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The objective of this paper was to investigate a petroleum-contaminated groundwater site in northeast China. Based on the monitoring and analysis of environmental characteristics of groundwater slightly contaminated with petroleum, microbes were added into the petroleum-contaminated groundwater via single-well and multiple-well models to enhance bioremediation. The effect of enhanced bioremediation was monitored and analyzed, and variations in the environmental characteristics of groundwater containing total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were identified to provide a scientific basis for controlling and remediating petroleum-contaminated groundwater. Findings confirmed that this site was slightly contaminated and TPH levels exhibited a slight decreasing trend. After enhanced remediation, the microbial degradation effect was large, and the TPH concentration significantly reduced. In particular, near the wells treated by bioremediation, the amounts of electron acceptors, such as NO3 ?, Fe3+, and SO4 2?, markedly decreased. The product of the microbial degradation process, HCO3 ?, gradually increased in the treated wells. Activities of the enzyme catechol 1, 2-dioxygenase decreased, while those of catalase increased. Reductions in pH, from 7.4 to 6.1, were recorded, and the groundwater environment became further deoxidized.  相似文献   

There are increasing concerns over compound pollution in northeast of China and its bioremediation. Cd, Phe, degradation bacteria W.J and their combination on soil microbial community function were assessed with the BIOLOG method. The microbial community was extracted from the soil with different treatments. Average color development, richness, Shannon–Weaver index, and principal component analysis on OD standardized data were performed. The results showed that soil microbial metabolic diversity in CK was significantly higher than that in the soils in which Cd, Phe, W.J or their combination was added. It indicated that Cd, Phe has significantly negative effect on the sole-carbon-source metabolic ability of soil microbial communities, particularly when both of them were present. Application of degradation bacteria incubation makes soil microbial communities same as control except for the significant decrease in 4-hydroxy benzoic acid, l-serine, glucose-1-phosphate metabolism. It shows that the incubate application has a considerably effect in soil communities reversion.  相似文献   

微生物降解蒙脱石层间吸附有机质的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国内外学者意识到,有机质在蒙脱石结构层间的吸附是有机质保存的重要机理之一,然而,目前关于微生物能否降解蒙脱石层间吸附有机质以及降解的程度等尚没有任何实验数据的支撑。本文试图通过人工合成含有层间吸附有机质的蒙脱石,利用海洋和湖泊沉积物中常见的降解有机质的微生物对其进行降解实验,据此探讨有机质的蒙脱石层间吸附在沉积物埋藏过程中对有机质保存的贡献。有机质选择半胱氨酸和甲苯,前者是生物生长所需的一种重要氨基酸,后者大量存在于土壤和沉积物中,多种细菌可以在有碳氢化合物的环境下将其降解。实验菌种选择恶臭假单胞杆菌(Pseudomonas putida)和腐败希瓦氏菌(Shewanella putrefaciens CN32)2种细菌,它们均为海洋和湖泊沉积物中的主导微生物,前者有较强的有机质降解能力,后者为铁的还原菌,厌氧代谢过程中能将蒙脱石结构中的Fe(III)还原为Fe(II)。通过上述不同菌种对蒙脱石层间吸附不同性质有机质的降解实验,结果显示,微生物对蒙脱石层间吸附的有机质的降解方式主要有分泌有机酸直接降解和破坏层间结构释放有机物从而进行降解。代表菌种假单胞菌和希瓦氏菌对半胱氨酸绿脱石及甲苯绿脱石的作用表明,微生物通过分泌有机酸的形式对蒙脱石层间吸附的有机质降解作用很有限,该结构在恒定的有氧和无氧条件下对保存有机质有利;希瓦氏菌在严格无氧条件下通过还原Fe(III)进行代谢,实验表明,无氧条件下,希瓦氏菌可以一定程度破坏矿物结构,释放并消耗有机物,因此,铁还原微生物对蒙脱石层间吸附有机质的保存有一定的影响,但由于微生物对矿物晶体结构的破坏能力有限,故其对层间吸附有机质降解的能力也有限;不同有机物对生物降解过程也有影响,这些影响取决于有机质的特性及有机质与细菌之间的相互作用。绿脱石层间吸附的半胱氨酸对生物生长有利,从而可能促进生物还原Fe(III)作用。相反,甲苯却很明显的抑制了Fe(III)的还原。由此可见,有机质的蒙脱石层间吸附是有机质保存的重要方式之一。  相似文献   

The ability of heavy metals bioaccumulation to cause toxicity in biological systems—human, animals, microorganisms and plants—is an important issue for environmental health and safety. Recent biotechnological approaches for bioremediation include biomineralization (mineral synthesis by living organisms or biomaterials), biosorption (dead microbial and renewable agricultural biomass), phytostabilization (immobilization in plant roots), hyperaccumulation (exceptional metal concentration in plant shoots), dendroremediation (growing trees in polluted soils), biostimulation (stimulating living microbial population), rhizoremediation (plant and microbe), mycoremediation (stimulating living fungi/mycelial ultrafiltration), cyanoremediation (stimulating algal mass for remediation) and genoremediation (stimulating gene for remediation process). The adequate restoration of the environment requires cooperation, integration and assimilation of such biotechnological advances along with traditional and ethical wisdom to unravel the mystery of nature in the emerging field of bioremediation. This review highlights better understanding of the problems associated with the toxicity of heavy metals to the contaminated ecosystems and their viable, sustainable and eco-friendly bioremediation technologies, especially the mechanisms of phytoremediation of heavy metals along with some case studies in India and abroad. However, the challenges (biosafety assessment and genetic pollution) involved in adopting the new initiatives for cleaning-up the heavy metals-contaminated ecosystems from both ecological and greener point of view must not be ignored.  相似文献   

地下水有机污染治理技术现状及发展前景   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
概述了现有的几种地下水有机污染治理方法:抽出处理、注气-抽取土壤气、内在生物净化、流线控制、多技术结合法、生物治理、吸附、原位反应墙等工作原理和治理效果;简要分析了地下水有机污染治理技术存在的问题和发展前景。  相似文献   

环境介质中高氯酸盐污染及微生物修复技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王蕊  刘菲  张苑  陈鸿汉  秦莉红 《岩矿测试》2012,31(4):689-698
高氯酸盐(ClO4-)是一种有毒的无机阴离子,其环境污染问题引起了广泛关注,控制与修复高氯酸盐污染环境成为新的研究热点,其中微生物修复技术最具应用前景。国外已开展环境中高氯酸盐污染现状的调查工作,利用微生物修复技术去除高氯酸盐取得了一定的成果,但我国的相关研究较少。文章综述了近年来国内外高氯酸盐的污染现状及微生物修复高氯酸盐的最新研究进展。由于高氯酸盐的高水溶性和低吸附性,当前研究最多的是高氯酸盐水体污染,这些水体通过饮用水(源水)或食物链直接或间接地对人类健康造成影响。在微生物修复方面,从有机电子供体,无机电子供体(H2、Fe0等),电子受体(O2、NO3-、SO24-)及微生物的生长环境因素(pH值、温度、氧化还原电位、盐度)等方面总结了各因素对微生物修复技术去除高氯酸盐效果的影响,以期为我国开展微生物处理技术在高氯酸盐污染修复领域的实践应用提供参考。  相似文献   

文茜  赵亮  石玉兰  杨思忠 《冰川冻土》2014,36(5):1306-1312
生物降解与土著微生物群落结构、功能及其变化密切相关. 目前, 对于东北冻土土壤中的适冷降解菌了解不足. 新建成的中俄输油管道穿越中国东北的多年冻土区, 为相关研究提供了契机. 实验利用454高通量测序分析了加格达奇冻土活动层土壤在受控原油污染前后的微生物群落结构. 结果显示: 污染后的Proteobacteria和Firmicutes相对丰度显著升高, 优势类群包括Alicyclobacillus、Sphingomonas、Nevskia以及Bacillus. 群落以芳烃降解菌或者耐受油污环境的细菌为主. 这种变化与原油(尤其是芳烃)组分的生态毒害作用有关. 较高浓度的原油污染下, 群落中可耐受油污环境的细菌丰度相对更高.  相似文献   

Geobacter become dominant members of the microbial community when Fe(III)-reducing conditions develop as the result of organic contamination, or when Fe(III) reduction is artificially stimulated. These results suggest that further understanding of the ecophysiology of Geobacter species would aid in better prediction of the natural attenuation of organic contaminants under anaerobic conditions and in the design of strategies for the bioremediation of subsurface metal contamination. Received, May 1999/Revised, October 1999/Accepted, October 1999  相似文献   

对重金属和辐射污染的土壤和地下水的微生物修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由重金属和辐射产生的环境污染在世界范围内产生了一系列问题.利用特殊的微生物如金属还原和耐金属细菌对环境中的金属和辐射污染进行处理具有非常好的前景.现场的生物修复的成功应用将对清除污染环境中的重金属和辐射提供潜在方法.最近的研究还关注于了解在微生物群体内重金属和辐射对微生物的作用.生物毯和生物膜是在生物修复中具有代表性的两种微生物群落的机能.金属的种类和价态变化、转移过程以及微生物代谢作用是对金属和辐射生物修复的三种重要的组成部分.结合以上三方面,可以更好的了解自然中的微生物和生物修复过程之间的关系.  相似文献   

黄土地区石油污染土壤生物修复的强化技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以石油为典型污染物,在本次试验前期工作筛选保藏的众多优势石油降解细菌中选择4株降解能力突出的菌,对该4菌株(分别编号为A、B、C、D)进行随机混合构建优势降解菌群。结果表明:菌群A-C-D降解石油能力最强,3 d内原油的降解率达到了39.67%,比单菌除油率提高了13.21%;对该菌群的最佳投加配比进行确定,菌群的最佳接种配比为A∶C∶D=1∶2∶0.5,3 d内菌群A-C-D在不同接种配比情况下降解率变化范围为27.8%~44.2%,最高值与最低值相差16.4%,因此菌群间各菌必须维持在一定的数量配比的情况下才能达到理想的降解效果。对影响生物修复效果的环境因素,如营养物质(C、N、P)、表面活性剂、通氧量、电子受体等进行综合考虑,通过正交试验确定菌群A-C-D的最佳修复条件为:营养物质配比C∶N∶P为75∶8∶3,表面活性剂为0.5%,通气条件为六层纱布,电子受体H2O2的加入量为1.5%。在最佳修复条件下,3 d内原油的降解率达到6146%,比自然条件修复下的除油率4.7%提高了56.76%,较只进行菌种强化时的最高除油率44.2%提高了约17%。  相似文献   

微生物白云岩模式研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
白云石(岩)问题一直是沉积学领域长期关注的研究主题之一。近年来,在研究含有白云石的现代自然环境和促进原生白云石的沉淀实验中,都加入了微生物因素,并取得了令世人关注的效果,这无疑为白云石(岩)的成因研究提供了新思路与新途径。在前人研究基础上,总结现有的观察资料和实验结果,将微生物促进白云石沉淀的机理模式归纳为厌氧模式和需氧模式2种,并分别介绍这两种模式中硫酸盐还原细菌、产甲烷菌和嗜盐好氧细菌促进白云石沉淀的机理;与微生物相关的矿物形态学特征中,球形和哑铃形白云石及白云石最初的成核阶段所形成的纳米球粒状结构具有一定代表意义,尤其是纳米球粒状结构可以作为生物矿物学上微生物白云石的标志性结构。通过这些特殊的形态特征来寻找微生物作用的证据,或可为古代相似成因白云石(岩)的成因研究提供一种标志。  相似文献   

微生物对硅酸盐矿物风化作用研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
微生物对硅酸盐矿物风化的影响研究取得了一系列重要进展。在贫营养环境中,微生物风化硅酸盐矿物获取营养物质,加速了硅酸盐矿物的风化;由于微生物的作用,矿物的风化会不遵循正常的矿物化学风化序列,表现出稳定矿物比不稳定矿物更易风化的特征。微生物风化硅酸盐矿物时会在硅酸盐矿物表面留下痕迹,即富集或转移相应的元素和矿物,而且还能改变硅酸盐矿物的化学组成和结构。微生物的上述行为受营养基质含量、有机酸、生物膜、胞外聚合物以及氧化还原作用的影响。  相似文献   

Bioremediation strategies continue to be developed to mitigate the environmental impact of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. This study investigated the ability of soil microbiota, adapted by prior exposure, to biodegrade petroleum. Soils from Barrow Is. (W. Australia), a class A nature reserve and home to Australia’s largest onshore oil field, were exposed to Barrow production oil (50 ml/kg soil) and incubated (25 °C) for successive phases of 61 and 100 days. Controls in which oil was not added at Phase I or II were concurrently studied and all treatments were amended with the same levels of additional nutrient and water to promote microbial activity. Prior exposure resulted in accelerated biodegradation of most, but not all, hydrocarbon constituents in the production oil. Molecular biodegradation parameters measured using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) showed that several aromatic constituents were degraded more slowly with increased oil history. The unique structural response of the soil microbial community was reflected by the response of different phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) sub-classes (e.g. branched saturated fatty acids of odd or even carbon number) measured using a ratio termed Barrow PLFA ratio (B-PLFAr). The corresponding values of a previously proposed hydrocarbon degrading alteration index showed a negative correlation with hydrocarbon exposure, highlighting the site specificity of PLFA-based ratios and microbial community dynamics. B-PLFAr values increased with each Phase I and II addition of production oil. The different hydrocarbon biodegradation rates and responses of PLFA subclasses to the Barrow production oil probably relate to the relative bioavailability of production oil hydrocarbons. These different effects suggest preferred structural and functional microbial responses to anticipated contaminants may potentially be engineered by controlled pre-exposure to the same or closely related substrates. The bioremediation of soils freshly contaminated with petroleum could benefit from the addition of exhaustively bioremediated soils rich in biota primed for the impacting hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Heavy metals from leachate are persistent pollutants in soil, especially when landfills lack liners and basic structural system that prevents overflow of leachate beyond restricted areas. It is not ideal to rely only on physical and chemical options for the reclamation/restoration of such contaminated soil. Therefore, it is imperative to adopt bioremediation through the enhancement of microbial potentials. The present study investigated the use of individual isolates for the remediation of soil contaminated by leachate-metals. This is a way to understand the discrete potentials of the gram-positive bacteria species. Environmental isolates taken from contaminated soil were used to remedy soil characterized with various concentrations of metals (Al, Cd, Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn). Treatments A, B, and C amended with Bacillus sp., Lysinibacillus sp., and Rhodococcus sp., respectively, demonstrated better metal reduction potentials than the control experiment (Treatment D; zero microbial amendment) that depended solely on natural attenuation. With the exception of Ni, the degree of reduction of other metals was less than 50% for all treatments. This study suggests that such result reflects the potential ability of the microbes to metabolize selectively in the presence of metal pollution. However, it is difficult for the individual microbes to attain higher metal reduction efficiency (above 50%) except when blended in the appropriate formulation.  相似文献   

退化喀斯特植被的恢复机理一直是近年来土壤学和生态学研究的热点。通过分析退化喀斯特植被恢复过程中土壤微生物数量、土壤生化作用强度、土壤微生物生物量,研究了贵州花江喀斯特高原生态综合治理示范区内土壤微生物活性的变化。结果表明:退化喀斯特植被恢复过程中土壤的微生物活性存在较大差异。随着退化喀斯特植被的恢复,土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌三大微生物数量及微生物总数明显上升,表现为乔木群落阶段〉灌木群落阶段〉草本群落阶段〉裸地阶段,且细菌较真菌和放线菌相比占绝对优势,其在微生物总数中分别占95.95%,93.49%,92.32%和92.48%;各主要生理类群的数量呈上升趋势,且氨化细菌〉固氮菌〉纤维素分解菌〉硝化细菌,土壤生化作用强度增强;土壤微生物生物量碳明显增加,微生物生物量碳与土壤有机碳(P〈0.01)呈显著正相关关系。土壤微生物是表征退化喀斯特植被恢复过程中土壤质量的重要特征之一,反映出随着退化喀斯特植被的恢复土壤质量也在逐渐恢复。   相似文献   

Microbial communities inhabiting “subterranean estuaries” along the subsurface freshwater–saltwater continuum determine the fate of nitrogen discharged to coastal waters. Little is known about the microbes that comprise these communities, or what their ecological and biogeochemical responses will be to increased salinity resulting from saltwater intrusion and aquifer salinization. This review covers basic aspects of the nitrogen cycle relevant to the coastal subsurface and provides a framework for predicting the types of microbes and nitrogen transformations that exist in different subterranean estuary systems. Literature concerning the freshwater–saltwater mixing zones of surficial estuaries, where microbial communities are better characterized, is also reviewed to explore what is known about the impact of increasing salinity on both the community composition and biogeochemical function of the microbial assemblage. Collectively, these studies suggest that salinization will alter microbial community composition for all functional groups involved in nitrogen cycling, and may lead to decreases in nitrification and coupled nitrification-denitrification, and increases in dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). Future collaboration between hydrogeologists and microbial ecologists is needed to fully predict the impact of saltwater intrusion on subsurface microbial communities.  相似文献   

单体多维稳定同位素分析技术(MD-CSIA)能够更加深入地解析地下水有机污染物的衰减过程,为监测目标污染物原位修复效果和探究其微生物降解机制提供技术支持。文中分析了MD-CSIA技术在地下水有机污染研究中的应用动态,讨论了利用该技术进行有机污染物来源辨识及其迁移转化过程示踪的可行性,着重指出该技术可有效判识有机污染物在地下水中的转化途径并量化其转化程度,最后预测了MD-CSIA技术应用研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The authors’ work on mine systems, combines field and laboratory integrated microbial geochemical investigation with high-resolution techniques enabling characterization and visualization at the bacterium scale (i.e. STXM). The results indicate a repeated motif of socially organized microbial cooperation occurring within microbial consortial macrostructures (pods). The pod structure directly enables the specific geochemical processes linked to the metabolic function of the consortial members. These microbially linked geochemical processes have important ramifications for bulk system geochemistry that were previously unknown. Results from two examples: (1) microbial metal interactions within AMD biofilms and (2) sulfur redox cycling by a novel consortia within mine waters, illustrate how the ecology of the pod consortia is linked to pod biogeochemical macrostructure as well as to the resulting geochemistry associated with pod metabolism. In both instances the pod structures enabled the associated consortia to carry out reactions not predicted by classic geochemical understanding of these systems. Investigation of AMD biofilm biogeochemical architecture capturing the micro-scale linkages amongst geochemical gradients, metal dynamics and depth resolved micro-organism community structure, illustrated a novel biomineralization process driven by biofilm associated pods controlling biofilm metal capture. Similarly, the groups’ recent discovery of an environmental S redox cycling, pod-forming, consortium revealed ecologically driven S cycling with previously unknown implications for both AMD mitigation and AMD carbon flux modeling. These results highlight how microbes cooperatively orchestrate their geochemical environment, underscoring the need to consider syntrophic community activity in environmental processes and the requirement for integrated, high-resolution techniques spanning geochemistry, molecular microbiology and imaging to reveal the biogeochemistry involved.  相似文献   

在气候变暖及人类活动的双重干扰下,疏勒河上游冻土发生了显著退化,如活动层厚度加大、植被退化等,而冻土退化对微生物的影响一直是科研人员关注的热点话题。以疏勒河上游不同季节(4月、6月、9月)、不同退化程度冻土为研究对象,研究了可培养细菌多样性特征。通过16S rDNA基因测序及构建系统发育树表明,研究区域可培养细菌归类为27个属,分属于α-变形菌门,γ-变形菌门,放线菌门,厚壁菌门和拟杆菌门,其中放线菌门为优势类群。从属水平来讲,可培养细菌以节杆菌属和微球菌属为主,其含量随冻土退化程度加深分别呈下降和升高趋势。土壤细菌多样性与环境因子的相关性分析表明,可培养细菌多样性与土壤含水量、总氮极显著正相关,与有机碳显著正相关。这些结果表明,伴随着冻土退化而发生的地上植被逆向演替过程中,青藏高原不同类型冻土间已产生较大的环境异质性如土壤碳氮及含水量,进一步可能导致冻土微生物多样性分异。研究结果为利用微生物综合评价青藏高原不同类型冻土的生态环境提供了数据基础。  相似文献   

Leachate and reclaimed wastewater have become the important sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils. However, the information on bioremediation of leachate and reclaimed wastewater-contaminated soils is still lacking. Identification of changes in microbial structure or of enriched genera related to biodegradation could aid identification of particular organisms or consortia capable of degrading polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in these contaminated soils. In this study, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism, coupled with 16S Ribosomal ribonucleic acid clone library analysis, was applied to investigate the composition of bacterial community in leachate-contaminated soil or grassland soil irrigated reclaimed wastewater and the response to phenanthrene amendment. Results showed that phenanthrene amendment had significant but different impacts on microbial community structure, dependent on soil source. Several greatly enriched terminal restriction fragments with phenanthrene biodegradation were identified. Moreover, genus rhizobacteria, possibly linked to phenanthrene biodegradation, was firstly reported in this study. This work might provide some new insights into bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

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