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A combination of numerical analysis and 10Be concentrations measured in sediment samples from the high‐relief Torrente catchment, southern Spain, allows us to investigate the sampling requirements for determining erosion rates using cosmogenic nuclides in high‐relief, landslide‐dominated terrain. We use simple modelling to quantify the effect of particle spalling and/or landsliding on erosion rates determined using a cosmogenic in‐situ produced isotope. Analytical results show that the cosmogenic nuclide concentration of a surface experiencing regular detachment of a grain or block may be considered to be in steady state, and ‘in‐situ’ erosion rates estimated, when an appropriate number of spatially independent samples are amalgamated. We present equations that enable calculation of the number of bedrock samples that must be amalgamated for the estimation of mean erosion rates on an outcrop experiencing regular detachment of a grain or chip of thickness L every T years. Our findings confirm that mean catchment erosion rates may be reliably estimated from 10Be concentrations in fluvial sediment in high‐relief rapidly eroding terrain. These catchment‐wide integrated erosion rates can be calculated where erosion is primarily accomplished through shallow (<3 m) spalling processes; where deep‐seated (>3 m) landslides are the dominant mode of erosion only minimum erosion rates can be determined. Lastly, we present erosion rate measurements from the Torrente catchment that reveal variation of two orders of magnitude (0·03–1·6 m ka?1) quantifying the high degree of spatial variation in erosion rates expected within rapidly uplifting catchments. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) concentrations measured in river sediments can be used to estimate catchment‐wide denudation rates. By investigating multiple TCN the steadiness of sediment generation, transport and depositional processes can be tested. Measurements of 10Be, 21Ne and 26Al from the hyper‐ to semi‐arid Rio Lluta catchment, northern Chile, yield average single denudation rates ranging from 12 to 75 m Myr–1 throughout the catchment. Paired nuclide analysis reveals complex exposure histories for most of the samples and thus the single nuclide estimates do not exclusively represent catchment‐wide denudation rates. The lower range of single nuclide denudation rates (12–17 m Myr–1), established with the noble gas 21Ne, is in accordance with palaeodenudation rates derived from 21Ne/10Be and 26Al/10Be ratio analysis. Since this denudation rate range is measured throughout the system, it is suggested that a headwater signal is transported downstream but modulated by a complex admixture of sediment that has been stored and buried at proximal hillslope or terrace deposits, which are released during high discharge events. That is best evidenced by the stable nuclide 21Ne, which preserves the nuclide concentration even during storage intervals. The catchment‐wide single 21Ne denudation rates and the palaeodenuation rates contrast with previous TCN‐derived erosion rates from bedrock exposures at hillslope interfluves by being at least one order of magnitude higher, especially in the lower river course. These results support earlier studies that identified a coupling of erosional processes in the Western Cordillera contrasting with decoupled processes in the Western Escarpment and in the Coastal Cordillera. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have performed systematic analyses of both cosmogenic 3He (3Hec) and cosmogenic 21Ne (21Nec) in ultramafic xenoliths from Central Asia and in a quartz sample from Antarctica. Five xenoliths, which show no or insignificant 21Nec excesses, were used to estimate the initial 4He/3He ratio of 90,470 in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle under the Baikal extension zone. Seven xenoliths show large 21Ne/22Ne anomalies ranging up to 0.204 and 4He/3He down to 31,000, due to the presence of cosmogenic 21Ne and 3He. The (3He/21Ne)c ratio is 1.41 ± 0.22 in the xenoliths and 2.76 in the quartzite. This difference is due to the dependence of the 21Nec production rate on the elemental composition of the target material. We estimated the 3Hec and 21Nec production rates at different locations worldwide and calculated the 3Hec and 21Nec exposure ages. These ages range between 7100 and 28,000 years for the xenoliths, and we determined their relative positions within the volcanic tuff layer. The mean 3Hec and 21Nec exposure ages of the quartz sample are 1.35 ± 0.07 and 2.21 ± 0.12 Ma, respectively. This difference is most probably related to 3Hec diffusive losses from the quartz mineral grains, even at low temperatures, due to the relatively high diffusion coefficient for cosmogenic 3He.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent to which local factors, including bedrock and structure, govern catchment denudation in mountainous environments as opposed to broader climate or tectonic patterns provides insight into how landscapes evolve as sediment is generated and transported through them, and whether they have approached steady-state equilibrium. We measured beryllium-10 (10Be) concentrations in 21 sediment samples from glaciated footwall and hanging wall catchments, including a set of nested catchments, and 12 bedrock samples in the Puga and Tso Morari half-grabens located in the high-elevation, arid Zanskar region of northern India. In the Puga half-graben where catchments are underlain by quartzo-feldspathic gneissic bedrock, bedrock along catchment divides is eroding very slowly, about 5 m/Ma, due to extreme aridity and 10Be concentrations in catchment sediments are the highest (~60–90 × 105 atoms/g SiO2) as colluvium accumulates on hillslopes, decoupled from their ephemeral streams. At Puga, 10Be concentrations and the average erosion rates of a set of six nested catchments demonstrate that catchment denudation is transport-limited as sediment stagnates on lower slopes before reaching the catchment outlet. In the Tso Morari half-graben, gneissic bedrock is also eroding very slowly but 10Be concentrations in sediments in catchments underlain by low grade meta-sedimentary rocks, are significantly lower (~10–35 × 105 atoms/g SiO2). In these arid, high-elevation environments, 10Be concentrations in catchment sediments have more to do with bedrock weathering and transport times than steady-state denudation rates. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Combining cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne (3Hec and 21Nec) measurements on both pyroxene and olivine from the Pleistocene Bar Ten flows (85–107 ka) greatly increases our ability to evaluate the accuracy of 3Hec and 21Nec production rates and, therefore, 3Hec and 21Nec surface exposure ages. Comparison of 3Hec and 21Nec age-pairs yielded by experimentally determined production rates and composition-based model calculations indicates that the former give more accurate surface exposure ages than the latter in this study. However, experimental production rates should be adjusted to the composition of the minerals being analyzed to obtain the best agreement between 3Hec and 21Nec ages for any given sample. 21Nec/3Hec values are 0.400 ± 0.029 and 0.204 ± 0.014 for olivine and pyroxene, respectively, in Bar Ten lava flows, in agreement with previously published values, and indicate that 21Nec/3Hec in olivine and pyroxene is not affected by erosion and remains constant with latitude, elevation, and time (up to 10 Myr). Samples with 21Nec/3Hec that do not agree with these values may indicate the presence of non-cosmogenic helium and/or neon. The neon three-isotope diagram can also indicate whether or not all excess neon in mineral separates comes from cosmogenic sources. An error-weighted regression for olivine defines a spallation line [y = (1.033 ± 0.031)x + (0.09876 ± 0.00033)], which is indistinguishable from that for pyroxene (Schäfer et al., 1999). We have derived a production rate of 25 ± 8 at/g/yr for 21Nec in clinopyroxene (En43–44) based on the 40Ar/39Ar age of the upper Bar Ten flow. Our study indicates that the production rate of 21Nec in olivine may be slightly higher than previously determined. Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne remain extremely useful, particularly when paired, in determining accurate eruption ages of young olivine- and pyroxene-rich basaltic lava flows.  相似文献   

Based on cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al analyses in 15 individual detrital quartz pebbles (16–21 mm) and cosmogenic 10Be in amalgamated medium sand (0.25–0.50 mm), all collected from the outlet of the upper Gaub River catchment in Namibia, quartz pebbles yield a substantially lower average denudation rate than those yielded by the amalgamated sand sample. 10Be and 26Al concentrations in the 15 individual pebbles span nearly two orders of magnitude (0.22 ± 0.01 to 20.74 ± 0.52 × 106 10Be atoms g−1 and 1.35 ± 0.09 to 72.76 ± 2.04 × 106 26Al atoms g−1, respectively) and yield average denudation rates of ∼0.7 m Myr−1 (10Be) and ∼0.9 m Myr−1 (26Al). In contrast, the amalgamated sand yields an average 10Be concentration of 0.77 ± 0.03 × 106 atoms g−1, and an associated mean denudation rate of 9.6 ± 1.1 m Myr−1, an order of magnitude greater than the rates obtained for the amalgamated pebbles. The inconsistency between the 10Be and 26Al in the pebbles and the 10Be in the amalgamated sand is likely due to the combined effect of differential sediment sourcing and longer sediment transport times for the pebbles compared to the sand-sized grains. The amalgamated sands leaving the catchment are an aggregate of grains originating from all quartz-bearing rocks in all parts of the catchment. Thus, the cosmogenic nuclide inventories of these sands record the overall average lowering rate of the landscape. The pebbles originate from quartz vein outcrops throughout the catchment, and the episodic erosion of the latter means that the pebbles will have higher nuclide inventories than the surrounding bedrock and soil, and therefore also higher than the amalgamated sand grains. The order-of-magnitude grain size bias observed in the Gaub has important implications for using cosmogenic nuclide abundances in depositional surfaces because in arid environments, akin to our study catchment, pebble-sized clasts yield substantially underestimated palaeo-denudation rates. Our results highlight the importance of carefully considering geomorphology and grain size when interpreting cosmogenic nuclide data in depositional surfaces.  相似文献   

Climate change and high magnitude mass wasting events pose adverse societal effects and hazards, especially in alpine regions. Quantification of such geomorphic processes and their rates is therefore critical but is often hampered by the lack of appropriate techniques and the various spatiotemporal scales involved in these studies. Here we exploit both in situ cosmogenic beryllium-10 (10Be) and carbon-14 (14C) nuclide concentrations for deducing exposure ages and tracing of sediment through small alpine debris flow catchments in central Switzerland. The sediment cascade and modern processes we track from the source areas, through debris flow torrents to their final export out into sink regions with cosmogenic nuclides over an unprecedented five-year time series with seasonal resolution. Data from a seismic survey and a 90 m core revealed a glacially overdeepened basin, filled with glacial and paraglacial sediments. Surface exposure dating of fan boulders and radiocarbon ages constrain the valley fill from the last deglaciation until the Holocene and show that most of the fan existed in early Holocene times already. Current fan processes are controlled by episodic debris flow activity, snow (firn) and rock avalanches. Field investigations, digital elevation models (DEMs) of difference and geomorphic analysis agree with sediment fingerprinting with cosmogenic nuclides, highlighting that the bulk of material exported today at the outlet of the subcatchments derives from the lower fans. Cosmogenic nuclide concentrations steadily decrease from headwater sources to distal fan channels due to the incorporation of material with lower nuclide concentrations. Further downstream the admixture of sediment from catchments with less frequent debris flow activity can dilute the cosmogenic nuclide signals from debris flow dominated catchments but may also reach thresholds where buffering is limited. Consequently, careful assessment of boundary conditions and driving forces is required when apparent denudation rates derived from cosmogenic nuclide analysis are upscaled to larger regions. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic nuclide dating of glacial landforms may lead to ambiguous results for ice retreat histories. The persistence of significant cosmogenic concentrations inherited from previous exposure may increase the apparent exposure ages for polished bedrocks affected by limited erosion under ice and for erratic boulders transported by glaciers and previously exposed in high-altitude rock walls. In contrast, transient burying by moraines, sediments and snow decreases the apparent exposure age. We propose a new sampling strategy, applied to four sites distributed in the Arc and Arve valleys in the Western Alps, to better constrain the factors that can bias exposure ages associated with glacial processes. We used the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide 10Be (TCN) to estimate the exposure time from paired sampling of depth profiles in polished bedrock and on overlying erratic boulders. For a given sampling site, the exposure ages for both the polished bedrock and boulder are expected to be the same. However, in six cases out of seven, boulders had significantly higher 10Be surface concentrations than those of the associated polished surfaces. In present and past glacial processes, the 10Be distribution with depth for boulders and bedrocks implies the presence of an inheritance concentration of 10Be. Our study suggests that 10Be concentrations in erratic boulders and in polished bedrocks provide maximum and minimum exposure ages of the glacial retreat, respectively. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

Although beryllium‐10 (10Be) concentrations in stream sediments provide useful synoptic views of catchment‐wide erosion rates, little is known on the relative contributions of different sediment supply mechanisms to the acquisition of their initial signature in the headwaters. Here we address this issue by conducting a 10Be‐budget of detrital materials that characterize the morphogenetic domains representative of high‐altitude environments of the European Alps. We focus on the Etages catchment, located in the Ecrins‐Pelvoux massif (southeast France), and illustrate how in situ 10Be concentrations can be used for tracing the origin of the sand fraction from the bedload in the trunk stream. The landscape of the Etages catchment is characterized by a geomorphic transient state, high topographic gradients, and a large variety of modern geomorphic domains ranging from glacial environments to scarcely vegetated alluvial plains. Beryllium‐10 concentrations measured in the Etages catchment vary from ~1 × 104 to 4.5 × 105 atoms per gram quartz, while displaying consistent 10Be signatures within each representative morphogenetic unit. We show that the basic requirements for inferring catchment‐wide denudation from 10Be concentration measurements are not satisfied in this small, dynamic catchment. However, the distinct 10Be signature observed for the geomorphic domains can be used as a tracer. We suggest that a terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) budget approach provides a valuable tool for the tracing of material origin in basins where the ‘let nature do the averaging’ principles may be violated. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Basin-wide erosion rates can be determined through the analysis of in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides. In transient landscapes, and particularly in mountain catchments, erosion and transport processes are often highly variable and consequently the calculated erosion rates can be biased. This can be due to sediment pulses and poor mixing of sediment in the stream channels. The mixing of alluvial sediment is one of the principle conditions that need to be verified in order to have reliable results. In this paper we perform a field-based test of the extent of sediment mixing for a ∼42 km2 catchment in the Alps using concentrations of river-born 10Be. We use this technique to assess the mechanisms and the spatio-temporal scales for the mixing of sediment derived from hillslopes and tributary channels. The results show that sediment provenance and transport, and mixing processes have a substantial impact on the 10Be concentrations downstream of the confluence between streams and tributary channels. We also illustrate that the extent of mixing significantly depends on: the sizes of the catchments involved, the magnitude of the sediment delivery processes, the downstream distance of a sample site after a confluence, and the time since the event occurred. In particular, continuous soil creep and shallow landsliding supply high 10Be concentration material from the hillslope, congruently increasing the 10Be concentrations in the alluvial sediment. Contrariwise, a high frequency of mass-wasting processes or the occurrence of sporadic but large-magnitude events results in the supply of low-concentration sediment that lowers the cosmogenic nuclide concentration in the channels. The predominance of mass-wasting processes in a catchment can cause a strong bias in detrital cosmogenic nuclide concentrations, and therefore calculated erosion rates may be significantly over- or underestimated. Accordingly, it is important to sample as close as possible to the return-period of large-size sediment input events. This will lead to an erosion rate representative of the “mass-wasting signal” in case of generally high-frequency events, or the “background signal” when the event is sporadic. Our results suggest that a careful consideration of the extent of mixing of alluvial sediment is of primary importance for the correct estimation of 10Be-based erosion rates in mountain catchments, and likewise, that erosion rates have to be interpreted cautiously when the mixing conditions are unknown or mixing has not been achieved.  相似文献   

We use cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al in both bedrock and fluvial sediments to investigate controls on erosion rates and sediment supply to river basins at the regional scale in the Kimberley, NW Australia. The area is characterised by lithologically controlled morphologies such as cuestas, isolated mesas and extensive plateaus made of slightly dipping, extensively jointed sandstones. All sampled bedrock surfaces at plateau tops, ridgelines, and in the broader floodplain of major rivers over the region show similar slow lowering rates between 0.17 and 4.88 m.Myr-1, with a mean value of 1.0 ± 0.6 m.Myr-1 (n=15), whilst two bedrock samples collected directly within river-beds record rates that are one to two orders of magnitude higher (14.4 ± 1.5 and 20.9 ± 2.5 m.Myr-1, respectively). Bedrock 26Al/10Be ratios are all compatible with simple, continuous sub-aerial exposure histories. Modern river sediment yield lower 10Be and 26Al concentrations, apparent 10Be basin-wide denudation rates ranging between 1.8 and 7.7 m.Myr-1, with a median value of 2.6 m.Myr-1, more than double the magnitude of bedrock erosion rates. 26Al/10Be ratios of the sediment samples are lower than those obtained for bedrock samples. We propose that these depleted 26Al/10Be ratios can largely be explained by the supply of sediment to river basins from the slab fragmentation and chemical weathering of channel gorge walls and plateau escarpments that result in diluting the cosmogenic nuclide concentration in river sediments measured at the basin outlets. The results of a mass-balance model suggest that ~60–90% of river sediment in the Kimberley results from the breakdown and chemical weathering of retreating vertical sandstone rock-walls in contrast to sediment generated by bedrock weathering and erosion on the plateau tops. This study emphasises the value of analysing two or more isotopes in basin-scale studies using cosmogenic nuclides, especially in slowly eroding post-orogenic settings. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in sediment are used to quantify mean denudation rates in catchments. This article explores the differences between the 10Be concentration in fine (sand) and in coarse (1–3 or 5–10 cm pebbles) river sediment. Sand and pebbles were sampled at four locations in the Huasco Valley, in the arid Chilean Andes. Sand has 10Be concentrations between 4.8 and 8.3·105 at g−1, while pebbles have smaller concentrations between 2.2 and 3.3·105 at g−1. It appears that the different concentrations, systematically measured between sand and pebbles, are the result of different denudation rates, linked with the geomorphologic processes that originated them. We propose that the 10Be concentrations in sand are determined by the mean denudation rate of all of the geomorphologic processes taking place in the catchment, including debris flow processes as well as slower processes such as hill slope diffusion. In contrast, the concentrations in pebbles are probably related to debris flows occurring in steep slopes. The mean denudation rates calculated in the catchment are between 30 and 50 m/Myr, while the denudation rates associated with debris flow are between 59 and 81 m/Myr. These denudation rates are consistent with those calculated using different methods, such as measuring eroded volumes.  相似文献   

Some areas within ice sheet boundaries retain pre-existing landforms and thus either remained as ice free islands (nunataks) during glaciation, or were preserved under ice. Differentiating between these alternatives has significant implications for paleoenvironment, ice sheet surface elevation, and ice volume reconstructions. In the northern Swedish mountains, in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al concentrations from glacial erratics on relict surfaces as well as glacially eroded bedrock adjacent to these surfaces, provide consistent last deglaciation exposure ages (∼8-13 kyr), confirming ice sheet overriding as opposed to ice free conditions. However, these ages contrast with exposure ages of 34-61 kyr on bedrock surfaces in these same relict areas, demonstrating that relict areas were preserved with little erosion through multiple glacial cycles. Based on the difference in radioactive decay between 26Al and 10Be, the measured nuclide concentration in one of these bedrock surfaces suggests that it remained largely unmodified for a minimum period of 845−418+461 kyr. These results indicate that relict areas need to be accounted for as frozen bed patches in basal boundary conditions for ice sheet models, and in landscape development models. Subglacial preservation also implies that source areas for glacial sediments in ocean cores are considerably smaller than the total area covered by ice sheets. These relict areas also have significance as potential long-term subglacial biologic refugia.  相似文献   

Rockwall slope erosion is defined for the upper Bhagirathi catchment using cosmogenic Beryllium-10 (10Be) concentrations in sediment from medial moraines on Gangotri glacier. Beryllium-10 concentrations range from 1.1 ± 0.2 to 2.7 ± 0.3 × 104 at/g SiO2, yielding rockwall slope erosion rates from 2.4 ± 0.4 to 6.9 ± 1.9 mm/a. Slope erosion rates are likely to have varied over space and time and responded to shifts in climate, geomorphic and/or tectonic regime throughout the late Quaternary. Geomorphic and sedimentological analyses confirm that the moraines are predominately composed of rockfall and avalanche debris mobilized from steep relief rockwall slopes via periglacial weathering processes. The glacial rockwall slope erosion affects sediment flux and storage of snow and ice at the catchment head on diurnal to millennial timescales, and more broadly influences catchment configuration and relief, glacier dynamics and microclimates. The slope erosion rates exceed the averaged catchment-wide and exhumation rates of Bhagirathi and the Garhwal region on geomorphic timescales (103−105 years), supporting the view that erosion at the headwaters can outpace the wider catchment. The 10Be concentrations of medial moraine sediment for the upper Bhagirathi catchment and the catchments of Chhota Shigri in Lahul, northern India and Baltoro glacier in Central Karakoram, Pakistan show a tentative relationship between 10Be concentration and precipitation. As such there is more rapid glacial rockwall slope erosion in the monsoon-influenced Lesser and Greater Himalaya compared to the semi-arid interior of the orogen. Rockwall slope erosion in the three study areas, and more broadly across the northwest Himalaya is likely governed by individual catchment dynamics that vary across space and time. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conventional methods for the determination of past soil erosion provide only average rates of erosion of the sediment's source areas and are unable to determine the rate of at-a-site soil loss. In this study, we report in-situ produced cosmogenic 10Be, and 14C measurements from erratic boulders and two depth-profiles from Younger Dryas moraines in Scotland, and assess the extent to which these data allow the quantification of the amount and timing of site-specific Holocene soil erosion at these sites. The study focuses on two sites located on end moraines of the Loch Lomond Readvance (LLR): Wester Cameron and Inchie Farm, both near Glasgow. The site near Wester Cameron does not show any visible signs of soil disturbance and was selected in order to test (i) whether a cosmogenic nuclide depth profile in a sediment body of Holocene age can be reconstructed, and (ii) whether in situ 10Be and 14C yield concordant results. Field evidence suggests that the site at Inchie Farm has undergone soil erosion and this site was selected to explore whether the technique can be applied to determine the broad timing of soil loss. The results of the cosmogenic 10Be and 14C analyses at Wester Cameron confirm that the cosmogenic nuclide depth-profile to be expected from a sediment body of Holocene age can be reconstructed. Moreover, the agreement between the total cosmogenic 10Be inventories in the erratics and the Wester Cameron soil/till samples indicate that there has been no erosion at the sample site since the deposition of the till/moraine. Further, the Wester Cameron depth profiles show minimal signs of homogenisation, as a result of bioturbation, and minimal cosmogenic nuclide inheritance from previous exposure periods. The results of the cosmogenic 10Be and 14C analyses at Inchie Farm show a clear departure from the zero-erosion cosmogenic nuclide depth profiles, suggesting that the soil/till at this site has undergone erosion since its stabilisation. The LLR moraine at the Inchie Farm site is characterised by the presence of a sharp break in slope, suggesting that the missing soil material was removed instantaneously by an erosion event rather than slowly by continuous erosion. The results of numerical simulations carried out to constrain the magnitude and timing of this erosion event suggest that the event was relatively recent and relatively shallow, resulting in the removal of circa 20–50 cm of soil at a maximum of ∼2000 years BP. Our analyses also show that the predicted magnitude and timing of the Inchie Farm erosion event are highly sensitive to the assumptions that are made about the background rate of continuous soil erosion at the site, the stabilisation age of the till, and the density of the sedimentary deposit. All three parameters can be independently determined a priori and so do not impede future applications to other localities. The results of the sensitivity analyses further show that the predicted erosion event magnitude and timing is very sensitive to the 14C production rate used and to assumptions about the contribution of muons to the total production rate of this nuclide. Thus, advances in this regard need to be made for the method presented in this study to be applicable with confidence to scenarios similar to the one presented here.  相似文献   

The 20 May 2016 MW 6.1 Petermann earthquake in central Australia generated a 21 km surface rupture with 0.1 to 1 m vertical displacements across a low-relief landscape. No paleo-scarps or potentially analogous topographic features are evident in pre-earthquake Worldview-1 and Worldview-2 satellite data. Two excavations across the surface rupture expose near-surface fault geometry and mixed aeolian-sheetwash sediment faulted only in the 2016 earthquake. A 10.6 ± 0.4 ka optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age of sheetwash sediment provides a minimum estimate for the period of quiescence prior to 2016 rupture. Seven cosmogenic beryllium-10 (10Be) bedrock erosion rates are derived for samples < 5 km distance from the surface rupture on the hanging-wall and foot-wall, and three from samples 19 to 50 km from the surface rupture. No distinction is found between fault proximal rates (1.3 ± 0.1 to 2.6 ± 0.2 m Myr−1) and distal samples (1.4 ± 0.1 to 2.3 ± 0.2 m Myr−1). The thickness of rock fragments (2–5 cm) coseismically displaced in the Petermann earthquake perturbs the steady-state bedrock erosion rate by only 1 to 3%, less than the erosion rate uncertainty estimated for each sample (7–12%). Using 10Be erosion rates and scarp height measurements we estimate approximately 0.5 to 1 Myr of differential erosion is required to return to pre-earthquake topography. By inference any pre-2016 fault-related topography likely required a similar time for removal. We conclude that the Petermann earthquake was the first on this fault in the last ca. 0.5–1 Myr. Extrapolating single nuclide erosion rates across this timescale introduces large uncertainties, and we cannot resolve whether 2016 represents the first ever surface rupture on this fault, or a > 1 Myr interseismic period. Either option reinforces the importance of including distributed earthquake sources in fault displacement and seismic hazard analyses.  相似文献   

Stable cosmogenic isotopes such as 3He and 21Ne are useful for dating of diverse lithologies, quantifying erosion rates and ages of ancient surfaces and sediments, and for assessing complex burial histories. Although many minerals are potentially suitable targets for 3He and 21Ne dating, complex production systematics require calibration of each mineral–isotope pair. We present new results from a drill core in a high-elevation ignimbrite surface, which demonstrates that cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne can be readily measured in biotite and hornblende. 21Ne production rates in hornblende and biotite are similar, and are higher than that in quartz due to production from light elements such as Mg and Al. We measure 21Nehbl/21Neqtz = 1.35 ± 0.03 and 21Nebio/21Neqtz = 1.3 ± 0.02, which yield production rates of 25.6 ± 3.0 and 24.7 ± 2.9 at g? 1 yr? 1 relative to a 21Neqtz production rate of 19.0 ± 1.8 at g? 1 yr? 1. We show that nucleogenic 21Ne concentrations produced via the reaction 18O(α,n)21Ne are manageably small in this setting, and we present a new approach to deconvolve nucleogenic 21Ne by comparison to nucleogenic 22Ne produced from the reaction 19F(α,n)22Ne in F-rich phases such as biotite. Our results show that hornblende is a suitable target phase for cosmogenic 3He dating, but that 3He is lost from biotite at Earth surface temperatures. Comparison of 3He concentrations in hornblende with previously measured mineral phases such as apatite and zircon provides unambiguous evidence for 3He production via the reaction 6Li(n,α)3H  3He. Due to the atypically high Li content in the hornblende (~ 160 ppm) we estimate that Li-produced 3He represents ~ 40% of total 3He production in our samples, and must be considered on a sample-specific basis if 3He dating in hornblende is to be widely implemented.  相似文献   

In this study, we use isochron‐burial dating to date the Swiss Deckenschotter, the oldest Quaternary deposits of the northern Alpine Foreland. Concentrations of cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al in individual clasts from a single stratigraphic horizon can be used to calculate an isochron‐burial age based on an assumed initial ratio and the measured 26Al/10Be ratio. We suggest that, owing to deep and repeated glacial erosion, the initial isochron ratio of glacial landscapes at the time of burial varies between 6.75 and 8.4. Analysis of 22 clasts of different lithology, shape, and size from one 0.5 m thick gravel bed at Siglistorf (Canton Aargau) indicates low nuclide concentrations: <20 000 10Be atoms/g and <150 000 26Al atoms/g. Using an 26Al/10Be ratio of 7.6 (arithmetical mean of 6.75 and 8.4), we calculate a mean isochron‐burial age of 1.5 ± 0.2 Ma. This age points to an average bedrock incision rate between 0.13 and 0.17 mm/a. Age data from the Irchel, Stadlerberg, and Siglistorf sites show that the Higher Swiss Deckenschotter was deposited between 2.5 and 1.3 Ma. Our results indicate that isochron‐burial dating can be successfully applied to glaciofluvial sediments despite very low cosmogenic nuclide concentrations. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Few investigations link post‐fire changes to sediment sources and erosion processes with sediment yield response at the catchment scale. This linkage is essential if downstream impacts on sediment transport after fire are to be understood in the context of fire effects across different forest environments. In this study, we quantify changing source contributions to fine sediment (<63 µm) exported from a eucalypt forest catchment (136 ha) burnt by wildfire. The study catchment is one of a pair of research catchments located in the East Kiewa River valley in southeastern Australia that have been the subject of a research program investigating wildfire effects on runoff, erosion, and catchment sediment/nutrient exports. This previous research provided the opportunity to couple insights gained from a range of measurement techniques with the application of fallout radionuclides 137Cs and 210Pbex to trace sediment sources. It was found that hillslope surface erosion dominated exports throughout the 3·5‐year post‐fire measurement period. During this time there was a pronounced decline in the proportional surface contribution from close to 100% in the first six months to 58% in the fourth year after fire. Over the study period, hillslope surface sources accounted for 93% of the fine sediment yield from the burnt catchment. The largest decline in the hillslope contribution occurred between the first and second years after fire, which corresponded with the previously reported large decline in sediment yield, breakdown of water repellency in burnt soils, substantial reduction in hillslope erodibility, and rapid surface vegetation recovery. Coupling the information on sediment sources with hillslope process measurements indicated that only a small proportion of slopes contributed sediment to the catchment outlet, with material derived from near‐channel areas dominating the post‐fire catchment sediment yield response. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationship between climate, landscape connectivity and sediment export from mountain ranges is key to understanding the propagation of erosion signals downstream into sedimentary basins. We explore the role of connectivity in modulating the composition of sediment exported from the Frontal Cordillera of the south-central Argentine Andes by comparing three adjacent and apparently similar semi-glaciated catchment-fan systems within the context of an along-strike precipitation gradient. We first identify that the bedrock exposed in the upper, previously glaciated reaches of the cordillera is under-represented in the lithological composition of gravels on each of three alluvial fans. There is little evidence for abrasion or preferential weathering of sediment sourced from the upper cordillera, suggesting that the observed bias can only be explained by sediment storage in these glacially widened and flattened valleys of the upper cordillera (as revealed by channel steepness mapping). A detailed analysis of the morphology of sedimentary deposits within the catchments reveals catchment-wide trends in either main valley incision or aggradation, linked to differences in hillslope–channel connectivity and precipitation. We observe that drier catchments have poor hillslope–channel connectivity and that gravels exported from dry catchments have a lithological composition depleted in clasts sourced from the upper cordillera. Conversely, the catchment with the highest maximum precipitation rate exhibits a high degree of connectivity between its sediment sources and the main river network, leading to the export of a greater proportion of upper cordillera gravel as well as a greater volume of sand. Finally, given a clear spatial correlation between the resistance of bedrock to erosion, mountain range elevation and its covariant, precipitation, we highlight how connectivity in these semi-glaciated landscapes can be preconditioned by the spatial distribution of bedrock lithology. These findings give insight into the extent to which sedimentary archives record source erosion patterns through time.  相似文献   

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