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2003年7月1日,我国第一部针对海岛的国家制度《无居民海岛保护与利用管理规定》正式施行了。这是我国海洋事务中的一件大事,是我国无居民海岛利用活动逐步纳入法制化轨道的重要标志。我国是一个海洋大国,除有18 000 km余的大陆海岸线外,还有14 000 km余的岛屿岸线,海岛众多,面积大于500 m2的岛屿有6 500余个,其中约94%为无居民海岛;面积在500 m2以下的岛屿和岩礁数量巨大,约上万个。海岛是海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,其生物、旅游、港口等资源丰富,是我国国民经济走向海洋的“桥头堡”,也是海外经济通向内陆的“岛桥”。根据《联合国海洋法…  相似文献   

文章在对青岛市27个面积大于500m2功能定位为旅游娱乐用岛的无居民海岛野外调查的基础上,综合资源和环境等特征,采用AHP和Delphi评估方法,构建了无居民海岛旅游开发适宜性评估模型,确定了无居民海岛旅游开发适宜性分级。研究结果表明:小青岛、小麦岛、驴岛等6个无居民海岛属于非常适宜开发;马龙岛、里连岛、即墨牛岛等9个无居民海岛属于较适宜开发;试刀石,高沙顶、涨岛等12个无居民海岛属于适宜开发。最后提出了无居民海岛开发利用建议,为青岛市无居民海岛旅游开发提供科学依据。  相似文献   

文章通过对长江口岛沙数量、分布及其演替等变化情况的了解和掌握,根据海岛及海岸线等相关定义,并结合长江口实际,对长江口海岛进行界定与分类研究。从而为长江口以及上海、江苏的海岛开发与管理提供依据。分析研究表明:长江口岛沙现共有25个,其中海岛共9个,低潮高地16个;除情侣礁外,其他24个均为面积大于500m2的海岛;海岛岸线类型中,除东风东沙和情侣礁仍为原始岸线外,其他7个岛屿的岸线均出现了人工海岸类型;由于人为因素,永隆沙、兴隆沙、黄瓜主沙和青草北沙、青草南沙及青草沙目前已消失;与20世纪90年代初相比,虽也无新形成的岛沙,但近20年来长江口岛沙一直都处于动态演变中。  相似文献   

科学处理人-地关系、实现海岛保护与发展的平衡是重要的海岛研究课题。《全国海岛保护规划》明确提出在2020年形成以海岛生态旅游等特色产业为主的海岛经济协调发展格局。在生态与产业的融合过程中,出现产业生态化和生态产业化2种需求。对于生态资源优越的海岛而言,生态产业化是未来发展的主要方向,而海岛生态旅游就是海岛地区生态产业化的重要路径。文章考察鸟岛、克里特岛、海龟岛和博基萨岛等海岛生态旅游的国际范本,以我国三大国际旅游岛之一的平潭国际旅游岛为例,说明其生态旅游“工笔画”仍有待临描;以鸟类生态旅游点选划为示例,阐明平潭国际旅游岛观鸟点的选划方案;最后建议推动海岛生态经济示范区建设,并建立国际知名海岛生态旅游合作网络。  相似文献   

中国海岛生态告急   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近日,国家海洋局海岛管理司相关人士透露,我国的海岛开发利用正处于无序无度的状态,开发方式粗放,对海岛资源破坏十分严重。全国海岛彻底完成整治修复的资金缺口大概在数百亿到近千亿元。我国海岛正以惊人的速度消失,且资源破坏严重,炸岛炸礁、填海连岛、采石挖砂、乱围乱垦等活动大规模改变海岛地形、地貌,  相似文献   

王欣凯  夏小明  程林 《海洋科学》2017,41(9):130-135
我国多次海岛数量普查因界定标准不一而结果相差巨大,为了满足海洋主管部门对海岛的管理要求,亟需研究合理的方法界定海岛数量。利用高分辨率遥感影像解译嵊泗县海岛2 875个,以分形理论讨论海岛数量与海岛面积、海岛间距的关联。结果表明,嵊泗县50%的海岛面积小于50 m~2或岛间距不足6 m,海岛数量与界定标准间呈分维数先增大后稳定的变维分形特征,分维数在220 m~2和28.5 m之后稳定在1.80和2.25。以200~500 m~2为界区分大小岛,小岛数量和海岛间距也存在变维分形特征,且分维数在间距大于50 m后趋于稳定。故嵊泗海岛最佳界定方法为以220 m~2筛选出计数海岛后再补充间距大于50 m的较小海岛,该方法下界定嵊泗海岛681个。  相似文献   

海岛生态文明是海洋生态文明的重要组成部分,实施海岛整治修复工作,是改善海岛生态环境的一种重要手段。合理的整治修复工程分类对于海岛整治修复工作申报、审批、实施及评估工作都具有重要导向作用,目前国内尚未形成适应于我国海岛整治修复工作的完整工程分类。本文通过对《中华人民共和国海岛保护法》颁布后国家实施的整治修复工作跟踪研究,结合已有分类,通过分析-组合-归纳模式,初步分析建立适用于我国海岛整治修复工作现状的工程分类体系,分为一级12类,二级46类。对全国149个项目工程进行格局分析,研究表明:(1)2010-2015年度,经国家实施整治修复项目涉及海岛约137个,有居民海岛63个,无居民海岛74个;工程共计654个,其中北海区262个,东海区248个,南海区144个;涉岛面积达2 662 km~2;(2)岛体整治修复工程类型经重点修复期(2010-2012)过后减缓,人为活动致使岛体损坏行为被及时遏制;(3)有居民海岛生态环境修复不断得到重视;(4)南北方根据其自然特征、社会经济发展状况造成工程类型呈明显地域性特征。  相似文献   

推动历史遗留用岛依法纳入管理是新形势下强化无居民海岛综合管理的重要内容。文章基于《中华人民共和国海岛保护法》,在简述我国历史遗留用岛开发利用和管理现状的基础上,从管理权责、发展方式、监管3个方面揭示我国历史遗留用岛问题产生的根本原因,分析推动历史遗留用岛问题处置的制约因素,并提出推动历史遗留用岛依法纳入管理的若干建议,为国家和地方海岛主管部门提供管理决策参考。  相似文献   

广西南流江口无居民海岛生态系统较为脆弱,自海岛地名普查以来,该区域海岛形态和岛体开发利用变化显著。文章基于2012—2019年共8期遥感影像,开展南流江口海岛形态和开发利用的遥感提取和变化检测,并逐年分析海岛变化情况。遥感监测结果表明:2012—2019年,南流江口10个海岛形态变化显著,面积减少约61.8%,2个海岛岛体新增开发利用变化;重点说明花轿铺、小砖窑岛和小平墩岛3个显著变化海岛的逐年变迁情况,并分析海岛变迁的主要原因,为海岛保护和管理提出若干建议。  相似文献   

浙江海岛风暴潮研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
浙江沿海岛屿众多,分布广泛,500m2以上的海岛就有3061个。本文对全省海岛风暴潮及其灾害进行了较系统的分析和研究。结果表明,全省海岛区是受台风影响频繁及风暴潮灾害较严重的区域。风暴潮及其灾害一般浙南岛区要大于浙中、浙北岛区,近岸海岛区要大于离岸较远的岛区。影响全省海岛的台风主要是沿海登陆型或近海转向型台风路径,而浙南岛区福建北部或中部登陆的台风影响亦较大。全省海岛台风增水主要受控于台风风场,当海岛各站置于NE~N风场时,出现增水,增水量值随风速的增大而增加,而在强劲的偏西风场下,岛区各站将出现不同程度的减水  相似文献   

以胶东半岛海岛旅游资源系统野外调查成果为基础,运用李悦铮等建立的海岛旅游资源综合评价体系,选取烟台地区长岛(南长岛和北长岛)、养马岛、崆峒岛,威海地区刘公岛、镆铘岛,青岛地区田横岛6个具有代表性的海岛,对海岛旅游资源进行了综合评价。结果显示,长岛、养马岛和刘公岛3个海岛综合得分分别为34.426、33.347和33.191,排名分别列1、2、3位,属于二级海岛旅游区;镆铘岛、崆峒岛和田横岛综合得分分别为25.668、24.272和23.500,排名分别列第4、5、6位,属于三级海岛旅游区,旅游资源条件、区域条件一般,其受自然环境限制较大。基于对6个海岛的评价综合层和评价项目层得分分析,得出胶东半岛海岛旅游资源存在着天然的缺陷,但也具备特色鲜明的旅游资源的结论。从而在海岛旅游开发和旅游产品结构上提出了相应的调整策略。  相似文献   

21世纪将是海洋的世纪。作为海洋社会的一个横断面,海岛在其中的地位和作用正在日趋增强, 近年来,海岛开发热悄然兴起。但由于海岛本身所具有的隔绝性和基础薄弱等原因,其发展遇到了瓶颈,如资金问题、人才问题、信息问题等均阻碍着海岛社区的发展。文章试针对有居民居住的海岛社区,从分析其特点入手,以社会学的视野来审视海岛社区发展中出现的问题,并提出相应的对策措施,以期为政府有关部门的决策提供参考,从而进一步促进整个海岛社区的全面、协调发展。  相似文献   

马尔代夫海岛开发考察   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对马尔代夫海岛开发的考察,系统介绍了马尔代夫在海岛开发上的主要做法和经验,并结合对马尔代夫海岛考察的体会和我国当前实际.对我国海岛开发提出了建议。  相似文献   

During the hostilities in the South Atlantic last year, the UK government hastily commissioned Lord Shackleton's team to update its 1976 report on the economic development of the Falkland Islands. The 1982 report1 again highlights the considerable development opportunities provided by the sea fish resources around the Falkland Islands and Dependencies and specifically identifies three areas for development based upon the resources of the nearshore, offshore and Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

This paper experimentally and theoretically investigates the effect of the underlayer medium on tuning of the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) wavelength of silver island films, and the effect of substrate temperature on the morphologies and optical properties of the films. From the absorption spectra of single Ag with various thickness and overcoated (Ag/TiO2) films deposited on glass substrates at various substrate temperatures by RF magnetron sputtering, we demonstrate that the surface plasmon resonance wavelength can be made tunable by changing the underlayer medium, the thickness of metal layer and the substrate temperature. By varying substrate temperatures, the interparticle coupling effects on plasmon resonances of nanosilver particles enhance as the spacing between the particles reduces. When the substrate temperature is up to 500 ℃, the absorption peak decreases sharply and shifts to shorter wavelength side due to the severe coalescence between silver islands in the film.  相似文献   

为了寻找岛屿环流理论进一步发展的突破口,使其在长期气候变化背景下海洋的响应以及深海环流等海洋领域前沿研究方向中继续起到指导作用,首先回顾了岛屿环流理论的发展过程,对其重要的发展里程碑和实际应用进行了系统梳理。同时,对岛屿环流理论未来进一步丰富发展的重点方向进行了展望。分析结果显示,该理论仍存在深入发掘的潜力,可在积分路径设计、时间变化项的影响和地形及斜压效应的影响等多方面进行细节修正和补充,拓展其应用的时间和空间尺度。  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2007,50(5-6):279-300
The paper aims to consider and compare some background trends in policy and science that are concerned with sustainable development, and, which may, influence the evolving approach to the sustainable management of islands, particularly that of the small island states. The presentation will consist of three steps.General trendThe sequence of some cardinal documents from intergovernmental organisations, which have been concerned with island management, is considered. Attention is concentrated on their teleological approach, as it has evolved moving from the 1992 Agenda 21 (Chapter 17, Subject Area G, Sustainable development of small islands), and from the 1994 Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, to the 2000 United Nations Millennium Declaration, and to the subsequent 2002 World Summit on sustainable development (WSSD) Plan of Implementation. Analysis is inclined to put into evidence how the approach to sustainable development has evolved passing through some stages, respectively marked by: (i) the focus on the ecological issues, leaving the other components of sustainable development in the background, and therefore concentrating on the first component of sustainable development, namely ecological integrity; (ii) an increasing consideration of economic and social issues, therefore concentrating on the second component of sustainable development, namely economic efficiency; and (iii) the diffusion of attention to human conditions, therefore focusing on the third component of sustainable development, namely social, intra- and inter-generational equity. The third stage has been marked by a peculiar consideration of culture, which has been regarded by decision-makers from two perspectives: first, as a resource for development, and secondly as a heritage to protect and transfer to future generations.Specific operational platformsWhere the role of island culture is the focus, two arenas are worthy of consideration. The first arena concerns United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In this respect, the criteria through which island places have been included in the UNESCO world heritage list (WHL) may be referred to the concept of sustainable development with the final aim of evaluating whether and how they could be used as an operational platform. A more specific relevance may be attributed to the inclusion of cultural landscapes in the WHL, and to the proclivity to design and to operate the protection and valuing of intangible culture, in that focusing on two streams—landscape and intangible culture—which have marked the recent implementation of the 1972 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. It might be considered to what extent this articulated operational arena could help the protection and sustainable use of island cultural heritage. The second arena is concerned with the 2000 European Landscape Convention, which was designed by the Council of Europe, entering into force in 2003. In this respect, at least two peculiar features are relevant to island sustainable development: on the one hand, the aim of the Convention consists of framing the landscape in planning and management, therefore attributing a cardinal role to culture in designing praxis; on the other, the perception of the landscape by the individual local communities is regarded as the reference basis for protection, management, and planning, therefore focusing on those geographical features that are regarded as culturally relevant to the local systems. This approach leads to considering whether and how the landscape may be assumed as a focus for implementing sustainable development in small islands states.The role of scienceAt this point, attention shifts to science, in order to discuss how culture has been recently approached, and what inputs may be identified with respect to small islands and small island states. In this respect, two speculative arenas have solidified: the structuralist arena, where culture is essentially identified in tangible realities, such as archaeological remains, old buildings and monuments, therefore opening the perspective of attributing them a peculiar role in planning and management; the humanistic arena, according to which culture is thought of as a mantle of symbols, and as the associated values attributed to places by local communities, therefore opening the perspective of considering the intellectual and spiritual endowment of the individual communities as an essential basis for designing culturally sound strategies and actions. The question is how these two conceptual approaches may be integrated and, jointly, how they may be used to optimise the strategies carried out by UNESCO and other intergovernmental organisations involved in island management, being sensitive to the role of culture vis-à-vis sustainable development.ConclusionMoving from this three-step pathway some deductions are sketched in order to design how the cultural identity of islands may be assumed as a cardinal basis for spatial praxis, and it may be framed into a comprehensive view by also embracing ecological identity.  相似文献   

The Western Caroline Ridge is incised parallel to its long axis by the Sorol Trough. This graben-like trough is morphologically similar to those developed behind active island arcs by the process of inter-arc extension.Using recently acquired bathymetric and geophysical data, and working from the basic assumption that the Sorol Trough is an inter-arc basin, the Western Caroline Ridge is viewed in the context of a relic island arc. By using this hypothesis, subsidiary morphologically and structural features such as the bathymetric troughs and depressions south of the ridge, as well as the existence of the ridge itself, can be accounted for in a reasonably simple manner.  相似文献   

Simulation of storm-induced barrier island morphodynamics and flooding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prediction of coupled storm hydrodynamics and morphodynamics is essential for accurately designing coastal flood protection measures. A numerical simulation methodology was developed and implemented to evaluate and assess engineering design solutions for storm damage reduction along the south shore of Long Island, New York, USA. This simulation methodology was applied to compute bay water levels for two major coastal storms taking into account contributions from storm surge, waves, wind, and barrier island overwash and breaching. Simulation results for breaching and bay flooding compare well to historically documented barrier island morphological change and bay high water marks.  相似文献   

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