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大兴安岭哈拉哈河—淖尔河地区第四纪火山活动初步研究   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5  
大兴安岭中部哈拉哈河-淖尔河地区受基底断裂控制,发育28座第四纪火山,这些火山总体呈北东向带状分布。研究区第四纪火山岩分布面积约1000km^2,岩性主要为碱性玄武岩。根据喷发时代和火山地质特征,这里的火山大体可分为更新世和全新世两期。按照火山作用方式不同,区内火山可分为岩浆成因和射汽岩浆成因两类:前者活动产物主要包括火山碎屑锥、碎屑席、熔岩流,其中发育结壳熔岩、渣状熔岩、块状熔岩,以及喷气锥、熔岩冢等火山地质现象;后者产物主要是射汽岩浆喷发形成的基浪堆积物,其中发育大型平行层理及交错层理。不同的火山作用形成了火山口湖、低平火山口湖、火山堰塞湖和塌陷熔岩湖四种不同规模与形态特征的湖泊,这种水火相容的火山地质现象为阿尔山火山温泉国家地质公园增添了景观。  相似文献   

阿舍勒块状铜-锌硫化物矿床产于中泥盆统阿舍勒组以英安质为主的钙碱性火山岩系中.矿化发生于中酸性火山喷发活动行将结束的阶段.矿床受岩性、火山穹丘和断裂控制.成矿物质主要来自火山岩浆热液、火山岩及海水.矿液主要由岩浆水和海水组成.矿床的形成经历了火山喷发沉积期、热液沉积充填期和矿床变质期.矿床是海底火山作用形成的热液沉积-交代充填成因的块状硫化物型矿床,可与黑矿型矿床对比.  相似文献   

广西涠洲岛南湾火山喷发特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
涠洲岛是北部湾内的一座火山岛, 火山熔岩构筑了该岛的基底, 岛南端的南湾火山喷发物形成了涠洲岛现代火山地貌.南湾火山喷发以岩浆喷发和射气岩浆喷发交替进行为特征, 火山碎屑岩和基浪堆积物向岛北延伸, 覆盖了大半个涠洲岛.选取了鳄鱼嘴和猪仔岛2个典型剖面, 对南湾火山喷发活动进行详细的观察和描述, 发现了诸如爬升层理、大型低角度交错层理和板状层理等射气岩浆喷发成因的基浪堆积物中特有的构造, 并且观察到射气岩浆作用的指相物质——增生火山砾.所有这些现象都反映了南湾火山是射气与岩浆交替喷发成因的复合火山, 其中射气岩浆喷发占据重要地位, 而喷发中心位于南湾海中.   相似文献   

长白山天池火山地质学研究的若干进展与灾害分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过以减轻火山灾害为目的的天池火山锥体顶部地区地质填图工作,发现了天池火山锥体附近不同期次火山泥石流,部分火山泥石流显示的高温定位特征指示了其与千年大喷发的成因联系。这些火山泥石流构成了严重的火山泥石流灾害,天池火山锥体近顶部大型滑坡体的发现则指示了天池火山另一种重要的灾害类型。滑坡体堆积物结构上可分为3种类型。天池火山千年大喷发时不同成分与物性的岩浆混合作用十分发育,指示了天池火山喷发前不同岩浆批的混合与共喷发机理。本文还论述了天池火山近代历史记录喷发物的分布与鉴别特征。  相似文献   

水下火山喷发作用机制不同于陆地环境喷发,随着水参与程度的变化,喷发机制趋向复杂。本文以雷琼火山群的湛江硇洲岛作为研究对象,聚焦浅海火山产物的判断依据和水下火山喷发机制。硇洲岛是我国最大的第四纪火山岛,其上的那晏湾剖面保留了完整的火山喷发堆积序列。在那晏湾剖面的凝灰岩中,主要有三类火山成因的大粒径原生碎屑(2-5mm):塑变熔岩碎屑、碎玄玻璃及玄武玻璃,推断为不同程度水-岩浆相互作用的产物,根据水的参与程度大致排序为:碎玄玻璃>玄武玻璃>塑变熔岩碎屑。通过对硇洲岛水-火山作用机制研究,发现水-岩浆混合质量比(Mwater/Mmelt)是控制爆炸强度和火山碎屑粒度的关键因素。火山喷发序列分析表明,硇洲岛的喷发过程总体可分为三期,早期是冰岛苏特塞式喷发的浅水环境蒸汽爆炸与“火喷泉”喷发;中期过渡转为“火喷泉”喷发,伴随陆上的射汽岩浆喷发;最终以岩浆溢流式喷发结束。  相似文献   

松辽盆地改造残留的古火山机构与现代火山机构的类比分析   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
现代火山机构形态有盾状、锥状和穹状,可按喷发样式进一步划分为7种类型。据此分类,在松辽盆地周缘剖面及其北部徐家围子断陷区可识别出4类火山机构:盾状火山机构,由喷溢相熔岩组成,可夹有薄层爆发相火山碎屑岩;层火山机构,由互层的熔岩与火山碎屑岩组成,喷溢相与爆发相交替的序列明显;火山碎屑锥,几乎全部由火山碎屑(熔)岩组成,爆发相为主;熔岩穹丘由高粘度的流纹质、英安质熔岩堵塞火山口后缓慢挤出形成,喷溢相和侵出相发育,兼有火山通道相。盆地内埋藏火山机构最小坡度为3°,最大坡度为25°,底部直径为2~14 km,分布面积为4~50 km2,火山岩厚度为100~600 m;总体上呈现出数目多、个体规模小、受区域大断裂控制、具裂隙式-多中心喷发、彼此相互叠置的特征。火山岩岩性和岩相是控制松辽盆地古火山机构类型及形态的主要因素。  相似文献   

哈母白祖熔岩铁矿位于大红山铁铜矿区东部.矿体均赋存于大红山群红山组变钠质熔岩、绿片岩中,呈层状、似层状、透镜状产出,矿石以磁铁矿为主。矿床的形成与古元古代的海相基性岩浆喷发作用关系密切,具有火山喷溢和火山喷发沉积的特点,后期又经历了区域变质作用的改造,是经过多次地质作用而形成的多成因复合型矿床,成因类型初步判断为火山岩浆喷溢-喷发沉积-变质改造复合成因矿床。  相似文献   

泥火山是地下泥质流体喷发到地表或海底所形成的丘状构造,其形成与油气成藏、天然气水合物成矿有着直接联系,其喷发活动易引发工程事故,喷发的大量甲烷气体会加剧温室效应。国内外学者已在泥火山发育、地球化学、地球物理特征等方面开展了诸多研究。然而泥火山形成机制问题仍存在多种争议,其触发因素可能来自断层活动、地震、超压等。泥火山流体的传热传质及其对水合物形成与动态分布的控制作用还有待深入研究,同时海底泥火山碳排放亦是重要地质问题。因而我们建议选取南海北部台西南盆地典型泥火山开展钻探,获取海底泥火山发育的构造环境、沉积背景、温压场等系列参数,揭示泥火山成因机制,建立海底泥火山油气渗漏模式,探讨泥火山流体传热过程对水合物形成与分布的影响。研究成果对于超压沉积盆地油气勘探与开发、海底渗漏型水合物研究与勘探、新构造活动与地质灾害分析等都具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

当代火山喷发碎屑堆积物的研究进展及其主要类型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘祥 《世界地质》1996,15(1):1-6
火山喷发碎屑堆积物主要分为:火山喷发空中降落堆积物、火山碎屑、流状堆积物、火山泥流堆积物和火山基浪堆积物。简述了这些火山碎屑堆积物的成因及主要特征。  相似文献   

魏海泉  陈正全 《地质论评》2022,68(5):1942-1954
洪加(Hunga)火山位于新西兰—克马德克—斐济俯冲带,该火山于2021年末又开始活动,并在2022年1月14、15日发生了千年一遇的世纪大喷发。喷发柱穿进平流层,形成了一个最高30 km、最宽800 km的蘑菇云,后期的气体火山灰云团几乎环绕南半球一周。喷发所引起的海啸在太平洋沿岸多地造成了灾害。根据现有的资料分析,洪加火山岩浆成分以安山岩为主,岩浆可能是沿着破火山口边缘由富气岩浆团块的“渗漏”驱动喷发的。这次洪加火山大喷发的一个最重要特征是喷发时产生了极为强烈的大气冲击波,这代表了岩浆内火山气体的极大富集。正是这种“超级富气岩浆”的喷发在喷火口位置形成了远超0.1 MPa(1 标准大气压)的出口压强,引发了向全球辐射的冲击波和数千千米以外都能听到的喷发声响。本次火山喷发引发海啸的机制,其一是爆炸冲击波,向外扩张的冲击波推动了海面表层海水的向外扩张;其二是苏特塞式(Surtseyan)喷发本身就有向外排走海水的能力。未来洪加火山喷发形式,很可能是沿着破火山口周边断裂或靠近破火山口中央谷地的熔岩穹丘或熔岩流。苏特塞式喷发会比较常见,但喷发规模不会太大。  相似文献   

Kīlauea is the youngest of five basaltic shield volcanoes on the island of Hawai’i. It is located to the south‐east of the much larger Mauna Loa volcano, and rose above sea level about 100 ka ago. Kīlauea is one of the most monitored, and arguably the best understood volcanoes on Earth, providing scientists with a good understanding of its current eruption, in which magma rises from depth and is stored beneath its 4 × 3.2 km summit caldera in an underground reservoir. The reservoir is connected to a lava lake within a crater called Halema’uma’u, which is situated on the floor of the caldera. When magma drains from the summit area it travels in underground conduits and emerges on the flanks of the volcano at a rift zone, where it erupts through fissures. The magma is sometimes stored in other reservoirs along the way. This link between summit magma storage and fissure eruptions on the flanks has occurred thousands of times at many Hawai’ian volcanoes. The current eruptive episode is, however, a ‘once‐in‐a‐century’ show, because it is the first time since 1924 that fissure‐fed lava flow eruptions have been accompanied by significant explosive eruptions within Halema’uma’u Crater. This gives scientists a unique opportunity to use modern methods to understand exactly how such hazardous explosions happen at Kīlauea, a volcano that receives about 2 million visitors a year.  相似文献   

乔乐  陈剑  凌宗成 《地质学报》2021,95(9):2678-2691
火山活动是月球最主要的内动力地质作用之一,是研究月球地质历史和热演化的重要窗口,也是月球科学及探测的重点目标.本文概要总结了月球火山作用的基本原理,并重点介绍了"岩墙扩展"模型.基于此模型,列举了由于岩墙在月壳内部上升程度的不同,导致的不同形式的喷发活动,并在月表产生了一系列火山地貌特征:① 当岩墙仅扩展到浅月表、未能穿透月壳并引起喷发活动时,可能会在月表产生坑链构造、地堑或底部断裂型撞击坑;② 当岩墙穿透了整个月壳并引起爆裂式喷发活动时,会在月表产生小型火山锥、区域性火山碎屑堆积物、全月分布的微小火山玻璃、暗晕凹陷构造及环形火山碎屑堆积物;③ 当岩墙穿透了整个月壳并引起溢流式喷发活动时,随着岩浆喷发通量的逐步增高,会在月表产生小型熔岩流、月海穹窿、复合熔岩流、蜿蜒型月溪、巨型熔岩流及火山高原复合体.本文也简要介绍了在月表观测到的若干非典型火山地貌特征,包括不规则月海斑块、环形凹陷穹丘及非月海富硅质穹窿.近年来新的探月数据加深了对这些特殊火山地貌特征的认识,但是更多的地质特征及成因模型细节仍有待未来月球研究及探测去解决.  相似文献   

The volcano Olympus Mons is probably the best known extraterrestrial volcano. In the past decade, an unprecedented selection of high-resolution images with a spatial resolution of up to 25?cm/pixel has been collected, and these images now allow detailed morphologic analysis of the entire volcano. The summit comprises a nested caldera with six overlapping collapse pits. There are numerous wrinkle ridges and graben on the caldera floor, and topographic data indicate that the location of these features is controlled by subsidence of the central portion of the floor. Examination of the caldera walls reveals numerous layers interpreted to be lava flows. No clear evidence for eruption sites on the flanks of the volcano exist; rather, many previously identified sources of lava appear to be break-outs from flows up-slope which are controlled by local breaks in slope. The vents for these eruptions were most likely within the summit caldera but have been removed by the set of six large collapse events that have produced the 60?×?80?km diameter caldera, which are collectively called the “Olympus Paterae”. The origin of the basal escarpment surrounding the volcano remains enigmatic, but it is probably related to the origin of the surrounding lobate materials collectively called the Olympus Mons aureole. In places, this escarpment is >5?km high, but the elevation of the back-wall varies from ~1?km to ~8?km relative to the Mars datum. Inspection of kilometer-scale blocks within the aureole indicates that this material is not composed of lava flows, suggesting that the base of Olympus Mons consists of fragmented material comparable to the hyaloclastite material forming the base of Hawaiian volcanoes. Numerous additional features on Olympus Mons are discussed, including two large impact craters near the summit of the volcano, glacial deposits on the lower western flanks, channels and small shields around the base of the volcano, and ridges north of the escarpment which may have formed via the emplacement of dikes into ice-rich materials. Comparison with other Martian volcanoes may also help the analysis of Olympus Mons; the morphology of the basal escarpment of Apollinaris Patera suggests that erosion by wind or water may be restricted to the lowest elevations on Mars. If the basal materials of Olympus Mons are unconsolidated, then Olympus Mons may have been similar to Alba Mons or Tyrrhena Mons during the early phases of volcano growth. Certain basaltic volcanoes on Earth may serve as good analogs for features seen on Olympus Mons; the summit of Masaya volcano, Nicaragua, displays similar features to Olympus Patera at the summit caldera of Olympus Mons.  相似文献   

The uplifted and deeply eroded volcanic succession of Porto Santo (central East-Atlantic) is the product of a wide spectrum of dynamic processes that are active in shoaling to emergent seamounts. Two superimposed lapilli cones marking the base of the exposed section are interpreted as having formed from numerous submarine to subaerial phreatomagmatic explosions, pyroclastic fragmentation being subordinate. The lower basaltic and the upper mugearitic to trachytic sections are dominated by redeposited tephra and are called 'lapilli cone aprons'. Vertical growth due to accumulation of tephra, voluminous intrusions, and minor pillowed lava flows produced ephemeral islands which were subsequently leveled by wave erosion, as shown by conglomerate beds. Periods of volcanic quiescence are represented by abundant biocalcarenite lenses at several stratigraphic levels. The loose tephra piles became stabilized by widespread syn-volcanic intrusions such as dikes and trachytic to rhyolitic domes welding the volcanic and volcaniclastic ensemble into a solid edifice. Shattering of a submarine extrusive trachytic dome by pyroclastic and phreatomagmatic explosions, accentuated by quench fragmentation, resulted in pumice- and crystal-rich deposits emplaced in a prominent submarine erosional channel. The dome must have produced an island as indicated by a collapse breccia comprising surf-rounded boulders of dome material. Subaerial explosive activity is represented by scoria cones and tuff cones. Basaltic lava flows built a resistant cap that protected the island from wave erosion. Some lava flows entered the sea and formed two distinct types of lava delta: 1. closely-packed pillow lava and massive tabular lava flows along the southwestern coast of Porto Santo, and 2. a steeply inclined pillow-hyaloclastite breccia prism composed of foreset-bedded hydroclastic breccia, variably-shaped pillows, and thin sheet flows capped by subhorizontal submarine to subaerial lava flows along the eastern coast of Porto Santo.The facies architectures indicate emplacement: 1. on a gently sloping platform in southwestern Porto Santo, and 2. on steep offshore slopes along high energy shorelines in eastern Porto Santo.Growth of the pillow-hyaloclastite breccia prism is dominated by the formation of foreset beds but various types of syn-volcanic intrusions contributed significantly. Submarine flank eruptions occurred in very shallow water on the flanks of the hyaloclastite prism in eastern Porto Santo. The island became consolidated by intrusion of numerous dikes and by emplacement of prominent intrusions that penetrate the entire volcanic succession. Volcanic sedimentation ended with the emplacement of a debris avalanche that postdates the last subaerial volcanic activity.  相似文献   

Reports of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes originating from volcanoes indicate that seismic activity preceding the eruption is related not only to eruption magnitude and structure of the volcano, but also to viscosity of the lava at the time of eruption. This follows, since lava of higher viscosity meets greater resistance as it ascends from the magma chamber to the earth's surface and, consequently, greater stress will be produced within and beneath the volcano. The writer gives a condensed statistical breakdown of earthquakes and explosive eruptions of Asama Volcano. The Asama earthquakes treated in the report are mainly those of rather low magnitude (T = 1. 0 sec, V = 350) at the Asama Volcano Observatory, situated 4. 2 km east of the center of the summit crater. This investigation showed that most of the explosive eruptions were preceded by an increase in micro-earthquakes. In addition, an experimental formula for predicting volcanic eruptions, based on the statistical relation between frequency of earthquakes originating from Asama and its explosive eruptions. The forthcoming report (Part II) will discuss the same problem based on seismic observations by more sensitive instruments set nearer the summit crater. — A. Eustus  相似文献   

Neogene to Quaternary volcanic/magmatic activity in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region (CPR) occurred between 21 and 0.1 Ma with a distinct migration in time from west to east. It shows a diverse compositional variation in response to a complex interplay of subduction with rollback, back-arc extension, collision, slab break-off, delamination, strike-slip tectonics and microplate rotations, as well as in response to further evolution of magmas in the crustal environment by processes of differentiation, crustal contamination, anatexis and magma mixing. Since most of the primary volcanic forms have been affected by erosion, especially in areas of post-volcanic uplift, based on the level of erosion we distinguish: (1) areas eroded to the basement level, where paleovolcanic reconstruction is not possible; (2) deeply eroded volcanic forms with secondary morphology and possible paleovolcanic reconstruction; (3) eroded volcanic forms with remnants of original morphology preserved; and (4) the least eroded volcanic forms with original morphology quite well preserved. The large variety of volcanic forms present in the area can be grouped in a) monogenetic volcanoes and b) polygenetic volcanoes and their subsurface/intrusive counterparts that belong to various rock series found in the CPR such as calc-alkaline magmatic rock-types (felsic, intermediate and mafic varieties) and alkalic types including K-alkalic, shoshonitic, ultrapotassic and Na-alkalic. The following volcanic/subvolcanic forms have been identified: (i) domes, shield volcanoes, effusive cones, pyroclastic cones, stratovolcanoes and calderas with associated intrusive bodies for intermediate and basic calclkaline volcanism; (ii) domes, calderas and ignimbrite/ash-flow fields for felsic calc-alkaline volcanism and (iii) dome flows, shield volcanoes, maars, tuffcone/tuff-rings, scoria-cones with or without related lava flow/field and their erosional or subsurface forms (necks/ plugs, dykes, shallow intrusions, diatreme, lava lake) for various types of K- and Na-alkalic and ultra-potassic magmatism. Finally, we provide a summary of the eruptive history and distribution of volcanic forms in the CPR using several sub-region schemes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper shows that although volcanoes can be aligned along transcurrent faults, their growth can in reality be controlled by secondary structures that have a different orientation and kinematics. Assessing the relationships between local structures and volcano growth can be very useful for the evaluation of volcanic hazards and for economic purposes such as geothermal and hydrogeological exploration. In the north-western Bicol Volcanic Arc (Luzon, Philippines) the Quaternary Labo and Caayunan volcanoes are aligned with the NW-striking transcurrent Philippine Fault System. They are exceptional examples of composite volcanoes mostly comprising lava domes, where regional tectonic structures and hydraulic radial fracturing have alternated to control volcano growth. Field data and analogue modelling demonstrate that apical depressions affecting the domes reflect the geometry of magma-feeding fractures. These data, together with alignments of domes and hot springs and other structural information, suggest that magma rose at depth along the NW-striking transcurrent faults, but that in the uppermost crust magma rose along NE-striking fractures parallel to the greatest principal stress.  相似文献   

At Santa Maria Volcano (New Hebrides island arc), extensive ash and scoria flow deposits overlie the mainly effusive, pre-caldera cone. Hydromagmatic features characterize these deposits, the composition of juvenile clasts ranges from basalt to acid andesite/dacite (SiO2= 51–63.6%) with a dominant basaltic composition. The stratigraphic position of this pyroclastic series and its spatial distribution around a 8.5 km × 6 km wide caldera provide evidence of a relationship between this series and the caldera formation. In addition, these pyroclastic deposits are co-genetic to parasitic cones and lava flows developed along faults concentric to the caldera. Both series result from a compositionally layered magma reservoir, the subordinate differentiated magmas being the result of fractional crystallization from the basalts. A model of caldera formation which implies a large hydromagmatic eruption at the central vent and minor magma withdrawal by flank eruptions is proposed. This model emphasizes the importance of mafic hydroclastic eruptions in the caldera forming event and contradicts a model implying only quiet subsidence, a process often proposed for the formation of calderas in island are volcanoes of mainly mafic composition.  相似文献   

Payún Matru Volcanic Field is a Quaternary monogenetic volcanic field that hosts scoria cones with perfect to breached morphologies. Los Morados complex is a group of at least four closely spaced scoria cones (Los Morados main cone and the older Cones A, B, and C). Los Morados main cone was formed by a long lived eruption of months to years. After an initial Hawaiian-style stage, the eruption changed to a normal Strombolian, conebuilding style, forming a cone over 150 metres high on a northward dipping (~4°) surface. An initial cone gradually grew until a lava flow breached the cone’s base and rafted an estimated 10% of the total volume. A sudden sector collapse initiated a dramatic decompression in the upper part of the feeding conduit and triggered violent a Strombolian style eruptive stage. Subsequently, the eruption became more stable, and changed to a regular Strombolian style that partially rebuilt the cone. A likely increase in magma flux coupled with the gradual growth of a new cone caused another lava flow outbreak at the structurally weakened earlier breach site. For a second time, the unstable flank of the cone was rafted, triggering a second violent Strombolian eruptive stage which was followed by a Hawaiian style lava fountain stage. The lava fountaining was accompanied by a steady outpour of voluminous lava emission accompanied by constant rafting of the cone flank, preventing the healing of the cone. Santa Maria is another scoria cone built on a nearly flat pre-eruption surface. Despite this it went through similar stages as Los Morados main cone, but probably not in as dramatic a manner as Los Morados. In contrast to these examples of large breached cones, volumetrically smaller cones, associated to less extensive lava flows, were able to heal raft/collapse events, due to the smaller magma output and flux rates. Our evidence shows that scoria cone growth is a complex process, and is a consequence of the magma internal parameters (e.g. volatile content, magma flux, recharge, output volume) and external conditions such as inclination of the pre-eruptive surface where they grew and thus gravitational instability.  相似文献   

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