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盘锦湿地芦苇群落蒸发散模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据2005年盘锦芦苇湿地监测站的小气候梯度监测数据和涡动通量观测数据,结合芦苇生理生态特性观测资料,采用波文比-能量平衡法、Penman-Monteith模型对盘锦湿地芦苇群落蒸发散进行模拟,并与涡动相关系统的实测资料进行比较。结果表明:Penman-Monteith模型更适合芦苇群落蒸发散的模拟,可为芦苇湿地蒸发散的计算提供依据。  相似文献   

湿地近地面水热交换对陆面过程乃至天气气候变化有着显著影响,准确量化湿地与大气间的水热交换通量具有重要意义。本文利用中国科学院西北生态环境与资源研究院若尔盖花湖湿地陆面过程与气候变化观测场(下称花湖观测场)2017年3月至2018年3月涡动相关系统的观测数据,各季节选取3个典型晴天,分析了若尔盖湿地近地面的感热通量和潜热通量日变化特征,并与鄂陵湖和玛曲草原的观测值进行对比,同时计算了湿地下垫面的能量闭合率。结果表明:若尔盖高寒湿地-大气间的水热交换过程存在着明显的日变化特征。感热通量和潜热通量的日变化过程都为单峰型,在14:00(北京时,下同)-15:00达到最大值,感热通量最大值可达101. 7 W·m-2。潜热通量最大值可达412. 6 W·m-2。寒冷干燥季节的感热通量日平均值比温暖湿润季节大18. 0%;而温暖潮湿季节潜热通量日平均值比寒冷干燥季节高68. 7%。本文还将湿地水热交换过程与玛曲草原以及鄂陵湖湖面的观测数据进行了对比发现:夏季,若尔盖湿地近地面与鄂陵湖湖面向大气输送的感热和潜热总量相当,但湿地日变化幅度远大于湖面,通常为湖面的4~7倍。玛曲草原夏季感热通量日变幅约为若尔盖湿地的1. 5倍,而湿地夏季潜热通量总量约为草原的1. 2倍。在地表向上的通量中,能量不平衡所占的比例:春季27. 7%,夏季22. 7%,秋季15. 7%,冬季19. 4%。湿地全年主要以潜热的形式向大气输送能量,夏季潜热通量占有效能量的比例可达58. 0%。  相似文献   

围栏封育作为直接有效的退化草地恢复治理模式,广泛应用于青藏高原退化草地恢复。围栏封育显著提升植被覆盖并改变地表与大气之间的水热交换,然而当前对其如何影响高寒生态系统水热通量的定量研究不足,缺乏对影响机制的认识。本研究以藏北腹地典型高寒湿地和高寒草原为研究对象,采用涡度相关技术开展禁牧-放牧配对观测,并基于围栏内外2019年7月至2021年6月连续两年的观测数据,探究围栏封育后的地表水热平衡变化,以提升对围栏封育改变地表水热通量机制的认知。结果显示:高寒草原和高寒湿地生态系统水热通量均表现出明显的单峰型日变化特征,且分别以感热作用(波文比为1.60)、潜热作用(波文比为0.31)为主导向大气传输能量。围栏封育降低了高寒草原地表通量值,感热通量减小5.99 W·m-2,潜热通量减小4.84 W·m-2;围栏封育提升了高寒湿地的地表通量值,感热通量增加3.04 W·m-2,潜热通量增加30.95 W·m-2,围栏封育后高寒草原感热通量和潜热通量日均值均下降,高寒湿地则增加。围栏封育对地表能量通量影响强度集...  相似文献   

利用中国科学院那曲高寒气候环境观测研究站2002—2015年自动气象塔(AWS_Tower)和2011—2014年涡动相关系统(EC)的观测资料,基于地表能量平衡组合法和涡动相关法计算那曲高寒草地下垫面湍流通量。利用涡动相关法对地表能量平衡组合法计算的感热通量、潜热通量进行校正,并将校正规律外推得到一个长时间连续的地表通量序列,分析那曲高寒草地下垫面感热通量、潜热通量的长时间变化特征以及地面热源与气候影响因子的关系。结果表明,该序列地表能量闭合度在春、夏、秋以及全年接近1,而冬季辐射观测值偏小导致能量闭合度正偏差较大为1. 34。近14年中,感热通量在年际变化上呈上升趋势;潜热通量呈显著减弱趋势,造成地面热源呈减弱趋势。地面热源与风速、地表温度、土壤湿度以及净辐射通量资料的关系显著。其中地面热源全年对净辐射通量响应显著,对地表温度在春、秋以及冬季响应显著,与土壤湿度在春、夏以及秋季响应明显,与风速在春季响应特征较为突出。季节变化上,感热通量在4月达到全年最大值,在7月为最小值;潜热通量在7月为全年最大值,在1月为最小值。  相似文献   

盘锦湿地芦苇生态系统长期通量观测研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
针对2004年5月26日-2005年10月15日盘锦湿地芦苇生态系统碳通量、感热通量和潜热通量资料进行分析。结果表明:芦苇湿地具有较强的碳汇作用;2005年芦苇湿地固定二氧化碳为13.32 t/hm2,日平均感热通量和潜热通量分别为2 464 kJ/m2和3 880 kJ/m2。2004年和2005年6~9月的日累积值波文比平均值均为0.15。芦苇湿地碳通量、感热通量和潜热通量的日动态呈单峰单谷型变化,极值出现在中午前后,夜间线形平直。芦苇生长季白天通量绝对值远较夜间大,白天碳吸收,夜间碳排放。CO2浓度年平均日变化曲线亦为单谷单峰型,夜间浓度较高且逐渐升高,直到日出前达到峰值;日出后急剧下降,傍晚又开始逐渐增加。芦苇湿地感热通量昼正夜负,潜热通量与林地不同,全天为正。各通量季节变化明显,冬季CO2通量日变化不明显,趋近于零;感热通量总体向上输送,春季数值较大,生长季数值较小;潜热通量冬季最小,接近0,春季开始显著增加,生长季达到最大。  相似文献   

黄河源区高寒湿地-大气间的水分和热量及碳交换过程是影响青藏高原气候变化的主要因素之一。本文从2013年7月16日至10月19日期间黄河源区麻多湿地下垫面湍流通量涡动相关系统和气象站观测资料中,每月选取3~4天晴天条件下的观测数据,分析了黄河源麻多湿地-大气间感热通量、潜热通量和CO_2通量的日变化特征,并探讨了近地面能量平衡闭合度。结果表明:黄河源高寒湿地下垫面潜热通量和感热通量有日变化过程,日出后水分和热量交换通量逐渐增高,峰值均出现在12:00—16:00(北京时,下同)。在2013年夏季,黄河源湿地下垫面感热通量的最高值出现在9月15:30,达到了150.0 W·m~(-2),潜热通量的最高值出现在7月16:00,达到了300.0 W·m~(-2)。黄河源高寒湿地生态系统的能量消耗主要以潜热为主,近地面能量的闭合度较差,达到了48.8%。湿地净生态系统的CO_2交换通量日变化特征呈"U"型曲线,在整个植被生长季节的日变化过程中,日出后湿地系统吸收大气中的CO_2,净生态系统CO_2交换量NEE(Net Ecosystem Exchange)为负,中午达负极值,极值为-0.55 mg·m~(-2)·s~(-1),出现在7月21日12:30;夜间下垫面释放CO_2,NEE为正。进一步分析结果表明:CO_2交换通量的变化动态范围受空气温度、太阳辐射和植被冠层的影响明显。  相似文献   

准确量化高寒湿地下垫面冻结过程中土壤热通量的变化特征,对认识高寒湿地—大气间水热交换过程有重要的科学意义。本文利用中国科学院麻多气候与环境综合观测站2014年5月至2015年5月的观测资料,分析了下垫面冻结过程中土壤热通量变化特征,探讨了冻结潜热对土壤热通量的贡献。基于温度积分计算土壤热通量的算法,指出在计算冻结过程中的土壤热通量时,需要同时考虑土壤热通量板以上的土壤热贮存及热通量板以上的冻结潜热。研究表明:(1)冻结锋面形成后,锋面所在深度土壤体积含水量迅速降低,锋面以下土壤热通量接近于零,土壤液态水开始冻结,冻结潜热向上穿过热通量板所在土壤层;降水下渗土壤后冻结所释放的潜热能使次日凌晨5 cm深度土壤热通量接近于零。(2)季节性冻结期,凌晨气温较高时穿过5 cm土壤层的向上土壤热通量很小,可能是由表层土壤发生了日冻融循环所致。土壤水释放的冻结潜热使土壤温度波动减弱并维持在冰点附近。高寒湿地下垫面仅在很浅的表层发生日冻融循环,无法通过5 cm土壤温度资料判断下垫面循环出现日期。(3)加入冻结潜热项,土壤热通量的计算值与实测值之间的均方根误差将会从11.5 W m-2下降到6.2 W m-2。以上研究结果对认识寒区陆面过程有重要的贡献。  相似文献   

广州番禺地区草地陆气相互作用观测研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了2004年在广州番禺进行的陆气相互作用观测试验。观测研究表明:新型的超声风温仪虽然带有雨滴防护沙网, 但雨滴对超声观测的误差影响显著, 尤其是对u, w方向。雨天情况下与z/L相关系数很低, 湍流强度与稳定度不存在1/3次方关系。涡动相关法和能量平衡法计算的感热通量及潜热通量比较接近, 感热、潜热通量相关系数分别达到0.8699和0.8633, 两种方法带来的误差主要发生在近地层稳定度发生明显变化的时刻, 即在午间热通量的峰值或傍晚或晚间热通量的低值, 其中能量平衡法计算的感热、潜热普遍具有较大的正负峰值。涡动相关法计算的Qh+Qe普遍偏小, 与可用能量Rn-Qg多数情况下存在能量不平衡, 说明了忽略热存储项的地表能量平衡方程的局限性。番禺夏、秋季近地层各能量具有与太阳辐射相似的日变化特征, 但夏季的潜热大于感热, 而秋季则相反。近地面二氧化碳从5—8月是一个减低过程, 尔后上升到12月份浓度最高, 总体浓度值在350×10-6~400×10-6之间变化。  相似文献   

内蒙古奈曼流动沙丘下垫面湍流输送特征初步研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
分析了2000年7月21日~8月10日在内蒙古奈曼流动沙丘下垫面取得的近地面层湍流及辐射观测资料,讨论了无量纲湍流方差与稳定度参数z/L的关系,发现无量纲速度分量方差及无量纲温度、湿度脉动方差在不稳定层结下,均满足莫宁-奥布霍夫相似理论;同时还讨论近地面层能量的收支.发现流动沙丘下垫面感热通量与地表热通量最大值分别为170 W m-2及100 W m-2;潜热通量通常小于50 W m-2;流动沙丘净辐射最大值为400 W m-2左右.(Hs+Hl),与(Rn-G)的比值在晴天白天平均值为0.78左右,流动沙丘下垫面近地面层能量不平衡现象存在,其原因有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

1998年南海季风试验期间海 气通量的估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据1998年南海季风试验西沙海面铁塔梯度观测资料,利用总体(Bulk)系数法和多层结通量廓线法对西沙海面的海-气通量进行了估算,得出两种方法估算的潜热通量、感热通量基本一致。总体系数法估算的潜热通量比多层结通量廓线法略大1~3 W·m-2,感热通量小0~1.5 W·m-2。一般而言,季风爆发期间潜热输送逐渐增加;季风爆发前期夜间潜热通量比季风爆发后期大;季风爆发后期,白天潜热通量明显大于爆发初期和中期。感热通量季风爆发前海面向大气输送,爆发后期大气向海面输送。动量通量和摩擦速度随风速增加。  相似文献   

利用变分法计算西北典型干旱区地表通量的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用2000年5~6月在敦煌进行的陆面过程野外观测试验加强期的观测资料,采用变分法计算了西北干旱区荒漠戈壁的地表感热通量和潜热通量,并与Bowen比能量平衡方法(简称BREB法)的结果进行了对比.结果表明:变分法由于同时应用了地表能量平衡方程和相似性廓线方程,充分利用了边界层观测资料的信息,避免了BREB法中出现在Bowen比接近于-1时产生的计算不稳定和虚假的峰值,使计算的通量结果更趋合理和稳定.同时也计算了动量和感热的总体输送系数,与已有结果比较表明也具有合理性.  相似文献   

内蒙古半干旱草原能量物质交换的微气象方法估算   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
根据1998年5~8月和1999年8月在中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位试验站进行微气象观测的资料,作者分析了该地区能量平衡及其各分量的基本特征.结果表明:(1)净辐射通量的转化形式有明显的季节性变化,5~6月份,净辐射能大部分用于感热交换,而后期则多用于潜热交换,5~8月份的日波文比值分别为1.26,1.42,0 41和0.20.(2)观测期间,波文比的日变化特征表现为,早晚变化大不稳定,而白天则相对稳定.(3)用涡度相关方法观测的感热和潜热通量之和与同期的净辐射相比较,前者的结果偏小1 5%左右,两种方法观测到的潜热通量的差异达平均35%左右.(4)半干旱草原CO2通量有明显的日变化,在生长旺期,白天CO2通量强度可达到1.5 mg s-1m-2以上,但在生长后期,1998年和1999年8月份的白天CO2通量强度分别为0.38 mg s-1m-2和0.2 mg s-1m-2左右;其差异与草地土壤水分和植物长势有关.  相似文献   

Summary The Bowen ratio-energy balance (BREB) and the stability-corrected aerodynamic method were used to estimate turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat at an irrigated alfalfa site in a semi-arid valley in northern Utah, U.S.A., during August and September of 1991. Despite inclusion of a generalized stability factor, the aerodynamic method underestimated the daytime (sunrise-sunset) sensible and latent heat fluxes by approximately 30% in comparison with the BREB method. The sum of the aerodynamic estimates of sensible and latent heat seldom balanced the energy avaiable from net radiation and change in storage. Wind speed was low during the experiment (averaging 1.6 m s–1), and so a second analysis was run for data from daytime, non-rainy, turbulent conditions (wind > 1.5 m s–1). This showed that sensible and latent heat were still underestimated by approximately 30% in comparison with the BREB approach. This suggests that underestimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes by the aerodynamic method was not related to the wind speed conditions during the experiment. These results show that the stability-corrected aerodynamic model did not agree with the Bowen ratio method in this experiment. It appears unlikely that the discrepancies resulted from measurement errors. Perhaps the theoretical foundation of the similarity parameters (stability functions) in the aerodynamic model are not sufficiently generalized. The discrepancies found here confirm the necessity of calibration checks on the validity of aerodynamic estimates of the turbulent fluxes.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Energy balance components over a grassland surface were compared to those obtained above an adjacent, uniform Scots pine plantation during a five-day period of fine, sunny, spring weather. Soils were judged to contain ample water. Shortwave and total radiation flux densities were measured at both sites with pyranometers and total pyrradiometers. Soil heat flux densities were measured with heat flux plates at both sites, and additional storage changes were estimated for air and canopy at the forest site. The forest gained more shortwave energy than the grassland during daytime because of its lower albedo, but it lost more longwave radiation at night. The turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent energy were evaluated with the Bowen ratio energy balance (BREB) method at both sites. Temperature and humidity gradients were measured with fixed psychrometers at the grassland site, and with interchanging psychrometers at the forest site. Mean daily evapotranspiration (ET) averaged 2.26 mm over the five days for the Scots pine, or only 57 percent of the 3.94 mm measured at the grassland site. The mean Bowen ratios were 2.6 and 0.8, respectively.An error analysis was carried out for the BREB estimates of latent heat flux at the two sites. For a given error in latent heat flux and at a specified Bowen ratio the demands on accuracy of dry- and wet-bulb temperature gradients above the rough forest canopy was found to be 10 times higher than above the smoother grassland. If additionally the observed differences in transpiration rates between the two sites were taken into account, the precision for temperature gradient measurements above the slowly transpiring forest becomes fortyfold greater than required above the rapidly transpiring grass. At present, BREB precision requirements for gradients above rougher, drier canopies appear achievable only through use of specialized instrumentation, such as measurement systems that incorporate interchangeable psychrometers into their design.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Summary  The Bowen Ratio-Energy Balance (BREB) and the aerodynamic method were used to estimate turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat flux over an irrigated agricultural area (IAA) and over two dry agricultural areas (DAA1 and DAA2). These turbulent fluxes were analysed and particular attention paid to two specific areas. First, a quantitative analysis of sensible and latent heat fluxes obtained by the BREB method was carried out, taking into account different soil type, vegetation and surface conditions. The results showed that in IAA latent heat flux was higher than sensible heat flux, except in summer months, while in DAA1 and DAA2, sensible heat flux was higher except in the months when the vegetation was at the stage of maximum development. Second, sensible and latent heat fluxes estimates from the BREB method were compared with those obtained from the aerodynamic method. In this comparison factors such as soil type, soil vegetation cover, homogeneity or inhomogeneity of terrain and mesoscale effects such as orography and wind patterns were taken into account. The results show that in conditions of light wind, the two methods only concur if the condition of horizontal homogeniety is fulfilled. The influence of inhomogeneity seems to decrease and agreement between methods improves, if the wind is stronger and the effects of meso and synoptic scales are predominant. Received May 18, 1999/Revised March 15, 2000  相似文献   

半干旱区不同下垫面近地层湍流通量特征分析   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
涂钢  刘辉志  董文杰 《大气科学》2009,33(4):719-725
本文分析了2003~2005年半干旱区退化草地和农田下垫面近地层湍流通量日、季、年的变化特征, 探讨了不同年份的气候背景和下垫面土地覆被对地气交换过程的影响。结果表明: 半干旱区退化草地和农田近地层湍流通量具有明显的日变化、季变化周期; 地气间通量交换年际间的差异主要受当年的气候背景影响, 尤其是降水的影响; 同时还受到下垫面覆被的影响。潜热通量和感热通量的能量分配比率呈反位相变化, 且农田和退化草地的变化趋势相似, 在夏季潜热通量所占比例均超过感热通量; 两种下垫面的波恩比月均值变化趋势十分相似, 量级接近, 夏季低, 春、秋季高; 夏季退化草地和农田下垫面波恩比均小于或等于1。  相似文献   

农田蒸散量计算方法的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
根据观测资料,采用波文比法、廓线梯度法和综合阻地等分别计算了农田植被层上的蒸散量,并对比分析了不同方法之间的相对误差和相关程度。结果表明,用波文比法计算的潜热通量存在系统性偏小的现象,而工法和综合阻抗法的计算结果比较一致。文中还讨论了不同方法的优缺点和产生误差的可能原因。  相似文献   

A variational technique (VT) is applied to estimate surface sensible and latent heat fluxes based on observations of air temperature, wind speed, and humidity, respectively, at three heights (1 m, 4 m, and 10 m), and the surface energy and radiation budgets by the surface energy and radiation system (SERBS). The method fully uses all information provided by the measurements of air temperature, wind, and humidity profiles, the surface energy budget, and the similarity profile formulae as well. Data collected at Feixi experiment station installed by the China Heavy Rain Experiment and Study (HeRES) Program are used to test the method. Results show that the proposed technique can overcome the well-known unstablility problem that occurs when the Bowen method becomes singular; in comparison with the profile method, it reduces both the sensitivities of latent heat fluxes to observational errors in humidity and those of sensible heat fluxes to observational errors in temperature, while the estimated heat fluxes approximately satisfy the surface energy budget. Therefore, the variational technique is more reliable and stable than the two conventional methods in estimating surface sensible and latent heat fluxes.  相似文献   

Mainly.three methods have been developed to calculate turbulence heat flux.They are eddy covariance method,Bowen ratio/energy balance method and aerodynamic method.In this paper, all the three methods have been used to calculate sensible heat flux,latent heat flux and imbalance energy near the surface with the experiment data of EBEX-2000.Then comparisons of the three methods and some possible explanations of the surface imbalance energy are given.  相似文献   

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