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由“真动物”构成的动物界(不包括海绵)通常被划分为双胚层动物、原口动物和后口动物3个亚界。寒武纪大爆发经历了爆发的前奏—序幕—主幕3个阶段,其中后两个阶段处于早寒武世初期(依次以小壳化石的首次辐射和澄江动物群爆发为代表),另一个则发生在“寒武前夜”(即前寒武纪末期),以伊迪卡拉生物群为代表。这次独特的三幕式大爆发分步完成了动物形态演化谱系树(简写为TOA)的成型。已有化石证据显示,动物树的3大主体或3个亚界的起源及其早期辐射分别发生于寒武纪大爆发这3个主要阶段。澄江化石库中发现的早期后口动物亚界涵盖了该亚界中所有6大分支(棘皮类、半索类、头索类、尾索类、脊椎类和绝灭了的古虫类)的原始类群,澄江动物群时代标志着寒武纪大爆发的顶峰,完成了动物树框架的成型,从而宣告了寒武纪大爆发的基本终结。其学术重要性超越了中寒武世的布尔吉斯页岩,因为前者位于动物树形成的“源头”,而后者仅代表此后的“一段流程”。在动物演化历史上4个最具转折意义的重大创新事件(即多细胞动物起源、两侧对称动物起源、后口动物起源和脊椎动物起源)中,第一个发生在伊迪卡拉纪甚至更早的时期,其余3个则可通过梅树村化石群和澄江化石群观察到其完成的主体过程。已灭绝的古虫动物门,是初具鳃裂构造的原始分节动物,作为由原口动物向后口动物过渡的一个珍稀“缺环”,很可能代表着后口动物亚界的一个根。古囊类兼有两侧对称的古虫类和一些原始棘皮动物的镶嵌体征,最可能代表棘皮动物的一个根。在早寒武世动物演化谱系中,后口动物的"顶端类群"的代表是被誉为“第一鱼”的昆明鱼目,目前已知包括昆明鱼、海口鱼和钟健鱼,它们具对眼、脊索与串珠状脊椎软骨共存的原始脊椎,?  相似文献   

刺胞动物是华南寒武纪早期海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,针对这类化石的研究有助于深入了解寒武纪多幕式爆发事件。本文主要根据寒武纪早期扬子板块陕南宽川铺生物群、湖北岩家河生物群以及澄江生物群产出的刺胞动物,探讨刺胞动物在寒武纪早期的演化框架,取得了以下初步认识。截至目前,所发现的寒武纪早期刺胞动物绝大多数都属于水母超纲,珊瑚纲的化石记录在寒武系幸运阶、第二阶保存较为罕见。其中寒武系幸运阶刺胞动物的化石记录全部属于底栖类型,体型小,且具有多种类型的身体辐射对称形式,绝大多数类型可以确定属于直接发育。第二阶刺胞动物仍以底栖固着类型为主,体形增大,仅见两、四辐射对称形式;而寒武系第三阶刺胞动物仍有底栖固着类型,但游泳的水母开始出现,体型增大明显,代表水母冠群的出现,以及世代交替的复杂生命周期的正式建立。从幸运阶到第三阶刺胞动物体型明显增大,可能与海水氧气含量增加有关。在寒武纪大爆发的背景下,刺胞动物的分异度和丰度在寒武系幸运阶就已经达到顶峰,然后在第二阶、第三阶开始衰减,这种变化可能与两侧对称动物辐射演化有关。华南刺胞动物的化石记录表明,寒武纪大爆发并非纯粹的一幕式爆发,其中充斥着一系列生物群的替代甚至灭绝事件。  相似文献   

文章描述了云南寒武纪早期澄江生物群小细丝海绵属一新种--螺旋小细丝海绵(Leptomitella spiralis sp. nov.)。新种 具有横向骨针束围绕海绵体呈螺旋状排列的典型特征,明显区别于属内其他种;此外,在外部形态和骨针类型上与属内其他种 也存在较大差异。新种的发现增加了Leptomitella种间形态结构的多样性,也为海绵动物的早期演化及寒武纪海绵动物辐射演 化研究提供新的化石资料。  相似文献   

文章描述了云南寒武纪早期澄江生物群小细丝海绵属一新种——螺旋小细丝海绵(Leptomitella spiralis sp. nov.)。新种 具有横向骨针束围绕海绵体呈螺旋状排列的典型特征,明显区别于属内其他种;此外,在外部形态和骨针类型上与属内其他种 也存在较大差异。新种的发现增加了Leptomitella种间形态结构的多样性,也为海绵动物的早期演化及寒武纪海绵动物辐射演 化研究提供新的化石资料。  相似文献   

欧强 《地学前缘》2020,27(6):47-66
叶足动物在显生宙最早期的海洋中曾一度繁盛,但如今茫茫大海中它们已杳无踪影。不过,学术界主流认为它们并没有绝灭——早期叶足动物的一个分支成功演化出原始的节肢动物,成就了当今地球上最庞大的动物家族(六足类、甲壳类、多足类、螯肢类等);叶足动物另一个分支则离开海洋,保持基本躯体构型,变身为陆生叶足动物,然而历经沧桑后,仅余一两脉(有爪动物及缓步动物)残喘幸存至今。这个史诗般的精彩演化故事,深深吸引了众多学者竞先求索。近30年来,以我国云南澄江生物群为代表的一系列寒武纪特异埋藏化石库中发现了大量叶足动物化石。经研究,学术界迄今似已破解了早期叶足动物重重疑团,足以额手称庆。然而治学须严谨,考证不偏狭。作者认为,围绕早期叶足动物的迷雾尚未消散,许多问题还有待解答,部分观点仍需确证。本文对早期叶足类研究的部分主流观点提出一些不同看法,并对尚未破解的疑难问题提出尝试性的见解和猜想。  相似文献   

舒德干  韩健 《地学前缘》2020,27(6):1-27
澄江动物群以富含多门类精美软躯体构造化石享誉学界,是寒武纪大爆发主幕的见证者;它亲眼目睹了地球动物树上几乎所有主要门类祖先的首次大聚会。对该动物群30多年的大规模调查研究大体上可以划分为3个阶段。始自1984年的第一个10年(1984—1994年),早期动物树上的基础动物亚界和原口动物亚界的大量门类被发现,然而对后口动物亚界全然无知。第二个10年研究(1995—2005年),基础动物亚界和原口动物亚界中的更多门类被发现;而最重要的进展,是西北大学团队主导的早期后口动物大发现使后口动物亚界的基本框架被构建,由此地球三分动物树首次成型。第三个10年及其以后时期(2005年之后),3个动物亚界中进一步添加了一些新的门类认知;综合20世纪40年代以来对埃迪卡拉生物群、寒武纪第一世和第二世的珍稀动物群研究成果,学界开始思考三分动物树分步成型与多幕式寒武纪大爆发事件的内在关联,提出了三幕式寒武纪大爆发新假说。澄江动物群研究具有多方面的科学价值,包括动物群结构研究,生态环境研究等,然其核心学术价值主要集中在如下两个方面:(1)作为寒武纪大爆发的主幕见证者,澄江动物群首次创建了地球上三分动物树的完整谱系框架。三幕式寒武纪大爆发假说揭示了地球上动物门类由低等到高等、分阶段爆发创造的本质内涵,即历时约0.4亿年的三幕式寒武纪大爆发与动物树阶段性快速成型的内在耦合性。第一幕发生于埃迪卡拉纪晚期,它诞生了众多基础动物亚界门类(包括大量绝灭门类),也可能出现了少量原口动物的先驱分子;第二幕发生于寒武纪的第一世,除了延续基础动物门类的繁盛外,更创生了原口动物亚界里的主要门类(包括蜕皮类和触手担轮类);第三幕发生于寒武纪第二世(以澄江动物群为代表),不仅延续了基础动物和原口动物门类的兴盛,更重要的是诞生了后口动物亚界里的所有门类。至此,整个三分动物树的框架成型,寒武纪大爆发创新事件宣告基本结束。文章还对几个重要动物类群的生物学属性进行了评述。第一鱼昆明鱼目是已知唯一的最古老脊椎动物,而云南虫、海口虫既不是脊椎动物(即高等脊索动物),也不属于低等脊索动物,而是一类特殊的低等后口动物;长江海鞘是可信的始祖尾索动物,它支持了经典的尾索动物起源假说;古虫动物门首创鳃裂构造,对后口动物亚界的起源探索提供了关键信息。(2)澄江动物群具有深刻的人文哲学意义,所发现的古虫动物门创造的“第一鳃裂”,昆明鱼目创造的“第一头脑”“第一脊椎”“第一心脏”,为达尔文在《人类的由来》中关于人类的主要基础器官起源悬案的破解提供了关键证据。澄江动物群承上启下,其各种形态解剖学信息对解读埃迪卡拉生物群以及寒武纪相关化石库中绝大多数生物类型都具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

关山动物群是一个以三叶虫为主伴生有三叶形虫、吐卓虫、古虫、古蠕虫、腕足类及海绵动物的多门类软躯体后生动物化石群 ,时代介于澄江动物群与凯里动物群 (或伯吉斯页岩动物群 )之间 ,因此它的发现和研究对进一步阐明寒武纪早期生命大爆发和生物的早期演化都具有非常重要的意义。关山动物群中的古虫动物的发现有着更大的意义 ,它不仅增加了古虫动物的属种内容 ,而且对古虫动物的演化具有一定的作用。本文详细描述了昆明地区早寒武世沧浪铺阶乌龙箐组发现的古虫动物新种 Vetulicola gangtoucunensis L uo,Fu etHu sp. nov.,进一步修订了古…  相似文献   

寒武纪生命扩张及澄江动物群的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生命在地球上的出现及其演化有较长的历史。地球的物理、化学条件是早期生命出现的外因。早寒武世西南地区地质、气候及富含营养的浅海水域是澄江动物群在后生动物演化的关键时期出现的外因。“寒武纪生物的扩张”应有恰当的翻译,同时对现代生物学的“适应辐射”应有清楚的中文解释。从新近发现看,早、中寒武世的澄江动物群及布吉斯页岩动物群与埃迪卡拉动物群具有一些联系,埃迪卡拉动物群并没有在寒武纪时完全绝灭。  相似文献   

我国早期生命进化研究的进展和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了中国在晚前寒武纪——寒武纪生物化石群研究多方面(尤其是大化石)的主要成就。其中,近年发现的震旦纪陡山沱期化石生物(包括庙河生物群和蓝田植物群),对植物界的进化说来是个重要阶段;早寒武世澄江生物群(包括软躯体生物和软部保存的带骨骼生物)早于国外著名的布吉斯页岩生物群,逼近了带骨骼动物最初的爆发式辐射期。这些珍稀化石的研究将促进对早期生物进化历程的重新认识。这个研究领域有无可限量的前景。  相似文献   

澄江生物群分子在贵州遵义牛蹄塘组发现   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
澄江生物群是认识寒武纪生命大爆发的重要窗口,它的分布范围一直仅限于滇东地区,员近在贵州遵义松林牛蹄塘组底部页岩中发现有Naronia,Archotuba Conoidalis,Isaxys,Perpicaris,Lingulepis,Tsunyidiscus,Scenella,水母状化石(medusiform fossil),海绵动物化石Leptomitus,类似半索动物秆壁虫Rhabdopleura化石,软舌螺类Hyolithids,宏观藻类和疑源类化石Zunyiphyton perelegans Yang et Zhao,1999,Yuknessia sp.,Longenema Ding,1996,Sphaerocongregus variabilis等。其中有一部分是属于澄江生物群分子,这是云南省外澄江生物群分子的新发现。由于生物群之下40m处还产大量海绵动物、高肌虫和藻类化石等组成的松林生物群,其上又有下寒武统明心寺组古杯动物群,因此,这一生物群的发现对研究早寒武世生物的演化也具有一定的科学意义,同时,对澄江生物群的古生态学研究也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Abstract The Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte provides a good window to explore the origin and radiation of early bilaterians. Here we describe a netted sclerite‐bearing worm Tabelliscolex hexagonus gen. et sp. nov., and tentatively assign it to palaeoscolecidans of priapulids. The cuticle of the animal is covered with two kinds of platy sclerites which are constructed by hexagonally arranged tubercles. Similar structures of the sclerites can be seen on some Cambrian palaeoscolecidans and lobopods, so, this new species is critical for understanding the relationships between lobopods and palaeoscolecidans.  相似文献   

The Cambrian explosion, c. 530–515 Ma heralded the arrival of a diverse assembly of multicellular life including the first hard-shelled organisms. Fossils found in Cambrian strata represent the ancestors of most modern animal phyla. In contrast to the apparent explosiveness seen in the Cambrian fossil record, studies of molecular biology hint that the diversification observed in Cambrian strata was rooted in ancestry extending back into the Ediacaran (635–542 Ma). Fossil evidence for this mostly cryptic phase of evolution is derived from the soft-bodied fossils of the Ediacaran biota found throughout the world and bilaterian embryos found in the Doushantuo lagerstätte in South China. The first appearance of Ediacara fauna is thought to have followed the last of the ~ 750–635 Ma Neoproterozoic glacial episodes by 20–30 million years. In this paper, we present evidence for the oldest discovery of the ‘Ediacara’ discoidal fossils Nimbia occlusa and Aspidella terranovica (?) that predate the early Cryogenian glaciations by more than fifty million years. There is considerable disagreement over the significance of discoidal Ediacaran fossils, but our findings may support earlier suggestions that metazoan life has roots extending deeper into the Proterozoic Eon. We also confirm the presence of a Late Cryogenian (e.g. “Marinoan”) glaciation on the Lesser Karatau microcontinent including dropstones and striated clasts within the glacial strata.  相似文献   

In the recent years, exceptional fossil sites have revealed astonishing details on the anatomy, lifestyles and behaviour of Cambrian animals but surprisingly, very little is known about one of their most vital features, reproduction. We describe here in situ eggs (clusters of 3 to 30 oocytes) in the tube-dwelling priapulid worm Paraselkirkia sinica from the Cambrian Stage 3 Xiaoshiba Lagerstätte (ca. 514 Ma, South China). These oocytes were accommodated within paired tubular ovaries located in the posterior half of the primary body cavity as in modern meiobenthic priapulid worms, thus indicating that the general organization of female tubular gonads in priapulid worms has remained virtually unchanged for half a billion years. Our findings provide for the first time, key information on the reproductive organs and strategies of early ecdysozoans, a huge animal clade that dominated Cambrian marine ecosystems and accounts for a large part of today's biodiversity (e.g. arthropods). Moreover, we also emphasize the critical role of ecology on the reproductive strategies and lifestyles of both modern and Cambrian worms.  相似文献   

Tylotites petiolaris吻部构造的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早寒武世澄江动物群提供了探索早期翻吻动物辐射的一个绝佳的窗口。澄江动物群翻吻动物包括8科10属10种,其中罗惠麟等(1999)依据仅有的一块不完整的标本建立Tylotites petiolaris,并将其归入叶足动物。2002年西北大学早期生命研究所野外工作组在尖山剖面采集到两块完整的具有吻部的标本,本文籍此对该属进行了进一步完善和补充,特别是吻部和躯干表面的特征,从而说明T.petiolaris为翻吻动物。因为与澄江动物群中其他翻吻动物形态有较大差异,据此建立瘤节虫科,新科Tylotitidae fam.nov.。描述如下:虫体较长,呈圆管状,长可达100mm,宽2~4mm。身体基本可以分吻部和躯干部两部分。吻部与Cricocosmia特别相似,为典型的三段式构造,从下到上可依次分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ段,Ⅰ段与躯干前端连接,直径同于躯干,表面有10列纵向的略为弯曲的小刺(图版Ⅰ,图1a,1b;插图1)。最前端吻刺最为粗壮,向后的吻刺逐渐变小。Ⅱ段位于Ⅰ段之前,向前略微收缩,光滑无刺。Ⅲ段位于吻部顶端,可进一步分为A、B两部分:A段直径后端大于Ⅱ段,表面密布斜列排列的小刺,从后向前,小刺变大;B段光滑无饰,直径小于A段。Ⅲ段可强烈自由弯曲(图版Ⅰ,图1a,1d)。颈部长约5mm,表面光滑无饰,直径略小于躯干。躯干表面具56~58个环脊,52排粗刺,最前面第4~6个环脊表面无刺,环脊之间为环沟。躯干由前向后直径逐渐增加,在中后部增至最大,然后虫体直径基本上一致。躯干刺成行成列排列。环状分布的躯干刺随着环脊与环沟落差的变化而改变,到躯干后部逐渐减小。每一个环脊之上有12个粗刺,腹刺长度小于背刺。有些躯干刺的轴部显示较强的黄铁矿化,表明其可能为中空结构(图版Ⅰ,图1c),可能有体腔伸入,躯干末端具有一对尾刺,躯干整体弯曲成6字形(图版Ⅰ,图1a,1b)。肠管从吻部一直延伸到躯干末端。肠道位于一个空闻的体腔内,Ⅰ段表面宽约1mm的黑色区域可能为胃,肛门位于躯干末端的腹面(图版Ⅰ,图1b)。T.petiolaris很可能表栖生活于海底底面上。因为体表长刺具有很强的防御作用,腹刺在运动过程中可以抓牢沉积物,所以,很可能通过背腹波动在海底底面作蠕形运动,也不排除蜷曲一解蜷的运动方式。吻部的主要功能可能为捕食。几条T.petiolaris个体相互盘绕(图版Ⅰ,图2),很可能与其两性交配有关。  相似文献   

The Lower Ordovician Fezouata Konservat-Lagerstätte from southern Morocco has been one of the major palaeontological discoveries of the last decade. It provides a unique insight into one of the most critical periods in the evolution of marine life: the Cambrian–Ordovician transition. However, its potential for deciphering key trends in animal diversification was hitherto largely limited by major uncertainties concerning its stratigraphic position, age and environmental setting. Based on extensive fieldwork, fossil evidence, and facies recognition, our study provides clarification on these three crucial issues. Exceptional preservation is limited to two intervals within the Fezouata Shale. Graptolites indicate a late Tremadocian age for the Fezouata Konservat-Lagerstätte as a whole, which is supported by biostratigraphical evidence provided by acritarchs. Sedimentological features and reconstructed patterns of relative sea-level changes indicate relatively shallow-water environmental conditions, under distal storm influence, in an offshore to lower shoreface siliciclastic ramp setting. The Fezouata Biota represents a unique and exceptional window into the palaeobiodiversity in open-marine conditions, thus contrasting with the other Ordovician Konservat-Lagerstätten presently known. In our analyses of this new set of data, we pave the way for accurate temporal, faunal and environmental comparisons with other Lower Palaeozoic Konservat-Lagerstätten, and unlock the full potential of the Fezouata Biota to better understand the processes and scenarios of early animal radiations.  相似文献   

It has been established that important changes in the marine environment and the biosphere occurred during the Cambrian. However, the relationships between the so-called “Cambrian Explosion” and the concomitant environmental changes are not yet fully understood. This study presents new geochemical data from the black shale successions from different facies belts of the Yangtze Platform in South China. Variations in the concentrations of REE and trace elements (varying Ce/Ce*, Th/U, V/Sc, and V/Cr ratios) in kerogen as well as in bulk rocks from different depositional environments along a transect from platform to basin indicate two oxidation events, which led to the oxygenation of the water column in shallow-marine environments and euxinic conditions (weak correlation between TOC, V, U, and Mo) in the deeper sea. During the first oxidation event in the late Terreneuvian, anoxic conditions in bottom waters rapidly changed to euxinic conditions. Subsequently, the second oxidation event during the early Epoch 2 of the Cambrian led to oxic–suboxic conditions in deeper seawater.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(4):558-566
It has been an intense debate on the exact boundary between Ediacaran and Cambrian in the southwest Yangtze Block. The calibration of this critical boundary has a remarkable influence on the further investigation of the break-up of the Rodinia Supercontinent, the early life evolution, and the mechanism of the phosphorite deposit. Ediacaran and Cambrian strata and fossils are widely distributed in Anning, Yunnan Province in China. In recent years, the Xiaowaitoushan Member from the Lower Yuhucun Formation has been studied. Through this interval with continuous collections, the first appearance datums (FADs) of the protoconodont (Fomitchella cf. inchoate Yang et He, Protohertzina cf. anabarica Missarzhevsky) and globular embryos fossil (Olivooides sp.) earlier than these in the Lower Cambrian strata of the Meishucun Formation were discovered. This discovery indicates that the Xiaowaitoushan Member has included more FADs than the previously discovered single FAD of Anabarites primitivus Qian et Jiang, and the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary in southwest China should be replaced below the Point “A” of the Meishucun Formation in Yunnan Province. The Point “B” of the Meishucun Formation is younger than the suggested age 541 Ma of the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary and can no longer reference the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) correlation in southwest China. It can be suggested based on the previous stratigraphy and palaeontology studies from northern Sichuan and southern Shaanxi and the FAD of the globular embryos fossils that the Ediacaran−Cambrian boundary in the southwest Yangtze Block should be placed at the base of the Xiaowaitoushan Member; other phosphorite strata refer to Xiaowaitoushan Member. The discovery of the FADs of the shelly fossils in the Xiaowaitoushan Member provides new evidence for the global correlation of the Ediacaran –Cambrian boundary in the southwest Yangtze Block. The conodont discoloration index (CAI) of the specimens in Anning is between 2 and 3, which indicates that the organic matter in Xiaowaitoushan Member is matured and has high potential to form a shale gas reservoir.  相似文献   

从塔里木盆地看中国海相生油问题   总被引:175,自引:3,他引:172  
梁狄刚 《地学前缘》2000,7(4):534-547
塔里木盆地厚达 5~ 7km的海相寒武、奥陶系 ,可划分出下、中寒武统和中、上奥陶统两套工业性烃源岩。油源对比证实 :盆地目前保存下来的海相成因工业性油藏 ,主要来源于中上奥陶统泥灰岩。正是因为塔里木盆地比四川、鄂尔多斯盆地多了一套中等成熟的中上奥陶统油源岩 ,所以能够找到海相油田。笔者认为 :海相工业性烃源岩不必很厚 ,但w (TOC)应≥0 .5% ,碳酸盐岩要含泥质 ;海相源岩往往并不发育在凹陷中心 ,而发育在 4种有利沉积相带上 ;碳酸盐岩具有“双重母质”的特点 ,浮游藻类偏油 ,底栖藻类偏气。海相源岩的形成模式有“保存模式”和“生产力模式”两种 ,分别对应于塔里木寒武系和中上奥陶统烃源岩。塔里木古生代克拉通早期活动、晚期稳定、持续降温的演化史 ,有利于海相油气的多期成藏和晚期保存。  相似文献   

The Ediacaran Dickinsonia is well-known for being the only fossil to be assigned to many phyla, ranging from lichens, Cnidaria, Piatyheiminthes, Annelida, and a phylum of its own to a nonmetazoan kingdom. A new specimen from the Ediacaran fine-grained sandstone on the Winter Coast of the White Sea in northern Russia, which has an age of -555 million years ago, preserved convincing internal anatomies of definite animals, comparable with meridionai canals of extant ctenophores (comb jellies). Additionally, we reconsidered Dickinsonia as a biradiaily symmetrical animal rather than a bilateral one as previously thought. The animal nature of Dickinsonia is, thus, well established and its affinities are most probably allied to ctenophores. This research is not only removing Dickinsonia from Vendobionta, but also bringing the fossil record of ctenophores forward to 20 million years before the Cambrian "explosion".  相似文献   

Over one hundred arthropod fossil species have been described from the famous Chengjiang Lagerstätte (South China, Cambrian Stage 3, ca. 518 Ma) including a diverse assemblage of radiodonts–a group containing Anomalocaris and its relatives. These iconic stem-group euarthropods include some of the largest animals of the time, and some are known from hundreds of specimens. A longstanding conundrum has been the rarity or absence of hurdiids from Cambrian Series 2 Lagerstätten like Chengjiang. This is because radiodonts are generally common in such deposits and the oldest radiodont ever discovered is a hurdiid. Furthermore, this family displays the widest geographic and temporal ranges of all radiodont families, and the highest diversity. Here we document the first hurdiid frontal appendages from Chengjiang, which display unique features within the family and may provide insights for understanding the character evolution of hurdiid appendages. The palaeoenvironmental distribution of hurdiids suggests that the rarity of hurdiids in Chengjiang may be due to a preference for deeper water environments, and the later success of this family from the Wuliuan onwards may relate to their ability to tolerate cooler water temperatures than other radiodont families. The palaeogeographical, palaeoenvironmental, and stratigraphical patterns observed in hurdiids maybe caused in part by the limited distributions of Konservat-Lagerstätten in the Cambrian as well.  相似文献   

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