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The burrowing and emergence behavior of sand worms, Nereis (Neanthes) virens Sars, in sediment contaminated with sublethal concentrations of Prudhoe Bay crude oil ranging from 74 to 5222 ppm, was studied in the laboratory. Initial burrowing in oiled sediment did not differ from that observed in unoiled sediment. Emergence of exposed worms was related to the oil concentration and the extent of weathering of oiled sediment. Sand worms buried in unoiled sediment did not emerge. Worms dug from oiled sediment after 12 hours' exposure and placed on unoiled sediment were impaired, resulting in a significant increase in time to burrow. However, after 12h, they recovered and burrowed at normal rates. Worms held in oiled sediment for 96 h also recovered. Possible causes for recovery are discussed. Results suggest that oil-induced aberrations may increase vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   

The role of submerged macrophytes as refugia from fish predation and as possible food sources for the estuarine isopod Exosphaeroma hylocoetes ( Barnard, K.H., 1940) was investigated. Laboratory experiments tested the effectiveness of artificial vegetation, replicating submerged vegetation, in enabling isopods to elude selected fish predators Rhabdosargus holubi, Glossogobius callidus, Monodactylus falciformis and Clinus cottoides. Isopods preferentially hid in the vegetation (>90%), even in absence of fish. The predatory fish had varying success in finding isopods within the vegetation. Isopod mortality ranged from 2% (R. holubi) to a maximum of 87% (C. cottoides) within vegetation, depending on the fish predator present. Stable isotope and fatty acid analyses ruled out the submerged macrophyte Ruppia maritima and inundated fringing grasses as direct food sources, but highlighted the epiphytic biota (mainly diatoms) found on the submerged vegetation and sediments as more likely food sources. These findings are consistent with gut content analyses. The results suggest that the close association of E. hylocoetes with R. maritima is the result of the vegetation providing the isopod with a refuge against fish predation as well as areas of increased food availability.  相似文献   

Behaviors, activity budgets, and spatial locations of reef-associated schoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus apodus) and non-reef-associated checkered puffer (Sphoeroides testudineus) were cataloged in mangrove forests in Caribbean Honduras to see how and where they spent their time and whether this changed as they grew. For schoolmasters, swimming was the most common behavior, while checkered puffers spent the majority of their time resting. Both remained completely within (as opposed to outside) the mangrove roots and in the lower half of the water column most of the time. However, as the size of the fish increased there was a clear decrease in the time spent both within the root system and closer to the substrate; the larger fish spent more time higher up in the water column and outside the root system. This was observed in both the schoolmaster and the puffer; the schoolmaster subsequently moves to reefs while the puffer does not. Coupled with limited feeding, the results suggest a primarily protective function for mangroves.  相似文献   

The faunal communities of four intertidal habitats namely sand, mud, seagrass (Zostera noltii) and seagrass patches (mixSM) of a temperate coastal lagoon, Ria Formosa (southern Portugal), were sampled. A total of 47 species were taken in 428 bottomless drop sampler samples, with the highest number of species and the more commonly occurring species belonging to the Mollusca phylum. The dominance of these gastropod species underlines the importance of the grazing food chain in these habitats. Bittium reticulatum was the most abundant species, being especially abundant in the seagrass habitat. The most frequent and highest biomass species in the community was Carcinus maenas, a predator that makes use of the available resources and that is adapted to the highly variable intertidal environment. Pomatoschistus microps was the most abundant fish species, with highest densities in the mud habitat, which demonstrates an ability to occupy a low depth area. The seagrass habitat had the highest diversity, abundance and biomass, followed by the mixSM habitat and was different from all the others. Assemblages were highly influenced by the presence of vegetation, providing forage and refuge from predation. A well defined summer group was identified in all habitats. These results highlight the importance of seagrass beds and the idea that their decrease implies the decrease of lagoon production through the impoverishment of the trophic structure of the lagoon.  相似文献   

We investigated the relative roles of bottom-up and top-down factors in limiting productivity of an upper trophic level marine predator. Our primary working hypothesis was that the reproductive success of black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) a piscivorous, colonial-nesting seabird, was most limited by the abundance, distribution, and species composition of surface-schooling forage fishes. A secondary working hypothesis was that reproductive loss to kittiwake nest predators was greatest during years of reduced prey availability. We report on a broad-scale, integrated study of kittiwakes and their prey in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Our study spanned five breeding seasons (1995–1999) and focused on three colonies that differed in size (ranging from ca. 220 to ca. 7000 breeding pairs) and proximity to each other (50–135 km apart). Kittiwakes in PWS encountered a variety of aquatic habitats, creating a complex foraging environment for breeding birds. We measured kittiwake reproductive success and foraging activities, while simultaneously measuring the abundance of surface schooling forage fishes throughout the foraging range of breeding kittiwakes. The abundance of primary prey species for kittiwakes (Pacific herring Clupea pallasi, Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus, and capelin Mallotus villosus) varied both annually and regionally, with no one region consistently having the greatest abundance of prey. Likewise, kittiwake reproductive success varied considerably among colonies and years.We found that bottom-up, top-down, timing mismatch, and colony-specific effects were all important to kittiwake productivity. Although bottom-up effects appeared to be strongest, they were not evident in some cases until other effects, such as geographic location (proximity of colony to prey concentrations) and top-down predation, were considered. Important bottom-up effects on kittiwake reproductive success were not only total prey abundance and distribution, but also species, age composition, and chronology of prey occurrence (match/mismatch of timing with critical brood-rearing periods); these effects varied by colony.Top-down effects of predation on kittiwake nest contents (independent of prey abundance) confounded seabird-forage fish relationships. Ultimately, when confounding factors were minimized, non-linear asymptotic relationships were identified between kittiwakes and their prey, with an asymptotic threshold of fish school surface area density of ca. 5 m2/km2, beyond which top-down, physiological, or phylogenetic constraints likely restrict further reproductive output. The integrated approach of our investigations provided a more thorough understanding of the mechanisms underlying predator–prey relationships in the complex marine environment. However, such mechanistic theories can only be tested and refined through long-term research and monitoring of much greater duration than the 5-year study reported herein.  相似文献   

Observations were made of the location and duration of foraging by five species of shorebirds in relation to the tubes of Diopatra cuprea (Polychaeta). Infaunal abundances in sites with D. cuprea tubes exceeded those in surrounding tubefree areas (120 individuals vs 29 individuals per 0·01 m2, respectively). Of 112 shorebird foraging episodes observed only 4 were in the vicinity of D. cuprea tubes. Despite a greater abundance of prey items around worm tubes, shorebirds avoided feeding in such areas. D. cuprea tubes appear to provide an effective refuge for macrofauna from shorebird predation.  相似文献   

The deep-sea grenadier fishes (Coryphaenoides spp.) are among the dominant predators and scavengers in the ocean basins that cover much of Earth's surface. Baited camera experiments were used to study the behaviour of these fishes. Despite the apparent advantages of rapidly consuming food, grenadiers attracted to bait spend a large proportion of their time in prolonged periods of non-feeding activity. Video analysis revealed that fish often adopted a head-down swimming attitude (mean of 21.3° between the fish and seafloor), with swimming velocity negatively related to attitude. The fish also swam around and along vertical and horizontal structures of the lander with their head immediately adjacent to the structure. We initially hypothesised that this behaviour was associated with the use of the short chin barbel in foraging. Barbel histology showed numerous taste buds in the skin, and a barbel nerve with about 20,000 axons in adult fish. A tracing experiment in one undamaged animal revealed the termination fields of the barbel neurons in the trigeminal and rhombencephalic regions, indicating both a mechanoreceptory and a gustatory role for the barbel. Our conclusion was that olfactory foraging becomes ineffective at close ranges and is followed by a search phase using tactile and gustatory sensing by the barbel. The development of this sensory method probably co-evolved alongside behavioural changes in swimming mechanics to allow postural stability at low swimming speeds.  相似文献   

The intertidal flats of the Cape May, New Jersey shore of Delaware Bay are populated by large numbers of laughing gulls and migrating shorebirds during the spring and early summer. Exclusion of birds from a shallow slough and a sand bar had only minor effects on the infaunal benthic invertebrate assemblage at either site. The Cape May beaches provide a rich source of food in the form of horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) eggs; foraging on this item may be more profitable than probing the sediment for infauna. Gemma gemma, a small, thick-shelled bivalve, composed over 98% of the benthic infauna at both sites in 1980, and this species may be resistant to predation by certain shorebirds, as suggested by Schneider (1978).  相似文献   

The fish fauna of the Berg River Estuary was sampled from the mouth to 40 km upstream using a small-meshed seine-net before (summer 1993), during (summer 1994) and after (summer 1996) a low-oxygen, hydrogen sulphide “black tide” event that caused a mass mortality of fish in St Helena Bay. These data were compared to determine how the species composition, abundance and distribution of the fish fauna of the Berg River Estuary differed before, during and after the event as well as to ascertain which species, if any, found refuge in the estuary. The overall catch-per-unit-effort of 1637 fish.haul−1 during the event was almost double the 932 fish.haul−1 and 643 fish.haul−1 in the years before and after respectively. All the fish recorded alive in the estuary during the event were species known to have some degree of estuarine association. No representatives of the purely marine species found dead on the adjacent shoreline were recorded live in the estuary during the event. Of the 10 estuarine-associated species sampled, 5 extended their range and/or modal peaks of abundance further upstream during the event. One species, Liza richardsonii, was abundant enough to examine its size distribution in different breaches of the estuary. Large/adult fish were concentrated further upstream than small/juvenile fish, which appeared to be unable to escape tidal currents and were concentrated at the edge of the low-oxygen front. Collectively this circumstantial evidence indicates that (1) fish used the Berg Estuary as a refuge from low-oxygen conditions in the marine environment during the “black tide” event, and (2) the ability to secure refuge in the estuary was restricted to species described as “estuarine-associated” or “estuarine-dependent”.  相似文献   

Degradation and mortality of corals is increasing worldwide and is expected to have significant effects on coral reef fish; hence studies on these effects are essential. In the present study, a field experiment was set up within Mafia Island Marine Park in Tanzania (East Africa) to examine the effects of bleaching and habitat structure on colonisation of coral reef fish assemblages. Live and bleached staghorn coral Acropora formosa was transplanted onto plots in a site dominated by sand and rubble, and the experimental design comprised of three treatments: live coral, bleached coral and eroded coral rubble. There was an immediate increase (within 24 h) in fish abundance and diversity in the two treatments with standing corals. Overall, live and bleached coral plots showed similar effects, but differed from the eroded coral plots which had a much lower abundance and diversity of fish. In general, fish species diversity changed with time over the study period while fish abundance did not. Multivariate analyses showed that while there were differences in fish assemblage structure between standing corals and the eroded coral treatment, there was neither a difference between live and bleached coral treatments nor any temporal effects on fish assemblage structure. Our findings suggest that physical structure and complexity of habitat have stronger effects on colonisation of reef fish assemblages than changes in coral health (such as bleaching) which do not affect coral structure. This may have important implications for appropriate coral reef management.  相似文献   

Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) larvae were exposed either directly to the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of crude oil or indirectly via oil-contaminated prey (OCP) (Artemia salina) for <- 28 days, to determine the relative effects of diet and water as routes of contamination. Larvae were affected rapidly by 0·9 ppm WSF, which caused high larval mortality, reduced swimming ability and rapid reductions in feeding rates. Larval length was significantly reduced by 0·7 ppm WSF in 7 days and by 0·3 ppm WSF within 14 days. The WSF exposure also caused similar reductions in larval weights. Highly contaminated prey (6 ppm prey exposure) caused significant mortality, but surviving larvae appeared robust. The OCP did not affect swimming, feeding, or growth. Exposure of larvae was not significantly extended by OCP, which rapidly depurated WSF in clean water (98% in 1 day). Therefore, OCP is probably not an important source of low molecular weight petroleum contamination to larval fish in the marine environment.  相似文献   

The distribution, size, length-specific weight, growth, and feeding of age-0 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) were examined along with their prey distribution patterns in two contrasting transects over a 4-year period (1994–1997) in relation to biophysical properties of frontal regions around the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. There were significant interannual differences in catch of age-0 pollock, but transect and habitat differences (inshore vs. front vs. offshore) were not significant for either catch or size of pollock. There were significant variations in length-specific weight and growth of pollock, but the trends were inconsistent. Copepods dominated the zooplankton biomass in all habitats and years; there were no consistent differences in the densities of the dominant zooplankton taxa among the habitats. There were, however, strong habitat and transect differences in juvenile pollock diet, particularly for the larger and presumably rarer prey taxa (euphausiids, chaetognaths, fish). We did not find any evidence that occupying a particular habitat was beneficial to young pollock, although other factors (e.g. bioenergetic advantage and predation refuge) that we did not examine here could have been more variable and critical to pollock survival. In a physically dynamic system such as the Pribilof Islands, age-0 pollock may need to continuously search for optimal conditions of high prey availability and low predation pressure.  相似文献   

Scavengers perform an important role in deep-sea ecosystems, recycling carrion. However, scavenged material can be difficult to discern from predation. The synaphobranchid eel Diastobranchus capensis Barnard, 1923, is common bycatch in deep-water fisheries for orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus Collett, 1889) in New Zealand waters. Despite anecdotal reports of scavenging in D. capensis, their ecology and feeding are little known. Scavenged material was estimated to be approximately 39 per cent (by weight) of the diet of D. capensis from northeastern Chatham Rise, New Zealand, from water depths of 1062–1196 m. Scavenged material was defined as fragmentary food items from animals and plants either not normally available to the eel, or from animals larger than the eel consuming them (e.g., fish heads and tails, spent squid spermatophores, beaks and tentacle crowns, and seaweed). D. capensis were primarily piscivorous, with the diet supplemented by squid, natant decapods and mysids. The weight or number of food items did not increase with the size of the eel, nor was there any major ontogenetic shift in the composition of the diet. D. capensis probably plays an important role in mid-slope communities, recycling carrion.  相似文献   

After a physical disturbance, such as a predatory stimulus, several marine organisms withdraw into a refuge to ensure survival. Consequently, they cannot engage in other essential activities. Re-emergence reflects a trade-off between avoidance of disturbance and lost feeding opportunities. The New Zealand sea anemone (Anthopleura aureoradiata) avoids predators by withdrawing its tentacles into its upper body. In a field experiment, responses of 480 A. aureoradiata to a physical disturbance were studied at three locations to assess the influence of the following factors on hiding time: physical contact with a neighbour; density of nearby conspecifics; total density per pool; and body size. Withdrawal times were significantly shorter for anemones in contact with a conspecific, occurring in high-density patches or of larger size. These patterns are consistent with rapid re-emergence being stimulated by competition for food from immediate neighbours and/or a lower risk of predation when in groups (i.e. a dilution effect), with larger size also potentially reducing vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   

Embryos of killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) from Bullhead Bay, Southampton, New York, showed considerable variation in tolerance to methylmercury (meHg) in 1980, 1981 and 1983, in that some females produced eggs that were tolerant to the teratological effects of 0·05 ppm, while other females produced susceptible eggs. However, in 1982, over 40% of the females produced clutches of non-viable eggs (which could not be tested for meHg tolerance) and those fish which produced viable eggs generally produced tolerant ones. After hatching, the larvae were also more tolerant. Accompanying the shift in meHg tolerance was a trend of increasing fin ray count of the females, a parameter which has previously been correlated with the production of more tolerant embryos. In 1982, a nearby population exhibited a distribution of embryonic and larval tolerance and fin ray count comparable with that of the first population in the other years.We hypothesize that the unusually high rainfall in June, 1982 caused an inflow of pesticides and heavy metals from a golf course adjacent to the first site, and that the contaminants were responsible for the striking changes in reproductive success and meHg tolerance. Residues of chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides were found in fish of the first, but not of the second, population. The variability in the original population may have permitted a segment of it to withstand the inflow of pollutants, while the susceptible individuals produced non-viable eggs. This may have been the cause of the rapid shift of overall tolerance in the population.  相似文献   

Coryphaenoides armatus plays a fundamental role in the dispersal of organic matter on the deep-sea floor by consuming food-falls. The use of baited cameras to study population parameters (e.g. abundances and size frequencies) assumes that members of this species follow odour plumes directly to bait, appear immediately in the field of view, and depart as predicted by optimal foraging theory. Described here are behaviours to the contrary observed during the operation and development of more complex baited camera systems. Of the 247 C. armatus observed by a video lander, 72.5% of the fish explored the structure whilst only 6% fed, and 21.5% were indifferent. This exploratory behaviour increased individual staying time by 38.4% compared to those that just fed. Experiments with several models of in situ fish respirometry lander showed the importance of both equipment design, and an understanding of the behaviour of the target animals in maximising capture success. These results show how previously unexpected aspects of behaviour by C. armatus can greatly affect the chances of capturing members of this species and influence the results of baited camera experiments.  相似文献   

Temporary removal of aquatic plants in Lake Parkinson, a small, eutrophic dune lake, resulted in a number of changes to the population of stocked rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii). During each summer the lake stratified and low oxygen levels limited the distribution of trout to shallow (0–4 m) surface waters. In the first summer following weed removal the numbers of black shags (Phallacrocorax carbo) counted at the lake increased, and their predation resulted in a decline in trout density. However, the growth rate and condition of the trout population then exceeded that of trout present before weed removal. During the second summer after weed removal a cladoceran bloom was followed by low phytoplankton levels and high ammonia concentrations. A prolonged calm compounded this situation with the result that oxygen levels in bottom and surface waters dropped below 2 ppm. These low oxygen levels eliminated the trout population, but other fish species present survived. Elimination of aquatic plants affected the population dynamics of other fish species in the lake with potential implications for the trout. The experiment demonstrated the importance of weed beds in maintaining a stable fish community in lakes such as Lake Parkinson.  相似文献   

From July 1981 to July 1982 Umbonium vestiarium (L.) on a north Penang sand shore numbered 573–11 077 m?2 (mean 4126 or 53·1 g dry tissue) near MLWN and 2164–12 414 m?2 (mean 6500 or 59·8 g dry tissue) further downshore. Heavy recruitment of young became evident in June and July 1982 and a closely corresponding cohort of young was present in July 1981. Progression of this cohort indicated that young settling in May–June grew to full size (11–13 mm diameter) by January–March the following year and that virtually all died during their second year, presumably having spawned in March–May. Recruitment of young was chiefly on the lower shore but adults came to be more abundant and predominant on the upper shore. There is some evidence of migration upshore during growth.Production is estimated at 105·4 g dry tissue m?2 y?1 (2118 kj) at the lower shore level and this is almost double the 58·8 g m?2 y?1 (1176·6 kj) at the higher level. These values represent almost the entire secondary production across much of the sand flats.Possible causes of such a marked annual cycle in the very weakly seasonal tropics of the Malacca Strait are considered and it is suggested that monsoonal changes in wind, wave action and salinity might be involved.  相似文献   

Commercial fishermen in many parts of the world perceive marine mammals as competitors for a scarce resource: fish. The importance of predation by marine mammals can be evaluated crudely by considering the marine mammal as a rival fishery whose operation is constrained by physiology and energetic requirements, rather than by catch limits and gear restrictions. Evidence collected from grey seals Halichoerus grypus in the United Kingdom, southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina and beluga whales Delphinapterus leucas shows that published information on distribution, based on the location of breeding sites and sightings in shallow water, may give an unrealistic picture of foraging distribution. Studies of diet and distribution can give an impression of the static nature of the inter-action between a marine mammal and the fishery. However, it is the dynamics of the interaction which are important. A critical question to be posed is how will the consumption of a particular prey species vary with its availability to the predator?  相似文献   

以多棘海盘车(Asterias amurensis)为试验对象,研究了多棘海盘车对3种双壳贝类的摄食选择性、摄食过程中用于搜寻和处理饵料生物的时间分配以及摄食机制等。试验以选择指数、捕食速率、日平均摄食率对多棘海盘车的摄食行为及搜寻和处理时间比进行了描述和统计。结果表明:各处理组多棘海盘车对菲律宾蛤仔的选择指数均为最高,占3种饵料生物的70%以上,显著高于太平洋牡蛎和紫贻贝(P<0.05),而各处理组对太平洋牡蛎的选择性均最低。多棘海盘车对菲律宾蛤仔的捕食速率和日平均摄食率显著高于太平洋牡蛎和紫贻贝。研究发现,在各处理组中多棘海盘车用于搜寻饵料生物的时间无显著差异,但随饵料密度的增加,用于处理饵料的时间逐渐减少。  相似文献   

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