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A structural interpretation of the Ziarat block in the Balochistan region (a part of the Suleiman Fold and Thrust Belt) has been carried out using seismic and seismological data. Seismic data consists of nine 2.5D pre‐stack migrated seismic lines, whereas the seismological data covers the Fault Plane Solution and source parameters. Structural interpretation describes two broad fault sets of fore and back thrusts in the study area that have resulted in the development of pop‐up structures, accountable for the structural traps and seismicity pattern in terms of seismic hazard. Seismic interpretation includes time and depth contour maps of the Dungan Formation and Ranikot group, while seismological interpretation includes Fault Plane Solution, that is correlated with a geological and structural map of the area for the interpretation of the nature of the subsurface faults. Principal stresses are also estimated for the Ranikot group and Dungan Formation. In order to calculate anisotropic elastic properties, the parameters of the rock strength of the formations are first determined from seismic data, along with the dominant stresses (vertical, minimum horizontal, and maximum horizontal). The differential ratio of the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses is obtained to indicate optimal zones for hydraulic fracturing, and to assess the potential for geothermal energy reservoir prospect generation. The stress maps indicate high values towards the deeper part of the horizon, and low towards the shallower part, attributed to the lithological and structural variation in the area. Outcomes of structural interpretation indicate a good correlation of structure and tectonics from both seismological and seismic methods.  相似文献   

In this study, an assessment of seismicity parameters in the northwest Himalaya and adjoining regions using an earthquake catalog from India Meteorological Department covering a period from June 1, 1998 to June 30, 2011 has been carried out. The spatial distributions of seismicity parameters, namely magnitude of completeness, M C, a value, b value, and correlation fractal dimension, D C, are estimated for the studied region. The M C, a, and b values are found to be 2.5, 4.601, and 0.83, respectively. Despite significant gaps, the spatial distributions of a and b values are seen to follow similar trend and are found scattering in between Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and South Tibet Detachment, adjoining areas of Mahendragarh-Dehradun Fault (MDF), Delhi-Haridwar Ridge (DHR) and Moradabad Fault (MF), and the southern flank of Karakoram Fault and Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone. The estimated spatial distribution of b and a values is within 90 % of confidence level, thereby indicating non-uniform stress accumulation or higher rock fracturing density in the studied region caused by strong tectonization following several earthquakes. Negative correlation between low b value and high D C is observed predominantly in the region between the MBT and Munsiari Thrust or Main Central Thrust-I of Garhwal and Kumaon Himalaya, adjoining zones of MDF, DHR, and MF of Indo-Gangetic plain, and the eastern flank of the studied region, suggesting the presence of asperities in the zone. At the same time, active creeping process can be inferred in between the MBT and Main Central Thrust of Garhwal Himalaya and the surrounding areas of Shimla region of the Himalayan arc to the northwestern part of the studied region from the positive correlation between b value and D C. The results indicate that the structural heterogeneity caused by different stress accumulation and rock fracturing densities exists due to continuous tectonic adjustments between different geomorphic features of the studied region. An attempt has also been made to classify the studied region into smaller seismic zones by observing the spatial patterns of b value and D C that are fractal properties of the observed seismicity, along with the prevalent fault networks.  相似文献   

The Himalayas has experienced varying rates of earthquake occurrence in the past in its seismo-tectonically distinguished segments which may be attributed to different physical processes of accumulation of stress and its release, and due diligence is required for its inclusion for working out the seismic hazard. The present paper intends to revisit the various earthquake occurrence models applied to Himalayas and examines it in the light of recent damaging earthquakes in Himalayan belt. Due to discordant seismicity of Himalayas, three types of regions have been considered to estimate larger return period events. The regions selected are (1) the North-West Himalayan Fold and Thrust Belt which is seismically very active, (2) the Garhwal Himalaya which has never experienced large earthquake although sufficient stress exists and (3) the Nepal region which is very seismically active region due to unlocked rupture and frequently experienced large earthquake events. The seismicity parameters have been revisited using two earthquake recurrence models namely constant seismicity and constant moment release. For constant moment release model, the strain rates have been derived from global strain rate model and are converted into seismic moment of earthquake events considering the geometry of the finite source and the rates being consumed fully by the contemporary seismicity. Probability of earthquake occurrence with time has been estimated for each region using both models and compared assuming Poissonian distribution. The results show that seismicity for North-West region is observed to be relatively less when estimated using constant seismicity model which implies that either the occupied accumulated stress is not being unconfined in the form of earthquakes or the compiled earthquake catalogue is insufficient. Similar trend has been observed for seismic gap area but with lesser difference reported from both methods. However, for the Nepal region, the estimated seismicity by the two methods has been found to be relatively less when estimated using constant moment release model which implies that in the Nepal region, accumulated strain is releasing in the form of large earthquake occurrence event. The partial release in second event of May 2015 of similar size shows that the physical process is trying to release the energy with large earthquake event. If it would have been in other regions like that of seismic gap region, the fault may not have released the energy and may be inviting even bigger event in future. It is, therefore, necessary to look into the seismicity from strain rates also for its due interpretation in terms of predicting the seismic hazard in various segments of Himalayas.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of digital data of the Bouguer anomaly map of NW India suggests maximum depth of causative sources as 134 km that represents the regional field and coincides with the upwarped lithosphere — asthenosphere boundary as inferred from seismic tomography. This upwarping of the Indian plate in this section is related to the lithospheric flexure due to its down thrusting along the Himalayan front. The other causative layers are located at depths of 33, 17, and 6 km indicating depth to the sources along the Moho, lower crust and the basement under Ganga foredeep, the former two also appear to be upwarped as crustal bulge with respect to their depths in adjoining sections. The gravity and the geoid anomaly maps of the NW India provide two specific trends, NW-SE and NE-SW oriented highs due to the lithospheric flexure along the NW Himalayan fold belt in the north and the Western fold belt (Kirthar -Sulaiman ranges, Pakistan) and the Aravalli Delhi Fold Belt (ADFB) in the west, respectively. The lithospheric flexures also manifest them self as crustal bulge and shallow basement ridges such as Delhi — Lahore — Sagodha ridge and Jaisalmer — Ganganagar ridge. There are other NE-SW oriented gravity and geoid highs that may be related to thermal events such as plumes that affected this region. The ADFB and its margin faults extend through Ganga basin and intersect the NW Himalayan front in the Nahan salient and the Dehradun reentrant that are more seismogenic. Similarly, the extension of NE-SW oriented gravity highs associated with Jaisalmer — Ganganagar flexure and ridge towards the Himalayan front meets the gravity highs of the Kangra reentrant that is also seismogenic and experienced a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 1905. Even parts of the lithospheric flexure and related basement ridge of Delhi — Lahore — Sargodha show more seismic activity in its western part and around Delhi as compared to other parts. The geoid highs over the Jaisalmer — Ganganagar ridge passes through Kachchh rift and connects it to plate boundaries towards the SW (Murray ridge) and NW (Kirthar range) that makes the Kachchh as a part of a diffused plate boundary, which, is one of the most seismogenic regions with large scale mafic intrusive that is supported from 3-D seismic tomography. The modeling of regional gravity field along a profile, Ganganagar — Chandigarh extended beyond the Main Central Thrust (MCT) constrained from the various seismic studies across different parts of the Himalaya suggests crustal thickening from 35-36 km under plains up to ~56 km under the MCT for a density of 3.1 g/cm3 and 3.25 g/cm3 of the lower most crust and the upper mantle, respectively. An upwarping of ~3 km in the Moho, crust and basement south of the Himalayan frontal thrusts is noticed due to the lithospheric flexure. High density for the lower most crust indicates partial eclogitization that releases copious fluid that may cause reduction of density in the upper mantle due to sepentinization (3.25 g/cm3). It has also been reported from some other sections of Himalaya. Modeling of the residual gravity and magnetic fields along the same profile suggest gravity highs and lows of NW India to be caused by basement ridges and depressions, respectively. Basement also shows high susceptibility indicating their association with mafic rocks. High density and high magnetization rocks in the basement north of Chandigarh may represent part of the ADFB extending to the Himalayan front primarily in the Nahan salient. The Nahan salient shows a basement uplift of ~ 2 km that appears to have diverted courses of major rivers on either sides of it. The shallow crustal model has also delineated major Himalayan thrusts that merge subsurface into the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT), which, is a decollment plane.  相似文献   

In the NW Sub-Himalayan frontal thrust belt in India, seismic interpretation of subsurface geometry of the Kangra and Dehradun re-entrant mismatch with the previously proposed models. These procedures lack direct quantitative measurement on the seismic profile required for subsurface structural architecture. Here we use a predictive angular function for establishing quantitative geometric relationships between fault and fold shapes with ‘Distance–displacement method’ (D–d method). It is a prognostic straightforward mechanism to probe the possible structural network from a seismic profile. Two seismic profiles Kangra-2 and Kangra-4 of Kangra re-entrant, Himachal Pradesh (India), are investigated for the fault-related folds associated with the Balh and Paror anticlines. For Paror anticline, the final cut-off angle \(\beta =35{^{\circ }}\) was obtained by transforming the seismic time profile into depth profile to corroborate the interpreted structures. Also, the estimated shortening along the Jawalamukhi Thrust and Jhor Fault, lying between the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) and the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) in the frontal fold-thrust belt, were found to be 6.06 and 0.25 km, respectively. Lastly, the geometric method of fold-fault relationship has been exercised to document the existence of a fault-bend fold above the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT). Measurement of shortening along the fault plane is employed as an ancillary tool to prove the multi-bending geometry of the blind thrust of the Dehradun re-entrant.  相似文献   

The seismically active Northwest (NW) Himalaya falls within Seismic Zone IV and V of the hazard zonation map of India. The region has suffered several moderate (~25), large-to-great earthquakes (~4) since Assam earthquake of 1897. In view of the major advancement made in understanding the seismicity and seismotectonics of this region during the last two decades, an updated probabilistic seismic hazard map of NW Himalaya and its adjoining areas covering 28–34°N and 74–82°E is prepared. The northwest Himalaya and its adjoining area is divided into nineteen different seismogenic source zones; and two different region-specific attenuation relationships have been used for seismic hazard assessment. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) estimated for 10% probability of exceedance in 50 and 10 years at locations defined in the grid of 0.25 × 0.25°. The computed seismic hazard map reveals longitudinal variation in hazard level along the NW Himalayan arc. The high hazard potential zones are centred around Kashmir region (0.70 g/0.35 g), Kangra region (0.50 g/0.020 g), Kaurik-Spitti region (0.45 g/0.20 g), Garhwal region (0.50 g/0.20 g) and Darchula region (0.50 g/0.20 g) with intervening low hazard area of the order of 0.25 g/0.02 g for 10% probability in 50 and 10 years in each region respectively.  相似文献   

位于中喜马拉雅和巴基斯坦境内西喜马拉雅的两个相互结合的剖面在一级单元、断层中展现出不同的构造形式;并在不同时期,以不同速率发育了二级构造。沿两剖面岩性单元的显著差异显示通常指的圆柱状喜马拉雅带并没有越过喀喇昆仑山断层。与此同时,在近来许多区域研究中显示出来的构造轮廓强调主中央逆冲断层是一个貌似与中喜马拉雅断层带和越过西部山脉的西喜马拉雅断层带有联系的独立部分。上述两个地区展现出不同的碰撞历史。这些不同之处揭示喀喇昆仑山断层是西部岛弧保留造山带与东部岛弧俯冲造山带之间转移/转换断层的再活动或衍变。  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of the digital data of the Bouguer anomaly of North India including Ganga basin suggest a four layer model with approximate depths of 140, 38, 16 and 7 km. They apparently represent lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB), Moho, lower crust, and maximum depth to the basement in foredeeps, respectively. The Airy’s root model of Moho from the topographic data and modeling of Bouguer anomaly constrained from the available seismic information suggest changes in the lithospheric and crustal thicknesses from ∼126–134 and ∼32–35 km under the Central Ganga basin to ∼132 and ∼38 km towards the south and 163 and ∼40 km towards the north, respectively. It has clearly brought out the lithospheric flexure and related crustal bulge under the Ganga basin due to the Himalaya. Airy’s root model and modeling along a profile (SE–NW) across the Indus basin and the Western Fold Belt (WFB), (Sibi Syntaxis, Pakistan) also suggest similar crustal bulge related to lithospheric flexure due to the WFB with crustal thickness of 33 km in the central part and 38 and 56 km towards the SE and the NW, respectively. It has also shown the high density lower crust and Bela ophiolite along the Chamman fault. The two flexures interact along the Western Syntaxis and Hazara seismic zone where several large/great earthquakes including 2005 Kashmir earthquake was reported.The residual Bouguer anomaly maps of the Indus and the Ganga basins have delineated several basement ridges whose interaction with the Himalaya and the WFB, respectively have caused seismic activity including some large/great earthquakes. Some significant ridges across the Indus basin are (i) Delhi–Lahore–Sargodha, (ii) Jaisalmer–Sibi Syntaxis which is highly seismogenic. and (iii) Kachchh–Karachi arc–Kirthar thrust leading to Sibi Syntaxis. Most of the basement ridges of the Ganga basin are oriented NE–SW that are as follows (i) Jaisalmer–Ganganagar and Jodhpur–Chandigarh ridges across the Ganga basin intersect Himalaya in the Kangra reentrant where the great Kangra earthquake of 1905 was located. (ii) The Aravalli Delhi Mobile Belt (ADMB) and its margin faults extend to the Western Himalayan front via Delhi where it interacts with the Delhi–Lahore ridge and further north with the Himalayan front causing seismic activity. (iii) The Shahjahanpur and Faizabad ridges strike the Himalayan front in Central Nepal that do not show any enhanced seismicity which may be due to their being parts of the Bundelkhand craton as simple basement highs. (iv) The west and the east Patna faults are parts of transcontinental lineaments, such as Narmada–Son lineament. (v) The Munghyr–Saharsa ridge is fault controlled and interacts with the Himalayan front in the Eastern Nepal where Bihar–Nepal earthquakes of 1934 has been reported. Some of these faults/lineaments of the Indian continent find reflection in seismogenic lineaments of Himalaya like Everest, Arun, Kanchenjunga lineaments. A set of NW–SE oriented gravity highs along the Himalayan front and the Ganga and the Indus basins represents the folding of the basement due to compression as anticlines caused by collision of the Indian and the Asian plates. This study has also delineated several depressions like Saharanpur, Patna, and Purnia depressions.  相似文献   

The Himalayan foothill region is traversed by the Main Boundary Thrust, the Himalayan Frontal Thrust and the Piedmont Fault which make the entire densely populated foothill region vulnerable to seismic damages. Tectonic morphometric studies of selected active tectonic indices in conjunction with analysis of multispectral satellite imagery of the foothill terrain from North of Chandigarh to West of Dehradun have revealed the presence of two major active faults. The Jainti Devi Fault, in the vicinity of Chandigarh, has offset nearly all the drainage channels by about 780 m while the Trilokpur Fault, in the vicinity of Nahan, has offset the streams and rivulets by about 1500 m. The values of ratio of valley floor width to valley height, the stream length gradient index, stream sinuosity index and mountain front sinuosity index have been computed and these reaffirm the active tectonic setup of the foothill terrain. The digital terrain model and field investigations reveal the presence of offset streams, sag ponds, linear valleys, shutter ridges and pressure ridges along the fault trace. Trenching carried out in the region has revealed the presence of numerous seismites.  相似文献   

Seismotectonics of the Nepal Himalaya from a local seismic network   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The National Seismological Network of Nepal consists of 17 short period seismic stations operated since 1994. It provides an exceptional view of the microseismic activity over nearly one third of the Himalayan arc, including the only segment, between longitudes 78°E and 85°E, that has not produced any M>8 earthquakes over the last century. It shows a belt of seismicity that follows approximately the front of the Higher Himalaya with most of the seismic moment being released at depths between 10 and 20 km. This belt of seismicity is interpreted to reflect interseismic stress accumulation in the upper crust associated with creep in the lower crust beneath the Higher Himalaya. The seismic activity is more intense around 82°E in Far-Western Nepal and around 87°E in Eastern Nepal. Western Nepal, between 82.5 and 85°E, is characterized by a particularly low level of seismic activity. We propose that these lateral variations are related to segmentation of the Main Himalayan Thrust Fault. The major junctions between the different segments would thus lie at about 87°E and 82°E with possibly an intermediate one at about 85°E. These junctions seem to coincide with some of the active normal faults in Southern Tibet. Lateral variation of seismic activity is also found to correlate with lateral variations of geological structures suggesting that segmentation is a long-lived feature. We infer four 250–400 km long segments that could produce earthquakes comparable to the M=8.4 Bihar–Nepal earthquake that struck eastern Nepal in 1934. Assuming the model of the characteristic earthquake, the recurrence interval between two such earthquakes on a given segment is between 130 and 260 years.  相似文献   

The Piqiang Fault is a prominent strike-slip (tear) fault that laterally partitions the Keping Shan Thrust Belt in the NW Tarim Basin, China. In satellite images, the Piqiang Fault appears as a sharp, NW-trending lineament that can be traced for more than 70 km. It is oblique to the general structural trend of the thrust belt and subparallel to the thrust transport direction. This paper presents a structural analysis of the Piqiang Fault, based on satellite image interpretation and field data. A net loss of Late Paleozoic sediment across the fault zone implies that it was initiated as a major normal fault during the Early Permian, and corresponds to widespread extension and magmatism during this period. Differential erosion across the fault resulted in the subsequent removal of sediment from the east relative to the west. During the Middle to Late Cenozoic, contraction of the NW Tarim Basin and the formation of the Keping Shan Thrust Belt resulted in reactivation of the Piqiang Fault as a strike-slip (tear) fault. The fault has accommodated lateral differences in thrust density and spacing which have arisen due to the abrupt, pre-existing change in stratigraphic thickness across it. The Piqiang Fault provides an insight into the formation of oblique, strike-slip (tear) faults in contractional belts and demonstrates the importance of inherited basement structures in such settings.  相似文献   

以ARCGIS系列软件和VS 2010、SQL Server 2008为平台, 通过融合集成活动构造、地震地质和国家基础地理信息, 在初步建立的青藏高原东南缘活动构造空间数据库系统基础上, 利用地震围空区方法, 针对研究区进行区域大地震危险性中长期预测分析。通过地震信息分时间、分震级的整理与数据输出, 分析汇总了11例M≥7.0大震震例的地震空区活动图像以及围空区发震震级与围空区特征与参数。在总结出的经验公式基础上, 进一步利用1950-2012年的M≥5.0地震数据, 对该区地震围空区的发生与发育状况进行了初步分析与研究, 并对未来可能发生大震的发震位置及震级进行了综合分析。研究结果表明, 玉树-鲜水河-小江断裂带所围限的青藏高原东南缘地区存在6个比较突出的与区域重要的晚第四纪活动构造带或断裂带相对应的大地震围空区, 分别是错那-沃卡裂谷, 东喜马拉雅构造结, 安宁河-则木河断裂, 南汀河断裂-红河断裂, 畹町断裂-南汀河断裂, 澜沧-景洪断裂东段。这些围空区中主要活动断裂带的晚第四纪活动性与历史地震活动状况也都显示出未来几年至几十年存在发生大地震的危险性, 在今后的地震预报工作中应给予特别关注。应用实践表明, 通过活动构造数据库的建设可快速有效地实现对区域大地震围空区的动态分析、辨别及大地震危险性初判。   相似文献   

Detrital zircons (DZ) and Nd isotopic characteristics constraint maximum depositional ages of two distinct Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic terranes across the Main Central Thrust zone (Munsiari Group) in the Himalaya. New DZ ages and Nd isotopic characters are reported from the Inner Lesser Himalaya (iLH) sedimentary belt (Berinag Group quartzite) and the Munsiari Group through the Great Himalayan Sequence (GHS–Vaikrita Group) across the MCT to the lower parts of the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence (THS) along the Alaknanda–Dhauli Ganga valleys, Uttarakhand Himalaya. The iLH Berinag Group quartzite yielded nearly unimodal DZ U-Pb ages between 2.05 and 1.80 Ga with εNd(0) values of −17 and −23, while the overthrust Munsiari Group, bounded by the Munsiari Thrust at the base and the Vaikrita Thrust (MCT) at the top, represents the Proterozoic magmatic arc with ∼1.95 and 1.89 Ga U-Pb zircon age population with an average of −25 εNd(0) value; the arc developed during the Columbia Supercontinent assembly. In contrast, overthrust Great Himalayan Sequence (GHS–Vaikrita Group) above the MCT is characterized by entirely new Neoproterozoic 1.05–0.85 Ga zircon population, which appears for the first time in this sequence, and has higher εNd(0) values (average −16). Tectonically overlying the GHS, the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence (THS) has first appearance of the Early Paleozoic detrital zircons, with its εNd(0) values like the GHS. Broadly, these characters persist throughout the Himalayan belt from Himachal to NE Himalaya. The iLH sediments were possibly derived from northernly ∼1.9 Ga magmatic arc, and southern the Archean–Proterozoic Aravalli–Bundelkhand nuclei of the Indian craton. Potential sources for the GHS sediments may be a northerly ‘destroyed’ Neoproterozoic magmatic arc whose remnants exists within the Himalaya as the Neoproterozoic granitoids, and possibly be the iLH sedimentary belt, an ‘In-board’ Aravalli–Delhi Fold Belt (ADFB)–Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) in the south.  相似文献   

Hormozgan Province with arid climate is an important source of energy resources for Iran. This study investigates the results of hydrogeochemical investigation and its tectonic control in Hormozgan Province, Southern Iran. The chemical analysis of 158 groundwater samples was evaluated to determine the hydrogeochemical processes and ion concentration background in the region. Several NW-SE trending and NE-dipping basement reverse faults have intersected the area and have divided it into four tectonic terranes. Huge extension of Hormuz Formation in Zagros Foredeep tectonic terrane has increased the cations, Cl and SO4 concentration in groundwaters. HCO3 concentration in Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone and High Zagros is the result of silicate weathering or carbonates. Eighty-three percent of samples have negative CAI values in High Zagros, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, and eastern Zagros Fold Thrust Belt. The dominant hydrochemical facies of groundwater are Na-Mg-Ca-Cl (25.3% of samples) and Na-Mg-Cl (20.9% of samples). They are confined to the west of Main Zagros Reverse Fault and east of High Zagros Fault, respectively. The salt content of the groundwater indicates samples with very high salinity—as a result of Hormuz Formation—are mainly limited to the west of High Zagros Fault while samples with high to medium salinity are mainly limited to the east of this fault. Eastward increment of rock weathering is controlled with thrust faults activity of the area and southwestward migration of deformation front. Westward increment of evaporites is compatible with Hormuz Formation/salt dome density through the area.  相似文献   

江苏—南黄海地区城市密集,人口众多,是中国东部经济最发达的地带之一。同时,该地区历史上曾频发中—强以上级别的地震,地震及次生地质灾害是威胁该区经济社会发展的自然灾害之一。该区的地震活动时空特征和发震机制还不清楚。本文通过整理江苏—南黄海地区的历史和仪器记录地震数据,分析了该区地震活动时空分布格局,发现地震活动主要集中于若干条区域活动断裂带,在时间上具有约60年的平静期,目前仍处于地震活跃期。深部构造研究还表明该区域内地震活跃的南部坳陷和勿南沙隆起区均存在显著的地球物理异常,表明地震活动与区域深部构造有关。东部菲律宾海板块的俯冲作用和印度—欧亚大陆碰撞引起的板块边界挤压力和大陆边缘因地形高程差异伴随的重力势能是中国海洋地震的主要驱动力。上述认识不仅加深了对江苏—南黄海地区地震构造环境的理解,同时也能对该区防震减灾公益事业提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Seismic activity at the western Pyrenean edge   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The present-day seismicity at the westernmost part of the Pyrenean domain reported from permanent networks is of low to moderate magnitude. However, it is poorly constrained due to the scarce station coverage of the area. We present new seismic data collected from a temporary network deployed there for 17 months that provides an enhanced image of the seismic activity and its tectonic implications. Our results delineate the westward continuity of the E–W Pyrenean band of seismicity, through the Variscan Basque Massifs along the Leiza Fault, ending up at the Hendaya Fault. This seismicity belt is distributed on a crustal scale, dipping northward to almost 30 km depth. Other relevant seismic events located in the area can be related to the central segment of the Pamplona fault, and to different E–W thrust structures.  相似文献   

New gravity data along five profiles across the western side of the southern New England Fold Belt and the adjoining Gunnedah Basin show the Namoi Gravity High over the Tamworth Belt and the Meandarra Gravity Ridge over the Gunnedah Basin. Forward modelling of gravity anomalies, combined with previous geological mapping and a seismic-reflection transect acquired by Geoscience Australia, has led to iterative testing of models of the crustal structure of the southern New England Fold Belt, which indicates that the gravity anomalies can generally be explained using the densities of the presently exposed rock units. The Namoi Gravity High over the Tamworth Belt results from the high density of the rocks of this belt that reflects the mafic volcanic source of the older sedimentary rocks in the Tamworth Belt, the burial metamorphism of the pre-Permian units and the presence of some mafic volcanic units. Modelling shows that the Woolomin Association, present immediately east of the Peel Fault and constituting the most western part of the Tablelands Complex, also has a relatively high density of 2.72 – 2.75 t/m3, and this unit also contributes to the Namoi Gravity High. The Tamworth Belt can be modelled with a configuration where the Tablelands Complex has been thrust over the Tamworth Belt along the Peel Fault that dips steeply to the east. The Tamworth Belt is thrust westward over the Sydney – Gunnedah Basin for 15 – 30 km on the Mooki Fault, which has a shallow dip (~25°) to the east. The Meandarra Gravity Ridge in the Gunnedah Basin was modelled as a high-density volcanic rock unit with a density contrast of 0.25 t/m3 relative to the underlying rocks of the Lachlan Fold Belt. The modelled volcanic rock unit has a steep western margin, a gently tapering eastern margin and a thickness range of 4.5 – 6 km. These volcanic rocks are assumed to be Lower Permian and to be the western extension of the Permian Werrie Basalts that outcrop on the western edge of the Tamworth Belt and which have been argued to have formed in an extensional basin. Blind granitic plutons are inferred to occur near the Peel Fault along the central and the southern profiles.  相似文献   

A new view of Italian seismicity using 20 years of instrumental recordings   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In this paper, we show the seismicity of the past 20 years that occurred in Italy and surrounding regions. Hypocentral locations have been obtained by using P- and S-wave arrival times from the INGV national and several regional permanent seismic networks. More than 48,000 events, selected from an original data set of about 99,780, are used to reconstruct the most complete seismic picture of the Italian region so far. The seismicity distribution allows inference on seismotectonics of this complex region of subduction versus continental collision. Our results clearly reveal the geometry of the Adria and the Ionian subduction and a continuous normal fault belt in the upper crust, following the Apennines mountain range. The depth of the seismogenic layer is computed from the cut-off of seismicity at depth and shows large variations along and across the seismic active regions. Earthquakes are generated by the different velocity of slab retreat and the subsequent asthenospheric upwelling.  相似文献   

Integrated lithospheric modelling, based on the combined interpretation of gravity, geoid and topography data sets, highlights a previously undocumented lithospheric thinning beneath the Zagros collisional belt (Iran), which we propose to relate to recent slab break-off at the continent–ocean transitional lithosphere. Recent published data on the distribution of seismicity at depth support this interpretation. In agreement with other published models for the Zagros Mountains, the overlying crust exhibits, by contrast, a noticeable thickening, reaching a maximum of 52 km. The consequent thermal uplift expected from slab break-off is suggested to have modified the Zagros wedge taper and triggered the recently documented switch from thin-skinned to thick-skinned deformation in the Zagros Fold–Thrust Belt.  相似文献   

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