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高斯波包反射走时速度反演方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
李辉  殷俊锋  王华忠 《地球物理学报》2017,60(10):3916-3933
扰动高斯波包理论指出,在Gabor域描述模型的扰动成分,且入射波场为短时宽带信号时,扰动波场可在时间域通过高斯波包算子描述.在此基础上通过拟合反射波的走时,提出一种速度反演方法.反射波走时残差利用地震道局部波形的互相关函数表示,以走时残差的二范数作为目标函数,优化目标函数实现对速度场的反演.基于一阶Born近似,利用扰动高斯波包理论推导出目标函数对速度场的梯度是本文理论部分的核心内容.梯度包括两部分:正传的背景波场与反传的扰动高斯波包之间的互相关,反传的背景波场和正传的扰动高斯波包之间的互相关.梯度表达式中背景波场和扰动波场均利用高斯波包算子模拟.计算梯度的具体算法中,如何模拟扰动波场,以及如何计算反射波的走时残差是两个要点,文中对此做了详细的讨论.数值实验进一步阐述了反演的实现策略,实验结果表明高斯波包反射走时速度反演方法和实现策略有效可行,并得到了理想的反演结果.  相似文献   

基于L2范数的常规全波形反演目标函数是一个强非线性泛函,在反演过程中容易陷入局部极小值.本文提出归一化能量谱目标函数来缓解全波形反演过程中的强非线性问题,同时能够有效地缓解噪声和震源子波不准等因素的影响.能量谱目标函数是通过匹配观测数据与模拟数据随频率分布的能量信息来实现最小二乘反演的,其忽略了地震数据波形与相位变化的细节特征,这在反演的过程中能够有效缓解波形匹配错位等问题.数值测试结果表明,基于归一化能量谱目标函数在构建初始速度模型、抗噪性和缓解震源子波依赖等方面都优于归一化全波形反演目标函数.金属矿模型测试结果表明,即使地震数据缺失低频分量,基于归一化能量谱目标函数的全波形反演方法在像金属矿这样的强散射介质反演问题上同样具有一定的优势.  相似文献   

地震包络反演对局部极小值的抑制特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了实现包络反演,需要通过一种非线性运算来提取信号包络.这种非线性的包络提取过程可以将信号包络中所包含的对介质扰动的大尺度响应从原始地震信号中分离出来,从而抑制反演中的局部极小值,能够在缺乏低频信息的情况下,为全波形反演提供一个良好的初始模型.本文研究包络反演对局部极小值的抑制作用,并通过目标函数形态的对比来展现这一特性.对Marmousi速度模型和Overthrust速度模型做了反演,证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

包络信号含有丰富的低频分量,即使在地震数据缺失低频条件下,包络目标函数也能有效缓解全波形反演的周期跳跃现象.但是,当初始速度模型较为平滑时,观测数据中的反射地震事件在模拟数据中没有与之相对应的波形,导致包络反演初期无法很好地利用反射波信号进行速度建模.本文提出基于反射地震数据的时频域包络反演方法,通过结合反射波全波形反演理论,构建反射波时频域包络目标函数,来提高包络反演的速度建模精度.本文首先利用Gabor变换获取时频域地震数据,并提取振幅信息,即为时频域包络信号.然后,推导反射波时频域包络反演的伴随震源和梯度算子.Marmousi模型数据测试结果表明,基于反射地震数据的时频域包络反演方法可以为全波形反演提供一个较好的初始速度模型.  相似文献   

包络信号含有丰富的低频分量,即使在地震数据缺失低频条件下,包络目标函数也能有效缓解全波形反演的周期跳跃现象.但是,当初始速度模型较为平滑时,观测数据中的反射地震事件在模拟数据中没有与之相对应的波形,导致包络反演初期无法很好地利用反射波信号进行速度建模.本文提出基于反射地震数据的时频域包络反演方法,通过结合反射波全波形反演理论,构建反射波时频域包络目标函数,来提高包络反演的速度建模精度.本文首先利用Gabor变换获取时频域地震数据,并提取振幅信息,即为时频域包络信号.然后,推导反射波时频域包络反演的伴随震源和梯度算子.Marmousi模型数据测试结果表明,基于反射地震数据的时频域包络反演方法可以为全波形反演提供一个较好的初始速度模型.  相似文献   

基于声波方程的井间地震数据快速WTW反演方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
WTW(Wave equation traveltime+Waveform inversion)反演是基于波动方程的走时反演(WT反演)和波形反演的联合反演方法.WT反演利用波动方程计算走时和走时关于速度的导数,和传统以射线为基础的走时反演相比,具有不必射线追踪、不必拾取初至、不必高频假设以及初始模型和实际模型差别较大时也能较好收敛等优点,但WT反演与波形反演相比其结果分辨率低.与之互补的是,波形反演的反演结果分辨率高,但是当所给初始模型和实际模型相差太大时,波形反演迭代算法容易陷入局部极小点.可见结合两种方法的WTW反演是一种比较好的联合反演方法.常规WTW迭代算法是首先以WT反演为主反演得到地质模型的整体特征,然后再以波形反演为主反演模型细节,该算法耗时和占用计算机存储空间接近WT反演或波形反演的两倍.为了节省运算耗时和计算机存储空间,往往采取首先单独利用WT反演然后再单独利用波形反演的算法.这样做的缺点是不能紧密结合两种反演方法,使得它们的优缺点在每一次迭代中无法得到互补,从而影响了最终的反演结果.针对以上事实,本文提出一种新的方法实现WTW,使得WTW运算速度和存储空间在任何情况下等同于WT反演或波形反演.模型计算表明新的算法具有更好的收敛性.  相似文献   

使用Zelt和Barton的方法,通过一个计算效率高的有限差分求解eikonal方程,正演计算走时和射线路径.使用最小二乘QR分解法,求解稀疏线性系统方程组.使用正则化层析反演,结合用户给定的最小的、最平坦和最平滑的扰动限制,每一个加权因子随深度变化.结合数据残差和模型粗糙度的最小化,为数据残差提供一个最平滑的近似模型.该反演方法为非线性反演,需要一个初始模型,在每一次迭代时,需要计算新的射线路径.使用二维初至走时数据,对某油田二维井间地震实际资料进行无限频率初至走时层析反演.将反演所得到的速度与井的测井速度曲线相比较,二者吻合程度较高,表明该反演方法所得速度的分辨率比较高.证实了二维无限频率初至走时层析反演可以为全波形反演提供一个分辨率较高的长波长速度模型,从而为全波形反演井间地震实际资料提供了一个比较可靠的初始速度模型.  相似文献   

地震初至波中包含着丰富的近地表速度结构信息,如何分阶段、分尺度地利用这些信息进行近地表速度建模是地震勘探中的一个关键问题.在速度反演的不同阶段,综合利用初至波中的不同信息(如走时、包络和波形等)进行联合反演,可以有效地降低反演对初始模型的依赖程度,提高近地表速度模型的反演精度.为此,本文提出了一种统一基于波动方程正演引擎的初至波多信息联合反演方法,该方法同时匹配观测和模拟的初至波走时、包络和波形信息.在不同的反演阶段选择不同的权重因子调节不同信息的权重,这样不仅降低了反演对初始速度模型的依赖,而且自然地实现了多尺度反演.在每轮反演迭代中,一次正演模拟的波场同时应用于初至波走时、包络和波形匹配,无需额外的射线追踪.同时,联合反演方法在一定程度上缓解了串联反演中目标函数漂移问题,提高了近地表速度建模的精度.  相似文献   

采用弹性波全波形反演方法精确重建深部金属矿多参数模型,建模过程采用基于地震照明的反演策略.首先给出基于照明理论的观测系统可视性定义,利用可视性分析构建新的目标函数,对反演目标可视性较高的炮检对接收到的地震记录在波场匹配时占有更高的权重,确保了参与反演计算中的地震数据的有效性;其次将给定观测系统对地下介质的弹性波场照明强度作为优化因子,根据地震波在波阻抗界面处的能量分配特点,自适应补偿波场能量分布和优化速度梯度,以提高弹性波全波形反演过程的稳定性和反演结果的精度.理论模型和金属矿模型反演试验结果表明,基于可视性分析和能量补偿的反演策略可以使弹性波全波形反演更快地收敛到目标函数的全局极小值,获得适用于金属矿高分辨率地震偏移成像的多参数模型.  相似文献   

用地质雷达数据资料反演二维地下介质的方法   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
从二维麦克斯韦方程组出发推导出反演介电常数和电导率等二维介质物性参数的反演公式.反演的步骤是: 建立初始猜测模型,利用电磁波时间域有限差分法模拟正演数据,用正演数据与观测数据之间的数据残差建立目标函数,通过引入一个由麦克斯韦方程计算的伴随场,将目标函数对介质参数的导数表示成显式形式,应用最优化理论得出对初始猜测模型的修改,用共轭梯度法迭代,最终得到反演结果.用合成数据反演具有粗糙地表的非导电介质的介电常数,用实验数据同时反演介电常数和电导率,并比较了麦克斯韦方程反演结果与声波方程反演结果、波动方程偏移剖面的差异.  相似文献   

Reflection full waveform inversion can update subsurface velocity structure of the deeper part, but tends to get stuck in the local minima associated with the waveform misfit function. These local minima cause cycle skipping if the initial background velocity model is far from the true model. Since conventional reflection full waveform inversion using two‐way wave equation in time domain is computationally expensive and consumes a large amount of memory, we implement a correlation‐based reflection waveform inversion using one‐way wave equations to retrieve the background velocity. In this method, one‐way wave equations are used for the seismic wave forward modelling, migration/de‐migration and the gradient computation of objective function in frequency domain. Compared with the method using two‐way wave equation, the proposed method benefits from the lower computational cost of one‐way wave equations without significant accuracy reduction in the cases without steep dips. It also largely reduces the memory requirement by an order of magnitude than implementation using two‐way wave equation both for two‐ and three‐dimensional situations. Through numerical analysis, we also find that one‐way wave equations can better construct the low wavenumber reflection wavepath without producing high‐amplitude short‐wavelength components near the image points in the reflection full waveform inversion gradient. Synthetic test and real data application show that the proposed method efficiently updates the background velocity model.  相似文献   

全波形反演可以为叠前深度偏移成像提供更高精度的速度模型,但该方法具有较强的非线性,对初始速度模型的依赖性较强,尤其是在实际应用中,地质条件复杂多变,速度变化不连续,增加了反演非线性程度,常常使反演陷入局部极小值,影响反演的精度.全变差约束在图像去噪领域应用广泛,属于非光滑约束,在去噪过程中能有效的保留图像的不连续界面和边缘信息.本文提出基于Hinge损失函数的垂向全变差约束全波形反演方法,在全变差约束的基础上,利用Hinge损失函数控制模型的更新方向,并使用原-对偶混合梯度算法进行求解,给出这一优化问题的迭代格式,有效提高了对地下不连续界面的重构精度,同时也降低反演对初始速度模型的依赖程度.数值算例证明:与常规全波形反演方法相比,基于全变差约束的全波形反演方法可以有效的重构速度模型中的不连续界面,尤其对高速体边缘的重构效果更明显,但该方法对初始速度模型的依赖性仍然较强;基于Hinge损失函数的垂向全变差约束全波形反演方法降低了对初始速度模型的依赖程度,可以从一个较差的初始模型通过循环迭代的方式最终得到同样精确的速度模型,较好的重构了高速体边缘和不连续界面.  相似文献   

不依赖子波、基于包络的FWI初始模型建立方法研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地震全波形反演(FWI)从理论走向实际面临着诸多难题,其中之一就是需要一个较高精度的初始模型,另一个难题就是需要一个较为精确的震源子波,初始模型和震源子波的准确程度严重影响着全波形反演的最终结果.为此,本文提出了不依赖子波、基于包络的FWI初始模型建立的方法,建立了相应的目标函数,推导出了反演的梯度,给出了伴随震源的表达式,理论上分析了不依赖子波FWI的可行性.在数值试验中,讨论了参考道的选取方式,通过分析归一化目标函数收敛速率,认为近偏移距参考道优于远偏移距参考道,在地震数据含干扰噪音时,平均道作为参考道要优于最小偏移距参考道.通过包络、包络对数、包络平方三种目标函数反演结果的比较,发现包络对数目标函数对深层的反演效果最好.通过不同子波的试验进一步验证了本方法的正确性.  相似文献   

Full‐waveform inversion is re‐emerging as a powerful data‐fitting procedure for quantitative seismic imaging of the subsurface from wide‐azimuth seismic data. This method is suitable to build high‐resolution velocity models provided that the targeted area is sampled by both diving waves and reflected waves. However, the conventional formulation of full‐waveform inversion prevents the reconstruction of the small wavenumber components of the velocity model when the subsurface is sampled by reflected waves only. This typically occurs as the depth becomes significant with respect to the length of the receiver array. This study first aims to highlight the limits of the conventional form of full‐waveform inversion when applied to seismic reflection data, through a simple canonical example of seismic imaging and to propose a new inversion workflow that overcomes these limitations. The governing idea is to decompose the subsurface model as a background part, which we seek to update and a singular part that corresponds to some prior knowledge of the reflectivity. Forcing this scale uncoupling in the full‐waveform inversion formalism brings out the transmitted wavepaths that connect the sources and receivers to the reflectors in the sensitivity kernel of the full‐waveform inversion, which is otherwise dominated by the migration impulse responses formed by the correlation of the downgoing direct wavefields coming from the shot and receiver positions. This transmission regime makes full‐waveform inversion amenable to the update of the long‐to‐intermediate wavelengths of the background model from the wide scattering‐angle information. However, we show that this prior knowledge of the reflectivity does not prevent the use of a suitable misfit measurement based on cross‐correlation, to avoid cycle‐skipping issues as well as a suitable inversion domain as the pseudo‐depth domain that allows us to preserve the invariant property of the zero‐offset time. This latter feature is useful to avoid updating the reflectivity information at each non‐linear iteration of the full‐waveform inversion, hence considerably reducing the computational cost of the entire workflow. Prior information of the reflectivity in the full‐waveform inversion formalism, a robust misfit function that prevents cycle‐skipping issues and a suitable inversion domain that preserves the seismic invariant are the three key ingredients that should ensure well‐posedness and computational efficiency of full‐waveform inversion algorithms for seismic reflection data.  相似文献   

Waveform inversion met severe challenge in retrieving long‐wavelength background structure. We have proposed to use envelope inversion to recover the large‐scale component of the model. Using the large‐scale background recovered by envelope inversion as new starting model, we can get much better result than the conventional full waveform inversion. By comparing the configurations of the misfit functional between the envelope inversion and the conventional waveform inversion, we show that envelope inversion can greatly reduce the local minimum problem. The combination of envelope inversion and waveform inversion can deliver more faithful and accurate final result with almost no extra computation cost compared to the conventional full waveform inversion. We also tested the noise resistance ability of envelope inversion to Gaussian noise and seismic interference noise. The results showed that envelope inversion is insensitive to Gaussian noise and, to a certain extent, insensitive to seismic interference noise. This indicates the robustness of this method and its potential use for noisy data.  相似文献   

The waveform inversion method is applied—using synthetic ocean-bottom seismometer(OBS) data—to study oceanic crust structure. A niching genetic algorithm(NGA) is used to implement the inversion for the thickness and P-wave velocity of each layer, and to update the model by minimizing the objective function, which consists of the misfit and cross-correlation of observed and synthetic waveforms. The influence of specific NGA method parameters is discussed, and suitable values are presented.The NGA method works well for various observation systems, such as those with irregular and sparse distribution of receivers as well as single receiver systems. A strategy is proposed to accelerate the convergence rate by a factor of five with no increase in computational complexity; this is achieved using a first inversion with several generations to impose a restriction on the preset range of each parameter and then conducting a second inversion with the new range. Despite the successes of this method,its usage is limited. A shallow water layer is not favored because the direct wave in water will suppress the useful reflection signals from the crust. A more precise calculation of the air-gun source signal should be considered in order to better simulate waveforms generated in realistic situations; further studies are required to investigate this issue.  相似文献   

Full waveform inversion aims to use all information provided by seismic data to deliver high-resolution models of subsurface parameters. However, multiparameter full waveform inversion suffers from an inherent trade-off between parameters and from ill-posedness due to the highly non-linear nature of full waveform inversion. Also, the models recovered using elastic full waveform inversion are subject to local minima if the initial models are far from the optimal solution. In addition, an objective function purely based on the misfit between recorded and modelled data may honour the seismic data, but disregard the geological context. Hence, the inverted models may be geologically inconsistent, and not represent feasible lithological units. We propose that all the aforementioned difficulties can be alleviated by explicitly incorporating petrophysical information into the inversion through a penalty function based on multiple probability density functions, where each probability density function represents a different lithology with distinct properties. We treat lithological units as clusters and use unsupervised K-means clustering to separate the petrophysical information into different units of distinct lithologies that are not easily distinguishable. Through several synthetic examples, we demonstrate that the proposed framework leads full waveform inversion to elastic models that are superior to models obtained either without incorporating petrophysical information, or with a probabilistic penalty function based on a single probability density function.  相似文献   

We invert three-dimensional seismic data by a multiscale phase inversion scheme, a modified version of full waveform inversion, which applies higher order integrations to the input signal to produce low-boost signals. These low-boost signals are used as the input data for the early iterations, and lower order integrations are computed at the later iterations. The advantages of multiscale phase inversion are that it (1) is less dependent on the initial model compared to full waveform inversion, (2) is less sensitive to incorrectly modelled magnitudes and (3) employs a simple and natural frequency shaping filtering. For a layered model with a three-dimensional velocity anomaly, results with synthetic data show that multiscale phase inversion can sometimes provide a noticeably more accurate velocity profile than full waveform inversion. Results with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists/European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers overthrust model shows that multiscale phase inversion more clearly resolves meandering channels in the depth slices. However, the data and model misfit functions achieve about the same values after 50 iterations. The results with three-dimensional ocean-bottom cable data show that, compared to the full waveform inversion tomogram, the three-dimensional multiscale phase inversion tomogram provides a better match to the well log, and better flattens angle-domain common image gathers. The problem is that the tomograms at the well log provide an incomplete low-wavenumber estimate of the log's velocity profile. Therefore, a good low-wavenumber estimate of the velocity model is still needed for an accurate multiscale phase inversion tomogram.  相似文献   

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