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程智  徐敏  段春锋 《湖北气象》2016,(4):351-358
基于美国环境预测中心提供的CFSv2模式回报数据以及淮河流域172个气象台站的气温降水观测数据,评估了该模式对淮河流域夏季气温降水的预测能力。结果表明:模式对气温气候平均态的模拟与实况较为接近,降水虽然能够反映出南多北少的分布特征,但气候平均值明显偏小。模式对于气温和降水均方差的模拟均偏小。从频率分布来看,回报气温的频率分布与实况较为接近,回报降水不仅存在很大的负偏差,出现异常降水的频率也比实况明显偏低。对ROC曲线的分析进一步表明模式预测高温事件的能力明显好于低温事件,预测降水异常事件的能力在不同起报月有差异。从主要模态的时空结构来看,模式能够反映出其空间结构,对于增暖的趋势模拟也相当不错,但增暖的速率高于实况,虽然模式没有能够反映出降水主要模态的年代际变化特征,但对于年际变化有较高的预测技巧。这些评估为短期气候预测和模式解释应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

本文介绍一个中尺度区域气候模式,并通过个例预报分析该模式的预报性能。结果表明,模式能对大尺度系统作出良好的预报,同时能细致描述华南弯曲冷锋、中尺度地形山谷气流、过山气流、海峡强风等现象,能有效预报出局地降水、温度、气压等要素时间变化的主要特征,并可对这些要素的中期变化趋势作出预报,对中期意义的系统生消也有较强的预报能力。模式能有效保证天气系统从边界流入和移出,满足区域气候模式的基本要求。但对对流性降水的估计过强,对局地要素时间变化的一些细节还不能很好反映。1 引 言  所谓短期气候数值预测是指用…  相似文献   

综合优势相似法是建立在相似因子群的多项相似与动态相似基础之上的,因此更能反映大气天气过程的实际演变,其预测趋势可最接近天气气候实况.综合优势相似法中相似和不相似这两个预报时段的气象序列的对比分析和严格检验是不可缺少的一部分,只有相似和不相似两者呈显著差别,才能认定相似有效,以相当高的可信度保证了预报的客观性和可靠性.综合优势相似法操作简便,在2002年濮阳和2004年郑州汛期降水趋势预报中效果良好,可作为目前短期气候预测业务中的基本工具.  相似文献   

综合优势相似法在短期气候预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合优势相似法是建立在相似因子群的多项相似与动态相似基础之上的,因此更能反映大气天气过程的实际演变,其预测趋势可最接近天气气候实况。综合优势相似法中相似和不相似这两个预报时段的气象序列的对比分析和严格检验是不可缺少的一部分,只有相似和不相似两者呈显著差别,才能认定相似有效,以相当高的可信度保证了预报的客观性和可靠性。综合优势相似法操作简便,在2002年濮阳和2004年郑州汛期降水趋势预报中效果良好,可作为目前短期气候预测业务中的基本工具。  相似文献   

陈静  徐永灵 《贵州气象》2004,28(1):13-16
初步建立贵州省短期气候预测业务流程是以人机交互系统为平台,以提高重大天气、灾害天气、转折天气的预报准确率为重点,综合多种预报的技术和手段来制作并发布短期气候预测。该流程集预测的分析会商、预报的制作发布、资料的存储查阅、工作方式及流程运行的监督管理于一体。它减少预报员许多繁冗的工作,使预报员能赢得大量的时间投入到预报的思考中去。预报员只要进入流程,就能够大量而充分地利用前期天气预测信息进行实况、背景和预测分析,就能简便、快捷地完成所有预测业务工作。  相似文献   

1前言降水趋势预报是短期气候预测的重要内容,特别是汛期的降水趋势预报更是我们为各级领导提供决策服务的关键项目,其预报结论的好坏,直接关系到领导对夏季防汛抗旱等各项工作的安排布署,与人民生命财产安全息息相关。本文根据松原市今年夏季的降水趋势预报及其实况,分析了夏季降水预报的思路与方法,找出成功与失败的原因,为今后的短期气候预测工作做参考。2预报思路短期气候预测,多年来我们延续使用的工具和方法基本有四个方面:环流背景分析、周期分析、相似分析、相关计算。在今年夏季降水的短期气候预测中,主要采用了前三个方…  相似文献   

基于美国环境预测中心的CFSv2模式输出的1984—2009年6—8月平均气温和降水量格点数据,以及巴彦淖尔市9个气象台站的气温和降水实况数据,评估该模式对巴彦淖尔市6—8月气温、降水的预测能力。结果表明:模式对气温气候平均态的模拟和实况分布存在差异,降水反映出东多西少的分布特征,但气候平均值明显偏小。模式预测气温明显高于实况,但能够较好地反映26a气温的变化趋势,两者年际变化相关显著;模式预测降水量平均仅为实况降水量的1/2,并且对>50mm月降水量的预测能力较差。Pc、Ps评分检验显示,6月评分高于7、8月,降水量高于气温,模式对降水量预测的Ps评分已达到业务考核标准,经量级订正后,可以业务应用。  相似文献   

董广涛  陈伯民  陈葆德 《高原气象》2012,31(6):1601-1610
利用国家气候中心全球海气耦合模式(BCC_CM1.0)嵌套区域气候模式RegCM3进行了近10年(1998-2007年)夏季回报及2010年华东夏季实时业务预报。从10年回报的模拟平均状况来看,模式基本能反映出中国东部夏季的平均状况,模式回报的夏季气温分布与实况较为相似,但回报的夏季降水量分布形态与实况有一定差异。使用国家气候中心六级Ps评分及简化的Ps评分对模式10年回报进行了评估。结果表明,该模式对华东地区夏季气温和降水有一定的跨季度预报能力,温度和降水10年平均Ps评分分别为69.9和60.9;对华东地区南部的气温及其东南部的降水有较好的回报效果。利用该模式进行了2010年夏季实时业务预报,预报检验表明,模式预报的2010年夏季温度距平和降水距平百分率分布与实况较为一致,夏季温度和降水的Ps评分分别为71.4和55.3;对影响较为严重的气候事件如江西降水极端偏多等也进行了准确预报。  相似文献   

利用ECMWF、NCEP全球预报产品和BJ-RUC区域预报产品,对比了不同模式对北京市"7·21"特大暴雨暖区降水、锋面降水的预报效果,同时利用WRF高分辨率中尺度模式同化常规观测资料和雷达资料,对此次过程进行数值模拟试验。结果表明:NCEP和ECMWF的全球集合预报产品都能预报出北京市"7·21"特大暴雨过程,但在暖区降水阶段和锋面降水阶段存在6 h左右的时间滞后,且降水量偏小;BJ-RUC区域模式预报出了整个强降水过程,且较好地预报了暖区降水,优于NCEP和ECMWF预报,但锋面降水较之实况锋面阶段降水偏南,预报的降水量小于实况。对于此次特大暴雨过程的模拟,暖区降水和锋面降水的预报要优于业务预报,且暖区降水接近实况降水,但整个锋面降水过程存在3 h的时间滞后。  相似文献   

利用4个海气耦合模式对1960~2005年的多年代际回报结果,评估模式对中国区域年代际气候变化(温度和降水)的预测潜力,并初步给出2005~2015年的气候预测结果。与CMIP3多模式集合1960~2000年结果以及观测实况比较的结果表明:融入观测资料进行同化的年代际气候预测模式,对中国区域温度和降水的模拟能力总体好于CMIP3模式。年代际气候预测模式对温度气候场的模拟仍以"冷偏差"为主,但较之CMIP3模式已有显著改进,中国区域平均的冷偏差减少1.3°C;对降水气候场的模拟仍以"湿偏差"为主,但在华南沿海和西北内陆降水的模拟能力优于CMIP3模式,中国区域平均的湿偏差降低了20%。年代际模式和CMIP3模式都能较好地模拟出中国区域尤其是北方20世纪后期的增暖信号;但CMIP3模式对20世纪后期中国东部降水的旱涝结构演变的模拟与观测相反;而年代际气候预测模式未能再现华北偏旱的变化,但能成功地模拟江淮流域和华南沿海的旱涝演变。2005~2015年的10年预测表明中国区域将继续增暖0.3~0.7°C,且增温幅度北方大于南方,增幅中心位于西北内陆和青藏高原;而降水的变化趋势不显著,黄淮地区、西北内陆和青藏高原的降水略有增加,而西南地区降水将减少。但需要指出的是,这种预测的不确定性是相当大的。  相似文献   

论Eppley PIR精密红外辐射仪的测量精度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据红外辐射表(PIR)的结构、性能和工作原理讨论了测量精度及有关影响因素,比较了粗测和精测两种方法的特点,在此基础上提出了各测量方法的适用范围和精度范围以及提高测量精度的措施,同时也给出了一些特定场合下的测量实例及提高测量精度的具体方法。分析表明:精测方法具有很好的测量精度以及很强的环境适应性。粗测在限定的温度范围内具有测量简单、换算方便、易于实现自动化等优点,精度尚能满足一般要求,但在限定的温度范围以外,测量精度急剧恶化。在影响测量精度的各因素中以温度响应中表体热辐射测量的影响最大,在粗测方法中表内电池的性能与测量精度关系重大。强烈日射对测量精度有一定影响,经订正后可基本消除。  相似文献   

Air quality model performance evaluation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary This paper reviews methods to evaluate the performance of air quality models, which are tools that predict the fate of gases and aerosols upon their release into the atmosphere. Because of the large economic, public health, and environmental impacts often associated with the use of air quality model results, it is important that these models be properly evaluated.A comprehensive model evaluation methodology makes use of scientific assessments of the model technical algorithms, statistical evaluations using field or laboratory data, and operational assessments by users in real-world applications. The focus of the current paper is on the statistical evaluation component. It is important that a statistical model evaluation exercise should start with clear definitions of the evaluation objectives and specification of hypotheses to be tested. A review is given of a set of model evaluation methodologies, including the BOOT and the ASTM evaluation software, Taylors nomogram, the figure of merit in space, and the CDF approach. Because there is not a single best performance measure or best evaluation methodology, it is recommended that a suite of different performance measures be applied. Suggestions are given concerning the magnitudes of the performance measures expected of good models. For example, a good model should have a relative mean bias less than about 30% and a relative scatter less than about a factor of two.In order to demonstrate some of the air quality model evaluation methodologies, two simple baseline urban dispersion models are evaluated using the Salt Lake City Urban 2000 field data. The importance of assumptions concerning details such as minimum concentration and pairing of data are shown. Typical plots and tables are presented, including determinations of whether the difference in the relative mean bias between the two models is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.  相似文献   

The design and performance of a reversing temperature difference measurement system are reported. This system employs five-junction copper-constantan thermopiles for the measurement of T and T w, while a linearized thermistor is used to measure T w. Field performance has been checked against a precision lysimeter as well as against a second temperature difference measurement system in which diodes are used for temperature measurement. In both cases, the agreement between the systems is satisfactory for the measurement of hourly values of the Bowen ratio.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯市蒙语"12121"气象语音自动答询系统是在汉语"12121"气象语音自动答询系统的基础上实现的,于2008年5月1日试运行,在运行期间,受到了社会各界的好评,为农牧区朋友提供了科学的生产依据。  相似文献   

The quality of ensemble forecasting is seriously affected by sample quality. In this study, the distributions of ensemble members based on the observed track and intensity of tropical cyclones (TCs) were optimized and their influence on the simulation results was analyzed. Simulated and observed tracks and intensities of TCs were compared and these two indicators were combined and weighted to score the sample. Samples with higher scores were retained and samples with lower scores were eliminated to improve the overall quality of the ensemble forecast. For each sample, the track score and intensity score were added as the final score of the sample with weight proportions of 10 to 0, 9 to 1, 8 to 2, 7 to 3, 6 to 4, 5 to 5. These were named as "tr", "91", "82", "73", "64", and "55", respectively. The WRF model was used to simulate five tropical cyclones in the northwestern Pacific to test the ability of this scheme to improve the forecast track and intensity of these cyclones. The results show that the sample optimization effectively reduced the track and intensity error, "55" usually had better performance on the short-term intensity prediction, and "tr" had better performance in short-term track prediction. From the overall performance of the track and intensity simulation, "91" was the best and most stable among all sample optimization schemes. These results may provide some guidance for optimizing operational ensemble forecasting of TCs.  相似文献   

神威集合数值天气预报系统是以国产巨型机“神威”为平台的实时业务系统, 检验子系统是其重要的组成部分。文章介绍了神威集合数值天气预报系统中检验资料提取的并行化实现方法及并行效率。  相似文献   

We address the prediction of low-visibility events at airports using machine-learning regression. The proposed model successfully forecasts low-visibility events in terms of the runway visual range at the airport, with the use of support-vector regression, neural networks (multi-layer perceptrons and extreme-learning machines) and Gaussian-process algorithms. We assess the performance of these algorithms based on real data collected at the Valladolid airport, Spain. We also propose a study of the atmospheric variables measured at a nearby tower related to low-visibility atmospheric conditions, since they are considered as the inputs of the different regressors. A pre-processing procedure of these input variables with wavelet transforms is also described. The results show that the proposed machine-learning algorithms are able to predict low-visibility events well. The Gaussian process is the best algorithm among those analyzed, obtaining over 98% of the correct classification rate in low-visibility events when the runway visual range is \({>}\)1000 m, and about 80% under this threshold. The performance of all the machine-learning algorithms tested is clearly affected in extreme low-visibility conditions (\({<}\)500 m). However, we show improved results of all the methods when data from a neighbouring meteorological tower are included, and also with a pre-processing scheme using a wavelet transform. Also presented are results of the algorithm performance in daytime and nighttime conditions, and for different prediction time horizons.  相似文献   

Observations from several data centers together with a categorization method are used to evaluate the IPCC AR4 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Fourth Assessment Report) climate models' performance in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation and monsoon circulation in East Asia. Out of 19 models under examination, 9 models can relatively well reproduce the 1979-1999 mean June-July-August (JJA) precipitation in East Asia, but only 3 models (Category-1 models) can capture the interdecadal variation of precipitation in East Asia. These 3 models are: GFDL-CM2.0, MIROC3.2 (hires), and MIROC3.2 (medres), among which the GFDL-CM2.0 gives the best performance. The reason for the poor performance of most models in simulating the East Asian summer monsoon interdecadal variation lies in that the key dynamic and thermal-dynamic mechanisms behind the East Asian monsoon change are missed by the models, e.g., the large-scale tropospheric cooling and drying over East Asia. In contrast, the Category-1 models relatively well reproduce the variations in vertical velocity and water vapor over East Asia and thus show a better agreement with observations in simulating the pattern of "wet south and dry north" in China in the past 20 years.
It is assessed that a single model's performance in simulating a particular variable has great impacts on the ensemble results. More realistic outputs can be obtained when the multi-model ensemble is carried out using a suite of well-performing models for a specific variable, rather than using all available models. This indicates that although a multi-model ensemble is in general better than a single model, the best ensemble mean cannot be achieved without looking into each member model's performance.  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的单站总云量预报研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云是能够对飞行活动产生影响、甚至危及飞行安全的气象要素之一。为了对北京单站总云量进行预报,利用人工神经网络的BP模型,针对不同时次进行关键因子的选取,尝试用多种预报因子的组合,建立了总云量预报模型。试验结果表明:所建立的模型具有较好的拟合、预报精度,并且没有出现"过拟合"现象,对新样本具有较好的泛化能力。  相似文献   

Summary Existing literature lacks information on formulation and performance assessment of diffuse solar radiation models in the Eastern African region yet this region has a high potential for the utilization of solar energy. The objective of this paper is to assess the performance of seventeen diffuse solar irradiation empirical correlations, at Kampala, Uganda. The best performing correlations were determined using the ranking method. The normalized absolute mean bias error and root mean square error were computed and utilized in the ranking process. The results indicated that the correlations relating diffuse transmittance with relative sunshine duration are more reliable for diffuse solar radiation predictions at least in the Uganda environment. These models are expressed in terms of first, second and third order polynomials of the relative sunshine duration and are particularly recommended for their simplicity and worldwide applicability.  相似文献   

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