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Rural dilution, a term originally used in the UK in the 1950s, refers to change in the social composition of rural populations: those elements engaged in primary production (and its necessary servicing) are thinned out by agricultural restructuring and labour shedding, while at the same time in-migration of new elements (retirement, long-distance commuting, lifestyle migration) is occurring. The extent to which such dilution occurs is influenced by a number of factors, including distance in travel time from the nearest metropolitan or other large city, location with respect to the coast/perceived environmental amenity, and rural population density. This paper explores changes in traditional rural communities in Southern Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, which lie 2½-3 hours' drive from Adelaide and have been subject to substantial rural dilution. Drawing on two detailed surveys of the strictly rural (dispersed) population of the region carried out in 1984 and replicated in 2000, some important social impacts of the recent migration flows are identified, including changes in perceived community identity and allegiance, shopping and business patterns, and the very recent impact of the uptake of electronic communication innovations. The paper concludes with an assessment of the extent to which the trends identified are likely to continue, and mould future communities in similar distance and amenity situations over the next 10-20 years, changing the nature of rurality in Australia.  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift, Danish Journal of Geography 105(2):23–37, 2005

As a reaction to the 'top-down 'approach to rural development during the 1970's and 1980's, and in line with the increased focus on ‘putting farmers first’ (bottom-up) through local participation, new and integrated approaches to natural resource management (NRM) have been launched to generate sustainable development. This paradigmatic change has greatly influenced land use planning. Some of the implications involved in this change are discussed in this paper and based on empirical data from Tanzania and Botswana. In this paper we will discuss three critical issues related to land use planning for sustainable NRM: the complexity of livelihood strategies at the local level, the role of different stakeholder interests and the importance of spatial scale considerations. The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding that the different and often erratic resource endowment of the rural households influences the strategies these households follow in order to meet their overall needs, rather than ‘simply’ maximizing agricultural yields. Furthermore, the importance of spatial scale, in relation to both different stakeholder interests and their needs will be discussed. The paper highlights the need to take community heterogeneity into consideration in land use planning if sustainable NRM is to be achieved in the future.  相似文献   

北京市区老年人口休闲行为的时空特征初探   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33  
孙樱  陈田  韩英 《地理研究》2001,20(5):537-546
大城市老龄化及由此带来的城市社会问题已引起社会的普遍关注。北京、上海等一些大城市市区,老龄人口的比重已经占到城市市区总人口的20~30%,部分老龄化社区也初见端倪。然而,目前学术界对老年人口问题的研究,主要集中在老年人口的贫困、医疗保健以及老龄公寓等经济和社会问题方面。对老年人口的精神慰藉及休闲健身活动的要求缺乏研究。本文通过对北京市区50个退休老人四季休闲行为的跟踪调查,采用时间地理学的研究方法,揭示大城市老年人口日常生活行为、休闲活动的基本特征及其时空分异规律,为大城市规划中的休闲空间的组织与布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   

中国居民时间的利用特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
薛东前  刘溪  周会粉 《地理研究》2013,32(9):1688-1698
时间作为测量人类生活的计量单位,能够直观地反映居民各项活动的时间利用状况。将居民的日常活动归类为工作、生活和休闲三类活动,运用2008年我国第一次居民时间利用调查的数据,通过对中国、美国、日本和新西兰4个国家进行对比研究,分析性别、年龄、职业、收入对居民时间利用的影响。研究表明,中国居民在时间利用方面与发达国家相比呈现出明显的不同。主要结论是:①年龄与职业是影响居民时间利用的最重要因素。随着年龄增长,居民的工作、生活和休闲时间分别呈现"反L"、"N"和"U"型变化;职位越高收入越高者工作与生活时间相对较少,休闲娱乐时间增加并且活动也比较丰富。②多数居民的生活呈"模式化"的特点,生活规律的共性很强。  相似文献   

以广州市20个典型社区为例,构建多元线性回归模型,探讨了绿色空间对居民休闲性体力活动的影响,并剖析绿色空间对不同类型社区居民休闲性体力活动影响的作用机制。结果发现:1)不同类型社区居民的休闲性体力活动水平存在明显差异,低档社区的为782.99 MET-min/w,中档社区的为871.70 MET-min/w,高档社区的为1 227.91 MET-min/w;2)影响不同类型社区居民休闲性体力活动水平的绿色空间因素有所不同,低档社区、中档社区和高档社区的显著因子分别为“到最近公园广场距离”“邻里绿化覆盖率”和“健身活动设施数量”;3)绿色空间对休闲性体力活动水平影响的作用机制存在社区差异,低档社区居民休闲性体力活动主要受到成本作用的约束,中档社区居民主要受绿化环境作用影响,而高档社区居民主要受机会作用影响。  相似文献   

通过案例分析、文献检索、实地调研等方法,基于人地关系的基本理论,以江汉平原为例,探索乡村居民休闲空间的历史变迁和结构要素特征。结果表明:江汉平原乡村居民休闲空间经历4个变迁阶段。原始文明时期,乡村地域空间要素缺乏,原始部落中央广场形成休闲空间雏形,表现为空间开放特征;农耕文明时期,乡村地域空间要素基本形成,散落的乡村空间格局致使休闲空间相对分散,表现为空间区隔特征;工业文明时期,乡村地域空间要素逐渐成熟,乡村休闲空间被外来游客占据享用,表现为空间掠夺特征;生态文明时期,休闲空间要素稳定完善,人地和谐共生,人人共享休闲空间,表现为空间共融特征。  相似文献   

More than half of Australia's lands and coastal regions are now encompassed within the boundaries of native title claims. The claims and the 'native title communities' who have lodged them are shaping a new geography of Australia's lands and seascapes. These communities derive from traditional ownership and thus have a different, and more fundamentally authoritative, basis to the indigenous 'residential communities' whose representative organisations are the mechanism through which governments have promoted indigenous self-management and which dominate in public affairs. Recognition of native title provides some opportunities for indigenous people to negotiate for benefits which will address their marginalised and economically dependent status but these are limited by the protection given to non-indigenous interests and are often proving they can be very difficult to realise. Overcoming indigenous marginalisation, promoting co-existence between indigenous and other Australians, and securing sustainability in rural regions requires that institutional reform goes beyond legally bounded interpretations of where native title does and does not still exist. Rebuilding indigenous institutions for governance of country is fundamental to achieving necessary change but political will and resources to support the process are critically lacking.  相似文献   

程淑贤  韩会然  杨成凤 《热带地理》2022,42(12):2063-2075
选取合肥市为案例地,基于问卷调查数据,运用有序Logistic回归模型,探究不同类型社区中建成环境对老年人休闲行为的影响。研究发现:1)不同类型社区中,老年人的休闲活动水平存在显著差异,居住在单位房社区的老年人休闲频率最高,公租房社区最低;大部分老年人休闲活动频率为每周≥3 d,且以散步、跳广场舞、打牌等低强度活动为主。2)在感知建成环境变量中,对社区整体步行环境的感知与单位房社区和商品房社区老年人的日常休闲行为存在正相关;而对社区治安的评价仅对居住在单位房社区的老年人表现出积极影响;居住在公租房社区中的老年人对社区交通便捷度的感知与其日常休闲行为间存在正相关。3)在客观建成环境变量中,土地混合利用度与老年居民日常休闲行为的关系在单位房社区表现为正相关,但在公租房社区呈现负相关;离最近公交站距离越远,商品房和公租房社区老年人的日常休闲行为频率越低;交叉路口的密度对老年人日常休闲行为的负向影响仅表现在单位房社区。4)建成环境对不同休闲频率的老年人表现出差异化影响,单位房社区中,社区治安、社区整体步行环境的满意度和土地混合利用度对中低休闲频率的老年人产生负向影响,对高休闲频率的老年人产生正向影响,而交叉路口密度的作用方向正好相反;商品房社区中,社区整体步行环境的满意度与低休闲频率的老年人呈负向关联,与高休闲频率的老年人呈正向关联,到最近公交车站的距离与二者的关系恰好相反;公租房社区中,低休闲频率的老年人与社区交通便捷度之间呈负相关关系,与土地混合利用度和到最近公交车站的距离呈正相关关系,而中等休闲频率的老年人正好相反,高休闲频率的老年人仅受到社区交通便捷度的积极影响。  相似文献   

基于人地关系视角,选取常州春秋淹城作为主题型文化旅游地典型个案,构建旅游地属性对旅游者场所依恋的结构模型并开展实证研究。结果显示:春秋淹城主题型文化旅游地属性包含4 个维度,游客对其感知存在"休闲娱乐属性→春秋文化属性→景观遗址属性→人文关怀属性"依次递减的分异特征;旅游地4 维属性对旅游者场所依恋的驱动效应存在显著性差异,休闲娱乐属性和春秋文化属性的正向驱动力显著,景观遗址属性和人文关怀属性的驱动力较弱;总体而言,旅游地属性对旅游者场所依恋的驱动效应呈现"旅游地属性的价值功能凸显→旅游者感知体验‘优势区’→旅游者场所依恋的驱动效应显著"和"旅游地属性的价值功能滞后→旅游者感知体验‘弱势区’→旅游者场所依恋的驱动效应弱化"的分异规律,旅游地整体属性对旅游者场所依恋的驱动效应有待进一步提升和优化。  相似文献   

基于旅游系统理论的中国乡村旅游发展模式探讨   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
张树民  钟林生  王灵恩 《地理研究》2012,31(11):2094-2103
基于旅游系统理论分析中国乡村旅游发展模式,能更全面的识别我国乡村旅游发展的驱动要素及其相互作用机理。在概述旅游系统理论、乡村旅游系统及其驱动因素的基础上,归纳了我国乡村旅游的发展模式类型与特点,即需求拉动型模式、供给推动型模式、中介影响型模式、支持作用型模式以及混合驱动型模式,并且选取北京昌平康陵村、山西皇城村、安徽黟县西递村、西藏林芝扎西岗村等典型案例,对乡村旅游系统及驱动机制、利益主体等方面进行了研究,为我国乡村旅游资源的开发、乡村旅游政策制定提供支持与借鉴。  相似文献   

健康社区建设是后疫情时代的重要趋势,在促进居民健康状况方面,只有针对各类生活方式进行组合干预才能将个体患病风险降到最低并保证居民身心的全面健康.论文选取了北京22个典型社区,利用2019年北京城市体检问卷调查数据构建了社区居民健康生活方式的评价指标体系,并在此基础上结合社区生活圈内的建成环境空间数据,借助多层线性模型考...  相似文献   

Local Economic Development is (LED) an activity of increasing importance in the developing world as globalisation produces new roles for local governments. As compared to a growing number of urban initiatives for LED, rural LED initiatives are relatively undeveloped. In this paper, the focus is upon South Africa, where the post‐apartheid government has sought to encourage both urban and rural LED initiatives. Programmes of land reform and restitution in South Africa result in the resettlement or return to the land of communities formerly dispossessed under apartheid. A critical element of planning for successful resettlement is the implementation of LED programmes. Schmidtsdrift in Northern Cape is examined as an example of participatory LED in a developing rural context. Rural LED in South Africa is distinguished by its focus upon poverty alleviation in the context of addressing the legacies of apartheid.  相似文献   

王华 《地理科学》2016,36(6):863-870
采用质性研究方法,揭示1980~2014年间丹霞山瑶塘村和断石村在旅游引导下实现农村城镇化的过程特征和机制。研究发现,在旅游驱动下,地方政府、农村社区、外来力量等多元主体共同作用下两村逐步实现了“以人为核心”的新型农村城镇化;地方政府的有效管理和资金扶持,有力保障了农村公共设施建设和旅游企业发展,防止“公地悲剧”和“虚假城镇化”现象发生;农村社区以土地、资金和劳动力等要素主动参与旅游经营和社区建设,实现了产业、就业和生活方式的非农化,是农村城镇化的主导力量;以外来资本、旅游移民和旅游者等为主的外来力量为农村城镇化提供了资金、劳动力、文化和信息等支持,其作用随着旅游市场规模的扩大而逐步加大。研究认为,当前旅游驱动型农村城镇化并非传统意义上农民空间、职业和身份都发生转化的城镇化,而是农民通过参与旅游就地转变生产和生活方式的内生型城镇化,未来可通过“村改居”方式逐步向区域城镇化转换。  相似文献   

a山东省乡村休闲旅游地的空间分布特征及影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王新越  候娟娟 《地理科学》2016,36(11):1706-1714
选取山东省具有代表性的104处乡村休闲旅游地作为研究样本,运用最邻近点指数、地理集中指数、地理联系率、核密度等方法研究乡村休闲旅游地的分布规律及影响因素。结果表明: 山东省乡村休闲旅游地类型丰富,可以划分为休闲观光类、农事体验类、农业科技类、乡村文化类、特色村镇类5个一级类型,农业观光示范园、自然风景区等17个二级类型; 山东省乡村休闲旅游地整体空间分布趋于集聚,空间结构属于凝聚型; 五大类型中特色村镇类和乡村文化类集聚程度高,休闲观光类和农业科技类数量多、布局分散;经济基础、资源禀赋、人口密度、交通区位是影响乡村休闲旅游地分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

The forest realm of the Gòòl‐War watershed of southeast Perak, Malaysia holds much socio‐cultural significance to the Semai Orang Asli communities living along these rivers. Notwithstanding its present‐day location within the Bukit Tapah Forest Reserve, the forest continues to be where Semai conceptions of history and lore are encoded in the geographical particulars of the landscape. A thriving forest‐dependent lifestyle maintains and transmits Semai place knowledge, observed in this research through people's command of ancestral place‐names. This paper provides an introduction to Semai toponymy and considers the implications of indigenous place‐names on the protection of indigenous homelands and ways of life.  相似文献   

Decentralization in access to and control of Bolivia's forest resources, coupled with a rising global demand for tropical hardwoods, raises important questions about whether increased trade and community forest management (CFM) initiatives can enable forms of market integration that have more favourable outcomes for rural communities. This paper assesses the prospects for such a transition through an examination of the relationships linking wood product market intermediaries (brokers and buyers) to rural suppliers and forest communities in Bolivia. The analysis centres on whether trust – conceptualized as a power‐laden sociospatial process driven by multiscalar factors – can evolve between buyers and suppliers such that more progressive (sustainable and mutually beneficial) partnerships devolop. Focusing on three types of buyer–supplier relationships in Bolivia – direct ties between wood brokers/buyers and suppliers, nongovernmental organization (NGO) mediated exchange relationships and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification of suppliers – our findings show how trust building initiatives that focus on one scale may fail if factors at other scales create obstacles to collaboration, Given these relational constraints, CFM strategies in Bolivia currently face limitation on their viability as economic development strategies.  相似文献   

Most scholarship on rural–urban migration in Sub-Saharan Africa demonstrates that migrants tend to move in a “circular” fashion and only spend short periods of time in cities before returning home to rural villages. However, some scholars working on the impacts of climate change on migration suggest that deteriorating environmental conditions may undermine rural livelihoods and lead people to move to cities for longer periods of time. If this is true, then climate change threatens to accelerate urbanisation and lead to renewed stress on urban infrastructure. The purpose of this paper is to explore these positions and we do so by collecting survey [n = 241], in-depth interview [n = 75] and focus group [n = 123 participants] data from rural and urban Malawi. Two key results stand out as significant. The first is that migrants in Malawi's capital city tend to stay in the urban environment for longer periods of time than conventional understandings of migration would predict. The second key result is that climate change may actually lead, in the case of Malawi, to reverse (i.e urban–rural) migration. This is because many of the people in Malawi's cities depend on products produced in rural environments (e.g. food and fuelwood). If climate change undermines rural livelihoods, then many urban residents will find the basis of their livelihoods removed and will likely respond by moving back to rural villages. Overall, our results, therefore, suggest that in at least one case the effect of climate change on migration may not be to increase migration towards cities but to stimulate an exodus from cities and back to the rural countryside.  相似文献   

中国农村居民旅游消费特征与影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余凤龙  黄震方  方叶林 《地理研究》2013,32(8):1565-1576
农村居民旅游消费水平的增强是扩大内需、统筹城乡发展的重要途径,有助于促进旅游业的可持续发展。分析中国农村居民旅游消费的发展阶段、消费特征及其变动趋势与影响因素,研究表明:① 农村居民旅游消费可以分为三个阶段:1999 年以前,旅游消费呈现快速发展的态势,人均消费水平较低;1999-2003 年,消费水平基本处于停滞状态;2003 年以后,旅游消费发展主要因出游人次增加而带来的规模扩张,人均消费增长迟缓。② 农村居民平均旅游消费倾向呈现波动性下降趋势,消费水平以滞后性消费为主,交通、住宿、餐饮和游览等消费比重持续下降,消费结构变动程度较强,消费层次较低,消费产品结构不合理。③ 农村居民收入、传统消费习惯和消费不确定性是影响旅游消费的主要因素,其中收入、消费习惯与旅游消费之间存在显著的正相关关系,居民收入的积极效应更强;消费不确定性与旅游消费之间存在显著的负相关关系,是影响旅游消费的消极因素;城镇居民旅游消费的示范效应不显著,但城乡旅游交流日益密切,其示范效应也不容忽视。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):270-280
Since 1979, when the new government came to power in Iran, there have been fundamental structural changes in Iranian society. The focus of this essay is on the pronounced redistribution of population, which has taken place largely as a result of the new Iranian government's policy favoring rural-urban migration. The government's justification for the redistribution has been that there is a need for the deprived lower classes in rural areas to receive a better deal within Iranian society. Mr. A. Khosrosphahi, government official in the area of Housing and Urban Development has publicly stated on many occasions that migrants who wish to live in the Tehran metropolitan area will be provided with housing facilities, including parcels of urban land and housing loans. This has caused a mass migration of rural settlers to the cities. In order to examine different aspects of how this redistribution has occurred, it will be useful to study in detail what has taken place in one city affected by the changes. The city of Kermanshah will be considered here as such a case study.  相似文献   

佟伟铭  张平宇  何欢 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1537-1545
基于长春市兴华园社区典型案例,利用社区理论揭示了大城市郊区化过程中失地农民社区的城镇化机制与影响。结果表明土地征用体制下以农村社区为载体实现了快速城镇化,实现了乡村社会和经济空间重构,乡村生产空间和生活空间的优化和重组,地域空间并入城市发展范畴,城镇化进程加快,主要表现为城市景观和设施的推进,农民市民化进程加快,包括就业非农化与生活方式市民化等,但存在社会保障和补偿机制不健全,失地农民生活满意度低,社会认同感缺失等问题。  相似文献   

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