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省委、省政府要求各地以集约高效绿色发展为导向,抓好一批事关全局、带动力强、产业科技人才集聚发展的大平台,培育和提升一批市场占有率高、竞争力强的大产业,实施一批事关长远、经济支撑力强的大项目,做大做强一批具有行业龙头地位、自主创新能力强的大企业,增强经济发展后劲和抗风险能力。我们积极响应产业集聚区(产业大平台)建设,  相似文献   

在大数据环境下的地质数据服务应改变传统服务模式,创新与变革服务理念和服务方式.通过构造基于数据的开放协同的研究与创新模式,搭建数据共享平台,使地质数据资源的积累存储、加工处理、研发服务一体化,进而实现数据的流通、共享和使用,提高地质数据服务能力.  相似文献   

尚浩  严姗姗  李虎 《江苏地质》2019,43(4):599-605
将数字孪生理论应用到城市建设的地质工作中,并基于此打造一套四维地质环境信息系统。以济南泉域为例,根据已有的海量、多源、多比例尺、实时的城市地质数据,结合数字孪生理论,建立四维地质环境数据库和数字孪生模型,搭建地质环境实时监测网络,研发四维地质环境信息系统,从而实现城市地质数据挖掘分析,辅助政府在信息化、智慧化建设中的科学决策,推动创新技术支撑智慧城市建设。应用数字孪生理论,研发海量异构数据的全空间融合展示分析系统具有很好的发展前景。  相似文献   

洪水演进仿真环境的绘制包括三维地形建模和地形地貌实时绘制,源发型洪水演进动态仿真技术的关键是流域河道边界自搜索模型的建立。采用广度优先搜索和河道自适应控制为主体算法,以Visu-al C 6.0为开发平台、OpenGL为图形编程接口,并以湖域水位上涨过程为例,开发了基于三维地形景观的源发型洪水演进仿真系统。动态过程仿真实验逼真地模拟了湖水水位抬升过程中湖盆内水位上涨和湖盆出口处湖水溢出的过程及湖水溢出湖盆出口后沿河道由高向低的流向。  相似文献   

针对高效率、高精度快速移动平台联合探测技术,发展由此带来的海量数据综合信息处理、解释和地质建模一体化所需的大型软件平台技术,可为实现复杂环境条件下有效实施大面积资源勘探调查、实现重大找矿突破目标提供切实可行的技术保障。采用引进和自主研发的"红蓝军"双轨路线,基于已有的地震数据处理解释基础,完善了高端软件平台地震和非震数据分析功能的联合,形成了具有跨操作平台、数据融合、二次开发、数据共享管理等功能的综合研究一体化分析软件平台,填补了国外软件产品在地震-非震数据联合分析方面的空白,为地球深部探测数据分析提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

桂林理工大学《基础地质学》课程经过多年的建设和发展,形成了深厚的成果积淀。近年,“大地质”观和“大工程”观的专业导向以及新工科建设背景又对地学人才培养提出了新要求,该课程也逐渐显现出一些短板:课程知识在横向交叉、与工程实践及行业产业的结合,以及对思政内容的传递方面有待加强;当前教学模式对学生创新思维的培养不足;学生的认知负荷偏大、学习兴趣不足。针对上述问题,课程团队秉承内容更新—模式变革—兴趣引领的理念,进行了一系列课程改革实践:以教材编写、实体课堂和线上资源为载体进行教学内容更新;基于多种教学方法开展翻转课堂教学改革;进行多种教学资源的同步建设。教学实践表明,课程改革在提升学生专业兴趣、助力学生学科竞赛、创新思维培养等方面均表现出良好的效果;在教学资源共享、课程知识与产业实际结合、提高课堂氛围、知识结构拓展以及综合能力提升等方面获得学生的积极评价,满意度高。  相似文献   

针对引黄灌区现状以及灌区现代化建设的现实需求,建立水量、水沙、地下水位的多目标水资源优化配置方案;集成渠道防渗衬砌与管道输水两项节水灌溉技术,开发暗管排水盐碱地改良技术;建立基于公共通信网络的多信息自动采集系统,开发基于三维虚拟仿真技术的灌区信息化综合管理平台。几种技术的集成,可有力地推动了现代化灌区建设进程。  相似文献   

基于WEBGIS和实时降雨信息的区域地质灾害预警预报系统   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
基于WEBGIS平台,根据浙江省地质灾害大调查和补充调查资料,结合浙江省气象台提供的雨季实时降雨量与降雨量预测信息,建立了浙江省突发性地质灾害预警预报系统。该系统目的在于:(1)建立浙江省突发性地质灾害信息库管理系统,实现对突发性地质灾害点分布和灾情信息的图形和数据一体化管理;(2)建立基于网络或其它通讯方式的滑坡(泥石流)灾害实时预警预报系统,实现与气象部门的连接,根据雨季的实时降雨预报和雨量资料,对浙江省滑坡(泥石流)灾害发生的空间范围进行实时发布。该系统核心是地质灾害预警预报模块,而模块是在区域地质灾害空间预测的基础上,结合实时的气象动态信息,研究在不同地质环境和不同气象条件下地质灾害体发生的规律,以提高区域地质灾害的预报精度。2004年的5月底到7月初的雨季中进行了试运行,该系统的预测情况与地质灾害的实际发生情况吻合性较好,表明预测方法和模型是基本可行的,且可操作性强。  相似文献   

针对深层页岩气埋深大、两向水平应力差大、垂向应力差小、岩石塑性特征强等地质特征,以地质工程一体化为设计理念,建立了包括测井曲线、页岩总有机碳含量、孔隙度、全烃、关键录井元素、矿物组分、过量硅、矿物脆性、岩石力学参数等评价方法,开展沿水平井段的地质工程双甜点研究,实现地质与工程一体化优选甜点段和最优甜点段准确识别,为深层页岩气水平井压裂改造提供依据.然后,基于高导流的立体缝网为体积压裂的目标函数,开展深层页岩气窄压力窗口下的体积压裂注入模式及工艺参数优化研究,包括迂回双暂堵工艺优化,支撑剂在复杂缝网下的动态运移规律与导流能力研究,以及一体化变黏度高降阻滑溜水研发等.研究成果在现场的应用结果表明,上述基于地质工程一体化的体积压裂技术,压后测试产量较邻井能提高30%~50%以上,可大幅度提高深层页岩气的经济开发效果,对今后垂深超过4 500 m的超深层页岩气的经济有效勘探与开发,也同样具有重要的指导和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

胡晓东 《山东地质》2008,(10):33-36
寿光市地下管线信息管理系统是基于各类管线探测成果,以Maplnfo Professional为基础平台,利用MapX作为开发手段,采用Visual C++6.0可视化程序设计语言开发完成的,实现了数据的输入、输出、编辑、维护和数据库管理及查询分析功能,可实时地为城市规划、建设和管理部门提供决策支持。  相似文献   

在实地采访、地块土地利用/覆盖调查和1 260个土样的收集和实验室分析等野外工作的基础上,对比分析了1984—1985年和2003—2004年265个家户的人口、农业系统、土地利用和土壤质量数据,研究了孟加拉国6个村庄农业诱导强度增强对土地和土壤质量的影响。1984—2004年家户和土质数据的百分比变化用来构建诱导强度增强模型和土地退化模型中的统计变量和土地退化指标。结果表明:研究区种植强度和土地生产力的增加主要是由于低压泵灌溉的普及,化肥和杀虫剂的使用以及水稻、蔬菜和虾生产的多元化高产。诱导强度增强模型可以解释研究区81%的种植强度增量和73%的土地生产力增量。人口压力和市场驱动也诱发了农业利用强度的增加;环境约束起到了一定制约作用;低压泵灌溉等应对干旱的技术也对农业增产有一定贡献。然而动力耕作机、低压泵灌溉和化学物质的持续利用再加上除草性水稻、蔬菜和虾的频繁耕作和养殖已经导致土壤结构、质地和化学属性的退化,生产力也有所降低。利用强度越大的土地退化现象越严重,生产力下降得也更多。土地的不断退化将有可能会引发孟加拉国的马尔萨斯危机。  相似文献   

Land subsidence in Bangkok, Thailand   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Land subsidence from deep well pumping has been affecting Bangkok for the past 35 years. Its impact is particularly critical because of the flat low-lying topography and the presence of a thick soft clay layer at the ground surface that augment flood risk and foundation engineering problems, respectively. The subsidence reached its most critical state in the early 1980s when it occurred at a rate as high as 120 mm/year. The rate decreased in the subsequent period but the subsidence-affected area expanded following the growth of the city. Despite various attempts implemented to remedy the crisis, groundwater pumping from the thick aquifer system underneath the city continued to increase from 1.2 million m3/day in the early 1980s to more than 2.0 million m3/day at the turn of the century. Piezometric levels in the main aquifer layers had been drawn down by as much as 65 m. Monitoring data showed a clear correlation between the subsidence and piezometric drawdown. The data suggested that for 1 m3 of groundwater pumped out in Bangkok Plain, approximately 0.10 m3 of ground loss occurred at the surface. Significant development has been made in numerical methods for prediction of differential settlements between building foundations caused by the piezometric drawdown in the aquifers. The strict mitigation measures adopted recently, comprising a pricing policy for groundwater management, an expansion of tap water supply, and strict enforcement of groundwater laws, have resulted in a marked drop in groundwater use. However, the land subsidence will continue for a long while owing to the time-dependent consolidation behavior of the soft clay layer and clay aquitards.  相似文献   

Land subsidence in Tianjin,China   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Land subsidence has been affecting Tianjin for the past 50 years. It leads to comprehensive detrimental effects on society, the economy and natural environment. Overpumping of groundwater is the main cause. In 2008, the maximum cumulative subsidence reached 3.22 m and the total affected area nearly 8,000 km2. The subsidence reached its most critical state in the early 1980s when it occurred at a rate as high as 110 mm/year. At the same time, groundwater extraction had also reached a maximum of 1,200 million m3. By importing the Luan River to Tianjin and restricting exploitation of groundwater, hydraulic heads gradually recovered after 1986 in all aquifers, and this has continued to the present in the second aquifer. The subsidence rate in urban areas dropped to 10–15 mm/year. The area of groundwater extraction expanded to the suburban area with economic growth in the 1990s, and it was shifted to the third and fourth aquifers. At present, with a subsidence rate of 30–40 mm/year, four new suburban subsidence centers have been formed. Several measures were adopted to mitigate and prevent land subsidence disasters. These included restricting groundwater exploitation, groundwater injection, prohibiting use in the specific zone, a pricing policy for water resources, advocating water-saving technology, and strict enforcement of groundwater laws. Although the subsidence area is still increasing slowly, the subsidence rate is being controlled.  相似文献   

Macrofossil plant and insect remains from nearshore marine sediments in Jameson Land, central East Greenland show that the land biotas of the last interglacial stage, the Langelandselv stage, were more diverse than those of the Holocene. Rich dwarf shrub heaths with a diverse assemblage of ericaceous plants occupied low land areas with copses of Betula pubescens on sheltered sites. Many southern extra-limital species were present, and the mean summer temperature was c . 5°C higher than today. The subarctic bioclimatic zone was displaced from southernmost Greenland/Iceland to central East Greenland. The diverse beetle fauna was of palaearctic affinity and strikingly different from the Plio-Pleistocene and the Holocene Greenlandic beetle faunas. A few fossil assemblages from the Hugin Sø Interstade, which is correlated with oxygen isotope stage 5c (early last glacial stage), point to poor, perhaps entirely herbaceous vegetation with a mean summer temperature that was perhaps 3 4°C lower than today.  相似文献   

我国地少人多,工业用地是有限的.总图专业在进行工厂场址选择和总平面布置时应优化设计方案,认真节约用地.  相似文献   

The plateaus between 400 and 800 m a.s.l. around the water-divides on central and eastern Janieson Land are covered by the 'Jameson Land Drift' up to 50 m thick glacial. placiotluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits. A high content of far-travelled wcsterii rocks indicates the overriding by extensive glaciers channelled from the west through the Scoresby Sund basin. The Jameson Land Drift deposits have bccn lithostratigraphically divided into two groups. each representing the sedimentary successions from one glaciation in the wider sense of the word. sediments from the lower Lollandselv glaciation are upwards delimited by a distinct periglacial surface. TL-dates suggest a prc-Saalian (approximately isotope stages 11–9) age. The following Scoreshby Sund glaciation . when most of the studied Jameson Land Drift sediments were laid down. is of Saalian age (e. isotope stages 8 6). The deposits from the Scoresby Sund glaciation are interpreted as representing a complete glaciation deglaciation succession, including proglacial sandur and glaciolacustrine sediments. followed by till deposition, with an overlying succession of glaciolacustrinc and glaciofluvial sediments. From 200–250 m to c . 400 m a.s.l. there is a driftless area, exposing Jurassic sandstones, probably a result of intensive and long-lasting periglacial erosion. Extensive occurrences of tors and of glaciofluvially (subglacially as well as subaerially) eroded canyons and channels characterize the landscape. A similar. although less well defined. upper driftless zone is found above c 500 m a.s.l. on northern Jameson Land, north of the drift-covered plateaus. During the Wcichsclian (isotope stages 5d 2). thick glacial. fluvial and marine deposits were laid down in a coastal zone below c . 200 m a.s.l., and only cold-based local ice caps seem to have existed on the interior plateaus of Jameson Land. The now driftless areas were characterized by periglacial erosion during this period.  相似文献   

During the last glacial stage, Washington Land in western North Greenland was probably completely inundated by the Greenland Ice Sheet. The oldest shell dates from raised marine deposits that provide minimum ages for the last deglaciation are 9300 cal. yr BP (northern Washington Land) and 7600 cal. yr BP (SW Washington Land). These dates indicate that Washington Land, which borders the central part of Nares Strait separating Greenland from Ellesmere Island in Canada, did not become free of glacier ice until well into the Holocene. The elevation of the marine limit falls from 110 m a.s.l. in the north to 60 m a.s.l. in the southwest. The recession was followed by readvance of glaciers in the late Holocene, and the youngest shell date from Neoglacial lateral moraines north of Humboldt Gletscher is 600 cal. yr BP. Since the Neoglacial maximum, probably around 100 years ago, glaciers have receded. The Holocene marine assemblages comprise a few southern extralimital records, notably of Chlamys islandica dated to 7300 cal. yr BP. Musk ox and reindeer disappeared from Washington Land recently, perhaps in connection with the cold period that culminated about 100 years ago.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(1):358-367
The ice shield of Antarctica, which measures several kilometers in thickness, presents a challenge when attempting to unravel the subglacial geology. Here, we report about systematic airborne magnetic surveys conducted over the last decade, which investigated a significant part of Dronning Maud Land (DML), imaging for the first time the crustal architecture of the interior of this sector of East Antarctica. High-resolution data reveal parallel, elongated magnetic anomalies in southeastern DML. These NW–SE trending anomalies can be traced farther east into sparser Russian magnetic data sets. Several high amplitude magnetic anomalies with values above 400 nT have been observed in southwestern DML and Coats Land. They differ clearly in wavelength and amplitudes from the magnetic pattern found in the east and do not show any evidence of a Pan-African orogenic belt or suture zone connecting the Shackleton Range with eastern DML, as hypothesized in several studies. This leads to the assumption of the existence of a hitherto unrecognized large tectonic province in southeastern DML. Whereas an over 100 km long magnetic lineament in the interior of the Dronning Maud Land may reflect a major shear zone akin to the Pan-African age Heimefrontfjella shear zone. Both findings bring new evidences to the still open question about the amalgation of East and West Gondwana. In addition, the magnetic data allow mapping the eastern extent of the presumable cratonic province of Coats Land, a region considered as a key piercing point for reconstructions of Rodinia. Furthermore, the Beattie Magnetic Anomaly in southern Africa is assumed to continue into East Antarctica. Two magnetic highs in western DML are identified as possible eastward continuation of this prominent anomaly.  相似文献   


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