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Despite much public awareness surrounding the annual migration of sardine Sardinops sagax northward along the east coast of South Africa in winter each year, relatively little research effort has been expended to improve understanding of the ‘sardine run’. For this reason, a dedicated multidisciplinary survey, timed to coincide with the annual sardine run, was conducted off the East Coast in June and July of 2005. The major objective of the survey was to estimate the biomass of sardine off the East Coast during the run, and to compare this with biomass estimates collected during previous surveys conducted in this area during the late 1980s when the South African sardine population was at a considerably smaller size. We also collected data on the distribution of sardine and other small pelagic fish species and their eggs, the biological characteristics of sardine during the run, and data on the hydrography (temperature and currents) and lower trophic levels (phytoplankton and zooplankton) of the region. Results suggest that the biomass of sardine off the East Coast in winter remains relatively small and consistent, regardless of overall sardine population size. The narrow continental shelf to the east of Port Alfred, which is dominated offshore by the fast-flowing warm Agulhas Current, constrains the amount of suitable habitat for sardine and other clupeoids such as anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, West Coast round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi and East Coast round herring Etrumeus teres, and hence precludes these species from attaining a high biomass in this region. Additionally, primary and secondary productivity levels are much lower than elsewhere on the western and eastern Agulhas Bank off the south coast of South Africa, suggesting that the sardine run is not a feeding migration. A previous hypothesis that the run is mainly a result of an expansion of the distributional range of these fish as conditions become favourable in winter due to sporadic cooling off the East Coast is also not entirely supported by results from the survey. It is suggested that a migration for the purposes of spawning off this coast when conditions become favourable is a more likely incentive for sardine to undertake this arduous journey, despite increased predation and poor feeding conditions.  相似文献   

Opportunistic observations to determine the relative abundance and distribution of marine mammal and seabird predators of sardine Sardinops sagax were carried out during a dedicated multidisciplinary research survey off the South African east coast in June and July of 2005 that was timed to coincide with the annual sardine run. Associations between different predator species, between predators and clupeoids, and between predators and oceanographic variables, were examined. Species’ distributions were primarily separated by latitude and distance from shore. Bryde's whale Balaenoptera edeni, African penguin Spheniscus demersus, Cape cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis and West Coast round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi were predominantly found in the cool southern part of the survey region. Peak sardine run activity occurred within 4 km of shore at the northward limit of a strip of cool water (<21 °C) stretching along the East Coast. The principal predators associated with this activity were common dolphins Delphinus capensis and Cape gannets Morus capensis, and their nearshore distribution was associated with sardine and East Coast round herring E. teres. Few clupeoids were encountered along the KwaZulu-Natal continental shelf, although patches of high sardine abundance were recorded near the shore immediately south of Durban. It is clear that during the 2005 survey the sardine run terminated in this region, probably as a result of the nearshore intrusion of warm water from the Agulhas Current.  相似文献   

The distributional ranges of Cape anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and Natal anchovy Stolephorus holodon presently overlap at their eastern and western extremes, respectively, off South Africa’s east coast. These species might become more strongly sympatric as a consequence of changed distributions caused by climate change, possibly leading to intensified interspecific competition for trophic and other resources. A comparative analysis of the trophodynamics of the two species, which set out to assess elements of current niche partitioning between them, was conducted through morphological, dietary and stable-isotope analyses of specimens caught off South Africa’s east coast. Cape anchovy have larger gillraker spacing, gain the majority of their dietary carbon from large (>3 000 µm total length) planktonic crustaceans and occupy a higher trophic level than Natal anchovy, which have smaller gillraker spacing and gain the majority of their dietary carbon from planktonic crustaceans of two size classes (900–1 400 µm and 2 800–3 200 µm total length). These results indicate an element of trophic partitioning between the two species that will mitigate against interspecific competition.  相似文献   

We examined spatial variability in meristic and morphological characteristics of the branchial basket of sardine Sardinops sagax collected from four geographical regions around the southern African coast, namely Namibia and the South African west, south and east coasts. Our analysis tested the hypothesis of three putative sardine stocks off South Africa, one in each of the three geographical regions. We therefore collected fish data from Namibia to compare with South Africa, because sardine from the two countries are considered to be separate stocks. Morphometric measurements (gill arch length and gill raker spacing) and meristic data (number of gill rakers) were collected from the left side of the first gill arch from a total of 377 sardine, approximately equally divided between the regions. A multivariate general linear model with caudal length as covariate was used to assess differences among fish from the four regions and significant differences were observed, although not always consistently across all fish size classes. Small South Coast sardine had shorter gill arches than small West Coast sardine, but adults had gill arches of similar length, longer than those from Namibia and the East Coast. Small sardine from the South Coast had fewer gill rakers than small sardine from the West Coast, but larger fish had similar numbers of gill rakers, significantly more than sardine from Namibia and the East Coast. Sardine from the West and South coasts had similar gill raker spacings, which were smaller than those of fish from the East Coast and Namibia. Despite spatially and particularly temporally unbalanced sampling, we consider that these differences provide evidence of spatial variation in Benguela sardine phenotype and that it would support the hypothesis of discrete sardine stocks off Namibia and South Africa. The results are consistent with the hypothesis of three sardine stocks within the southern Benguela.  相似文献   

Schools of horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis, sardine Sardinops sagax and round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi were surveyed by conventional echo-integration along systematic transects. The transects were surveyed twice, in opposite directions. Clupeoid biomass was concentrated in a few dense aggregations, whereas horse mackerel were less dense and distributed over larger areas. The influence of aggregation patterns of the different species on the precision of the acoustic estimates was analysed with respect to spatial variability and diurnal effects. Isotropic variograms computed from values of acoustic back-scattering strength showed little or no structure for all three species. Indicator variograms showed relatively large structures (>15 miles) for all three species at the lowest cut-off level, confirming the influence of high values on the variograms. The autocorrelation range decreased with an increase in cut-off value for horse mackerel, whereas variograms of sardine and round herring showed no structure at larger cut-off values. There were large variances in estimated biomass for sardine (77%) and round herring (90%) between surveys, whereas biomass estimates of horse mackerel were relatively similar between surveys.  相似文献   

Acoustic data on the abundance and distribution of anchovy Engraulis capensis, pilchard Sardinops ocellatus and round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi on the South African continental shelf have been collected from 21 echo-integrator surveys between 1984 and 1991. Most effort has been concentrated on estimating adult biomass of anchovy and pilchard in November (spring) and anchovy recruitment in autumn. Distribution maps from all surveys are presented and the biomass estimates considered most reliable documented. A series of distribution maps tracing movements of three anchovy year-classes over a four-year period is presented to illustrate the usefulness of the surveys in migration studies. The major findings of the survey programme have been that anchovy are generally considerably more abundant and widespread than was thought to be the case prior to the surveys, that the pilchard resource has recovered substantially in recent years, and that the round herring resource, about which little was known prior to the surveys, is probably of the same order of magnitude as the anchovy resource and is probably underexploited. The anchovy and pilchard resources are currently managed through procedures based largely on the acoustic estimates of biomass and their estimated precision. The role of these estimates in the management procedures is discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

Ages of redeye round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi were estimated with associated errors and used to infer life-history information, such as age composition, age-at-maturity and instantaneous mortality rate. Samples were collected in November 2005 during a research survey aimed at estimating the biomass of spawning pelagic fish off South Africa’s west and south coasts. Replicate age estimates obtained from sagittal otoliths were collected with slight bias and relatively high precision. A von Bertalanffy model describing growth of the combined sexes, including juveniles, was Lt = 20.41(1 ? e?0.41(t ? 1.92)). Kimura’s likelihood ratio test revealed no statistically significant differences between growth parameters of males and females. Results suggested that otolith length is a better predictor of age than otolith weight. Maturity estimates for E. whiteheadi were similar to those previously documented.  相似文献   

The results of detailed morphological, experimental, field and modelling studies on various aspects of the trophic ecology of sardine Sardinops sagax and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Benguela ecosystem are synthesised, and differences in the trophodynamics of these two species are highlighted. Anchovy possess a relatively coarse branchial apparatus; feed predominantly by particulate-feeding and maximise their net energetic gain by using this feeding mode; show higher weight-standardised clearance rates than do sardine for prey >580μm; are most efficient at assimilating nitrogen from zooplankton and excrete <50% of ingested nitrogen; feed inefficiently on phytoplankton and derive the bulk of their dietary input from larger zooplankton; and maximise their scope for growth on mesozooplankton. In contrast, sardine possess a relatively fine branchial apparatus; feed predominantly by filter-feeding and maximise their net energetic gain by using this feeding mode; show higher weightstandardised clearance rates than do anchovy for prey <580μm; are most efficient at assimilating nitrogen from zooplankton but excrete >50% of ingested nitrogen; are able to feed on phytoplankton but derive the bulk of their dietary input from smaller zooplankton; and maximise their scope for growth on microzooplankton. These differences provide compelling evidence that anchovy and sardine are trophically distinct, and indicate that the two species show resource partitioning based on zooplankton size. The implications of these trophic differences for ecosystem functioning are discussed, and support the hypothesis that species alternations between anchovy and sardine, both in the southern Benguela and in other upwelling ecosystems, are likely to be trophodynamically mediated.  相似文献   

The diet of sardine Sardinops sagax in the southern Benguela was investigated by microscopic examination of stomach contents. The relative dietary importance of prey size and prey type was assessed by calculating the carbon content of prey items. Sardine is an omnivorous clupeoid, ingesting both phytoplankton and zooplankton, with the relative importance of these two food types varying both spatially and temporally. Stomach contents were numerically dominated by small prey items, principally dinoflagellates, followed by crustacean eggs, cyclopoid copepods, calanoid copepods and diatoms. Virtually all prey items ingested by sardine were <1.2 mm maximum dimension, the particle size below which sardine only filter-feed. Despite the numerical dominance by phytoplankton, zooplankton contributed the major portion to sardine dietary carbon, small calanoid and cyclopoid copepods, anchovy eggs and crustacean eggs being the primary prey types. These results indicate that, like anchovy Engraulis capensis, sardine in the southern Benguela are primarily zoophagous, and contrast with earlier dietary studies on sardine in the region. However, the two species appear to partition their prey on the basis of size; sardine consume small zooplankton, whereas anchovy consume large zooplankton. This difference has been observed in other upwelling ecosystems where the two genera co-exist and is likely to contribute to the regime shifts observed between sardine and anchovy.  相似文献   

The diverse pelagic fish assemblage of sub-tropical southern Queensland includes fishes with predominantly temperate distributions, such as tailor Pomatomus saltatrix, sardine Sardinops sagax, round herring Etrumeus teres, and Australian anchovy Engraulis australis. The peak spawning seasons of P. saltatrix, S. sagax and E. teres occur during late winter and early spring (June–October). Eggs and larvae of these three species are widely distributed in shelf waters and comprise >50% of the ichthyoplankton assemblage during this period. Mean monthly sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during late winter and early spring range from 21 to 23 °C, and are thus similar to those recorded in southern Australia during summer and autumn, which is the spawning season of these three species in those temperate waters. E. australis eggs occur mainly in inshore waters, and comprise >50% of fish eggs collected during summer and autumn when mean monthly SSTs in southern Queensland exceed 27 °C. E. australis also spawns mainly during summer and autumn in temperate Australia. Hence, water temperature may be less important as a determinant of the spawning season of E. australis than it is for the other three species. The suitability of southern Queensland for spawning by predominantly temperate species during late winter and early spring may contribute to the high diversity of the region's pelagic fish assemblage. Adult P. saltatrix, S. sagax and E. teres appear to migrate northwards into southern Queensland during early winter to spawn, and larvae may be transported southwards into temperate waters by the East Australian Current. This dispersal-migration pattern is similar to those observed for several species, including P. saltatrix, in the western boundary current systems off the east coasts of North America and Africa. Hence, pelagic fishes in ecosystems off the east coast of three continents migrate into sub-tropical waters to spawn, and larvae are transported back into temperate nursery areas by the prevailing current.  相似文献   

The clupeoid Etrumeus whiteheadi, known locally as the round herring, is an important component of the commercial purse-seine catch off South Africa. Three methods are employed to estimate the growth of juvenile round herring: examination of annual hyaline rings on fish otoliths, examination of daily growth increments on the otoliths, and analysis of length frequency distributions. The results show that fish smaller than 120 mm are less than one year old and that analysis of daily growth increments is unreliable for bigger fish. The problems of determining the age of fish on the basis of counts of the number of hyaline rings is also addressed by reference to a model which can be applied to any species with a protracted spawning period.  相似文献   

A balanced trophic flow model of the southern Benguela ecosystem is presented, averaging the period 1980–1989 and emphasizing upper trophic levels. The model is based largely on studies conducted within the framework of the Benguela Ecology Programme and updates the results of an expert workshop held in Cape Town in September 1989. Small pelagic fish other than anchovy Engraulis capensis and sardine Sardinops sagax, mainly round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi and mesopelagic fish, were important components of the food web in the southern Benguela. Severe balancing difficulties were encountered with respect to the semi-pelagic resources (hake Merluccius spp.) and demersal top predators (sharks), indicating the need for further research on the interaction of these groups with their ecosystem. The model is compared to other existing trophic flow models of ecosystems in major upwelling areas, i.e. the northern Humboldt Current (4–14°S), the California Current (28–42°N) and the southern Canary Current (l2–25°N), and to two independently constructed models of the northern Benguela ecosystem. These models are compared using network analysis routines of the ECOPATH software, focusing on the interactions between the five dominant fish species (anchovy, sardine, horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis, chub mackerel Scomber japonicus and hake) that support important fisheries in all systems. The upwelling systems rank by size rather than species dominance. The ratio of catches and primary production differs between systems, partly because of differences in fishing regimes. Predation on the five dominant fish groups by other fish in the system was the most important cause of fish mortality in all models. Fishery catches are generally a larger cause of mortality for these groups than predation by mammals. The ecological cost of fishing appears to be comparatively low in the southern Benguela, because catches are low compared with the primary production, but also because the fishery is relatively low in the foodweb. However, in view of the very tight foodweb demonstrated in the model. it is likely that an increase in fishing pressure would cause severe trade-offs with respect to other components of the southern Benguela ecosystem.  相似文献   

Although the size distribution of larvae and early juveniles of the saury Scomberesox saurus scombroides in continental shelf waters off the Cape Province, South Africa, is consistent with a south-north passive dispersal by known currents, the size of late juveniles and adults increases from north-west to south-east. Occurrence of these stages is highly seasonal: they are found in summer off the Western Cape and mainly from late summer to winter in Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape, possibly reflecting longitudinal migration. Large numbers of late juveniles and adults are often found downstream of upwelling plumes off the Western Cape when warmer waters lie close inshore. They are sometimes taken in purse-seines in association with adult round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi and pilchard Sardinops ocellatus. Important predators of late juvenile and adult saury are fast-moving, surface-feeding species: yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares, Cape gannet Morus capensis and Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea. Cape gannets consume an estimated 2 277–6 044 tons of saury annually in South African waters. Predator diets provide important time-series of occurrence, abundance and length-frequency distributions of late juvenile and adult saury.  相似文献   

The Humboldt Current System (HCS) is dominated by two pelagic species; Peruvian anchovy or anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) and sardine (Sardinops sagax). Using data from 43 acoustic surveys conducted from 1983 through 2005 by the Peruvian Marine Institute (IMARPE), we examined the distribution of these two species relative to water masses. We tested the hypothesis that anchovy was found more frequently in upwelled cold coastal water (CCW) and mixed waters (MCW) than in other water types and that sardine was more associated with more offshore oceanic surface subtropical water (SSW). Surface temperature, salinity, latitude, season and distance to the coast data were used to define water masses. Results using generalized additive models (GAM), modelling sardine and anchovy presence–absence as a function of year, water body, bottom depth and latitude, showed that anchovy were primarily found in CCW and MCS, while sardine were more ubiquitous relative to water masses with some predilection for SSW. These results were supported by various indexes of anchovy and sardine distribution versus water mass as well as temporal and location variables.  相似文献   

Past studies suggested that a basin-wide regime shift occurred in 1988–1989, impacting marine ecosystem and fish assemblages in the western North Pacific. However, the detailed mechanisms involved in this phenomenon are still yet unclear. In the Ulleung basin of the East Sea, filefish, anchovy and sardine dominated the commercial fish catches in 1986–1992, but thereafter common squid comprised > 60% of the total catch in 1993–2010. To illuminate the mechanisms causing this dramatic shift in dominant fisheries species, I related changes in depth-specific oceanographic conditions from 0 to 500 m to inter-annual changes in the fish assemblage structure from 1986 to 2010. In the upper layer of 50–100 m depths, water temperature suddenly increased in 1987–1989, and consequently warm-water epi-pelagic species (anchovy, chub mackerel, and common squid) became dominant, while sardine, relatively cold-water epi-pelagic species, nearly disappeared. An annual index of the volume transport by the Korea Strait Bottom Cold Water, originating from the deep water of the Ulleung Basin, displayed a sudden intensification in 1992–1993, accompanied by decreased water temperature and increased water density in the deep water and replacement of dominant bentho-pelagic species from filefish, warm-water species, to herring and cod, cold-water species. The results suggest that climate-driven oceanic changes and the subsequent ecological impacts can occur asynchronously, often with time lags of several years, between the upper and the deep layer, and between epi-pelagic and deepwater fish assemblages.  相似文献   

The diets of breeding seabirds can be a good monitor of marine environmental changes. From 1984 to 2001 we monitored the diets of black-tailed gulls (Larus crassirostris) (“surface foragers”), rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) (“epipelagic divers”), and Japanese cormorants (Phalacrocorax filamentotus) (“bottom divers”) that breed on Teuri Island at the northern boundary of the Tsushima Warm current in the Sea of Japan/East Sea. Between 1984 and 1987, both the gulls and the auklets foraged on the sardine (Sardinops melanostictus), but after 1992, they switched to the anchovy (Engraulis japonica). This change might reflect the collapse of the sardine stock in the late 1980s. In the 1990s, the year-to-year variations of the percentage of anchovy in the diets of the three seabird species showed similar trends: High in 1994 and 1998–2001; and low in 1992–1993 and 1995–1997. The estimated stock size of the anchovy population in the Tsushima Current area was positively correlated with the percentage of mass of anchovy in the seabirds’ diets. Thus, the short-term annual changes of the total anchovy availability, which might reflect SST or the volume transport of Tsushima Current, possibly affected the seabirds diets on this island.  相似文献   

The spawning habitats of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax in the southern Benguela upwelling ecosystem were characterised by comparing their egg abundances with environmental variables measured concomitantly during two different survey programmes: the South African Sardine and Anchovy Recruitment Programme (SARP), which comprised monthly surveys conducted during the austral summers of 1993/94 and 1994/95; and annual pelagic spawner biomass surveys conducted in early summer (November/December) from 1984 to 1999. Eggs were collected using a CalVET net. Physical variables measured included sea surface temperature (SST), surface salinity, water depth, mixed-layer depth, and current and wind speeds; biological variables measured included phytoplankton biomass, and zooplankton biomass and production. Spawning habitat was identified by construction of quotient curves derived from egg abundance data and individual environmental variables, and relationships between these variables were determined using multivariate co-inertia analysis. SARP data showed that anchovy spawning was associated with cool water and moderate wind and current speeds, whereas sardine spawning was related to warmer water and more turbulent and unstable conditions (i.e. high wind speeds and strong currents) than for anchovy. SARP data also showed significant differences in selection of spawning habitat of the two species for all environmental variables. The relationship between anchovy egg abundance and salinity was strongly positive, but strongly negative with water depth, phytoplankton biomass and zooplankton production. Sardine egg abundance was strongly positively related to current speed. The spawner biomass survey data demonstrated that the spawning habitat of anchovy was characterised by warm water and high salinity, whereas sardine spawning was associated with cool water and low salinity. The survey data showed significant differences in spawning habitat selection by anchovy and sardine for SST, salinity and zooplankton biomass, but not for the other environmental variables. There was a positive relationship between anchovy egg abundance and SST, salinity and mixed-layer depth, and a negative relationship with water depth, phytoplankton biomass and zooplankton production. For sardine there was a strong positive relationship between egg abundance and current speed and wind speed. Differences in the results between the two survey programmes could be attributable to differences in their spatio-temporal coverage. Spawning habitats of anchovy and sardine appear to be substantially different, with anchovy being more specific than sardine in their preference of various environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus were harvested to extirpation on the Robberg Peninsula, Plettenberg Bay, on the south-east coast of South Africa, between the 17th and early 20th centuries. Seals returned to Robberg in small numbers during the early 1990s and their numbers subsequently increased. We studied the diet of this increasing population using faecal (scat) sampling to determine: the species composition and size of prey in the diet of Cape fur seals at Robberg; to explore temporal variation in the diet; and to investigate the potential for competition between seals and the fisheries around Plettenberg Bay. Of the 445 scats collected, 90% contained hard prey remains and 15 teleost prey species were represented in the 3 127 otoliths that could be identified. The seals’ most important prey species in terms of numerical abundance, frequency of occurrence and mass in the diet, were anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, sardine Sardinops sagax, horse mackerel Trachurus capensis, sand tongue-fish Cynoglossus capensis and shallow-water hake Merluccius capensis (in decreasing order of importance for numerical abundance). The proportion of anchovy in the diet increased during the study period (2003–2008), whereas the proportion of sardine decreased. The estimated average annual consumption of sardine by seals was higher than the average annual catch made by purse-seine fisheries in this area, suggesting resource competition between seals and purse-seiners, especially in the light of continuing growth of seal numbers in the area. However, direct competition between seals and linefisheries appeared to be minimal. Scat sampling of Cape fur seals holds potential to serve a useful and cost effective indicator of temporal changes in sardine abundance.  相似文献   

Direct surveys of Cape anchovy Engraulis capensis spawner and recruit biomass in South African coastal waters were made with a 38-kHz calibrated echo-sounder and custom-built digital echo-integrator. The spawning surveys were conducted each November between 1983 and 1985, predominantly on the Agulhas Bank. Recruit surveys were conducted in autumn 1985 and 1986, mainly on the West Coast. The spawning fish were widely distributed across the continental shelf, whereas recruit concentrations were highest close inshore. Employing a target strength per kilogramme expression for herring Clupea harengus, the spawning biomass in 1984 was estimated at 1,06 million tons and that in 1985 at 0,98 million tons. Similarly, recruit biomass in May/June 1985 and June 1986 was estimated at 310 and 466 thousand tons respectively. From an analysis of error in the latter two estimates, it was considered approximately 80 per cent certain that the recruitment in 1986 was greater than in 1985. The estimates of spawning biomass are 3–4 times higher than earlier estimates made by Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) of commercial catch data, and suggest that the stock is less seriously threatened by present catch levels than was indicated by VPA. It is concluded from the distribution and age structure of the spawning population that the VPA estimates are invalid because of the failure of commercial vessels to sample the major part of the adult population.  相似文献   

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