary Chinese human geography. Chinese human geography upholds the subject’s designation as being integrated and interdisciplinary. Research focuses on interactions between the natural and human spheres of the Earth’s surface, and it is guided by the understanding and effects of the processes of regional sustainable development at different spatial scales. Chinese human geography has innovatively established the following development paradigm: “To be guided by application requirements, refine key issues of the discipline in the course of solving major issues of human geography in national and regional development, and by solving those key issues, to enhance its ability to provide scientific and technological support to serve national and local needs while promoting its own development.” Results from early Chinese human geography studies on land use and agricultural zoning, recent research results on point-axis system models and T-shaped national spatial development patterns, and current research results on territorial function theory and major function oriented zones have all continued and strengthened the mainstream school of Chinese human geography and have avoided the global tendency for human geography to become rapidly human-oriented, while results have been applied at the highest level of decision-making management. Chinese human geography can provide lessons for developing countries and may play a leading role in the future development of global human geography.  相似文献   

韩增林  王雪  彭飞  刘天宝 《地理科学》2019,39(7):1037-1044
依据全球恐怖主义数据库,选取恐怖袭击事件总起数、恐怖袭击死亡人数、恐怖袭击受伤人数、恐怖袭击财产损失程度4项指标构建国家安全态势评价指标体系,运用标准差椭圆和核密度估计法对1970~2017年“一带一路”沿线国家安全态势时空演化特征进行分析。研究表明:在时间上,从1970~2017年“一带一路”沿线国家安全态势日益严峻,阶段性特征显著,共经历了“兴起-活跃-回落”3个阶段;在空间上,国家安全态势标准差椭圆向北偏西方向移动,重心转移路径为西亚北非地区-南亚地区-西亚北非地区;“9·11”事件发生前后空间特征呈现由三大“恐怖主义活跃区域”和1个“U型恐怖主义潜伏圈”向两大“动荡核心圈”和3个“动荡次中心”的转化。  相似文献   

Recent research progress and prospects in tourism geography of China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on a large number of domestic literature reviews with related research abroad, academic standards and issues awareness have been intensified in domestic tourism geography, disciplinary consciousness and innovation enhancement. Hence, some valuable achievements have been made in the areas of tourism resources, tourism regional system, the spatial structure of tourism, tourism flow, ecotourism, tourism industry, tourism planning and tourism impacts, which strengthened the traditional advantages of research, expanded new areas of research and made research trends diverse. Meanwhile, with innovation of research methods, tourism geography in China is getting more and more internationally-oriented and reflecting Chinese characteristics. Research trends of China’s tourism geography are prospected: 1) Catering to national strategic needs, persisting problem-oriented, strengthening the metatheoretical research, and building Chinese “localization” of theory of tourism geography and method system. 2) Introducing and assimilating foreign theories and research methods, while focusing on explaining new tourism phenomena and problems in the domestic socio-economic background. 3) Concerning about the new regional spatial processes of demographic process, social process, and spatial process in new tourism trend. 4) Exploring interactive process and mechanism of man-land relationship and new models to develop territorial space under the tourism impacts. 5) Exploring important research issues of tourism geography in global, national, regional and local scales, from the point of view of spatial differentiation, scale transformation, interaction of man and nature, creating tourism geography interpretation system based on “process-structure-mechanism” of China. 6) Building theoretical system actively, while strengthening application-oriented research, and focusing on tourism poverty alleviation, tourism and heritage protection, national parks’ construction and other hot issues. Faced with econometrics research boom, we should return to rational thinking, using big data scientifically, while paying attention to the important role of qualitative evaluation in future research.  相似文献   

赵雪雁  李巍 《地理研究》2019,38(4):743-759
区域研究是地理学的核心领域,开展区域研究需要选择既具全球意义又具区域特色,且符合国家重大战略需求的关键区域。作为“第三极”的重要组成部分,地处青藏高原东北缘的甘南高原不仅是典型的地理过渡区与生态脆弱区,也是重要的生态功能区与深度贫困区,因而成为中国地理学开展区域研究的最佳实验区之一。在阐述甘南高原地理学研究价值的基础上,从陆地地表过程与机理、土地利用/覆被变化、农户对气候变化的感知及适应、生态系统服务与生态补偿机制、农户生计及其对生态环境的影响、社会资本与区域发展、城镇化与乡村聚落、旅游发展等领域出发,系统梳理了中国地理学中的甘南研究现状,提出新时期应以更综合的多维视角开展甘南研究,重点关注甘南高原地表格局-过程集成研究、人地耦合系统演化与区域可持续发展、生态系统服务与生态补偿、可持续生计、新型城镇化、乡村发展等关键问题。  相似文献   

地理学在新冠肺炎疫情早期防控中的学术响应及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重大公共卫生突发事件如新冠肺炎等对区域人类活动有着深刻影响。作为以空间分析和人地关系为主要方法和对象的地理学,在疫情早期防控中的角色贡献以及未来趋势是迫切需要总结和讨论的重要议题。基于2020年1月20日~2月28日的文本数据,着重总结地理学者以及地理学视角下关于疫情的相关研究,地理学在疫情传播与扩散、区域规划与应急、数据与决策支撑等疫情早期防控方面做出了积极贡献,总结归纳了手机信令、百度迁徙数据等移动定位大数据与人工智能、数据挖掘、语义识别等新一代技术方法在疫情防控中发挥的支撑作用,反思提出未来应该在学科理论和防控措施方面,进一步优化风险预测模型、强化应急规划治理、加强国际合作及多学科数据交叉集成共享,从而提升应对重大公共卫生事件的科学性、主动性和高效性,为后疫情时期经济社会管理与空间治理提供科学支撑和依据。  相似文献   

This essay is a revision of a paper prepared for an NSF workshop on race and geography. Participants in the workshop were asked to offer their views on the topic and our suggestions for further research. This contribution explores some aspects of the relationship and relevance of geography to the question of race in North America. It touches on three “places” that constitute the discipline: the place of research, the place of teaching, and the workplace. With respect to research, it suggests some promising lines of inquiry. Among these are studies of the relationship of scale to the politics of identity and studies of “passing” in connection with studies of geographies of experience and geographies of power.  相似文献   

This essay is a revision of a paper prepared for an NSF workshop on race and geography. Participants in the workshop were asked to offer their views on the topic and our suggestions for further research. This contribution explores some aspects of the relationship and relevance of geography to the question of race in North America. It touches on three “places” that constitute the discipline: the place of research, the place of teaching, and the workplace. With respect to research, it suggests some promising lines of inquiry. Among these are studies of the relationship of scale to the politics of identity and studies of “passing” in connection with studies of geographies of experience and geographies of power.  相似文献   

人力资本促进区域旅游经济效率的空间差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生延超  刘晴 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1710-1719
在DEA-MI模型的基础上,采用空间计量模型就人力资本与区域旅游经济效率的关系进行分析,探究人力资本对区域旅游经济效率的贡献。结果发现:旅游经济效率具有典型的“胡焕庸线”空间特征,旅游业及其子行业的区域旅游经济效率以1为标准线上下波动;人力资本与区域旅游经济效率空间关系也基本具备“胡焕庸线”空间特征。宁夏等西北地区区域经济效率较高,虽然人力资本存量不足,但其贡献率较大。福建等东南地区、四川和云南等沿线地区旅游业存在“人力资本错配”现象,东南地区虽然人力资本富集,但其贡献率较低,星级饭店业和旅行社业打破“胡焕庸线”的区域特征;中等人力资本在旅游业及其子行业中能正向促进区域旅游经济效率,高水平人力资本在旅游子行业中能推进经济效率的增长,但在旅游业整体中反而抑制旅游经济效率,这说明旅游业整体上还是一个典型的劳动密集型行业,而星级饭店和旅行社业已经初步具备知识密集型行业特征;区域地理性、对外开放度、基础设施等是人力资本效能发挥的主要影响因素,制约着区域旅游经济效率的提升。因此需要健全旅游人才匹配体系,最大程度地发挥人力资本效能,科学构建人力资本与区域旅游经济效率协同机制。  相似文献   

经济地理学发展审视与新构思   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李小建 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1865-1877
分析了现今国际经济地理学发展中基于少数发达国家的经济发展、基于少数国家地理背景、基于经济学原理的偏颇,提出基于中国特殊的地理环境、特殊的人口、资源、环境关系、特殊的政府与社会关系、特殊文化、特殊的学科背景建立中国特色的经济地理学。中国特色的经济地理学应侧重经济社会发展、侧重人地和谐,侧重政府的特殊作用、侧重国内区域间关系与全球的影响、侧重与自然地理的关系,在研究中注重自然科学方法与社会科学方法的兼顾。中国持续高速增长的经济地理研究、中等收入陷阱的国家与地区跨越、政府特殊作用下的区域发展、城镇化、信息化、工业化与农业现代化关系、人地和谐与区域发展、农村聚落格局的演变趋势等,均可作为重要的研究问题。  相似文献   

人文与经济地理学的发展和展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人文地理学是地理学三大分支学科之一。1940年中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所成立以来,人文与经济地理学经历了萌芽、上升、成熟、波动和大发展等几个重要阶段,在科学研究、人才培养、服务国家战略决策等方面取得了突出进展和显著成效。经济地理、农业地理、工业地理、交通地理、城市地理、乡村地理、旅游地理与区域可持续发展等学科领域研究取得了开创性成就,带动了中国人文与经济地理学的整体创新和发展。研究所主持完成了系列国家重大任务,在农业区划与土地利用、工业基地建设与交通布局、城镇体系建设与城镇化、区域发展与规划等领域取得了系列重大成果,为服务支撑国家发展战略,引领人文与经济地理学发展做出了重要贡献。本文对80年来地理资源所人文与经济地理学科的建立与成长历程、研究领域、研究队伍和学术成果,以及在服务国家和地区经济社会发展中发挥作用方面进行了系统梳理;通过遴选地理资源所人文与经济地理学者发表的6216篇文献(中文文献4576篇,英文文献1640篇),梳理分析了几个主要阶段的人文与经济地理学研究进展及其学术成果。面向国家生态文明建设、新型城镇化、乡村振兴、美丽中国建设战略,亟需创新人文与经济地理学前沿理论、创建交叉新型学科体系,对进一步强化国土空间治理、区域可持续发展、人地系统科学与国家现代化地理学创新等重点研究领域和方向提出了新的思考与展望。  相似文献   

朱季文  倪绍祥  蒋长瑜 《地理研究》2012,31(7):1163-1172
李春芬(1912~1996)是我国著名的老一代地理学家,从事地理学研究和教学近60年,为我国地理学尤其是区域地理学的发展作出了重大贡献。其学术思想的最精辟之处,是关于地理环境结构的整体性和差异性、"共性"与"个性"的科学论述,并成功地将其应用于相关研究和教学工作。本文论述了李春芬学术思想的形成背景、基本内容、科学价值及现实意义。李春芬的学术思想和创新见解,对于深化资源环境规划与管理、区域可持续发展等研究与实践有重要的现实指导意义,并对拓展和深化地理学的人地关系研究有重要推动作用。  相似文献   

Contemporary political trends associated with the rise of Donald Trump seem to confound traditional regional designations in the United States. Yet the concept of region remains salient in popular discourse. This is especially true with respect to “the South,” which appears in several recent nonacademic works as the source of troubling social and political currents. More surprising, given decades of critique of “Southern exceptionalism,” has been the reappearance of the South as a focus of analysis in the scholarly literature on immigration. This scholarly literature works to deessentialize the South by highlighting the vagaries and instabilities of Southern identities, institutions, and landscapes. It can, however, subtly and inadvertently reinforce Southern exceptionalism by identifying the South as a place marked by uniquely fraught histories of racial exclusion. This article critically assesses how the South as a regional concept has located the problem of race in the United States in a specific time and place. This leads to a broader discussion of the persistence of regional imaginaries in the discipline of geography and the need for more deliberate consideration of the geographical concepts that guide our analyses of societal change.  相似文献   

In June 2006, voters in Alabama overwhelmingly approved a statewide referendum that added a prohibition against same-sex marriage to the state's constitution. This research examines the Alabama vote by “placing” the politics of sexuality within the state's multifaceted web of cultural and social space. We fuse a traditional electoral geography approach with an overall postpositivist cultural and social perspective, beginning with an assessment of the politics of place by situating Alabama as a place with a long history of battles over the so-called culture wars. The cultural politics of the legislative debate and the geographic distribution of the actual vote are also examined within a socio-demographic context, drawing some comparisons from a similar vote in Georgia in 2004, another state in the American Deep South. Those opposed to same-sex marriage in Alabama made effective use of various social constructions that are deeply embedded within a “moral” geography, situating the state as a fenced-off bastion of “religious traditional values,” a common theme throughout the American South. In this vein, social boundaries and territory were demarcated as a powerful political act in Alabama, a strategy that situated the state as hetero-normatively “in place,” while deeming sexual minorities as “out of place.”  相似文献   

Transboundary water, more competitive utilization and uncertain availability under the globalization trend, the issue of its apportionment which directly impacts national benefits of each riparian state is becoming one of the important topics in the world. Water is scarce in China, the most important upstream state in Asia, and this task has to be thought over in the coming future. Based on "International Freshwater Treaties Database" (1820-2007) by Oregon State University, and publications and reports on transboundary water utilization and management since 1999, 28 indicators of water apportionment adopted in 49 international treaties and cases in 1864-2002 are divided into 6 types, the spatial and temporal characteristics of the adopted indicators are analyzed in order to find the key indicator(s) of transboundary water apportionment. The major results include: the major adopted indicators, have significant differences among 5 regions/continents, the indicators at rank first and second place in the developed region (North America and Europe) according to the adopted times are "keeping minimum water flow" and "mean annual runoff", but in the developing region (Asia, Africa and South America), the ranking order of the above two indicators is reversed; the major adopted indicators in the watersheds with insufficient water are "mean annual runoff" and "keeping minimum water flow", the ones in the watersheds with sufficient water are "keeping minimum water flow" and "maximum water intake"; the international treaties signed from the first phase to the fourth phase, the developing process shows a progress of "fewer-increasing a lot-decreasing rapidly-equation basically", the regional distribution of the treaties shifts mainly from the developed region to the developing one, especially to Asia and Africa; the major adopted indicators shifts from "keeping minimum water flow" and "mean annual runoff" in 1864-1945, to "keeping minimum water flow" and "maximum water intake" in 1946-1971, then to "hydraulic facility operation" and "mean annual runoff" in 1972-1991, and finally to "keeping minimum water flow" and "mean annual runoff" in 1992-2002, the process shows similar a loop. Finally, the key indicator on transboundary water apportionment can be determined as "keeping minimum water flow".  相似文献   

沈小平 《地理学报》2000,55(3):365-374
区域地理是地理学教育与研究的一个重要组成。在当今经济与环境的全球化过程中,对区域地理课程的需求有了明显上升。区域地理教育的重要性也引起了方面的重视。美国大学区域地理教育的发展与变迁主要受两方面的影响:一是地理教育在国民教育中的地位;二是某个区域在国际事务中的重要性以及与美国的关系。在过去30年中,随着近年来亚洲经济的高速发展和它在国际中的地位日益提高,以及亚洲与美国贸易额的的迅速增长,亚洲地理课在  相似文献   

On April 17, 1975, Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, fell to the armed forces of the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK). Cambodia, however, was not primed for revolution. This is significant in that it contributed to specific postconflict policies and programs initiated by the CPK, including the promotion of geographic education and the use of propaganda photographs. In this article we examine six photographs produced during the Khmer Rouge era. Our main thesis is that when viewing these photographs, we are witnessing the photographic production of a nationalist landscape. As geographers have argued, photographs are inauthentic from the standpoint of “truthful” representations. However, the photographs produced by the CPK are authentic simulacra in their “truthful” representation of how the CPK envisioned both the revolution and subsequent administration of Democratic Kampuchea. In so doing, our research is positioned within a longer tradition of cultural‐political geography that has examined the use of landscape photographs as political instruments used in nation‐building.  相似文献   

从空间自相关视角厘清经济发展水平较高和较低地区的空间组织关系演化规律对区域经济健康发展具有重要意义。在界定集极、孤极和外围等概念基础上,运用地统计分析方法,按两级三区和三级五区结构体系分别构建江苏省全局和局部经济空间极化结构,分析其演化过程,结果显示:①全局空间集极范围不断扩大,孤极数量减少,逐渐形成南集极北孤极、南极北外的空间结构,其间空间自相关作用逐渐增强,区位是极化动因; 局部空间演化走势不尽相同:沿江和沿京杭运河地区经济空间极化结构逐渐升级,而沿东陇海和沿海地区却相对恶化。因此认为当前江苏省全局空间中南北显著分化和局部空间相背演化现象值得关注。  相似文献   

In today’s world, where re-examination has been given to cultural globalization, the relationship between architectures and specific regions is one of many specific issues. At this time, the study of architecture from the perspective of geography has significant meaning for treasuring regional characteristics and protecting the essence of ethnic culture. The study of geo-architecture includes two aspects: the influence of geographical environment upon architecture and reflexively, architectural responses to geographical environment. In “Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China’s Geographic and Historic Context Series” (4 volumes), published by Springer Nature in 2016, the contents of “geo-architecture” has been interpreted from various angles as form, function, semantics and symbol. This book is the first to be entitled “Geo-Architecture”, which studies the relationship between geography and architecture from the perspective of geographical environment and historical context in China. The book’s research reveals the influences of different geographical scales, such as zone (macro), region (middle) and site (micro) scales, on architecture; it discusses dynamic and systematic thought, including such research elements as “Object-Subject-Time”, and it reflects views on pattern and process of cultural landscape. Research on geo-architecture aims to help construct the security pattern of the cultural landscape for the new requirements of a new era, which is used to optimize spacial structure, stimulate heritage conservation and renewal, respect the geographical environment, pay attention to historical culture and sustain emotional memory.  相似文献   

Geopolitics of energy transition has increasingly become the frontier and hot research area of world energy geography and global political science. Different historical periods are characterised by obvious differences in energy connotations, attributes, and geopolitical characteristics. In the new energy era, energy geopolitics becomes more diversified, complex, and comprehensive. In this paper, we compare the geopolitical characteristics of energy in the fossil fuel and renewable energy periods...  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to sift through examples of outstanding contributions made by Chinese human geography in terms of social applications and explain the basic concepts and theoretical methods explored by human geography that are behind the applications of results with major social influence, so as to be able to summarize the main school that represents developments in contemporary Chinese human geography. Chinese human geography upholds the subject's designation as being integrated and interdisciplinary. Research focuses on interactions between the natural and human spheres of the Earth's surface, and it is guided by the understanding and effects of the processes of regional sustainable development at different spatial scales. Chinese human geography has innovatively established the following development paradigm: "To be guided by application requirements, refine key issues of the discipline in the course of solving major issues of human geography in national and regional development, and by solving those key issues, to enhance its ability to provide scientific and technological support to serve national and local needs while promoting its own development." Results from early Chinese human geography studies on land use and agricultural zoning, recent research results on point-axis system models and T-shaped national spatial development patterns, and current research results on territorial function theory and major function oriented zones have all continued and strengthened the mainstream school of Chinese human geography and have avoided the global tendency for human geography to become rapidly human-oriented, while results have been applied at the highest level of decision-making management. Chinese human geography can provide lessons for developing countries and may play a leading role in the future development of global human geography.  相似文献   

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