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利用保护区的3期Landsat TM遥感影像数据,运用GIS技术并结合区域生态环境质量指数,对托木尔峰自然保护区土地利用/覆被变化及其驱动力进行分析。结果表明:近27 a来,冰川和草地面积持续增长,增幅分别为12.37%和99.36%;水体和荒地面积持续减少,减幅为23.07%和12.15%;林地前阶段(1989-2003年)减少16.77%,后阶段(2003-2016年)增加57.91%。区域土地利用/覆被综合动态度,前阶段为0.39%,后阶段为0.36%;前阶段转化率为21.95%,后阶段转化率为18.91%。水体、草地和林地的转化率较高,冰川和荒地的转化率较低;尽管土地利用/覆被类型内部结构变化较复杂、频繁,但各类型之间相互转换的活跃程度逐渐趋于平缓。研究区生态环境质量指数呈增长趋势,年均增长率为0.31%,生态环境逐年改善。致使研究区生态环境质量改善的主要驱动力为气候的变暖湿和土地利用政策的改变。近27 a来,研究区中高山带降水量的增加,扩大了保护区冰川雪地的面积;晋升为国家级自然保护区后的土地利用政策,有效遏制了人类活动对保护区土地利用/覆被的影响,进而使生态贡献率较低的荒地转化为生态贡献率高的林草地,提高了区域生态环境的质量。  相似文献   

以于田绿洲为例,以Landsat TM/ETM+图像为主要的数据源,提取了于田绿洲的土地利用/覆被信息.利用单窗算法反演了地表温度,综合分析了2001-2011年间于田绿洲±地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)及其对地表温度的影响,同时利用像元分解模型得出绿洲植被覆被度,并分析了其与地表温度的关系.结果表明:在2001-2011年的10 a期间,于田绿洲最主要的土地利用类型是以人类为主导因素的,同时以自然利用类型向人工利用类型的转化最为显著.耕地、水体等以人类为主导因素的土地利用类型面积增加了809.65 km2,盐渍地等以自然为主导的土地利用类型面积减少了758.76 km2,人为影响是于田绿洲较主要的驱动因素.于田绿洲土地利用/覆被变化改变了地表温度的空间分布特征,在土地利用/覆被类型发生变化的区域,地表温度有升有降,但总体上地表温度的空间分布与土地覆被类型的空间变化格局存在明显的一致性.地表温度的变化与植被覆被度的变化有关,证明了植被在改变下垫面热量分布的格局中扮演着重要作用.  相似文献   

通过遥感影像解译获取伊通河流域1986、1996、2005和2017年土地利用数据,采用土地利用动态模型、土地利用度和生态系统服务价值等方法,研究伊通河流域土地利用变化特征及其生态响应。研究结果表明,耕地、城镇建筑用地和林地是伊通河流域主要的土地利用类型,1986—2017年间,研究区土地利用综合动态度降低,土地利用度上升,土地利用结构趋于稳定。在31年间,生态系统服务价值整体下降33.97%,林地、草地、湿地和水域面积的减小导致生态系统服务价值显著降低。  相似文献   

黑河流域土地利用与覆被变化特征   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
在土地类型划分的基础上, 利用黑河流域1987年和2000年两期TM遥感数据, 从土地利用与覆被变化幅度、变化速率及动态度等角度, 定量分析了流域上、中、下游及全流域总体土地利用与覆被变化的特征并进行了对比.结果表明: 在变化幅度上, 全流域各类土地利用与覆被变化均十分强烈, 中游地区最为显著, 综合土地利用与覆被变化指数达到7.6%, 耕地、城镇建设用地、水域和草地等是全流域变化最为剧烈的利用类型; 在变化速度方面, 流域上游地区的耕地、城镇居民用地和沙漠化土地年平均递增速度最高, 中游地区明显小于上游和下游地区, 但沙漠化除外, 为全流域水平的4.7倍, 下游耕地、城镇用地、水域面积和其它难利用土地变化较快, 说明上、下游生态系统极不稳定, 变化剧烈. 对中游动态度的分析表明, 耕地、城镇居民用地和较难利用土地较稳定, 其它土地类型的利用与覆被动态变化都很活跃, 说明中游地区土地利用与覆被变化复杂而强烈, 具有变化的多向性和互动性, 从而为流域合理调整土地利用方式和环境改善提供了一定的科学依据.  相似文献   

该文以1999年及2009年岑溪市土地利用数据为来源,在GIS的支持下,分析了10年来研究区内的土地利用变化的时空特点及其转化过程,结合土地利用综合指数、耕地垦殖指数、植被覆盖指数、景观破碎度指数评价了土地利用变化的生态风险。研究表明:研究区域内10年间土地利用类型发生了复杂的相互转换,其中林草地、建设用地和耕地为研究区内变化面积最大的3种土地利用类型;受经济快速发展和城市化进程加快的影响,土地利用的广度和深度不断增大,全市土地利用趋于破碎化,土地生态风险程度有所增加。  相似文献   

刘纪远  布和敖斯 《第四纪研究》2000,20(3):229-239,T002
为实现土地利用变化现代过程的卫星遥感研究,须建立时间序列完整的空间型遥感数据平台。在此基础上,通过建模分析,可以有7效地研究土地利用变化的现代过程。其中包括土地利用变化的时间动态特征和空间动态特征。为探讨基珩卫星遥感数据的中国土地利用变化现代过程研究的方法论,采用陆地卫星TM分层抽样方法,对全国土地利用类型区域组合、土地利用程度变化和土地利用动态度进行了分析。  相似文献   

为实现土地利用变化现代过程的卫星遥感研究,须建立时间序列完整的空间型遥感数据平台。在此基础上,通过建模分析,可以有效地研究土地利用变化的现代过程,其中包括土地利用变化的时间动态特征和空间动态特征。为探讨基于卫星遥感数据的中国土地利用变化现代过程研究的方法论,采用陆地卫星TM分层抽样方法,对全国土地利用类型区域组合、土地利用程度变化和土地利用动态度进行了分析。  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化是地球环境变化的重要组成部分,环境变化会引起水文循环过程的改变。以王快水库以上流域为典型流域,利用SWAT模型模拟不同土地利用/覆被变化对流域径流的影响。结果显示:随着流域土地覆被的增加,年径流量减小,和大规模水利建设和水土保持对汛期径流影响更大。模拟径流量由大到小依次为裸岩覆盖、现状植被、森林覆盖、未来最佳植被。  相似文献   

植被覆盖是水土流失的重要影响因子,在一定的自然生态背景下,土地利用方式亦決定了植被覆盖特征。为深入探讨植被覆盖季节变化的内在机制,本研究选择地处陕北黄土高原的延河流域,对农地、林地和草地共3种主要土地利用方式,分析其植被覆盖季节变化规律,并进一步对土壤类型和地形特征等生态因子的影响加以比较。研究结果表明,不同土地利用方式下,植被覆盖季节变化产生显著的差异,而相同土地利用方式下,土壤类型的影响最为显著,坡向次之。而影响湿润度的地形特征对植被覆盖的季节变化的影响并不明显。基于上述认识,从改善流域植被覆盖的角度出发,不仅需要通过退耕还林、还草来提升植被覆盖水平,也需配合相应的土壤类型及地形地貌条件改造,才能达到生态格局优化。  相似文献   

中国历史土地覆被变化重建研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为对中国已有区域历史土地覆被数据集有一个综合全面的认识,并为今后的研究方向提供参考,筛选了30篇空间表达清晰的面向全球变化研究的中国历史土地覆被重建文献,从数据源选取与数字提取和订正处理、时间尺度与覆盖时段、空间范围与空间分辨率、重建的主要土地覆被类型几个方面进行总结和评述。主要结论有:历史文献是重建历史土地覆被的最主要数据源,数字提取和订正方法因数据源不同而各异;国外关于历史土地覆被研究的最长时段达过去12 000年,国内研究时段多为过去300年,时间分辨率均以几十年到百年居多;重建研究的空间范围分为中国全国、中国东部和某个行政单元或地理形态上比较完整或典型的区域3种空间尺度系列,第三系列中还存在研究空白区;在不同土地覆被类型的重建方面,现有研究集中于耕地覆被重建。充分利用不同数据源、加强研究空白区内历史土地覆被重建、改进网格化处理方法及已有数据的整合在今后研究中尤为必要。  相似文献   

李庆旭  张彪  王爽  谢高地 《地学前缘》2018,25(5):298-304
植被覆盖状况是监测与表征区域生态建设成效的重要指标。以往研究注重区域植被覆盖状况的整体变化分析,对长时期区域内部植被覆盖变化及其差异研究较少。文中基于京津风沙源区遥感影像数据,采用GIS空间分析技术,重点评估了2000—2015年植被覆盖度的年际变化及其区域差异。研究结果表明,2000—2015年京津风沙源区植被覆盖度变化为35%~45%,且随年份变化呈波动增加趋势,年均增速为0.4%(P<0.05),生态治理取得明显植被恢复成效。8个治理分区植被覆盖均有所增加,但区域差异明显,晋北山地丘陵亚区和燕山丘陵山地水源保护亚区植被覆盖度年均增速超过0.6%,浑善达克沙地亚区与荒漠草原亚区植被覆盖度年均增速不及0.2%,这与区域地表组成和气候背景有关。从地市来看,北京、天津和承德植被覆盖度较高,但朔州和张家口植被覆盖度增速明显,而乌兰察布和包头植被覆盖度年均增速低于0.1%。相比2000年,2015年京津风沙源区有51%的区域植被覆盖度增加,49%区域植被覆盖度未变或降低,主要集中在京津风沙源区的中部和西部县市(旗),未来生态治理过程中应加以重点关注。  相似文献   

黔桂岩溶山区土地利用变化的社会经济因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于黔桂岩溶山区1990、2015年的土地利用数据和社会经济统计资料,利用典范对应分析方法对1990-2015年25年间的土地利用变化及社会经济驱动因素进行了实证分析。结论如下:(1)黔桂岩溶山区土地利用变化存在明显的时空分异现象;(2)贵州高原区以草地大幅减少和林地增加为主要特征;黔桂峰丛洼地区以水域面积增加和草地减少为主要特征;广西丘陵区的主要特征是耕地减少和建设用地增加。(3)贵州高原区土地利用类型变化以经济和人口因素为主要驱动力;广西丘陵区土地利用类型变化以经济因素和农业结构水平为主要驱动力;农业因素对黔桂峰丛洼地区的土地利用变化驱动作用明显。未来应提高贵州高原和黔桂峰丛洼地区岩溶山区草地生态功能重要性的认识,在加强森林植被恢复的同时加强草地资源保护;城镇化发展背景下黔桂岩溶山区应减少优质耕地占用,开发低丘缓坡土地,建设山地特色城市。   相似文献   

利用MODIS NDVI数据、同期地表水热组合数据和植被类型数据,对2000-2014年蒙古高原生长季和三季(春、夏、秋季)植被覆盖时空演变特征及其对地表水热因子响应模式进行分析。研究表明:这15 a来,蒙古高原生长季及三季归一化植被指数NDVI均呈增加趋势,且呈显著增加趋势区域主要集中在内蒙古地区,一定程度上反映了该地区生态恢复工程的有效性。研究区植被覆盖变化与地表水分指数LSWI有密切的关系,因此证明研究区植被覆盖的增加归因于自然和人为因素的共同作用。不同类型植被NDVI均呈增加趋势,其中荒漠植被NDVI增加最明显,森林植被增加平缓,且存在季节性差异。此外,不同类型植被NDVI受水热因子影响也存在季节性差异。  相似文献   

This study attempts to relate vegetation distribution to land use history in Jebel Marra, the Democratic Republic of the Sudan. There are evidences that most,if not all, of the woody vegetation communities in Jebel Marra have been derived from some more complex types by continuous disturbance ssince antiquity. Here past and contemporary land use types are described and associated to woody plants distribution. Empirical stratified sampling methods of plant geographers and ecologists are applied to both natural and artificial systems. Frequencies, densities and diversities for all woody plant communities are estimated by standard ecological indices. It was found that throughout known history woody plant communities were subjected to different degrees of suppression. Thus, the present distribution of the woody plant communities reflects the different stages as well as modes of suppression. Drastic population movements and the resulting changes in land use types since antiquity, seem to be the chief explanation behind the variations in modes of suppression.  相似文献   

Landscape patterns and ecological processes have been in long-term research focus in the field of landscape ecology, but how to measure their quantitative relations is still open. This work chooses the Hulunbeier grassland as the study area where ecosystem shows high vulnerability, frequent evolvement of landscape patterns and ecological processes. With remote sensing technology, the relationships between landscape patterns and ecological processes were analyzed quantitatively from multi-scale, multi-temporal and time series perspective. Firstly, the information about the current situation and change of landscape patterns and ecological processes are obtained from HJ-1 (Environmental and Disaster Small Satellite) and LANDSAT TM (Thermal Mapper) data. Secondly, SPOT NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) data during 2000–2008 are used to analyze the dynamic changes of ecological processes, and to simulate its inter-annual variety at pixel scale. Finally, the dynamic change trends of ecological processes of grassland vegetation are described. The results indicate that the unchanged ecosystem types account for most of the study area, unused land in the central part expands continuously which results in the increase of desertification, and most ecosystem types in the eastern part are changed to grassland and woodland. Furthermore, the vegetation vulnerability is the highest in the grassland-dominated region, the second in grassland–farmland–woodland transition, and the smallest in the woodland-dominated region, where the stability is enhanced in turn. Due to the dynamic change of vegetation, it can be concluded that the study area underwent ecological processes of vegetation cover with a negative trend and a changed phenology.  相似文献   

本文利用Aster遥感数字图像,建立了彬县煤矸石电厂评价区各土地利用现状类型的遥感影像特征,采用目视解译和人机交互解译相结合的方法,圈定了土地利用现状类型范围,在此基础上,进行土地利用类型面积统计,总结各土地利用现状的空间分布特征,为了科学地评价电厂建设对生态环境的影响提供了基础依据。  相似文献   

基于ASTER数据遥感影像的决策树分类   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以黑龙江省北安市为研究区域,尝试利用ASTER视反射率值进行便利、准确的土地利用分类研究。对ASTER数据进行波段相关分析,确定最佳组合波段;然后重点分析转换为视反射率值的影像特征和光谱特征,从中提取各种典型地物的光谱曲线; 并依据提取的光谱曲线建立基于地物反射率值大小关系或阈值的决策树模型,对研究区不同地物类型进行分类,并对结果进行精度评价。应用效果表明,该方法简单有效,但对于混合光谱容易错分。  相似文献   

Land surface temperature on alpine mountainous cold regions, which is one of basic parameters of the regional hydrological and meteorological conditions, directly affects glacial recession, snow melt, distribution and freezing thawing process of permafrost, evapotranspiration, vegetation growth, and various underlying surface change process, and then changes the regional hydrological and ecological environment, becomes the important parameter of the research on land surface process and the study of eco-hydrological process. This paper tried to provide an overview of research on land surface temperature, and to introduce its influence factors and the ways to obtain land surface temperature data in high mountainous cold region. Relative to low elevation plain, the land surface temperature was significantly affected by local altitude, terrain and plant cover. There were some methods to obtain land surface temperature, such as measurement in situ, retrieval based on remote sensing and calculation by land surface process models, but there were some limitations while used on alpine mountainous cold regions. Land surface temperature data from meteorological stations were only about level bare ground, and the influence of terrain or vegetable cover was not considered. Therefore, the data could not represent the information of region scale on mountainous area. Land surface temperature retrieval from remote sensing data, because of calculation theory, ground observation verification and spatiotemporal resolution, made it difficult to fulfill research on hydrology, land surface process and eco-hydrological process in alpine mountainous area. Land surface process models estimated land surface temperature in the experimental sites with high accuracy, but reduced the accuracy while upscale to the region scale on the mountainous cold area, because of the error from input control meteorological, soil and plant variables, and the error of ground observation site verification. The future research on land surface temperature on alpine mountainous cold regions should strengthen field observations and improve data accuracy, to build a physical land surface temperature estimation method with topographic and vegetation parameters, and to contribute to research on land-atmosphere-water process in alpine mountainous regions.  相似文献   

Opoku Pabi 《GeoJournal》2007,68(4):369-383
Accurate information on land-use/cover change is a critical input for natural resource use management policy decisions. In Ghana, however, land-use/cover change is premised on the assumption that there has been a historically simple, linear, and uniform degradation of vegetation across all landscapes. The Kintampo and neighboring districts have become a subject of intense debate as to the real nature of prevailing land cover changes .It is commonly assumed that there is ubiquitously progressive irreversible woody vegetation loss across the area. The paper reports on the process and amount of land-use/cover changes that have prevailed in specific localities across the area within a 10-year period. It is hoped this will improve understanding and management of land-use/cover change in Ghana. Remote sensing and Geographic information systems technologies were used for the investigation. A multi-site satellite imagery approach was adopted to ensure that inductive inferences could be made. The outcome of the study indicated that, in space and time, there have been significant land-use/cover changes. Variability in change was a constant, rather than occasional feature across these human dominated landscapes. The conversion and transformation processes indicated that the traditional land-use strategies are self-sustaining. Any effective land-use/cover management strategy should be built upon the existing traditional farming system knowledge and practices.  相似文献   

Although rapid land-use change has taken place in many arid and semi-arid regions of northwestern China, relatively less attention has been paid to studying the characteristics of land use change, as well as the ecological responses of land use change in these regions, especially in fragile agro-pastoral regions. This paper analyzes the land use change and its ecological responses during 1985–2005 based on the landscape metrics change and transition matrix of land use types by the combined use of satellite remote sensing and geographical information systems in Shandan County, a typical agro-pastoral region in the middle and upper reaches of Heihe River, northwest China. The results indicate significant changes in land use have occurred and the landscape has become more continuous, clumped and more homogeneous within the examined area. Land use change was mainly characterized by remarkable expansion of barred land and water area, slight increase of cropland and urbanized land, and evident shrinkage of grassland and woodland. The study also demonstrates that the land cover suffered severe degeneration and the ecological environment tended to deteriorate over the study period, mainly as follows: grassland degradation, land desertification and ecosystem services decline.  相似文献   

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