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三种生命探测仪及其在地震救助中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生命搜索是地震紧急救援中最重要的事,时间紧迫、环境条件恶劣是最困难的问题。先进的技术与装备是提高救助成功率、最大限度减轻人员伤亡的技术保障。利用国内外目前较为成熟的相关技术,研制开发的光学探生仪、声波儒动探生仪、红外热像仪是先进、轻便、高效、实用的地震救助现场生命搜索与定位技术设备,利用系统工程学原理和现代管理理论开展地震灾害现场生命搜索与救援支持系统的研究,从而初步建立地震救助生命搜索定位技术系统。  相似文献   

光学探生仪主要用于在地震等灾害造成的残垣断壁中快速、准确地寻找被困人员。因此,在研制光学探生仪时,必须充分考虑灾害救助现场的恶劣工作条件和对仪器的特殊要求。本文首先简要介绍了光学探生仪研究的有关情况,然后对光学探生仪主要部件的设计、选型和实验进行了详细研究,探讨研制先进、实用的光学探生仪的途径。这对我国探生仪研制工作具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

卫星定位导航系统在地震应急救援中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对地震灾害特点综合分析的基础上,分析了地震应急响应与救援决策中的关键性问题。认为震害的规模、程度、空间分布和灾情发展趋势,以及快速获取灾情信息已成为整个地震应急响应和救援决策的关键;而对灾情空间分布及其不同灾情程度位置的确定是救援决策的先导与重要环节。卫星定位导航技术在地震应急搜救的信息快速获取、应急响应、救援决策、指挥、搜索与营救等救援行动的整个过程中,都将发挥其强大的功能。建议研发中国北斗灾害应急救援导航与指挥决策系统,包括地震灾情快速获取、快速判定和决策定位导航技术系统、地震救援指挥调度技术系统和应急救援物流定位导航技术系统建设;研发北斗灾害应急救援导航装备,包括自主定位导航幸存者搜索和营救设备研发和国内外巨灾救援专用定位与导航系统研发。  相似文献   

一般认为,大地震后72小时内是救助被困人员最宝贵的黄金时期,如何在这短短72小时内发挥出现场救援的最高效率,是地震现场救援人员以及从事地震搜索救援研究的学者需要解决的关键问题.根据以往的救援实践来看,我国还缺乏基于搜救行动的指挥与控制理论方法,难以根据灾害现场的实际状况制定搜救行动的部署方案.  相似文献   

破坏性地震发生后,埋压人员的快速搜索是地震救援工作成功的重要因素。微波成像生命探测仪作为当前废墟搜索的装备之一,近年来得到了广泛应用。但救援队利用现有综合训练场地进行该类装备的测试方法,在装备针对性测试和深度功能认知方面存在着一定局限性,影响了微波成像生命探测仪的现场使用效率和技术发展。为此,本文在充分调研国内外主流地震模拟废墟训练场地的基础上,提出了相关的改进意见,结合汶川地震废墟三维采集数据和队伍实战经验,给出微波搜索装备综合测试方法,并在国家地震紧急救援训练基地完成了测试平台的搭建,取得较好的装备测试效果,为应急救援装备电子化和标准化测试提供参考。  相似文献   

大震巨灾发生后,如何在72 h黄金救援期挽救人民群众的生命是救援工作的重中之重,但往往由于通信基站破坏或通信阻塞,使得被埋压人员无法与外界取得联系,只能通过呼救或敲击等原始方式求救,效果不佳且耗费体力。外界搜索一般通过人工搜索、搜救犬、生命探测仪等方式,存在探测区域小、易受干扰、价格昂贵等不足。针对这一问题,提出了基于Wi-Fi的新型地震埋压人员快速求救和搜救系统,具有覆盖范围广、传输速度快、成本低、易操作等优点,可有效提高搜救效率。与其他Wi-Fi定位方法不同,基于信号强度的RSSI测距定位算法不需事先收集Wi-Fi接入点的位置信息,更加符合震后搜救的实际情况。借助目前普遍使用的移动智能终端,受困人员通过客户端程序发送求救信号,救援人员利用基于Wi-Fi信号强度的RSSI测距模型,通过三点定位和优化处理,快速确定埋压人员的具体位置,从而有针对性地分配救援力量,及时高效地展开救援。经过在国家陆地搜寻与救护基地不同废墟环境场景下的实地测试,系统运作效果良好,能满足地震求救、搜救人员的救援需要。  相似文献   

描述了美国、德国、联合国及我国突发事件应急指挥体系的现状,总结了统一突发事件应急指挥系统的特点,提出了适应我国国情的统一的突发事件应急反应指挥系统模型,在此基础上设计了地震灾害救援指挥模型框架,描述了一般和重大地震事件救援指挥的层次及信息流向,初步建立了地震生命搜索与救援计算机辅助决策系统,最后,提出了实现救援指挥与辅助决策系统的建议。  相似文献   

美国国家城市搜寻及救助快速反应系统是美国联邦应急管理局于1989年组建成立的,它的主要任务是定位、营救那些受困于有限空间的幸存者,并完成初期的医疗救助工作。该系统适用于地震、飓风、洪水、暴风雪、意外事故、恐怖袭击、危险物质泄漏等多种灾害的紧急救援。  相似文献   

针对地震发生初期地震现场情势不明朗、交通状况不清等问题,利用遥感数据、基础地理数据、社会经济数据及由本地化模型计算的地震影响场,在快速成图软件及辅助决策软件的支持下,实现地震应急救援专题地图快速制作,解决了新疆之前地震应急制图存在的时效性差、规范性低、内容针对性不强等问题,为新疆地震应急决策和灾后救助提供及时有效的信息支撑。  相似文献   

基于电磁波雷达探测技术研制一套智能化雷达探生仪。介绍了电磁波雷达生命探测原理,并给出智能化雷达探生仪的研制方案,其包括收发天线、射频收发模块、采集模块和手持式终端的设计。  相似文献   

物资是救援的基本条件,从受灾者关键期自救角度研究应急救援物资结构对受灾者充分利用灾后救助黄金期展开自救工作,降低人员伤亡具有重要意义。应急救援物资基本类型相对固定,基于国家应急物资分类标准通过调查研究得出了各类物资的紧要程度排序并得到了地震灾害应急救援物资分类结构。应急物资数量结构具有变动性,区分自救者的双重身份,采用范例推理和BP神经网络方法分别从救援者和受灾者角度对应急救援物资数量结构进行分析研究,理论上可以获得更为准确的应急物资数量结构预测结果。  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of a novel type of passive vibration control system to reduce vibrations in civil engineering structures subject to base excitation. The new system is based on the inerter, a device that was initially developed for high‐performance suspensions in Formula 1 racing cars. The principal advantage of the inerter is that a high level of vibration isolation can be achieved with low amounts of added mass. This feature makes it an attractive potential alternative to traditional tuned mass dampers (TMDs). In this paper, the inerter system is modelled inside a multi‐storey building and is located on braces between adjacent storeys. Numerical results show that an excellent level of vibration reduction is achieved, potentially offering improvement over TMDs. The inerter‐based system is compared to a TMD system by using a range of base excitation inputs, including an earthquake signal, to demonstrate how the performance could potentially be improved by using an inerter instead of a TMD. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

城市震害高危害小区的研究和GIS的实现技术   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
帅向华  成小平  袁一凡 《地震》2002,22(3):113-119
论述了在城市地震灾害中如何考虑诸方面因素来评价城市的灾害轻重分布情况。中建立坑危害小区分析模型,设想将城市划分等面积网格,给每个单元网格赋予灾害指数,以确定城市中受灾较为严重的区域,为求灾指挥提供决策信息。同时,将高危害小区的模型研究结果转化为计算机技术可以实现的GIS模型。该研究结果已应用于泰安市防震减灾示范研究项目中。  相似文献   

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) systems can be used in many applications of snow and ice research. The information from the GPR is used to identify and interpret layers, objects and different structures in the snow. A commercially available GPR system was further developed to work in the rough environment of snow and ice. The applied GPR is a 900 MHz system that easily reaches snow depths of up to 10 meters. The system was calibrated in the course of several manual snow depth measurements during each survey. The depth resolution depends on the snow type and is around ±0.1 m. The GPR system is carried alongside a line of interest and is triggered by an odometer wheel at regular adjustable steps. All equipment is mounted in a sledge and is pulled by a snowmobile over the snow surface. This setup allows for an efficient coverage of several kilometers of terrain profiles. The radar profiles give a real time two-dimensional impression of structures and objects and the interface between snow and the underlying ground. The actual radar profile is shown on a screen on the sledge allowing the immediate marking of objects and structures. During the past three years the instrument was successfully used for the study of snow distributions, for the detection of glacier crevasses under the snow cover, and for the search of avalanche victims in avalanche debris. The results show the capability of the instrument to detect persons and objects in the snow cover. In the future, this device may be a new tool for avalanche rescue operations. Today, the size and weight of the system prevents the accessing of very steep slopes and areas not accessible to snowmobiles. Further developments will decrease the size of the system and make it a valuable tool to quantify snow masses in avalanche release zones and run-out areas.  相似文献   

蓄电池过充电和过放电是导致其损坏的主要原因。质子磁力仪电源系统向用户提供了防止过充电和欠充电的铅蓄电池浮充电源、避免过放电的终止放电报警器和恒流输出式地磁分量补偿电源。介绍了该电源系统的性能和特点,各部分电路的工作原理、调试方法及使用注意事项。认为,使用该电源系统,不但可降低蓄电池的容量配制,延长其使用寿命,而且避免了充电和分量补偿电流调节的繁琐操作。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Braced steel frames are commonly used to resist seismic loads. Their seismic behavior was extensively studied during the past decades (Bertero et al.., 1989; Roeder, 1989; Jain, 1978). Their design is governed by the buckling behavior of the bracing members (ASCE, 1994,2002; CSA, 1994). To prevent or delay the seismic buckling of compressive members in concentrically braced frames in steel structures, a great number of methods have been proposed. These include the use of sp…  相似文献   

SZGC-93型数字工程地震仪是专为工程地震勘探而研制的。经过两年多的实际生产使用表明:该仪器精度高、性能稳定、操作方便。是一种实用性较好的野外专用设备。本文介绍了它的组成:论述了其各个单元电路的工作原理及主要技术指标;最后说明了该设备两年多来的实际应用成果。  相似文献   

The present paper shows the practical use of a combined electromagnetic and magnetic helicopter transported system in the search for steeply dipping high-grade magnetic taconite bodies (magnetic ribbons). The principles of operation of the heliported system and the essential parts of the instrumentation are described. The quantitative interpretation of the data allows the geophysicist to calculate the tonnage of magnetite within the iron ores and to obtain an approximate idea of their grade. According to the tonnage and grade calculations obtained from the surveys, three regions in the west-central sector of the Labrador trough (Wishart Creek, Knob Lake Ridge, and Swampy Bay areas) appear to be the most interesting locations for the site of a magnetic taconite deposit (the Howells River area, which has been evaluated previously, is excluded from the discussion). The tonnages calculated by this geophysical method are not to be compared with probable or possible mineable ore reserves, but are only rough estimates in terms of mining engineering standard. The physical parameters determined with such a system are also used as a tool for indirect geological mapping of the areas flown when interpreted carefully. Practical examples related to results obtained on the magnetic iron formations of the Schefferville mining district are presented.  相似文献   

基于粒子群优化算法的边坡临界滑动面搜索方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用数值计算结果进行极限平衡分析是边坡稳定性分析的重要方法,最危险滑移面位置的确定是边坡稳定性分析的关键。采用粒子群优化理论控制位于滑移面后缘范围的滑入点和前缘剪出区域的滑出点,以均分逼近法控制滑面半径,实现了边坡内潜在滑移面位置的搜索及安全系数的计算,进而确定了边坡的最小安全系数及最危险潜在滑移面位置,搜索出的滑面不依赖于网格节点。以昆明某公路滑坡为例,将搜索出的最危险滑面与现场勘察成果进行对比,结果表明,采用本文方法计算所得的结果与工程实际较为吻合,证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Analytical and experimental studies into the behavior of a new hysteretic damper, designed for seismic protection of structures is presented in two papers. Although the subject matter of the papers is a specific system, they are also intended as an illustration of practical application of diverse engineering tools in systematic development of an anti‐seismic product. The Multi‐directional Torsional Hysteretic Damper (MTHD) is a recently patented invention in which a symmetrical arrangement of identical cylindrical steel energy dissipaters is configured to yield in torsion while the structure experiences planar movements due to earthquake shakings. The device has gone through many stages of design refinement, prototype verification tests and development of design guidelines and computer codes to facilitate its implementation in practice. The first of this two‐part paper summarizes the development stages of the new system, conceptual and analytical. The experimental phase of the research is the focus of the accompanying paper. The new device has certain desirable properties. Notably, it is characterized by a variable and controllable‐via‐design or adaptive post‐elastic stiffness. This feature gives the isolated structure the capability to evade the dominant period of the ground motion leading to reduced displacements while having force levels comparable to regular bilinear isolation systems. The device has already been applied to four major bridges. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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